I CANNOT BELIEVE this is an actual Poly Bridge 2 custom level!

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hello fellow engineers right this week i thought we'd do something a little bit different i thought we'd give the old workshop a go and try levels that have actually been made for me so if i go to all time i'm gonna put an rce give it a little search so obviously ignoring my contest we're going to see what other levels we have so if we click on one we've got this sentence is here to get the attention of our glow in aliens rock and rce so people have been making levels they want me to play but before we get into that this video is sponsored by world of tanks a world of tanks is a free-to-play game with over 100 million players worldwide and for pc there's more than 550 tanks including destroyers artillery light medium heavy tanks there is always a new way to play you can roll out across open fields climb steep hills sneak through forests tear across deserts and pick your battles in urban and industrial zones to rally your teammates devise a battle plan and destroy the competition in over 40 battle arenas historical accuracy and inspiration means authentic models and vehicle characteristics that make you feel like a real tank commander taking part in a furious armored offensive you can earn experience modify and upgrade your tank and create a still beast ready for any challenge there's a lot of christmas content coming special game modes events and chuck norris adventures so go and download world of tanks using the first link in my description and drawing registration use code tanktastic to get free 7 days premium account 500 gold and the premium t127 tank which is a soviet tier 3 tank thank you all the tanks for supporting the channel back to bridges i don't even know if this is a level for me to do what does it say oh the cyber truck okay let's have a look challenge make the car drive without the remote control what the frig is that what i assume that's gonna spin what the crap all right let's let's just play this holy how does that even work is it just obviously it spins it's making everything else spin but does that not matter look at that go look at that's really cool okay so i'm guessing this is the remote control so i'll try and make this move without all of that stuff so i guess first things first let's get rid of that how many hydraulic phases do you have just one one hydraulic phase how is this oh it wasn't attached so if i just play this ah essentially it was just that to hold one wheel that's hold the other wheel maybe that as well just to hold the wheels right in place okay so annoyingly a vehicle ain't gonna move but it does have a gap under it so i'm wondering i just can't see me being able to make this move with one hydraulic phase with no movement i'm sure there are ways i'm sure the other guys have probably done it but uh let's do it my way let's do it the the engineering way i'm getting like worse and what i really shouldn't be calling any of my methods in this game engineering really i can build on top okay so that's that's a lot easier i was worried i wouldn't be able to build on top so let's let's just for now okay so i'm thinking some sort of device here if i stretch them will that like scoop him up [Music] okay that scoops him up perfect so next thing then i want to build something to get that all the way over that's a long way though all right so i'm having fun on this one i'm going to build like a catapult type thing right so firstly i just want to see what that does could be interesting whoa oh he's gone let's watch that again zoomed out nice do we have unbreakable oh we have unbreakable on okay this is a lot easier now right so essentially i've just got to get the rotation now i can just build this super high okay this is going to be awesome all right so there's a super tool tower let's stretch all these springs thankfully there's a massive budget oh look at the budget as well 420 69 69 love it all right so let's copy all those springs onto that one all right let's see what that does it should go somewhat that direction where's he gone there he is so he got the height i tell you what i'm tempted to just let's get rid of that side i quite like where that's going already let's just try and work out where he lands oh no we can't rest anything on here can we no we can't but i can make a brace over here i'm going to do that actually i wonder would that have worked as well all right i'm just going to try it's going to try something this might be a way easier way of doing it i just didn't think about i'm just making a brace over here this is so dumb but if it works it's awesome all right let's uh let's draw a line from here to kind of want to go to the middle maybe to that one and then let's fill that with springs oh i can't build through that okay there's a new cable up to there and then i'll do spring from here using the line tool spring fill it in yes i can probably stretch one and then just copy and paste yeah much easier there you go this is like the only bit of engineering you'll see copy and pasting at a quicker pace right let's see i'm a bit worried i might just get rid of that for now yes we're moving we are moving not quite far enough though oh we might be oh what's gonna happen oh god keep going keep going oh is he gonna make it ah we were close i wonder actually if i got rid of this stupid frame i might just it could be dumb but i might just build a road on there for him to roll down i am a master bodger this time all right let's just see if it does the same thing i know it bent backwards i think we just got to make sure it does fall that way we're doing that all right let's just delete that stupid towel are we going to make it are we going to make it oh so close so close to what i could do i think this is like the dumbest thing i've ever done right so now i've just moved our our spring point our anchor