Buying a $100,000 Private Island - Eboys Podcast #29

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yeah george how many star jumps do you think you could do before complete exhaustion i've got shin splints so i'm my physio told me i can't you've got a physio for what i've got shin splints it's like you know when the stick was revealed to be michael schumacher you know what i mean he could just be an athlete behind the mask jesse lingard no but i got shin splints he's teased tom daley i pay for uh private health care so i might as well make the most of it i've got physio for my shin splints i pray for private health it's 60 quid it's peace of mind it's peace of mind has everyone done their senses have you stood on your senses no oh my god this is sorry you're very boring cracked open a [ __ ] pod wait is this the start of the podcast has have you paid your council tax everyone welcome back to the voice podcast everybody have you done your census if you haven't what does that mean the government coming for you i thought what is the census what no have you done it you get find a grand if you don't do it what what is it oh yeah did you not know about this do you guys know about the census if ali i'm sorry he knows he [ __ ] knows but you're not the best who is george me and you i would like to raise you the point that he is pretending i could tell you how i know because i was speaking to fraser and fraser went have you done your census and i went what's that so i found out yesterday so i do know because what's the second census and i did not have a [ __ ] clue what it was uh well take a sense of these nuts how about that uk golf what is the scent what hang on what is the sense it's like you've got to fill out a form just being like i live here i'm like british this is my whatever and just give them loads of details um and if you don't do it by tonight you get uh find a grant or a program why why does no one tell you these things i want to say yeah i want to say they are addresses not on the website because i try to register so therefore they can't find us oh awesome well i mean the tv licensed man hasn't phoned you yet so you should be fine no yes but he just couldn't be asked to come over so all these fines are [ __ ] as well it's like that uh the latest government proposition that they're gonna imprison people for 10 years if they go on holiday like you don't you realistically you're not would you say sorry you just don't open letters do you i don't i don't yeah i don't know yeah i know i i know i did actually saying that i have received a letter that says census in big writing on the front and i'm just not too anxious i just got too anxious and i was like i i don't want to know what that is it's a fun online question yeah it's not bad is it like big purple writing right census and big yeah yeah i just haven't opened it and have you done yours james uh no i've just found out what it is yeah no what why did why does no one tell you about these things what yeah we are we just live our completely in our own bubble we're so privileged we're so privileged to have nine what's a registered two votes by the way i'll register two vote because i keep getting a registered two vote and i don't know what it is what do you mean register to it's a joke yeah sorry i was like that's they're usually a little bit [ __ ] me me right boys do you want a bit of nerdy news yeah let's get it all right uh amman this week has sat in bean dip for 24 hours to promote these californian restaurants yummy bean dip like beans don't have flavor right i don't like you you dip beans in think no you can get bean bean pots you get like the little snack parts don't you no not like heinz beans not like hang on let me um let me share a scream yeah it's a big difference between a runner bean and a pinto bean do you ever like get do you ever get like kind smooth it's not wrong do you guys ever get like heinz baked beans and rinse off all the tomato sauce when you're feeling healthy and just eat them that way what are you on about man have you put coconut individually by bean no no you you put it george have you ever considered just just buying ones that aren't heinz they're just buying the beans no i quite like the heinz one so i'll put him in a sieve and then i'll put water under him yeah psychopath that's a bit of a backwards way of looking at it you could just buy beans that is something you can do yeah but i choose not to okay the way heinz make them you just can't go back from there i like clients i like to support uh bit the business okay so i like their business model hang on it's loading so this is not a sentence you hear often for a world record been there done that that's so good get it off the screen it's been there long enough more attention to the business which has been struggling obviously during the pandemic the restaurant owner says and black beans are a lot bigger it's like kind of diluted by the white beans i think that's too pale to be kidney beans james we've already expected [ __ ] stupid that's not kidney beans tell you what we've gripped them we've gripped them with a solid opening topic well done boys you've got us you've got a debate going nutty news i've got to [ __ ] deliver this is going to be a clip called uh james marriott on beans question mark and they'll be great and then we're going to wonder when it gets 2k white gets 2k views a venomous snake has been found curled up inside a teenager's asthma inhaler [Laughter] a man in georgia who was expecting his final paycheck from a former employer uh said the money arrived in the form of 500 pounds in since is like the weight pounds of oiled covered pennies dumped in his driveway overnight he just uh his employer just just plunked them on the driveway that's how i pay my editors sells them right for asking to be paid pay pay your editors what an [ __ ] who would do that like that that is the most passive aggressive thing a person can do i think they might be yeah but i still don't think it's that's what you know that's not fair oh the context there look at this good reason what there is a scottish island for sale um eboy's island e boyce island yeah oh dear island oh it's because i used to because this is the one that used to get bombed hang on is it muck epstein's island i got away with reselling that looks monsters actually are just a big old nonce oh he's old enough welcome to my book child farm yeah it's just mcdonald's in it really after being owned by the same family for 500 years they use that as a business apparently it's a rock just a big big island for a hundred grand i think that's a good good way to spend the money do you want to get the i joined eboy eboyz island yeah no girls allowed that's way cheaper than mr beast's one was we bought an island we bought yeah i think the title we bought an island would be fantastic yeah i think mr b saw he'd done it and his one was probably much better than that one and that's like a tenth of the money we've got in the e-boys account we wish we wouldn't notice that at all i don't know please someone sponsor us please i actually think that is our net worth we could put it all in for an island though that'd be cool hang on future property said well they got like a listing look at that it closes in four days should we bid should we actually [ __ ] yeah opening bitcoin come on yeah go look at that he's got a castle on it man what eboy's castle hey boys castle can can we just buy a [ __ ] island you know what the worst thing is there's a part of me really wants to just be like god do it we could that's like how many raid shadow legends deal half half a one yeah half a raid raid one there yeah a third on a good month to be fair though are we ever gonna go up to scotland yeah [ __ ] pretty much live there yeah yes if we buy an island we will visit the island i think it would be horrific if we spent our james if you're going to james you don't leave the house you're not going to go to scotland very true could you imagine james martin in a castle it's like he belongs there i also don't feel