Building the WORLD'S LARGEST TREBUCHET competing in the Poly Bridge Olympics!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to polly bridge this time i'm going to be representing great britain in the paul olympics so today i'll be taking on four events the high jump the shot put hurdle run and weightlifting there'll also be five other competitors representing their own countries they'll be arglin representing the usa aliens rock representing the usa bolt 986 who's the developer of the game representing the usa read captain representing the usa where where's everyone else why they were american scot-free representing ireland and of course myself but uh let's hand over to today's commentator who's definitely not me with a peg on my nose hello and welcome to the high jump event today we'll be watching the very famous and great and fantastic and good looking and handsome and intelligent i've run out i've run out of adjectives to describe his greatness it's rce or matt as some of you might know him as today he'll be competing at the high jump event representing great britain the rules are simple he has 10 minutes an unlimited budget and this vehicle traveling at a very fast speed towards this wall where he'll have to engineer a way to repel the car as high as possible up the wall of doom no it's not really called the wall of doom it's it's just it gets people more excited anyway timer has started over to matt right okay then so this is our our first event of the paul olympics we've got a car here going very fast 30 meters a second acceleration 15 and then we've got to hit as many of these flags as possible now the guys who built this have been pretty clever there's an invisible shape here we can build behind that with steel obviously if we build a bit of road off there that's fine but if we try and do it on this square shape you see it's red not possible now which means we can't just do a ramp like straight up that way we've got we're gonna have to do something down here so let's just press play and see how quick this guy goes oh pretty fast okay unlimited budget my first sort of instinct is just to do like a quarter pipe type thing i may as well use reinforced road a bit stronger all right so if we take that and fill that in with road that is what we are left with and maybe i just want to do a vertical one afterwards so if i turn the grid back on maybe snap that one to the grid and a vertical and that might just propel it a little bit higher all right so now we just trust this up i'm sort of thinking for strength maybe we use this wall over here just as a bit of a bit of a place to rest right then oh god we've used half our time we haven't even done a test run yet let's play this and see how high we go oh look at that nice i'm just going to try this just to see if he can go up it but the reason i haven't started here is because you'll see if you look here can you see there's a bit of a lip there now boosh yeah that's no good that is no good at all i do want to if i take that top piece off will it go higher or lower let's try and measure where we get to all right so i think that's uh yes that's the final flag if i don't move this camera i know if we're higher or lower so let's firstly just get rid of that see if that does any better or worse okay that was worse that was definitely worse to me that's slightly taller and sort of not as vertical so is that any better exactly the same now what if we try and fiddle so it's a bit steeper to start oh yeah that was higher that was higher excellent i think pretty much just tweak and hope it gets better oh that was close seemed closer oh yes we got another one we got another one just a little bit tweaking that's what it's all about all right yeah i think that's going to be our submission for this one all right so let's go and check out the other competitors solutions so this is aliens rox one oh that's really clever if you start higher up you get more speed i assume he did better not we'll have to wait till the end yeah but that was decent yes this is arglin's one it's just a very very smooth curve oh that looks really high what let me watch it again how did that go so high was it because it was so smooth oh i should have thought to do smooth of course being the over engineer yes this is one of his other solutions top flag of course he did not do that in the time limit so it does not count this is boltz again he's done another little ramp uh oh did miss some flags and just did it that way which i assume is fine he is the developer of true i mean it's cool it's called high jump it's not called collect the flags so so i think we'll let him have that so this is reed captains very similar to arglin's which is quite worrying because i know ireland did pretty well again it's all about making the ramp super smooth it looks like and then this is scott freeze very similar to bolts just a ramp oh that looked pretty high as well okay i'm a little bit worried i think i might have cocked this and here are the results of the high jump arglin is out in first place he achieved 50 flags reed 48 aliens rock 46 scott 45 rce 42 and bolt came last just with 41. so therefore the overall leaderboards currently look like this on to the next event the shot put event the art of fleeing a giant border as far as you can as the deer watches on it provides moral support you must fling your rock as