Japan $1000 Crane Game Challenge Ft. @The Anime Man

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i'm back once again with the questionable spending series where i spent all of my money on crane games but of course i'm not gonna be doing it alone i'm gonna be going against someone last time i went against chris and uh let's just say chris didn't do too well but this time hopefully we have an opponent who can do a little bit better that is joey the anime man over here look at him he looks so excited to spend all of my money on crane games so yeah it's very simple all you need to do is spend all of my money five hundred dollars on crane games and try and get as many cool stuff as you can and hopefully you'll beat me and you'll get more cool stuff in the viewers eyes than me i don't really play crane games i'm more of a rhythm gameplay you should know this but i saw some unique machines in there okay i've never seen before so i'm excited and again we are in shinjuku at the sega building this is a very touristy location if you've ever seen the godzilla touhou cinema it's literally right behind me right over there yeah that's literally it it's a really popular sega building in the heart of tokyo and it used to be the holder of the most crane games in one location yeah the guinness world records right it did it doesn't anymore that was the send i want from the last episode but it still has a lot so we should be spoiled for choice and there's some really cool things inside so uh good luck joey all right may the best man win that being me i need to get money all right it's a time that we love during this video may lean right where we just get money out and do nothing i'm rocking the chest taste much are you oh yeah as you can tell from my hair i clearly just fell out of bed all right we've got our prison weapon formed let's go and find some machines okay so i for one have no real strategy because as i said in the intro i'm a rhythm game boy here we go should we start out with the big ones we started with the big ones should i get a bts yeah let's get bts let's start let's start with a high let's go bts i obviously used a ton of coins to play these crane games but nowadays we live in the modern era where you can use your smartphone to pay i didn't do that because i'm not smart let's see if we can get it in five do you think we can do it marlene it's you we're team mailing if we succeed we succeed together okay let's get some rm this crane game is a very simple one you've seen me play it a ton before but just in case you don't know how it works you simply just need to move the prize over to the area where the poles widen out and then your prize will fall through the poles because there's more room and you get your prize see joey's getting hyped right he's screaming he's getting excited i don't get that anymore i'm just numb to this i've done this so many times now okay the aim is to kind of get it not directly in the center but slightly to the left or whichever direction you want to push it so maybe like here all right so it kind of hooks over to the left and then it'll start to swing if it grabs it of course it's going to swing a little bit you can see it's slightly swinging slowly swinging and of course joey's strategies were working flawlessly i think this one's too much of a fat boy uh let's let's move on to something a little bit smaller this one's really fast it's really satisfying the crane like whips around i love that it lets you spend your money faster i do like it when it doesn't make me sit through like a cut scene of animations every time minecraft minecraft cow mint crift zombie or minkrift sheep maybe a minecraft sheep i have a pretty good feeling about this one this is your bog standard crane game pick the thing up put it in the bin you win okay no no i have faith in this just grab it grab it just get a hold of it get a hold of it and push it yes no all right let's try the cow we're gonna experiment a bit you know we'll be good get the uh inside that hook there you know the uh the tag see they they say that that's a pro game remover but uh normally that [ __ ] doesn't work oh okay okay okay okay oh my god if you get all of them you can make a spoon train what does that mean look they're spooning each other oh that's so cute i guess you have to get all of them oh oh my god six dollars in and he's already got himself an rm let's go i feel like you need two otherwise they can't spoon each other let's get every bts member pick it up get a grip of it yeah oh unless no it just went back oh all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah here we go here we go this is the strap this is a trout right here it was not the strat right here it's standing it's standing it's waiting it's tempting me dude it's tempting me hook it on its arse hook it on its arse hook it on its arse come to papa baby what the [ __ ] that's some [ __ ] dude let's get bts member numbero uno all right you mean numero dos that's right that's right that is how spanish works mainly you do have a point i want to make the spoon train so bad dude now i kind of want to get all the members of bts okay let's hope this works i want it to like scoop down the head oh perfect perfect perfect perfect can i can it come on come on oh my god oh my god oh that looks painful i've never tried these drinks ones actually so we can give it a go you want to get the the ps5 one i'm kind of digging the ps5 one you know pull it up stop stop stick this up push it hey yo that thing didn't budge bro what the [ __ ] you know i don't even like g-zone dude red bull all the way man this one really whips around