like this is a this is a thing that finishes off we don't like finish the paperwork on a [ __ ] island within like the next month you know what i mean yeah i think it's a long time before we actually get to see our island oh wait hang on hang on no boys the castle isn't on the island it's on a different island ah we'll have to build our own one oh we can build the castle who needs an old one let's put a new one this is like the separate island this is our island oh this is our island right oh this one's so this one's got the this one's got the castle no we don't have the castle what this bit false advertising then hey will we'll make a new castle alex alex hold strong alex if you just hold strong oh man oh that's good that's fun that's fun i think we make a bid we make a bid oh don't because if if there was more if it was like two weeks on it i think i'd strongly consider four days has been tight notice on it really absolutely i mean it's offices for the podcast or it's a castle there's probably no internet on that island you the the best the best decisions you make are the ones you make without thinking about it that much yeah i think we just send it full send we can get an island down the line right uh nonce jokes aside right what's the best thing we could do with our island what could we what could we turn them into i mean we could do so many what do you videos a cave it's cave what should you mean cave oh george that's not a good answer caves yeah there's probably a [ __ ] cave on the island george exactly the cool cave explore cave so george you buy a whole island go spelunking you buy a whole island for 100 grand just to go into a cave on it yeah be cavemen eboy's caveman for 24 hours oh we could film banging videos on eboy's island i don't know i'm quite we actually could we really i genuinely no word of a lie we would definitely get our value back on the island a hundred believers we would we would we would we would that's brilliant i don't don't let me consider it's a [ __ ] i think we're going to end up with an island if we carry on but if you think about it there is one glaring issue with this what can't swim every time we need to use the island we would have to travel to scotland exactly and that's what it is you know it's actually like a really pretty place you're telling me if we owned an island you wouldn't you wouldn't live on an island if you owned it no no what oh we could do we could do like the nature survival videos living on the island we could do bear grylls survival we could just do that in a park we'd like to buy a [ __ ] hundred grand island we can't know we couldn't do that in a park oh and we could we could make like our own version of it and then get youtubers onto our island and just make them suffer there right now this is really starting to sound a bit epstein yeah what we could do is we could get our youtube friends get them to the island try and find ways to bribe them on the island so when they get off the island they have to do us political favors right yeah this is getting a bit epsteiny can we try and make it its own independent nation yes and we could we could join the un that wasn't top of my list back into europe declare independence from scotland that you can declare war we could create a safe haven for english people in scotland make a tax haven or we can finally go to war with denmark like we originally promised how do you make a taxable well you have to declare independence and we will have a referendum of the four of us the four inhabitants of the islands tax laws if it was our nation maybe i don't know just get on the necklace church and be like look this this island will want it but we want no tax no tax for the residents also if we have our own like ireland we turn it into running our own country we could submit a team for the world cup uh rock up to foreign all night we could probably beat san marino now guys we could have some kids let's have some kids let's just get there have some kids get it done breed a team with each other with who who's got the reproductive organs 20 years 20 years i reckon we've got we got a we got a football team right there yeah but who are we going to reproduce with they'll all be inbred though and have three legs exactly that's another leg to score a bag and we'll win the world cup we'll bring it home 25 years is the 25-year plan e-boys land that would be this car that would be the most cursed species of animal on this planet if we just had an interbred subspecies of humans oh god it's horrible you know you know when like people in breeze say like they've both they've got like blue eyes their blue eyed jeans like do something and then they get really really blue eyes for inbreeding are you talking about the yu-gi-oh dragon yeah the white dragon no no for that inbreeding like they get like super enhanced features because of the same genetics if the two people were really really fast enhanced i bet you've watched too much if if two really fast people inbreeded would that make the child like super fast yeah but they died at the age of 28. i oh yeah i didn't think it would like gonna go put that out there yeah i don't know i i think you probably have a lot of underlying health issues to be honest but but they're really quick over short distances you should take it yeah it's great for the team great winger yeah but you'd only be able to have them but that's like at that point it's kind of like breeding whippets isn't it it's a bit questionable our great nation needs a great footy team right we're just gonna have to put the foot down shall we try and get james milner to live on the island okay well i think we've managed to i think we've managed to go from seriously discussing buying an island to derailing it very quickly so no no i reckon we could have trains on it why would we need a train it's not very big a national rail service on a little island i don't think so i don't well no none of us pay taxes so we wouldn't be able to fund it be better than southern rail that's for sure we won't be able to fund it mate we don't have to pay taxes we all think if we're on this island you'd need doctors uh a shop i'm quite smart we can't just do it ourselves surely we need other people on the island james has got a degree i do have a degree yeah james got spanish together yeah we could hunt boys on our little island we've eaten pigeons i would have to be vegetarian but we could hunt i don't think there's many animals on our island i'm really not seeing it do you think there's a tesco nearby no like or just off the islands hang on sorry i know this was just supposed to be a nutty news like topic but i am really in quite invested yeah nice time it's 15 minutes in and we're still talking about the islands an auction house announced an entire 11 acre island in the scottish highlands um and it's on scotland's west coast is a space that can be enjoyed with zero chance of intrusion it's rocking trees really at the moment there's nothing on it and nothing's ever been built on it or ever had any application to be built on it see what we've got to apply it's expected to sell for around two hundred thousand dollars um well let me let me hang on let me let me find it on google maps boys but if they said there's zero chance of intrusion will then technically we won't have to apply for anything because nobody's gonna come knocking exactly what are they gonna do rock up in boats yeah then then you could say what you like on the internet then alex will plunder their boats if they try and stop our construction i think i don't think it works that way i think people will that'd be worse because the idea of us being on an island and loads of like people on twitter coming to attack you you'd be surrounded you might not get off there maybe okay i'm doing some research guys yes how much money would it cost to get internet to an island that does not yet have internet how do you get internet on a private island let's have a look oh that alex mars ball guy he does he does internet in places where he can't get it is that a church on one of