Becoming An Industry Plant - Eboys Podcast #21

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right hello how is it going welcome back to the eboyz podcast how's everyone doing boys a couple of us are in different setups yeah me and alex moved on on 4g connection it's really nice here i like how how much of a state are your rooms right now i mean they're in a pretty bad state because i'm unpacking but i'm trying i'm literally trying to chuck out as much stuff as i can oh yeah on that minimalist lifestyle i've thrown away so much stuff man i've realized when we when i was moving i was like oh okay i surely i can't have that much because i've only got like a wardrobe but in that wardrobe was so much stuff i've got like dents probably something like 10 massive boxes just of stuff i've accumulated so i might as well like just chuck out most of it because i don't use most of it if you look at the old apartment right now it's so funny what's left in there it looks like it's been it looks like it's been robbed it looks like it's been raided we lost our keys for a few days um and i think i i think alex says i think one of us said something and the other one said like uh it'll be fine it looks like we've been robbed anyway because there was just like paper everywhere and yeah a guy there's a gummy bear costume how many how many days are you into how sorry how many days are you into so for context who was it what bt is it [ __ ] bt uh bt open reach of the people that [ __ ] it bt are the ones that are like they're like the salesman um so it's [ __ ] both of them really so you didn't have internet for a week when you moved in they said they [ __ ] suck oh yeah although i have been a lot because there's a bt hub here there's a bt hub at my old place so they're like okay really simple we can just transfer the internet on the day of your move so it's like okay cool really simple they said i called up that i called up days in advance they're like yeah no problem no problem i called it the day before we moved just to double check and they're like yeah no problem a problem no problem they said didn't they said no problem 4 30 in the morning i've just basically finished packing everything my computer's in the car come in my i get an email from [ __ ] um uh from uh bt saying sorry your internet's gonna be delayed another week [ __ ] off oh yeah because because that's not a problem how dare they it's fine though it's fine because don't worry guys don't worry because it's not like there's a global pandemic we can go outside and hang out with people yeah we could just go out with our friends and see our family and and yeah yeah what you been doing to pass the time uh uh okay i i was gonna say it together unpacking yeah uh we went through the pokemon i've just built lego really well the way george has been unpacking in his own little way yeah yeah yeah unpacking them loads i'm packing cummies onto a sock if all you've been packing george how come there's all that [ __ ] on the floor because i have a lot of [ __ ] you'd be quite amazed all right all right anyone fancy a bit of nutty news all right so this week uh a woman was left distraught after receiving a 50-pound birthday cake made by a child right so this woman she ordered she ordered this sorry this is going to be a very visual episode if you're if you listen to this on spotify don't do our best you can never give it a still yet [ __ ] them yeah enough to explain it properly like a real podcast co-host would oh hang on when i get paid enough to to talk in detail about things guys this is what she ordered yeah yeah yeah do you know what this is a very boring topic of not use it will get better i do it's a nice cake it's like a little pond you got some like brussels sprouts in there that's nice oh my god in comparison it's that that says 30. well i thought this was a 50 of cake friends no no sorry that's just like the one the advertisement with look they've not even capitalized the g on graham she said i was very crucial so i said i'm putting it on facebook and so that's how sam resolved that issue yeah resolved it you know it's apparently covered in dog hair i mean that just surely just a bit of added flavor i think you know that there's it's just a bit of a dynamic cake it looks like it's made out of play-doh oh it looks grim man i want to know how did they actually manage to make the first one if that's all they can do for the the real one how did they get the picture surely it's someone else's cake it has quite a testicular texture to it doesn't it what what are you it's like do you want to get checked out what's going on who's going who's who's got this grant who's ordering scranton i'm not wondering it's not for me it's not for me okay okay uh next up in nutty news right a dad has refused to sign his son's birth certificate after seeing the name his girlfriend chose right so i clicked on this thing like what yeah what what name could that be right like how what the name was right it's not yeah it's not i reckon i reckon it's some kind of like um is it like ian no i think it's a reference like a film or a like a really embarrassing reference it's kind of a reference yeah like a character's name colin after calling the caterpillar cake like like scoop scooby-doo or something like that all right now i'm gonna have to disappoint you i don't actually know the name um but right the story is right the couple have been happily together for four years and recently welcomed their first child right the man said they'd argued back and forth and then they finally found one that they agreed on a child that one looks like ours let's come up with a bunny and after their son was born right his girlfriend and baby were back home and say for whatever and he went to sign the birth certificate and his la his last like his wife right hadn't entered the name she'd agreed on she'd instead entered the first and middle name of her ex-boyfriend oh scandalous oh that is my god he was like yeah look i i'm sure i'm sure she's not over whatever whatever [ __ ] imagine that well my condolences to the couple you'd get caught out at some point for his first name you think all right coincidence sorry go on yeah you should have you because if you if you go to call your son his name and he turns around eventually one day and goes that's not been my name that's never been my name i mean that surely at some point somebody finds out there you can't keep that secret for too long she's been fobbing me off for a few days now so in the end i told her calmly i'm not signing the birth certificate until we change the name [ __ ] like first name you think all right that's maybe just a wild coincidence first and middle name sack her off man yeah i didn't think that was much worse things than having a kid but that has made having a kid even worse do you think you ever have a kid jim no i don't think i'll ever have a child i've gone off the idea of kids i don't think i'll ever have a child you used to be quite interested oh no do you want to talk about this george because i think you've also got off the idea of having a snake which the listeners will be off the idea of having anything rely on me i don't want to have any i don't have anything to tie me down i'm gonna lead you i don't rely on him so don't worry i wanna i wanna be uh i wanna go travel the world i don't want anything tying me down you hate planes no i don't yeah you do you do georgetown i don't mind it as long as i have a leg rest what do you mean is you like flying