isn't it satisfying all right can i get this in four this would be number four if i get this oh my god oh oh my god he's insane i'm a genetic freak a genetic freak i'm a freak there needs to be something that is like kind of not too soft right because if it's too soft then it'll just slip right through it needs to be something that's kind of like rigid yeah that looks soft but not too soft our first step is to try and get it as close as we can this way it has a heavy head oh nice that's the plan we've got to use the weight of its heavy head to kind of push it over the side nice next i want the full bts collection how sick will that be seven members one dream it's gotta be it this is i did it again i'm gonna cry jimin please i know you're amazing and talented but you can't do me like this okay this is gonna be it it's gonna sweep in between the arms jimin acquired only four to go very serious yeah can you get some more yeah he even like bts i love bts name a song one that goes make a love make him laugh that one's pretty good i don't even know you don't know that one no that is actually a really good song some of the most recent ones very good this is one big ad for bts right now what am i kidding i i'm like leeching off them at this point these small ones the smaller ones they look lighter okay here's a smaller cinnamon roll let's try this one no we go we go we're good see that bend see that bend in the arm right there that's what you need oh i got a ball what does that mean let's go oh god that thing's so far away now i don't think i'm going to be able to get it nope all right we got we've got some pity help no respect for myself i want that prize and whilst i was too busy having fun getting all of the bts members i had made a grave mistake turns out i'd already won a jimin and i was trying to win another gym and i'm i guess perfect bts whilst i was doing that joey was still fighting for his first prize no i don't think i did that i'm pushing it further away i'm pushing it further away hey yo scrub the head scrub the head there you go that's what i want that's what daddy likes there you go that's what daddy likes don't all right i got a tip uh she's placed it in this precarious position and she said grab it from its crotch duly noted let's go oh god crotch crotch flip crotch flip crotch flip i'm think i'm starting to understand you kind of have to like grab it from the opposite end and then flip it all right let's get uh v i don't know who this is but let's get him oh my god that's so clean oh my god that is so clean look how clean that is man i appreciate that and i didn't do anything it pretty much did nothing that's that's checking the landscape yeah just checking the landscape oh this is bad oh this one sucks this one's a lot harder it's really not budging at all come on there we go oh nice there we go that should do it it's kind of stuck i think actually okay so grab it from the crotch grab it from the crotch joey was having such a difficult time that the staff had to come and help him even more all right really special look at this if i don't get it with this i'm just gonna like take the money and run begin let's go oh let's go oh thank god thank the lord i'm already doing better than chris hopefully oh oh now you just have to stab him in okay yeah it would seem so sorry i don't i would never stand a bts member but it has to be done this time okay i just got to keep putting pressure on it all right right in the noggin this should do it oh my god his hand is holding on again they really don't want me to win ah there we go all right number five this one i've i've won it from this one before like these kinds of ones where you push it to the end and then you flip it the thing is though sometimes the arm is just like weak as [ __ ] most crane games that offer figure prizes use this exact same crane setup you've probably seen it a bunch of my videos before but in case you haven't you simply need to get the box over to the area where the poles separate and all wider so that the box will fall through and you get your prize okay okay yeah that's fine and now we got to do that to the back one as well and then we're just kind of going back forth back forth edge it keep edging it over what the [ __ ] it got caught on the bar oh my god all right come on come on okay that's perfect that's literally the best way we could have done it it should bring his head up quite a lot oh my god he's chilling now that's not good maybe we can do it in one if we are super lucky here oh this is gonna be rough oh this might just do it let's go let's go come on oh no oh no we messed up whoa these are two types of plushies laying down do they lay down these ones don't lay down oh [ __ ] oh my god so yes it turned out that these bts toys were two different types of bts toys one that could all link up together and one that just lays flat on the floor i was trying to get all the ones that linked together um but i wasn't paying attention and i messed up but anyway let's keep getting bts i'm not this guy's stuck yep yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup you you and the arm is pushing it down gotta use the con the breathing the breathing it's so slow but it works holy [ __ ] you okay this is a pretty good one because it always like bounces backwards when you oh [ __ ] i lied it's not a good one i said it was good it was not oh oh oh that worked wow i think i'm i think i'm done with bts for now i know it's hard to say you're done with bts but i think i am done with bts should we go upstairs all right so we haven't been over oh hello hello okay yeah you're clearly winning i'm