Buying $500 Anime Figures In Japanese Stores

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Imagine being u/ICameForTheMem3s and not uploading your challenge video at the same time as the other two

This post was made by the u/TheAn1meMan and u/Gigguk gang

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Kaneki_Yeager 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
there is no walls the walls are figures that is $1000 Goku a figure what is that my beautiful weaves today we are in Akihabara for a very special reason we all have $500 each me Joey and gaunt and we're gonna spend that money to decorate our podcast studio but to make it interesting there are challenges involved so we're gonna see what five hundred dollars can get you in Akihabara what kind of anime about you can get and hopefully have some fun and I'll win if you do want to see Joey and gods angle you can do we all filmed on this day to make a video each of a different angle and the whole point of this video was to build up the challenge that we will reveal the winners of on the podcast episode so after you've watched this video feel free to go and watch the podcast by clicking the link in the description or click on screen right now all right let's do it that is the first store it's animates [Music] man look you can't go it's his first time doing in person shooting I'm really proud of God he's finally stepping outside with surprise here we have trash box crud and trash box has all of our challenges for today they're gonna be two challenges minor challenges for each store and we have to purchase something or go with a theme and if we actually complete that challenge we get a point point towards winning and obviously if we lose there's gonna be a forfeit which we haven't figured out yet what's mine it's gonna be all four run all the way to the top four we'll see the event you [Laughter] ask the store staff to recommend a figure and buy it in Japanese get a figure from the series that you recently watched my hands too big get one female character figure get a character for a figure from the series main and abyss so in case you guys didn't know there's actually some overarching challenges that we will be competing for that will be announced the winners of those challenges in the podcast while it's broken English do you know the witness to those challenges then make sure to click our link in the description yeah alright let's go look at them all look at them all dear that they what opposed to the other species review so we're in animate right now on the first floor there's a ton of these stores all over Tokyo we are buying things to the podcast which sauce because a lot of the stuff want buy for myself but there's seven floors of anime goodness here or Jerry's in the way get out of the way Joe okay look at my boy the voice is secure think of a wireless charger and Evangelion man they have made Evangelion motive like anything haven't they like what is this this is for like your pad so you can put like the the Ava suit on which one of them you want to put on oh my God look at this oh you build it as well this Airport case you whatever want to know you're a weap and you're not for Wow can these losers good luck with your challenge yeah well I'm not walking upstairs are you kidding me what do I want I didn't have a game plan should I've had a game plan what I came oh I didn't mention do not we actually have the store all to ourselves there's no one else in here which is really weird because in a key a ver an omni light I trying to get things out there's a cute rhyme a wing cute Wow gosh like icing or easier I love RAM and I know they'll give me for buying Ram but then 500 bucks is so easy to blow and we've got three more stores after this right you can blow 500 bucks on like three figures if you really really want to it's not difficult I'm thinking about this too much I should buy something but hi boys were you looking at Oh Jojo hell yeah well there's a lot of comments no your IVA stuff Billy and sweat ink is one of our series prints no - yes with a pretty okay I haven't seen it is it worth watching why is it not worth watching it's your favorite series who's your husband Oh Camus oh this one this one this is something I figure but they're gonna give me if I buy an esseker figure they're gonna call me like the most normal Normie you don't okay I'll go say yes for now come on come shopping I just need to get a figure from a share that I recently watched I did recently watch like two weeks ago the connoisseur movie is the red blood cell a female yes I just don't know because red blood cells don't have injector so we have 450 bucks left and I know the other stores we can blow all that money seriously we are in the next store which is a star I actually come here quite a lot if you ever do come to Akihabara this is a really good place to get good deals it's a secondhand store and you'll see what's inside we go in there look at mr. Treves look at these new shoes it's so confusing you tubing when there's other people you trooping next to you you just hear like intros I was like guys let's give the next challenges alright ready ready like gunshot was that gaunt clap do they were so loud Jesus I'd go ahead ask the stuff whether they sell for can I get one male character I get the most expensive figure you can find because we know who's not going to be doing one of that challenge I'm just gonna do this now one by one item that gig exceed on PA the enemy would that's easy get one sao figure and shout i freaking love sao to the cashier when buying it do 10 squats before you enter the store right now low squats oh just like that you just like that we're gonna go and buy some anime figures a wall this is actually one my favorite stores as you can see there is no walls the walls are figures right and and it's all pre-owned stuff and you can normally get a good deal and there's a lot to get there if you follow me there is tons of tons of figures like anything well I already spotted might one of my favorite booths down there look at my beautiful boys okay but like you can see there is just like so many figurines this concept normally I can easily spend two three hours in here but sadly we only have 45 minutes to get as much stuff as we can in the price CERN so when you find a figure that you want to buy you write down the box number and a specific figure number and then they'll go and take it out for you I really wanted to talk on Titan figure those well I've never had an attack on Titan fear but I normally really expensive oh wow this Super Famicom make a Dragonball Famicom that's so cool my favorite and Assassin's Creed everything in this case 50% off the displayed points are you kidding me you know like nature documentaries and the wild like and this man is checking out the fine JJ Putz I want that role sadly for the office boys wanted the solution it's exactly figure it's so good it's beautiful look at the price tag that's 300 bucks damn look at that that's like hench saber I'm is she oh god I've got cut up in the video could have friend oh my god my favorite anime Harry Potter that's there's a sexy figures I'm sure you guys are starting to realize that all the beautiful figures are like over a hundred bucks that is so cool I think I know what I want oh oh my god I've never seen Hunter hunter figures I want this crazy diamond it's only 15 bucks as well as of steel yeah those are so cool are they good prices I don't know this