How to NOT Buy Anime Figures | Trash Taste #4

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I feel like there's something perfect about Connor heavily disliking Funko Pops that makes them a perfect addition to the set, gotts have that trash taste on full display

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tiniestjazzhands πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was just thinking about buying more figures to add to my shit collection which is primarily either JoJo figures or Funko Pops (2 of each). I wasn't into figures before because I thought it was dumb to waste money on. I just never knew I how to correctly from what I should look for and what I should pay. Apparently by their standards I did alright with my 2 JoJo figures. I do have 2 Funkos though and they are a bit of an ugly abomination but I'm keeping them for meme status and to remind myself of my shit taste. Eventually I'll buy more but I just need a proper way to display them.

So Garnt had his trash moment in this podcast to validate himself with basically all he bought especially the body pillow and Funko. Joey did so last week with his "School Days ending is genius, 10/10". Connor is up next.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Saucy_Totchie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm very much surprised at the pace the guys have been putting these out - hope they can keep it up, it's been a fun ride thus far!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Minttunator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just hope they share the sauce of what that Dakimakura they couldn't show on youtube is. I NEED to know.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kika-kun πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That anime merchandise is dope

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mmasteyn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- I really want you guys to smell the arm - I'm not smelling your fingers. - Please, - No - Get that shit away from me! (exhales loudly) - Put his nose in it. (groans) (soft music) What's up you salty salmon slices. Welcome back to another episode of the Trash Taste Podcast. - I'm sorry, what? - What was that? - Yeah you heard me right. - Where did you come up with that? That's gonna be every time I host an episode that's going to be my thing. That's going to be the new intro. - That's a thing now? - Shut though, man we didn't discuss this before hand. (laughs) - I was thinking of that shift for like two weeks. - What the fuck? - I'm like this is gonna slap. - That's the best you came up with in two weeks? - Hey man give me some time well I'm working on it. - All right. - Well, welcome to the trash taste podcast. The show where we talk trash about our tastes anatomy. I'm your host for today, Joey and joined as always is Garnt and Connor dope. - Yo. - So this episode is I guess the first special episode - [Connor] Yeah. - Speed off episode. I mean if you're being linked from our main channel videos, hello, welcome to the podcast. - Welcome. - But if you haven't seen our main channel videos do we wanna explain what we did? - Joey go on. - Oh yeah, Sure. So basically on our main channel we decided to do like a little fun challenge where as you can see our backdrop is a little bit burnt. - This is a big table that has a lot of potential space to be filled out with some Weeby shit. So what we decided to do is we decided to venture out into the weebland itself, Akihabara in Tokyo which is like known as like heaven for tacos essentially. - Yes it is. I can confirm. - And we decided to challenge ourselves to see how many figurines or I guess anime merch we can buy with a $500 budget or about 50,000 Yen if you convert it to Yen. And just instead of just going out and making it like a vlog kind of thing, we decided to turn it into a challenge where we fight each other for brets. - Let's make it fun. - Let's make it challenging and let's make, let's put some stakes on this bitch. (laughs) - Let's make in a relaxing experience with shopping into stressful hell where you buy shit. You don't want to meet a dumb set of criteria. Would you like to speak-- - Out of the money in our pocket. (laughing) - Yeah, exactly right. - So essentially we gave ourselves a number of challenges. We had some small challenges that we did in the four enemy stores that we went to in our main channel videos. Again, if you want to check it out, go check it out. - Yeah you miss a lot of context if you don't watch that video. But if you haven't seen it and you refuse to for some reason, you'll still be fine to watch this podcast. - Yeah. So basically we all have scores already from challenges that we went to, that we did in each store which is probably on screen right now. - Yeah. - You'd know that if you've watched our videos but here are all our scores. - Yeah. All right it's not the final score like any good Mario party game, right? It doesn't matter how many stars you end up with. It's all about the final count. - [Connor] Right. - It's all about the bonus stars and this episode is essentially where we go over the bonus stars as well as show each other what we got because right now we don't know what the fuck each other got. - No. - We maybe got like a few glimpses as we like passed each other passive aggressively in each of the stores. But right now we have no idea what the other person bought. So that's what we're going to find out today. So we have a bunch of overarching challenges, right? - Yes. So we have some that are like pretty obvious like who spent the most on a single figurine. What was else, who bought a figure from the most popular series, which you lose a point if that's the case. - Normy award. - We'll go over every challenge at the end after we've finished showing everyone what we've bought. But for now I just wanted to ask you guys, we just filmed it yesterday. - Yeah. - How did you guys find the experience? I mean, I found it super fun. That came out like I haven't started editing the video yet as I'm recording this episode, but I can already tell that video is going to be so fucking fun to watch. - Yeah, I feel like it's just fun. Like that's like the, any way to, you can see them having fun in it. Cause it was just, I mean, it's like a kid in a candy store, right? - [Joey] Essentially. - Like we always go to these stores. - It's a very expensive candy store. (laughs) - Exactly. - we always go to these stores and being able to like film in there, with permission. You know, we want to do that professionally as well. We didn't Lo gang pull this shit, if you know what I mean. - We got permission because we respek the country. - Yeah. We, we got all permission from the stores and it's just great because you kind of just got to let loose in the store. I mean, some of the stores that have people in there so I was still trying to be respectful, but you know, like Animate, there was no one else in that store. - No. - Just us. - We, we got in like before the store even opened so. - When we left the store there was like a massive queue. - Of people trying to get in. - And I was like, Oh, I feel kind of bad right now. (laughing) - Felt so bad. - Then we just come out just like with all our crap and just being like you guys have to lay on (laughs) - Look at these peasants. - But yeah, like a lot of the stores were like very happy to have us. I mean like Amiami made us like sign that like little thing in that photo. - Yeah, it was crazy. - If you ever go to Amiami in Akihabara look out for our little plaque. - Yeah. We have a trash tastes like plaque. - Oh do you think they going to hang that up? Is that what the (laughs). - I assume so. - Yeah they should. I really hope so. But like no, but all of the stores were super freaking cool. - [Garnt] Yeah. - They were very supportive. So there's first of all, big shout out to all the stores that did give us permission to film there. But yeah, without further ado, I think we should go over what we bought in each store and judge our, as the name suggest, Trash Taste on figurines and other anime merch. - So let's just jump right into it. - Wait, before we jump right into it. (laughs) - I wanna jump right into it. - I can't wait to jump right into it. (laughs) - Oh my God let's just hold off on the jumping for a second. I want to discuss, so did you guys have any strategy, going into this game or into this challenge even? - I said I did in my main channel video but in retrospect I didn't. (laughs) - If I win, it was all a plan. If I loose, I was just having a fun time with the boys. You know, I think that's... Okay to be 100% honest, I like had some idea but I think it, my strategy was just see what you guys are doing. So if you guys are trying to go off all the challenges and I could see you guys with paying attention, like, okay I was going to, but if I knew that... because I could tell some of you, you know, weren't paying as much attention to the challenges as others. I was just saying. - The only challenge that I paid in mind to was only one that I remembered, which was the whoever gets closest to $500. - Which is worth two points. - Yeah which is like two points. I'm like I have to prioritize that because that two points is big. - Two points is big but, like I remember, because I couldn't even remember all the challenges we agreed on. So I went to into the day being like, okay, this one's an obvious challenge. This one's an obvious challenge. As I went into more stores, I was like, I am not keeping track at all. - I am running out of money. I don't know what's happening. - When I was in Animate, I'm like, okay, I'm going to do this in this store. I'm going to do this and that store. And then I hit the second store. I'm like, what the fuck am I doing? I have-- - I was so short-sided on like the challenges that I had to do in that store. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And then I was just like fuck the other challenge. I need to get this. - So to put it in perspective, we've got two challenges for every store as you probably saw in the video. So which is a total of eight points that we could get. There's 11 points up for grabs in the overarching challenges. - [Joey] Yes. - Yeah. - So I mean, if you do really well on the overarching challenges it might not fucking matter. - Yeah exactly. Like we're all already close from what we've already seen. We're like maybe one or two points-- - Eight, seven, six. - Yeah. So really close. - So that's a two point discrepancy. - So right now I might be losing but like any good Mario party game, I can always come back right at the end. (laughs) - So, yeah. - Should we just jump right into it? (all laugh heartedly) - Let's jump right into it! - So we start with Amiami, oh no sorry, Animate first? - [Garnt] We start with Animate. - Animate! - I didn't buy much in this store. It was the first one I didn't want to pull the trigger yet. - Okay. So here's the thing about Animate. I didn't know how much I should buy. - We're just revealing right now or what do we do? I mean, who wants to go first? I mean, okay. Oh. Shit. Can I go first? - You're the host. - Okay, I'll go first because I only bought one thing at Animate. - [Connor] All right, same. So one of my challenges was to get a Made in Abyss Figurine. - [Connor] Yeah. - Couldn't find it. Not just at Animate. Any of the stores, I couldn't find it. (laughs) So I just lost a point for that one. But I figured, you know, what? I'll get something like kind of cool and kind of niche. So I got a Chaiki Moto from Dororo. - Oh damn! - Oh wow, I didn't even know they made for this. - Yeah - I know. It's a ninderoid of a Chaiki Moto . And I mean, Dororo was so fucking awesome. Like I love Maimai Kamisama stuff, and I love Dororo . I was like, you know, I like my ninderoids too so. - You know what, not bad. - It's really, really cute. I mean, we'll probably figure out the pose of it somehow - But it's the stressful thing about ninderoids. So you just have to pick one pose and that's... (Garnt laughs) We all know it's never going to change from this pose. - They're also so finicky as well but once you've nailed it, you're like hell yeah. - Exactly. - So that's the only thing I got at Animate. - Because, yeah, I got a few things at Animate. So I had two challenges, right? And I think I got fucked over some of the overarching challenges by just Animate itself. - [Joey] Really? - Okay. - So let's go ahead. So the first thing, the first challenge was to buy a Deku figure from My Hero Academia. - [Joey] Oh yeah. - So as we all know one of the overarching challenges was the person who buys a figure from the most popular series gets deducted points. So there's my deku figure. (Joey and Garnt laugh) I was actually getting a bit worried, right? Because there weren't many like figures in Animate. - No, there wasn't. Animate was more like general merch. - Yeah, it was really varied in-- - Yeah so the only thing I could find on ninderoids. And so my second challenge was to ask a store clerk, in Japanese, to recommend me a figure. - Figure oh sumi. Okay, yeah. - You had to pull a sumi masen. - Wait, what did he recommend you? - Okay, he recommended to me Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. - No! (all laughing) - You've totally lost it. - You've totally lost. - I was like, whoa! Oh my God you've, one, you recommend to me the figure from the one series I haven't seen yet, fucking. (all laughing heartedly) - You haven't seen it. - Oh my God. - That's so fucked. - And two, you've just made me all to lose a point by recommending to me, I checked before, for the fourth, most popular anime series on mal! So thank you for making me lose the point. - Oh my God. - Wait, because I see the price there. That's 48 bucks, right? - Yeah. - How much did you spend on these two? Are they both 48 bucks? - This one says 48,88. And this one says-- - That was like about 52 bucks. - Yeah, this one will be a little bit more expensive. - You got done dirty by that man. - Yeah (laughs). In the video, I was like, oh thank you very much for recommending to me. And inside I'm just like, I can't believe you've done this. (laughing) And I bought one more thing, which cracked me up, which is an Ishtar plushie. It's far Ishtar. (laughs) - [Joey] It's kind of cute. - It's kinda cute I like it. - Oh, from Fate? - Yeah from Fate. - Oh. Okay, what the Fuck. (laughs) That's kinda cute. - I think that's a, what is it? It's called tsum. It's like a, it's like a giant tsum tsum, right? - Yeah. - I think that's the thing that's over here. Yeah. That's so cute though. - That is very cute. - Yeah. That's gonna look sick. - So how much would you spend on Animate overall? - $120. (Connor exhales) - Jesus. I only spent-- - Wait this is 30 bucks. - Yeah. - Oh my God. - I only spent 48. - Yeah, so I also spent 48 bucks on my red Cell fan. - Oh, I was looking at that one. - So my two challenges were get a female figure and get one from a show that you watched recently. And I watched like a few episodes, like two months ago, so. - [Joey] Yeah. - Why didn't you get the Nezuko figure? I saw you eyeing the Nezuko and I'm like, motherfucker, if I-- - He doesn't wanna lose the point. - Yeah, I didn't wanna get the Normy award And I knew that demon slayers are the most normal. Whatever the ranking say, I would've lost the Normy award at heart. You know what I mean? - Yeah. And plus you know, I don't want to risk it. And also I thought, you know, it's kind of a cool figure, you know. - Yeah, it is. If we have Nezuko it makes us look like fake anime fans. I'm just saying like. - Nah, get the fuck out, man. Nezuko is best Imouto of last year. - Whatever! Okay! I think Garnt has like fulfilled the prophecy with these two. (laughs) - Yeah. - Literally the boomer of AniTube here. Tell me about why Nezuko is, you know, best-- - I've gone like how many episodes and I've not talked about Iumoto here. - Oh my God. - And you are taking this chance away from me. - Just give us some time. You know, Garnt's going to get there. - I was thinking we'd just put it in the front for now. We'll just gather them in the front for now. - (laughing) I was very grounded. - I, okay for the record, I hate ninderoids. I think ninderoids are like stressful purchases. - I love ninderoids. - and we have four goddamn ninderoids. Because you have to pose them, right? And, and the whole selling point of a ninderoid, I'm putting everybody sponsored by ninderoid ever. (laughs) The whole selling point of a ninderoid is that you can move it. But tell me, everyone who wants a ninderoid, when have you changed the pose of a ninderoid? - I've changed it a few times. - That's a lie. It's a fucking lie. - I've never changed it. - Yes, he's lying. - I've changed it because I'm sponsored by those guys. (laughs) Thanks guys. - It is stressful. And then you've got to worry about the box and the little things, and I just. - I sometimes like, where I'm just like, I look at the little parts and I'm like I want to change it eventually. And then I do. And I'm like, okay, I'm glad I kept watch. - Actually, before we go on, question to you guys, what do you do with a figure box? Do you bin it or do you keep it? - I store it. - Shit man, I ripped that shit over. - No! Even after living in Japan where the box is like half the value. (laughs) - Because yeah, the mentality for me is like if I eventually like possibly get like, you know, I lose interest-- - I'm gonna sell this figure. - [Joey] Yeah. - No Fuck off, you're not going to sell the figure. - That's me, I tried. - Like this guy. I'm like maybe I can sell this JoJo merch. You don't know, fuck! You'll never gonna sell that JoJo merch. - All right, but here's the other thing I do, right? What helped me at my last place is that it makes moving house so much easier if you keep the box. - [Connor] Yeah, it's true. - Because you'd like, I usually, what I do at least with figurines, right? Is like, I throw out like the plastic like mould, but I keep the box. - Yeah, I don't even do that. - I throw the plastic mould. - It just takes up so much space. - But the thing is, if you chuck out the plastic mould and you flatten the box, then when you like move house you can just open the box up again glad wrap it in, and then boom. - I'm just too lazy for that. I just put it in the cupboard. - You save so much time and money and like possibly like the risk of like ruining a figurine when you move. And like that saved me so much trouble when I moved to my current house. So that's why I hold onto it. - [Connor] Right. - Okay. I said it's for repurposing. It's like, it's not. (laughing) - Solid purchases there overall. I think just makes a good taste. - Yeah, I think, they're gonna look great. - The next store-- - My favorite anime, Fullmetal Alchemist. (laughs) I recommend you guys, watch that. - Your favorite character from your favorite anime. (heartedly laughing) - Oh my God. - But the next store we went to was Astop. - I spent so much money here. - Actually, okay. what were you... Before we get to Astop, what was you guys' strategy with Astop? - Okay. Astop is probably the store that I go to the most just casually. - Yeah, I think for all of us it's the same So I knew I really had to spend time just like looking around. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Because there were so many figurines at Astop that I legitimately have never seen anywhere else. Even though they're technically secondhand. - [Connor] Yeah. - So I'm like, okay, I'm going to aim for those. And I think I got pretty decent solution. - Because for me, Astop was the most daunting shop, right? Because, okay, so in my challenge I had to squat 10 times before entering the store. - That's not a challenge. - That was easy to do. And my second challenge was an auto lose beacause I had to buy the most expensive figure which we found out was like 1,000 bucks. So I knew I was going to lose that. So I was like, I was going into Astop just not trying to complete any challenge but just trying to like buy figures that I like. - That's not a certain. - Yeah. Follow your heart. - Yeah. I kind of went fucking mental in Astop. (laughs) - I filled up my piece of paper. - No! Are you serious? - Yeah. - Yes, same here. Okay. So like, because like with Astop there are so many figures and so many display cases that you don't remember which figure you saw where. So my strategy was just if I see a figure I like I'm gonna write it down and maybe I'll cross it out later. I fucked myself over so much in there because I was just like, I remember seeing you like halfway through. And I filled up my entire sheet and you didn't even have a piece of paper. - I was still looking for like stuff. - So I was just going, okay, that one, okay write it down, write that. And then I got to the end and then I couldn't remember which figure was which. (laughs) So I was trying-- - Yes, I heard that. It was like, is it this one? I think, it is maybe that one. - Yeah. So it was like basically trying to choose between my children. So I'm like, what the fuck am I crossing out right now? (Joey laughs) I'm like, I have no fucking clue. - Wow. Okay, because yeah, like for me, like Astop I knew if I wasn't careful at Astop I was going to go absolutely ham as I usually do just like casually. So I'm like, okay, there are still two stores left. We're not even halfway through this challenge so I have to like limit myself as much as possible at Astop. So I only bought three things. - Oh, okay. - At Astop. How many did you get? - I can't remember. Like five, six. - I mean, you'll see. Do you want to go first then? - Yeah, I'll go first. - And then me and you can take in turns showing one off each. - Yeah. I decided to like kind of go for like smallest ones. So my two challenges was the first one was really easy. I had to go up to the store clerk and ask if they had Boku No Pico merch which they said they didn't. Thank God. (Garnt laughs) - Did they know what it was. - The guy was in English speaking stuff. So he's like, ''Is that the one ''where the two guys fucking?'' (all laughing heartedly) You'll see it in the video. But the other challenge was really easy. It was just pick a figurine that either myself Garnt or Connor likes. So obviously I went with the one that I liked. - That's bullshit by the way. - So mine is still in glad wrap right here so I've got to unwrap this shit. But I obviously got my goddamn Waifu. - Oh my God, is it fucking Monogatari? Jesus. - Of course it is. - Look if I'm going