first class is what you mean don't i you actually fly first class i fly norwegian premium which is like 600 quid both ways i fly norwegian premium because it's cheaper and you get a first store and that's all i need oh darling i only fly norwegian oh god okay all right anyway um i'm going to share my screen i've got a video as i want to show you again if you're watching on support this is a great podcast to be doing on 4g it really is the one in it we've got videos and pictures and and we've got it all can you um can can you see my screen yes this is apparently this i like this sounds i don't know if this is real or not but this is apparently the sound when you drop a piano [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] that was a [ __ ] ps2 starting sound yes but i i don't know if it's do you think they've added it or not well it will you fake but everyone in the comments kind of believes it well just no no the ps2 sound that's the ps2 will you fit i know i know it is i know it is has it been edited yes it has been edited that might be that is most definitely been edited how they actually make it i'm trying to remember how they actually make the playstation 2 sound but it's just dropped a piano i didn't do that yeah just eq out yeah they eq once they throw the piano off the roof out why have they thrown a piano off a roof that's what i want to know fun yeah i wasn't sure on that either and everyone's just stood there like not really protected they're just cheering is this like some small town where nothing happens they just throw pianos off the roof that's their entertainment they don't have like a cine world or anything they just chuck pianos off the road they seem to be it seems to be the highlight of their of their week i mean lockdown must be really hitting them if that's entertainment very short-lived what that was brilliant entertainment we're gonna do that with james's guitars yeah i mean we've done that we've done that will we through your your acoustic guitar over um oh yeah yeah shouldn't make a sound like that yeah never got to play that i remember a classic yeah of course it didn't make i'm a bit good about that piano now i thought that was how i've got a good job no no no it doesn't matter you know you shouldn't be basing your own emotions obviously i shouldn't be a piece in my opinion on fact what you're saying oh right okay no so we kind of demolished that for you i mean it might make that sound who are we to know you know i'm googling it now how did they make the psp sound how did they make okay i'm going to be real i don't think the people at playstation accidentally dropped a piano off a roof that's it that's the sound but like i was thinking maybe that's just what happens when all the piano strings blow no no i was i don't worry i wasn't addressing you that i think it might well be true it felt like you were no no i was addressing alex i was wrestling oh shut up james because it might well be the sound i don't know this is how he gets the s2w gigs he just he just agrees with will all the time yeah yeah i'm not an s2w anymore mate i'm on the main i'll have you know address i'm trying to figure out how they made this playstation sound now but i can't i can't figure it out now just like a pad i don't know how you'd make it but interesting should i move on from the piano we've been talking about it for about five minutes yeah nobody cares about piano no this is a highlight actually i think this i think people are voicing about piano piano roof piano anymore news will uh no no sorry that's the end of ninety news that's fine for the piano one and kind of got stuck on that for a little while all right but we did as well um i found my uh my pokemon didn't i george yeah but i don't know if they're worth much because they're all walks oh yeah they are all [ __ ] but uh what who did you have have you got them uh i can quickly run downstairs and get them there because all right i've got my camera on so i can show them alex if you want to give them to me and then i'll but the only issue with that is that george then legally owns them as soon as he holds it so yeah you gotta rip the most expensive one that's the deal i don't know which one is the most expensive one that's the big issue but he was very excited when he found these i mean it's always cool finding your old pokemon cards i i really wish i could go back in time and get all of my yu-gi-oh cards back but [Music] i'm talking to you yeah that's sick and sky dragon that is shout out to your dreaming he's epic he's epic very cool very cool is it comfy because he sent he sent me one as well that's like yours at the moment it's comfy but it comes down a lot around the neck so i've had oh you know put something on so i didn't feel like i was showing a lot of skin you can just put a t-shirt under not feeling it yeah i know i don't like wearing sweatshirts with t-shirts under them i just it feels like quite an uncomfortable experience for me ah that's all right i'll tell you what i'm really excited about i got a test score now you're you're a middle-aged man stuck in a 20-year-old's body man i can't oh god i gotta get rid of that no but i've missed like it's just because our local before was waitrose and although you know you lived closer you lived closer to a tesco than you did that waitrose right yeah but that that one was like across a big busy main road and i didn't like crossing it no it's because you didn't like the area i didn't mind that i would just like this in norway would you be right sorry well i haven't broken my camera give me a second well give him a george george will show it yeah we should have a complete moment of silence in the podcast as i think as a big fu to spotify just just silently show the cards don't say what they are spotify please sign us we don't mean what we say i'll take anything why is this not working just give them to george yeah i mean i'm more in the sense that like it's the whole camera like my whole stream lapse has just broken like i'm trying to fix it i'm talking about that uh that busy road george where are you going oh but can you do this there he goes oh man i can see exactly where you live in the uh um yeah talking about that road um sorry i can't deal with it yeah the card will did you see the uh ksi ann marie music video yeah it's filmed there well yeah it starts with her getting beat up in the underpass like to that of the area you don't like what black hole yeah yeah the black wall underpass it's all right it's just like at night you can't remake eye contact with anyone because it's quite scary yeah look it starts just getting beat up there that's exactly how i feel every time i go to james's to be fair i never go on that underpass just because i feel as though i'm going to get like molested or something yeah no it's a really cool location though as long as there's not just like [ __ ] everywhere because that people litter a lot around there but i guess you you clean up the area a little bit i've just been told i've used eighty percent of my data this month even though i'm according to the o2 website i have 55 gigs left what the [ __ ] how is how are you going for 100 gigs i thought you said you had 500 mb i don't what 500 m bit no i've got 75 gigs but oh this is why i was okay i thought you were on 500 mb and i was like oh my god upgrade to a better plan but 75 gigs should be fine it doesn't last very long when it's like your source of internet hello you're sorry about that yeah uh my pokemon cards so