point back up to here so that should work i think it should there's more springs so it should travel a bit further whoa yeah it does ah not quite though so close so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna put some of this on the grid so let's do i'll do those two for you if we try and do the same ones down here hopefully i can just keep copying this just go as long as i can and before before i copy too much let's get rid of these springs otherwise i'm going to be deleting a lot all right i'm just intrigued to see how far i could oh it can only go there all right so what we'll do we'll do that do that draw our line from the end point to that cable right this is the most i love like this started off as like the most clever concept to beat this level and i've just ruined it okay but that's that's how this game works there's multiple ways as long as your method works who cares oh i didn't work why didn't that work oh i've got new springs there idiot right always check your work people self-checking is very important in engineering why do you have a spring there yeah anything else dodgy with this that's a bit dodgy get rid of you but now okay so now we've got constant springs to the end so that should work let's give it a play ah bollocks didn't work again i wonder if it's that node would that be colliding yeah it might be i might just delete some of these springs so i've got a longer bit of wire now and that won't intersect that lump so is that any better up to 100 well not really i'll tell you what then i might try and brace this so i might try and build up and let's not go too big so essentially we're holding this up so i'm gonna do cable from i might as well just do it from the end cable up to there [Music] and another one down here can i build road through that no okay i'm just going to try and wedge that on that corner it's another bit of cable from there and that should stop this falling now might even i slipped off slipped off man all right well as we got the money let's go from there all the way down to here all right so that ain't going anywhere now i hope i'm just gonna move everything out the way of the line right okay so now let's fill it with hydraulics and we'll bloody cheat all right so now it's gonna spring but then it should get pulled oh that's looking good yeah oh no you bounced over it damn it i can't even cheat why am i so bad at like not engineering uh question then what if we get rid of these springs all right so we replaced all of our springs with hydraulics now and that's oh no we're going too high again oh way too high i think annoyingly we're going to be back to our original design which was super simple i just should have used hydraulics which is basically that and a wire between those if that works i'm going to be quite annoyed [Music] oh it's going too fast again slow down slow down slow down that's it that's it that's it go on are you actually joking oh my god how close can you get seriously so what does that mean add another hydraulic i can't believe like i thought i was going to just fly through some of these custom levels but i am a failure i'm so bad yay we did it thank goodness let's uh how do i upload share replay uh share to online gallery oh i got an achievement yay all right let's let's have a look in the gallery if anyone out well a lot of people have done this level let's sort by budget what was mine one is like a hundred grand let's have a look at some of these cheaper one oh that looks cool i don't understand how that's working is it intentional or is it not a clue so look at the really cheap ones just going to be falling rude is it oh what the frig what see ya i'm guessing that's some sort of uh some sort of glitch is it all right let's look at the lowest legit one so this is four grand whoa he created like a weird motorbike i don't know a weird engine thing on the front wheel that's cool so i guess the first proper like legit one could be this one what maybe not i think you just did the same i don't know why i'm like judging these because i cheated way more than all these people they're all doing like a weird what okay all right i'm fine let's just look at the most expensive one just out of interest what the hell i think it's like mine but squared yeah okay that's weird this one's over a mill or is it just the original oh he's made he's made a bit more complicated whoa look at that it's like an engine in the middle decent and what is going on here what okay so that took way longer than expected let's hope the next one isn't so bad right so another one by w.h smith by whs1724 so this is called brace for landing as part of a says he added four levels to the campaign so maybe we should do that at some point but for now let's just see what this one is as a bit of a taster so we've only got 18 grand we've got a monster truck going fairly quick let's just see what happens here so oh okay so we don't quite make anything we've only got four bits of road oh no cable interesting all right to start let's just build i feel like it went somewhere around there i do feel like springs might be the answer on this one i might do a steal just a little truss and dangle that with a spring oh it doesn't quite reach dangle that with a spring oh it's tilting up a bit okay so it's way way lower it's like down here somewhere all right i'm just gonna add that brace in just to stop it flex in here all right let's see is that any better oh okay i had it in all right it's kind of in the right place just needs a bit of tweaking i think i slow it right down i love slow motion oh okay so bring that down quite a bit all right ready it's the back wheel we gotta watch nice oh the spring broke oh is he gonna make it is he gonna make it no grip grip grip grip no [Music] okay so the spring broke let's just bring muscle i guess bit of wood in the middle all right let's try that one i've just replaced this with a muscle might