I Spent $500 On Japanese Crane Games

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did you know that over half of you aren't subscribed to this channel so you should go and smash that subscribe button right now welcome to youtube videos i'm going to blow all of my money on not got you this time on real gadget the og gotcha which is crane games and we are at future today because there is the most cranes in one location over 450 cranes at this title station we have 50 000 yen which is 500 roughly and we're gonna see what we can win with that bear in mind i'm not very good at these games we need to go and change some of these notes that's 100 in coins let's get them all that's how you make a prison weapon right [Laughter] so this is just some of the machines that are here this is one row and like a any parking lot there's actually like pillars they have numbers on them there is so many crane games here that you have to know what pillar that you're at to find out which crane game your friend is at it's ridiculous oh my god it's lightning mcqueen what would you do with that what would i do with it i'll bring it a trash taste the boys will love it i guess we could start with a squirtle all right we have eight tries mainly get a shot of that maylene eight tries eight it's gonna take how many do you think they lean seven so the idea of this one is right is that you need to get it all the way to the end so it'll fall that goes 100 yen why did you do that i didn't press anything i just gave him a little tickle tickle it was at that moment he realized he [ __ ] up maybe go for the head like spin it like i'm delivering a baby why do you know that i delivered a baby i'm just scooping his head oh that's fine that's fine yeah oh the bar is there oh no it moved it did move i see there's a member of staff waiting to try and help me but i'm not going to let her do it i want to do it fair and square that's terrible that's just terrible what was i thinking oh oh i lied i'm this close to losing them if you waste enough money they'll just actually help you and uh set it up for you i honestly thought i could have done it you know if she didn't came and ruined my hot streak you know i was killing it i appreciated helping me out there doing me a solid i feel like she set it up real nice for me the staff is like you're so [ __ ] bad bro get good okay more money that's clearly what i need to do so embarrassing okay that looks like the perfect angle come on this is [ __ ] aren't you an engineer of some sort i don't want to hear a premium trigonometry trigonometry this is not it this is not it i don't think this is it actually oh this is mine i won this oh the kimitsu no yaiba mini thing is sure let's do it so this is a hundred yen each which one should i go for neziko tanjuro i don't know demon slayers stuff i'll go for a nail skate [Music] oh did you see that hey 200 yen this time admittedly it's probably not even worth 100 yen there's so many stuffs oh we should get the uh the alien oh yeah they're cute like in logan paul's video when he goes to the street yes i see what i want that's the evangelion figure we can win i got nervous and pressed it a little bit that was the waste what's it made oh psych psych but was it meline in japanese arcades if you [ __ ] up enough the members of staff will either come to you or if you've put enough money in you can be like and they'll come over and you just look really sad and point to the machine and they'll eventually come over and actually help you out by fixing it no matter how much money you spend you'll probably be able to get it within a reasonable amount if i fail too much i am going to do that strategy which is the speed run strategy of asking staff to do it for you [Music] me oh my god did you see him oh oh oh i let go too early i panicked no wait that was eight dollars i got an eight dollars what the [ __ ] if you bought this in a store i think it would be ten to twelve dollars maybe stonks right there three prices in the bag and we've only spent like 50 bucks oh my god s stewardess ram get out of here okay wow i know what we're getting next melin i'm getting good i'm learning like a good ape ah that's one mcdonald's cheeseburger down the drain oh yo big brain big brain get out of here get out of here oh my god we nearly did that in two you're kidding me i just want to keep gambling melee i can't help myself i'm addicted man oh this is it this is it this is it i'm a god ape learns fast meline what ape does not learn fast how can you even do that that's not even in physics oh okay okay this might be it you're not going to get her sister no i'm not going to get her sister anyway why would you not i'm going to get all the rams oh that's horrible i mean that's horrible because you know if you adopt the kid at an orphanage would you not adopt the sibling too hell no if they're ugly like ram they're the exact same thing all right so there's two rims here so we're gonna get both have you ever put a figure in a microwave no i feel like that would be interesting that sounds like a fire hazard the thing i do like more about japanese crane games than the ones in the uk is that like with traditional crane games i feel