i'm trying to figure i'm probably worth to i've got them up on my camera right now i'll read them out um give them give it a draw so we can show it okay george just can't take them what do i have to get up okay i'll bring him to you thank you okay all right you you're like a teacher reading an exam paper yeah circling things in red i'll put them up to the camera so like everyone can kind of see them can you read that can you tell us what we got here what we got we have huh i haven't got my spectacles on so i can't really read it oh my god i can't can't wait barely recording with two oaps [Laughter] bring me the cards bring me the cards i'll read them [Music] and i think that says ex houndoom ex shalem ex what the [ __ ] is that liang rock alex i'm so sorry for wasting your time i've given them a man who can't read like rock gx snorlax gx he's got a new one right gyarados yeah didn't you guys george you used to play pokemon you should know all of these yeah uh charizard ex mainstream i didn't read out the names alex i didn't read them out i just kind of saw him on screen so you could show people not to say you could read them yet you're just saying pokemon yeah those look great i don't know what you always i'm just doing one people so i was trying to get this working oh my god right this is the worst the worst section of this podcast i'm just doing what's the best one he's got what's the best one he's got i'd say the best one in there is probably the charizard yeah you've got a charizard ex i don't know how much that's worth but then he's got like an evolutions charizard which is quite oh good i think yeah nice a lot of you bangers in there um i've also just got a bunch here yeah he's got an evolutions charizard i have a mewtwo in there as well i've got a few i think there's a a snorlax in there yeah snorlax you got the snorlax all the ones all those cards but yeah that's the thing about moving you find loads of [ __ ] that you forgot you own and i just found loads of pokemon cards i mean loads like i'll show them to my camera so that people are watching we'll see but you know like you know when you start walk around and you just had a bunch of like uh commons and you try trade them off like one rare i've got like a deck that's like [ __ ] as big as my hand of pokemon cards and i have no idea what's in here but they all seem to be duplicated probably crap yeah when you've got like the big piles of stuff if you've never made an effort to like have them in a certain a certain place you know the ones where like where people would have like eight elastic bands tied around the middle yeah yeah yeah i've got like that many in my head right now oh man yeah i've got [ __ ] so many and then i found all my yu-gi-oh which actually the reason i brought this up originally it's just i saw your instagram story last night well how do i get that hoodie i i think i think they go on oh yeah website soon i've got it that sweater is sick in it it's schleifer was my favorite one i saw that he'd made one i was like please please could i have one and then i don't know what it is on the back what what is that what this [ __ ] is i recognize the [ __ ] i do i recognize that i couldn't tell you what i recognized the eye i think that's uh that's uh reggie giggs i think that's ridiculous i thought that was fun is this yugioh or pokemon yeah this is pokemon that by the way it's the blue eyes white dragon that i want blue is which i can i found all my blinds white dragons that's just lego i've got so much lego here um i've got brought the star destroyer across gonna build that soon very good very good the great will only star destroyer i've just remembered um e-boys worldwide from uh from last podcast did anyone have a look through it i have not yet all right i have we made a fail mistake but james or george do you want to screen record going through the hashtag because there's i think there's a bit of a game we can play and we can we're gonna have sean you could probably see you could probably be able to string it yeah i know i can do i can do it i don't know if it was if it was on us or not but a lot of people have sent them in and just not put where they're from oh wow but we don't have the [ __ ] answer so i thought we could go through and guess where where where these are that's like i was like that's i i'd say that's an island go to the next one please james i think that might that could be a oh scotland or i know what this one is i i know what this one is do you uh yeah because i've seen their reply um but yeah you're you're probably said sure you're both wrong you're both wrong oh norway uh whales it's a northern norway i feel like the water is a little bit too blue to him to be yeah i know i've got really blue water no sorry i meant to be yeah it's just gray here sludge look chilly someone's from chile and they're watching the e-boys podcast oh my god that oh chile's such a lovely looking country as well that looks amazing i'm not sure if i'm a fan of this architecture here i think that's a bit you know a bit in your face it looks a bit national terrestrial [ __ ] chilly i don't like one building i don't that doesn't mean i can hate on the entire country i also i do think it's cheating we asked pictures you can't just send pictures off people yeah yeah you could have just put chairs on your bike that's not what we wanted yeah you need to dock yourself i'm gonna say switzerland yeah i was gonna go very boring like basel i was going like germany here uh i'm trying to figure time of the year i'm gonna say zurich swedish swedish sweden i actually know you you might be right because if this is a yeah this was uploaded at 10pm and they have very [ __ ] long days still yeah yeah good show check them check the bio what they say where were we saying where was in there from uh i don't think we asked but i think we asked people to tell us because i think it's manchester united they've got manchester in their bio so it might be that dude i think we should rank which one the best we've got in sweden and they've gone manchester united we should rank the best and the worst let's find the best one right of where anyone on the boys podcast is from and let's pick the worst one the worst where you'd most like live and least likely i think this one this one that's on screen right now is the one i'd least like to live oh my god scenery like this makes me anxious i just i hate seeing scenery like this is very like whales-y i just uh i just not a fan yeah do they live in a castle what's that this person's saying brutal yeah it looks pretty dull oh that's uh that's the white house yeah i don't know why i clicked on that mostly exotic place oh god north east derbyshire click on it i've been playing a lot of geographer lately and it is actually one of the most depressing place uh like games to play because you're going through and you're seeing all of these countries you even go to places like estonia and going oh my god wow this place looks amazing i can't believe i've never visited this country every time without fail you get united kingdom and you immediately your your heart sinks and you go oh this place is [ __ ] ugly you look around you you look at a sign and go yep this is the uk and then you enter it you get it right every everyone gets the uk every single time because it is the most ugly place in the world okay so this person has sent in a video to kind of give us a little bit of a i see i was originally going to go canada play the video boys so they've given