Anime Shopping in Akihabara is a Nightmare

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so I don't have enough ducky markers yet [Music] so a bit of backstory I just started a new anime podcast with some of my best friends in this platform the anime man and sea dog VA it's cool a trash taste you can check it out in a year and Lygia but you know since we just started there's one glaring problem we've had to deal with the studio was [ __ ] empty I mean look at this [ __ ] we're gonna call ourselves the trash taste anime podcast and there's zero anime titty on display someone's gotta fix that [ __ ] so the solution how about we go to Akihabara and buy enough anime [ __ ] to fill the podcast with but let's make it interesting instead of making it some standard Akihabara vlog you've seen many times before let's make it a challenge and whoever loses would have to do some kind of punishments so here's the challenge we'd be given five hundred dollars to complete as many tasks as we can and if we go over five hundred dollars then we go bust and we lose we'd be heading up for stores in Aki Harborough with two challenges to complete and if we complete them we get a point don't worry we got permission to film these stores within just [ __ ] Logan Paul our way through our key Harbor uh but in addition to that we'd also have overall challenges that we could complete to get extra points like who bought the most expensive anime figure who bought two merch from the least popular anime series so the concept was all three of us would have our own different approaches doing our own things I don't know what they were going to buy for the studio and they have no idea what I bought for the studio so what you're about to see is my perspective and I basically had one mission if I can't get monetized then or canned my [ __ ] friends so yeah this is the first time I've like done a video like in live-action right outside on the streets I'm Joe I'm joining like the real youtuber gang now which is right in front of the store first stop animate now animates one of the biggest chains of anime stores globally there's a bunch in Tokyo and they're even scattered all over Asia I remember when I lived in Thailand there was one in Bangkok as well alright how this is gonna work is that we're gonna have several challenges all in this trash can that's we're gonna pick out of could be anything we don't know what it's gonna be yet though yeah let's pick it out and let's see what happens one one out of time run all the way to the top floor while seeing the even doing this seven four that is their building oh my god holy [ __ ] ask the store staff to recommend a figure and buy it in Japanese get a figure from a series that you oh my god sir that's so easy that's so [ __ ] easy get one female character what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you you've got is so easy if I get Cox okay this is this is easy get a deck you figure my hero academia get a character figure from the series made an abyss hell yeah so let's talk strategy there was none this is the first thing you see when you enter the store got a represent for the men of culture here it's like you can see how much stuff they have here and this is just like one floor I don't know if I want this for the podcast but I want it period dude what is this what the [ __ ] is this is this is this REM alcohol who is this is this a sheet ah it's tough what did you do to yourself what did you to ished huh I'm probably gonna get chubby Ishtar I would probably love this figure if I've seen the show like what right now I'm just shopping for myself I've seen more things that I want to buy for myself then things I want to buy for podcasts I'm like maybe I can just spend it on myself and just be like hey guys well eventually I had to think about completing my challenges yeah we're gonna we're gonna go look for my ear academia stuff to complete the first challenge so far I haven't seen many anime figures but they've got a lot of other anime merch yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to complete the you might hear academia okay so I'm gonna try the second challenge now I'm gonna just gonna ask a staff member of what he recommends I think I know what I need to say my Japanese is probably probably gonna be very broken I've not checked this so let's see how this turns out okay think about this so we're gonna send Don a collector figure was to me a desk oh I [Music] got the assignments he gave me a full metal alchemist figure because of course he did I would probably love this figure if I've seen the show maybe this is just a side is it a sign god are you are you sending me a sign are you trying to tell me something of course he recommends ahead with the Herrick one we've completed the challenges so now I'm just gonna buy [ __ ] I want we've got three more stores hit up after this I'm not gonna I'm not gonna blow it all my budget for this store okay so that came out to about $120 next stop a stop so we're here at the second store which is called a stop it's all the way up there on the fourth floor we're in the building that's called the our keeper zone now a stop is a secondhand figure sure you're gonna see how many figures they have I've wasted so many hours just walking around the store so I'm a bit worried because I am NOT going to have enough time to find every figure that I want to buy so we're just gonna pick the challenges now before going into the store one I want to give a quick shout out to my camera woman for the day subscribe to her Sid snap all right I didn't need this pass the stuff whether they sell pork in a fuchsia but please make mine another really easy challenge you cannot be [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I'm