the islands submarine fiber optics that sounds cheap it yeah island or we could set up a satellite a big satellite eboyce island space mission i think here it is here it is look at that oh mate it's beautiful we could we could use that this is like a horror film man it kind of hear me out kind of looks like an e kind of looks like an e let's zoom back in i see if you if you squint it looks like it's an e no it doesn't it doesn't oh yeah yeah we could well we could we could landscape it so it was best i should probably i should probably record my screen we should we could landscape it so it did look like an e well you know i hate to say it but you're kind of doxing us at the moment will yeah this is our new home uh this is kind of our new home don't tell people where we are because this will be our island don't worry we'll have a military to uh prevent intruders right good just i'm alex in a [ __ ] crossbow anti-aircraft we got to own the airspace anybody anything flies over that island it's going down straight out and straight out the sky at the aircraft oh my god the aircraft full time i'll just sit there on the aircraft gun just waiting where is the nearest civilization to this it looks in the middle of scotland scotland and the nearest civilization will be england then [Laughter] don't tell me the nearest it's not sorry it's three hours oh my god that can't be true oh my god glenn finnan oh of course it's in the middle of the highlands what do you expect three hours is outrageous there's no way them are just [ __ ] ruffians that glenn finn and tesco sure you'd have to have somebody like the amazon prime man would have to get on the boat oh no no no no this one measly hour away tesco that's a metro that's not a real tesco [ __ ] the nearest town is an hour away no no no there's other ones there's oh there's a airbnb called the smitty what's in the smidge oh look at this midi let's go stay there look at this no that looks someone has died there someone has died though no that looks lovely isn't that an isn't that a call of duty zombies map look too fair it looks nice in the sun it looks nice in the sun that's nice that's nice okay so we we've got the smithy we're neighbors the rochevan boathouse there's a boathouse let's get [ __ ] lit they've got a rush from boathouse that looks [ __ ] lit thank you martin bennett that's fine scotland's actually nice it doesn't look like there's much to do but it looks pretty nice um hang on i've lost eboy's island again where's it going is that the end of the the lime will it would be go down because you see there oh yeah you are right that makes sense yeah you just gotta follow that yeah okay what about mingari lodges these are just places to stay well these aren't civilizations they're just [ __ ] no no no no there's gonna be a there's a chat there's a funny pitch alex there's a furry pitch primary school for our kids for work for young ladies yeah george there's a primary school i can't move there then if all four of us said let's put a bid i'd i'd happily say yes i would have we should buy the island i could i could very happily pack everything up and move who who gets the video eboyz boys channel video that's an ebooks video right there no i don't i think it's a second channel video finally i'm choking i'm joking of course it's an evil video channel worthy i gotta reckon we could call it stereo island rage shadow legends island so we're not gonna pick this to a brand we'll buy this island but you will yeah go on some brand brands any brand please buy us the islands we'll name it after you does that say magic or medical center i thought it said magical sense oh see we've got doctors [ __ ] witches gone too far and stumbled across hogwarts by the state it's out there somewhere in it in scotland hogwarts yeah it's a nice quidditch was filmed in scotland i think like the quidditch like the outside shots of the castle are an actual castle in scotland yeah and i think quidditch isn't real yeah it is in durham good show then why are there national teams for quidditch we're gonna have many many atrocities many atrocities i genuinely believe we could almost track civilization with it so we could be like e-boys survive on an island and that's like initial civilization and then we just kind of keep building it up we like discover new technologies set up like a space station i feel like we kind of just keep going i mean i think those are a few thousands years apart james you know how long yeah how long until one of us who is the first person who would die on the island you may you i would kill you absolutely i would kill you i actually okay i didn't think i would murder me to be honest i thought maybe natural courses but fair enough yeah i feel like i get on there and you hunt me down in the night sorry did that that there was a van that's scottish water scottish as if you'd have any other water while you live in scotland you never know there might have been a lot of northumbrian water quite nice water scottish scottish water apparently scottish water's really nice like the tap water yeah anything but this [ __ ] london shite yeah thank you we're drinking literal chlorine here yeah look they've got a [ __ ] look at they've got a [ __ ] shirt maybe maybe our life would actually improve if we move to scotland we'll be healthier maybe happier i'd be pretty bored can i manage the farm wow if you want to manage i would be prime minister what would you have in your on your magical theoretical farm on eboy's island what would you drugs shrooms lots of shrooms weeds wow okay weed farm yeah no one could stop us then no yeah wrong let's grow some drugs none of us none of us smoke we do no yeah but it'd be cool though drive on the island hmm like far cry free yeah it'd just be like one of them things speak for yourself i regularly hit the bomb oh man i don't know how to segue out of the island no i don't want to segue from this until we put a bit off ah right where's my island again i mean our island sorry i mean you've traveled half the country at this point [ __ ] we've got a big why why is the primary school [ __ ] there no not after the primary school there is [Music] we could end up getting on our island building up the the military the navy taking over scott okay then calm down there's not much point i reckon we double our money and buy scotland this place is creepy though no yeah i think it would be a lot more peaceful than you imagine but then again all it takes in the scottish high scottish highlands is one psychopath who knows where we live because at that point we're not getting anyone it's not like london right where if you your house gets broken into all the place there's no police on the island one person sneaks onto the island we're [ __ ] that's that's just our [ __ ] [ __ ] he did look it's like something from the shire all right yeah it's very hot it's good vibes they've got it they've got a little beetle no c3 that's a car i'm just being ignored yeah understandably sorry to be honest i feel like it's it's going to be a matter of time until will just mutes me and just listens to the problems to all the spotify listeners we are looking for no one's list no one's made it to this point if you have just watched on youtube i think we've described it audibly quite well we're looking through scotland there's nothing really there there's we're just going through a field on google maps there's nothing to it really it is [ __ ] pretty though it is [ __ ] pretty you get a similar amount of content from listening and watching this episode yeah literally it's late should we continue on with ninety news i think we've lingered on this one for quite a while oh no yes yeah nothing news is dead and buried that's the end of it we're 25 minutes in awesome well oh look no boys we can go to green shed what's in green sheds let's let's see green shed i want to see the review of green shed someone's reviewed it we're not going to do a thing we're not doing an entirely scottish famous podcast hello woman it's a hit i want to see the review of green [ __ ] green