to be on this show casually like all the freaking time of course I needed to get my wife Shinobu, but I actually don't even have this one at home so. - I guess, I'm just gonna go next now because of course I followed my heart as well. (laughs) - Oh my God you've got Monogatari as well? - Hell yeah! - Hell yeah! (laughing) - Oh God. No my wife! - So yeah, I knew Joey would get a Shinobu figure becaause I saw so many boxes that were just purely Shinobu and I'm just like, get that shit out of me. Get that shit out of my face man. - You might need to like hold it up to the camera because they might not be seen. There're even boxes in the way actually. - So I mean like what I tried to do at Astop was, at the beginning I just tried to note down as many figures as I could for under 20 bucks because I feel like anything over 20 bucks was like kind of risking it in terms of-- - I mean especially if you're buying like seven figurines on Astop. - Exactly. So this one's, I don't have this figure. Because it's short hair Senjougahara. - Oh, that's cute. Dude I personally find the short hair Senjougahara's figurine so much nicer than the long haired one. - There was so many good Senjougahara figurines. So it like hurts me that I had to buy the cheapest one. - All right boys. You wanna see what I bought then? - Yeah. (Joey and Garnt laugh) - This is a... I think it was a 900 Yen sold out online figure. - You didn't even get like the good sold online one. - It was the cheapest sold online figure because you know, if you're going to buy garbage why care about which terrible item it is? It was 900 Yen I think. And it was the cheapest sold online figure. . [Joey] Oh damn okay. - Was this for a challenge? - Yeah. Remember? I had to shout I freaking love SAO. - While buying an SAO figure. - I will say that shout wasn't a shout at all. - In Japanese culture that was like full shout. - That was just, okay, ''I freaking love SAO'' - No! It was louder than that. - It was just like, ''I freaking love SAO.'' It was like a gradual like building volume. - Let's get this boy out of here. - Okay, the other two though that I bought I think is super freaking cool because they're two figures that I personally really wanted but also it's just like really-- - Sorry it's making noise over here. What did you say over there Joey. Let's get the shit out of here. - I think it goes without saying, don't listen to the audio only of this. It's going to sound probably horrible. - Hey guys, just opening a box over here, I mean. - No. This is box opening ASM guys. - Okay but let me show you the other two I got, okay. This second one I got is Shonen Jump. - [Garnt] Oh, that's so cool. - [Connor] Okay that's pretty fucking cool. - Right? Like I'd never seen this before and I was like, does this count as a figurine? Probably does. - Yeah. It's a piece of you know, solid kind of-- - I love Shonen Jump and that's gonna look so cool on like the shelf or something like that. - I think if we had a coolest item award Because I didn't know if we could get a coolest item over here. - Because we have to all agree. - Yeah. But I think we can all agree this one of the coolest figurines. And the other one I got is also pretty cool. It's Puck from Berserk. - [Connor] Oh that's cool. - Yeah. Look at how tiny this guy is. - [Connor] How much was that? - This was 980 Yen. - Oh wow. Because every Berserk figure I saw was so expensive. - Yeah. - Like there's a few figures in the store that I found. It's like Nanachi, the little Nanachi figure. Nanachi was like 250 bucks. - Oh yeah no, the Made in Abyss stuff is so expensive. - [Garnt] Yeah, because it's so hard to find. - So even I got that Made in Abyss thing at Astop I probably still wouldn't have been able to do it because I'm not going to spend $250 on a Nanachi figure. - Oh, Angel Beats! - So I got Yuri from Angel Beats. She was, I can't remember how much but it was between 10 and 20 bucks. - That's so cute. - There's one figure that I didn't get I of course put Sagiri down. (laughs) I of course put Sagiri down and you see my video when I'm like trying to figure out which figure is which and I was like just crossing our figures. The realization when I had crossed out Sagiri was just like my heart fucking sank, man. My heart sank and I was like, Oh no I crossed off sagiri. How could I. (laughing). - Oh my God. - Don't don't look at what I'm unboxing. - I mean, this is essentially all I bought at Astop. I think I spent... I didn't even spend $100 at Astop I think because I spent 9,940 Yen at Astop because this Shonen Jump one was 5,000 Yen which is kind of expensive but not too bad. I mean I just tried to get Cindereys. (laughs) - You got another Ishtar piece? - Yeah. It's a double Ishtar, two Ishtar. - Oh my God I think I even forgot her. - I think it's like Medudine or something like that. - She's cute. - It's probably written on the box. I don't want to say I've bought the single best figure - But are you gonna tell. - But what can you say? (laughs) Look at this $30 Mike Wazowski gem. - That's actually so cool. I actually love that. - That's actually like no joke, that's a good figure, right? - I know, cause I saw Mike Wazowski like-- - I heard you shout it. - And I was like, Mike, what are you doing here? - So I have, it was a $30 purchase and I'm just want to make you guys laugh here. I just wanna-- - Can, I see that. I actually love this. - That's a good figure. It's well made. - I love this dude. - Let me put this up here. - I love how like the base is the Monsters Inc logo. - Yes! So good. - That's so cool. - I bought it for a troll but I actually thought it's not bad for 30 bucks. - No that's actually, I think our audience can appreciate that. That's so cool. I kind of want it. I love that. (humming a tune) - Well that's Toy Story, right? - No, that's not-- - Do you have any more figures coming up? - I have plenty of more figures. - I mean, I'm all out so I'm just going to watch you guys. - You guys keep talking. - Hell yeah! Megumin my Waifu. - She was cheap, I think she was like 19 bucks. - Some Megumin figurines, - It's a pretty big figure. The form factor of this box, it's pretty deceiving. - That's one thing I have noticed about Megumin figurines. Some of them are like way cheaper than what they should be. - Yeah. - It's hard to tell the difference between an $80 Megumin figure and a $20 Megumin figure. - [Joey] Yeah. - It's like, you know, with some of the popular characters there's like so many different prices with some of the popular characters. Because I think I was about to buy, I was going to buy darkness as well. So I thought Joey was going to buy Megumin. - I was too - I thought about it but I'm like, I don't need to and I reckon one of your guys is gonna buy her. - Hold on. - What? - Has nobody bought any JoJo figures. - Oh wow. It's funny you asked. (laughs) - Thank God! - I would just like to preface that that was not a scripted bid. That was totally just coincidence. - No, because we were just showing figures and I remember thinking that I say in the video, okay, Connor is gonna buy JoJo figures. I don't need to buy any JoJo figures. So if he didn't buy any, I would have been like how did we go an entire fucking trip to Akihabara without buying any JoJo figures. - I bought multiple JoJo figures actually because of course I did. - Okay, good. On brand. - So this is the, a figure that I've actually never seen before. This is the-- - Oh I saw that. - Oh, Joey's destroying-- - I'm just destroying my set right now. - This is the crazy diamond JoJo figure and it's the one of the special colored editions actually, I think cause there's a normal colored version and I've never seen this figure before and I've never seen it listed anywhere or anything but there was two of them in the store funny enough. And it was only like 19 bucks. For 19 bucks that's a really nice figure and if you've seen JoJo figures - Some of them look absolutely-- - They charge a lot more for a lot less. And it's tragic that like a 20 bucks figure for the special colored edition is like way better than I paid 120 bucks for-- - Also like the thing with JoJo figures it's like a double-edged sword it's that like some of them just look like absolute ass. - Some of them do not look like the character - Not at all. - And it's kind of tragic because it's like one of the most influential and popular series in Japan and they do them dirty but it's a good figure. I mean, that's a beautiful figure, right boys? We can agree on that. - That is a beautiful figure. - All right boys should I show my next figure that I bought? I bought a lot at Astop. I think I bought 10. This is. - Dude. I was going to buy that! - I knew he was because before we left the store, right? And I don't know if we got this on camera. I don't think we did. But Joey was like, I'm was going to buy this figure and he pointed to the booth where I got this figure and he was like, ''Oh it must have been in a different booth.'' And I was thinking, I fucking bought that. - Yeah, the moment I like, I looked over, it was like a comic. I was like, I looked over and it was just gone and in my head I'm just like, someone bought it. - It is like -- - How much did that cost? - [Joey] It was like 30 bucks. - It was 30 bucks . Look at how cool that is for 30 bucks. - [Joey] It is so good. - It is not standing up I'm realizing now. (Garnt laughing) I wonder if the cape... - Oh the cape. - Guys for 30 bucks. - I know. - That's pretty fucking good. - It's fucking steal. - And like how often do you see Akira figurines? - Never. - [Joey] That's pretty cool. - For 30 bucks that's fucking steal I think. - Okay. - Absolutely. That's very cool. Oh, now it's standing up? I guess now it's just-- (laughing) - You got one? - Oh yeah I got one. This is my last figure. I of course I wanted to fill this channel with some degeneracy. - [Joey] Of course. - Oh what the fuck did you buy. - I think I know what you've bought. - Just the question is how much was I willing to spend on it? And (laughing) this figure-- - What did you get. What's in the box. Oh no I just had a breakdown. Are you kidding me? - [Joey] Yes! - Rias really? - Yes. - Oh my God. Do you wanna know how much I spent on this figure? - I don't think I wanna hear it. - I think I walked past it and I think I remember it being way over my budget. - How much? - This was $170. (laughing) - Garnt, what the fuck! - [Joey] Holy Shit. - That's kinda hot though. - When I saw it I was like, I've got to get this. Because, you know that meme when you just like, ''How to help me budget this correctly.'' When I was going through the sheet I was like crossing off figures and Sydney was like just get rid of the fucking High School DxD figure. I'm like, I'm not getting rid of the High School DxD figure. - She stays Sydney, you leave! - I walked past this figurine in my video. And I was like I would get this if it wasn't $170 because I didn't want to go overboard. But the moment I saw it, I'm like, one of these fuckers is gonna buy it. - That feel when I realized that I don't have the most expensive figure now. (groans) Breaks my heart. All right, should we see what I got? - Yeah. - A piece of wing, another wing. - [Joey] let me put that together. - Oh this is in two parts. Okay - So I