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so hello fellow engineers and welcome to an episode of no this isn't universe sandbox this is very different very very different so this is called solar smash and yes it's from the same people that brought us city smash that beautiful stress relieving game so after a stressful day's work of designing stuff building things problem solving that sort of stuff you just want to relax you want to you just want to relieve some tension and sometimes destroying cities just isn't enough sometimes you gotta step it up so this is my my ultimate stress relieving game so essentially you get a planet you can change the planet we've got oh we got loads to choose from so we're just gonna stick with earth for this one uh and we're gonna go through all of these options so we'll start with a red laser don't avoid it whoa holy that did some damage i didn't even look where i shot that i just killed 295 million people a few americans and a lot of south americans sorry about that i feel really bad now because i'm like wherever i point this people are going to think i don't like that country i'll just start with my own country just so i'm not biased damn that wasn't my own country that's my own continent europe's nearly gone holy look at that this is quite interesting actually you can see how many people live in each place i wonder how accurate it is right so every set let's pick australia because i think that's a good size for the laser okay google what is the population of australia in 2018 its population was 24 992 369. very precise thank you okay so nothing against australia or anything it's just the right sort of size for this laser beam so let's just see if the population is accurate so sorry australia 124 million that's way more although actually that's quite a big yeah that's quite a big hole actually let's see if any of these are a bit less oh that could be a good one wow you can like draw with that one so yeah that's a that's a giant dick joke that destroyed 1.3 billion people right so i'm pretty sure india has a massive population i think i'm no geography expert i have a feeling it's there is that right is that really embarrassing if i'm wrong probably okay so i've just destroyed india and to be fair i think we're pretty damn accurate in 2018 the population of india was 1 billion 352 million 617 328. so this game is actually really good for learning populations by destroying them right so starting at india then let's test out some of these other things so we've got that looks like some sort of comet oh damn that's a proper little peanut hole there we'll try what is that one oh it's like a black hole oh dear oh dear hang on i haven't killed the entire world america survived and portugal a bit of spain not island the luck of the irish so what if we put another one in there is that just gonna eat even more oh that didn't look good okay that's everyone dead now oh so bright yeah boying another one in there i'm hollowing out the earth that's not really the earth anymore i can put several in there do they stack okay there's quite a lot in there now oh no it down the back of it oh i've made like i've made a ring i'll tell you what i'm gonna carve out a ring let's try this laser oh look at that that's a proper drawing laser they're nutritious and delicious planet oh so good to eat planeteers coming to a supermarket near you right let's try i'm quite intrigued by this wormy thing let's bung it in africa sorry africa holy that is huge oh no this is really close to the screen actually there that is pretty big [Music] look at that oh damn holy it's gone in where is it going to come out there it is oh it's like a worm eating an apple destroyed two and a half billion people and yet again the americans survive right so russia wasn't happy and they've tried to shoot missiles at the worm oh god you can shoot a lot of missiles how high does this go 50 missiles holy and russia missed the worm and hit the united states wow can you click more than one oh my god you can just barrage i am covering the earth in missiles look at that that is mental my frame rate is about 12. wow everyone died because we tried to kill the worm there's a bit of land and sea there they was oh that's really cool right i'm kind of intrigued by this one it looks like a weird is that meant to be like a spaceship or something who haven't i had a go at yet let's try i don't really know geography over this side of the world is that japan i think that's japan let's see what this looks like a satellite a bit what's it doing oh it's charging up something i am sorry japan in advance assuming you are japan oh oh everyone's dead and i've oh it's so bright i've turned the earth into the sun wow okay oh it's gone wow that was me feeling bad for targeting japan there i accidentally killed absolutely everyone instead alright so welcome to mars the red planet we're gonna try and create life on mars by we're gonna try and melt the ice cap i reckon this blue laser we should be able to just make some water by doing that so we have melted the ice cap let's do the south one there is a little one down there and now with the ice caps melted water is flooding the planet what sort of life do you think we're gonna create so i'm sure the water's gonna be mangling up in the planet soon um we've created life here it is martian life oh shh oh my god i ate the core no it didn't it just ate a chunk i am sorry mars but that's what your species do that's why no one lives there anymore there's another one trying to mate through the