Inside Osaka's WORST Love Hotels Ft. @Abroad in Japan

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Reddit Comments

Connor’s been a great addition to the AIJ universe. It’s always chaotic fun 😅

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/alladessadagar 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

This video took a dark discriminatory turn.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/itzyyeji4life 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Really is a great new series, find there different personalities play well of each other.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/OkRepresentative480 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

The thing I don't like about Connor's videos are the frantic editing. The quick stops to add in another commentary or jokes or effects. I don't have ADHD but I might developed one thanks to this.

Aside from that, it was a fun video. Would be funny if they actually ordered a prostitute though.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/lucashoodfromthehood 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Man, I can't stand YouTube thumbnails like this.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NESninja 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
i am obsessed with good and bad love hotels and so today i dragged chris all the way over to osaka japan's party city to experience some of the most interesting love hotels that japan has to offer so without further ado let's jump into it [Applause] [Music] cheers cheers good to see you see dog va when i envisaged this whole wacky weekend thing i thought oh again experience the culture yeah discover some beautiful people places and things well and all you want to do is love hotels let me explain right or saga party city it's known for its night life right what embodies nightlife more than love hotels strong zero we might get lucky and get a strong zero in a love hotel is it any more japanese quintessential nightlife let's not be around the bush the main reason we're here is because the last love hotel video got demonetised after you showed some uh precarious naked footage in it i did not show titty i have a fascination with the terrible so that's why i love looking for love hotels that really suck so how many hotels are we thinking of going to today i think i'd like to go to at least three or four three or four how much money have you brought it's a video expense chris we spare no expense and plus the good thing about it and you can pay for 30 minutes for an hour for like 20 quid you can easily check out every single hotel before you decide which one you like that's a very good point one thing i will say is when i did a love hotel video here before back in like 2015 before you were born we got rejected from a few hotels because two guys can't go in at the time of recording this video me and chris didn't actually know that in 2018 there was a revision to japan's hotel business law that no hotel guests can be rejected based on their sexual orientation or gender identity so let's find out if all the hotels follow the law but before we can go into any love hotels we need to find the sauciest ones so a bit of research is in order so a few years ago i did a video on love hotels here yeah and one of the ones i didn't go in but i love the name of was the hotel mickey cookies what does that mean the combination of mickey and cookies oh god the one that looks like build-a-bear it's like build-a-bear gone wrong yeah that looks like something out of american horror story it's 3.4 stars on google wow this one is translated by google but it's really good it's uh it starts with quotes i feel like i've lost a lot the service was poor for the price quotes i never wanted to go again ellipses wow this is so dramatic this one just says the man's front desk has bad attitude don't talk or quit and then they responded saying thank you for using hotel mickey cookies we apologize for the inconvenience i definitely read that review this is a love hotel three out of five right so i've found one and it seems like it's the worst reviewed hotel in this area and here's a review the narrowness of the room is well understood do you use the mattress in physical education classes it's hard in the pillow smells above all tick question mark all the partners who are with the nazoka lie down have itching rewind though ticks in the bed right they're saying that everyone who lied down in this bed got ticks oh [ __ ] the baths look and it's tempting to doubt where you're cleaning red mold and black mold red mold and black the bath towel is so sweaty that it has a bountiful plant system because of the google translation it makes for almost like shakespearean esque insults there's some other ones as well that look actually pretty good on the contrary i believe there's the belly hotel yeah the barley hotel chain is a really kind of famous chain across japan they're kind of the the kind of up market there's somewhere in between a hotel and the love hotel so right next to the valley modern which is one of the five hotels in this area there's like they're all right next to each other right there's the bail which the special thing about this thing is that one of the rooms has a sauna it's like 30 dollars for an hour you sold me on this sauna i think there's enough where we have a good variation i think we should just go and see what else they had let's go cheers after the bit to love hotels so after having a few beers we decided now was the perfect time to go to a love hotel three two one right so we're in public jam now we did actually want the car room that had like a what was it like a volkswagen beetle yeah it had like a volkswagen beetle in there we've got like a wacky weekend opening it was gonna be really funny and kill but of course the room was taken but we saw another one that looked