far as you can length will be measured along this fruit vertically if you're if you're that good at this level just ignore the bus that's going to fall to its doom that's purely for the timing because you have been given one hydraulic you also have unlimited budget and a 20 minute time limit and don't forget unbreakable is turned on we will be following rce as he represents great britain right so the shot put event this level is absolutely huge and insane fairly it must take ages to make uh but what what i was thinking for this one as unbreakable is turned on i know you've only got one hydraulic balls okay well there goes that idea i was going to do the old hydraulic expanding into each other trick because that worked as a really good catapult in the past but we only have one so i think we have to use that as a timer so if we just bring this over to here somewhere now we can use the hydraulic controller because on this first phase we can disable the split joint and on this second one the split joint will enable so that means when we start there's a split joint there this hydraulic will slowly close together and when it when it closes that will release this joint meaning assuming we build like a massive trebuchet catapult thing as soon as it gets into the air we can just adjust how long this is and that's when our trebuchet will let go of the boulder right we should probably start building this we've got unlimited budget which is pretty nice i have been given an extra rule in that the actual weight cannot be heavier than 12 and a half thousand so we're probably gonna have to use quite a bit of leverage let's start building this so what i'm thinking is let's build our own pivot point so i think the longer the better so if we go i don't know let's say there so our weight is there then i think we probably want to have it about there does that look normal right appropriate i've actually never built a catapult in this game before yes this could be a learning experience i think the start will just trust something up all right so we've got that this is our pivot points we want to build something sort of secure yeah so that's pretty good i think and then we'll just build our weight here we can use reinforced road for that that's the heaviest material we own and i'm sort of thinking actually let's just put it on a bit of a rope just to make it a bit easier i'm going to keep the grid on and try and keep it like symmetrical looking i have no idea how much 12 000 is maybe we'll just try that for now and see if it works oh yes it definitely works there maybe needs to be higher i feel like we touched the water pretty quick i think we'll sort of curve this up oh god time is actually running out though like that yeah okay right before we go any further i'm going to delete everything apart from the weight just to see where i am on the cost 21 000 oh god it's got to be 12 and a half that's nothing okay 12 508 that's fine that would do that will do so let's see it's not the best is it it's really not the best yeah i think i need to proper shrink this yeah there you go so you can see i think as this gets longer it should drop oh no what how am i so bad at this okay i'm a little bit worried that's how big they think we can throw and that's how far i have thrown uh do i just need to be bigger go bigger go home type thing in it yes nice big arch we'll fill that with steel oh yes it's been a while it's been a while since i pressed that button all right then just speed trust the crap out of this i'm pretty confident it'll hold it just might take a minute or so i think i can just do half and then mirror it so i'll do that all right does my arch hold oh god no because i haven't done it to the edge all right lovely the archer holds so i just need to do a crazy sort of arm let's hit play oh no oh no it bent in the middle and collapsed okay i'm gonna strengthen it with some cable so i'm just gonna bang a few of these on and then what i do here i just put some cable along either side and that should should uh stop it snapping or bending in the middle all right now i've just got to stop the arch from caving in on itself oh god i'm really running out of time maybe if i just cable the crap out of it let's try that please please yes this is working i just got to work on the timer right quick quick get smaller we're nearly there we actually did it oh that's pretty good that's didn't go very far so can we beat that by letting go a bit later basically if this rock flies off my screen then i let go at the right and a better time if it hits the ground before no that's good that's way better i'm going up to 300 speeds just because i've only got i've got a minute left i think i want to let go like on the way up so we want it even smaller i think oh no no that's pathetic we've got a few seconds so i'm thinking what if we just try and make it more of a trebuchet rather than a catapult so i'm thinking we do that and then we just have like a load of rope and that should tighten and then whip it it's ready oh oh that's way better that's way better right add more rape add more rape i got a few seconds quick whoa yes oh we cleared the entire thing wow all right so this is my final design the shot puts have a little look then so we've got a proper trebuchet and it let's go just at the right time and we get about we get we get to that point so that's pretty