Eboys Would I Lie To You?

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hello I'm Rob Reider welcome back to boys would I lie to you please thats not the intro is at the in stride alright okay it wasn't very good Alex that was so bad it's getting cut and even this but isn't getting it oh [ __ ] so welcome back to eat boys would I lie to you welcome back but we've never done this before video I like some woke up I know I don't know my likes and welcome back welcome to eat boys would I lie to you today we're joined by our two team captains I don't know who they are I'm a cap said your captain as well alright I'm the sub and I'm on James's team and will will be joining George me they review you would have three million ass perfect no sup girl if you don't know how would I like to work it's basically a game where people tell stories and you have to guess whether they're lying to you let's begin are we gonna do points yeah team points so if you manage to trick the opposing team you get a point and if they get it right they go up alright and also we've got ten statements one to ten and alex has got a randomizer going so they're picked up random and we don't know which ones which everyone I've got a coin will heads or tails tails its head you freak that you've wrecked that we didn't even see the question there is would change [Music] like Oh will she like it when I was in yerry I was a massive fan of Michael Jackson and I used to wear a trilby to school no way but that is true you would ask your question first what's your favorite Michael Jackson side oh I like bad and I like where you make me feel what you say you know a lot about Michael Jackson I mean yeah right but you're not a massive fan anymore well he made it a bit difficult recently is his actions of race I thought you were referring to what he died because I also George you're on my side right I don't believe we'll anywhere true no that's the kind of thing that will would believe me for doing so I I don't think he would do that I will recently get owned a shirt with Michael Jackson on earth recent yeah but come on we'd already technically caught him in like I said he's made it hard recently but he's still a fan recently in fact I know that he runs I could Michael Jackson Stanek a god like that's not true I think he was a bit too slow and answering what his favorite Michael Jackson song is and then those responses were pretty dead so for that reason I'm gonna say false sorry I made that call for us we're gonna say that you're lying that was true I have pictures to prove it oh you've got to show the picture I used to play guitar in a band in the area and I just I think that's the kind of thing I would have done back bully you is a reflection on myself by currently that's a point - yeah whose name well it's it's even me or Alex you guys can choose who you want to lie or accessor Alex I once fed someone ordinary sausages sort of vegetarian once because I was too lazy to check the packaging and couldn't Caroline you know what the good thing with alex is if they're true he'll have already told them most of them 12 times oh yeah he's never told she has he is so much information that comes out of his mouth it's hot I mean I'm going with that's not fair enough yeah here you're cooking for my mates dad was doing like this campfire he's lying lizard I'm fine I think come forth yeah I'm saying lion I'm gonna say live with Georgie I'm saying like that's looking like in fact dastardly paw he's cooking for everybody a campfire and he was like I have a sausage he went vegan and yeah I fed him my sausage I'm next time yes and when I was younger I got stuck in a McDonald's chair and my dad's had to go home and guess who as I was saying I already know this is true you've already told them this job no George this is forever oh I already told it and one of mine and George is very few conversations most of the fact they just went I don't think I have also confirms it is true why me because you wouldn't say that if you may which a say you guys you've given the game away I'm sorry I did I don't think I told you that I I say that story is true do you get okay we got a point that's two one to us is true isn't it yeah okay thank you okay two points thank you everyone good one boys bye you're happy for joining his team legally my last name is not actually barrier oh why is it not marry so my grandmother's last name is Mary and my dad does not use his full name for business other than the legal side of things he uses his mum's last names of my his dad's lost me is there a rift in the family yes my dad slide yet is it we are you saying it's not your legal necks not my legal name no it is my legal way no no isn't he could use we'll be playing there I should get a time limit really cuz is a video we got to do you sound pretty stressed you guys haven't even asked me what my name is yeah no your name is change Mary quitting team captain and what if it's wills Tanya alright okay G Nelson is sat in my chair right now oh