was trying to put that together underneath the table. It was pretty hard. - Oh it's magnetic. Okay. Yeah, because you have to do this. - [Garnt] Oh, okay. Yeah. What is this? Oh shit. Okay. - This is two in one figures. Is this the dragon from Slime - It is indeed. And it comes with more parts? - Holy shit I didn't realize that Slime will be representing this much because honestly like I didn't put too much thoughts into what I was trying to buy. - [Joey] There we go. - Holy shit this came with so many parts. - I'm so glad you got Rimuru. - [Joey] Oh, that's so cool. - So this was actually-- Wait till we build it but like this was a two in one figure. I don't know if that counts me buying two figures or one. I paid one, but it's two figures. - I mean that's technically one right? - No because they're not actually joined. They were both sold together. - [Joey] Oh, okay. - So I guess how much I paid for these two. - 20 bucks. - A little low bro. I pay 30 bucks for the both of them. - [Joey] Okay wow. - Because I originally had a Meruem figure and a Rimuru figure which is 35 bucks. - Was it just Rimumu on its own? - No. It was like a bundle. - With the dragon? - No, It was just Rimuru on its own with Meruem. And then I decided to go against that just to go for Meruem so-- - Well I'm glad that we don't have a single like character that's like overlaps. - Yeah I'm surprised because I thought-- I thought at this point we would at least have like some dups of some characters but we've miraculously somehow gotten around that. - Why is this head not going in? What the fuck! (laughs) - This wing is not going in either. (Joey laughs) But yeah. - Then he sold me a faulty thing. I'm joking, he was very nice to me. - So is that everything you bought Connor? - No, there's way more. - [Joey] Oh my God. - Do you wanna try to assemble this while the next? - [Joey] Yeah, give those. - Get a look at that poor head. - Oh my God (laughs) look at that. - [Joey] Oh no man! - My figure gone? I spent money on that! But yeah, I thought. - It's falling apart. - I knew none of you are going to get a Slime figure. So I thought, you know, I'll get it. Cause I thought also it's super blue I thought that would look sick on the podcast. - So like how much did you spend on all these figures? We'll find out later because this is the store I spent the most stuff. - I thought because when I finished going through the store I thought that I had at least bought the most figures in the store because I saw Joey's whole and I was like, I got this one. I didn't realize how many figures you bought. - Yeah. You're watching my next figure then?. - Sure. - [Joey] Oh yes. Let's go. Rohan Kishibe. - Kishibe Rohan. - 17 bucks. - [Joey] What? - 17 bucks. - [Joey] And that face is not bad. - That's a damn... No that is like one of the more accurate JoJo figures that I've seen. - For Araki's figure as well. - Yeah. That is a nice figure. - Dude look at that like swaying head. - Yeah dude, look at this boy, 17 bucks. - That's a good fucking deal. I can't get this fucking head on that. - Hold on, give it. - We can get it to work. - His head just does not want to come on - I have three more - [Joey] Three more! - Oh my God. Give, give me the next one. I'll start unpacking it for you. Yeah, Under the table. So I'm not gonna look at what it is I'm just going to start unpacking it. - Oh my God how the fuck do you do this. - I know, right? It's so hard. Okay. Go for it. - We should give it to our producer. Meilyne to, to put together. Right? Meilyne, would you like to put together the figure for us? - [Meilyne] Yeah. - Yeah, go on. Give it, give it to Meilyne. - Thanks Meilyne. - Help me Meilyne. - All right. So my next figure, if you will. - [Joey] Oh yes I saw that one. - That was the Levi one you were eyeing up. - Levi, sitting on a couch just doing Levi things like I just thought-- - [Joey] Like what's he holding? - Like a handkerchief. - [Joey] Oh, okay. Yeah. - Just Levi's sitting on a couch. I thought it would look so like nice on the set and also it's best boy Levi, like. - [Joey] Of course - Look at it. It's a beautiful figure. - Yeah. That's actually really nice like small-- - It's an expensive figure though. I'm not gonna lie. - Really? - How much was it? 70 bucks. - Whoa! But I had to cause like, it's Levi sitting down. I mean, come on you guys. (laughing) - So was that the most expensive figure you boy at Astop then? - At Astop, yes. - Okay. - But not overall. - Not overall. - Okay. I don't think it matters because there's this. (laughs) - Yeah - I didn't get to that. - I think I've won. - I got close to that but you know. So that's, Levi's sitting on it. I just think it's so cute. I don't know why. It's just that I feel-- - I love it when figurines have like interesting bases. - Yeah. - Like it just makes it seem so much more alive. I love it. All right. We're still going with Connor, there's more. - Connor and I it's just like giving him a handjob under the table. That's like it's just, go break it. (laughs) - Next up. - Boys and boys. - Boy, My God Gendo, Jesus. - Dude that's cool! - That's cool. - How much do you think this is worth? - I wanna say $15. - Yeah. - Five bucks. - What! Are you serious? - Did you guys not see this? - No because like I said the thing about-- - [Connor] Oh, that is sexy. Yeah so that's a bundle with that so that goes next to it.. - Yeah, we've got the whole Slime bundle there. - Oh yeah we do. Oh yeah shit! - I got this for five bucks. I thought you never see like, I love it when they make figures of characters that aren't the mains. - Yeah. - Because they're always like really rare, they're normally super expensive but the fact that this was 5 bucks I just think that's awesome. - Because they were like 1,000,000,000 Asuka figures 1,000,000,000 Rei figures - Oh my God. Every single, like Evangelion like robot. - Yeah, exactly. Is this the last one. - It is indeed. - Man, you are like-- - I think I might've won the most figures. - I think you might have. - I think he might have. - You might have won single handedly with just this store. - No I think you've bought more figures in this store than I have overall. - Yeah, I think so too. - Okay don't look. - Okay I won't look. (laughs) I should've gone more ham at Astop. - Because I was surprised with deals at Astop. - There was deals at Astop. Are you ready boys? - Yeah. - For the last figure, let me get these out of the way I feel like they may be having a.... This is my last figure. - Ooh, Eren. - It comes with a little swords you can put in. I just thought it was a cool figure. I think it was like 30, 40 bucks. I mean, you guys wanna have a look at that? - Yeah. - That was my final figure at Astop. I think I got quite the fucking whole. - I think you did. - You did. - Jesus Christ! I mean, I just can't get over this Rias figurine. (Garnt and Connor laugh) That is some, one of the nicest figures. I was eyeing this. - [Garnt] Isn't it. - And I'm just like do I commit to the podcast or do I just buy this for myself? - No, that figure fucked me over for the rest of the day. But you know what? It was worth damn it. It was worth it. That was like-- - Look now, from now on after this episode you get to fucking stare at this beautiful thing in the background every single thing. - Why are we getting demonetized every episode? We've got this-- - Is it because of a Rias' bare like dump truck ass right here. (laughs) - Jesus Christ. Demonetization, what was that? - So with that giant whole ass away... My God! So let's go with the third-- - Wait, how much did you spend at Astop? I mean spent less than $100 at Astop. My most expensive thing was the Jump thing right here which was 50 bucks. - That's cool a shit though. - [Joey] It is cool a shit. - I spent 220 bucks. - Oh my God, shit. I need to check how much exactly I spent-- - Because one of the challenges was whoever spends the most at a single store gets a point. - What was... Actually, we can figure that out ourselves. I also spent 220 bucks at Astop. - Oh! - It's going to go down to the tiny numerals next. But the third store we went to was K-Books. K-Books, much like a lot of stores in the large of Kaikan building. They sell figurines but they also sell a bunch of like other merch like figurines, plushies, just little knickknacks and stuff like that so. - [Garnt] I don't remember... Oh no I do remember exactly what I bought. I bought two things. - Okay. So let's talk about strategy first. So what was your guys' strategy going into K-Books - This is the point where I started considering how much money I have left. Like Astop it was like spend spend. Because I felt like I was too behind at Animate. So I went ham in Astop and then this is when I was like, okay maybe I should start like being careful when I buy. - Oh no, I was the complete opposite. At this point I had more than half of my budget left. - [Garnt] Oh my God - Oh shit I get. - So I was going to go like big bucks boy on K-Books and the final Amiami store. - So what did you buy? - So I got two. So one of my challenges was to get an Astolfo figurine. I don't know why super specificly but luckily I found one Astolfo figurine. Didn't even come in box. - This motherfucker. - Oh Goddamnit! Because what happened right? Was-- - There was two. He just hit the one that you didn't find. - Because we were walking past it and I saw the Astolfo figure and I was just like putting loads of other figures on top of that. (laughing) So I was like, Connor, look at this and I didn't see the second one so. - Yeah there was another one like right near it. - So I like waited ahead and I watched him as he was going through it and he actually found another one. But the one that you buried, he didn't find. - Yeah, I didn't know. This is the only one I've found and I'm like, thank God. - Oh dammnit. - Because he always got me with that conspiracy. But then the second one I got... Oh the second challenge was to find a Cardcaptor Sukara figurine. Unfortunately I couldn't find one but I know that if I went to K-Books like six months ago, like the new Sukara was still like hot and fresh in everyone's minds. I knew I would have found one but, so I gave up on that. So instead I spent big boy dollars and got this really cool Yuojo Senki figurine. - [Garnt] That's so cool. I'm like, I'm not a huge fan of Tanya personally but this is a fucking cool figurine. - That's an awesome figurine. - How much was that? This was $132. - Ooh okay. - With an interchangeable head though. (laughing) Great! Can't wait to change the heads every day. - Every episode we changing the head. - Oh my God. Don't say that, we'll have to do it. (laughing) - We're gonna have to come here. But that's pretty much the only two things I bought. - Yeah. Because at this point I was just trying to stay alive. Astop really fucked me over. - Oh way yeah, because spent how much at Astop And then you also spent a shit ton at Animate. - Yeah. So I think I budgeted it. It's like, I think I could only spend around 70 bucks or something or maybe less in each store. So I had to complete the challenges. So the first challenge was just getting a figure from a Shonen series. (laughs) - Another Mike I can't take it. - Oh my God. - I mean, I already knew I'd lost at this point. So I