good i was worried i'm not gonna lie that i wasn't even gonna make the water i just wasn't thinking big enough to start and i found out how powerful trebuchets are i honestly had no idea they were that much better than a catapult but it does make sense i call that extra leverage and whip alright let's go check out the other people's solutions so this is aliens rocks oh man that's so clever he used springs to pull it down not a weight oh this could be good this could be really good yeah he made use of the of the anchors down there that's so clever fair play that's whoa look at it go no i've done so badly i cleared everything right let's watch this in slow motion 20 zoomed in holy crap that's really good fair play i didn't even think to use springs this is arglin's shot put oh dear i feel like everyone's taking advantage of springs and i proper ballsed up so watch it on 100 to start floosh yep it's gone it is gone oh it might be better than aliens rocks as well all right we'll watch it in slow motion and just yeah can you see all the springs pulling i think these ones pull around this side and these ones push so proper whips and he's got the old trebuchet rope that extra leverage fair play argument right so this is bolts looks like he did the weights no springs thankfully so i might stand a chance probably not probably not at all let's have a look floosh oh yeah there we go down there it really shows how much easier it is with springs i think because unbreakables on so you can really use the spring power as this is read captains oh god another spring one okay i think me and bo are propping up the bottom of the leaderboards here i assume this is going to go flying blue yeah is it going to be better than the others they i think it might be it just skimmed the ceiling i think you might have won this one oh and it's waving as well all right so watch this one in slow motion oh look it all like contracts that really didn't move a lot to get all that momentum it's because he did the tiniest little lever arm bare play right oh and this is scots well that's really strange so like this side of the pond we've uh we did the big arch and the bigger arm and uh the other side they all did springs and use their brains i'm also liking the shape of the uh of the weight there that would be a bonus point if i was in charge of the leaderboards now let's watch this oh wow there's a lot of cable loose let's go up there i wonder is it going to be better than mine oh yes yes that means i came forth sorry i should i shouldn't cheer up people's misdoings so in reverse order the leaderboard for the shoppers event bolt with 182.25 meters and fifths got free with 314.5 meters fourth was rce with 328.69 meters third was aliens rock 399.64 just pipping him was ugly with 401.73 meters and just about in front raid captain with a distance of 402.98 meters after two events the overall results are looking like this it's joint up top between our glenn and reed captain right on to the next event hello and welcome to the hurdle run event contestants will have 20 minutes i must make as many hurdles as quickly as possible to reach the end hurdles vary in size and there's a checkpoint before each one that you must hit the hurdles must stay vertical there's no knocking them over in this contest and with unlimited budget rce will be representing great britain once again all right so looking at this pretty cool i think everything's sort of set up i think it's just a case of doing a spring cannon to sort of spring me up because it looks like split joints are all set up at the right time so as my car hits the checkpoint these unlock so if i just make these compressed and boosh oh yes we got over oh nice can i literally just copy that to every single one i imagine that's not going to work that was pretty tight oh no oh yeah we should we fell down the pit i thought i was gonna topple and like trap us forever then all right so for this one we're gonna want double the springs i reckon so if we mirror and then just tie them together that should launch us straight up on this one ready boosh oh yeah a bit too a bit too up we want to go forward a little bit i think it's all about getting a clean like on your angle right oh oh that was pretty good i'm happy with that one well they're a little bit slow this is a timed event so it's all about guessing to the end as quickly as possible let's just copy this one a few times and we'll see how we do whoa okay okay still looking good oh no oh we didn't make it we didn't make the last one it's high that is actually high alright so i've just reduced the compression on that side which hopefully should launch this side up first so let's slow it right down and just see what happens so we're on twenty percent speed ready yes yes yes it's going in the right oh it's gone way over yeah oh and we landed on our wheels yes we did it we did it okay so now it's just to work on time let's go back to this first one we want to get this as efficient as possible so he sort of leans back a bit too much and goes too high so i'm thinking if we do 50 compression on both springs hopefully that shouldn't change too much it'll just yeah i'll just make a bit lower so so up it to 70. there you go that was that was smooth that was very smooth this second one i want to get rid of the backflip i think oh god oh no oh no actually that's pretty good that's not