no that's not fair or you sound a laugh I know I'm on the floor she sat in the chair that's the microphone I'll just I feel like you wouldn't be picked up by expertise well he's a dastardly fact I think I've got a way of baiting G oh no I [ __ ] hate Alex I hate kpop cannot stand it absolutely disgusting genre of music she hasn't said a word I'm saying false it sounds like he's got further away from the microphone he shot it bastard if she's gotten in the chair now he was still lying when he said it yes I mean the father he's agreed I think he's trying to throw us off I'm gonna go what you said about kpop was a good one we'll all right so it was it's you this time okay yeah alright a policeman threatened to arrest me because I broke into a school Alex not again alright break it and how old we fatty why did you break into a store I always buy the game of football with my might like we have a field so we could play but can't explain it but it was just like so much better at the school this is how a waffle when he usually tells the story I believe in Georgia but it checks out man it's like what are you saying truth in truth show you're locking in truth I was in fact telling the truth yeah I did he get arrested well you nearly got arrested well the [ __ ] SWAT team were called because I'm Alex was on the premises what's the water the points at by the way we are currently losing 40 nice good I wasn't tall enough to ride roller coasters until I was about 16 when did you hit puberty George when did you have your first growth spurt never obviously you go when you're like one when you're more strike me as someone who hit it in like yes six it was just like straightaway just big deep voice big mostly hundred no I don't hear it tells like 15 he said you weren't allowed on rides until he was 16 I think it's a lie James because he hasn't hit puberty yet what roller coaster was it's one a full part I thought member one but suppose most of a one point four anyway whenever I go for parks I had like a Merlin Annual Pass I just won't get on so you had an annual pass but you didn't go on any of the ride no just like the atmosphere I mean the atmosphere of thought balance day no I think he's fighting his corner quite a lot here I think this is a yeah I'm gon take captain I trust you right I think utilize you think even I think it's a larger can and you show yeah it's on your mind gateway so it's definitely a lie yeah so you're saying your fingers like yeah it's a lie yeah we are we are saying it's like a yeah I respect you for sticking with it for so long though Josh are you sure it's a lie yeah okay for free well this is a good one my father Sean Marriott was a virgin till it's 20 I don't believe that for a second when did he bring this it was a long long time ago in a land far far away Rockingham sure how much [ __ ] you got so far James one of the first women he ever actually really had a connection with was my mouth so I and they only met when they were in their 20s I see no reason for that man to be a virgin into his 20s I just can't see you having that conversation with in my tag oh [ __ ] sorry I can't you see I'm sorry conversationally James Merritt they just never should have taken place so that's what I can believe I think that was something that would come to your mind when you were trying to make up a lot yeah I'm gonna vote he laughed happy way he laughed happily I'm gonna say true swishing arts I'm gonna say true I love you but if we fail then so yeah true true it is true okay at least I think it's true because we had this conversation ages ago right me and my dad I asked him again today and he replied no comments Sean if you're watching this that's your son he's told us he'll be happy about it he likes it all right great it's five four or five three two team team George my fruit team George George George mate five three okay it's me so you know how I always do all wow funny well any costume every boys weekend this week it is me as pink way we pick a number for this one yeah oh [ __ ] it well I'm a bit deep into it now of course he's forced twist without a number I'm leaning towards the fact that he wouldn't have made that up you so eager to tell us yeah the fact that he's done this without a number is making me think that he is wearing a pink wig I must have been thinking maybe he would never get his question call so now he's tried to jump the gun there by cheating we think you're telling the truth turn the camera on okay it is a lie it's a lobster costume [Music] this feels like underwhelming really I once kicked a twelve-year-old football because he was one-on-one with the keeper and I desperately wanted to win oh yeah why you playing with 12 yards Alex oh I used to do like this summer camp face my parents just wanted to get rid of a basic what was the kid's name I didn't make friends I just kicked god I've got to go with this one's a lot I'll join George sadly that is in fact Oh big dog nice one Alex kick up again alright make note George Alex's