I Spent $10,000 on JoJo Merch

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oh you're approaching me welcome to my house let's go and have a look at my Jojo merch today I have a lot of Jojo Mertz to show off I've been building it up ever since I moved to Japan so let's go do that do you want to lock the door first of all this is a room where most Jojo fans actually live if you have a look at that I however have great taste part 7 is the past so let's go to my office so this is my office I'm sure a lot of you who have been watching my videos for a while have seen this thing slowly evolve over time and we just gradually had things it's definitely been a work in progress getting all this merch some of its super rare some of it not not super rare some of it is uh sort out online I don't know what this is doing here this blocks in the trash anyway you may have noticed whilst I was doing my intro that I'm actually wearing Jojo merch I have a lot of Jojo emerg clothes a lot of it is by a company called glam here in Japan this is officially licensed Jojo merch it's a little pricey I won't lie but but man it looks beautiful I also have a coat which I often wear this you'll see it it's a Diavolo bomber jacket so if I put it on normally it's a nice bomber jacket already wear it in this weather but you know a few months ago is perfect but you want to really embrace the Jojo spirit you can reverse it and you'll see a huge Diavolo on the back isn't that beautiful this will set you back like 300 bucks but my god I think it's so worth it it's such a beautiful jacket there's also another one that I got gifted by the company this is the Jordan OH jacket it's a lot thinner than the other jacket it's really nice nice purple combo and then this is also reversible too so you can flip it out boom you've got that golden expirience jacket I love this jacket that's so cool ahh you know short of that I do actually own multiple pieces of clothing for Jojo that's the bomber jackets I have this t-shirt I have another t-shirt which I'll show you guys but my favorite piece of Jojo clothing has to be the Jojo suits you may have seen me post these on Twitter if not don't worry I'm gonna try them on right now for you they are by far my favorite piece of Jojo much that I own and they're just beautiful all right so let's go and try on the jojo suits now I feel like I couldn't make this video without trying on the jojo suits it would be such a crime to Jojo sir but I need to change so just wait either sorry about that I'm actually wearing the suit now let's go to my office so we can discuss about it welcome stand user it is I see dog wearing the Gujarati suit feel free to take it all in it's more like a gangster style pinstripe that looks really cool I feel like it fits the everything that bruno gujarati is and if I undo the buttons here you'll see I'm wearing the actual Bruner which are a tee-time as you can see we've got sticky fingers on there as well as re re re re re re re written all over the tie and I mean that's just so cool with a Jojo pin you see that to stand our how cool is that this thing altogether is very expensive I believe the tie was 20 or 30 bucks I think the Jojo pin here little tie pin that was 40 bucks the jacket was I think 250 or 300 bucks and the pants were also 200 to 250 I can't remember exactly this is all in dollars and the pants were custom fit really nice and also if you look inside this is so cool I mean look it's got the bucho routing zippers all over the place we've got the boot drive design on this suit we have it here and also we have the same thing here look at this is Jojo suit how how are you not gonna be the coolest guy in the room wearing this suit I fell in love with this suit and I only intended to buy the other suit which I'll show you very shortly but after I tried this on I had to drop the money all it took was one rain shadow legends promotion and we will Gucci and also with the suit it comes with its own little handkerchief built in and it's actually the Bruno hankerchief I mean how can you not buy this suit when you see it I felt so bad that everyone who didn't live in Japan who was huge Jojo fan because this is the best piece of Jojo much I own without doubt and it was pretty much impossible to get outside of Japan this is also the largest size they made I'm not a big guy I'm 510 I don't weigh much but this was just pushing it and this is the XL the largest size they had you're approaching me I forgot what butch rattie's poses I I'm a fake Jared you're a fan I also own a John no Giovanna suit which I will change into right now sir one do is just to come quickly change that you can stand that don't move now anyway this is the John no Giovanna shoot I'm going to show you it look at that beautiful design there we go Requiem stand beautiful design I absolutely found love with this I love the colors of the suit I don't know why it just it just personifies John no and also we have the Jojo logo over here any of your on a little suit pocket and as well as the Bruna brooch or a tee suit there's also its own little golden wind golden Requiem little little pocket here look fancy oh and on the suit you'll see if you look very closely it's actually wouldn't Jordan Oh Giovanna here on the suit this suit is just filled with a bunch of small details that just to any Jojo fan they would recognize it instantly but you can look pretty business casual pretty business smart is why whenever you go anywhere the pants also have the same thing inside they have the same pattern it's