too bad i'm gonna try and fix this middle one i think although it was funny doing a wheelie wheelies are quite slow so let's try let's reduce some of these all right i did a few more tweaks but this is my final run because we ran out of time so smooth first jump second jump pretty good third jump flip we land in the wheelie position but that actually helps us in this jump because we launch really far and almost land on the flag all right let's go see how other people hurdled alright so this is arglin's one let's see how smooth he's oh he's got cable oh he's got like bits of steel in there to stop them all moving this looks pretty smooth i'm not gonna lie this is aliens rocks again very smooth he has gone high on some of the jumps oh so much smoother than mine though he's got little like bass things to stop the springs move that's pretty clever actually this is bolts again he's done the same as tyler he's got the oh that was close to falling over yeah he's got like the little bass anchors oh that one went flying nice i look pretty fast actually so this is reeds i think he did similar to me just spammed yes found the springs and did some backflips just for style points i'm not sure if we get style points though but oh i think you would have won it triple backflip was that and this is scott's oh yeah he's he's got loads of steel in there just to keep just to make sure the springs go exactly that looks really smooth oh i had a backflip for style oh he did he did get stuck up on that last hurdle i could have affected his time i'll hand over to a commentator to look at the leaderboards in reverse order breed captain achieved a time of 16.452 rce 16.304 seconds scott free 16.044 seconds bolt 15.616 tyler came second with 14.75 seconds on the clock and arglin wins with 14.132 seconds so after three events the overall rankings look like this it's ugly has taken the lead he is well out in front and it's not looking good for the developer or the real engineer on to the next event hello and welcome to the week lifting event this one is simple the limo will have weights dropped on it you must build a bridge to span the river when the liver gets the other side an additional weight will land on it the limbo will cross the river again but being slightly heavier when it reaches this side another weight will be dropped and so on and so forth your bridge must be strong to take as many weights as possible representing great britain the real civil engineer right so this looks like a really freaking fun level so we got to build as stronger bridge as possible within the budget we've only got 44 000 i got 20 minutes to do this so which is pretty nice so first off eight bits of road i assume that just gets us straight across yep and then from there oh we've only got wood as only wood as a building material sneaky all right so what would be the strongest way that's our middle piece so if we can just do everything on this side we can then mirror to the other side i'm sort of thinking maybe that sort of thing might be good or maybe we just fully go underneath yeah what if we do okay so we can do that and then we can add a bit of an under truss i'm actually thinking we've got quite a lot of budget here i might do a separate wall brace underneath i'm sort of thinking we take this down here like that sort of thing potentially right so we can just about see through the water this is our first iteration the very ends aren't very strong so we could potentially do reinforced road oh then also these sections they weren't very happy so if we instead did that sort of layout so if we delete those two and sort of put a muscle in there this is where all of our weight's sort of coming down now we may as well we got we got the money so we may as well trust over the top as well so not looking great i think i feel like we could break already on this one you can see how the level works now it brings back a heavier weight nice and grabs another weight turns around this is really really cool i like this i really like this oh but we collapsed okay all right so as i got the budget i'm sort of thinking all this weight is coming down this beam so there's a lot heading down there so if we were to just do that sort of thing now the force that was going through this beam has two beams to go along so that should i say should because i'm not entirely sure but that should make it a bit stronger oh god what happened there we dropped a weight oh no i deleted something bollocks i'm gonna have to go back then there you go yeah i accidentally deleted all right so let's see has this extra beam helped this one out it still went pretty orange actually all right is it gonna survive yes okay we've now we've got further than before but now with an extra weight oh yeah that break that break so what broke down here so that one so maybe we want to add an additional wool brace that just means the weight that was coming down here is now spread it now hits the wall as well just spreading the weight out that's essentially all we're doing i sort of want to try another another design while we have time we still have time all right so this time i want to try and use tension obviously we don't have rope or anything but we do have wood and we can try and use wood in tension so from our tension bridges previously you know that going as low as possible is best then we can do a straight line