told three truths now officially by 14 your it's my gonna a man on holiday once tried to kidnap me where were you Turkey well your parents going for some tap s Italia hey we were unlike you know you can do like them expeditions we can go out like mountains and stuff and do like activities while going up we parked up at the first like car park but I was like walking around the bus and there's a man and he was like trying to coerce me over it's like he was trying to say something so he starts walking closer but then the tour guides grabbed my arm and was like don't do that and then I was told that there was people like trying to steal kids about 13 I think I'm edging towards that this is a good you were good it's now officially by I say by 5 he's guys it's mine I have not spoken a single word of Portuguese since finishing my degree last you know you said stuff in Portuguese in the maps video ok is actually right wait-wait-wait-wait it could be a brilliant [ __ ] blow he's definitely said it in the maps video yeah no George you fought you fisted me congratulations we got a point yeah he just exposed himself for not actually being tried I'm trailing well I just don't like it she say it makes me really nervous I hate my 60 grand uni degree god I hate being able to speak so many languages like being so good at the guitar it's me it's me in high school one of my best friends used to get called pasty because his real name was Joel and we already had to in the globe is his favorite food DUI I don't even think it was passed was he very white like pasty is that the main no pasty as in like to dig past that [ __ ] Torre I'm thinking you did give him a random name but it wasn't pasty and it was like sausage raw sausage oh oh you're right sausage roll yeah I'm thinking more northern more northern you would have pretty called out Rollie of something like baby baby was called beans I think this is a library I think he's made out I don't think we'll an even know you so I passed it I think I think he's like what did you actually call it good I got 10 I used to be a semi-professional cyclist until I hit it right is that the thing I hated your feet don't reach the pedals it sounds like a lie but it sounds like something Alex would believe in himself where would you go cycling a new mayor was animo and I was cycling they are why we basically came to like this big [ __ ] hell I went down a hill and I couldn't turn my [ __ ] steer and so I hit a [ __ ] tray I'm saying [ __ ] you want to go straightaway but I mean what what you think on an image George you've got an image so quite [ __ ] wasn't that particular injury it was another one that's awesome what Facebook [ __ ] is in fact a lie yeah I wasn't a semi-professional cyclist I just did hit a tree I've been arrested I already know this not to be true because she told me you nearly got arrested you told me a story about how you were threatened by your neighbor I noticed right school the place to be loads of times once they actually did because I had BB guns oh shoot I was shooting them beep Ellis went over the fence a couple of police officers came around they were like oh we have to take you in for questioning that's why I painted a black basically you're not allowed to have a black BB gun without a license that's true who did you call when they gave you your one thing I didn't do school cause of my parent I think this is the lighter yeah you're right 7:6 I think George has let you down massively I thought might have been good so they have George God you struck a nerve there all right George I don't think I've you've let me down a tears well thank you miss me when I visit places by the sea I think I pick up stones and put them in a jar by my desk I think we'd look at em be like that's - James Mario how many times have you done it religious I've done yes so be fair I don't I haven't done it religiously but you know I don't really go to the beach very often is it with you to the new yeah yeah I said it's by my dad I said I well I've written down here put them in a jar by my dad I think he's just like a bit pointless I don't think you'd see much sentimental value in it when was the last time you out of the beach in which Beach wasn't right he's got a concrete is too is too well yeah we've gotta go collectively for like God sees it coming you are just a wet E James you are just a wet about being a loser is paid off at 8-6 we've got four left right yeah I reckon we choose one this time so we choose - to see which ones I've got that you know my seizure thing yeah the first time I ever fainted was to Harry Potter in the Chamber of Secrets in the cinema what was it that made you felt a bit we're book because Draco and cuts his own Chamber of Secrets but definitely an athlete Chamber of Secrets trust me no it was the the basilisk bit so I always changed his story now oh no no he said that means that still must be folks CID now he's told us it means folks yeah he's told us something that's a lie sorry well I think that's a