kind of addressing and chris has seen it but i haven't seen anything i've had a look around the corner um it's inspired by another form of transport and a disney character you ready let's go and take a look all right so i haven't seen anything yet chris has seen it so you're gonna get my genuine first reactions to this wow popeye the sailor man it doesn't even move does it it's just static it'd be nice if it's span you know i love how donald duck watches you while you do the act so that donald duck can judge you what's the noise donald duck makes that's a terrible impression let's find out what's in the cupboards all right you got your amenities here you've got your classic coffee tea marks you know the normal stuff you come to expect remember this on the previous love hotel video uh you can just click one of these and it'll be charged to your room so they've got beer they've got some whiskey and just some tea so kind of whatever you want really everything's covered oh there's a food menu over there well not again i think i actually had broken it i'll flip the neck [ __ ] our splinter look at that that's uh oh my gosh isn't that asbestos what is that okay well that's just disappointing i was i kind of wanted something like it i wanted something crazy there it's not like there's like penises drawn on isn't that like a squid it's an oxy it's an octopus corner with dicks what is it it's like it's just a normal octopus upside down with asbestos this is the menu oh okay so there's i'm guessing what is this is that just omelette it's a 4 4 egg sandwich why do i think that was an omelette even me now watching this smack there's clearly two pieces of bread an egg connor that is not an omelette oh look at that chris that's right up your alley that isn't it yeah the domino's menu right there they already know they know you don't want the food in the hotel poor woman she looks like she's being held hostage oh no oh okay actually all right this doesn't look bad kind of tempted but we also have so many more hotels to go to so i probably won't order anything here let's go and check out the bathroom because we haven't actually been neither of us have seen that yet how weird is this gonna be do you think i think it's gonna be relatively normal okay look okay that's pretty nice actually some of the tilings come off is it just me it was the bath quite deep it is quite deep isn't it worryingly dude let's get in oh oh there's deep there that's quite deep oh it's a jacuzzi no no no no soak me up and here's the toilet which i have to have to criticize the color here what is going on i don't know why in japan they have like brown bathrooms everywhere and toilets and i don't really want to think about brown yeah that's it that's it's kind of all right it's not a bad start oh wait these open tip from somebody who's been in japan for a while if the hotel doesn't show you the windows it's for a reason the view is probably terrible you know i'd give this room a very standard rating it's kind of unique the bed is a little strange it does look really thin it's like a classic japanese futon not really a mattress it's like a pile of cushions with a with a futon on what are the bed controls i wonder there's a lot of things that you can turn on and off let's just start pressing things nothing's changing nothing's changing this is the entire video ladies and gentlemen all moody horror lights i don't think that's intentional it's to simulate a storm at sea okay so that doesn't turn off it's either on or seizure but yeah that's kind of it this couch feels very odd like what are you gonna do just like watch watch chris lay in the bed just while i smoke my cigar just [Music] do the thing chris while i talk with donald duck a pleasant evening we're having here mr donald duck yes only fantastic commentary from yours truly why do you think they uh they chose donald duck of all characters to put in a love hotel i don't know because when you think donald duck you don't think sex maybe because he's kind of a mischievous character isn't he played by the rules i can't imagine that disney would too pleased with this use of their copyrighted character but who am i to judge do you think that the the nautical theme is uh one that invokes romance um no i mean to be fair i've just realized the sort of it does it like a ship's interior right it looks like a yacht but that's the thing right it's really cool this wall like kind of design and they've built they've gone to all the trouble to build and then they've found the cheapest sofa they could find the cheapest sofa the bed is kind of underwhelming the bathroom's kind of in shambles it's kind of sad because it's actually a cool idea i'd say it's a 5 out of 10. i think i'd feel quite uncomfortable using the bed and having the sort of beady eyes of donald duck gazing it's the worst part that he's pointing at you his eyes are looking at you he's looking directly at the bed i don't think i could i could do anything on the bed with him look at me you're in sleep yeah i couldn't even sleep on the bed because look at this right look this is the the bed is oh wait there is a mattress it's going up from a five out of ten to a six i'd say the bed that deserves an extra point i'm gonna put it i'm gonna put my rating up to a six i think it's quite comfortable there i think the biggest disappointment is that the uh the wheel you can't do anything with it yeah i wish it turned or something turn that'd be that would ramp it up to a seven uh we can do that in post actually that's a fine spinning wheel there i'd say there's not much more to say about this room other than it's fine i feel like it's clean it's always a good start probably with a lot of the love hotels is that they are quite dirty because the turnaround is so quick so they don't properly clean them but this one seems okay yeah i mean fine i you know nothing bad nothing good