Building ANY VEHICLE I WANT to escape a stranded planet... Trailmakers!

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hello fellow engineers right so today i'm trying a new game it's well it's not new for you guys well it might be new some of you but it's very new for me i've been sat here watching this like preview video thing not really sure what this is i assume it's like a vehicle builder but uh not a clue if i'm honest this is trail makers right so i've been told going single player there's a mode there is we're doing stranded in space you have crash landed on a strange and alien world explore the planet to recover storage and rebuild your spaceship oh that sounds cool those that have watched my uh kerbal space program videos i am good at building uh spaceships but first a massive thank you to these sponsors my time at porteo mobile so based on the hit game on pc which was the top selling simulation rpg on steam it's now been fully ported to mobile with a hundred percent of its original gameplay so the town of portugal has over 50 characters to interact with when you develop and deepen your relationships with them they may provide you with unexpected help when everything falls into place players can tie the knot have children and experience the hard work and joys of parenthood like me and paddy you get to experience the joys of owning a 3d workshop and farm life you gather materials from every corner of the map and transform from manual labor into industrialized automation from the basic sewing machine to a high-tech flying seat players must build everything with their own hands you can even adopt an alpaca there's also combat and other adventures you can hone your fighting skills defeat terrifying monsters or post-apocalyptic ruins and unearth the truth of the former world buried beneath through my description if you're on ios you can pre-order the game at the apple store or if you're on android you can pre-register at the google play store and if you pre-order or pre-register then you'll get exclusive mobile rewards such as the mobile only item swimwear and a gift box from sandrock so thank you very much my time at porteo mobile for sponsoring today's video and supporting the channel let's get back to the video that looks like it's moving don't it's got the old speed lines oh damn we got hit assuming that was us oh graphic is quite nice that's the only thing i did before i played this game i like maxed out all the graphics or at least try to oh look at that oh am i a little lego man i am lego can i see i can zoom in we got a proper emu cut going on don't i oh and a ponytail is that ponytail yeah how far out do i want to be zoomed i guess is that because i make like big stuff anyway right press b to open the builder uh please go through yeah whatever you know me in tutorials why are we building so high we're building a bump car so wang that on the side one of them on the front oh consuming that's a bit easier see what i'm doing now so build a bump car sweet okay save right b to exit builder oh bloody how heavy was that what does this planet have like crazy gravity we're going to the launch pad all right so i'm going to this what what are these oh it's a power core well i meant i'm going to push it over to there that's why i built a bumper car i've got to put it in the red bit i know what i'm doing yes ah so that's part of my spaceship so i assume you just gotta drive around and get all this salvage do we oh i can see something yellow on the horizon oh bloody hell what is that is that a sea or a lake why is that one out there looks like there is one out there like on that little island thing so i might have to build a boat at some point that would be cool i think the one i'm after is up this loop hey where is this thing it's behind me altitude 30 meters i'm guessing there's probably like a cave or something then anyway let's try let's try that one then altitude 1100 meters that's directly behind me say holy sh i assume it's up there somewhere blimey ah so the arrows on the map say if they're above or blue so that's definitely below all right we'll try and get that one then i assume i gotta drive off this i don't know if i'll survive if i jump off like a cliff but uh wow oh that's cool that one's still below me so i'm going to drop off this cliff and i'll probably kill myself again oh no i'm just wheels press r oh yeah i was holding her you don't want to hold it i just want to tap it so now now it's above me isn't it meant to be this hard to find them i'm gonna head round this way and hope that there's like a cave or something can't see anything oh god how am i gonna get up that wall ride i reckon let's get on to that patch of green come on the world's slowest wall ride yes oh there's the cave we found the cave give me your goodie oh god it's dark it's really dark ah so is this what i get if i take it back to my place i want to go right oh i'll tell you what can i let's do a bit of building right sorted now we can turn pretty quick i'm all good so we'll take this back and then we'll we've unlocked another block this is quite fun kind of reminds me of did anyone ever play banjo nuts and bolts like the banjo-kazooie sequel that wasn't really banjo-kazooie it's kind of like that but like open world there's a cave over there i'm gonna guess that there's probably one in that cave let's just go do that now i could do some lights or something i assume i need to unlock those oh i can see the shiny goodness uh how the do i get that though i'm gonna have to do some building i think so one thing drive up hook it pull it back but let's try that that looks like it might be safe assuming i can get my thing around it oh god can i i'll tell you what actually i'm gonna i'm gonna go back to building i'm gonna move all this to the side because then i won't drive myself off the edge trying to save it oh god i might do i might do no hmm well that didn't go very well you can hit backspace ah okay reverse reverse backspace bollocks bolex so i