shed can you how do i find it go back back back and then press one review you see that on the left i don't see green shirts anymore one review uh on the stars right next to the stars the stars are at the top under green shed oh there we go you know i tried not to find it oh five star for green shed [ __ ] hell oh my god it's written yeah green shirt test answer [ __ ] hell can everyone please leave a review yeah please say it's really good the police say green shed is really good yeah say one thing if someone has put a child in this there is a child warn the residents there's about to be a new ruler in town [ __ ] let them know where coming oh my god he's actually please give us offerings leave them in this group he is the green shed he stands here every day waiting for us to come by smear very rocky in it imagine you could leave google reviews for people like you people you see in street view you can just like click reviews that sounds awful it was horrible and then you'd get a little notification on your phone saying you just received a five five-star review or whatever one started most likely dorian cottage probably oh it's a bit of a track to get around here i'll tell you that so how do we get there so all right hang on so this is this is the end of the movie oh we get a boat through here god there's nothing scary of an ask for in a canoe i don't like the idea of that i'll be no we can do like when they're row boats that they have at like the the boat races one of those swan beaches i could be the i could be the guy that shouts at you guys to row because i ain't got the upper body strength how would we get the equipment to build a house onto the island we don't have to build it where so get contractors in that in it we could like fashion a boat out of materials and then deconstruct the boat and then use their materials to build a house oh my god like transformers yes like transformers that is the best idea you've ever come up with like a boat it's like a boat house i've got i'm loving this i'm sold on the island idea i think we're going to get an island everyone ah there it is right [ __ ] there solid right e-boys right let's move on has anyone got any good crack today because i [ __ ] know i certainly don't did anybody uh listen to justin bieber's new album i'm halfway through um i've seen a lot of people getting very confused at why it's called justice and he put some like martin luther king quotes on it but like he doesn't talk about justice yeah there's like a martin luther king like uh interlude right yeah oh i skipped that i always skip interludes but now i feel a bit bad for skipping it apparently it's very odd like it's just not only for king talks and then he sings a love song and then martin luther king's himself song no not my i think martin luther king or justin bieber didn't sing a love song i think justin bieber did um so yeah people are like very confused at why he's called it justice goodness he did everything singing about all the injustices in the world but i haven't given it a listen so i can't give it a fair rating but if you're you've listened to it more than i have james so what's your thoughts so far i mean it's good i i think it's better than yummy but then again you could you could take a [ __ ] on a piece of paper and clap and and that would probably be better than yummy so it's it's uh it's good it's growth i quite like it uh there's a song with um who is it daniel caesar that came out recently that seems to be one of the singles for it and i like that um yeah i'm looking forward to listening to the second half a lot of it's done by john belly and i think who i love he's fantastic oh yeah no he's fantastic yeah on a lot of it he's really really good um i'm a big fan of him and he does a lot of writing and producing for a lot of people so i feel like phineas worked on it quite a lot as well because i know that phineas worked on um lonely and that's the last song of the album so i feel like he must have worked on more than just that yeah if you're him you've got probably the most stacked list of just people helping you with your projects like oh could you even imagine but yeah i i haven't i haven't heard it but i'll tell you what i have heard this week and that's allison ray's new smash hit have any of you been paying attention i don't think you have to listen to him i thought it's quite good i don't think it's bad i think it's bad at all i don't think it's terrible could someone put it on do you want any i'm gonna react to it for a video so i i kind of i'd like to save my reaction for that al could you give away 10 seconds could you maybe listen and sing it to us okay yeah sure yeah yeah you know what i'd say that's a good idea all right let me find the lyrics i don't know the beat or anything really because i only listened to it once but um all i know is that people are mocking her for dancing i can beatbox for you alex all right go on mate okay go for it lay down a sick fluffy beach okay i just spat all over my mask i was going to say that was very like that was like half a half above sorry i'm trying to find okay you ready you turned our song down baby what for you had like candles on the dashboard red roses growing out of the door wanna say something you've never said before we're driving down sunset you know i love fast cars passed by where we first met damn we made it so far jason's arrow there we go we're done really good really good sounds brilliant alison good luck with your musical endeavors i think she's probably saying it better than i have to be fair i don't think she did me i don't think she did um but it's doing really well a lot of people are uh hating on it because they're um you know haters mate we support you addison what's with these influencers making music man it's so strange i don't know why they do it it's so cringe it's so cringe yeah it couldn't be yeah no for sure hater yeah don't know why people do it we will be making videos on them though it's quite as strange though that like you compare the amount of kind of youtubers that made it big and have made music compared to tick-tockers that have made it bigger made music because i'm pretty sure like every big tick-tocker at this point has at least probably had a meeting about creating a song because like i there are i can name like well there's the thing is like i think tig talk is such like a a music centric app like that's how music these days bangs that's like how you get songs charting like that's the easiest way to do it more than that so it kind of makes sense well do you reckon you ever make a song well do you reckon you'll ever make a song i thought you said james do you reckon thanks guys james when we make proper music so yeah so these will be like practices and all that but what are you actually gonna these jokes have been great but we actually kind of want to see where you go with it tell you what i really enjoyed um that uksi tune this week this week oh [ __ ] banger it was really good the one with young bloods young blood and yeah that one's good i like that what did you think of the corpse one pretty good oh i actually really don't the one with machine gun kelly i like that one i like that one a lot i just don't like the gimmicky bit where they whisper because they like it from a mixing perspective i think from a mixing perspective yes the kind of the way you just dip the whole song when you dip the whole song it's like you can make room for a whisper you don't have to go like to the whole song you know it just didn't seem very natural i i totally agree james absolutely no nah not good enough you could have just dipped it boys yeah as somebody has fl studio james i know what you're on about so as someone who uses as someone who uses audacity this unbelievable quote that came out um addison ray which was she said now i've made my first song i spend some time in my free time making beats on garage brand i just like to imagine addison ray laying down a sick like hip hop beat in garage band in her spare time as she's making tick tocks but you know the thing