so sold one male character are you [ __ ] [ __ ] me uncle I can't I can get the most expensive figure you can find in the store the most expensive figure you can find at this store is gonna be beyond the budget ah I'm just gonna I'm just gonna do this now buy one item the gig exceed okay he's hell yeah get a 1 sao figure and shout i freaking love sao to the cashier when buying do 10 squats before you enter the store easy easy I can do this alright just like that just just like that baby now now I can focus on just getting anime figures how are we going to be on scope to all this in 45 minutes how the store works is that you have a piece of paper and you go around viewing all the boxes that are available and there are a lot of [ __ ] boxes you can get lost in here so easily now we've only got 40 minutes in here so I don't have enough time right now to go through every box so I'm just gonna go for first instinct since i essentially didn't have any challenges i needed to focus on completing here i had one goal and one goal only by as many figures as I can now because we have a limited budget I'm just gonna focus on waifu's aqua darkness or Mega Man I'm gonna go for a useless chorus just because you said that I'm gonna go for darkness what is that oh oh holy [ __ ] also Angel Beats introduced I'm getting back where's all the wife isn't they have to I have to I find I have to oh just wait oh just you wait that figure of Marin is actually much cheaper than the 35 bucks that Miriam figures even cheaper is it that's a thousand with we got it I just got figured in for you and I forgot I forgot what I was doing Oh Mikoto where's where's the Santa Clara box I need my Center giriboy oh okay Santa Clara figure did not see that I can't think I just need to buy I was far beyond calculating how much every figure totaled up to nothing let me see your paper and you don't have it yet ah rookie name which became a massive problem when I saw one figure I needed to get holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I might I might get it I might get it it looks so good a hundred and seventy dollars for one figure was I willing to spend over a third of the budget on one amazing degenerate figure there was never a doubt in my mind I haven't figured out the budget but I think this biggest wouldn't not my budget but because of my earlier strategy I completely [ __ ] up because I'd forgotten everything that I had noted down and I quickly lost track of everything I put down I'm gonna eyeball two minifigures I brought two minifigures [ __ ] which one was she maybe be 59 I'm so confused where the [ __ ] is be 59 to 23 24 am I just gone crazy [ __ ] it I'm sorry I don't remember who big be 59 was but you're getting you're getting your show people oh I might have been targeting [ __ ] if I if I just crossed out Sagarika I'm gonna be sighs I'm gonna be so sad [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what what should I cross out what should I cross out no no no we okay we are keeping that figure guy's help me budget this correctly darkness darkness has got a guy who's the second figure I bought who's the second figure boy [ __ ] whoever this is this is [ __ ] oh this this is like picking between your children it's so [ __ ] hard all right we're gonna go we're gonna catch up so what happens as we give it to the store clerk and then they bring us over to the boxes which I hope I've written down correctly for the rest of them at least and we're just gonna go collect them yes they always ask us to check the items condition wow thanks 4d monetize my video Sydney this is it boys this is this is where the budgets going right we're done I came out spending around $220 which I have Rome and had spent about three hundred and forty dollars and I have two stores left so in the first one our inkay bugs my goal here is to survive of the budget I have but first already being way over budget I have the challenges to worry about goggle is very strategic about it gonna feel the weight of the paper by figure from a shown in series thank God thank God get in there stole hope you get a Joe Joe character figure on do the exact same totally get something super edgy oh my god get a contract to soccer fever by a wolf stroll Wow let's go good the biggest challenge is going to be trying not to blow the budget let's have a look around this is a lot of figures damn I didn't realize cabe except this figure now after dropping $170 on the Ria's figure and being way over budget already I thought what else can I do to D monetize the podcast we're about to enter the culture zone Oh are these the gin cheese so these are all docume what can I show what can I show so these are all dojin cheese they said this is n hentai in real life I haven't seen Idol master but I know that the junkies are top tier let's check out the faker and order one two three four five five shelves of fake ground order not as many as I expected but still quite a lot why do I only have a half-hour how can I possibly look at all this in half an hour I'm gonna have to focus on just completing the challenges otherwise I'm gonna get drawn in we're gonna come back yet you're gonna try and get the show in and figure first just to get that out of the way okay so we're just gonna try and find the cheapest shown in figure we can twenty two dollars for a monkey deal Luffy figure this first one is 117 bucks also I found this awesome print from this visual novel so yeah I'm going to get this for myself so this doesn't count towards the podcast oK we've only got 20 minutes left now for something ludes I was the one who spent the most time in the K books the other boys had already completed their challenges and they were just left waiting