think this might work if i just build it a bit bigger right if i try and attack this like that there we go oh yeah that's what i'm talking about yes nice and then i want can i like change this mid because i basically just want to turn my wheels around or like can i turn my engine around no i think i will turn it back into a pusher look at the sparks our power cord gives me more engines and all right i can see it it's just a case of how do i get up there all right you're getting rammed son actually don't please don't take that one out of context ow that's a headlamp that would have been useful a while ago nice where are we going now 1100 i see more the like thousand meter ones or like in the sky all right so forward and rightish oh it might be up there it's shiny i want it all right we're going up here all right there's two up there i'm not gonna be able to get the one on top of that tornado looking rock there's a big bastard underneath lights everyone's saying lights it's a good point i shall add lights so we'll bung you on the end shove another one over there it's a bit dark still it's not gonna be wide enough all right we're gonna have to build my thing wider that perception that i can say the word seems a bit unusual in this game is that wide enough that should be wide enough yes ow oh god this is a bit of a nightmare i'm gonna make this wider i'm gonna make this wider and just add a ton of lights i feel like it has to be symmetrical it really bugs me if it's not damn ocd ah now we can see really far but we're bouncing all over the place what is going on what is going on i did read something about adding more engines can i like just literally okay so i think that's as many engines as i'm allowed all right all right now we've got some power dame whoa full spin yes this is way better oh you got a new blobber oh me we got power oh we got a large hinge that could come in handy all right let's go to the island what's not an island that sticky-outy bit underwater propeller nice we're getting closer to being able to get to that island oh yeah we can teleport between those blobs as well why do i keep calling them blobs i don't know my wall of light's working pretty well isn't it looks like combine harvester oh so we have to prod this one right that should be enough i might just bung a thing on the end just to make it a little bit easier like a little hammer thing right oh pretty good height maybe not oh you're coming this way you're going that way where's it going bollocks [Laughter] no is there a way to like reset these reset salvage oh backspace ah oh my car just exploded all right so that should yes much better sweet right any others up here is that one over there before we head down don't want to waste this opportunity that's is that money oh that's the money stuff ooh i can see one behind me oh piston now we're talking god damn it there you go oh i've lost all my headlights they're all smashed up ah night let's go mental repair nice stop going mental why is this thing so bouncy all right we're going down with this whoa land oh i didn't quite land oh no dead i can die no one told me i can die can't fly yet it seems mid-air repair all right let's do that ah oh i looked my car prepared but i didn't what if i can i build midair no i can't right we're gonna drive back down i like the older dust that kicks up every now and again can i jump off this surely oh that there's more coins give me out still got all my lights we're all good all right so don't know where those blobs ended up that one's a power core for sure i need to stop referring to his blobs right piston you are mine ah right i think this is the last like normal one and then we're gonna have to build a boat or something ah that's sun is that sunrise now question is when do i build boat now and then like drive it's just gonna die isn't it i thought i saw something yellow over there yes it's blobbing up and down oh look i'm gonna nail this thing in the face ready boosh oh i missed him mother he's gone well far away all right i'm gonna get this one me while we're here all right what is this it's a big murphy oh a wedge the blob is rolling towards the blob oh i got some coins for killing a bird come on faster nice so we're gonna go to this beach then so i can teleport to there and there's a shitload of islands that i can go explore so do we get wet a bit first and then build a boat let's dip our toes and then b for build aerodynamic block oh this game's actually got aerodynamics so i've got to make my car like aerodynamic if i were to use that word oh god what have i done now what have i done now i'm going to save this then you are the green mile yeah save and then i'm going to turn this on delete my blocks auto build yes i've mastered the game i can build anything so i assume this will float it's got like two little things underneath so it's like an amphibious vehicle oh it's like a whoa oh yeah i can add more motors as well good shot that's all the ones i can add yeah not the fastest i wonder if it's got like water drag as well so i'd have to build like stuff oh look there's one over there i might go get that one on the way that would make sense wouldn't it right i might have to build something on the front another scoop let's see i think it might sink yeah they think all right so we can't get those yet so we'll just keep heading to this all right we're here can we unlock it straight away or do we need to bunga no sweet unlocked yeah this thing's slow as now cause all my engines are underneath i'll go have a little wonderly and just see what's about okay so i'm guessing i can't get that one because it's just gonna roll in the water i think that's like a magnet one tail fin where's this bloody magnet i want the magnet so i don't think i can get that i guess i could why am i giving up so quickly solid yes oh no where you going oh and then i should if i can turn around quick enough i can't seem to ah no no oh god it's doing the bouncy thing again stop bouncing there we go there we go sod