like you just never know when you're gonna win but at least with this one you know if you're garbage and if you're not making progress right like it seems fair enough this is possible i am moving it like i know i'm gonna get it i think in that aspect it's a lot more fun because you're like all right i can't just get lucky with 100 yen i do it for like five bucks and but there's a good chance i'll get it no you kind of move like a monkey actually that's because i'm a monkey mailing what do you think i'm trying to i want the fries oh that's good that's good that looks good oh what the [ __ ] is that what am i supposed to do with that look what is that how do you even do that should i stream i send someone yeah oh i gotta get through them okay so i just gotta scoop this in this is really easy now oh magical nice we're an hour in and i haven't even spent 100 bucks yet you need to speed run this holy [ __ ] it's so hard to spend the money that fast oh what's going to give first the box on my body i'm so hot no no no no no no watch this i have a dragon gigantic brain idea oh her feet are bare it's really popular actually um on the internet he's telling me that this is it this is probably not it oh oh [ __ ] no no i need this i need this man oh no i've just made it way worse for myself come on i think that was 20. was it mainly was it 20. i wasn't keeping track oh no no no no oh i'm never going to financially recover from this meline so we've had no luck so far i've spent about 30 dollars getting this i don't know if you can see it i've pretty much this in the worst way imaginable it literally is stuck against the glass here when it needs to be in this area over here this is my last coin by the way i feel it coming okay in one baby let's go maylene yes it's time to gamble baby i got the money bag ready i'm ready to gamble there are often like two prices in the cabinet and you can go and ask them hey i want the other prize in this cabinet can you change it as i did with my poorly ordered japanese you just say change don't normally understand what you mean on this machine you need to use the crane to pull the little plastic label at the top of the box to pull it over the edge and get your prize okay okay okay this is clean i think nothing oh that's perfect [Music] come on this is like a 15 to 20 figure by the way no no no no no that was terrible what was that oh this is bad okay so we literally cannot do it so we're going to see if we can get staff to come help us we'll just start we cannot figure this out he wants to make sure i don't it's hard work this has got to be it this has got to be it are you kidding me are you kidding me this is it this is it oh oh my god finally i paid no joke eighty-eight dollars i want a gun maylene not that kind of gun oh oh that's clean that's clean maylene what you just made it's really weird i just came oh what the [ __ ] what just happened what the [ __ ] just happened he's like what the member of staff just saw what i did oh my god it's moving so slowly it's like it's got arthritis mainly why is it so [ __ ] weak i could just steal it right from there no one would see i could just put it in everyone would believe i won this might be it's over here this might be it come on come on come on finally we don't ask how much the money was because i got myself a gun it's a t charm meleen not gonna lie who the [ __ ] to win a kettle in a claw machine can we just can we think about that who wants a kettle who goes to the arcades like you know what i need a kettle i could just buy one for 10 bucks that's pretty much better than this no i'll get this one oh my god coca-cola slippery let's do it oh my god so clean right off the bat oh beautiful this is it [Applause] what the [ __ ] let's go let's go let's go oh look look at that that tip that is the size of my nail and i don't even have one this is it give me them flip-flops baby flippy floppies that was like eight dollars or something not even and i just i'm so good at these i have not lost a significant amount of money on any of these yet profit only right millie i beg of you stop taking so damn long too far left oh wait wait wait it's going to scoop it up yes nailed it all right i want luigi no wario no way get out of here oh my god i did it in one get out of here you know what no let's get luigi as well i'm not done you're getting greedy this is it i'm a luigi so in the arcade there's always like a food section where you can win food there's mints here very exciting prize i've always wanted to win mint i want a snack i don't want to win rice like there's rice over there who comes to win rice oh i need something for dinner i'm gonna pop in and win some rice and get some curry with it because why not surprisingly i don't want that because it's like 100 yen but i never see this in the supermarket i actually think i'm having like a mini mental breakdown of this one i feel like i would hate crane games after this so on these types of machines you have to shimmy off this little piece of plastic using the claw have you ever smashed like a pregnant spider no why would you ask it looks like when you smash the pregnancy that's disgusting oh this is it yes come on so these are my