us see what i mean though like this place is just so interesting [ __ ] me oh i remember when i i went on a drive through norway with toasty and it looked just like this did it it was incredible you can imagine just being in this country and breathing and not feeling sad that's that's the difference between the uk and everywhere else in the world you're okay bro no i want to live in spain i want to move i want to get out of the uk we did wait we went uh we went to norway didn't we george when it was coming this was norway this was norway oh well it is well you know 10 pointer pointless yeah it's it's the only country i've ever been so we can't just take pic pictures off google and live here [ __ ] off kuala lumpur they might have taken this is shanghai wow that's cool as [ __ ] to be fair i know again i read that i read that one sorry that wasn't me kissing that is oh i'm hungry oh i i mean this is giving me oh yeah it could be it's kind of giving me glasgow vibes as well for some reason what i don't know why i remember being in glasgow and there being like a river that went like this three musketeers movie was filmed here well i was a big fan of the three musketeers is it maybe nailed it down copenhagen or something good i'd say denmark where where is it well google where was where was the three musketeers movie filmed germany i'm saying germany i guess how is the free musketeers movie film austria oh yes australia [Laughter] duval village are you sure that's not the alawite oh my this looks [ __ ] fantastic though the more pictures i see the more i believe they're on the isle of wight davao village that's not the isle of wight duval village west florida i told you it was where epstein lived yeah you're not wrong it's just a picture of a prison well there you go jeffrey um he is alive yeah tweeting us this is scandinavian as well institution for hull friends ghost cup yep yeah with sweden i guess it might be they've got the eu oh they're all in the eu right yeah no way is there any of them it's not normal it's not in the eu yeah uh i'm gonna go i'm gonna go finland they say i like minecraft they're like notches they needed to put an answer somewhere oh sweden oh yeah that lulu it's farage don't read the the text okay it's in germany thanks let's move it on looks a bit nice for whales right this is is this new zealand keep going along keep going along that's bloody gorgeous i think that might actually be in the the uk what's that flag there's a flag i'm going to say like italy maybe it can't be italy no this is i think this is new zealand because like this kind of thing is like very yeah with the first one like north wales is like england i'm gonna say it's somewhere in england no way with water like this no way go for it then go for it try and find out it doesn't say reverse image search maybe oh oh no wow what islam wow you told me mate totally england okay about the isle of man it's just only men what about this and also it's attacked he gets reception over there well you've given us [ __ ] all this s4 j3r you're not even giving me a name that is oh if you find out that from this i'll be very impressed okay i was trying to find so you couldn't see the forests are in wales yeah that was really interesting i'm sorry is that the great the click on that click on that museum is that that's [ __ ] great this is scum thought apparently apparently i think they're lying about that i think scum thought was much nicer than that would you go on the air oh this one's cool pangaea looks a bit dry this is israel yeah israel wow that's cool did you see the um the new zealand one that was up a couple of posts do you see how [ __ ] gorgeous it looks yeah new zealand is [ __ ] lovely there's another there's another new zealand one and this this is them taking the photos which just goes to shop oh my god yeah you win you want to move to new zealand guys yeah this is this is also new zealand oh my god can we move to new zealand the photos don't do it justice apparently that's what they said sorry oh my god it's fantastic elite oh that doesn't where's that brazil come to brazil big bridge that's scary zombies back oh well that looks like trams trams trams trams that looks like barcelona it's barcelona it's not barcelona barcelona what are we saying the best about it oh wow prague's quite cheap oh this is brazil man that's cool as [ __ ] i love the street art in brazil damn pretty cool nice thanks for that wales that's my flat that's omni-house that's darum oh this is nice not like too much detail in these in these pictures though really is there hold on where's their location if pictures go from really sunny to really snowy i just assume it's scandinavia all right i've explained my issue with brighton many a time i like it brighton is oh man it's a beach with no sound what's the [ __ ] point oh where's that italia how are you uh curious question if you're guessing locations how do you know if they're correct it's almost as if you should tell us the answer somewhere so we can actually get it right that's nice you know it's always as if you could post more than one tweet we're not magicians we really didn't explain this very well did we so exotic a terrible job here this is nice oh oh castle that place is mental what the [ __ ] is this disneyland it's in the east of spain alicante providence that's my guess yeah well done george you got it right don't this is a this is a moorish castle a what a moorish castle they just couldn't they couldn't they couldn't keep out they couldn't have another there you know what i mean they just no it's a moorish so the the moors are like it was like um an arabic a muslim colony that took over spain and then they had the spanish reconquest of the the great important thing when they pulled the lever i wish i could do that [Laughter] but that's why but we should have it you know the ones where it dunks the people it's like a slime tank we should have that we don't tell the guests and we just when they get boring we just pull the lever we just [ __ ] ruin their day oh i mean this is just this is just pictures of them yeah we didn't ask for a photo shoot mate i basically have hills and rivers in my backyard in the sea in front [Laughter] well you're a bit of a whole local aren't you yeah yeah me i grew up there on those shows oh i figured [Music] do you guys still have your holiday book there yeah for june the excited will i'm i'm not going june is a nice time of the year like that's where you go to somewhere nice do you know where that is i don't know but the thought they put on this is absolute filth i could taste this photo it looks like bournemouth it's newcastle it's actually it is it is well it doesn't usually look like [Laughter] this is an attempt to make it look good now this is a few minutes after they let off the atom bomb that do you know where that is that's middlesbrough you know when i talk about middle school this is what i mean look at that i mean if they could have embraced the steampunk aesthetic i think they could they could kind of no they couldn't james shut up it looks awful i think i think it is they call them smoggies because there's just loads of smog oh alpacas in mountains is this oh this is chilling this is this is chili chili okay we need to pick new zealand or chili we're gonna live in one of new those i think new zealand so i don't have to learn another language can we find out what the tactical operation is guys guys this is barley yeah barley everyone this is barley this is he did