it's a super cool suit and obviously we have the golden experienced eye here and on the back of it if you see we have golden Requiem there with Buddha in kanji I remember when I posted to Twitter these pictures everyone was like why are you wearing the UChicago Keira tie it's because I'm wearing the character-specific ties you fools come up what are you Jojo fans or Apes I mean probably don't like there is something else I own that is a pricey Jojo and you can wear and it's probably one of the coolest things that I own I actually keep it right here it's the Jojo Seiko watch it's a limited collaboration these are pretty hard to get they only made a thousand of each watch this is the box that it comes in with if we open it up you'll see that that is indeed a Jojo watch this is the Purple Haze watch I would have got more but they're very expensive they're about 550 dollars each and there was seven of them one for each of the main Jojo characters unfortunately the Jordan oh and Bouchard Ewan's was sold out like immediately but I'm still happy I just to get one of them I realized now this is just like I don't know however long this video is but 10 15 minutes of me just pure flexing and I'm sorry but I love my jo John merch I'm getting more I'm always building the collection I just wanted to show it off you know isn't that just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen on screen here are all the other watches that were available that I didn't get but I wish that I did this isn't Jojo related I just stole it from the control anime Awards when I was there so yeah thank you thank you best protagonists sync I didn't even present this award okay anyway this is the stone free poster these are all from the 2012 Jojo exhibition you can't buy these anymore they don't sell them your best bet is to get them secondhand if you actually went to the Jojo exhibition there were all $14 each I think but if you try and buy them now you'll probably find them for about thirty to fifty dollars depending on which one over here we have the Jojo Leone poster this one is the Jojo all-star poster it just shows off all the JoJo's I love this one so much it's so simplistic so clean this is the part five poster obviously I mean look at it look at all off sexy boys best mom Jordana this is the part three one I believe yeah part three Stardust Crusaders won this is just a regular Kermit that's not Jojo merch although I'm open to the idea of Kermit being canonical and Jojo Universe Iraqi just letting you know I try to make the walls kind of have a cohesive style to them but it's Jojo so it's difficult to do that this is also an all-star poster it shows all the JoJo's off I love that Iraqi doesn't design the JoJo's consistently this is supposed to be Joseph from Part two that doesn't look anything like Joseph for part two over here we have the phantom blood poster which I find really confusing because I'm pretty sure this is Joseph not Jonathan whoa this is the part 2 battle tendencies poster I really love this one it's really extra super purple it really stands out we also have the steel ball run poster it's just cool it's stylistic it's how it should be and then also one of my personal favorites as well we have the part four poster which Iraqi named diamond is not crash I don't know why he named it that but as you all know it has its actual thing but yeah this is a really cool poster showing off the style of part four I love this one so much I managed to get all of these posters together in box in the actual container that it comes with for about three hundred bucks I think if you were to do that now and buy individually it apart to be like 500 bucks or a little less maybe it really depends later on in the video I'll tell you how I find all my merch so don't worry but now I guess we'll move on to more traditional things more traditional figures and stuff so I think I should start with the figures that I keep on my desk come over here I have my rohan kishibe a memo holder so what this does is obviously you could put a little piece of paper here to remind you I don't really use paper much I kind of live my whole life online using computers so I don't really have much need for a memo holder but I mean isn't that just the best thing ever I really love figures that are really unique and really unsimilar to any other that's not even a word what am I saying Joe Joe is rotting my brain clearly I'm losing all my brain cells watching this damn Joe Joe what I was trying to say was I don't really own too many Joe Joe figures I prefer merch that is really unique and interesting a lot of the figures are just really standard figures and I prefer to go for figures that look really interesting or stand out visually like this one gyro is my favorite Joe Joe and part 7 is my favorite part this is just a beautiful figure it's so cool we got the manga panels in the back we got the horse we've got the doodle doodle in katakana and I mean it's it's it's a really cool-looking gyro I managed to get this for a hundred and forty bucks in Japan because it was missing the box which is a crazy price because this normally goes for about I think $1400 this is actually the special colored version the typical one has the normal gyro colors so I managed to get this for a steal for some reason people really really really care about the box here and if it's damaged so you can get some really good prices on figures here just because the box is a little scratch but you know the moment I get the figure I'm like you know I don't do that by the way