between those and fill that in and copy that to the other side and then it's all about just making this stronger because wood doesn't work the best under tension but if we trust it you can see it's a lot stronger all right so i've done here i've just i've just trust the the rope if you want to call it rape uh seem to hold that okay next one oh not bad okay and then it died all right so now i've just made the rope like way thicker is that any better no in a word no all right let's get back to what we have before because we did try tension but it seems the arch always wins all right so we're back over here with oh okay so that one breaks so could we bring this up slightly and then do that and that i want to sort of try and reduce how many nodes we add in because we sort we know that nodes add weight whereas adding extra beams to nodes that we already have that should just add strength so what if we just trust the crap out of everything down here i always panic when i'm under a time limit so i've just got mental and trust absolutely everything so so it looks it looks a bit messy but uh time has just run out i haven't even pressed play yet so let's see how well we do oh dear let's have a look let's have a look first one good i didn't see much orange there second one yeah that's can you see that piece there that's going orange that's not good that's not good by the way look at the detail in this level like they added like a proper weight bar and everything that's awesome uh these levels if you want to play them yourselves they will be going live uh more details in the old description of the video uh have a go see if you can beat my scores see if you can beat the other people's scores oh god i did see a yeah there's a bit broken already and down there just flapping about we have got really far though i swear we didn't get this far previously yeah we've gained an extra black ah we fell so that's not bad we had three blues and two blacks remaining when we failed i just love how i'm sure when you look at all these levels and you think which one was the engineer you probably wouldn't think this one i panic when there's a time limit i really panic alright so this is arglin's weightlifting one it's looking pretty tidy actually there's a lot of muscleage going on we've got the arch famous sign curve arch now he's got these like pretty cool like cross brace muscles oh yeah we'll speed it up because i am i am a bit concerned with how well arglin does everyone knows he is the poly bridge master so i'd fully expect this to go all the way final black weight oh that's absolutely insane all right so this is aliens rocks oh and he's got like super quad muscles underneath holding up a simple sort of truss with a big truss around it so quite interesting oh this one does oh it's going i don't know if it might fail on this one yeah there you go that was a very good effort so this is bolt's design very similar to arglin's which is worrying because we all know how far that one got and it looks like a chode so bonus point from me look oh just one black one remaining two blues remaining this is reed captains look at that we've got like super curves of doom everywhere i'm worried about how good this one's going to be it does look strong as anything oh it's just making me feel so stupid about panicking why do i panic right oh so he took he took the penultimate blue and it just broke then is the limo safe no the liver is going in see ya that's getting a wilhelm scream i'll tell you that all right so this is scott's one i actually watched this on stream he streamed it on his twitch and uh he did he did better than me so uh let's try and remember how well he did it's a very nice design we got like an overarch and a sort of under a very flat underarch the penultimate black weight the penultimate blue and the final black weight oh and then the final blue weight ah that was very good fair play all right let's go and check out the other results the results of the weightlifting rca came at last absolutely terrible for a real engineer not to do well in this contest haley's rock and bolt were tied so he added extra weight until the bridge collapsed therefore bolt came fifth and ali's rock came sixth reed captain came third carrying a total of seven weights before his bridge collapsed ugly and eighth and scott free won this one with nine wheat carried before his bridge break therefore the overall standings of the 2021 pony bridge olympics or polly olympics as we like to call them in joint fifth is bolt of the united states and rce of great britain with eight points congratulations in fourth is scot-free from arlen with 14 points and joint second was aliens rock and reed captain both representing the united states and in first place of course who else could have been a resident poli engineer arglin representing the united states with 22 points and that is the end of the paul olympics i hope you have all enjoyed i know i certainly have uh i'm gonna go take this peg off my nose because it's hurting now uh as as a wise man once told me peace love bridges and i'll see you next time there's a pod olympics at four years time bye you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 915,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VOhZtjvFR2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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