doing okay i'm doing alright don't mind me to be fair connor's done three full videos of this so uh i call [ __ ] on that excuses oh creeper oh man oh aren't you playing minecraft recently yeah i have to get the creeper now huh all right let's get it one time ready mailing watch this check this out it's gonna be the first crane boom oh it's so slow it's so slow my grandma moves faster than this what no no it's gonna fall out the thing with this is a traditional crane game right so it works on the way of okay you will get it and then maybe on the 10th time the call will actually work but it's up to you to actually like hit it on that 10th time so you just got to make sure you're always getting it so you know if you're willing to spend 10 dollars you can probably get it however it will turn out that those words will come to haunt me and that is really bad though i actually might have thought i'm not even asking for help today that just helped me out a bunch you look like you need help i do not look like i need help also the whole time i refer to it as a creeper when it is in fact a zombie i'm a fake minecraft fan as well no actually you know what let's get let's get this picture i want some pokemans in my life grab peachy by the head and flip it and then just flip forward okay yep yep yep it's all about the flip baby ass and it just went back to where it was oh god i hate this game again if there's any message i want to share with the world through this video crying games play rhythm games you actually get your money's worth and your rhythm game god dammit i wanna win something big i wanna get a big one big boy you know babies are born what why are you asking me that i like you know their head position apparently so maybe it's the same thing get into getting in the birth position yeah i think i think i heard from my friend why did you say that you heard from your friend like you don't know how babies are born no i know how babies are born but i don't know like you know do they flip around well do you like somersaults in the womb yeah no no like their head goes upside down when they're ready to come out or something this is the position the birth position assuming the birth position initiate birth operation operation birth canal motion start begin but during my attempts to throw away all of my money the crane just decided to stop working why did you do that it didn't open she came back i was like this guy cannot even oh i broke it oh no oh no it's peeping maybe i should maybe i could just take it with my hand why don't we use my hand and see the tv let's go that's a c-section grab the baby out myself this is the ones with the with the with the large opening it's my time to shine the strip grab the legs [Music] yup yup yup big brain plays let's go oh my god the head's so fat he's fat it's a it's it's it's a big head i mean what come home you jimmy neutral mother who are you whose mans is this the biggest embarrassment of my life you should do this oh my god how does it feel how does it feel it doesn't feel good was it worth it no if anyone is ever going to say i'm going to crane games again they're just going to show this clip like where i couldn't get it but the thing was this head is so big that i just i'm just sad but of course through the power of editing it looked like i won that zombie in a reasonable amount of attempts however in fact i've failed many many times as this montage will now show you [Music] and after being burned by a simple zombie joey had found the perfect solution to my problems soothing gel aloe cream i kind of okay i'm getting that want some chocolates i've got like a little bit of chockies let's see if these will fudge don't get caught okay okay that's what i want that's what i want it's slow but it's sure don't get caught it's hard as well because you don't know how far the arms are gonna extend out so you literally waste a hundred yen figuring out how far the arms go yosh your social justice go around it don't get caught don't get caught i have to get it i have to sneak it in there like you'd have to get it eventually right what if i just do this oh what's this one should we try this i've never i've never tried this one before and joey stumbled upon a rather unique crane game as you can see at the top there is a scooper that holds one of these balls and you win by getting it into the win slot there's three other sections that are loose sections and if the ball goes there you don't get the prize the crane will move horizontally and you then need to stop it in an area where you think the ball will be able to traverse the maze and get into the wind section okay that's as far as it goes um what what about if i go like this all right what if we go like oh oh okay you know what since we only got six shots left let's let's invest okay okay okay see we're filling it up and then eventually hopefully it'll push it once it's all stacked up right what did you see that yeah the spirit of gyro is with me wait unless could i do this oh no tyra please all right this is it the final one let's go dog i love these like mini like soda like candies i grew up eating these so hopefully we can grab a bunch one in the bag i got this [Music] hey you got one yeah you got one you got one good blueberry ramen the one flavor i didn't grow up with this is a brand new crane game machine that i've never seen before basically you drop the ball and it needs to go into the middle section at the end if it goes into any of these three sections you lose and get nothing oh i reckon over there has got a good chance the farther the left or farther on the right oh actually maybe aim for