a video well like he's got music and everything you've really got it all out it's animal crossing music well i didn't really show us much [ __ ] ground i mean it's a nice ground they've got nothing against that but the thing is bali is one of the nicest places have you ever seen bora bora that's somewhere i want to go that looks epic yeah same that she she she usually says i'm quite entertaining [Music] looks like oh galway island right oh blue water though if you if you really look closely you can see her playing a fiddle with an irish band i'm falling in love with an english man that's really good james thanks guys i'm on fire today this episode click on the exotic ones click on the uh what the [ __ ] is this take a guess what country please not a pigeon in sight where's scott jesus is [Laughter] that's mexico what's this the country's caribbean and also central american police police central america it says it's police where's police oh bullies billy's nuts billy's nuts who's billy oh i'm so sorry everyone yeah if there's any oh this is nice this is also the isle of man this is not bad oh they've got their own flag their flag looks like an evil organization's flag it looks like you know a pokemon like this it's pretty whatever it's a tax haven though so goals aren't allowed there either i've heard girls oh perfect place we've made that joke twice this episode i didn't hear it at the first time i didn't hear it the first time either great what else there i've got i'll have a sloppy wee podcast what does that mean sorry what does that [ __ ] mean i'm sorry what is happening it means a lovely sloppy wii podcast we post a lovely sloppy wii podcast every week alex nobody else has ever had their podcast thank you guys for watching this sloppy wee podcast [ __ ] give up oh this looks cool damn oh dude is this egypt it was that heads no oh do they have what much water in egypt those are actually statues of our heads it says they they live in false but i don't think that is a place i'm gonna say like australia or something right that's the outlet that's back there in it false desert no it's not a not a thing damn where'd you reckon that what is that looks insane by the way you've just googled that photo [ __ ] off yeah it's important yeah that's it it looks like they have a holiday brush oh they've given us a solution if you want to click on their google link oh nice let's guest first let's guess it's they're all within 20 kilometers of location is that naboo yeah oh it might be croatia yeah i'm going to say croatia i think it's croatia i'm going to say hungary i'm going to say i want to say i'm going to say budapest prague it's not [ __ ] prague there we go dresden germany oh germany looking nice we're not giving germany enough we really are worldwide aren't we oh yeah pitbull could never oh are we are we sure about the chile new zealand uh choices tax laws isn't it who's got the bluest water who's got the blurriest water that is that is that is the bluest water you can find i think that you can probably taste so many viewers from chile that's kind of crazy high number tastes like blue raspberry not not water yeah drink it man will you so how are everybody from chile chile corporation tax at the moment is 27 percent not very good no uh didn't want new zealand new zealand new zealand have no 28 so chilly slightly lower but what language i mean i i i'm happy staying in shitty england for my 19 what language do they speak in chile um spanish spanish probably [ __ ] it can't be honestly not go to new zealand instead yeah james would thrive but not us you carry this is um brazil it looks like shoreditch you can tell because the the [Laughter] i'd love to go to brazil i'd love to go to brazil we're going to say you'd love to get shorty yeah yeah just go straight though oh nice house this is nice oh my god looks brilliant you know though you've been wearing the rings well that's the marshes it looks like the cover of like a murder novel that was that was finland by the way everyone oh karachi that looks i want to go to fredericton pokemon earlier it looks a bit barren yeah what was what's going on oh my god they just live in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere like this giant building with no surroundings it looks like nuclear wasteland a little bit from this this works very fallout vibes i've just compared everything to video games this entire episode that's my only knowledge of the world it looks like that thing for that video game wow what why is there a skull it's a mayan it's did you hear that what when you get when you get the cake you go it's all mine yeah i think we should suck this off it's it's either i've lost interest i have something i have something a story about something that happened this week huh or is it about is it nothing it's not it's not something that happened this week it's um what was your most irrational fear as a child irrational you're most irrational i'll start i didn't like mirrors or tvs like when i was sleeping when you were sleeping why because mirrors i was like oh a ghost could appear if i'm looking in the mirror at night or something and then it was the same for a tv i didn't want like it turning on and there being a face there it was like that was like probably my most irrational i was just thinking this the other day i have a very similar one very similar yeah i uh the stairs at night i used to always see things on the stairs so i used to one time i saw a big spider coming up the stairs i'm talking like the size of a human like an adult human spider and then another time sorry for stupid so like i used to think i was genuinely seeing these things so i saw like a crocodile at the bottom of the stairs they stopped my dad just like cosplaying by the way it's like actually i started thinking about that and just started laughing and then uh yeah then it's like as a big like dark spider just like crawling up the stairs towards me and [ __ ] i hated that brutal i'm trying to think of a rational fears not really got much goodbye you should be terrified of the grim reaper from the sims absolutely sister sister played it you know when your sims die and the grim reaper comes and gets it as a six seven year old eight nine i used to have nightmares used to have nightmares about him coming in the room what of the sims scrum reaper coming to get you the sim specifically the sims one and you go i don't have enough simoleons that's the biggest fear is you know you you're trying to get all your pocket money together would i have a million simoleons what am i gonna do um irrational fears i used to be [ __ ] terrified of the lion in the teletubbies have you seen that thing it is [ __ ] no oh it is terrifying it is terrifying the lion and the bear and the teletubbies they are something of not of this world i hate them um are you scared of both of them i i didn't mention this when we did the eboyz christmas shoot the gingerbread man absolutely exactly the same the gingerbread man looked exactly the same and genuinely scared the [ __ ] out of me i did not like the gingerbread man on the boys christmas shoot because they got those goggly eyes excited about those googly eyes man and the way that it may move around i just [ __ ] hated it i really hated them all the time i hate that [ __ ] lion man it's creepy as [ __ ] oh he's not doing anything wrong he's you know no it's the way they move around because they get closer without any means to i'll find a video of it i hate them i generally hate them