it right i might be able to save that still if i don't die by going down here what is going on what is going on right i'm in it now so i can nudge this to the land oh just to the thing there we go and now i can r t there we go sorted that took a lot longer than i thought it would but we have a tail fin so we should be able to play soon ish release steer when we do fly all right i think that's the right height so let's just try and ram are you oh there's some coinage there if i can bloody steer so we'll just go down here why did you flick all right here we go so from here we're gonna attach all that stuff so straight down the middle i reckon so we'll literally just copy that this way so copy that should work shouldn't it if i can steer i can't steer oh god it's really far away okay more do you think i can bung like some wheels on the end power terrible i deleted a wheel that's much better right we'll do that jump easily now ah there's a lump there right power power come on can i repair bastard all right do i have any more engines yes i think that's what we needed more power i could get rid of all the crap on the front as a last resort yeah all right let's do that so now we should be able to go over the lumps a bit easier without like doing a front flip yes bumps do nothing now yes electromagnet oh that's what i want i think what do you mean i'm a knob right so now we should be able to get all those awkward ones that we're gonna fall off okay so we're gonna need like kind of an arm that's a bit lower okay let's see how that works then is it higher than bollocks we got it now sorted quite hard to turn this thing that arm's a bit long that is not what she said and then i guess we can do the boat ones after that yes alright so there's a load of floaty ones so we may as well do all that now so i reckon if we change to our amphibious thing like that one that's the one we will bung it in the water and then wow those headlights do nothing at night i don't know how like strong things are like because if this was lego like i would attach that with two at least i'm tempted just to do that yes oh i just saw there's actual underwater stuff i can see underwater stuff let's see can i attach two no i was just being greedy bollocks look at the splash it's so poorly is it aerodynamic what's the word for in the sea water dynamic genital jousting yep good game that played a lot of that in the past like the actual video game not the real life version god this thing is slow on land we're getting all these eh this is class are there any more there's one more over there yeah i've been uh been reading up we're not reading up and watching videos of all the like how to look after a puppy and like the carnage it's gonna be in the first few days weeks still better than having a baby right i feel like i've delayed that by a few years don't tell the missus i kind of want to go to that island because i can see orange on it because that shiny light is just so intriguing buoyancy control ah is that like submarining ship paddle island oh it's nearly paddy island oh god i'm stuck on this ridge we're gonna have to go forwards i can't go forwards well this is annoying i'm too long oh god we're going down we're going down try it from this side i could add another motor actually this should be fine space nice to have take it all the way back oh god damn i'm going to shove another motor on this one a little bit quicker a little bit get in there nice all right i think that means i could be a submarine at some point in the future all right there's another block here and it looks like there's a slipway oh a ship's wheel what the frig how's that gonna work oh no oh no so i need to add i assume loads of buoyancy do i right is that going to be any better probably not because it's only two all right let's try this again does it say how heavy it is when you pick it up or anything oh god it's so heavy i can't even move it ready uh kind of works it's a bit it's better i just can't steer anymore and i'm upside down but it's definitely better all i know is i need a run-up to move it because it's a beast it rotates me instantly that's quite annoying i could build like a draggy behind me type thing or i could just make it wider so we don't rotate yeah maybe i'll do that if i just move that to there what if i copy those and then bung that on the side so that should like add a bit of stability it's going to add a lot of drag to the old aerodynamics water dynamics and then i could add more pontoons like yeah i probably will may as well all right let's see what that does all right space get in the water yes yes look at that imagine like being the guy in the bloody driver's seat of that it'd be so hard to breathe right trouble is no chance of getting it up there i wouldn't have thought give it a go but uh yeah i figured that might happen is it a bit shallower over here yeah this edge is where we want to try it i think right so now once i get those coins lovely i can drop that off and then we can transform into this beast where we've got power can't seem to turn yes i can just lovely giably right sweet and now we're on a new island as well i can't turn with this bloody thing oh i just realized ah we want to go up here if i can get grip there we go i'm over this bridge there's a bridge in the game good game oh it's a red one why is it red head back down the bridge i need to like have a little go i guess i just wait until there's things i can't get to yet but there's i unlocked loads of stuff i haven't even tried yet so quite intrigued but i'm also intrigued by the redness for this and it keeps spitting sparks at me concrete wall dispense what what is that why do you want to dispense concrete walls i don't really understand that one it literally does dispense concrete wolves i gotta see what this does what the frig why would anyone want that i assume it's upside down but what wow they're really hard as well i'm going to get rid of that concrete wall dispenser because what but a propulsion engine