that piece that one so that it bounces the side or you know there's nothing for it to bounce unless i hit it right here you look concerned oh i was squinting because i thought that was a jump rope but it's an inappropriate massager oh my god did you hear the jump rope handles i thought it was one i thought it was a jump rope that's a dildo really okay let's try try this not what i'd intended oh yeah oh my god yo we did it oh my god oh i know what they're gummies you know ikura salmon eggs but gummy forms that explode oh that's fun oh a little ball okay i want to play again that's just fun i just want to keep playing so i think you got to let hit it against that rail and it will bounce i thought that's what i said yeah oh let's get the blue one this is what i wanted actually so bomber yes but but that's not the one you want i know it's fine i want a gold slime and you can actually stop it as well by pressing down again that's a heavy boy dog that's a heavy boy all right all right all right i love dragon quest too much to not to pass this up can we go from the back oh god i got caught on the back of the slime you dude getting in the way trying to save your friend your friend is mine let me talk from the front just in case don't get caught you suck as [ __ ] you actual golden sack of [ __ ] i'm getting tilted now i'm getting tilted dude this [ __ ] isn't even moving he's like actually not budging at all hook it hook it i got some balls again i think it's like actually impossible like i'm no capping that's like actually impossible joey clearly didn't love dragon quest enough to want to win but me on the other hand i'd found a new type of crane game simply drop the snack on the wedding plate and you get your snack all right let's try and win some uh really crap-looking snacks but it's the fun that matters oh that's crap i'll at least get one i got way more than just one after winning my snack i needed a drink to go down with it now any normal person would have used the vetting machine but why not use the coffee crane game vending machine that's right you can win a coffee in a crane game machine and it'll probably cost more than just buying it but it's more fun this isn't going to be warm it's not going to be warm is it the black boss coffee should quench your thirst that one's super sweet though yeah i know this one 300 yen drink from what is whatever it is oh it's so gross okay at least i have coffee now max machine best girl ichika i don't care what anyone says can you know yeah that's right i'm i'm declaring war oh my god that's heavy hey yoshi heavy is this she heavy she heavy get him right on the edge oh not far enough all right would you want some stuff jay yeah got a couple things nice figure i'm getting my best goal right now there's ram here i was gonna say this place doesn't have any ram stuff and then full mailing everywhere has rem stuff you just haven't found it yet all right uh what if i grab from the back and go this way should we try that let's try that all right let's get a round figure right oh nope that's uh what the [ __ ] even is happening so you must say bullshitting on this kid though oh come on come on don't make it slow but steady that's going to take 5 000 turns these arms open large i did not expect that why do i feel like you're laughing even when you're not laughing maybe i hear the energy of your laughs i don't like it oh no that's bad okay don't make it don't make it oh yes perfect perfect that's exactly what i want okay okay okay okay ever so slightly moving it's precision right there um there has to be an easier way though there has to be an easier way progression progression she said think about how the figure is in the box and the weight displacement i was grabbing the thickest part that's why this [ __ ] one moving if i grab if i go to the back grab that little head and maybe it just might work big brain big brain let's go this is it we found it we found this it only took me a thousand years to figure that out was gonna make it fall oh my god it didn't i've run into a slight issue the claw doesn't go far enough to allow me to keep doing what i want to do i'm getting to like the limit [Music] i've got myself in a precarious situation maybe where the box doesn't want to do anything no i did it too much again okay okay this is good this is good this is good this is good excuse me did you see that oh take the display tactic will it reach i don't think it will okay we can try but oh no no oh no okay okay no we have to make sure we have to make sure ah this should do it okay and now though i've actually got it stuck will it open wide enough though no see the problem is now is that there's nowhere to turn it i'll show you what man i was having so much difficulty with this particular rem figure that i needed help even more than i'd already had think like a physicist what would a physicist do what would michio kaku do matter an atom string theory do a loop around you know there might be better things besides this there's nothing better besides bunny girl remembering why would you even say that to me i'm quite offended you even say that red hair graham you know i got bts you wanted bts i didn't want bt you wanted you begged me for bts and i got what you wanted now let me have what i want merlin jesus never said i want to beat you you said you said connor and i quote i will fire you unless you get me some bts and i was like wow that's quite harsh but i guess i'll get bts you guys didn't see the camera wasn't rolling and again i needed help this is frame perfect for sure and then this one is like slightly forward guess this was a strat all along