i also had this right i used to watch this tv show back in the day called jim will fix it and i used to have this irrational fear of the host yeah my dad used to always have this this friend over like this jeffrey guy and i always used to get a bit of an off feeling about him as well oh my god alex you're right this is [ __ ] terrifying that's scary thank god i share my screen with you this is absolutely [ __ ] terrifying man i can't tell you i oh the mouth i don't like it that's awful it's it's freddy fazbear it is friend oh that's what i was to talk about i want to get to the lion i don't like the lion alex do you still have this via now yes man look at it i'm wrong about that though the this is the thing they don't blink this is why i don't pay the tv license that's us that's the tv license man with the teletubbies why are his teeth like that he's got tea i don't like it at all they start really off putting about that [ __ ] lion that is [ __ ] terrifying all right anyway let's move on i don't know what it is it's so soulless yeah what were you gonna say huh um i was gonna talk about because you mentioned freddy fazbear have you seen that new nicholas cage movie oh what they're actually doing five nights at freddy's or something aren't they they're doing like this five likes at freddy's ripoff of nicolas cage in it and it looks [ __ ] mental we got it um i'll find a link for it people are really upset though because you know there's going to be a real like an actual license five nights at freddy's movie is going to be coming out soon five nights at the museum no but it's not it's five nights at freddy's what would ben said that'll be the best crossover man imagine that that wood bag actually let me find this nicholas cage film [ __ ] hell you've seen haven't you george yeah i saw the trailer i never played five nights at freddy's really i never i think i probably played it flight i think i played the first [ __ ] [ __ ] hours and then i just i don't get the appeal of it like people still engage with it today like the [ __ ] game theory still makes loads of videos on it i swear yeah but the fan art's really hot oh oh my god i got a um a question well i got a question on twitter today right pink dominic's was like what animals right don't seem real to you like what animals exist but it doesn't seem real now does anyone have one because i don't know i was about to take it somewhere but if anyone's got one i was gonna say buckbeak but when i'm inside him he's so real to me low hanging fruit you've taken it um i do have one yeah anteaters have you ever seen an anteater walking it is one of those they don't walk like animals should we got them in england oh in zoos let me let me get you let me get you an anteater and just watch this [ __ ] walk it is one of the weirdest [ __ ] things they're strange looking creatures they only live for 16 years that's quite a long time all about giant oh this isn't really look at him that is not a real thing man what the [ __ ] how how can you get that fat after eating ants dude do you see what the issue is here how do they survive did they only eat ants well it's got such a small mouth they're not allowed to eat anything else they look quite cute though i'd have an anteater that's a pretty crazy story about annie is what is that tongue man look at it look at it look at it look at his tongue wow it's like a tail he looks pretty friendly though was confined to a life of hell it's like it's like if you took any other mammal i'm on paint and just like smudged the face in the right like oh [ __ ] oh i [ __ ] that up i'll just we'll let that be a thing you know like when you get play-doh and you get bored of it so you just start stretching it out that's what god did and then he just ended up here kangaroos i think they're just humans in suits i saw a video of somebody like looking in the pouch of a kangaroo the other day it freaked me the [ __ ] out i don't know they're two humanoids oh yeah because it's like it goes to like bones and stuff inside right yeah you can see loads of [ __ ] inside you can see in the rib cage basically it's strange oh grim yeah i think they're just australian propaganda yeah exactly i have seen them before but i'm going along with this it's australian propaganda there's a lot of ocean animals freak me out and there there are some really strong fish yeah i saw one of those like um you know like those fish that are like giant wood laos like those old you like you know oh yeah yeah yeah no um well they called because they were they were from the prehistoric days somebody there was a video the other day of one and people they don't know whether it's uh it looks basic like this prehistoric animal it might have died out millions of years ago because it like it just eats a [ __ ] shark it's one of the most terrifying videos i've ever seen i know what you mean [Music] it called i can't um out the name i've just looked up sea wood laos um oh they're [ __ ] gross devouring the tongue of a fish yummy yeah i i'm trying to find this video but i can't they freak me out oh he's like a fish parasite that eats the tongue and then becomes an isopod an isopods i suppod like triops yes yes oh yeah where were you gonna where were you gonna take the topic what was it it's a very loose connection right it's more i don't it's not i don't believe they exist i don't understand how they [ __ ] work right speakers i don't get how speakers work right so like a very loose connection i guess right but you know when you say you you're on your computer right and you play a song how the [ __ ] does a speaker make the noise of like a guitar and drums and piano and bass like how how the [ __ ] does it do it i have the same thing but with tvs frequencies and vibrations right because it's all just frequencies and vibe it's all there just as frequencies and vibrations that's all really yeah but how does how does right so you've got your you know your bit of speaker material right how does that make a guitar sound it's just how does it know how how did they find out that you've got to make it vibrate like that and that'll sound like a guitar and then how does it also vibrate like that right for a guitar and then the other bits going like this to do some drums also confuses me because what confuses me the most is i've never understood vinyl i think i think that's never i so the way the way the vinyls work is it kind of like you you make you like indent in on like a basic disc the like the sound that you're making right and then every time you play a vinyl you're scratching it just to hear the same how the [ __ ] does that track how the [ __ ] does that make all of the sound that you're doing like guitars and singing and [ __ ] synthetic there is probably a very simple explanation that someone who is knowledgeable of this could could could tell you but i'm not too knowledgeable i just linked a tick tock in the chat of um one of the slo-mo guys filming the inside of a camera at ten thousand fps because i found that so do you wanna scream and watch together this is the most visual episode of all time but let's have it yeah i i thought that was fascinating because i think like just looking at how that stuff works just absolutely [ __ ] blows my mind uh in the same way with the audio stuff just like how does this camera how does it work because it's all light and stuff and i like i've been trying to work out how to like learning more about cameras recently because obviously i bought a new one and stuff all right