didn't really... But what surprised me because I wasn't really familiar with a K-Books so I didn't know what kind of merchandise they had. They did not have a lot of Shonen figures. - No - That's all. - Right? It was between this one and a Luffy one and I just went for the cheapest one because I needed to-- - You wanted the challenge done. - I wanted the challenge done. Second thing was to buy something Lewd, all right. - That was not difficult as there was a gigantic hentai section. There were like like Hanbok like, I think like half of the store was just like 18 plus. - So I'm like, this is big Rei mode. What lewd thing can I buy that's really cheap and can keep me on budget. So I brought Dojuinshi. (laughs) - Oh who did you get? - Oh my God. - Jean Outta - Of course. - I just like I was more focused on finding a cover which wouldn't get us easily like, which just wouldn't get this video off the, what am I talking about? Demonetized or age restricted. - That's big brain YouTuber boy. - Yeah. But I did buy one more. - Okay. - But I just checked it before we started recording. I don't think I can share it. - Maybe you can just show a blured picture and we can all get a reaction to it. - Okay. - Yeah. maybe mood on, just put like a huge black screen over whatever Garnt brings out. So I bought a Dakimakura. (laughs) - A what? - Wow, where are we gonna put that? - I thought we could just hang it up on the wall. That was like the intent. We're not going to be able to use this. - Okay. - Because I was like I need to buy a Dakimakura. - ''I need to buy a Dakimakura!'' - Yes I do. - Right. What did you get? - So I bought the cheapest one I could find. And like it was in the section there weren't many like the Dakimakuras weren't all lewd. You know, there was some lewds, there was some one and they were all like covered up. - Where are you going with this? - So I couldn't tell how Lewd the Dakimakuras were I just chose the cheapest one. - Oh Jesus. - Oh wow. Oh no. - We're not going to be able to use this. - Black all of that out. - They sell that? - Yes. - This wasn't, this wasn't even in the hentai section. - Okay. Can I ask? Because he got the cheapest one. How much was that? - 40 bucks. - What! 40 bucks - That's the cheapest one? - Yeah that's the cheapest one. Right I bought Like a sens one at home that was Akatena. Don't ask me why. So my two challenges were buy JoJo figure and do the pose. And I was really lucky that there was any one JoJo figure which I'll show you shortly. The other one was Buy a Wall Scroll. Now there was a bunch of cheap wall scrolls like 400, 500 but I thought I should probably get one from a show that I actually like liked. So I spent 10 bucks on Katanagatari. - [Joey] Oh, hell yeah. - My God. I love, Katanagatari is one of my favorite shows. - [Joey] It's so good. - It's totally underrated, not underrated. - So many people haven't seen it as well. - Everyone who has seen the show says it's fucking amazing. - Yeah it is. - And if you haven't seen it, it's like-- - It's Nishio Ishin of course it's gonna be good. - It's like a Quentin Tarantino anime I feel like it's so fucking good. - People who haven't seen it are just like, which season of Monogatari is this? (all laugh heartedly) It's nothing to do with the Monogatari series. - It's amazing. Please watch it. And I mean she's Waifu material. - Yeah definitely. - So that was 10 bucks I mean. - Yeah that's bringing me back memories up constantly - I know when I've been to this show. - Makes me wanna watch it again. - I don't know where we're going to put this. I'll just put right it here. Also I got a JoJo figure. - Of course. - Which one though? - Which one? - Because I remember when you got the challenge and you were like, buy a JoJo figure. I was like, this motherfucker. You got so lucky with the challenges. - I did. - The only reason why you got four points is because all of them was so easy for you. - Except okay. And the last door, we shall talk about that. That was a little annoying somehow. But yeah, so I got the Giorno Giovanna Golden Experience. - Ooh! - It's actually like it's, okay I'm not gonna lie, His face doesn't look like 10 out of 10 on it but that's what you get with JoJo figures. But at least we got another JoJo figure. - Oh nice. So I'm the one who did all the hard work. - So what's that, three now? It's Rohan, Giorno and Diamond. - This was 66 bucks though. And that's like-- - Can I see that? - Yeah. And to be honest with you 66 bucks is kind of like cheap for JoJo figure normally. - Yeah. - The more I look at this face the more hilarious it gets. Just like look into his face. - It's kinda how I would say. - It' kinda funny. - We'll take a picture of this and show it on the podcast. - It's not how I would describe as manga accurate but it's, I mean, more like Kendall, but whatever I'm not gonna (indistinct). That's all I bought at K-Books. I was just doing my challenges. - Okay so we each bought two things each? - Oh no, I bought three. I mean, I was just like-- - I just wanted to get my challenges done. - I got my challenges done and I was like I'm just on the mission to demonetize this channel. (laughs) That was my mission. - Don't worry you will do that naturally. - I was worrying because like I went into K-Books and I mean I was thinking like I'm gonna buy a $200 figure. - Yeah. - K-Books quickly ruined that plan because of the challenges. So I spent 77 bucks on just my challenge. And then obviously I realized when I got to Amiami which we're gonna do right now I had challenges that I had to do as well. - Yeah. - So we should talk about Amiami. - [Joey] Okay, so let's talk about Amiami. - So for me, Amiami was just, I was just trying to survive. I was, I think I figured out I had like I think $60 or $50. - 60 bucks left? - [Joey] What! - Yeah. I was just, at this point, just praying and hoping. Like-- - But you wasted fucking $40 on a fucking pillowcase. (laughing) Like why would you do that? - Don't judge me, okay? - It wasn't even a part of the challenge. - I know. I just wanted a Dakimakura, okay? - It's just like a guy who like gambles all this money away and says I just don't understand why I got the money all the time, man. It sucks - Well because like, I knew this would be my only opportunity to buy a Dakimakura. - Of course. - Why did you want to buy one so badly? - Because he's fucking part of Trash Taste, that's why. - Look it's called Trash Taste for a reason. - Fine. All right. Sue me. We had a lot of blank space in the background where we could hang one up. So I was like, Dakimakura? I think that's a good purchase. And now I bought one wasted $40. Can't even use it. Fucking brilliant. (laughs) - We can't even hang it up. It's just going to be a black box in the video. - I've got one at my house. I've got a pillow. The Dakimakura pillow so. - I mean, I've got one of Shoujo hanging on me wall so. But with me, for Amiami this is where I spent the most amount of money because I had almost like, I think I had like 2/3 of my budget still left because I knew I'd been into Amiami before, not the one in Kaikan that we went to but there's another one in Akihabara as well. - And you can spend a lot of money in there. - Yeah I spent a lot of money there and I know they have some really expensive figurines, but they have a huge selection as well. So I knew I was going to find something hopefully good. I mean that's before this Rias showed up and ruin my plans but my two challenges I believe was by a plushie, a character plushie. And the other one I don't remember what it was. But I got a plushie. I actually got two plushies. - [Connor] Okay. - Because I needed to, you know, spend my money and get close to $500 as possible. - [Garnt] Yeah, exactly. - So I got Moogle and Chocobo. - Okay. - Because I love Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy Seven remake recently just came out and I love the fuck out of it. - [Garnt] That's cute as fuck. - Yeah so give out JLPG some love as well. So I got that and the most expensive figurine that I got overall. - Oh more expensive than anyone? - Oh, okay. - This is the most expensive overall. - Did you buy this purposely to like finish-- - I bought this purposely to get as close to $500 as possible. - Oh okay. - So this was not part of the challenge. I got a Tokisaki Kurumi from Date A Live. - [Garnt] Oh nice. - Okay. I mean again, this is kind of going to be like Rias in the sense that like, possibly demonetize. - Oh that's hot. - But I know Tokisaki figurines can for some reason, so expensive. I mean she's a really popular Date A Live character. - How much was it then? - This was $141. Not as expensive as the Rias, I've already lost that challenge but. - I may have overheard or saw Joey when he was buying that one. And I thought all I gotta do is beat 1300. - Yeah. And I literally just went over 1300 on a more expensive figure which I'll reveal soon. - Okay. Because, was that everything you bought? - And that's everything I bought. - Okay. Because for me, Amiami was a stressful experience. Not because of the store itself. The store itself is great, but because I saw my challenges, which was one, find an Evangelion figurine. That was a lot harder than I initially gave it credit for. - Really? - Yeah. Because I missed the entire figure section right at the back. So I was just walking around and there was one figure I found which was $200. No, actually no way that I could buy that figure. And I found another figure, which was 50 bucks. No, 50 to 70 bucks. But that was the tiny little budget that I had. - You really fucked yourself. - Yeah. I really fucked myself. - You hate to see it. This girl me fucked so badly. - Hey, I mean, she's a succubus. ( laughs) - What can you say? - But luckily I found an Asuka pop figure. - Oh no! Why did you do a pop figure? - No! Why God. Why would you buy a pop figure man. - Because it was the cheapest okay. - I think this is going to be awarded for the most normy. (laughs) This thing right here. No offense, if you like pop vinyls but we-- - No offense. If you do like Pop vinyls. Like we say, no offense. They're fucking ugly dude. - I thought they'd be nice. - I fucking hate pop figures. Oh Jesus. How much did you spend on this? - 14 bucks. - Okay not bad. - You know what it's like? It's like, you come to Japan, right? You have all these amazing figures. - Yeah. - You go for fucking pop figures. It's like going into like Germany an being like I want hotdogs, from the can please. I want not none of that stuff. - It's like going to Germany and being like, can I have an Asahi? - Yeah. It's like, what the fuck? - No fine. I-- - All right... I'll give it for the challenge. It was for the challenge, because there're like like this Amiami had a lot of good figures. That I really, really wanted to buy. I just needed to go for the cheapest one. And then the second one which I had no idea how to complete was buy a furry and like 100% non-humanoid figure. And I was like the only thing I could fkn think of was Chopper from One Piece. Did not have any Chopper figures. So I was like I've probably lost this. And then I was like, wait a minute. There's there's probably one thing I could twist and that's Eevee figure. - Okay, that counts. - I was like, okay if I can't go the