favorite crisps in japan these are pizza potato chips this is the most absurd thing i have no idea how i'm going to carry this the foam i'll worry about that after i've won it but for now let's get some pizza potato holy [ __ ] man i'm sweating on my ass my cheeks are moist i did not need to know that come on this is [ __ ] how can you do this can i can i just try one i messed up i messed up sorry sorry sorry [Music] that wasn't even close what's your excuse my lane i don't have any i'll just watch you wow okay you see it's not easy is it this one feels like i'm just not gonna do it like the ram one i knew i was gonna get it eventually but this one just feels like there's no hope so on this machine in particular i called a member of staff over because as i was using it i couldn't actually get the arm to go on the side closest to me to hit this side of the little plastic thing it could only hit the middle and the side furthest away from me so i wanted to bring the staff over to show him that it's [ __ ] and that i can't shimmy this thing off because of that and of course the moment i bring him over and i put a coin in to show him the bs uh yeah just watch [Music] oh that's so close to doing something no matter what i do this thing doesn't bug you know that rhymes with maylene scam i'm out of here i'm going to paris oh i already thought it's doing anything oh oh yeah yeah keep doing that over and over again that's great oh that is so close [Music] [Applause] there it is i've spent about four hundred and ten dollars i have about 90 left but the place is closing in about 20 minutes um we need to get out and we have to call it i know the title is now a lie but i have to click that you know how it is we're going to review the hall now welcome it's been two days since i did the video and um i [ __ ] up so one thing that i didn't think about was when i bought all of this stuff on the crane games including this [ __ ] giant thing is that i didn't realize that i would look like a massive [ __ ] on the train home and worst part was is that because we shot so late it was near last train so the trains were completely rammed i don't know if you've seen japanese trains but you know they're really really full so everyone is squished in this train and i'm here like this with my giant ass [ __ ] bags anyway let's review some of the prizes we have let's start with this one this giant pizza potato thing we are in my living room today because i wanted the table now they're pretty cheap so i wonder what is this oh my god my worst nightmare that's legit like two dollars worth of chips these are 25 grams each i buy a bag of chips that is bigger than all of these combined the exact same chips i pay 200 and something yen for it this is just seven bags of chips i spent like sixty dollars on this [ __ ] they look like this and like like fake cheese on them they're really good i just feel awful every time i eat them but that's what a waste of money tastes like and i have to recycle this giant thing now god damn it coca-cola ah you know what yeah that and their l size too say hello to my new cakes gamers very nice that's a w this thing well that's it i hate you i hate you that is not worth the 80 that i paid this is probably 15. realistically it's probably worth 10 bucks these bags of chips that i think i spent way too much money getting let's let's eat one there's a fair amount in here and they're pretty chunky boys i've never seen these before but let's uh give them a shot they're curry flavored oh yeah i like those like what suits but curry flavor next we have the pokemon towel oh wow that is nice i like that a lot that's pretty cute you know what for like four bucks or however much i spent getting it that's worth let's get on the couch get that on there another rem figure this one's pretty cute it's like night down ram that's one of the better rams that we got this is much better than this one i think you know if i saw this one i'd again i'd have to say optimistically 15 maybe 20 but probably 15 bucks and i think i i didn't spend that much getting it it might have been the same amount i don't know so that's that's profit this is the wario pullback toy that i got for 100 yen actually and then the second one i got for 300 yen pretty good value that's fantastic bloody hell oh that's brilliant let's open up the other one the luigi one i can't stop saying that's fantastic but really that's fantastic they go fast yo for a hundred yeah i'm so made up those are such good value gone let's open it up this one i'm actually really psyched about this one cost me like 40 bucks honestly it's probably not worth that much but it was cool to get it and also i love psychopaths i think psychopath is an amazing anime oh yes i don't know why this is like not impressive at all it is literally just a piece of plastic but there's something really cool about it it looks spot-on like if you needed a cosplay psychopath you would just get this because it's like less than 10 bucks probably that's cool i like that squirtle very cute i love that how can you hate that that's just a cute boy i'll see you in bed tonight baby and we also have uh the zenitsu which cost like a dollar for me to win another