it's all just yeah it's really interesting to me but this video i thought was kind of fascinating looking at what the inside of what your camera does constantly all of our cameras are doing this right now oh wow whoa that's the shutter speed so like whatever your shutter speed is set at it depends on how much it does that that is what video does it do all the time yeah is it always that's nice it's generally amazing how does it do on your phone then because that's like well small um the same technology surely tiny tiny window that's well small yeah it's just really tiny yeah as well it's tiny window that's really if that's real that's amazing obviously but like it's a big cover-up it's a big simulation yeah if the phone thing tiny tiny ones that's amazing that's [ __ ] crazy yeah it's just eyeballs man yeah shout out to slow-mo guys so those guys uh their stuff's always been incredible watching that stuff yeah they're elite i don't understand tvs tvs confuse me like how oh that's that's just [ __ ] [ __ ] your little pixels go in different colors that makes sense yeah is this the excuse you tell the tv licensed man when he comes to the door i just don't know how they work i don't know how they work you'll get how it works i'm not paying for that i i went through all my old stuff and i think i had about 25 30 letters from the tv licensed man just threatening to come over he never did did they in the end i don't know no never never showed up pussio so is it is it just you don't have to pay your tv license like is that is that the firm belief yeah no because this is getting out of hand yeah yeah well you don't have to pay it if you don't watch anything on the bbc no he doesn't he doesn't he absolutely doesn't he doesn't i don't right i actually watched all my bbc shows through netflix and have done ever since i moved in to that flat so last one that's why and then he can't do anything if we just say that i'm a sky sports customer right now well they can if they can prove it if they can prove it then yeah i think the but the onus is on you to prove that you don't when when they come and visit for some reason it's nuts every day all you do is at the door you just go no you can't come in and they can't do anything ever well this is the thing and i'm being very honest every time i go to watch something on bbc iplayer when it says do you have a tv license i take no and then i just sit at the at the blank screen that it shows you after that and i just and i just sit there for the duration of the time the tv show would be because i wouldn't lie and say yes because i know even when you pressure it's nothing it doesn't they don't they don't go oh wait just go oh we believe you but i wouldn't press that because i'm an honest man yeah no we're right fair enough i'm an honest man bunch of scammers i wouldn't lie to them have you seen the um is soella is she selling sex toys no i don't fix it i think she's just recommending them she's made some damn good recommendations to be fair thank you 22 000. sorry [ __ ] what's going on on her twitter yeah i went on her twitter it's not here running it is it no it's not it's not what happened did she did she just sell so well at the branch but just imagine turned into a brand and all of a sudden we made an article like 10 best flashlights i mean we are about two months away from that being on our twitter at this rate if somebody paid us enough we would do that that's the thing sorry about for debate yeah so this this twitter account it's only got like 200k followers like surely she it's a new one right so ella is so hella is advertising crystals that get rid of your anxiety oh there's a commentary video on this four years ago all right i've shared we've just spoken about this exclusive moment over on our highlights channel because we didn't want to mud the podcast yeah check it out anyone got any any more topics written down uh has anyone heard the driver's license it's been all over my [ __ ] social medias oh my that song what is that it's a song right and and this is this is the thing she is like 100 an industry plan i've never heard of olivia rodrigo before i don't know if anyone here had she was she sounds like someone you'd make a comment on in the thumbnail that says she's 15. uh yes she is 16 i'm pretty sure yeah right what's the crack with it she is an american actress she was uh on jake paul's disney channel series bizaardvark and her song got like 50 million views in a week yep she was on bizaardvark with jake and logan paul so it's it's all it's a decent song it's all right i quite like it but it's like do you know why do you know why it's banging so i can tell you why it's banging because it's about it's about her disney channel lover who she was with her boyfriend who who ended up breaking up with her and got with another actress who's the blonde girl so that's the reason why it's also too big because it's basically a diss track that is why it's doing so well it's a diss track about how her the black person who was also on on the disney channel tv show whatever has his own one so and so forth um basically it's a diss track on him because he's got this new girlfriend and the reason why it's banging so much is because like that's it that it's this generation's version of like ariana grande disney channel star who now makes music so yeah industry plan you're completely correct james that's really interesting well the reason i brought it out it's because i wanted to ask if you could be planted into any industry what would it be other than youtube accounting oh my god that is that is an absolutely riveting response george why why would you go for a country george you throw yourself off a building at 25 man you'd be a cocaine addict what do you mean would be i had a dream last night that i was a cocaine addict that was an interesting one dream follow your dreams no that was just a haze mate i know i just i just i just had a dream that i was doing good [ __ ] to the coke that was it i've never done i've never had never had cocaine in my life but i was loving it yeah go great great what industry i'd like to be like maybe like i'm the mines a marine biologist that'd be cool oh yeah that would be but i can't hack blood so i'm assuming the industry plants doesn't actually know [ __ ] about fish [Laughter] i mean i'd be i think i'd be a footballer if i could i'd be a footballer just because so what what is an industry plan though so it's basically you kind of have like corporate high up people that that just basically create a career for someone and just someone yeah not like masonry charles was an industry plant basically just like take a relatable kid give them all the backing they need direct their career they just be the face of it um and take a bit from them or deeper like for charlie dimigo her parents her dad was like a huge politician in his state and then you realize that she wasn't exactly just this girl like she had it she was go it was going pretty well for her um a few other examples uh your mate um cave town uh i want to call him an industry plant i love his music uh but cavetown his dad was a musician money i'm pretty sure there's there's like yeah kind of like some nepotism going on there but the industry plants thing is a lot it goes a lot deeper it becomes a very like marketing thing i will call it cavetown industry plant by the way because i know that will upset people i like his music a lot but you know what i mean danielle bregoli she was a [ __ ] industry plant a million