right yeah i guess this was a straddle along let me try the pushing method that's not it that was pog as [ __ ] dude did you see that hooked on a feeling she's finally home my baby oh thank god i just feel defeated today this is by far the hardest day of my life in chrome game history all right it makes sense we're in a very popular sport [Music] ah yes finally finally nice oh i have my baby my baby thank you do you reckon hmm figurines would be impossible this is true quantum physics right here let's go have you seen if you've seen bunny girl sam play it's a show about quantum physics exactly it's definitely not a show about bunny girls the next figure that joey tried to win was in a rather interesting crane game cabinet the aim of this one is to basically pull the box off the rubber part and down to the end the difficulty being that rubber doesn't really like letting things slide off of it i think you have to just kind of wiggle it so this time i should do it more to the left oh i'm not doing a good job here i did the exact opposite of what i was trying to do yup yup yup yup okay you're playing games with me this way yes recovery recovery level 100 recovery sora from smash levels of busted oh god don't undo what i just did okay yeah it's it's moving forward ever so slightly it's moving forward okay i think that's good i think you need to be a little more forward uh [ __ ] it mine's not even worth it yo that's so cool look look at all of the five yen machines what this is the kinesto corner a collection of small and cute crane games with an amazing bright colored rgb pathway and it's only available at this specific store the sega shinjuku kabucho store so many sweets why the dog ones are cute i think i think you should get one they're so they're ugly i want one you can have it you can win art from like some artists that are like up and coming at least all machines these here are like artists and you can see they're like work up here it's pretty cool it's a pretty cool idea so i have less than twenty dollars left so i'm debating something i need to get in less than twenty dollars sure the final challenge has begun can we just keep doing that baby we just keep doing that oh no it's hard strats right here i'm getting better at this oh no that wasn't forward enough i don't think oh i kind of it kind of moved it jiggled a bit okay okay perfect that's exactly where i wanted it last ten dollars baby last 10 tries don't get caught okay i think now i just have to go for the middle come on get it get it get it oh [Laughter] let's go it got stuck that was such a super play i broke the machine let's go look at that oh my god oh my god i have 200 yen left what am i going to do small ones the small ones your juice and plushies are pretty cute they are pretty cute i saw a gojo one over here if i can get this in two tries i am an actual god okay here we go i wonder if i can hook it somehow no it spins my last life points come home gojo i just want you in my arms i was so close joey is not an actual god i'm all out of money how's 500 so close to getting this gorgeous by the last it's that short i think i did pretty alright though i think i did pretty alright two bags honestly like a million times better than i thought i was gonna do i definitely beat chris don't know if i'll be gone but uh let's see i want that dub dude i want that dog today all right let's go i had also wasted a ton of my money on other various items but i also was running out of money so i decided to spend the last bit of money i had on a bit of a snack joey's like the only person i've ever met that likes the cola flavored stuff yeah i don't like whole flavor stuff i was shocked huh it's kind of interesting dab in the middle yeah that's what i'm thinking this green game is easy just pull any of these sweets out of the tower and make them fall down and you win one that's just how many we can get for all the money watch this man in between oh yes very nice maybe bring the back side to the left shut this off shut this up so we can get this no oh well we did it that's all our money oh no which one do you want me uh purple the grape flavor it looks good what is it my ass all right let's go and meet joe well that's it we're done jerry how do you think you did i did better than chris that's the show the moment i grabbed the one first thing i got i was like all right i've done it this was one of the harder ones i've gotta say really i felt like these machines were a tad bit harder than normal it makes sense because we are in shinjuku and a lot of people pass by here so they have to make it hard probably couple giving up prizes you know it definitely felt like it was a bit harder than normal but again there's just speculation i don't know but either way uh we're gonna go home now and we're gonna review our prizes and uh we'll give some feedback and then we'll let the viewers decide who won bye all right jerry how was your first uh crane game three hour plus experience of wasting one money hell yeah no one likes it absolute hell it looks fun in the videos right it looks like it's like a great time i mean i don't even enjoy crane games before this and now i think i despise it more you tell me when you get that that first that first figure you're like i did i i was like i was very poggers for like the moment it drops down and then the the walk of shame when you try and select the next one is just like hell so i mean i'm sure you showed in the video but my last figure that i got right i had 18 bucks left okay all right so 18 tries right got it in 15. oh [ __ ] what figure is it show me it's a zenith figure and it wasn't