lot it's true and I did the tree lying to him no you can say you can [ __ ] up a bit I I pretended that I got it wrong I pretended that and then I told he was at the bus Lisbon and it was out the basilisk and you were well let me know when you're playing paintball and you shoot someone and they wipe oh no I didn't shoot me didn't shoot me that's what that was mate started a band and came last in our school talent show and we were only allowed in because there was only free people who wanted to be unsuitably tragic you were in the band yeah I was in the back oh he did get the band I was on vocal you saying that's books he also was in the tongue show there's my mate he's like a proper to sing and yet you are on vocals I think you've seen the side man talent show being uploaded oh yeah right one about a telegram saying it's in fact you see videos are on you boy goes don't please like Oh three like that we sang you raise me up I don't care if we lose no I've got to sing this video can you record screen and screen share so we're all at the same time this is what you will do wait it's for war that's we're such a huge fan of you will write this is what I made this for you this is our band practice is the worst thing I've ever seen and I don't want to watch anymore okay 100% absolutely sure okay George you want to go yeah yeah sure I'm I'm now sat in his room so I'll be able to say face-to-face very sternly truthful when I was in year four we had a Christmas play and I got lightheaded from all the shooter lights and I fainted fell off the stage cut my head open a hospital is this why you're dyslexic could be I'm not too sexy Jack I'm go question George what was the play about specifically it was cool was about a Russian woman who honestly can't remember he did fall in smashes head so I'm thinking this is truth true it's true believer it's believable believe it's true did the play after stop because of your selfishness stop for a bit cuz I had to be taken out I got taken into the library upon a beam in the ambulance it's true a straight she said beam time for the beans true for the beans he like in that vein that's true okay James you is what I'm saying that's true for the B that's a lie I will say though I did faint during a school play I just didn't cut my head open and have to be taken to hospital okay so it's a bit of a Rudy was based off a true story it was like just like okay Jim hit the boy saw this and us both being the brain box that I am going to one of the best universities in the world I did not receive a single a star at GCSE I think you guys you know asked that I reckon us I can ask believable that's bollocks I think I've had that conversation and I remember saying my a-levels cuz I got A's and I'm sure he said he hadn't a star and I was very close I think you did get a star what do you think I'm thinking daddy daddy yeah you got me right there so I did I did gain a star every 100 he's only said that so you get call out and you have to say oh I think I stars I am smart are we doing for a time what we doing for a tiebreaker I can flip the coin again I've got a spell you know flip the first one let me flip it again tails gradual yeah yeah tells me it's heads so we we choose Alex you wanna choose I reckon I've got plenty here to be found no but are you confident saying one in front of George hint be able to read your face yeah George's got the social skills of a watermelon bunny love [Laughter] suicide to reach these with a straight face Georgia come on [ __ ] breathe Dodi's next part he's fairly so intently it's really hard okay oh [ __ ] I had the nickname the cat man in school because I had multiple girlfriends at once why so funny you look at me you feel that's not possible yes oh [ __ ] off that's actually [ __ ] rude I mean we saw South flight oh yeah bad always a bang the bads a [ __ ] robot that's not a band alex that's not bandit should be back it was in if they called you the [ __ ] man in year five oh the cat bad we were [ __ ] [ __ ] when you were eight years old you were referred to as the man of [ __ ] your outrageous to think of that has to be true no way he's just thought of that what you think that's outrageous there's no way that's real no mate that's got to be true because it's so outrageous I don't even want to know I'm gonna say it's true it's alive well I picked the mice to decide you it was I just tell you enough one lose well thank you guys for watching that a Boise video from me the cat man if you guys did enjoy it don't forget to leave a like subscribe if you know you had 10 notifications on bye bye
Channel: Eboys
Views: 2,855,439
Rating: 4.9731669 out of 5
Keywords: eboys, WILTY, would I lie to you, eboys would I lie to you, imallexx, James marriott, willne, memeulous, greenscreen, funny, comedy, British, challenge, group channel, would, lie, to, you, cards against humanity, cards, against, humanity
Id: DX4JK-6xeOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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