I Became A Pro Anime Voice Actor In Japan

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I believe Connor is a pro, he's talented and equipped with such a beautiful deep voice.

But man, side by side with Nichika Oomori, I can see there's a large gap between them. No wonder seiyuu's world in Japan is really tough.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/15000yuki 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

FYI for people who didn't really read the description, the lady in this picture IS the VA of Mira in the anime proper.

Man, Connor has good connections. Well... he IS a VA that dubbed in an anime.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/sdarkpaladin 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies
japan has long had an obsession with voice actors quite unlike any other country compared to countries like the us where voice acting has seen a boom within the past 10 years japan has had schools specializing in voice acting since the 1940s 80 years later and voice acting has only grown in popularity in japan its top voice actors are amongst the most recognized and adored celebrities throughout the country they're known as seius as a voice actor myself i wanted to understand how this industry works and how does one become a top voice actor in japan where i will be getting the chance to voice acting the anime adaptation of she professed herself pupil of the wise men obviously not in the actual anime itself but a fake reading that will be exactly like the real recording would be except with good people well i'm in luck because somehow i managed to convince too many people to let me in and show me the process of becoming a voice actor in japan but obviously i can't just turn up and voice in an anime i'd need to learn how to do it by going back to a place i thought i'd put long behind me school so i begin this voice acting journey in one of japan's top voice acting agencies right behind me is a voice acting training facility if you want to be a voice actor in japan you want to voice in the anime this is where you go and because later on in the video i'm going to be voice acting an anime myself i desperately need some training so i'm going to quickly get a crash course on everything voice acting in japan so let's just have a look wish me luck this is production ace a voice acting training facility in japan if you want to be a voice actor you have to go to voice acting school and after you've completed said voice acting school you can go to a voice acting training facility these training facilities are the places where you're most likely to be scouted by talent agencies because the training facility isn't just for amateurs voice actors who have been working in the industry for years will still go to a training facility to make sure they keep improving so i wanted to know what the differences were this video is sponsored by book walker if you didn't know in this video we feature the title she profess the self people of the wise men and to celebrate that book walker is holding a crossdressing and genderbent appreciation promotion that gives you the viewer 50 coin back on some of their eligible titles and includes some exclusive digital items additionally they'll also be holding a twitter giveaway to two lucky winners they will receive two official anime scripts used in the recording of this video for she professed herself people of the wise men signed by yours truly so go and check out their ongoing ebook promotions before february 3rd pt and if you want more information on how to participate in this giveaway go to the link down below there'll be more information massive thank you to bookwalker for making this video possible you're the boss you know everything about this i need your help uh so what are we going to be doing today [Applause] [Music] that's a lot could i have a tour of the place i'd love to see what facilities you guys have here okay first off on our tour was the voice sampling booth this room is where you might record your voice acting demo voice acting demo by the way to those who don't know it's just a kind of a showcase of different kind of voices and the different kind of emotions you can show off it's creepy it's so quiet in here you can't hear anything it's it's really weird it's so cool then you get to watch me while i'm doing it okay cool let's go check out the mixing room this is so big so how many mics would you have in here at once then if you're using all of this equipment wow there's just so much stuff it's like it's kind of overwhelming so would there be a lot of people in here as well watching the performance giving their opinion it's like an actual casting couch i think there's more floors right is there much difference between the floors as you can see the august japanese summer is destroying me today i'm also really eager to know what is the flow like from somebody joining the training facility to then becoming part of the production ace agency and so we made our way up to the next floor to see what else this mysterious place had to offer [Music] feels like very strange it makes it like a hostage video you know what i mean in some aspects but it's really cool though headphone yeah and so they would be giving their audition or they'd be giving takes through the monitor then you just give them feedback like any normal session get the branding in case they forget where they are this is cool this is cool next room yeah let's go i want i'll see what's inside i mean this is a lot of space how many people would you have in here at one time and everyone gets their own microphone or they take it in turns using it so is this similar to all the other studios or is this one special zembo yeah yeah it's kind of like a dance studio right like i kind of just with microphones put it it's really really hot today is that a problem when you're using the microphones if you have to turn the ac on full or do you just leave it off how do you how do you deal with it when it's such a hot day like today i also asked murakami sam what is the typical age range of students that come here and he kindly informed me that it's mainly people in their 20s with a mixture of some people in high school and some