be a bit lower now because we got two springs but we will see oh god what happened there let's slow it down oh so it's a bit high now i'm guessing the extra springs just make it a bit bouncier all right how's this then should be a bit smoother now oh we made it but we broke i wonder could i get rid of that and actually just put some steel in there i don't think i need all of it i might even raise that up just so we sort of jump onto this a bit let's have a look oh the next one break put reinforce hand is still ah still is way more expensive than road that's stupid then i may as well just leave that the question is how do i stop this one from breaking i could try that let's just see what that does it should take the weight out of it beautiful uh oh that's the only thing with these levels you can't say you've done so let's have a quick look in the gallery only three people have done it so this is anti-cheat nice very sneaky that was three grand this was that how much was mine 13 0 8 4. oh i came second i'll take that oh nice lots of springs okay cool that's that's decent thanks for that it's gonna do one more of these levels and then i've got a special one lined up at the end but someone sent me through discord it's actually the same person as the first level powerfly all right let's have a look at then the most recent one that someone wants me to do car inspiration from real civil engineer let's have a look this might just be a playing one oh wow oh he's done my wheels do you think this is a land speed record test how fast are they nah not quite it's going to be it's going to be quite fast though nice seeing my wheels in action oh i broke at the end that's a shame still decently all right so this is called the kingfisher this is by the super nr can you get the truck to the other side without touching the water it'd be awesome if some youtubers tried my level two as i'm second on the list i'll give it a try all right so what actually happens here we've got spinning wheel and big old truck and there are only nodes oh this could be interesting to say the least you've got to not touch the water i don't know can i get that truck under there could be odd we'll give it a go though the trouble is when that truck goes under there it's not going to be curved like the road so i think we need to go as low as we can and just hope he has the strength to drive up let's fill that with and do reinforce road because i'm scared we're not touching the water if you look there a little bit of a gap we might do a few flexes though but we might have to do an arch over as well just to make it a bit stronger but we'll try we'll try mirroring that so this is my first stab at how i'd try that not a clue how it's going to go to be honest i don't even know if this will fit underneath oh i don't think it will actually let's just try again i want to slow it down does it look like we will fit it doesn't okay so we can't go under we're gonna have to go over i just want to get the middle of the radius down the center and then raise it up it is not going to be able to drive up there i'm sorry but we can go straight yeah okay so we're going to go straight first so we're going to go from there in a straight line up to where we're just about tangent so if we fill that in with road and then from that point we're gonna sort of well we'll try and curve down it might be a bit dodge so something like that we might just about hit the flag if we can fill this in shut up man all right screw it we'll just do it by hand because the game's being stupid so the main question is will this truck get up that slope i can see it being a no not gonna lie i'm just gonna steal everything up for now because it's easier right so i'm guessing what's going to happen is as soon as this drives it's going to push the bridge and that won't be good so i'm going to make a brace over here just by doing that so essentially that's gonna stop everything sliding that way i hope i could muscle between those two just to stop it flexing because it will flex let's turn up to a hundred oh it's looking good all right break it broke and then started moving so what i'll do i will brace that side too and then just do a quick sort of muscly thing between these and that should just hold everything in place if i need to make this a bit stronger i can probably connect to the bottom let's have a look so we avoid the rolling stone oh that's looking good i broke no the back wheels okay so we know we make it we can probably get rid of that as well why did we break there might just want to smooth this out a bit maybe make that a bit higher all right let's try that then oh why are you getting up there now what happened hang on i gotta go back what did i do there we go yes yes yes perfectly on all his wheels sweet let's have a look at there's only one other solution oh my god what you can go under that's good oh wow i see what he's done he's made like a rotating thing so that he can actually use those braces to stop the bridge going under the water that's super clever but i'm gonna say he's touching the water so i win yeah we've long nothing to see here right so the final level is one that got sent to me in discord so if i go in sandbox i think it is all right so this is the level unfortunately it looks like it's gonna be a pain there's a lot going on so i might not actually have time to do it but there's there's a reason why i chose this level in particular you've probably seen it on the thumbnail well it kind of looks like just a normal level doesn't it so let's just see what we gotta do so a oh god there's so much going on i'm not oh this might be a bit complicated for me so we gotta get over there and we go backwards but we gotta end up up there do we all right for now then let's just ignore everything so we'll fill that in we'll do a quick trust just to see what happens when we get to the other side so bike gets across [Music] then that