ram let's have a look the best thing about it is obviously all the merch is also official as well so you get like the good [ __ ] i like that is that how it goes in i think so right oh no it's not oh i think my finger's broken a little bit the foot is slightly broken on it it should have another prong here but it doesn't either way the figure does still stand on its own a little jank but it does stand that's a nice rem figure evangelion there's a lot of pieces and these are all tiny little pieces here as well i'm really impressed this is all really like would only fit one way that is the even galleon figure that i won i probably spent like 10 bucks on this but this is probably worth like 18 to 20 i think maybe a little bit more obviously you know these are all prices in japan if you're into the us they'd obviously be like double uh just because people ship them over and charge a lot of money got another ram god i did go overkill on the rem didn't i actually not a bad figure again not not a very expensive figure you have one more room figure grown man opens toys on camera the movie not a bad figure i mean i [ __ ] did it again it's not a bad figure again only worth twenty dollars max if i had to rate the rem figures from best to worst so this is my favorite one this is the worst one all together probably worth about 80 to 90 and i think i spent like 170 maybe 200 to get them and when i say how much they're worth you actually can't buy these officially but in japan what happens is some people are so good at these games that they win them and sell them to the second-hand stores for a profit and then you can go and buy them for really cheap so these cost these costs would be 15 with you know most people getting their cut so it's probably worth you know less in reality but this let's see my galleon one is fantastic i did win um this uh ray one which i'm not gonna take out the box because i honestly there's no point taking it out of the box but this one's awesome i did not expect this one to be as cool as it was the gun is also pretty sick there is a way you can tell which ones are immediately cheap and which ones are expensive normally if there's no window in the box that normally means it's a crane game and normally means it's cheaper figure so if you go to an anime convention i don't know when you're going to go to an ebay convention so when you realize that one of them has the window and one of them doesn't normally the one without a window is going to be the less expensive one so get that out of here and buy this one if it's the same price that is probably don't take my word for it overall that's what i got for four hundred dollars yeah and i didn't i didn't spend my money wisely at all i did i really hope this video makes back four hundred dollars i'm i paid like 70 for a bag of chips a medium bag of chips i'm losing it i can't believe i did that but anyway i hope you guys did enjoy this video let me know which of the items you thought was the coolest and if you like the idea of going to the crane games obviously i know you're not going to the crane games to get value for money you're going there for a day of fun and to be fair for 400 i was speed running coins and i got over three hours of fun yes it was very stressful at times but it was overall really fun and going with friends chill trying to win something super fun so if you are interested in going to any of these crane games i totally recommend checking them out and the link in the description below i'll leave google maps linked to the place where i went to so if you eventually come to japan you can go and check out the largest crane game center in the world with over 450 machines let me know if you want me to do this again and if you want me to try a challenge or spend more money or do something else with it i really love these crane games and i'd love to get better at them and do them more so if you want to see more videos like this do let me know down below so i hope you beautiful weebs have good financial investments not like me have a beautiful day don't forget to like comment subscribe go to the patreon all that good stuff share the videos all that stuff i'm gonna go and clean up this mess that i've made for myself [ __ ] me bye did you know that i have a new youtube channel connordog where you can watch all of my best streams edited like any video on my youtube channel uploaded once a week so if you like the video that you're watching now there's a good chance that you'll like some of this why am i nervous god i want to punch her so bad it never goes this fast everyone can blink i have eyes so if you want to watch these videos right now click the card up top right now or go to the link in the description down below and click the connor dog youtube channel and don't forget to [Music] subscribe you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,187,934
Rating: 4.9774923 out of 5
Keywords: UFO Machine, Japanese Crane Game, Crane Game, Crane, Game, Japan, Japan Crane Game, UFO Japan Game, Taito, Biggest Crane game, Most crane games, CDawg, CDawgVA, Connor
Id: p8z2OCkXxkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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