planet oh he's got his tentacles in this is gross oh so is that one so that's that's life on mars for you that was all right so i am actually intrigued can we melt the ice caps does that do anything i'm just gonna hit it with a meteorite so it's pretty warm up there now let's do the south pole as well this is not accurate at all i've just destroyed the north pole and it says no death like what about santa what about the elves so yeah turns out trump was right there's no such thing as global warming melting the ice caps hasn't killed anyone sea levels are completely as normal nothing to worry about all right question what does this alien thing look like we're gonna recreate independence day again we are gonna blow up the empire state building which i believe is in new york to new york oh no is it new york where's the empire state empire state building is at 20 west 34th street new york new york 1001 united states new york new york i believe new york is over here i'm gonna slow down time as well and we're gonna allow our spaceship to come in it's gonna hit the empire state bang on let's just see what sort of damage it will do how many people will die from new york being hit oh 300 million i don't think that's what happened in the film and he's gone just like that right so we haven't played with this one yet i think it's the moon so let's throw the moon at sort of china area which i think is about there somewhere oh no is it there why am i so bad at geography i think that's korea yeah they can have it holy that's nearly six billion people gone just from the empire state building blowing up and the moon hits in korea wow okay and finally then we haven't played with this one yet what is that oh what is that what is going on here don't seem to do any damage oh yeah they do a bit they're not like a bomb are they if i were to shoot one no whoa okay that did some damage and destroyed the earth but it does give me an idea let's hollow out the planet again i'm not picking anywhere in particular let's just go in the middle of the sea well there is someone that lives there see does anyone die is that hawaii maybe okay i killed quite a lot of people i can't work out where at the moment though i just want to make the earth a bit hollow oh yeah so we're going about it the right way i don't want to go i don't want to burn a hole out the back of it again oh everyone's dead sorry everyone oh okay i think that's pretty close i'm going to try and do another one about there oh no that might be too much that might be too much is that going to cause a whole bollocks right so i'm just going to start in the middle of the sea because i don't want to i don't want to hurt anyone this time i want to keep everyone alive if i can oh 1.4 billion what's that between friends eh i'm hoping if i go inside i can keep everyone alive because i'm not hurting the outsides anymore oh everyone's dead it's really bright in there just hope that doesn't come out the arse end of the earth oh it nearly did i think okay i'm just going to carve out a little bit more with the old laser i'm a bit scared using black holes now this seems to be doing a good job carving out the earth on my time off bollocks i put a hole in it oh well we'll ignore that there's not a hole there it's fine it's fine all right so i think that's pretty pretty hollow that is so now i'm going to grab these bumps ah do they all float in the middle okay that's interesting so we're gonna make a core of bombs and then hit it and see what happens okay so judging by how big the explosion was last time this is probably gonna be the finale to the video because if my pc doesn't melt then uh i think we're at least gonna lose our retinas so that's probably enough i'm gonna slow down time and then i'm gonna hit it with a single missile let's wang this down to one slow down time so we're gonna watch it from this side say ready missile spin wait did i shoot a missile oh yeah there is can you see it it's coming in very very slowly but it's coming and we're going to watch this just as our final stress reliever of the day it's been a hard day at work we've been designing stuff we just want to cause some destruction blow up the planet with a ton of bombs because how else would you like to relieve stress i'm getting impatient now i kind of want to spin the planet around and have a look but might not be the best idea let's just wait i don't know if it's gonna do anything i don't know how strong those bombs are that's a trouble i do really want to go have a look but i will probably regret it right i think that's got to be a false destination let's spin around okay it looks like nothing happened so i'll tell you what i don't think those missiles are very accurate actually i might use this red that would definitely blow up so ready click run ready here we are there's like a billion bombs in there [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 298,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: when engineering goes wrong, solar smash, solar smash gameplay, solar smash game, black hole, what happens if a black hole comes to earth, what happens if a black hole collides with another black hole, engineering a black hole, black hole on earth, universe sandbox, best solar smash, best things to do in solar smash, destroy the earth game, destroying the earth game, solar smash 2, earth vs black hole, 1mm black hole, real civil engineer, real civil engineer solar smash, rce
Id: tXqOI5Qc1S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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