in their late 30s but they actually also have a special division in their training schools that focus on teaching children so in japan even the youngest kids are being trained to be voice actors well so they really do sometimes start really young with the voice outing journey basically i don't know anything do you have any pieces of advice for me before i go and attempt this class i know keep smiling keep smiling all right i gotta i got that down thank you so much for showing me around i'm really excited to get stuck into the class let's go with my tour of the facility successfully completed the sudden realization that i was going to have to voice act alongside a professional anime voice actress in japanese was dawning on me and needless to say i was not prepared so it was time for me to get some sorely needed voice acting lessons in and try not to embarrass myself too much hi as i rudely barged into the class i totally forgot that i needed a script to act so we we had to find that where the very kind teacher kindly informed me of what we were reading and what we were going to be voice acting today in this particular voice acting training facility there is a curriculum stuff that you have to learn if you want to become a pro voice actor subjects such as pronunciation basically making sure that you pronounce the words correctly which in japanese is quite difficult for me as post recording practice aka dubbing the scripted acting think something more akin to stage plays and there's a narration lesson basically what i'm doing now for this video is vocal performance and singing practice something that i scarcely ever do and sadly we were able to do for this video and voice sample recording which is where you record your demo reel and where you learn to voice act in a professional environment if you were to normally go to this school every single subject has its own teacher but for this video specifically we only have one teacher for all of the subjects and we're giving you a bit of a crash course and our teacher for today is shusaku shirakawa who is a currently working voice actor who has been in some shows or games you might recognize foreign as we begin going through the vocal exercises i was a little lost and the teacher came over to me and kindly let me know that i'm supposed to read the bit that's highlighted very very brightly on my paper and that anyone would be able to see this is a classic tongue twister in japanese and i don't speak very good japanese so you can imagine how difficult this is okay slower that is the kindest toy i've ever seen anybody ask people to try less so that i look better i'm dying inside so much this is okay this is fine okay you guys are good you guys should be voice actors okay that's a terrible joke i'm sorry i'm sorry so for this part of the class i was simply to just repeat everything that the other students were also reading as you can see it's going amazingly [Music] luckily for me japanese tongue twisters are not a daily occurrence and after that performance i don't think they will be anytime soon next was the narration class the return [Music] foreign looking back at this i don't know how i managed to do this without cringing to death [Laughter] next up one of my fellow classmates was about to attempt their own narration reading [Music] foreign [Music] bye sorry i offended you that didn't do you justice at all after that first abysmal performance the voice acting sensei gave me some advice after that second performance which i think was lacking in some areas the teacher gave me some valuable feedback next up on our crash course curriculum is the script acting think your traditional stage acting do people stand and look at each other and talk emotionally and i mustn't lie this was the one that i was scared most of because at least if i'm doing a narration i'm only embarrassing myself with script acting there's a good chance i'm going to embarrass my partner as well i'm sorry and after watching the students nail the scene it was my turn to try this emotional filled scene and of course i nailed every second of it i need to pray to whatever god i have right now look [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's the verdict i think and next up we had the singing lessons and although i am probably the person who needs the most singing lessons on earth i sadly set this one out but luckily for me yuta and iomi are great at singing and so they took it away for me singing flying sky high by luminous witches an anime song from the world witches series after listening to that amazing performance i'm convinced that i should never try singing as i'll never sound that good the final crash course class for today is the anime dubbing where i'll be attempting to voice act the scene that i'll get to actually voice act in later on in the video a short scene from episode 2 of she professed herself people of the wise men fingers crossed i don't mess this one up i'm very nervous wish me luck [Laughter] [Music] and although my pronunciation was okay i failed to match the lip flaps this time so hopefully with a bit more practice for the real thing i'll be able to nail it following the sensei's advice it was sadly time for me to leave this class but remember this the voice acting class of 2021 was the best god damn it such good times and we bonded so much in the very very short within two hour time window where we had it we bonded so much it was time for me say goodbye i'm really sorry that i was so bad at this i tried my best but you guys were great thanks for not laughing at me too much yeah thank you so much really this is so fun thank you so much and sadly that was all the time i had in the voice acting training facility but i was fortunate enough to get to sit down with the teacher and a student to ask some of those important questions well thank you that was a really fun class i had a lot of fun there um first of all why don't you introduce yourself to the audience thoughts on why voice actors are so popular in japan and shirakawa explained that because in japan voice actors aren't just voice actors they do so many things that are involved in so many different types of media from radio music to live events it isn't