is if this song is produced by benny blanco so it like if if he came to you and when i want to produce your song you're not going to go no are you you're going to say you got to go [ __ ] it why not and it like yeah i understand why people get so annoyed and it's gimmicky or whatever but a lot of the artists that you see today all came from disney tv shows so what's the difference saying go on i'll tell him it's true though it's true i get it because i have taken a piss out of people they make music but it's never a serious thing i think reality you've got you've got to actually congratulate them for trying to do something because they could just dance forever and be fine uh and also if you don't if you are not good at music you will get rinsed horrifically so like these people know what they're getting into and i know they get paid a [ __ ] ton of money to release these songs where they get loads of streams but it is not worth the backlash that you will get if you [ __ ] release a song but that's the thing these days if you are a tick tocker or like a huge youtuber going into music it's now pretty much established that the mainstream kind of the music world will invade you and make your [ __ ] good like they like there is no chance really i mean unless you're like someone like me who hasn't had those opportunities and is making music and it has to come from you and not really from anyone else that already knows the industry there isn't really room for that kind of mistake anymore because you just have someone who knows what they're doing going that's [ __ ] yeah or like let's change this let's make this this way let's change these lyrics so it's like you won't get anything catastrophically bad you just might have a few things every now and then that seem to lack substance yeah 100 talking about things tick-tockers are getting into do you they're [ __ ] having a big scratch yes youtubers aren't there give gib [ __ ] austin mcbroom and bryce hall five mill getting paid for that deadly deadly desi yeah so we've got we got austin mcgroom we got bryce hall we got deji versus vinnie hacker didn't know who he is i clicked on his instagram he's a sexy bloke he's a good looking bloke i'll give him it uh tanner fox versus nick austin i'm i'm not familiar with nick austin he's part of hype house i'm pretty sure face jarvis versus michael lee i know your face jarvis is no idea uh ddg i'm not familiar with oh did you who's ddg no d d d not d no idea don't know [ __ ] him versus nate wyatt that's the most tick tocker name ever named buy it nice oh come on nate we're supporting white people's names together here's a white guy before i go this far so yeah but it's like if you take two of the most bland first names put together wait was it nick wyatt nate nate white nate's wyatt yeah now you're all right uh danny duncan versus someone and then [ __ ] taylor hold there versus hopefully big fat gibber hopefully he uh he gets that yeah you fillet secure and have a bag is he going for it oh go oh god yeah he's going for another dog he's desperate for a fight we need we need ali redemption we really don't man that was the fist you did there lacked energy please come on for her no no i believe i've got full faith no i believe in him but he insulted you on on the um don't crack have you forgiven him then huh he insulted you on the don't crack episode that i watched uh i got i got him better i got him better yeah yeah no he did have an absolutely dreadful finish to that video so bless him bless him yeah he just the thing with that video is obviously you're supposed to be silent afterwards and he didn't he always kept trying to fill the silences like everyone he'd tell a joke and then no one was laughing but like it was like that's the point is that people don't laugh but yeah but it is awkward uh i would not i wouldn't do don't crack i just i kept on wanting to laugh because i hate the silence so much and i was like i was like i have to make a noise i just can't outfit meaningful it's yeah it's terrifying i mean socially i'm awful in silence you can see it from will's latest video you could just left that out socially i'm awful yeah your latest video well sorry sorry watching your latest video it's great by the way but it is bloody painful to watch at the same time oh my god they're three seconds segment after i made the nicola spots joke and then will just goes it's honestly pain i don't remember it like that how who went on the longest was it tommy gear and kieran just completely was like it was just like click click it was kind of less interactive with kieran it's always very much just kind of react get the job done it too you actually uploaded that second channel video didn't you to your channel and yeah because i watched that so i watched no i watched that second channel video earlier in the week with you and kieran and i didn't [ __ ] it at all no and i'd like to add that i knew that will was doing these videos and then i watched the second channel video and still didn't realize that it was one that he pre-recorded so i i blew my mind genuinely does that say a lot about how good it was or a lot about the second channel it's just really hard effort a lot goes into them i enjoyed it and genuinely i was like yes satisfying you know what if i was you now i'd pre-record every one of them in two weeks and then i just [ __ ] off for the year and i just never come back no but that was that was more work than has ever gone into about 20 s2w videos i was like yeah i should just not be there but [ __ ] me it just took too my favorite thing was just tommy looked so offended throughout the entire video he just wanted to get back to the [ __ ] connect four it took me so long to be like no like i'm not playing can it's not about connect four he's like but it's one one i want it oh but you purposefully lost the second one uh no right no i had i had um i had scenes lined up for if i won or if i lost i did i wasn't playing my editor jamie who helped me help set up the whole thing i had calls with him where he would pretend to be you he would pretend to be here and he would pretend to be tommy and answer back so good practice like what you could possibly say obviously for you we didn't practice enough uh apparently that was he was just doing the connect for yeah when i saw that yeah james in there i was like how are you predicting that it goes all right over the walls i was i don't know how how you would be able to do all those pre-recorded scenes i would have found it impossible and uh just oh to be honest would that you could probably get away with that to be honest you did the best job you could because realistically the most reacts to my jokes is shut up yeah just practically shut up but i mean constantly shut up yes shut up shut up yeah you get quite far you get quite far right that's so [ __ ] good generally oh such a late thing have you seen uh the video of the group of teachers uh from what appears to be a very private school it might not be um for the return of their students they sang and take that song oh god would you would you like to see it oh i'd love to i would love to okay let me just take that song hopefully they've sang it badly enough that we won't get claimed but i mean um it's a whisk it's a risk i'm willing to take yeah it's like a perfect rendition it's pretty good can you see uh yeah sorry this is this yeah private jesus christ any any any image that starts on a rugby pitch as a private school yeah what wait what what what sport is this why is it just four quadrants lacrosse that's a four square right a four square but that's a massive four square and it's on grass which makes no sense yeah professional mate what's foursquare what the [ __ ] is foursquare did you never play foursquare no it's a banger it's basically you you've got four people on a on a grid of four squares four square and uh you have like a basketball or like a football and you have to bounce it into someone else's square with one touch um and if it bounces twice or and you don't manage to hit it into someone else's