OVER-ENGINEERING Highway Interchanges in Cities Skylines! 420,069 Subscriber Special!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to city skylines that's something i have not said in a long time but it's a special occasion that brings us back it's my 4 20 69 subscriber special and if you've been following my city skyline series in the past you'll know that this is engiotopia a realistic engineer's dream where i provided the best public sculptures for my citizens the most efficient highway layouts super realistic residential areas and generally just the most effective city layouts you could possibly imagine but today because today we are celebrating a sort of a stupid let's be honest let's be honest we are celebrating a stupid milestone for 2069 is just a very immature silly number yes we're going to be doing some silly immature stuff today first off i want to fix this poo problem so this is where the entire city's sewer network discharges to as you can see downstream a bit of a pollution nightmare so i'm going to fix that today we're going to build something to store all this waste but for now you'll notice this i cannot buy a new plot yet to unlock a new area we need to reach a population of 16 000. we've currently got a population of ten thousand which means we're gonna have to build a whole new sort of layout so over here we've got our main sort of city area we've got a nice little residential plot in the middle and we've got the billy ray district down here now taking a look there's a there's a lot of there's a big old area in here so we're gonna unfortunately we're gonna lose the aesthetic of our city i've got big plans so firstly we'll go into the roads we'll go to intersections we have different types of roundabouts we can build we can build large roundabouts which are this big pretty big and then we got small roundabouts now what i'm sort of thinking is we just go absolutely mental with roundabouts as a tribute to our mini motorways series so perhaps we can bunk that in yes we can all right big one there that's what she said all right so i'm sort of doing a grid pattern like what you see in america because i'm pretty sure this will be the best way of expanding but keeping traffic moving so yes to the untrained eye it sort of looks like a message to extraterrestrials some sort of crop circles going on like that down to there from here over to there what's going to make all of these hamburgers just for the laughs so hamburgers are straight through roads and roundabouts they allow say for example you're driving along this road and your destination is straight over the roundabout but you don't want to go all the way around give way to everyone uh it's just like a straight through like a little quick path generally they're only there if you have traffic lights on each junction some people not a fan of traffic lights from roundabouts who believe they should just be giveaway so those people probably probably ignore this this part of the video but you can upgrade that to a freeway maybe that one too look at that beautiful all right so that's a cool little layout if i say so myself time to color these in with whatever's in demand so i think i'm gonna make this completely high density so high density residential zones you guys will go absolutely everywhere so what i plan on doing is sort of everything that isn't a roundabout island with this brush so if i'm kind i might i might time-lapse this for people that aren't me so you'll get to enjoy a lovely time lapse and i'm just stuck doing the hard yards there we go and then we're going to put in some high density commercial so these are just like big old shops so just do a few little roundabout islands of these sort of sort of spread out and then all the big ones are left these will be our office zones and then we'll hit play and then we're gonna have to start doing the utilities so i just thought i'd let all that sort of build in the first instance yes we'll start off with our drainage so we're gonna come down from here i'm not gonna do this realistically either we're going straight under all the buildings we're going under everything because this episode is not about being realistic this is about cleaning up my town that's right i imagine that will start flying up in no time yes look at this look at this our office islands are going for it we've got a high density residential housing being built over here lovely let's speed up the time and i'll just watch this area grow i think it'll be quite nice just to see everything popping up [Music] anyway i'm i'm pretty pleased how this turned out let's get off the free cam mode and uh let's see all the warning oh goodness looks like we've got a trash problem again yeah so i think we've got an incinerator over here somewhere oh no i thought it was that one but that's an ice cube factory they create ice cubes with a massive furnace and chimney of course they do but are we going to put a new incinerator at the tip you see for the banter i sort of want to put a tip at the tip shall i start it so you can see all the garbage trucks just spawning and they'll go they'll go get all the rubbish and uh dump it here oh wow pretty much every house is like we're drowning in rubbish but this hair is filled in nicely i do love a roundabout oh god look it looks like there's a sewage problem over here and all these guys have shut up shop this was my like posh area overlooking the river and all sorts um but i think they just got flooded with um well poo basically i think that's what that red flashing warning means oh look someone's rebuilding though i think basically we need we need more pressure in the system and to get more pressure in the system means we've got to add another one of these so let's add two more and then we'll connect them up you can see all four of those are on now so if we head back over here yes can you see now the green pipe that's the one that takes all the waste from people's houses that now expands all the way over here and over here oh goodness me the billy ray district everyone's just up up sticks and left um oops in a word no it looks like it looks like the people of the city they are rebuilding as far they're even rebuilding trees that is impressive so we'll leave them to do that they know what they're doing over there meanwhile quite a few death about it seems like i think that means there's a dead person in this house but on the plus side population absolutely creamy at 13 000 so we are we are definitely getting there i'm gonna perhaps add symmetry i can't get a crematorium yet so we're just gonna add a cemetery in there yeah down there i reckon everyone's happy that they can go and die now [Music] the shaft people aren't really connected though so i'm actually going to bung one in at the tip right so that's