is the thing normally I never just like impulse buy figures I always see the figure I want check the prices on like five different websites decide if it's a good deal or not but we don't have the time to do that visit me or my stupid are really liking that Levi on the couch figure that's like Levi to me not the cool guy not not the Titan killing machine the guy just wants to sit down on the couch and then kick back with a Febreze and clean stuff there's so much to like look but like I can't even think properly of why what I'm supposed to be looking at Matt come on I want to find whoa what is this what is this room dude a pocket watch sheet a pocket watch what an amazing it's just a pocket watch okay when you've watched too much anime and you think everything has to be like anime merchandise you know what I'm getting mine is ASCII yeah that is $1,000 Goku a figure that is beautiful my look is Sao cabernet who would buy that many sao figures this is because this is someone's collection right I feel sorry for that person every time I think see a figure I'm like damn I want that but then I see the price and I'm like I don't want it it's $1,000 kanaky 1 what the there's like not a figure that I've like fell for yeah you know okay I think I'm gonna get what I've got there fall and we'll just leave it at that I think I've never been this stressed making decisions in my life actually that a cure figure is sick I can't walk Wow that's something he's been saying like you had good taste so far great choices wait until he stage boys I gotta say I freaking love sa oh man I love that show - the Japanese that's like that's full volume total is 220 bucks [Music] I've never been to a box before I don't know how good it is I don't know what the selection fly just do the challenges it's kind of what I'm doing so challenge but I figured from a shounen series get an for figure get a Jojo character figure and do the exact same pose get something super edgy oh my god get a Cardcaptor Sakura figuring that's gonna be hard by a wolf skull Wow showed you a figure mailing in look out for Jojo figure well so gone actually hit the figure that Jerry needed he's lucky he's gonna find it he's gonna find it oh we zero figures hello don't mind if I do what's the cheapest wall scroll I can find I find in two thousand yen here oh my god it's the idol things [Music] damn Jerry I can't find a single song called captor Sakura fig oh what a shame well I actually like I thought I got three okay we'll go with this yeah that's cute that's only ten bucks so the reason why I think these are so much cheaper than normal if you go to the Pokemon store these stuff and only really expensive that these are crane games and there are some people who really do the crane games and can get them really easily and they sell them for profit could this man asking for help [Music] why my boy giorno you know happy you're opposed to me Terry yeah what a beautiful boy let's go play you guys get fifty thousand lights on this video I'll reveal my pin code just for you don't fill my pin so we're done here now we're gonna go to the next door and hopefully you get something big this is the section where I can't show you anything and if we come in this room everything is going to need to be blood isn't that that's so fun Wow seventies over that course Sidney's in there all right so the final stall were in a me Ani I actually really like the store I go here a lot this to conceive deals I know we can get something good I calculated it and I have around 150 160 bucks left so I'm hoping I can get some of the big challenges like getting the most expensive figure and I think there was also the biggest figures ladies first tomorrow what is it what is it get one sorry do a dance when entering the store easy by three anime mugs or glasses Oh get a figure that you think is track get one character plus oh my god you get one Ava figure Wow these are I want to alright means you'll find some marks now they're pretty pricey damn it what doesn't 300 punished better look at these plays without yo woody would have been hitting it that's cheap I think that's trash I don't like Sanrio know that stuff that's trash oh my Allah come on this gotta be cheap mugs man I think it's 800 yen glass look okay now I need two more these are all basically like wife ruse that you build like Mac waifu's I think that's so cool Oh build Evangelion figures yo that's pretty high oh I wish I had the money for it that is a that is a bomb it's expensive that could be a good one I like that nothing nothing man I'm just finishing up over here nothing nothing to see here Joey I need something that's exactly 500 yen and I'll be spot-on 590 99 I thought I need it to be spot-on I think Joey's got a spot-on it's wrong but both 250 Oh see it - yeah we're gonna pay and I think I spent exactly 500 bucks so hopefully I've won this it should come to this from right I need Singh for 10 yen can they charge me just 10 extra can they can they do that can I get rid of two other things is that okay let's go to the budget section 200 and what is this good give me the towel what is it this one all right let's go see that this is 510 you and baby hell yeah what's up fellas oh oh thank you so much I need to throw like a trash bin in the middle I suck at anything remotely autistic yeah sure oh wow bringing out the the kanji no no I thought its kanji food try you said you could do Japanese okay the kanji jewelz the trash that's what it looks like the farva's Wow look at this man go mahalik is probably good look at this guy see how do you boys think you did I think I did okay I did all my challenges I'm pretty confident in my purchases of my math I'm hoping that like the big challenges are gonna like do like a huge flip in the ratings see you guys talking to you now you guys obviously come in with like a straw no no no halfway through I was like why it's going good I better start keeping it Gary yeah I think when I hit this door I'm just like I'm throwing a Hail Mary I'm just gonna hope it hits ya like I'm too tired to be calculating how much well based on points right now I have faith right how many did you do I can't even keep count I don't this failed one right that's true I've only felt one I think I fell - okay so right now it's eight seven six but that could all change on the podcast the discrepancy that we have there are there's a lot of challenges you know in podcast that's where we're gonna be dishing out a lot of points so you should probably go check out the podcast stop right now you can see ours rate each other's choices and figures now I messed up English thank you guys for watching I spend $500 did I spend exactly $500 we'll find out on the podcast and you've gotta go check out their videos to see their angle and what they purchased you can also go and do that links in description down below thank you for watching our good food I hope you have a beautiful day and I'll see you guys soon I'm shy whisper this dance doing his outro over there so just [Music] you [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 2,571,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime, Anime Merch, Akihabara, Japan, Japan Anime Stores, Akihabra Figures, Anime Figures, $500, $1000, $1500, Expensive Anime Figures, $1000 Anime Figures, CDawgVA, Trash Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan
Id: xkiSfeGtYw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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