chopper route maybe I can go to the Pokemon route. - How the are fuck have they spelled Eevee on this box? - [Joey] EIEVUI. - What's with that? Why do they spell it like that? - I don't know because I guess that's how they pronounce it in Japanese But I don't think they realize that there's a way easy spelling of Eevee - Yeah. - Okay that's cute. - Okay you know, that counts. Because when you pulled that out I thought you were going to get one of these. - Yeah, because I didn't think those kinda does a figure, right? But I'm like Eevee's furry is non-humanoid figure. Shut the fuck up I am getting that point. - Okay. - No okay that counts. - Because there was between like Eevee and Miu too and I was like Eevee's cute. So yeah what were the challenges that you had Connor? - I had, buy three anime mugs or glasses (laughs) We painfully asked because they were no sets or anything. It was like they were all like pretty expensive as well. - Oh you had to buy them separately. - Yeah , and then it was also buy a figure that you think is trash. - So wait, how much budget did you have left at this point? - 140 something. - Oh, so you like balanced it out pretty well between the four stores? - Yeah because I basically spent nothing at Animate I spent 70 bucks at K-Books. So I kind of like did pretty good at budgeting by accident. I hadn't planned anything. I think not having challenges that fuck me over was helpful. - Yeah that was definitely helpful. - The figure that I thought it was trash was just this shitty Sunrio one. (laughs) - I thought you were gonna go like ironic trash, right? - Yeah. - No, it was like 220 Yen as well which might be the cheapest figure as well. - It's is probably the cheapest figure. - I just... Who the is the Sanrio character. Does anyone know it? - Oh I think I know it. - You know it? I know like the. - Pochacco - I know Tamagu one, the egg one. - I love Tamagu. - Gudetama? - Yeah. - And obviously Hello Kitty but I don't know. What the fuck. Okay, whatever. And the funny mugs I bought from, I don't know where they're from. Do you wanna open them, I guess? - Sure. - That was 100 Yen luckily But every other mug was like 1,000 Yen. I managed to find two for 600 Yen. So we have more mugs now for the podcast I guess. We'll drink from those possibly maybe never I don't know. - These are like tightly packed There's the mugs. So I did the challenges. Cool. And then I was like so annoyed because the there was a Froppy figure. The one with like the cool comic book text. - I sold that one. I had just enough budget to get that if it wasn't for this shit. (laughs) So I had to completely change my mind. I'm not saying this stuff is bad but it ruined my plan, just saying. So I had to go with a different... I mean ,I guess you get what you pay for, right? That's all I'm gonna say like it was 100 Yen for a reason you know. - What series is this? - I don't fucking know. - I have no idea. - Oh no, it's all characters on the back which I didn't see. - And then these are from some Otome game. - Oh yeah they look like Otome games - I don't watch or play any Otome games. I know they're huge here in Japan but. - I mean for a female demographic - I would just prefer Yaoi. Just straight up Yaoi. Don't like try and-- - If you had come out with a Yaoi like mug I think you would have one like coolest. (laughs) - Maybe. The final figure and most expensive figure that I bought. - Right, oh C.C? - Oh C2! - C.C, C2, whatever. Same thing, 2C. It's her like on the like pedestal. - [Joey] That's cool. That's a dump truck I've ever seen. - Ooh. - That's an ass. - That's who you see in the figure. I should get it out so you guys can fully appreciate this figure but yes that was-- - How much was that? - That was 130 bucks, honestly worth every penny - I guess while they're opening these figurines up I guess I just want to ask you guys, like how was the challenge like overall? Like do you have a good feeling? - I have more stuff by the way. - Oh, you have more stuff. - I have more stuff. - Okay. - Which is probably... - Do you want to open this while I. - Okay. - We should also preface as well that there is like consequences for the final scores and everything. Basically, whoever has the lowest score at the end like including the points that we got in our individual videos as well as the points that we're going to add up at the end of this episode has to do some kind of punishment in a traditional really sadistic Japanese way. We're basically gonna be consuming something that we personally don't really want to consume with these two because they're absolute pussies. They're going to have to eat one packet of nokdu which is like Japanese fermented soybeans. - It's disgusting. - I love it. - It smells horrible, okay? - I love it. Thank you very much I grew up with it. So obviously I'm not going to eat that if I lose. I'm gonna have to eat the spicy noodles that I ate in my JoJo quiz video which you can go check out on my channel. Yeah. But we're going to find that out at the end of the episode once we've calculated all the scores but I guess in the meantime as well let us know down in the comments below so far, what is the favorite figurine that you sourced. - It's my one I know it. - Most likely it's going to be this one. - I'm like so happy I bought that now because I bought it on pure instinct, right? I wasn't trying to win the game. I didn't have any strategy in mind. - You were horny on maine I was just horny on maine and I just wanted everyone to see it. I love as well how the base is like buried so you can like walk up at it. - Damn! That's a good figure. - Damn that is a beautiful. - [Joey] Ooh, look at that butt dude. Look at that competition man. (laughs) - Just saying so - Who has the bigger dump truck. - Yeah. - Now I know Garnt is gonna shit himself now but the rest of my purchases were to get that even 500 bucks. - Okay. - So I just bought like a fucking. I don't even know what this is. - What is that? It goes on a doorknob I think, or something. I don't really know. - It's like an arrow-man. Let me open this. - A towel of some. - Of Ani Tore. - It was 100 Yen. A towel. - What is this show? - That's the POV anime where like the cute girls like workout. - Yeah oh shit. I remember. - It's so bad. I love it. - I got some scroll from some shirts. - Wow, you've really like weighed like cold stuff overall. - Did someone have like a challenge where you have to buy a wall scroll? - It was from a different... - Oh yeah. - Trading cards for 210 Yen. (laughs) - Like what trading cards? - What is this? Oh, wait, you can put something in here. - It's probably for like tickets maybe, something like that. Train tickets, maybe concert tickets. It's you know, if you want like to know who is a weaboo you just put this on them. - It's like a tracking, you know. That's everything that I bought and it came out to an even 500 exactly. - Oh, are you serious? - Bang on 500. - Oh fuck! - I did this footage in my video which you guys should see. I went to the cashier and I went 10 Yen over. So I asked the guy, I'm like, no take all this stuff out I'm going back. ( Joey and Garnt laugh) And they were all so confused they were like, ''what's he trying to say?'' I'm like, get rid of the stuff I got to go back. So I went and found exactly what it was. Did the math on the spot went through my camera footage to find out what I spent at each store. - Oh my God. - Until exactly 500 bucks. - I was like, I don't think there's anyone that's going to get close to $500, like at all. So I was like if I can get as close as I can to 500 then I think I probably won. So I think my overall price came to 49,840 Yen. So I was 160 Yen off. - Wow. - Because for me, I was, after Astop I had just stopped calculating stuff and that. (laughs) - You had given up. - Like I was like, I'm probably going to go bust. I'm probably going to go bust and lose the entire thing. But no, mine actually came out to 47,152 Yen. - Oh, we all got really close. - Which is like $470. That's how... We should probably explain that we are calculating it by dollars by just dividing by 100 from the--. - Yeah, because that's roughly what it is. - Yeah. - So I guess for the first challenge of can get closest to $500, those two points are going to go to Connor. - Hell yes, that means I'm in the lead now. - Holy fuck those two points. - Damn I was so confident that I was like, I thought like old both of you were get to get like kind of what I got so I'm like, no dude, I'm 160 Yen away. I got this. - Joey seemed so confident when we were filming that I thought he must have done the exact same thing as me and got like exact. - [Joey] No! - No because this fucker, he was like, I thought he'd planned everything, right? - Same . - I talked to him off screen-- - He turned up smiling and everything. - And I'm like, he's like, I got my strategy for each store and I'm like, I have got none. - I did not. (laughing) - No, I was just bluffing you guys. Obviously like a good game of poker You've gotta be overconfident. - Whatever, you bluffed me into being exact with my money. I wouldn't have done that if I didn't know that you might've been exact. - Goddammnit! Because I didn't think you were going to like buy all this small shit to like get exact. - I wanted to get those two points. I don't want to eat fucking nokdu Joey. - Nor do I. - Okay, well then, that was huge. So let's go over the next couple of challenges. I think there's 10 left. - Yeah. - 10 left. - So the second one is the most expensive figure. - Obviously that goes to Garnt and this does all that. - That was 160? - 16700 Yen. - Wow so 170 bucks basically. And yours was 140? - Mine was 141. - And the mine was 137. So Garnt gets to the point for that I guess. - Yeah. - Next one is the cheapest figurine I got that 220 Yen figure. - Yeah. - Did anyone beat that? - No mine was Puck, which is 980. - Yeah. - Ooh. Mine was, I think I can't even fucking remember. It was 1,000 bucks, I noted it down. - 1,000 bucks! - No, it was 1,000 Yen. - So even even if I didn't buy that I still had the Evangelion. - Yeah you still would have won with-- - So yeah, you still would have won even if it was anime figure. - So, okay, damn, I feel pretty good right now, all right. - Okay.The lowest rated series on MAL - Okay, you wanna go first? - Which one is yours. - What's my number? It was like Otome brave which I think is that Mug and it was like 2,375. - Oh damn! - Okay what's yours. - Mine was (laughs), Rias. - Really! That's the lowest? - Oh my God - Yeah, it was like 1,744 on MAL. - Okay. Well, give me the point because mine wasn't Berserk, which is 5,687. - No way, no. - Because it's the anime not the manga. Hell yeah. - What the hell. Goddamn. - It's the garbage anime not the manga. I'm sure if I looked at what that fucking towel was the scores might be a little different. (laughing) I don't fucking know what it is. So I guess that's not fair. - Point to me baby. Let's go. - Yeah. So the next was the most figures bought. - In one store. - No overall. Did we do store and? - No we just did overall. - Okay, well, I only bought seven. - I have 14. - 10. - I mean, I think you bought some more figures in Astop. - I filled up the thing and I bought everything that I filled up in those-- - You