What if Super Mario Galaxy was a BRIDGE BUILDING GAME?

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super bowl bridge galaxy [Music] right hello fellow engineers welcome to poly bridge 2 but not as you know it can you see what's going on up here yeah that's not normal that's not normal at all so people have been making mods and today we're checking out a campaign called well it's kind of based on mario galaxy so basically imagine mary galaxy meets polly bridge oh yes this is going to be fun it's going to be really fun so yeah that uh that car's long gone so you go into the worlds and essentially someone's made this entire campaign galaxy style so it's basically all the levels but they've been they've been modded to uh well you'll see you will see so this is the first level of the game but not as you know it so this is 10 meter simple bridge build your first bridge okay can't be too hard what the is going on here you might say so this is basically mario we've got like galaxy gravity so essentially this is a planet i'm pretty sure all these well i think there's only one level the base the gravity works around the static point so as you can see the car is there so if i press play you'd expect it to fall down but no yes you see that's like stuck in the middle so it's basically a planet it's a little planet what you want to do essentially i think is kind of keep your curve because if you did like a straight line well let's do that we'll do that first so if you were just to do a straight line if you some reason couldn't work out it was a planet probably see it wouldn't work so let's let's do it nice and even we'll use the old line tool fill that in and we'll do just our normal bridge i should probably use the old triangulation thing or whatever so normal bridge here should be fine press play oh it broke anyway not the best example let's get a bit bigger so it doesn't break that should be fine that should be fine surely so as you can see he gets stuck because the gravity is like that direction so he's trying to go like super steep hill not possible so what you got to do you got to imagine it is a planet so go from there to there and we gotta do this oh yeah by the way the person who designed this is called bram so shout out to him that's awesome so yeah 10 meters i'm going to say because that looks pretty good you can see these lines are like pretty they're not actually that tangent they want to be tangent with the bit they're joining onto to be a perfect radius so that should be good we'll fill that with the road oh it's going to be a bit lumpy as i've just realized because obviously our roads are not curved all right so for that we can probably make that way smaller actually because it's only a little car in it yes this is like just a simple bridge it's just like it's not really curved well it is curved it's weird it's weird let's press play so now you'll see we're going around the planet yes it's so cool and that look at our replay it's a planet i'm pretty sure with this mod though it doesn't update the leaderboards so i think even if i were to get my bridge cheaper than my original design it wouldn't update which is pretty cool i think because that thing there that exclamation mark that means like mods are on cheap mode so it doesn't update anything but we still got the budget and everything so they should be pretty cool right so let's do this next so this is the second level a new slope the build a bridge on a slope so you might think how the hell does this work there's no slope like it's a circle but if you look here this is like the center of gravity it's not actually in the center of this planet if we're calling it a planet so like it does actually go up no down up or down a slope if gravity's there it goes down a slope i think it's really hard to work out so you want to keep the old i'm going to assume it's a round number 15 maybe something like that so we'll fill that in with a road like if you look at this can you see that distance there's longer than that distance so that means like this is further away from the center of gravity which means it's higher so this is actually sloping downhill very strange but this might be the one time i would want to try a dangling i'm going to just hit play like with this just to see like where all the bits fall okay let's oh i do i do actually really want to try a dangling road right the first time in my life so if we i have no idea i don't know how this will work at all i'm guessing a dangling will a dangly road work yeah i think it's always going to get pulled down to there because that's the center of gravity so it can't hang if you know what i mean because although gravity is like gravity from that point is just going straight so dangling road would just be but would just be no road it'd just be that oh you'll see here so now he's in he's kind of in the middle of the planet but he can't get out because that's like where the gravity is so that's basically like a vertical slope you know what i mean i do you wonder though like how if there's any like weird techniques i'm just going to keep it simple for now and do like what you'd expect to work so 50 meter oh that's a bit of an egg isn't it fill in the old road yeah that's really flat that's really horrible looking and then just trust the bottom of it i guess that's where it kind of changes a bit you've got to go on the bottom because if you're trying to do a truss on the top like you're not going to reach with your horizontal bit so there is some weird stuff to it but these simple levels will just fly through normally and then we'll see what the later ones are like oh he's a bit bumpy around the old thing but it worked this is so cool if you remember back in the original one bridge of steel level three uh your first bridge using steel so it should be pretty simple the only thing is it might be a bit bouncy because there's quite a small planet i think all these spans they're actually like scale to the original level if that makes sense all right so we want to curve over there so fill that in all right so steel we'll just go underneath i think a lot of these are going to be doing underneath stuff what i worry about is it's quite like a sharp or small radius so it might be quite bumpy or seems to be okay nice right so we finished that level we'll go into the next one so level four 14 meter overpass so this is the first time in the game you experience boats this time they're they're