just limited to voice work and combine that with japan's culture of watching anime from a very young age of course you're gonna get a generation that has been inspired by its favorite characters and voices which leads many to try and pursue their dream of becoming a voice actor so obviously i wasn't the perfect student i think that's pretty obvious to anybody but what do you normally look for in a good studio there is no doubt that there are going to be many people watching this who wish they were in my shoes is there anything that you would tell the viewers who are interested in voice acting any piece of advice thank you so much for your time this has been a lot of fun and thank you for teaching me as well i hope i wasn't too bad of a student so thank you so much and sadly that was all the time i had with the voice acting teacher but i also wanted a student's perspective and luckily for me one of them spoke english so i kindly asked hikaru tsuchizaki if you'd be willing to answer a few questions for me and luckily for me he was welcome back another interview and we have one of the voice acting students tsuchi and uh yeah so you go to the school here right yes i do how long have you been studying here for five years oh wow that is a long time is that normal for a student to be here for that long like two years study is normal i just wanted to study more so that's why i stay here yeah what made you want to join the school in the first place first of all i was doing the drama play when i was in the university and then my teacher said to me i should study like basic things so that i try to find a school that can teach me the basic things what aspect of voice acting is your favorite like what do you enjoy most about it it's a hard question yeah yeah actually everything is fun for me unlike the drama because i don't have to be in that movie yeah only the voices so i can't be anything yeah yeah like not like humans but animals or like even though cars you want to voice a car if it's chance is it normal that the students here have other jobs outside of the school is this just like a temporary thing or what is the you know what's what does it normally like when you're a student here in the beginning we can't earn money so much so we just need to get the part-time job to make a life so most people are just working and hoping trying to get the voice acting to take off and become a full-time gig some people will try to get the job which can be useful for both acting like how to say like disneyland casper oh right to get into characters and perform more right that makes sense yeah no i don't am i allowed to ask what you do or is that i teach english oh you do at what age did you start voice acting voice acting 23 years old right so you're doing mainly stage and drama performances before and then you kind of got into it from that right right yeah that makes sense is there any special preparation you do personally before voice acting or before going to school or anything you do to like psych yourself up or any any kind of preparation at all well thank you so much for talking to me is there anything that you want to say to the viewers follow my twitter yeah go ahead promo pro do it um my name is hikaru key just for my twitter follow him on twitter what are you doing go follow it's in the description and after that very fun and informative interview it was time to do the final thing at the voice acting school my demo reel i actually do have multiple english demo reels obviously no japanese demo reels before i attempted to make my own japanese demo reel with great difficulty araka sami was going to show me how it's done first so what haruka is doing is just showing off the different types of voices and tones that her voice can hit if you're paying any attention at all you'll notice that her voice is changing quite drastically between takes she's such a strong voice it's so good it's very funny hearing them go from like shouting to like oh hi typically when you record a demo reel you're the one who writes the script because you should know your own strengths the best and you should know what type of sentences and what types of voices can show your abilities off the best unfortunately for me i don't speak very good japanese as you can tell so i've had my boss meline write the scripts for me and throughout this whole recording process i had zero idea what i was saying out loud oh my god i'm ready i should say something insulting he can't hear me it's really making fun of me you're so lame honestly you're so lame yeah i won't lie i'm nervous i'm sweating i don't want to do this but i gotta give it my best shot wish me luck i don't know what it is i'm just getting a voice to put my mouth on the mic that's what i'm here to do they're trolling me it's already stressful enough having him do this shoot now i gotta deal with my staff trolling in voice acting there is a concept known as line reading if you're really struggling with some voice lines in particular the director or somebody else there will actually voice out the line as intended for you so you can just kind of copy their performance it can often be perceived as quite an amateur thing to do because if you're a professional voice actor you shouldn't be needing help to read these lines you should be able to understand the script and understand the emotion that you need to give without needing a reference to go off but in this case i would like to make an exception because i don't speak japanese so i kindly asked haruka if she could read my lines for me and give me a taste of what they're supposed to sound like that was so good this is difficult this is very difficult [Music] [Music] oh my god i finally got one and once the director says that my take is good he'll go back and listen to it just to make sure that i was actually good and that i'm not lying that i'm terrible baby baby i don't want to hear myself very sexy very sexy sounded obviously there was more than one line to voice act in all of them written by maylene and all of them make me look like some kind of weirdo i'm sure the director was extremely pleased you don't really say your name at the start anymore it's kind of an uncommon practice but in