wham more speed do we need some force on the back wheels can't hurt can it we're going under the bridge this time oh another bridge ooh suspension that could be useful we're going down we're gonna get that new oh what the what the happened there why did i just explode all right let's try this again without blowing up is that what red means are they prone to exploding maybe that's what red means i don't know i'll go i'll go slower this time if i blow up again i think that's what it does i think that explosively oh what the frig i'm gonna have to jump but it's explosive right okay what i reckon gonna have to change this up a bit so we're going to delete all of that i'm going to build a thing on the back oh god let's uh try and get it in the middle a bit and then we're going to have to jump this canyon i'm a bit scared but we'll see what happens ah now okay in that case we might have to build something else using some of the new stuff that would be fun it's gonna be a lot of building it's gonna be actual building so rotate that then we'll bung that on the side we'll have our wheel there and we'll copy that over to there out what is going on with my wheels as well that's horrible i didn't realize they were wonky yes oh nice jump i know now i can't steer i can't steer all right hopefully we can still get up there oh looks we can't all right slow down ow power on is it wide enough now see if that's any i feel like just the like movement to the magnet is too much oh yes we've got it we've got it i feel like we're still way too low to the ground but we'll see what's the worst that can happen oh there's coins over there oh bloody coins i don't know what they do but i want them because they're yellow right let's make a jump with a bomb on the back oh i'm scared all right she's in i'm gonna drive slowly to the ramp and then accelerate last minute all right sold it power yes oh you mother right final time if i can't get it sold it we'll go get another one oh now yes okay that's a lot higher now so i don't think that should touch the ground anymore so third time lucky power yes we did it yes whoa look how orange that one is yes i might just go around and bloody bollocks the road snake come on because it is a power core and we can add more goodness to stuff i want to try and get this big orange blob oh god it's huge right you're mine damn it anyway what's about down here so we've got there's a jump over bottle x whoa cool landed it easy i damn literally like stranded whale now ah right at least i know how to fix it hey we're underwater am i meant to build underwater let's get back in there boy f now we should be able to grab this oh space electromagnet why is it not magnetic magnetizing oh yeah we've got it now we got it right here yes the only downside is i don't know where i'm taking it so we'll get out and then we'll use my other one to move it because it's got more engines turn turn turn turn ah sorry if stream died for everyone bloody shitty internet in it so what happens when you live in an island i don't know where i'm go i gotta oh i don't want to take it that way we're going right i'm not going through the minefield spent too long trying to get this thing out we can grab some coinage on the way back there you go it's a wing as well so we might be able to fly i've basically built a plane already change back to this lovely now left left go left yes this is the right way i'm going the right way and then we can fly maybe i don't think we're about to fly we don't have any propulsion do we small modular wing yes i'm wondering now i've got this vehicle we might have to scoop up like a load of them three and one now what is that chicken doing it's like road runner right is that that was in the bloody tree oh no isn't it it was an illusion look how big this bastard is get a bit of an angle on him i assume this could be messy because it's going to roll everywhere but you big enough me even my big scoop is not big enough oh god it's a bit painful ow tree power okay that didn't go too well oh i can just bung a magnet on can i it's rolling away quick be quick be quick it's attached oh i kind of like i'm the car version of one of those horrible big but spiders i'm gonna have to adjust the vehicle by adjust i mean our i'll put it in the middle as well before everyone gets all symmetricalist right maybe that's better ish probably not oh god no that's too heavy okay maybe pushing was a better idea i'm basically playing rocket league at this stage oh nice that directional control beautiful all right i'm going to knock this thing off as well just for shits and google's i didn't knock it off could ram it with a magnet that's a good shot we'll try it more because i'm just intrigued all right so slow down build magnet move to the front magnet on let's see what happens we've got it can i nudge it off boosh there we go gets off yes oh no i died should land that oh god damn there's only one way that i can possibly do this yeah i think they're the right way around glide oh no they're not symmetrical they work the question is how the frig am i gonna get that up this hill yeah we're gonna have to build we're gonna have to build always building in this game always bloody building hmm okay we might have to get this one a bit later in the game annoyingly it's an engine that i unlock which would be quite useful but yeah thanks guys i will see you next time see you later bye oh no peace love bridges i really didn't say it you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 470,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers gameplay, trailmakers alpha, trailmakers campaign, scrap mechanic, trailmakers stranded in space, vehicle building, trailmakers game, trail makers, trailmakers 1.0, terra tech, rce, real civil engineer, trailmakers real engineer, real civil engineer trailmakers, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers fails
Id: 6koT84GPlSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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