you actually keep most of the boxes out of curiosity I mean these are killer killed anchors signed by one of the cofounders of studio trigger I'm just gonna get that out of the way it's not Jojo we don't care this is my kind of like merch zone if you will I don't actually own that many Jojo figures but the ones I do tend to get I find are the more interesting ones or unique they're not the most expensive but some of them are just really cool for example this is a perfect example of what I like to see in a figure this is a Moody Blues alarm clock I think that's such a cool design because obviously if you know moody blues it's all about rewinding and there's a little arm clock on his head I think it's just genius to make a figure where he is an alarm clock that's I love that of course I want to buy that and I got this for 10 bucks isn't that crazy this typically goes around 30 it's really not that rare I have no idea why because it's just so cool this is the crazy diamond figure it's so cool it's a moveable figure so all the parts move this is his alternative head I actually got this for 140 dollars because the box didn't come with it but typically if you try and find this new it's about 300 to 350 dollars isn't that figure just cool it's huge as well all the parts move it's just so cool and over here I've got two more figures hiding away which got stone free obviously from part 6 and we have John Doe stand I forgot their normal named golden experience right that's what it's called so this is the Bruno and sticky-fingers figure and this is the box that it comes with I really think this is cool because the only way you can get this figure is that if you happen to get the last figure in the lottery a lot of the times with figures in Japan they're only available through a lottery that you can apply and this makes it extra special because the only way you can get this is if you get the last figure in that lottery which I think is so cool and I think Gaunt Giga got me this for Christmas I think he only got for like 10 bucks which is crazy to me that he goes steal like that down here we have obviously Johnny's first evolution of his stand in part 7 I should probably say a spoiler warning shouldn't I because so many of these figures are spoilers if you haven't watched Jojo this is a spoiler warning obviously down here we have where I keep my watch but also we have two really really cool figures we have star platinum and the world and I have them fighting over my Jojo water I think that's so cool it's kept up by the katakana and also we have that with the world I handed so cool and they used a little pieces of plastic to keep it up I just think it's so cool we also have some really cool figures down here so we have I forgot the name of this thing we have a really weird deal Allen got me that thanks Allen we have a piggy with a little little treat container which you can actually store things in and then we also have a vanilla ice a little plant pot which does actually open up so you can store things in there you could put a plant in there if you wanted to I don't know why why you would put a plant in there but you could and also whoa oh it's okay don't worry these things aren't that expensive right here I have one of the coolest pieces of Jojo merch I've ever seen in my life this is actually an oceans figure so in Japan this is convenience stores called Lawson's and in one part of one scene in part four oceans pops up which is obviously a ripoff like McDonald's and wok Donald's right and so they made a whole figure in collaborations with Lawson's just for this and it's just this little cool diorama your Koichi there and funny enough the whole thing actually opens up so you can see inside of the fake oceans I just think that is crazy and I managed to get this for two hundred bucks and you're t thinking Connor what the hell why did you pay 200 bucks this thing I only ever see for about a thousand bucks and I rarely ever see it it's a super rare figure with a really interesting story I think you could only win it through a lottery by buying something at Lawson's in a specific area because there's not many of these you they're really difficult to find I don't ever seem to listed outside of the one that I own and they were listed for about sixteen hundred and twelve hundred so it's a really really rare figure and I just think it's so cool and the fact that I got 200 bucks which sounds crazy expensive but I just think it's so so cool and so unique I just had to buy it on the spot down here we have some cool merch these are the Giordano Giovanna shoes my just Elise is so cool this is the golden experience shoes that I got from Glan actually and they are around how much with a 200 bucks normally we have a cute little piggy doll Jojo socks we've got a boots or a tea we've got Jordan oh and we've got mr. that was in collaboration with perfect suit Factory in Japan I believe they were about I think they were about like eight bucks each something really cheap we also have some bandanas over here I would never ever wear a bandana or a handkerchief I think they are I don't there's mr. Bruno and John no obviously and again they were so cheap that I just had to buy them I have the original Jojo NES game comes with the manual and the actual SNES cartridge I actually don't own an SNES I just thought this was so cool and I had to buy it I also have Darby playing cards which I just think is just so cool I managed to get these unopened for 20 bucks I think that's just an absolute steal wow it's oh is that Joseph