six out of ten yeah six six all right six out of ten fine six out of ten because of the mattress all right let's get out of it the wheel is pretty good yeah let's get to the next one bye guys and so we were done with this love hotel and after receiving a bunch of strange looks from the cashier who wondered my god do these two men finish fast or what because we were only 15 minutes in there filming we were off to the next love hotel and things were about to get strange next up is mickey cookies one of the cheapest love hotels in all of osaka 18 you can get 19 minutes of action and at such a low price i'm sure this hotel is full of surprises look at this elevator oh my god it's like a summoning ritual for satan in here it's like david lynch the lift doesn't feel like it's amazing and one terrifying elevator journey later we were at our room all right this love hotel is a special one of mine so welcome to my cribs in japan yeah one thing that's fun about this hotel and i'm fun very fun i mean definitely not fun is that no matter where you are you have two neighbors at every wall so just hope that you don't get a neighbor who's really going at it and this hotel is full right now oh yeah so we could be lucky and hear some people having a great time each room comes with a massive fan right which you can kind of hear in the background now and they use them not just to ventilate the room but to mask the noise and if you switch it off you can often hear what's going on the next room top tips with chris that's a man with love hotel experience right there to get my slippers on first these uh these are the uh these are a different hotel club chapel hotels maybe they they they own the hotel it's a group that owns a bunch of the hotels around this area this is the uh what can i only assure is the depression corner i do it depression corner maybe when you've you finished too fast you know you've one second into your uh writing competition and you're kind of disappointed so you come in the corner and smoke i thought it was some sort of karaoke beef when i first came in but it's it's not it's just it's the cheapest i don't think ikea would sell a chair this cheap this is pretty cheap and then obviously i think this is a pamphlet where you can uh order some costumes oh your favorite should we get some costumes chris you bet we won't i kind of want to i'm not your dad you do what you want thank you for clarifying that you are not my dad chris well we can get any of the costumes they will be very confused because they did see two guys coming in there were there were a few people in the lobby they saw connor and i walk in they're like what they doing here what's going on maybe it's because we're foreign maybe it's because two guys coming to love hotel quite a rare sight in japan oh look at this so this is like items that you can uh rent there's a bunch of pillows that you can rent this is like a crocodile skin pillow isn't that weird which pillow are you gonna go for the one that looks like bacon or the one that looks like a crocodile i want the uh oh the like green cheetah yeah there's also uh some other things here so if you want to groom yourself while you're here you get a pair of nail clippers i i assume this is a humidifier assault you've got a scissors set i don't know why in case you want to commit murder i've got your other stuff too just generally murder with scissors you can call it taxi in case you want to escape when you're when you're done with connor kill the taxi get him out of the room exactly perfect spot all right so amazing wallpaper oh jesus i felt like i didn't just break the hotel let's give the bed a little try it does look very concaved you're seeing that i'm scared to sleep on it but i will begin oh it's very deep isn't there something wrong with those cushions they've got no covers on it looks stained too oh dear don't do that it smells kind of smokey it's pretty [Music] definitely oh god oh jesus that's uh that's a dvd player just in case you want to bring your dvds to the lovemaking experience fashion shopping chris let's go to the fashion shop i love how inconvenient it is to get to things in this room oh okay so there's uh these are condoms i think this is also is this condom as well i think so skin so this is like a tight condom a sleeping mask executive love sounds like a trash taste merchandise waiting to happen executive trash taste lotion and i'm guessing this is some kind of like uh pseudo drink that makes people think that their boners will be very big it's one of those things right there they're a very big business here drink this and you'll be manly just like sea dog yeah exactly and also chris's favorite karaoke don't start that again chris is karaoke never going to give you in a previous video we did a love hotel i might have thought a vibrating device with a karaoke microphone oh what is that oh karaoke this is not gary all right so we got light control it's literally just that one light excellent why is that here that come on there must be more than that so there's a oh oh it makes a nice little like kind of like 2001 space odyssey beeping noise listen to that oh i just got moody then i feel like i'm about to get murdered how does it compare to previous beds we've seen are just the skin toned pillowcases just i don't know why why would you go with that i was impressed by how much you uh you sunk into the bed yeah you really get in there like look at this look at this like it's really deep one thing i'll give massive props that tv placement is impeccable look at that that is a brilliant tv we should get a costume all right we should get a car we no you you i want to see you order this on the phone this is the reason i came to osaka you have japanese lessons every week i do this is what it's all been building up to okay it's going to be it's actually terrifying i don't want to i'm a grown man i'm