people yes that well that would definitely be one it's like well i know i know for a fact like because i've been i've been having some comment well i know some people in like the music industry from quite a while now and i know for a fact that there is someone who is about to come out and make music that i cannot name that is is an industry plan okay can i kind of name it i'll tell you i'll tell you after the podcast because i don't even want that wrist in the podcast like damn oh no it's always screen recording is it is it this person no oh is it not type him in chat type him in chat we won't say it oh that makes sense yeah oh yeah that's obvious ellie crawford [ __ ] it out yeah i know elliot crawford oh queen of the devil that was a banger it was it was actually it was a bit of a banger joe alex is an industry plant he's an industry this is very off um [ __ ] our usual territory for the podcast but did anyone do that i've got one call no i was trying to figure if there is anybody who is an industry plant rally on youtube just before so anybody you would you reckon actually is like somebody who was i was going to say i was going to say chris md but there's no industries in guernsey are there no there's nothing there jersey oh yeah sorry he's on the other one uncultured come on sorry oh man surely there's some big mainstream celebs that went on [ __ ] lele ponds maybe yeah she gets too much juice for being so [ __ ] like she gets helped out with the [ __ ] i guess would you say jake paul because he had like loads of backing yeah because he was put on the fred channel he was on obviously on disney so i guess disney might have been kind of here he said jake paul is an industry plant but he's an industry plant cause his brother forced him right into everybody's videos which makes it even worse it's not even a good industry plan it's just his brother brought him along to everything ever oh jake paul you're pathetic you know what were you saying well that ended very strong [Laughter] [Music] tommy and it's an industry plant there's no way he's got that many subscribers at 16. ridiculous no i'm joking we love uh oh yeah so i was saying this is very off uh topic for an eboyz podcast but did anyone see this clip from uh max holloway's fight no i think i did this is one way of walks so this is this is five pound the five rounds in right it's been absolutely so he just decides to stop he turns to the commentary team right and just starts talking to them whilst he's fighting so this is max holloway he's even listening to the commentary that's mental that's nuts that is one of the coolest things that anybody's ever done in sport the way he dodges this here yeah he's lucky everybody and then slips five punches [ __ ] elite that's mental genuinely did he win oh comprehensively i think he threw landed the most strikes in ufc history in one fight and then just started taking the piss hang on guys i've just seen a maze what's this what's the news like phil neville stepped down as england woman's manager of immediate effect yeah he's often in miami that's it's almost like a [ __ ] plot of like a partridge type movie still never has miami it's like oh it's like a comedy special i mean what's going on there surely that'll not last we follow england i mean i can imagine field evil managing england's women as a comedy show in itself just like you know like almost like a like like a gervais type of character who just doesn't and it can't relate to them at all trying too hard i i want to say they miss me documentary [ __ ] me we got anything else or we should we wrap it up oh yeah actually because i've just seen infinity wars trending have any of you watched um the new uh one division series on uh on destiny plus or are you guys giving that a mess i'm not i cannot bear marvel do you not like it no it's every film has the exact same outcome i liked infinity war and the spiders are saying that are you excited about any fantasy fiction no but yeah exactly that's why i don't like it it's just boring it's like it's just like they just kind of it's boring for like two hours and there's just a big [ __ ] fight scene and then the good guy wins like that's it i can i can back that george i can back that yeah that is that is how most of them go it's kind of like any film ever though right yeah you have a you have you have actors but that that is the equivalent of going i don't watch murder mysteries because they normally catch him in the end yes that is kind of the characters act two character goes through something difficult and has to get over it actually they go over it and win that's that's pretty much everything yeah yeah yeah same [ __ ] i mean yeah but marvel just likes it so boring every film is the exact same if you get into the lore of it it becomes very enjoyable you go sorry what do you say james when you get into like the lore of it when you kind of enjoy like what's happening with the characters film to film sorry i asked as well i asked yeah it's like attack on titan for example the latest season of that is out and i'm so into the the kind of the world of it that it's just like episode by episode it just becomes more and more amazing in my opinion i'll tell you what especially watching one division the episodic kind of thing i think is way better than a film i think you get so you get so much more in and the payoffs are so much better when you can go when you do an eight episode series like star wars mandalorian right yeah yeah like look like exactly like the mandalorian the stuff you could like yourself it feels it feels more rewarding i i i agree that um the mcu films are very much like you can always call them like mcdonald's films because it's like super packed in wins in the end it's meant to make you feel good that's the whole point of those films i don't know if you feel good films but that's why infinity war was so cool because you know it doesn't go very well infinity war was good i liked infinity war i didn't like end game i thought end game was wank i like um oh what i didn't like him game i thought of [ __ ] i can't believe that it was boring pretty much the same film right yeah but it's just boring it's like more boring infinity war right you have to care about the characters really the other avengers the second avengers film is so [ __ ] terrible that is so [ __ ] awful i watched it once it i fell asleep i don't is interesting they're all they're all kind of interesting i mean infinity war was brilliant the first avengers film was pretty [ __ ] as well but you know what actually bishop bishop could be a good ending to the podcast um the harry potter game that inspired the great harry potter questions has been delayed it works been delayed they've delayed they've delayed they've delayed the harry potter game everyone so it's another year until we can find out what who are going to see new creatures what beaks [ __ ] feels like right boys boy okay okay okay the end of the episode thank you very much for watching we hope you've enjoyed goodbye everyone see you guys later bye
Channel: The Eboys Podcast
Views: 609,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eboys, the eboys podcast, eboys podcast, willne, james marriott, imallexx, memeulous, industry plant, 21, eboys worldwide, nutty news, chile, new zealand, ant eater, camera, teletubbies
Id: Ee6xQj6fcSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 45sec (4245 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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