in the chips I've never opened this by the way and those are the playing cards of themselves that is just so so cool I have a unopened do figure I don't know why I would love to tell you that it's for some preservation reasons I'm just too lazy to open it and figure out where to put it a money shot look at that isn't that just the most beautiful thing you've ever seen this is the gyros Apple II figure like I said earlier gyros Apple II is my favorite character in all of jojo's I love him so much and there's not many figures out of him I think there's like three or four figures I managed to get this for 200 bucks typically goes to about 300 in box I just think this is so cool and the stand that it comes with the Hat stand it's just so cool that I don't want to take it out of the box I just think it looks so cool some other figures I have in box I also have Joe Truro obviously everyone needs a Jojo in their life I don't really like taking these out of the box because I just get so stressed out with posing them and I'm like oh my god what if I pick the not optimal pose right like what if I didn't pick the best pose and then what do you do with all the little extra things right where do I cook them oh my god just give me a figure that is just static we also have just a standard josuke inbox this figure is nothing exceptional it's really heavy there for a figure but over here we have polnareff in a wheelchair that is that a spoilers by the way I just have another butcher alley down here just a standard crane game this was a gift it's really easy to buy a gift for me believe it or not all you have to do is buy anything Jojo and I'll think that you did an amazing job down here nothing special I have my gold play button which I've yet to hang up because it would take room from my Jojo figures and right now JoJo's is more important than my achievements I'm really sad that I couldn't show off more of my merch I do have a sheer heart attack figure that actually moves around but due to all the coronavirus stuff that's going on right now the post is just system isn't sending it out so I don't actually have that to show but I will just serve some b-roll footage while I'm talking right now it's really cool it makes noises and when you pull it or whatever it goes around the room it's so cool I wish I could have showed it off I realize I've done know Jojo poses in this video so I'll fix that right now got that one that one boy this is my dojo collection I've been working on it for about six months now I do want to decorate other rooms in my house with Jojo merch to scare off anyone who doesn't know what JoJo's is when they enter my house as to where I get most of my merch in Japan it's really easy to get secondhand anime merch for really cheap in compared to the US eBay works Yahoo auction there's a website called manda Rocky I'll link to all of these down below um and Roquette actually delivers to the US so you can look at the prices I use a lot of websites just cross-reference make sure I'm not getting ripped off and also sometimes I go to Akihabara and buy merch but I found that going out and going to the stores often the prices are higher than online it's really sad because I love hunting for deals in Akihabara and going on all the anime stores but it turns out that it's just cheaper getting online which is a not fun but uh when is life 5 right now a lot of the stuff I own is quite pricy and if I were to sell it I'd probably value all the stuff that I own at around six seven eight thousand dollars depending on you know what I sold it for I'm just gonna put $10,000 in the thumbnail because that looks real clickbait but yeah this is my seven eight thousand Jojo much dollar collection thing I hope you enjoyed this video I know that I wasn't very funny at cracking many jokes in this video I mean this is just like my baby that I've been building up and just getting to show this off to everyone finally is so much fun I will I promise I'll do an update in future when I bind more stuff maybe in a year or two I don't matter in a few months I don't know I'll buy more stuff I'll update the collection I'll show you guys all the cool notes that I have no doubt when part6 gets animated it will get animated I know it will don't tell me otherwise I'll be the more merch coming out so I'll be buying all of that you know I will if you enjoyed this video please do let me know down below let me know which piece of merch was your favorite let me know down below if I have problems and an addiction that is forming that is unhealthy I know the answer to that question and if you do want to go and support the rest of my videos and my channel I do other Jojo videos that are more comical go check those out up here and go and support me on patreon if you want to do so as most of the money I make is probably going into the sinkhole of an investment I call my Jojo collection thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video and I can't wait to collect more Jojo merch and show it off I stumbled there god damn it anyway I'm not gonna retake it who cares [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 2,097,467
Rating: 4.9586082 out of 5
Keywords: JJBA, JoJo, JoJo's, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Merch, JoJo Merch, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Merch, $10000, $10000 JoJo Merch, Merch Collection, Anime, Anime Merch, JoJo Anime Merch, CDawg, CDawgVA
Id: GIdzIBDNt2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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