Eboys Mastermind

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right hello how's it goin welcome back to the e boys Channel today we're doing equals mastermind which is just like mastermind but with us so basically we've all chosen two specialist subjects each and we have a minute to answer as many questions as we possibly can on them the winner is the one who gets the most points we all clear yes all right who wants to go first he wants to answer questions first I've got a coin James would you like to just hand it here and then I'll flip it okay here you go thanks well it's tense that means it's Georgetown so first sure okay all right cool what is the specialist subject you choose George which if your specialist subjects let's do James Marriott thumbnails okay he wants to start the slide ooh the timer okay George your minute starts now thumbnail yes thumbnail and what move did my current streak of deep-fried yellow text thumbnails begin do I have to have a specific a month what is the name of the filter that I use on every single PNG of someone's face hammer oil filter correct that's a that's currently one point this next round is the yellow thong I'm going to name some classic yellow Tex you name the subject of the video okay not good Lele pons case I my eyes are in pain Lele pons Lilly Singh okay please stop Gabi Hanna okay boomergirl I don't remember her looking like this Jojo see what that was done your ago the he nail thumb thumbnail right what is the flag at the background with the video Daniel Cohen sister is even worse than Daniel Cohen and your time is up George it was the Brazilian flag all right okay cool all right well done George you've got two points well done George thank you thank you all right will you're next to answer questions what topic are you gonna go for okay I quickly ask Jose how did you track if people it right did you write down you can use your fingers if you want okay yeah your crime there it's not it man James Merritt its first Church I see where video is called George or see what can't actually sing is actually what George is here was actually put note you're incorrect James Merritt has how many tattoos but include Georgia she was named for the well just delete the video book she was terrified the Mafia would hunt him down and assassinate him what was the video cool something about I'll give you a thank you yes she's 11 what is the title last in the series blank can't actually sing who was first to be bullied not be hunted yes correct free points and that is you're gonna explain the Mafia bit but we have to censor the name of that video because I'm terrified of that video why are you scaring the mafia coming up like a really ominous DM saying like you do realize you just took the piss out of someone in coats with the Mafia it's gotta go it just seems a right thought appear on his forehead in each apartment I'd like to do guitars please George yes please let me get the questions up three two what is the best-selling guitar of all time the Fender Stratocaster yeah what year was Gibson founded oh god fuck knows the fourth 43 who founded Gibson it will be something Gibson what year was the first electric guitar made 60 acoustic guitar branches ed Sheeran known to use what more do of guitar does slash famously play Les Paul yeah what year was Epiphone founded 64 what is considered that oldest guitar company in the world Gibson according to a poll published by Guitar World magazine who is the best guitarist in the world alive or dead I don't know Jimi Hendrix what guitar do I have you have a Telecaster Squire Telecaster yeah correct or oh you go free you're not very good at guitars Jack Van Halen according to a poll I don't know it's you specialist subject do you choose first my specialist subject I will be choosing first is start Oh nerds what fucking loser topic ha you pick guitars man okay so it's precious sawing in three two one which Star Wars characters the only one who's appeared in every single Star Wars movie to date um fuck c-3po yes correct according to Master Yoda how many sets are always out there - yes correct who killed Jabba the Hutt ilayya correct where did the clone wars begin but get way like country like place fuck you can pass you can pass pass first and most famously played the part of Chewbacca Oh what name does obi-wan go by on Tatooine Ben yes prearranged military command order 66 call for the clone troopers to do what kill all the Jedi yes true what was the highest grossing Star Wars movie the newest one forces the force a week I'm Lady Jane is it might go now yes do you want to say what your specialist subject is I choose geography James okay here we go George are you ready for your geography I'll be embarrassed it's gonna be some country never heard of what is the world's largest continent Asian what's the capital of Brazil Brazilian yeah and what country was James Mario born Switzerland how many countries begin with the letters P okay which Spanish island is