bought more figurines at Astop than I did overall. - And I'm not gonna lie, right you have a good selection but I think my selection is pretty fucking strong as well. - Oh yeah, no, all three of our selections are really strong - Yeah. - I don't know about Garnt. I mean this figure is great but the rest. Look at, his selection is strong? Get out of here Garnt. - Okay, next one. Most spent on one series. All of mine were separate so I'm just going to go off the base that this is(masked over by Connor) - I totally forgot about this one. - Yeah. - Wait, what could it be? - It's probably JoJo, right? - Wait it could have been JoJo but it wouldn't have been... I spent a lot on like Attack on Titan and JoJo but I didn't get anything near 160 overall. (laughs) - She's just solo carrying these challenges for me now. - What was the thing, right? Is that we may challenges that we'll reward you for being frugal with your money and buying little things but also would reward you if you bought, if you did the gamble that paid off the most, - Yeah, that's the gamble. - Because you had to guess, right? Because I was thinking in my head, would Joey buy a $200 figure? I think he could. - I was going to. - I thought both of you couldn't and I was like, maybe I should just give up on that challenge, right? And just focus on everything else. - Fuck. - Yeah because like, when I saw her, I was like, I just want to buy her because she was like a really unique figure. I saw tits and I thought I'd just. I saw titties and I didn't think and before I knew it I was writing down the number. - His wife was right there as well but it didn't matter. - It was funny because out of every figure I bought this one was the one that I didn't think about the most. I was like, I'm getting this figure. I'm not even going to think about it. - [Joey] My god. The most spent on a non-figure. - Oh for me it would be I guess the squashy, which is 2,800 Yen. - Mine was 1,100. - Okay. Mine was a Dakimakura. - Shit he spent 40 bucks on it. (laughs) I guess it paid off. - [Joey] Fuck! - If being at degenerates fucking saved me in this game I'm so fucking happy. - [Joey] Goddamnit. - Okay. All right. What's the next. - Next one is most spent in one store. - Okay how much did you spend exactly in Astop. - I spent $197. - What did you spend? - 22,380 Yen. - Fuck I spent 22,190. - Oh, come on. - Okay. Here we go. Closest to 69 (laughs) closest to $69. This was the meme one. - I don't know at all about this one. For me it was the Shonen Jump thing which was 4,980 Yen. - Okay. Mine was mine was the Edward Elric one. - Yeah - Which was 5,299. - All right, I win $66 baby. on the Giorno Giovanna one funny enough. - Oh shit. - So the one that I had no choice to buy got me another point so, sweet. - Oh my God I'm gonna fucking lose. Okay, normy awards so whoever has my highest rank on Mal loses the point. - I think I lose this, right? - What did you get? - Attack on Titan. - Is that higher than Fullmetal Alchemist. - Attack on Titan is number two I think if I looked correctly. - Ooh I thought I lost. - Number one is Death Note. - Okay I'm definitely saved because mine was the Monogatari which is 56 - Yeah, most popular according to myanime list is Death Note, Shingeki no Kyojin SoldaT online then Fullmetal Alchemist by the way. - How did I not lose that one. Because I saw by boy Levi. Where is he? ,.Where is it? Look at how beautiful he is, okay, I could not. - Oh my God. - So I lose a point. So Connor loses a point. - Okay. Final one, buying a hentai figure. Okay, So I-- - I mean that's zero points for me, baby. - I'm gonna argue this. - No. - Okay here's why. I didn't realize this but you can replace Rias's tits to be uncensored. - Are you serious? - Yeah. I didn't know what that was until I opened it up. Those are just nipples. (laughs) I didn't know, they came with interchangeable nipples. - Oh my God. Wait, how do you take those off? It's not the thing that-- - We're going to find that out after the, yeah. - So I think - Oh, so they're attached to the head. Oh my God. - I mean I would like to argue that you bind the Dakimakura already counts as like a hentai thing. - But that wasn't a figure but I think that uncensored nipples counts as a hentai figure because we can't show it-- Oh, but is it though? Cause it's High School DxD. It's not technically hentai. - I mean-- - If there's tits out though is it a hentai figure. - I mean, I would like to argue that if it's something we can't show on this podcast then I think it counts. - Of which I have two now. - Yeah exactly fucking degenerate grading. - Then I think I get a point. - Okay, we'll give Garnt the point This isn't a hentai figure so. - No that's just a cultural figure. - Man I'm so fucking glad I bought this figure now. - Dude, this single figurine clutched you the victory like. Oh my God. Okay. And the total scores were Connor with 12 points, Garnt with 12 points and I got seven points. - I would have won this if I didn't buy the Attack on Titan figures by the way. - I would have won this if I was actually smart. - I probably would have lost this if I didn't buy this one single figure. - So it was also your downfall but it also got you all the points in all this. - It got you more positives than negatives this thing. - Because, God, when we were like going through all these challenges because we had completely forgotten the overall challenges and I was like, wait a minute. I think this one figure could be a lot of these challenges. I'm like. - I totally forgot we put hentai figure in there. I would have bought a shitty one if I remembered - Because like, it would have been hard because-- - There's not many hentai figures. - No ,because all of the hentai figures were like 100s of dollars. They're very expensive. - Yeah they normally are, I mean, you know it's a very cultured island-- - I just like to point out that over all of these like overall challenges I only got a 1 point. (laughing) - You hate to see it. - And that was the fact that Puck is the lowest rated out of everything here. - I think the thing is, right? Is that he went all out with that, I was a bit more conservative, spread my money out you know. And then you kind of. - I just bought shit that I like. - You went mid-range. You were like I'll keep buying kind of expensive things but not really. - I was just like, I like this shit, I'll just buy it. - This is what happens when you try to strategize and just. (laughs). - I will at least like the credit of probably getting the coolest one. - [Garnt] No. - That's cool. - [Garnt] You can have that point Joey. - Yeah. I'll have that point. - You can have that fake point - I'm still not going to win. I'll take the pity points, fuck you. - I fucking love this figure. This is such a nice figure, holy shit. - Well, since I lost I guess I have to eat a horrible thing. I think our producer Meilyne brought something which I am not looking forward to eating. - Well that already. I can't even smell it but I can picture what it smells like. - [Meilyne] I've opened it. - Thank you Meilyne our amazing producer. - All right. Well my challenge has arrived. Hey, it's Tai. (laughs) - So what is this? - It's pickled mud fish. - So apparently according to our producer this smells awful-- - And apparently is just as bad if not worse than a surstromming which is like pickled I think it's like merkel or something. It's like Swedish thing that all YouTubers eat. - Okay. Do you want, you wanna open it up and give it a smell there Joey? - Yeah, I'll give it a sniff. - What's it kinda like. Oh my God I just saw that man go to heaven. I saw that man go to heaven. - That smells like actual like poop. - You went to heaven there. - Smell it. - I can smell it from here man. - Smell it, like put his nose in it. (grunts) (laughing) - Oh what the fuck. - This looks really bad. - [Joey] It looks and smells poop. - It's like vomit, bro. You're not going to be able to beat that down. - I've smelled this before. (laughing) - Of course you have, it's Tai - Oh jeez it's fucking stinking up the office. Fucking eat it quick - Okay. I mean we have no utensils so I'm just gonna have to get in there. - Can you eat that? - I think I've eaten that. - Oh my God. - You have eaten it? - Yeah. It's like really salted fish, right? So it's going to be super salty. - Oh God, what the fuck! - I'm just going to grab like a piece of it if you don't mind. - Oh my God, wait, just show it on camera show. Show that piece on camera. (laughing) - Oh Jesus Christ. Garnt are we gonna sensor that? Like Jesus! - Oh my God. It's smells from here. - [Garnt] Yeah. Careful with the bugs. - Is that enough? - Just don't get on the microphone please. - Bon a petite. (soft electric music) - [Garnt] How is it? - Tastes like I'm eating dirt. (laughing) Oh God that's (grunts) That's so salty. - It's just salted fish, right? It's so salty. - Oh my God. I don't know why I'm leaking my fingers. (laughing heartedly) - Ooh, get me some more of that. - Get this man some water. - Oh,it's getting worse. - Because what kills you is the fucking after taste. The first few bites aren't that bad but the more you chew it the more like the flavors come out and then the after taste just it hits you and your breath is gonna stink for like a fucking week. (laughing) - Oh my God. I got it down. - All right. Well done. Oh my God this fucking stinks now like-- - Hey guys. (Garnt laughing) How are you. - You should wash it down with the durian. I think that would be a good idea. The thing is you did lose pretty badly on this thing. - Oh I can still smell it. Maybe your durian will help. (Joey coughs) - Do you wanna smell my finger? - No. (laughs) Sticky fingers. - Oh stinky fingers more like it. Oh Jesus Christ. - Stinky oh oh. - Oh my God, it's actually getting worse. - Oh that smells viral. I can still smell it what the fuck. I don't think, like I have eaten a lot of weird foods in my life. This is easily the grossest thing I've ever had. - Yeah. I feel sorry for you Joey. - Do you smell it over there? Oh Jesus it's concentrated it's like a fucking-- - I think the smell is getting stronger. - Yeah we're in the fallout zone here like, my God! - It's like a nuclear blast. - I'm like fine if I hold my nose because like, I don't like smell the thing but the moment I get it out, oh, I could smell my own breath and it's fucking viral. - Next time next week when we do the podcast Joey we'll still be smelling it. - Well I really just hope this doesn't give me like an illness because we're like going on a trip tomorrow. - Offending all Tai people right now. (laughing) I mean like I hope I don't get like food poisoning because like, we're going on a vacation tomorrow. - Yeah - And I don't want to be sick. Oh God, this mic is gonna fucking stink I'm sorry. - It's awful. - We're gonna have to like spray this mic here. - We can open the windows when we finish this episode, like Jesus. (Joey exhales deeply) - So now that the challenge is over what are you guys' closing thoughts? - I'm glad I didn't literal eat shit. (Garnt laughs heartedly) I mean, you know, the ultimate goal was; to one, not lose and become like this man who's going through like the five stages of grief with his face. - I'm definitely at the last stage. (laughs) - Yeah, we