square uh you're out and then there's if you keep winning basically you have a queue and the person who goes from the queue into the fourth square works his way up to number one number one serves it's really good i haven't played since primary school we should set up a fourth square eboy's full square he's quite good he's loving it i love head teachers like that oh yeah because normally these get rinsed but i'm glad everyone's seen that this is [Music] reloaded [Applause] [Music] [Music] the podcast just thought i'd show you no but it was all right no it's lovely big wholesome moment yeah the um the tone vicar joined in yeah james marriott is going to do a song by the way when we come back to eboy's videos these are called i'm pro written and produced he's gonna do it with the live mariachi band for the first video back yeah absolutely can't wait you've got to go on that now really i can't actually because we're talking about schools have any of you seen the tick tocks that these two lads do in their oh my gosh [Music] ollie ball is a absolute legend is a hero um and he follows all of us my ads who don't know who ollie ball is he know who ollie bought he like reviews food chuck it or scram it no i don't i don't use tick-tock that's one of the things i'm it's volleyball here unbelievable okay uh uh does someone want to get up one of his uh pull up some [ __ ] ollie ball tick tocks he has someone we're going out going on oh they're so [ __ ] i love him i love him it's him and his mate jacob i'm pretty sure um he messaged volleyball messaged me you said i'm alex i love your trim did he yeah he's re-rates it and i can only i'm over the moon with that uh he is an absolute king um basically the gist of what he does is he makes videos on like a school playground with his mates where they like review stuff out the canteen and it is so good brilliant um also like seeing parts of your childhood reappear in these tick tocks like the the mini chocolate carton box uh the cheese and bean panini pasta king if they're done pasta king i got them all i got them all [ __ ] come on get get get where are we do you reckon his name is ollie ball yeah yeah because it sounds like horrible like ollie ball that's uh oh no it's his name i don't believe ollie ball's a liar or volleyball ollie ball is an honest to god man that sounds like a fake name if you've watched these you know that's horrible is it this one that's [ __ ] down that's it that looks like stephen i've got commitment issues it's unbelievable seriously it's crazy good the flavour is just everywhere in there it's unbelievable this devil's got it proper ding young doo and curry's on tonight and ollie's got a joke what's the joke it's not a chat line it's a joke why did toilet roll around on the hill people [Laughter] can we get him on the eboyz podcast vote for the voice [ __ ] we'll just tap up the local schools oh man they're all so good all of these videos are just elite i wanna scream i wanna shout let me scream to the words come out it's only balls here beverage i've done preferably in a while and it is a random splash what am alone yeah you heard that right wow seriously i'm a bit tired because you can see the sun's out and i was gasping for a drink and i thought watermelon that would go down the palate nicely and edit how's my throat he's nice and nice and nice and just he's not i'm not first anymore sun's out guns out but i haven't got any but this milkshake has got loads of protein in as you can see so we'll have some guns in it drinking this proper ding young dude definitely let the ollie see the ball single man reveal yourself hi am i important from bolton this is [Laughter] very i love the intros the entries are fantastic yeah it's what makes them oh it's what i live for way too beautiful girl that's why they never work it's ollie ball here and i've got some chips from there just a canteen up there bit of chips and gray let's give it a try it's beautiful seriously it's unbelievable the chibi's just nice and crispy with the gravy just makes it tiny bit soggy but the sogginess is a good thing there on the chips and gravy and the gravy has a great tangy bit of a tangy taste and it just adds beautifully to the marshmallows i'll tell you what this is a proper is it fizzy whizzy proper ding dong do death falls granite well done saint joseph's canteen this is another message for you single ladies out there have you been to the doctor's recently because uh you missed a bit of vitamin d or they'll just be dancing uh it's i don't know how that started but it's so good though they are my favorite duo i've i've got so i've got some questions for you i've got some questions oh okay some big open answers uh what's a minor inconvenience but irritates the hell out of you when it happens me is this it's this podcast that's a major inconvenience it's [ __ ] like an hour of your day when my upstairs neighbors bang around i hate it i hate unnecessary noise i hate it yeah the upstairs neighbors are pissed they're taking a piss at the moment i have no idea what's going on up there she going on a whole day oh i'll tell you i'll tell you a story about my neighbors when i went i went up to confront them again the other day again no i didn't we're so getting evicted man no we're not they're not the [ __ ] landlord are they they'll find the landlords imagine if they were though they're not the boss of me do you know what happened last time when we when we confronted the neighbor what what did they do what did they do george huh well they were just it was it was like [ __ ] i was trying to record and it was literally like [ __ ] it was like like nothing not not no no no no but i mean that was supposed to be base it was like base right above my desk and it was picking up on the mic it was picking up loud on the mic so i was like okay i need to go i've got a record so i went up and the world needs this okay i go up and there's two there's two flats last time it was this one that was like um making the noise so i automatically assumed that one so i go up to the door it's like set up like so there's a door there's door there i walk through there's a woman just standing by the other door i look at her she looks at me and she just screams and i'm like hello and she's like oh sorry you scared me and i was like oh i didn't know what to say so i was like wow were you wearing that do you ever hear your neighbors and she was just like i don't know and then she put her ear up to the door and stood there with me for like two minutes and i was just like what what do i do and then she ended up just walking off and then i knock on the door and the guy answers the door and he's like yeah no we're not playing any music so i was like oh sorry to bother you and she just walked off so do not talk about scaring people you're not the only person who's done that i was running to the left the other day and somebody [ __ ] opened the door and uh [ __ ] dropped all of their shopping and screamed at me as well i mean that's just be the way we look i screamed at you yeah what'd they say to you they screamed because i was running at them like at them like to be fair it would be quite terrifying you opening the door you want your shopping ad or you just see the skinny [ __ ] dobby [ __ ] you would be kind of terrified but it's not the most awkward story you've had around um apartment buildings this week is it george oh yes no no okay all right it was the pause okay all right all right okay so i was uh i went to go josh signing off at my mate's flat um yesterday it was um and uh i go into the building and i'm buzzing up to his flat so i put his flat number in i hear a voice behind me and he goes oh i've got that for you bro don't worry he fobs me in he walks in front of me i'm like i recognize i recognize him and it was young philly i've never met you i've never met young philly before so and i'm like oh we've got mutual friends maybe he he knows me it'd be nice to meet uh another cool youtuber uh so i go philly and he go he turns around and goes yeah and then i i i go because i find