japanese voice acting you still say your name in your natural voice at the start of every single demo reel yeah i could be okay yeah the director explained that obviously i'm not very fluent in japanese but overall i did an okay job [Music] [Music] times in english so my time at the voice acting training facility had come to an end and although it was very scary nerve-wracking and embarrassing at times i also learned so much about voice acting in japan and so with this newfound confidence i went home practiced my script as much as i could in preparation for the next day where i would get to meet a real japanese voice actress and get to perform in a real studio setting as a professional would for any anime needless to say i was very nervous so we've just finished with voice acting school and now i'm ready to go from step one which is learning how to become a voice actor to step two where i get my first role and i actually get to voice act in an anime now this is gonna be the exact same process that a professional would be doing it so we're gonna go in there we're gonna meet the main voice actress we're going to act out a scene with her meet the sound director get all our questions answered and hopefully i don't mess it up because i'm going to be performing my own scene today and um it looks hard it looks really hard so wish me luck let's just uh hope i don't come too much this unassuming office although looking very ordinary is home to some of your most favorite dubs in anime and i'm just doing voiceover to buy time because i'm really nervous and i don't want to go in voice act oh my god today i'd be recording in the a room which sounds very unassuming until you get inside and realize it's a massive studio so this is the sound booth wow that's creepy how silent it gets my ears are ringing like it feels like all the noise is just gone so normally there's like three mics here right so you see one two three but obviously there's a fourth here so you could have up to four people acting at once and i did hear that normally if there's more than four people in a scene you kind of swap around so it's kind of like game of musical chairs but look at these so i know this mic actually have a big microphone there this is the u87 neumann the top of the line mic it's like 3500 bucks if you're lucky sometimes they're more sometimes they're less but i obviously have a tv there the speakers there oh this is so cool sorry i'm geeking out right now normally when you're in a booth one thing that sucks the most is that there's no ac so you're just dying but there's two massive air conditioning units so you should be alright and there's like a massive screen look at this so everyone can see me mess up through the big screen at least i don't have to look at though i can just look away i can be like they're not looking at me they're not looking at me this looks really cool i'm very excited for this let's go check out the other now we've seen the booth itself let's go and see what the recording room looks like oh this is mixing on it this is the sound director yasunori ebina he is the sound director of many anime but specifically the one that we're going to be working on today she professed herself pupil of the wise man some of you may be thinking what does a sound director do exactly well although it's in the name it's a little more complicated than that the sound director is in charge of every single sound sound effects music voice acting the sound writer is in charge of making sure that they all work cohesively in japan they're also in charge of the casting so anything that you hear in your anime all has to go through one person the sound director i know nothing could you teach me about a little what happens i noticed because there's uh seems to be visuals on the screen i wasn't sure if the visuals were recorded before anything was drawn or if the audio was recorded after and uh i guess it's recorded before and after is this studio is massive and as you can tell by the size of these monstrosity machines a lot of expertise and knowledge goes into making and operating a studio like this this on screen alone is just the sound mixer but of course there's tons of other devices that all play a tiny part in making your voice sound just that nicer on top of that there's every single monitor in existence in this room [Music] speakers the reason why they have these massive speakers is to make sure that they can hear the sound perfectly these speakers can play every single part of the sound unlike your tv for example which will normally have some ends muffled or some frequencies not quite as clear so these big bad boy speakers make sure that you can hear every single bit of the audio to make sure that it's perfect i've never done any voice acting in japanese before do you have any advice for me before i try it out later any tips or anything i need help basically [Music] all right i'll do i'll do the biggest voice i can master it might be too big i don't know we'll see i don't want to break the microphone well thank you so much for giving me your time i'll ask you more questions after you've seen my appalling display before i could jump into the booth nichika omori who is the main voice actress and cast in the lead role of the show meera is going to give us a little taste of how the voice acting should sound in the anime and needless to say i'm fanboying [Music] come on let's go say hi and as i mentioned earlier she'll be voicing meera and i'll be voicing solomon and we'll be reading a couple of scenes from episode two and three i realize i haven't told you much about this show yet but allow me to quickly explain the plot the series follows sakimuri kagami who's been playing the online video game arch earth online for a long time as the character dunbaulth an old male sorcerer who is one of the game's nine great sages one day after adjusting his character he's sucked into the game world and finds himself inhabiting the character's body who after his adjustments looks like a young woman he tries to then convince the people of the game world that he is done balf's pupil and so now the main character who is once this wise old sage is a little girl called meera and meera is voiced by