got to decorate the office. I think by a miracle we got like some pretty good variation. Like I honestly would love to do something like this again in future with another challenge where we can each go and film our own parts-- - I'm surprised that out of all the things that we bought not a single person bought the same thing. - Yeah. Because that was the thing I was most worried about, right? When I, you know, pitched the challenge the thing I was worried about was like what if we all just go for the same fucking figures. - 10 Dekus, I would like three of your finest Dekus. (laughing) - Because yeah, I had a lot of fun filming in the stores and I would love to do something like this again. I don't know if you guys enjoyed seeing the aftermath of all our different individual challenges and how we like approached it and everything. - Yeah, I mean, I think it's street rolls. I think we had fun with every step of this process. So I really hope that was reflected in the video. - I got to ask you though? - Yeah. - Because this is your first time doing like a video filming in public you know. - Okay. - I'm used to embarrassing myself in public. Like how was it? I got to know - It was hard. It was so hard. - [Joey] We saw you struggling at the beginning. - Like I was out of Animate when I was filming my intro. I don't even know if you're gonna see that because I'm I'm thinking about filming like a separate intro anyway. But I was just like tripping over my words. I had no idea. Like give me a script, great. I can read off the script. If I just have to talk about my thoughts without any scripts. And like, a podcast is different in my mind because I have people to bounce off. - Right. Because when I'm looking at a camera I'm like, Hey guys, there, I'm here outside of an Animate, and I'm like, Oh shit man. - It's like someone trying to speak English for the first time. (laughs) - It's definitely a skill you learn I think. - Yeah I mean I was awkward as fuck I remember the first time I filmed. And I hated it. Yeah. - But I think I got used to it when I just, hit Astop. Animates, I was still like getting my feet on the ground. With Astop I was just, I think it was thanks to just the place as well because I wasn't thinking about what challenges there were I was just thinking about getting as many fucking figures as I could. - I did, I got a lot. - Yeah you certainly fulfilled that. - Yeah it was a lot of fun I think as well like a great environment like when you get permission to film in a place and you just go wild. - Yeah absolutely because the original plan for this video was just to like MacGyver our way through. - Go pro or underover. - Under the chin guards. - Yeah. - That would have not been that great. - Yeah. But I mean, I haven't edited the video yet but I think it's going to be pretty entertaining. And you guys can let us know as well like, how you guys found those videos how you found this episode. Hopefully you guys enjoyed watching me eat literal shit on camera. This is easily the worst fucking thing I've ever had. I can still fucking taste it. I really want you guys to smell my finger. - No, I'm not smelling your finger Joey - Please. - No! - Can you do it at least for the podcast. - No. Come on, I smelled that shit. - Get that shit away from me! (exhales loudly) - I mean, I definitely even though this was it like a logistical nightmare planning speaking about logistics from episode one, this was like an actual logistical nightmare planning all day. So we had to like bounce stores and it was short notice and everything. Like, I would definitely be up for doing something where it's like three angles again and it's a challenge that we conclude on the podcast. - Yeah. - Because like, I'm not sure if you've seen the video but by the time we got to Amiami I was exhausted. Like, it was kind of like that feeling when you've just spent an entire day at a con working and you're like I've got to do one more panel. - It was just a con in general. - Yeah - And fuck it, Oh we've got to have dinner? Oh shit I wanna sleep. (laughs) Like I remember post-filming I just went home and collapsed. - Yeah, same. - I didn't leave my bed. - I think we walked like 10 kilometers that day. I checked my like, stamps. - Typical Tokyo day. - True. - You've done a lot of walking when you come to Japan? - Yeah but I think-- - Okay, so what was the favorite thing you guys bought then? - That's a good question. - Easy for you. - Instinctively I want to say like, I mean yeah. - That's a good fucking figure. - It's a solid figure but I think the most interesting figure and like coolest one that I'm glad I bought was maybe the Akira one. which I thought was just so fun, or the Levi one. Mike Wazowski though. (laughs) That's such a good figure. - Like all ironicly that's a good figure. - That's fucking good figure. - Yeah - And also the 500, I've forgot the name of the character for Shinley's dad. - Gendo - Gendo figure, fine yeah. - That's a good deal. - I think my favorite was definitely the Jump. - Oh that's so sick. - Because it's so unique. - I love unique figures because they have so many figures that look alike. - And who doesn't like Jump. - Exactly. - Yeah. - That it's just going to look good. - Yeah. Okay what's the worst figure you think each of us bought. - The worst figure? - Yeah. I'm gonna have to agree. - This thing, what the hell? (joey laughs) - I don't know actually, I liked all the figurines I bought. Maybe that's why it lost. (laughs) - What's the worst figurine you think I bought? - The worst one you bought? - I mean, you bought so many I can't remember. - That's pretty bad. - It's probably that one. - You've not gotten the monogatari one. That's kinda-- - Excuse you. That's kinda Trash Taste if I do say so. - Do you want to smell my finger. (Garnt laughing heartedly) - Smell my finger. I have a registered weapon now right here. (all laughing) - Yeah and there's not much to say really. I feel like we've adequately roasted each other's purchases. - And I guess I wanted to give a shout out to all the stores we visited. - Oh Yeah - Absolutely. - Because, okay, so disclaimer, we might've shit on like some of the things we bought but the stores were fucking great. - Yeah really competent as well. - It's like, if we showed on those figure this isn't representative to what they had at the store. Yeah, because some of them were just we needed to buy stuff just to fulfill the challenge. I wish I could have bought something but a pop figure for Asuka. (all laugh) The Amiami has so many good figures, okay? The Amiami have so many good figures but I had to settle for this. - Yeah. All the stores were fantastic and again, like thank you guys for like giving us permission on such short notice as well because we're a bunch of really loud YouTubers as you can tell. - Yeah. And all of the stores were right next to each other as well so if you go, there's no reason not to go like all of them. - Yes. They were all like what, Less than 10 minutes walking distance from one another. - Yeah exactly. - Garnt sorry I duped you. - I've completely forgotten (laughs) - Put a spotlight on, you know - No, I was just going to say, yeah just thank you for letting us film there for this show. - The links down below. Yeah. And I hope you guys enjoyed this video and the main videos. Again, if you haven't checked out each one of our videos where we, you'll see, you know, all of our perspectives of how we came to buy all this amazing goods, then again go to the links down the description below. You can check out all three of our videos and yeah, I guess look out for all of this stuff somewhere right here. - Were you going to shout out the patreon? - Yeah I was gonna shout out the patreon. - Okay go ahead. - We also have a patreon now. This is a very expensive podcast for us. - We spent a lot on Tokyo. This isn't where the money went. Okay, we did this challenge because we wanted to do the challenge. We need just the patreon to keep the podcast running. Yeah. And that's pretty much it. - I mean, as you can tell the editing is, you know, is some damn good editing. - Shout out to Mudan. - Yeah Mudan's pretty good We want to keep hiring him and we want to just keep this all running. - Yeah, exactly. - Keep it at the best quality that it possibly can. And y'all guys are support over on the patreon is going to help us a lot. - Perfect. All right, I have no more words to say boys - That's pretty much it - I can't say anything else. - And then Joey get the fuck away from me with that dirty ass finger of yours. - I'm gonna harass you for the rest of the time with this finger. - Can I do the outro because I don't want you speaking anymore than you two need to. - Can I say one thing before you do the outro? - All right. - It's a callback to previous episode I imagine that's what Joey's finger smelled like after he rated School Days a 10. (garnt laughs) I'm not over that. - Hey guys, before we sign off I just wanted to give a quick shout out to today's sponsors. Now this is a very long name so I'm going to have to read it out. It's sponsored by Animationism, a project by Japan Media Arts Festivals Oversea Promotion initiated by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan. Man, that was a mouthful. - That's a serious mouthful if you ask. But if you guys don't know what they are they have a lot of interviews with Japanese creators and also with a lot of Japanese Anime studios as well and a whole lot more. - Anyway, they're having a free anime screening this weekend online which you can check out in the description below. - So for those of you who want to know the name of the three anime films it is Colorful Ninja Iromaki. The second one is Matasaburo on the wind. And the third one is simply titled Rebecca. - So basically these are three films from the Young Animate Training Projects. And if you've ever watched something like Death Billiards or the original Mi Mi Mi. Those are films that came from this project so by watching them you can support the anime industry and that's fucking awesome in my opinion. - So if you are interested in the art of Japanese culture and animation then make sure to go down to the links in the description below. And thank you once again for sponsoring today's episode. - So anyway, hope you guys enjoy this episode. We've been Trash Taste. He's got trash mouth or trash in his mouth right now. - It actually smells like Satan empteid his trash into my mouth. - I didn't lose I'm happy I got a good figure. - I am still surprised that when we and Connor, drawn because thank you Rias for like fucking solo carrying this play through for me. - Big titties win. - And we'll see you guys next time. - Bye. - God. - You could argue that Shonen Jump is actually not a figure. Just saying like, I mean, then I would win. - Look I already lost, all right. - Look I wanted to get the top. He's already dead. (soft soul music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 3,282,301
Rating: 4.9789476 out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast, How, to, NOT, Buy, Figures, Akihabara
Id: DvMLVjPk2Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 0sec (4800 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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