going to say this to someone get ready for some impressive japanese costume rent advisor with this car oh hi we're going to see if they have it why now we wait it's quick hi it's the face when you don't know what the person on the other end of the phone is saying ah hmm those are this hi you don't know you don't know oh no she said something about calling another number or i think someone else has it did she think i actually wanted a bunny girl and not a bunny girl what does this say this is costume it does say costume play what the [ __ ] what if we just try to order a prostitute we gotta get out of here i still to this day don't know if we ordered a costume or a person wearing a costume all right first of all amenities of course you've got to check them out oh we've got some branded coffee here from beautiful oh we got a two nice oh my god these are actually pitiful marks look at this you can't take anything out of this blocks pretty much the tray is quite dirty as well that holds them i come on that's er what is that stains all over it that's not very good there no no no don't think i'm drinking from there you got what looks like a very weak kettle also the world's dustiest microwave that's never been used i'm pretty sure because why would you use a microwave in a hotel where you're going well what if you brought a date add a bit of cup needle no no no i don't know why i'm just laughing at the thought that you're on a date with chris and he brings you back to the hotel and he's like wait i gotta eat my cup noodle first all right back to the video okay your hair brush gray a sink with a mirror that seems slightly impractical and the world's dustiest half chandelier i would love to make a note that i'm watching this back in 4k sometimes i'll mention that there's dust or it's kind of dirty i can't see a single thing on the footage i swear it was their irl and we have a room here oh gosh the color doesn't really match does it no this makes me uncomfortable doesn't make you uncomfortable you might be uncomfortable can you see my eye oh [ __ ] hell that's terrifying or maybe it's like the thriller in the other one where you could uh you know have your business watching oh oh yes i'm watching the chris broad video right now and i'm having the best fun you have the bathroom of course oh this isn't i don't hate this king size very deep very very deep this is kind of strange though a little claustrophobic maybe but good bath good amenities the usual freezer that's stained and not been used what died in there today we got very lucky the previous occupiers of this room left us a little gift does someone leave drinks oh my god it's my favorite i actually like those shrimp yes the lemon sour yeah yeah i think i will actually yeah you don't have to ask me twice oh bloody hell this what is going on i'm sanitizing it chris we're in a love hotel listen i may be cheap but i'm ham sanitized cheese all right do you not lick your cans before you open them no i exclusively lick my cans before i open them i don't have to react to that have you seen that video where you can open a can using a chopstick we got a spin maybe it'll work maybe it'll this is work desperation looks like ladies and gentlemen i give up the life hack [ __ ] can cheers voice to a wacky weekend i actually really like this drink as well that's pretty good cheers chris cheers to a free drink hard work is chris reviewing all these hotels not contracting any diseases it's tough this has suddenly made it worthwhile that's by complete luck that this was in the fridge shout out to the people having sex here before us thank you so much what would you rate this room then one to ten i think it's it's cozy i think the tv is the saving grace here the tv is actually the best part about the room what about the corner over there very depressing very depressing i really called a prostitute so that was uh not good imagine if we were sitting here waiting for a costume and then a bunny girl comes in through the door that'd have been quality content i'm gonna have to give this 2.5 out of 10 no two two the bed is not good the wallpaper is falling off it's worryingly dirty for a hotel room that's like the one thing i want is for it to be clean i'd give it a 4 out of 10. there's a sort of playful feel to it it's cozy i could sleep here for one night but i would feel very uncomfortable tonight do you not think so yeah maybe i'm a little harsh but someone has to be it seems like they're replacing the wallpaper as they go because some of the wallpaper is really old some of it looks new a lot of it is poorly placed what are we thinking of the flowers mixed with the zebra don't really understand the zebra flooring i feel like that was a risky move and it didn't pay off it's very claustrophobic i will say very very small and the double bed kind of doesn't help the feeling of does the window open though that's fine i know i'll stand here and drink things it's a wall of nothing look at that view check this out check that is that just a wall that's a concrete wall to another building i want to stick my head out what can you say oh my god if you drop my camera this should show you how close buildings are to each other in japan look at this this is crazy these love hotels are built in very urban areas they're very cramped the rooms are very small i must say given that we are surrounded by the customers it's kind of impressive that we haven't heard i've heard of a single thing yeah well i heard something slamming earlier hopefully it wasn't someone being murdered on to the next hotel bye our next love hotel is flower themed and as the reviews told us we might have some guests joining us another elevator another creepy hotel that oh come on you can't tell me this isn't something look how many rooms there we're in another room uh the reviews on this one that we looked at were really bad like they said there