on a planet which is very strange i can't really get my head up there's no water line i've realized say oh they have made water that's awesome but it's like fake water this actually looks like a cutting green with the old flag is there a hole no we're not playing crazy golf today right so let's think how we're gonna do we've actually got two points they actually both count as gravity so that's central gravity and that's central gravity i don't think that's going to affect anything on this level but uh quite interesting it could be interesting later on like i think you could have two planets and stuff could be pretty cool right so let's put some sort of curve from there to there make sure it goes over yeah over the boat like that so we'll fill that in that might be touching the boat now i'm not sure so we just wanna this is really it's quite unusual to like think about how this is gonna work so i'm guessing something like that also i'm gonna have to go over the top yeah maybe i'll just do that so i think something like that and i feel like i need to go back underneath for some reason because like going over the top these top ones gonna be really stretched i might even add an anchor because that will be an anchor it will it it's upside down so confusing this is really confusing all right so that looks a bit weird but i think it might work oh god this is like actually quite difficult to work out that's just gonna fall isn't it i'm gonna need let's just see what happens i think that's gonna break i'm gonna put that on top actually i think on top it might work you see what i mean about it it's stretching out though like what does just about work you need to move everything the right a bit like that once we press play on that oh it holds it does hold yes it worked somehow that worked oh god that was weird that was so weird obviously that's not water anymore so you can just use that as a brace maybe unless he's made that like a non like the nodes don't collide i'm gonna have a little look actually do nodes collide yeah one step ahead in the water your nodes don't collide so you can't just brace on the water right next level all right it's level five checkpoints cars must collect all their checkpoints before collecting their flag so you might remember this from the original level rather than the modded galaxy one we've got this looks so complicated it looks like pac fans just like puked out two stars so we gotta get this car through this star and then to the flag here meanwhile this one is underneath like that so oh god this is going to be really confusing so we're going to need two layers of bridge so i think we'll do the lower one first so we'll go up there and i'm just going to move that to just about scrape that star but when i fill it in it's going to change because it's not going to follow that curve completely because we've got all the weird angles so we'll fill that in oh no that's good that's good so we're we should get that star oh i'm not entirely sure how to do this we don't reach to that node oh that's annoying can i move that i can move that all right i'm going to move them slightly just to get that node and then we're going to go over the top there's going to be a lot of bridge on here i think because we're not going to be able to connect them look how far apart they are at the moment only world 1 is made on this as well so we don't have all the other levels all the other worlds yet but hopefully he might make them right so let's fill that in this is going to be a lot of bridge unless we do try and go straight we've got to think that's going to be uphill because like straight across it goes downhill and then uphill i think keeping with curves is the best thing to do let's fill that in that's really weird right now we gotta trust this up somehow not really sure how this is gonna work not gonna lie right so i'm over budget now let's just see if that works first i guess so oh bloody hell oh no he's gone look look he's flying around the planet that was sick oh no he didn't actually hit the star bollocks oh did you see that he's actually jumping the star so if you tilt your heads throw your heads to the right jump oh damn all right so what we're gonna have to do then is sort of lower that one down maybe and then that will go like that yeah okay that's good it's like a missile right so that's level complete but we're over budget so i'm gonna try and trim this down a bit so there's a lot of trust going on i didn't really see what the stress was but i think i can sort of work out a few areas we can get rid of we're going to guess like most the ends we can probably get rid of this middle bit we might put one back in i'm just looking at the budget it's not going down at all oh god so that's under budget just i'm guessing i can probably make these a lot smaller because it's only like a little car and then i can just put the odd brace back in so that's 20 grand let's see if that works it might do oh it does work did you see the speed oh no i want to carry on watching oh it broke it did break we couldn't see completely that was really fun i really wanna i wanna make sure we can watch the whole thing so we're not going to get that star i want to see what happens to this car at the end so he's like flying around whoa oh what and it all just goes to the middle that's so cool this is such a good mod oh yeah we can also that's the other way of doing it we can do super speed so i'll put that back just to complete the level oops too much too much that's two and a half thousand percent i forgot i had that mod installed as well so 300 we want so we can see a bit more of it before it finishes whoa so yeah sandbox mode yeah you can play with this so i think how it works all those static points they're like you're well you can change it actually i think the mod allows you to choose what you want to be the center of gravity but at the moment it works as the static pins are the central gravity right next level right so level six use hydraulics to create a drawbridge as we know in polybridge no one uses hydraulics if they can help it so we're gonna try and do oh god we're gonna try and do that which looks wrong that looks very wrong but i think it will work because it's not actually steep like the steepness is only the difference between if you take that height or basically the height from the center point so it's not actually that steep it looks wrong i'll give you that it looks like a cone