nichikao mori who will be meeting later the character that i'll be voicing over is solomon who's been playing in arc earth online for over 30 years and who is investigating the mysteries of this world that was amazing that was so good that was so cool i was like i was in an anime so it was so trippy i'm normally watching anime it felt really weird to watch someone do it how was that was that was that i you made it look so easy [Music] yeah i felt i felt like i was getting attacked i felt like i should have ran away at some point i don't know you made that look so easy that i'm kind of worried that i'm gonna look so bad when i do it do you have any advice or any tips that i should do before i do it [Music] you did that perfectly but if i mess up what do i do when i mess up i'm a bit worried three months in there and so this is it in a few moments i'm gonna be attempting to voice act japanese in an actual studio environment i'm very nervous okay all right we should be locked oh [Music] oh my god [Music] they're so fast when they speak naturally it's the same in english though i think it's so difficult trying to like ah okay okay my brain is trying to catch up with how fast i'm speaking so after that first attempt which i admit wasn't very good the sound director continues to give me more in-depth advice that is just amazing and i have to say this is just an amazing experience getting the knowledge from such professional but now with some extra advice from the sound director it was time for take two and i was feeling confident i'll try it again i'll try and not mess up as much this one [Music] and so after messing it up a second time i try again for a third time i it's very intimidating environment to just like but i'll keep going i'll be a good boy luckily for me laughter transcends language after neatly succeeding getting to voice act one of the hardest scenes it was time for me to try out voice acting a monster but the sound director wanted me to watch the footage first before giving it a shot and needless to say it was a little confusing but very interesting getting to see all the behind the scenes of the anime process and in the test footage i won't lie it is very difficult to make out what i'm supposed to talk but i was feeling like i could probably do it all right okay sure i'll just i'll just try i can do monster noise i should have been voice acting just then but i was so thrown off guard by the cute growling i was totally caught off guard needless to say they won't be using that one in the anime imaging there [Applause] yeah i guess so yeah that's i'm a monster there i have more appreciation for people who do monster noises now that was my voice acting attempt at trying to voice act in an actual anime in japanese the video isn't over yet so don't go anywhere because i'm going to get to sit down with the sound director and the voice actress to ask them as many questions as i want and you bet i'm going to ask them way more than they want me to so can you just tell me about yourself and how long you've been working in the industry for uh one thing that people would ask is how do you become a sound director because it's you know it's not like you can just walk in and do the job how is it that you get a job like that or get trained like any entertainment industry job it's about who you know you need to prove to a lot of people in your environment that you're capable of doing the work so there isn't a set path to becoming a sound director but it's about proving yourself in many ways in the industry what other anime shows have you worked on besides from this one american about some of the challenges you might face he informed me that when you're a sound director one of the things you have to be really careful about is not casting people with the same types of voice and it's important to make sure that you have a balance of voices so what's the flow of a production normally like for the sound director and the anime is uh what kind of tasks do you have to do in what order specifically is [Music] automated dialogue replacement and it means dubbing it's just dubbing how long does the casting process normally take for an enemy that's quite a difference in time between the main and the other characters that's really it's quite impressive actually not to make this about myself but i am going to ask a question about myself um what do you think of my performance and uh how could i improve that i suppose you can be brutally honest you can tear me apart i will not be offended i know i'm terrible foreign i think luckily the one thing that does translate from english to japanese is laughing and that's something that i had to when i was doing voice acting myself was i had to learn how to laugh and that's it's it's always the hardest part screaming is okay crying is okay but laughing was always so hard to learn i think personally besides mastering japanese is there something i could work on to improve my acting in the meantime voice acting in japan is an extremely competitive field so i wanted to know if he had any advice for people who wanted to become voice actors i definitely think i'm guilty of dealing with that this recording session i think i definitely struggled with that aspect for shows like anime or video games or anything like that really uh in in the west and we do it in english it's normally uh all the voice actors are doing it separately so they all come in at their own time and they all do their own lines i noticed in japan and anime specifically they have everyone in the room at the same time uh why do you think that is and what are the benefits of having everyone in the room at the same time the anime specifically it seemed that having all of the cast at any given scene will elevate everybody's performance of said scene so when it's possible and not covered times they get everybody in the same booth to record the lines and that might be one of the reasons why we love voice acting so much in japanese it always sounds so cohesive he also informed me that typically there isn't much time between the recording and the airing of the episode so to save time they get all of the voice actors in at once anime is just getting more popular every single year