were mites in the bed uh one of the reviews said my wife was itching all night long because there were mites in the bed without further ado then let's go inside you go first all right this oh it's oh the slippers are the same as the other hotel this is a conspiracy theory maybe they're all wren by the same company let's go and have a look at uh this room get some termites where the roses the picture had roots it did have roses that's why i chose this one there was there's supposed to be roses on the bed i mean this is just a very very small room it's pretty narrow and it smells something smells a bit off it smells like something's happening oh no it does smell like uh activity has taken place here of all the love hotel rooms i've been in this this smells so horrible so we actually came in here twice and we came in the first time this room wasn't available we came back in saw the roses on the bed and it was available and i was like great we'll go in here clearly someone literally just finished their business yeah maybe 10 15 minutes ago not even so and there was no time to put roses on the bed either no so there's towels there's towels here what's in the towel pajamas and towels fantastic get those on connor don't think i will be there's chris's favorite of course karaoke microphone i look like it's standard in every room the wallpaper here is like you're terribly done look at this it's just what an embarrassment come on lay on the bed no i'm not lay on the bed i'm gonna sit on it the viewers i'm sitting on it oh that is a firm bet i'm pretty sure i've seen like oh no chris oh oh man do you feel itchy yet i i feel itchy because i i read the reviews i've never seen such a thorough study of a bed in a love hood i want to make sure dirt there holes here this should seriously be replaced this is kind of embarrassment really i feel bad for them what is this is this for like drinking champagne my don perrion is going there that i brought with me um let's have a look at the joyful box all right we have condom drink that makes you manly oh baby baby i think i'm a bit of a baby doll myself should i try it on definitely are you really gonna put that on in the room with the termite bed you are gonna put that on it's been in there since 1946. why not chris why not it's for content chris all right i mean at least it's going on your bloody channel no it's not going on a chris abroad channel he'd be dead the morning menu this is a uh hot dog for breakfast delicious oh there's some haagen-dazs ice cream fantastic you can share some with the termites oh that is a rough bath that does not inspire sex it did for the last couple and again exact same body wash it must because it's a chain right and the dustiest air filter i've ever seen this is a mirror here that was a pressing mirror look at this so you can look at the termites in bliss it's time for sex chris why have i agreed to be in this wacky with ken episode okay now chris you ready to make babies oh my god what do you do if you check into your love hotel and you see this on the bed i'm ready for snoozing that's absolutely horrific that's all right so it's absolutely horrific i can see you on the nipples it's teasing chris it's a tease this is the best thing about the room this isn't so much wacky weekend as [ __ ] up weekend seriously all right so of course we're not done with the room tour yet carried away with the costume as good as it was bathroom was mediocre but let's check out the window let's see what's going on here fantastic a few oh jesus the dust just flew up let's have a look at the peasants shall we hello peasants hello peasants so far i'm not impressed let me have a look at the amenities let me charge this might get some bonus points all right sink looking kind of drab we have the exact same amenities as the previous hotel which is fine not great exact same kettle oh a little better car metal oh that's not bad no it's still trying what's in the other one is that where the microphone is no it's the fridge and with a cold glasses that's depressing for your scene all right and then one last thing before i give my verdict on the room let's have a look at the bathroom or the uh sorry the toilet uh and i think this one's very small oh my god look how many shoes there are looks like there's a party going on in here i am five ten if i'm pooping this is how close they are if you're over six foot you're not pooping you have to poop like like this oh it's fine it's it's right it's fine it's totally wide it just came off i didn't actually break it why are all the colors so weird look at this this is like child truck blue look at this what is this it's not bad i just oh the bed is really gross isn't it it smells like you know male fun um mixed with cigarettes here's what i'm gonna explain the tv not very good in a good position though you know the amenities they're what we come to expect the toilet is subpar the beds the toilet's not usable unless you're under five foot five listen if if you're like really sweaty and you sit on that toilet you're not gonna get anything done you know what i mean and then you have the bathroom which is quite frankly terrifying yeah it's really unpleasant probably the worst bathroom of any of these hotels i think what they've done with the new wallpaper is try to disguise what is obviously a pretty bad love hotel room for the termites on the bed that we read about in the reviews the smell i wish we could get across to you is disgusting it smells so bad it's bad um i'm gonna give it a look at nothing out of 10. the other hotels i i've been uncomfortable but i feel like i could spend the night this one i genuinely think with that smell i couldn't stay here get some incense sticks or something and this fat is so loud this phenomenon shut up needless to say it's a one out of ten of mine but it doesn't look that bad upon first look coming in the room but