known as the island of eternal spring what is the last country James Marriott visited Portugal Spain how many capitals to South Africa have how many capitals yeah a to name one of them Oh God James Murray is 1/16 indigenous what Canadian how many countries border Russia 1314 Oh is your time that was really I always want to give you a point for that really I'm gonna give you I want to give you a point for Russia cuz that's really crazy I got five points points that's five points right on George that brings your total to seven figures me okay Alex my second subject I choose the country of the time from when I say I've been revising you got disturbed right you do know how hard it was cracking questions for this I even know it applies to R nought point three percent Bhutanese audience we're very sorry for what's about to help okay all right I could do the timer actually know somebody else do it's really easier if somebody else I'll count you down from five okay five four three two one Bhutan is officially known as a wats Kingdom correct where is Putin located Oh below Russia [Music] yes yes I'll give you I'll give you a correct Eastern Himalayas what is the capital of Bhutan Tim foo fuck off what is the official language that's guys the monarch of food time what is the Mary's name my god you me Jake Jake me it's the king when 1712 now you got a correct how big is Putin isn't very little to the nearest wall square miles I'll get in there's thousands I've seen it as well it's like 18,000 that's your time that's your time 15 okay I started so I'll finish masterminds it was correct has 840 is that been counted correctly has that been counted correctly yes no let me go for again one two three four five six now seven point seven points sorry but to be fair it deserves to make sure James you're next what topic do you choose I'm going to go for the Conservative Party please George all right great all right cool cool the timer starts now what year did facture become Prime Minister Oh 1979 yeah how many seats do the Conservatives currently hold as of the 2019 election how many days in the other and 365 you carranza who was the heat of the conservatives in 2010 David Cameron who was the first Tory Prime Minister Sir John Stuart yeah what year did john stewart become prime minister the 18th century yeah 18th century 1762 I'll give you that which to Tory Prime Minister served during World War two Oh Winston Churchill yeah and Neville Chamberlain yeah what year was Boris Johnson born yeah how many years did Boris Johnson serve as Mayor of London which consists it's all finished I started so I'll finish which constituency just Boris Johnson represents them yeah give me the best ways what what happens what I broke like trust me wait until Alex's second road that is really really our donors beating that okay are you ready yeah Hastings timer I will do I'll do the timer seven to draw eight to win you ready like yeah okay Alex what is your specialist subject my specialist subject is James Charles okay starting in three two one how many followers does James Charles have on in 18.2 million correct where is James Charles's hometown new New York more specifically Bethlehem you're brilliant okay sorry Christ what is James chose his full name James Charles Dickens sir because Dickens in January 2019 which British City - James Charles dope and more sorry on second you yes okay Boris Johnson is Prime Minister of England but which constituency zmp for okay how many tweets have you I'm Alex made about James Charles in the past hour 15 Oh yes James Charles's most popular video is called no more lies how many views does it have to the nearest million hour fuck 50 yes correct James Charles has a little brother what is his name and even fuck it swatted like the fifteen one is a bit suspect I'll give you that's easy so both me and Alex have definitely had questions rigged here so I think will and George have to be the winners why we with yes thank you ma'am well made like a fucking packed and everything about how long we could go about telling you that we like where did you did you rig all of your rounds no we raked one each we rigged one each so the Stoller's one was honest I get the Star Wars one correctly that one was relatively easy it's impressive yeah my guitar one was was real as well you got no fucking points based on based on actually answering them I suppose truthfully George does win by congratulation because the rest of us are filthy cheats but that's all let's prove it that we cannot be trusted okay anyway that's it for any boys mastermind we're sorry for wasting 12 minutes of your time from all of us have a very good night
Channel: Eboys
Views: 1,126,978
Rating: 4.9807034 out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys, willne, memeulous, james marriott, imallexx, mastermind, eboys mastermind, eboys quiz, eboys channel
Id: VmQ88rvOsIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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