do you ever feel like pressure that anime is getting as popular as it is for example when i was doing the voice acting i was it's pretty bad what if you brought an actor in and they were just struggling to kind of get the line right what are some kind of techniques you would do to help the actor get the line right [Music] and that ladies and gentlemen is the politest way you'll ever see anybody say get good expanding on that question i guess how many people would you normally have it here what's the maximum amount of people you would have had before in the booth at one time and so everyone is just kind of rotating like a game of musical chess that's almost like a job in itself having to learn when to go back and forth surely before we end this interview is there anything you would like to say to the overseas anime fans who i'm sure love these and so after that extremely insightful interview with yasunori it was time to get to talk to the main voice actress herself nichika omori and let's be honest i had many things that i wanted to know first of all thank you so much for recording with me today and laughing at me enough i'd say she's from nagano seen here on the map and in the third year of her high school she started going to voice acting training school and just after one year of training she made her debut as a professional voice actress which is very fast and nowadays she's voice acting in everything and maybe some of your favorite ips but of course i wanted to know why why would you want to become a voice actress that's surprising i didn't expect gundam to be the answer i mean i didn't want to assume but i didn't expect gundam you know we just recorded she professed herself people of the wise man which is a long title but you're the role of meera in this show how was the the audition process and how was it to get this wrong i think if it was six months i think i would also be like yeah i don't think i don't think i'm gonna hear back from them anytime soon after like two weeks i think i would lose hope i'm curious in in your opinion what makes a good voice actor anime [Music] what's uh one piece of advice you would give anyone who's watching this video who wants to be a voice actor musica omori offered more than just one piece of advice some of them being having a clear goal putting in the work and making sure that you love the work just to name a few what's the hardest part of being a voice actor in japan alongside getting the gigs it's also hard dealing with the rejection of not getting certain gigs and nichiko omori says that even if you get discouraged after not getting the role you wanted it's important to keep trying and keep improving hardest part is getting to the point where you keep booking gigs consistently do you ever forget the voice that you gave to a character after an audition because if it's been six months since you got cast you would like kind of have to oh what what voice did i do for that oh yeah i did do that i want you to be brutally honest with me uh i was terrible there i know you said i was okay how do i improve my my voice acting on let's go boys let's go i got a compliment you're not my favorite voice actor i'm i'm running with that compliment i'm thank you thank you a nice final formal question you know there's gonna be a lot of uh overseas anime fans watching this and there are a lot of them is there anything you'd like to say to the overseas anime fans outside of japan korea [Music] if you want to you can go and follow her on twitter instagram and youtube where she uploads makeup videos and videos of a cat very cute who wouldn't want that links are in the description well thank you i'm sure the viewers will love to check that out okay well uh thank you so much thank you thank you thank you this was so fun i'm very lucky to be taught by you today my thoughts are more very fat yeah very fun very funny and so that's it that's the entire journey of voice acting in japan and although i just gave you a very slight crash course of the whole experience i hope i've given you more of an insight into the industry and the challenges one might face when becoming a voice actor in japan it's an extremely competitive and demanding job where you're constantly competing against other people just for the chance to put some food on your table and hopefully make it big and even then to some earning money from voice acting is a luxury as people spend many years in voice acting training facilities in schools just trying to get that one big job and so when you leave this video i hope that you leave it with a greater appreciation for all of the work that goes into the shows that we love and to any of the aspiring voice actors who watch this video i wish you luck now that this video has ended it is time for me to thank the people who made this video possible a massive thank you to kataka without the help of kadakawa there was absolutely zero chance i would have been able to go into a va recording studio and a voice acting school so massive thank you to them and if you do want to go and watch the anime she profess yourself a peter of a wise man you can do so by going to fanimation or whacking him depending on which country you're in and don't forget to go read the books on bookwalker which you can do so right now by clicking the links in the description again a massive thank you to everybody involved this video was a gargantuan test undertake and it would not have been possible without everybody joining in and helping so a big thank you to all those companies who made this video possible [Music] do [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,674,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man, Kenja no Deshi o Nanoru Kenja, Japan, Voice Acting, Voice Actor, Acting, Actor, Connor, CDawgVA, CDawg, Voice Acting Japan, Japanese, Japanese Voice Acting, VA, Anime Voice Acting, Top Anime Voice Acting, seiyuu, Japan Seiyuu, Japanese Seiyuu, Voice Acting School, VA School, Acting School, Japanese Voice Acting School, Voice Acting School Japan
Id: WFsrQ8e636A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 11sec (3671 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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