there's just so much wrong with it but it was really cheap it was what was it thirty dollars thirty dollars for two hours okay that's i mean that's the cheapest one out of all of that cheap for a reason cars cheap for a reason let's get out of here and the uh the costume that you wore that's that makes it that takes it from a zero to a minus one how are you doing so far chris what do you think of our hotels that we've been experiencing the key word today is regret great for coming with connor regret for going in these rooms regret for doing mucky weekend i for one have had a great time so far this has been a fantastic experience and i've been loving these hotels until you start to itch later on most love hotels you can't actually book in advance you just have to turn up in person and you should be able to get a room quite easily so we explored a bit around osaka to see if there's anything super interesting but luckily a love hotel with a sauna in the room was just around the corner so we went to go and grab a room holy [ __ ] we just got kicked out of the love hotel i i wanted to go in that sauna that was the whole point where i came here and they kicked us out i've honestly i've been looking forward to that sauna the entire day and so to not be able to go in she said she said futari literally two guys know i mean at least there is another hotel that we did look at over here that we can possibly go to and i think we'll have more say it's called water hotel and everything is water themed so let's go it's going to work it's going to be fine and so we were off to check into our aquatic themed room [Music] so we're getting kicked out of the expensive love hotels and not the cheap ones unbelievable our luck really has turned around i know you said this could happen but i didn't think it would happen twice in a row we have no problem with the other hotels i know right these two are like no no sorry we don't do gay here no gay allowed the three first hotels we went to all very cheap and a bit rough around the edges but they're all pretty polite they'll let us say no questions asked the last two have been pretty pricey and they're like absolutely not having it this guy was a real dick um we you don't see anyone in that hotel we sort of got the ticket we're going to the uh the elevator and then he sort of ran out of a door right and he was like no no no no two guys no off and uh this makes literally nice that's the problem i don't think we're doing anything illegal i'm pretty disappointed because both of those hotels are like saunas and baths and they look quite nice so but there is one more that i do know that i think might work so i will do anything to get in a good room now and eat something this has been a very long evening i'm hoping let's hope this one lets us in this one looks really cool look at this one wow our final hotel attempt tonight was the hotel belly a chain of barley inspired tropical luxury so let's hope me and chris can get in we finally got in a yeah i love the there hotel yeah donkey kong music the fact that the entrance is bigger than the other three rooms i'm very excited now obviously this is more expensive so we have to keep that into account into our review i mean look at this sinkhound two things one for me and just multiple choices of hair lotion and body lotion look at this display everything you would need what a milky face washer if you didn't already get that at your time in the room you can now get it and then you can get the there is a hair milk body and hand milk you know i might actually i'm going to try the body and hand milk right now because let me wash my hands oh that's nice that's nice that's not like that smells like soap yes what do you mean that's a nice show you're already spot for choice which door do you want to open it let's check out the bathroom first shall we oh my god that's oh look at that wow look at that you could fit two chris's in here maybe you bastard for the money you definitely get the money and of course a massive tv where you can watch so far very very good wait wait wait what is this bedrock bath we didn't know this came with what's that oh it's like heated what we got the sauna we finally got a soren it accepts men let's go all right so you drink some water you lie on it on your front for 10 minutes then you swap on your back and drink some more water we've got this room for 1.5 hours we're gonna we're gonna do it we're gonna do a review and then we're gonna actually use this because i want to actually try it that's awesome all right okay so we have again just too many doors what's this one this is probably a oh look at that that's a not quite the throne but it is very good i don't need much width you know because i'm taking a dump you know i don't need that but at least i can stretch my legs out to my heart's content you know what i mean i can you sit like that dude yeah i said like oh no small woman what is this what what's this not a woman this is armstrong means safety ten thousand iq connor 10 000 iq enzymes small women i thought if it was that wouldn't it be small my kanji knowledge is fantastic let's have a look at the room oh holy [ __ ] this is huge but a bad angle but but massive that is insane and there's two beds you could finally watch an abroad in japan video as it's meant to be absolutely in like 600k or something oh my god don't mind if i do why aren't we staying in this hotel tonight i kind of regret that we only got one and a half hours now yeah i kind of feel like we should have stayed the night i really we kind of cheaped out for no reason i think the full night was only like an extra 30 bucks i think this might be nicer than our hotel room oh this is nice i mean i want to review the rest of the room but i'm currently getting my back stretched out so this is fantastic look at this you know i i didn't think i was going to get my back blown out