for me and I'm sure they were wondering what I was spending all my time doing I'm just trying to find something that I could show on YouTube okay I think I found a cover but I can get away with I would look through more of these but we're running out of time so I've just got to settle for John alter I still don't have her yet though one day this was a godsend I had managed to complete the challenges for really cheap there was literally no reason for me to buy anything more because that would just jeopardize the little remaining budget I have to complete the two challenges I had to do in the next store so anyway I bought a dr. Mara ah ah these are all tacky markers oh oh oh my god oh my god why did why did I spend all my budget on figures oh [ __ ] I'm gonna have to get the cheapest one who should I go for Hachi I need to look at price can I get a cure it's a vacuum are correct I want to get an orange every $160 am I gonna go bust today so I think I found a solution this one's this one's $44 which is the cheapest I could find so I'm just gonna go for it about $70 $75 I probably journey so I'm very tired right now and we done last stop was amiami it's a pretty massive store I don't have much budget left to work with so I'm just gonna be praying and hoping that I get good challenges to complete we're ready for the final two challenges ladies first tomorrow get one furry or non-human figure do a dance when entering the store easy by three anime mugs or glasses get a figure that you think is trash get one character plushie you are been so [ __ ] lucky get one Ava figure okay so the challenges were right but it wasn't exactly a slam dunk either army army was way bigger than I thought it was gonna be it is a [ __ ] massive store with a lot of great choices so challenge one let's go for the AVA figure cuz I know I can get a neighbor figure oh my god these are some awesome figures oh alright we're gonna find the cheapest Ava figure this is this is gonna be this is gonna be super hard this is gonna be super hard [ __ ] what if they don't have an Ava figure these aren't for sale are they so what sucks is that there are so many figures on display and none of these are for sale oh my god doesn't mean two species reviews figure so we've been walking around for a bit now and I'm getting a bit worried because I haven't seen many figures on sale you see any figures but this is our last bastion this figures over there some figures over there I got a pray and hope that I can find something anything well then I did manage to find one able figure on display we found an Ava figure that's the good news the bad news it looks like this and it's $200 this is the only figure I've found so far I think I'm coming to the realization that I'm not going to be able to do either challenges and I'm probably gonna lose this whole challenge then Droid androids androids here we go here we go here we go here we go okay I'm betting my hopes that moved the figure I'm looking for somewhere here bra give me my ELF get me my ELF okay okay hope hope hope hope oh my god oh my god so we've got a few we've got a few choices here the oscar figure and the masado and Carrie and Mary figure they're pretty good but I think we've got to go for the cheapest option and we're gonna go for the pop figures now because I don't think we can budget these figures well that's the challenge done now we need to find a furry figure I don't know what I'm gonna do Pokemon Pokemon that that counts as very right I'm having a question there if they had a Lucario that would be so easy but right now I don't see a Lucario okay cuz different Pikachu counts as a flurry right now what I'm thinking is we get the Eevee I feel like indeed counts I mean Phoebe's furry it's nonhumanoid it works so we're just gonna leave it to fate now whether I've overspent or I've kept on budgets and we done boys we are done let's see how the other guys are doing how you doing you think you won I did all my challenges I'm pretty confident in my purchases my man talking to you now you guys obviously come in with like a strap no I think I don't think when I hit this store I'm just like I'm throwing a Hail Mary I'm just gonna hope it hits based on points are now I have a right I only felt one I think I talked to okay so right now it's p76 but that could all change on the podcast and that was that but of course there are 10 additional points for the overall challengers so all of us had to come together on the podcast to figure out who had actually won if you want to see their reaction to everything I bought along with who the final winner of the game wars click the link below to check out the trash taste podcast episode where we all come together of course I wanted to fill this channel with some degeneracy just yuvan know what you just the question is how much was I willing to spend on it and also if you want to check out the other two perspective for they bought and how their day works you can also check out their videos too in the description below this video was the first for me I don't normally do videos like this but it was a lot of fun to collaborate with my mates on a big multi channel project anyway though that's it from me we'll be back to our regular programming next video - gig up and I will see you all next time
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 2,368,209
Rating: 4.9504309 out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Akiba, Akihabara, Akihabara Challenge, Anime figures, Anime Figure Haul, Anime figure Challenge, CDAWGVA, TheAnimeMan, AnimeMan, Buying Anime Gigures, Things to do in Akihabara, Akihabara Stores
Id: MTZiMOf4jhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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