good medical wise i think i can see why a lot of people are dying i think we'll add one of these in here as well so sorry if you live there we've got people to save look at the wave of happiness a hospital brings i feel like we could probably use one in here as well though yes maybe that look at the wave yes do you guys need a hospital now that's sort of okay i think they're fine they're fine uh how's the fire situation really not good i'm gonna bang a fire station in there yes everyone's happy again another one near the tip you don't want a burning tip well actually the balls can still burn that's uh this is so weird okay we've got happy balls now well that one that one's still sad caston place is not a happy place so we're gonna put a fire station in oh no we're not we're a big city we can finally treat our sewer system we've unlocked a water treatment plant and a crematorium now unfortunately we're not gonna be using either of those because i've got a much better idea all right first things first let's buy our new plot i want this one it's only 12 000 pounds so we'll buy that right now we have lots of room to sort of fix this we're going to go into the landscaping tool and remember i have a mod on that allows me to do unlimited landscaping and this new plot i've just noticed it's got a railway our first railway uh so i might sort of try and solve two problems if we head into the transport tab we can go to train and we can build a cargo train terminal as you can see by the warning it's got to be placed by a roadside so if we build a road from here and we literally come up here we should now be able to build our terminal and there she is and now we just connect the track up all right here we are so here's our cargo train terminal it's connected to the railway it's connected to the road however i'm gonna want to connect this to the sea uh once we've unlocked it we're gonna have like a port inland but it's not gonna be inland i'm going to sort of make my own canal think the panama canal but it's not going to be filled with water it's going to be filled with poo yes we are building the punama canal so if we go onto landscaping and we're literally just going to do this now this truly is an engineering feat it might just look like i'm just doing a trench in the old direction but no there's hardcore engineering going on in my head right now that's it we want it nice and deep nice and deep i'm not entirely sure where the levels will sit by the end but my sort of thinking is we make this end area nice and wide sort of like the sea so we can fit a portion then we can take cargo from our freight station all the way oh yeah i don't really know i'm going i think i was meant to go down here we're going to go down there we're going to go down there so we'll go to our sort of industrial shaft area and there we go and then maybe we'll do a port at that end once you unlock them as well uh meanwhile we need to flip these around so sort of in there i might add a few more just to up the old capacity we want to fill this pretty quick we've got we got some cargo to transport right that looks pretty that looks pretty cool let's i have no idea what it's going to do this might not even work but uh let's connect all of these up oh that has a satisfying sound right so i think we're connected so if we unpause we should start to see it flowing yes it's flowing and then oh god look it's filling up it is actually filling up oh wow i'll go that's flowing quick that's a lot of water you've got like a tidal wave going both ways but think of the pollution think of the beavers and other water creatures we're saving fish fish we're saving fish if this is terrible imagine like you're just down there like having a picnic under a tree then you just hear this rumble it's like and then you turn around and you just see a wall of bird coming towards you oh wow let's move my camera out the way this is a dirty stinking mess i'm intrigued to see what's going to happen at the end meanwhile this way it seems to be heading around there pretty quickly a long way to go over there late so i think we'll keep an eye on this end oh no i'm worried this is going to like flood the city that was not my intention that was not my intention i really hope it just settles there oh is it gonna oh no it's flooding oh bollocks oh no okay pause pause how do i pause quick four's well that was close that was close for some reason we've got like a we've got a title search happening so i'd like to combine the two words title search and just call it a turd especially is involved but we're gonna have to build like flood walls around the outside so again hardcore engineering going on here but i'm hoping these are only temporary levels so the idea here is to sort of find a contour and just get that to go constant all the way around the edge we don't want any lumps and bumps like that that was a low point there's a high point there that's fine all right so i'm hoping that the purge was just because like the momentum of the water so if we press play again is that gonna settle things down yeah oh no oh bollocks oh crap literally our crap is crap oh but it has stopped i don't know where this bunch of poo is going that's oh that's going to be nasty oh look at the people running for their lives no oh man this is really weird looking it sort of reminds me of like when the when the tsunami happened the really terrible one in japan oh look it's all flooding up here now i underestimated how much poo there is all right thankfully i am adding a lot of capacity let's really dig this down okay can you see the water level coming down now is that because we've leaked somewhere else it might be that that's our emergency overflow it's it's meant to do that uh keep digging down but the punima canal the rest of it ain't doing too badly it's definitely filling up i think we sort of need to make this end deeper so the the like tricky thing with canals is obviously you've got to have like a flat line like water sits level unless you're going to put like locks and things in it level changes you need a flat level the whole way and obviously if you've got like lumps in between like hills and stuff you're gonna have a really really deep sort of canal and i didn't think there was too much of a hill between but we're sort of making this very deep this end well actually yeah if you like sort of head around you can see this it's very shallow down this end you can see the contours here this is like uphill and there's loads of contours which means down here is a lot lower again build up all of these sides all around my canals are hard i finally understand and there we go she is flowing now nice and we've actually got it all the way to the end now yeah look at this so this is right by our cargo station so if we do like a