even like you know the ones where the poles kind of like get wider yeah it wasn't even that it was the harder one it was the poles that are absolutely straight and i had mastered this boy i i'd mastered that form well that's some weight to it dude yo what so the only reason i decided to go for the xanthe figure even though i despise any it's because i won this one you got oh dude you got the accompanying one i got the accompanying one i did actually try and get one of the swords but i gave up because i realized it was going to take like 500 so this one i got i think this is like the second thing i want in the day probably spend about 1 500 yen on this i probably spent about 4 000 yen on this pretty good because this would probably cost around 10 15 bucks if you bought it in store in japan dude i was killing it yeah all right i was like oh my god i'm learning honestly you put it side by side it's actually quite nice she should have got the whole cast i did i tried for nesco and there's a girl was like she was playing she was playing hearts again i mean you could probably tell i got a lot of plushies you did i thought this was a zombie a creeper but no it is a zombie you are right this took like fifty dollars to get oh jesus and because like she kept putting it on on like the ledge like this oh yeah i kept telling her i'm like you don't understand the problem isn't that i can't like do i can't do this yeah and his head's too fat yeah to grab creeper but i've got more plush what is that let's try to do the kaisen oh yeah why did you take all the plushies there's something about plushies that feel like worth the money i don't know how this in my head i thought so too until i got barely any but i i must say if you don't know what this is it looks hideous yeah it looks a bit weird that's cool right look at this it's got a nice weight to it i got a few posh boys uh i'll start off with the actually the first thing i want okay okay cinnamon roll what's that from norda and then the other one i got this lab yo you got a jungkook too he's like jungkook you got jungkook i got a jungkook too nice we both got jungkook i was like i assumed this is bts yeah it's jungkook i don't know enough about it but this jimmy neutron looking [ __ ] was so hard to get because his head was just like oh yeah i had that too yeah when i got this one too oh yeah nice these ones are meant to hug each other they'll release it's quite top-heavy yeah oh well i mean but don't worry i got another one actually um oh my god oh my god i got rm too did you get you get the whole crew i might have gotten a lot of them and i also got v oh my god you got everyone i'm missing two of the members of bts unfortunately and they can have a little cute cuddly train you cuddle the train what do you think on my bts hall so what's korean for kawaii hey google what is cute in korean that's pretty pyongyang it's pretty it's piano so look at the plush mountain i've got going on right god is that all your plushies no there's more and i've got you're not even on screen got mr holy [ __ ] the pokemon you feel how soft this boy is man what's his name again [ __ ] pork chop i don't know what i don't know where he goes pork chop i don't know what he what's he called pig all right hey google so i got ham too ham is very soft got him for 10 bucks nice i got a tour check oh cute a little winking torchic as well very cute yeah that one's cost me about 70 bucks are you serious i definitely gave up after around like the 40 dollar mark i really do i really do regret spending all my money on the one plush i really just wanted to have for myself was the the you probably saw it the golden slime from dragon quest oh you could get that yeah i've i tried to get it and uh i spent like 30 bucks and that that dude that boy is top-heavy yeah all right let's see some almond chocolate oh my god i won these last time or something similar i bet there's like nothing in here it feels very light will it actually have more than three packets i don't know it doesn't feel like it one one no no oh oh there oh there's more packs inside okay okay that's so overkill you get that you get this this handful of almonds chocolate yeah you got a free box did you see on the second floor the first thing you see on the second floor this is the thing that rolls down yeah let me see did you do it as well i didn't eat how many did you win two i've one as well but i want two in one go hey yo you wanna oh [ __ ] yeah you wanna trade yeah all right okay nice oh yeah yeah this was really fun so these are like soda gummies and uh these are like coke flavored gummies oh my god that artificial here why is it like a nut sack it does look like a nut sack it feels like a grape yeah oh god it tastes awful can i try a certain one no and try the coconut if you want oh what do they do it's like sour coke this one i actually won with the least amount of money i won this with with 300 yen aloe vera soothing gel yep what is this it's just like aloe vera gel yeah well how's the gel i don't know it's 99 aloe though what do you do with it just like you can put it on your skin or in your hair i don't know if i want to put this anywhere yeah i was going to say let me just try on your hands a little bit you put a generous amount there oh god it sounds gross it smells good though oh it does look strong i want a bunch of these things on the spinny thing oh is that the one with like the thing i haven't done it now it's not as much flavor as it smells it's so anemic it smells so strong and yet there's barely any flavor i didn't do the uh the spinny one but i did do like the the jenga tower i want a