head here it looks like a motorbike helmet from the top now that's the guy's really red nose what am i on about uh that could be a problem we might clash with the boat we might get away with it i'm gonna start with the truss underneath and then we'll go on top like that and i haven't actually tried mirroring i'm going to try take that a mirror because that should work right so that could work we might clash is my only concern so so what i'm thinking that that shouldn't collapse as i mirrored it or maybe i didn't do those symmetrically yeah i'm wondering either this wasn't built perfectly and that's not bang on in the center or more likely i just didn't build this properly so snapping those to grid that should be balanced now but it'll probably fall over as this guy drives around yeah still not balanced so i'm gonna do i'm gonna build just that on i think just doing it one side should stop that movement because although that's still a pivot point it's not gonna go anywhere [Music] sweet are we gonna clash with the boat no we're good we are good that's such a cool it's so weird oh no it is too much of a hill ah so it was steeper than i thought it was so i think we're gonna have to put an actual drawbridge in it's not it's not that steep but it is steep if you know what i mean let's have a little go and see what happens if we fall into the water because we know this isn't real water i think he'll just drive around and doesn't get to the flag it's not actually water but it's a custom shape that you can't load into if you tilt your head it looks fine but like just upright it's like what is that a really sticky wall or something right so we're gonna have to do hydraulics we're gonna try and keep this sort of sensible looking i don't know how this is gonna work actually how did i do this before i guess i went underneath like wool braced maybe so i can't rest on that water which is a bit of a shame grid is not very good in these levels it's not gonna lie my head's fried like really confusing right so bung that in we're gonna need a joint in there oh we got that weird glitch again anyway we'll see if that works i don't know if i think it might break i assume it's just gonna fall down as well unless i put a brace yeah so i need i think i need a wall brace so we'll copy that now so if you don't have a wall brace it's just gonna fall in on itself let's see if this works my brain's hurting already it was hard enough doing hydraulics in normal [Music] yeah that died that died instantly yeah i'm gonna try pushing up instead because if you push up you're way further from that pivot point i don't know how far to do either so i'll just do like 20-ish percent yep so that's dying so i need to move that down that just gives us a bit more push there you go it's working but it's a bit too high so we'll just flow that to 20 20 each side so it looks like it's literally gonna look like an egg hatching oh that's really really confused me though i'm gonna close this up nice and it should support you lovely that's way under budget so i'm quite impressed myself it was quite a lot more difficult than i was expecting it to be so level seven taxi task yeah so we just got a reverse checkpoint so the taxi goes over this side and then back again this is one where it goes uphill so you can see that's further away from the center point on that side so i don't think we should have a problem getting up we just need to make sure our radius is good because like doing a straight line as we saw before doesn't work so something like that i think and then this should be quite a bit easier i think because we've got these anchors underneath being underneath is a lot easier on these galaxy levels something like that so if we look when the taxi gets to about there it might struggle because maybe i should have gone like a bit wider with my radius we'll have a look if we zoom in let's head around oh no he got up fine completely fine i'm back the other direction lovely jubbly hole in one quite easy oh top six percent that's not real that's that's my old leaderboard position so ignore that and please i'm still top six percent though right level eight rope support this was the one where we had just a normal truss going across and we hung it from our balloons i don't know how this will work i assume they're kind of located so i could just got to be like perpendicular with the center point haven't you yeah i mean technically the balloons should be rotated they should be pointing that way i think that's why it looks more confusing than it is maybe it's to like trick you a bit all right so something that i'm going to assume 25 meters it's what it should be so we will fill that in then i'm going to truss underneath because as we've learned already trusting on top we don't usually have enough materials and then we'll use rope to we want to be perpendicular with that point so maybe to that one scenes are there it looks very wrong but i think that should work i think maybe yes it works i do wish the balloons were rotated i think that would make it look even cooler well that's really strange [Music] like the world's steepest arch bridge so budget cuts use less material to save budget so i think this is one where initially you do like a standard truss and it wouldn't work or would work but it wouldn't be under budget so i don't think this should be bad in galaxy mode so we'll fill that in oh no no no no that's very bad that's very bad man that radius was all wrong we're gonna come back and make this a bit simpler i think because yeah we're over budget we shouldn't need that oh and now we're under budget so we might get away with that you can probably make those ones a bit smaller let's get under 10 grand okay easy will that work though not entirely sure it'd be better if it was even wouldn't it looking good went up to 70 but all good i love this this is really cool ah so here we go right so i've been looking forward to doing this level immensely so this is the first jump sometimes jump in the gap is the best solution so we got to get from up here to the flag down there and i just want to see what happens if we just hit play so it goes down or it might actually make it no okay [Laughter] that's cool this he's not happy down there is he he's not happy at all right sprinkler i think this might oh i can't do a spring cannon i feel like they thought of that because they put him right on the end and we're on a floaty bit of platform so i can't even