today but i am look at the number of amenities intimate wash gel oh wow duck let's have a let's have a bath time with me that's bastard honey bar this is just nice shea butter oh my god anything spoiled for choice in here what's this glasses cleaner everything there's some water here i love that yeah i don't think they charge you for this that's a massive bottle don't mind if i do i'm gonna have a sip of water why did i get the small one that's enough to in down in one it's even a little postcard with nothing on it wow longest are you drinking all the bottle oh my god half the bottle with one mouthful how is it compared to the lice bed oh that is beautiful that's actually an amazing bed oh my gosh oh yeah i need i need that this is l this is better than i love all your loss for words and i can't even make sentences right now i'm just so in awe of how nice this room is so me and chris actually have another hotel room just in case we went to consistently the worst hotels which we have which we have until now but now i kind of regret it because i wish we just stayed here this is so nice our bed doesn't have a rock bath does your bed have a rock band no mobile phone charger portable music player are you serious you can play oh my god was everything aux cord this is too much volcano look at the window yeah pretty cool blade runner scene going on out there as well so yeah there's a bunch of light switches here you can turn the lights on you can dim them you know any lights that you want to dim if you want to do these lights over here i love the sort of the panel yeah this is nice really nice i think like you know you can't see any blemishes like all the wallpaper is perfect the beds are really nice very squishy nice firmness tube looks clean finally we have pillows that don't resemble some skin tone like sac a bunch of uh items here that we have aqua lotion zero fish oh and let's have a look at the rest of the room we also have a really nice couch oh i love the uh the l-shaped couch yeah chris loves for some reason being able to because you can lie down in two different ways you're so lazy says the man that likes to stretch out on the toilet but enough of reviewing the room let's review what matters the most the food i feel like if any place has made me very comfortable and trusting of their services it's this room i mean this looks oh my oh jesus look at that look at this what is that that's the honey toast that is like an attack on titan sized cake roast beef and french fries or tandoori chicken french fries roast beans done i'm getting some honey toast too don't that do you know how hard this is to eat why why is it so hard because it's so big it's like this is a whole taste unfortunately chris did talk me out of getting the honey toast next time now i've learned from last video not to show the tv and then certain movies they have available why did your last video get demonetized connor it's actually age restricted um because i actually showed a booby on the screen and there's some right there chris we can't show them i already see the booby we paid what a hundred dollars for the hour so i presume it's not gonna be cheap for an hour and a half hour and a half sorry hour and a half so the food is gonna take one hour which quite long but i'm guessing that's cause they're busy this is a lot because we are in the middle of pandemic and all the other hotels have been pretty empty and you know you're walking around osaka right now and it's warringly empty i mean i've only been here once before and there's way more people because everybody's in the barley hotel having a rock garden spa which we should be doing right we will we will in due time chris for the meantime let's review the rest of the room there's one more thing that we need to check out oh no two more things closet closet all right okay uh slippers is that and bath chow okay not bad so when we go to the rock bath we can get in our room when we go to the rock bar i'm going in the rock bath chris oh come on see now this is why you check everything because these are fantastic cups a little small but premium finish but nice it's got a nice feeling to it oh oh come on that is this is this is the c dog v8 set through and three this is fantastic ginger and yuzu oh wow some really interesting flavors here basically any kind of tea you want it it's it's sorted and there's a what's this leg rest oh it's a foot massage machine thing that i've never seen before okay see what else we have here though okay we got the fridge and a microwave it's a lot of they all come with microwaves oh there is stuff in here so water and glasses well i'm going to get in the leg massager in the meantime chris because why wouldn't i i would later come to regret this decision oh this is this is very strange oh i can hear it i was squeezing my feet oh my what if the door comes and you're in this you're like can you get your feet out no you cannot get your feet out you have to turn it off i think that noise it's the pressure of the air it's really squeezing my legs i can't feel my blood can i like assault you now and there's nothing you can do this is on medium should i put on the hard i'm gonna put on my heart oh my god oh oh oh my oh what are people gonna think walking past this room in the corridor so much did it actually hurt yes you need to try it i'm not going no for you i did it you can do it get your feet in there chris it's fine what you want about oh oh my god this is dangerous ah it's like ah it's like uh ah it's like a knife going into the bottom of your foot yeah yeah oh british barbarian ruins the hotel the comedy it's gonna be my chair while we wait for the food ah i've earned this turn on enjoy uh oh yeah oh i'm kind of glad we didn't get into the other two hotels now because neither of them could be half as good as this right none of them looked as good as this no no ah oh ow how was it