little flyby you can see it's all oh god it's it's pretty fooled on this end oh no it's leaking again damn it oh bollocks it's underwater this end oh dear okay i'll tell you what for now for now we're gonna do an emergency overflow just to sort of keep the levels down i'm quite annoyed because our water is like nearly clean but uh we're gonna need an emergency overflow all right there we go i think that should stop it flooding anywhere now well apart from there but uh it's not flooding if you intend it to flood or something like that oh no okay i tell you what i might be able to do this a similar sort of thing at this i think basically there's like a hill in the middle and this end is quite low that's a lot of water oh god all right this is why flood schemes cost much because uh it's a lot more work than you initially think it's going to be i think we're nearly done now so yeah this is very much on the water so i don't know if i need to like just turn it into a well so i'm literally just digging a massive hole now and hopefully all the water will just go into it wow how deep does this go okay well it looks like looks like we got rid of all the water this is now back being dry again can we just fill this up i'm pretty sure there's like a level terrain yeah there we go just bury that it never happened never happened sorted right this seems to be holding now yeah there we go punima canal complete that flooding that oh that will sort itself out surely oh no it's flooded it's flooding down there proper low point there i missed that would you like stop flushing the toilet for a second please you're making this very difficult but i think with a bit of tweaking though the the general idea is there yeah with our with our overflow feature we're probably gonna have to sort out maybe we could fill like something else in maybe i could make like a massive who lake in there or something oh dear oh dear oh god it's literally there's literally a torrent running down this road oh no they're all flooded even the lorries are like that lori just did a 360. oh dear anyway anyway for my next trick we're gonna fix another problem that we don't even have oh it looks like a knob a little bit doesn't it ever no we've done knobs we've done knobs we're gonna fix this we're gonna create an unbelievable intersection so let's get rid of all of this all of this all right so this is our main junction where we go this is sort of our main motorway from the city and stuff and it sort of connects up to up to this junction with quite a realistic grade separated junction and this end this is my realistic project the tunnel under stonehenge so this was like a throwback to my actual job where i helped design this project not currently built in real life in fact not even sure that it will be built in real life because of legal battles but anyway anyway it's built in engiotopia it's time to build an awesome junction to go with it so i'm a massive fan of the turbine interchanges we build this from straight above the turbine exchange sort of comes off there so it does a bit of that then you do it for all arms and you get this like sort of spirally thing it's quite cool but i want to do i want to do a super turbine junction so i'm just going to go crazy for the sake of going crazy so all right so that's one arm so that was one direction from this lane goes around a few times and ends up over there so now we need to do sort of the opposite so we want to go from this arm i'm going to go over to the left all right so that's that one done there's a lot of times in this game i i sort of feel like what would my bosses say if they could see this it's actually getting really hard to see what the hell i'm doing right and there we go the most complex junction design you've ever seen it is still realistic it still works the only downside is it doesn't actually do every maneuver you'd need to do right so say you're driving along here and you're like ah i need to go right here i'm currently going southbound i need to go eastbound we're gonna follow this campervan it's owned by faith davis so it's pretty straightforward just pretty much drive around i remember the kid i was always worried i would never run some motorways we we sort of remember on the m25 i remember we sort of went on oh god this is you might need to move that column i remember as a kid i remember like driving under like a massive junction like looking up and i was like surely you just get lost like isn't it terrifying i know the person driving was like no it's really easy like you literally just follow the road i think if you're this like campaign you're probably already dizzy and very disorientated by now like oh there's stonehenge over there was that the way i was going i can't really remember we'll keep going around through here you gotta squeeze under that bit of road easy and like ah yes this was the way i intended to go past stonehenge oh no i can't go past stonehenge because they bloody put it into a tunnel no stonehenge yeah but anyway guys that was the 420 69 special and as i said at the start stupid numbers gets stupid solutions i'm quite impressed that i think it looks pretty cool has our thing stopped flooded no it hasn't quite stopped flooding yet people are just getting on with it they're like yeah it's this road's river sometimes you just skip the old doors out and paddle it's fine sorted this turns like a massive swamp wasteland all the poo has dissolved the trees now got loads of pre-made slingshots we just need to start an elastic factory i think that was the worst that i buried unfortunately it seems to have come back oh no look the tree's falling onto the line there i hope that gets sorted i don't know a rock seems to have fallen onto the line but anyway guys i hope you enjoyed me destroying my lovely city to be fair i saw i reckon i made this bit better look at that that looks decent like come on that's pretty cool it almost hides the phallic shapes oh man look at that that tip is stinky that is a stinky tip so yeah if you have subscribed thanks so much this video is for you the 469 of you well it's probably more than that now but yeah anyway guys peace love and bridges and i'll catch you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,110,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, citys skylines, skylines, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, city builder, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines suburb, cities sky lines, real engineer plays, real civil engineer, rce, real civil engineer cities skylines, town planning, junction visibility splays, junction visibility dmrb, cities skylines road layout, cities skylines no mods, city skyline
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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