spring cannon we're gonna have to do just a jump like i'm not sure how a jump would work because you're coming i think that counts as downhill doesn't it so he's coming downhill there will be road down like that compress that that should ping up is that a jump no that's not a jump so we do have to think about being like that sort of thing so that wasn't any better this could be quite tricky i think i think you have to do more of a jump than you thought or we could try something completely different i don't know what if we start kicking up from there i think the original one you had to like catch him so maybe we want to think about that as well we got height but we're not getting length at all right we'll try flat so yeah we'll do three for now and then we'll just keep adding to it uh we'll see if that works that might be strong enough might not be yes oh no not really maybe add another one see what that's like [Music] no we're not getting anywhere near there let's try then this is like to give them more speed so say from there to the back of you fill it with springs and then sort of move this one about and obviously we want to stretch all of these i think always get confused by springs always i might want to add like a bucket to him we'll just see what happens because i'm quite intrigued okay that was a bit too springy i think try 50 maybe to start so 100 was quite springy or stretchy stretchy i think stretchy's a word oh i don't think that did a lot oh yeah it did yes okay that was our best yet so i think we can up this we'll try 70 right let's see how that goes now break break i'm wondering maybe i don't actually want springs is that better oh no we're kind of lifting up a bit i don't know if i want his wheels touching the ground it would be better to put him in a sort of container type thing like that oh no that's no good i caught him i got this is like properly out there i don't really know what's going on here all right we'll try that sort of shape that give them a push oh all right come then ready fire boosh come on come on oh no that was nowhere near that's one of our worst ones right i'm thinking spring muscles could be the way to go so if you want that to go that way we want these to stretch i think 50 was a good good sort of length and we want that to compress do we go wider let's just tie that with steel just to see if that works oh yeah i think i think i did that right oh actually that might be our best one yet the legendary spring muscle i think we can compress that a bit more let's do a hundred oh no we can't collide with that that's our sort of downside of this so we'll do that do these up to 60 and then a spring in the middle do that at 100. so that should go flying i think not entirely sure ready boosh oh that is pace come on oh no that was no good again maybe we put a ramp on as well oh that had some pace but not enough not enough at all let's see if that's any better [Music] no he doesn't even touch it literally doesn't even touch it so we'll move these way up so touching there right so we're not touching any of those all right slow it down slow down so we're on ten percent speed we're still touching still touching okay so that is affecting stuff this looks so weird it's like it should just drop but it's not going to okay so that goes nowhere wow this is really hard bloody planets okay so that worked but it doesn't get us anywhere i think this is like i swear this is wrong like i'm just thinking about how gravity works like i'm not just having to go but like think about how gravity works so if you're closer to the center of gravity you're like downhill if that makes sense so that's smaller that's like lower and that's highest this is actually an anti-ramp which isn't like how the actual level works does that make sense so we're starting downhill and trying to jump uphill so i don't think that's going to work whether this level is just not built properly because i don't think it's true to the original where you start up high and end up low i feel like it's backwards let's try and go the other way around so compress everything and then i want to stop that rotating so i'm gonna need a spring down that side okay so that should stay together i think boring oh it could work the trouble is this is like pointing up hill as well because that's down that's pointing well uphill i don't i literally can't build a bridge like that no chance so we'll fill that in and then we can try and bridge that up it's going to be a hell of a structure or will it because i'm guessing we could support it from the middle i'm going to try and do it in wood but who knows what will happen i'm guessing i might need another one as well oh it slipped i swear that is the center of gravity like that oh god this is really hurting my brain the gravity should be down there i think right trying to put some steel in boys yes it holds at least holds okay so it looks like we don't need any of that classic so we get to that point so we can delete all of that and then just trust the hell out of this side never did i think this level would take so long it's there's somewhat of a wool brace but if that's gravity okay right i think i'm gonna have to do like a little dangly rescue line so this is just for holding that in place all right so that sort of works my car goes upside down which isn't great isn't great at all see what that does might like flip him over oh is that any better oh i see how close that was got to make that stronger i'm going to add a truss on top then ready point yes yes thank gosh that was brutal absolutely brutal uh let's watch out with the stress on and just see how over-designed it is but yeah a lot of fun hope you guys enjoyed that no i'll catch you guys soon cheers guys peace love and well planets you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 244,475
Rating: 4.939507 out of 5
Keywords: super mario galaxy, poly bridge 2, mods poly bridge 2, poly bridge 2 mods, poly bridge mods, gravity mod poly bridge 2, super poly bridge galaxy, mario galaxy bridge, mario galaxy poly bridge, planet bridge building, poly bridge planet, poly bridge in space, best mods poly bridge 2, how to mod poly bridge 2, poly bridge 2 best mods, poly bridge 2 fun mods, rce, mario bridge, bridge building mario, bridge building poly bridge 2, super amrio galaxy 3, super mario galaxy 3
Id: dgskNTmeOk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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