comes okay so we gotta put some hydraulics in so i'm just gonna do down there and down there make them expand delete that banger joint in and hope it still supports him so he went across sorted this comes up that was a bit too much okay right one was fine so we'll just lower that a bit is that high enough to get out the way oh it's going to be tight i love a tight drawbridge don't take that out of context i know what you like commenters clicked back in do we have the strength for this car i'm liking this actually i love that they managed to get onto the truck okay so then we've got to come across to what goes on over here so i think we go across and then the vehicle has probably come off the back and they got to get up there okay we can probably do that so we got one bit of road left but i'm gonna hope that i can just move this entire bridge up let's have a look if i use rope and i go from there to there that's 16 meters and then if i go up there well it's nearly 16 so it should should be able to do it so building this bridge then i wanna get my hydraulic in i might even want a muscle one i don't know you will see see what that's like for now we'll try and build about this point it's gonna have to be really strong actually so i wonder if i could do a tension bridge actually that might be the best i'm going to try that so i'm going to do i'm going to turn the grid on because i'm not an idiot debatable i know right so let's see this work then say chopper on car on right now it's slow down does this have the strength i'm doing this without the old stress visibility went up to like 80 something now this is the real test when that disconnects would it just fail yeah i should have realized that i don't think it would have been high enough either all right so i'm just gonna because i can't be bothered to draw it on top again i'm just gonna do that i'm going to move the hydraulic to this one i'm a bit concerned oh no that's got to be extend i feel this might collapse now i forget when you move hydraulics you gotta redo the controller i do wonder as well with this level there's something very special i will show you at the end i do wonder if i didn't know about it would i have noticed because at the moment i've just been looking down here is this gonna it didn't break it didn't break we might be on something but it looks ah this is looking better so it's not as tall as we want so what i'm going to do i'm going to build a little to be honest i should just put them up the top let's cut that flip it vertically and then i can put this hydraulic like that and when i turn the grid off i can move this so i can be a lot more flexible with where i want my hydraulic to go all right so how's this looking got to get to that joint oh so it locked in but went slightly too high so i'll just bring that down then it won't expand as far yeah what the hell is that can you see that there it's a little knob that's a cute wait that's no i'm not going to say that i'm not going to finish that sentence how is it in front of the screen like that that's really clever sorry back back to the level took me so long to notice that right so will this still hold now we're above it should do it should do a lot better yeah 50 way better bit worried about when this comes off whether the force will make it crash it could be a bit much oh oh i went up to 90. but it looks okay and as long as the chopper doesn't do a front flip come on christian i see you help me out brother yes we did it excellent that was really fun level actually i was as you can probably tell i was a bit scared at the start i thought it was going to be too much for my small brain but the real the real reason why i really want to show you this level it's absolutely incredible and i'm not just talking about that so we're going to look head-on and let's just scroll up oh my god that is unreal go away center screen all right girly look at that he made our custom shapes look at that thank you so much palpa like unbelievable that's like just so much more effort than i didn't even think you could do that do you remember let's have a look let's just have a look in the old sandwich mood so if you remember my collab on reed's channel i tried to make a little basketball man i made him out of like different shapes and stuff similar to this not as good obviously but all the parts like when they overlap they just pop out so the only way you can make this work is literally by doing individual pieces that butt up against all the other ones go away reset the screen i don't want to return to my screen so here all of these are cut out like the face is cut out of that that's incredible that's like the best thing i've seen on this game i'm well obviously biased but when it's at the front it's not even at the back that's why the dick was at the front as well but yeah had a lot of fun with these custom levels guys uh if you've got any more just keep adding them and tag rce or real civil engineer and i'll try and have a look can't see anyone out doing that though that was hey look at it the patience you must have unbelievable and your first level was really good as well so yeah thank you very very much we'll just watch the very end but peace love and bridges guys i will catch you next time unbelievable cheers guys bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 323,769
Rating: 4.9308076 out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge, poly bridge 2, video game, bridge building game, bridge builder, poly bridge 2 custom levels, custom levels poly bridge 2, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 2, the best poly bridge 2 custom levels, giant face poly bridge 2, poly bridge 2 giant face, huge face poly bridge 2, poly bridge 2 huge head, human poly bridge 2, human face poly bridge 2, rce custom levels
Id: KHalCqfi8LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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