i find it i find it difficult introducing myself to other youtubers because obviously the mask they don't know me from my face so i was like i just said george being this i don't know and he was like sorry my world crumbled i was like [ __ ] this has never happened before like normally if i'm at like a youtuber party and i go oh it's miss george they're like oh yeah that's cool because like everyone in the uk scene kind of knows each other but he had no idea um i must say he was absolutely lovely he was like oh i love him he gave me his phone and i put my channel in and i thought he misheard me and then he looked at the channel went okay yeah i watched that late and i was like okay he was i have to say he was an absolutely lovely guy he was so nice we love you young fellow we love you but it was just i i'm like i'm like the human embodiment of um anxiety i'm just really that's awful that that place of like yeah i'll check out your channel and it's oh no no he was he was really nice he was really really nice he was like could he put notifications on did he subscribe with notifications on i don't know the channel didn't load um but um yeah no it was um i was sat there because i was just like you getting each other as well yeah yeah yeah we did we did oh my god well if you're watching this uh next young philly video that he uploads make sure you comment and ask him if he enjoys the george miller's channel yeah don't let them upload or tweet or post an instagram without posting that on it that's so funny that's so funny that's absolutely terrifying that whole i would want the ground to swallow me up genuinely genuinely genuinely that's why like when i've seen other youtubers in public i at this point i don't i make a point of not talking to them or looking at them no i in my head in my head i was like oh should i say something and before i'd even finish processing that thought it came out my mouth i was like okay cool i suppose it's different for george so what which youtubers have you seen in public james well i saw jmx and he was he was wearing this hi-vis jacket and running away from so [ __ ] no no no snitching on this podcast okay sorry uh no i saw jmx once and he was like very near he was like outside of the apartment somewhere and i remember i was like i just did not look in his direction because one thing i'm really bad at is um social interactions that i'm not expecting right what do we what did you say about social situations okay quite close if i have time to kind of like prepare what's gonna happen in a social scenario that's fine but there's been a time where i was it was a couple years back i was in king's cross station and there was someone who went to my secondary school who i was decent enough friends with we were in a similar kind of friendship group maybe one removed a guy called harry and he bumped into me at king at king's cross station and i completely crumbled like it was not like a natural situation for me i was like i'm going to university where are you going and he was like i'm just gonna go and post this and i was like i'll come with you and then i i walked with him to the post office i just kind of stood with him and then um preconceived i don't know maybe it's just a weird thing i do but i have like preconceived conversations just so that i can navigate my way in and out if i have to no but that's my issue those conversations take me hours i i need to like realistically have my ideas prepared before i it's like if anyone ever has a disagreement with me if anyone ever has a disagreement with me i write essays trying to like work out where my thoughts are at and like how to like speak my words and i like get it done right and then after this [ __ ] like being inside of him and like just watching him post something i then walked out and i was like right i'm gonna go to university now and and he was like okay cool and then i was like see you later and of course we both walked in the same direction and then i saw my friends and i was like i'm just gonna wait here for a second right like right before the lights i'm sorry i'm just gonna wait here for a second and he stopped as well and i was just like oh god please for you i've been sitting here to torture me and it's working so yeah i'm dreadful i don't know how like how i get away with mine because if i want to leave a conversation i just go i've really got to make a video and i'm amazed that he's called me out for it cause normally i go three weeks after that without posting and i just go yeah sorry i've gotta get back i've got i've already got make a video uh but i don't post for three weeks and i don't know how i should avoid it but it's easy out it's the easy out i remember like after the first after the first lockdown i remember being in a room with i think it was will kieran and mia and i remember just being stood in the corner because it had been so long since i'd spent any time with anyone that wasn't arya and i was just like sat there well they stood there in the kitchen while other people were sat down and i was going do i sit down now do i do i go and take a seat i feel like i take a seat now and then we'll like tell you i was like you're right and i was like i'm not used to this yet oh it's gonna be weird because the thing is with us it's not even going to be like you go and see a couple people like i mean we're basically i'm right back on the football pitch with [ __ ] like 28 people super spread super spreader yeah we're gonna bring it back i would much rather that i would much rather that because you can hide in a crowd that's the best thing about when there's a lot of people there you can hide in a crown interject every now and then you are not forced to carry a conversation but if you have a one-on-one interaction with someone you you owe half of the the chat at all times it cannot be one way there's also nothing to talk about at the moment unless it's alex then you 20 yeah in which case that's one of the brilliant things is you can you can stand there and be like this is good we're good for three hours and that's that's very reassuring i just hate silence i hate i hate silence so much but it's like it's really tested because there's nothing to talk about like at all yeah so what i find myself doing if i end up speaking to somebody is and i and i only catch myself doing it about halfway through but i'll be in a conversation i'm gonna be like i've said that three times and that's i'll be like but i've definitely said that and then i and then i'm like and i like catch myself and i'll be like i wanna go make a video that's the out that's a brilliant out yeah i don't really have an hour yet i'm working on that i'll get back to you okay boys would you rather permanently have a really bad haircut for the rest of your life or every time that you get a haircut you have to tell the hairdresser that you hate it oh no good tell them to the face that you don't like it i'll say i hate it and then uh right after i'll go it's opposite day um no no you got it you've got to lock on no you've got to firm it hey you got to make the fuel [ __ ] i think i would firm it and take the hair good i would do the hate it one yeah i'd do that to you because you could just go to a different hairdressers every time oh yeah have any of you ever done that to your hairdresser tell me you don't like it yeah really it said no you don't like it yeah i've said i don't like it before really what happens after what what happens after that point i think i was very young i was very young 22 you were 22 when you said it james but i always think it i don't think i've ever had a haircut that i've come out of yeah straight away and god i like this different ball game what saying it's a different ball game we got a haircut at the same time once uh i didn't realize you walked in oh yeah but i remember that was the first time i went to the turkish barbers and um you know when they like wet your hair normally all the barbers i used to go to they just basically cut around the fringe and they'd never but this is the first time ever on the