chris what does it feel like like a dream is it like being touched by an angel [Laughter] is this what you hoped when you came into the bali hotel it's yeah it's lovely it's like my feet are in a vice being turned oh yeah they are mean squeeze frankie some good legs you got there chris i'm very impressed with this room so far i think chris is too by the silence normally you can't shut him up so that's good this is what chris is going to look like in 20 years no doubt you're never going to sit here sitting in the truck well i'm only 30. i'll be dead at 50. is that your optimistic appraisal i'm going to go in the stone beth thank you very much like a piece of meat when i'm done on one side i can cook on the other oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] hotel when do you that's what i want after experiencing the wonderfully calming rock bath and going to some truly questionable love hotels i wanted to feel relaxed and super clean so i tried out the massive bath oh god do i really want to go in here do we really want to go in let's do it reluctantly welcome chris i'm just relaxing in my wonderful bed good god i put every single chemical they had on offer in the back just for the viewers who are scared looking into the bath connor is wearing underwear or towel and wearing a towel so you can't see anything why do you get to enjoy the rock bath and the bath well i don't get to enjoy anything this is my video chris well if you're over here we can do whatever you want if you remember and luckily for me right as i finished my wonderful bath our food arrived food is here beer is here kampai cheers finally a hotel that's good we've had asbestos we've had bed bugs we've had tyranny and costumes but finally this is a nice place with good food the fried chicken doesn't look very badly inspired it just looks like karaoke chicken isn't it what about that though i'll have one of those that looks very delicious that skewer was actually amazing i think all of the love hotels we visited today actually had some kind of food right but this is the only one where i would actually order food from the other ones look like prison food yeah they did look not very good i don't really value a place that thinks hot dogs is a breakfast item right and that was an option which but this is great it took an hour to prepare it so reassuring like some hotels love hotels the food is very clearly microwaved this is shaping up to be a satisfying conclusion otherwise unpleasant experience we've been through hell and back today and this feels like it was all worth it so you will about some of the dreadful hotels you went to at least they didn't stop us at the end of the day you get a zero in my book no matter how amazing the hotel room is if you won't let everyone in i mean mickey cookies was was an experience that i won't forget but at least they let us stay at the hotel you know i can judge that experience oh we got a free drink yeah that was amazing you know i feel like i've been too harsh on my ratings now i didn't expect to get kicked out i didn't think we were living in 1950s if i have to i'll give two points to every hotel that was in an extra which hotel left an impression on you today this one yeah which one left a bad impression on you which one was the worst one in your book so we had the one with the ship pirate ship whale i mean that was all right that was like not good not bad i i could definitely go there i would i would go there no qualms about it i would just i'd stay there procreate under the watchful eye of donald duck that is not a sentence i ever thought i would say out loud hotel mickey cookies that was the one with the zebra floor i mean that wasn't terrible got a free drink it was a little bit cramped i think maybe maybe i was too harsh i just thought it was really old really tacky had character oh no we didn't character and filth is what you call it and then the third one that was my least favorite love hotel credit where it's g though the woman at the desk was very nice and in fact all of the places that weren't discriminatory were actually really pleasant the people we dealt with are really nice and friendly in some aspects i'm wondering this has to be the policy of the hotel and they must not be comfortable having to turn away i can't imagine they get joy out of it you know what i mean like the employees i wonder if two girls went in because they both said two guys no we've been in so many hotels whether they let us in the room or not i've never been in so many hotels in the space of one day but it has been fun hopefully this one this video your second attempt to making a love hotel video won't get demonetised when i set out to do wacky weekends i thought we we're gonna go to wonderful places discover fantastic parts of japanese culture discover new places yeah i think chris will be doing a more traditional idea of the wacky weekend whereas i like to explore the more dark side of japan with the not so good things beds with termites listen these are the stuff that you need to talk about this is the stuff i'm fascinated by is it and so on the next wacky weekend i'm sure to find something to torture chris so make sure to subscribe so you can catch that and also go check out chris's channel where the next episode of wacky weekend is also going to be god forbid thanks for watching there guys bye i haven't finished these chips don't eat them all i want them all sake [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 2,516,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hotel, Love Hotel, Japan Love Hotel, Osaka, Osaka Japan, OSaka Love Hotel, Osaka Hotel, Chris, Chris Broad, Abroad In Japan, Hotels, Love Hotels, Japanese Love Hotels
Id: MOuV-0f66Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 49sec (2809 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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