shitload with one go was it in one go i was in one go they're chewing candy it says oh no these feel so rough oh no look how blue it is that all natural this is gonna rip my teeth out it looks like it's gonna oh ah it kind of tastes like the kind of snacks and like lollies i would have when i was little yeah if i was ten i'd love this yeah if i was like yeah ten years old it would be warm you know what i'd have this on a depressed day this would be a really dark day yeah you saw me struggling with this i've always spent the most amount of money on this but what my quintessential quintuplets waifu i guess i'll match you as well jerry with my prize possession bunny girl ram of course that's a thick [ __ ] look at this oh it comes like pre-assembled pre-assembled you know rem might be basic but she does have a fine body bro look at that that's a nice figure oh it's got a b oh a little bunny okay b for bunny for basic basic [ __ ] what a beautiful room that's pretty sick yeah i think that's a really nice ram there's like lots of tiny ones where if you put in a hundred years you can try five times uh this is all i got out of that of these things these things suck i hey i grew up with these here i got the kirby humidifier which i spent like 20 hours trying to get oh yeah yeah you were really struggling with this one open up his butt and then you pour water inside of it oh and this thing and then slide it back on i can't really humidify much war with that though surely i mean i think it's more like a desktop humidifier see that's pretty cute yeah that's super cute that's from the new game as well oh it's from it's from a game this one yeah yeah it's from a new game where like you can share your powers with people and so he spits out this heart and you throw it so yeah it comes out the top here so the heart spits out oh is that an earthquake very slightly little baby earthquake baby earthquake bro or it's me quaking ah i bought i bought some you know other stuff that you might not usually try and go for you know so you got the humidifier which is quite rare i got chainsaw man towel and a cocoa not eat as a good towel why it does i mean chainsaw man is amazing like that design is like what the okay that that sounds pretty similar yeah and then uh i got the cockpoin in the industry as well because this is a cute mama i just feel like the flimsiest towels on earth right they are pretty flimsy and then my final one oh you're decked out a tsumikugurashi tumbler wow which i could actually probably use oh that's actually just decent quality i mean it's metal right but yeah there's a cute little metal tumbler really nicely pour good beer in that okay so i have two towels two figures uh three plushy sorry three figures two plushies and a metal tumbler oh and the aloe yeah i've got uh these two this rem figure the kirby and every single plush in the arcade like ever like all of these things i think that's pretty cute yo these bts boys come on chilling together we got jim in we got torchic we got i forgot what this is called the guy from juice guys yeah i got i got the ham no oh oh oh so yeah this is my haul um so i think if we were comparing just plushes only well yeah obviously you i think i win yeah obviously overall i genuinely don't know how do you how do we determine who wins the audience decides oh well there's a bit of bias there isn't there 30 people vote for chris to win the last one oh yeah i mean which is like how did he even get 30 like people just wanted me to lose people do want me to lose but i would say this is as even as it gets really yeah i think so okay question did i do better than god i think you got more stuff than gone which i'm pretty proud of because i think that shinjuku one is by far the hardest okay yeah i will say overall the shinjuku one is quite difficult compared to the saitama one that we went to yeah yeah it's definitely more difficult figures although they look kind of small on the table they are considerable prices like typically the bigger ones because they are yeah they're normally the more expensive ones as well so figures are quite hard to get yeah you know what decent i think i did all right okay one thing i want to mention as well and i feel like this is a big factor is that you essentially get we need the 500 you essentially get an extra 100 at the other places because you get this when you put five coins in you get one extra go yeah and this one you didn't get that obviously because it's a really busy location it's a very popular crane game they don't want you to win yeah well yeah i mean they don't they don't need customers they're in like the busiest place in tokyo like so it makes sense but also makes it harder so i think given that i think it's pretty close so viewers you get to decide on twitter go to my twitter and vote who won um yeah it's anyone's game i've won all three of all two of them so far so maybe i'll win this one maybe i want maybe joel dethroned me yeah but either way like i got a lot more than i thought i was going to but anyway i hope you enjoyed that video make sure to check out joey's channel if you haven't already and uh make sure to subscribe like and all that fun stuff because these are expensive boys but uh yeah anyway have a nice day guys subscribe bye [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 2,113,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Crane Game, Chris Broad, Connor, CDawgVA, Cranegame, UFO machine, Japanese Crane Games, Japan Crane Games, CDawg, Japan UFO machine
Id: l6oiCuqNFnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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