turkish barber it's slightly wet my head and he slipped it back like that and i just remember looking at a mirror looking at my hairline for the first time and i was yeah that mirror doesn't do wonders for your hairline does it it [ __ ] your confidence i was more genuinely i have never been more like i want to get out of here i want to get out i want to get out of it yeah like he started saying stuff to me about the haircut i just kept going yes yes yes because i was like [ __ ] stop oh all right but now i'm stuck with this and that's why i'm bold yeah no no i have this permanently we got allowed to live with it now i have no choice no the ball band the ball i have to firm it but it's not that bad it's not as bad as it could be it could be worse but yeah i hated that i always feel like the shorter my hair is the better i feel about my hairline i don't know what it is about having longer hair i think longer hair makes your hairline look worse yes for sure definitely because i i think having the the fringe like with the fringe it looked [ __ ] horrifying but now it's like i i've never wanted to shave my head ever or end up doing that because i was like oh it's the whole like aspect is terrifying but now i've got short hair i don't care yeah it's very strange i really care though when i have like proper long hair because that's the whole point of the fringe and the cut just to hide the sides curtains were elite curtains were elite was like that does it do that that's why it looks fine when you've got it shaved though curtains and headband yeah i don't i don't i'm not bothered anymore that was a good era it was a good era yeah well i'll bring that back when i as soon as i physically can it's also my hair's going back really fast which i didn't expect so you're going to go through that phase like that really terrible like phase where it's kind of like just like short like i'm gonna wear hats i will be wearing hats so that is one thing i'll be doing i have a quiz thing here unless you want to carry on doing your questions oh come on yeah uh i was asked to do this uh you guys could say no um it's where do you fall on the cat boy dog boy spectrum oh god we got to do it what is it [ __ ] terminal what um what counts what can we do before next let's do that before next oh my god that could be our theme for next podcast what we should do we should go away tonight take the quizzes whatever we are we have to come to the next podcast wearing what we are no what the [ __ ] is this tell me now what the [ __ ] is this i don't know i i i is the carrot what's the difference in the characteristics between a dog boy and a cat boy what the characteristics well do should we fill it out now all together and then no that's [ __ ] not just tell me no no we shouldn't well i'm not gonna we're not gonna know unless we do it we're going to do it and we're going to come back up this is our homework for next week everyone enter your name i'm not doing it what we're going to do a podcast dress what's the crack for an hour about being cats and dogs it's only 10 questions it's 10 questions it's 10 questions well no we just come to we'll just make the next podcast cats versus dogs and what like two of us will hopefully be cats two of us will hopefully be dogs guys this is ten questions we could do it now yeah well let's [ __ ] do it now okay oh my god alex share your screen really okay i will um and i just i think it's funny i think like dressing up as a cat and a dog we need to do it ourselves link it link it i'm gonna i'm gonna do it myself i wanna quality time gift active service words right alex do you wanna fill this in for you because i'm guessing all of our answers are going to be different what's your love language unless we can all vote on one what is our collective love language together physical touch physical touch should we pick that one let's go with physical touch no cuddling pisses me off see that's not what i'm what i'd say well do you do what you want alex do what you want and then okay when you're feeling sad what do you do with your emotions tweet about it that's not an option well express it outwardly where's burner account where's bernard instagram live yeah seek help but not necessarily for your friends make a pose don't keep it in no express outwardly uh no i want to go with that one i'd say bottom right no i just want that one easy how easy are you to cry um i don't really cry so next i'm emotionless when you want something from someone how do you go about asking for it um you start a podcast with them yes let's go for i'll switch straight up and whine if they say no [Laughter] uh do you watch sports yes and i enjoy them yeah but only when i'm with people uh no i love sports i'm going to be a dog aren't i do you reckon that's a different i reckon you're going to be adopted by alex i was so i'm such a doggo what what is your team coping mechanism um [Laughter] trying to cry typing on my private twitter account there we go uh which best describes you intro extra ambivert introvert but my close friends are exceptional it depends my favorite extra version um they'd have had fiber of extra version yeah i could back that i put myself on those the second last one there yeah i think i was very extroverted but these days i feel like i'm a lot more introverted well it's pandemic season so loyal how loyal [Laughter] i mean all of them are positive i would die for them but i don't let them know [Music] you would not die for you would not die for james marriott alex she would not die for will and he i would die for james barrett i would i'll what about me if there was a gunman and he had his gun pointed at james and he was like i could either kill you or kill james you'd say kill james no i i know all right if you're doing me a favor by killing well either really jesus christ he won't be dead but both of us i wouldn't be bothered i mean it's a 50 50 chance and i think it all is nice whoever they take out the other person comes off better off really do you believe in research and astrology do i believe in research no [ __ ] that it's never it um drink a choice a white car do you where's chocolate milk yeah no glass of wine right here oh you don't know you're not a wine yes he is you could you could drink as much wine as you want i will never be convinced that you are a wine drinker he is a wine drinker [ __ ] hell you're an alky jesus [Music] james marriott oh my god [ __ ] um i'm a dog boy leaning dog boy leaning you're a dog boy with cat boy 10 to the cease dog boy leaning [ __ ] off well i hope you don't fall over oh [ __ ] off there we go at least you've given up with him as well you are a dog boy with cat boy tendencies interesting that's really [ __ ] fascinating that um oh god so i like the idea of dressing up next week but i just where do we where do we go from here we have to do the quiz and dress up as whatever we get as our answer yeah that's that's five minutes of podcast and then we just do a normal podcast oh well we could do a theme or specifically on cats and dogs we're gonna fame next week um we could talk about dogs and cats i think i think maybe there's better themes okay we'll come up with next week we'll be a themed podcast we're all going to be wearing something special right so we'll see you later lunch alright okay uh well that's that feels like a good place to wrap it up do we agree before i go yeah yeah thank you everybody brilliant because i've got two minutes left on my camera goodbye everyone we hope you enjoyed this week's podcast guys see you later good night go and down vote the fellas podcast [ __ ] off don't really hold goodbye
Channel: The Eboys Podcast
Views: 746,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys podcast, eboys podcast, willne, james marriott, imallexx, memeulous, eboys island, scotland, green shed, dog boy, cat boy, costco, ollie ball, tik tok, nutty news
Id: 18VYXNbzO8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 19sec (4159 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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