Can we BEAT THE LAND SPEED RECORD in Poly Bridge 2? 150,000 subscriber special!

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hello fellow engineers we've hit 150 000 subscribers do you know how many people guys [Applause] it's like 150 000 people yeah like what a ride this has been so i wasn't actually gonna do this milestone i kind of thought it wasn't like a big deal i guess i was like yeah i did the 50 i did the hundred thousand then i'll do the 250 000. but like you hit it and you're like damn i met a lot of people so if we run back to my 50 000 subscriber special you might remember i created this monstrosity the land speed record you can have a look see if it still plays oh it does pretty well and then it conks out and it turns into carnage oh yeah this was the video i said carnage about a thousand times that was absolute carnage carnage absolute carnage but absolute carnage again and then just carnage and then carnage carnage at the front again oh and then carnage and then carnage unfortunately it is just carnage and i don't think i can get around that but uh in this video if you were to look at it on youtube you can see i had nearly 1300 comments that's so many comments but i had a lot of suggestions for like how to make it better so what i thought i'd do would sort of run through some of them and see if your suggestions can beat the land speed record in polybridge all right so if we head back to this first this was like my first sort of dabble at the land speed before i came up with that huge thing we were just looking at oh yeah so i was trying to make something out run the limo oh how's proper like et moment anyway all right just start on this one someone reckoned if i turned the speed of these down to 50 of what is currently on it won't glitch out and we should beat the limo i think first things first i need to put the limo back in just as a comparison so the limo is there physics as before are just yes all right so in slow motion the limo is a goat but then we start catching up oh god oh it's going to get right over no oh the limo is pulling away oh we're so close because that's where it all up so what if we were to try as this person suggested turning down the acceleration or speed i don't know what one they said speed but i don't think speed would i don't know let's try so 50. right let's try that then oh it didn't break well it did break at the end it looks like but we didn't catch up with the limo so it was definitely slower definitely slower but we got further we made it to the end right so someone else said couldn't you make the spring stiffer let's do that i presume they mean these two so we're currently 30 stretched so if we up that to 40 i'm pretty sure there would have been a reason why i chose 30 if i'm honest but uh who knows all right so that's stretched a bit more let's see is it any better oh god yeah a little hop at the end i feel like before we caught it up more let's up it to we're going up to 60 now right 60 percent now i feel like it's getting worse all right let's just do let's do a hundred we've got on break one so what's the worst that can happen 100 or just just locks up straight away so if we were to watch that zoomed in clunk lay that right down so basically if we keep an eye on this wheel clunk just disappears through that is no good so no you can't just stiffen the springs i don't think i'll check the footage but i'm pretty sure 30 i did for a reason oh god i've just accidentally turned on this mod oh god it's 3d and build mode that's quite cool but how do i undo this alright so a lot of people said i could make this infinitely better if i put the monster trucks on the inside rather than on the tops so we'll try that first shall we i think we'll try this little one because we know that was quite fast and what i'll do i'll keep that one there but i'll copy this right so essentially when i copy this dude duplicate bang him in the middle i can't go too low because otherwise that happens so we gotta find the point where we're as close as we can go without touching right so i think that is that i'll put another one in the back wheel and then i guess we'll try it like that first without tying them in but i know we're gonna have to create like a little holder for them or something let's just see how that compares sorry i'm saying it again that was garbage what are these boys doing they're like circus people oh something i've just realized as well they're facing the wrong way they're facing the wrong way so i do need to flip right so now they're facing the right way you can see they just go mental in there right so i've sort of built everything but i'm finding the trouble is like there's so much movement from when it first starts so you've got the suspension can we slow it right down can you see it drops but uh yeah it's not getting gripped or it's just jumping up in the air and then this one behind it easily catching up i think that's why i use springs initially as well so what i will do is replace all of these that are touching it with springs and i'll just make them compressed we'll do 30 start it's just going to be a bit of trial and error they damn right so you can see here i've put these on a hundred percent compression they literally cannot push any harder if we watch i just drive straight through it turning it inside out uh but it seems to have better acceleration it's like pulling away quicker look it's going fast on the limo we're winning that's what i'm thinking maybe these ones we turn down the acceleration a bit we do 50. no uh still drive straight through it all right so i think i've sort of exhausted that option i've tried quite a lot of different layouts and this is sort of where we are it just seems to take off it's almost like both wheels are off the ground and it bounces and then boing and this one's already caught up by that point so i was thinking another one of the possible solutions said how about you only have one drive wheel and you sort of make it more like a dragster so you've got big wheel at the back and it links to a wheel at the front and what that should do is sort of stop it hipping up so something a bit like that i guess and uh i'll have to move the old limo just to there let's see is that any better all right so this is spinning and it's just not getting grip anymore no the one behind definitely just crashed into it okay i might take this opportunity too because people said add a wheelie bar but i think a wheelie bar is sort of the same thing as we just did but what i might be able to do can we fit another vehicle in here i don't think we're gonna be able to no i think we have to make a bigger wheel oh actually they're in they are in oh you can see it glitching through no so more vehicles inside no good as it is maybe we can try with a larger wheel a bit later so i could actually drive the front wheel with this back one so what if i try doing that i could actually i want could i just do cable because surely there'd be tension down there let's see if cable works yeah it does turn the front one oh the one behind's already caught up though oh and we've bent majorly all right i might have to see the old split joint trick oh god look at them that's uh if we cross brace them that should stop them flexing should he says oh no the proper waving all over the place the other thing someone did suggest is similar to this but if you were to raise actually let's take all of this and rotate let's put it sort of there and what we'll do we'll make a big or bigger wheel essentially i can just take a the drawing liney tooly thing technical term so that's as big as these wheels can go from the center but we don't need to go from the center anymore we can in fact just make all of these if i copy that to there and to there yeah i can make it a really big wheel so i think i'll do that i'll move all of this up a bit i'll just copy everything i have and then just hope that road reaches yes it does all right so further sudden what someone suggested is you sort of make this a tire they use springs so i guess we could do that sort of thing oh let's be honest i think we should probably try that first all right so is that any better we've essentially geared up so it could be if it gets grip but it doesn't have grip at all it has just been nudged now though and it could be flying no okay i think we gave that a fair test it's too lumpy we could either put more bits of rodent but for now i reckon let's try the spring idea and this just might allow us to have a bit of grip because this is going to act a bit more like a tire so it should like grip a bit more hopefully like these ones over here we if we just watch these this was how my original one worked it sort of hugged the shape of the ground a bit more just out of interest they were all 20 compressed so we might want to do the same i'll just try like that finale all right so yeah obviously that's sort of collapsing because it has no has no structural shape so we need to put some diagonals in i mean it looks cool and that's sort of half the battle right yeah still twists way too much so i think we're gonna have to turn the compression up we might have to try and go the other way but let's just do this for now [Music] all right let's try that then 20 compression oh it's going all over the place whoa it looks cool they doesn't work in the slightest but it looks cool so i think to be honest we're gonna have to add in these ones and that should stop it collapsing or maybe not in the slightest all right so what if then we put in some steel trouble is what one do we put in maybe those diagonals i have no idea how like tires are actually constructed i just feel that might stay a bit more rigid you can tell there's probably going to be a lot of people shouting at their screens right now you freaking idiot mat all right let's see what that does we've been leapfrogged we've just been leapfrogged no absolutely useless the limo is like finished look at this thing it's so pants poor little thing oh look we got red springs what does that mean i've never seen that before right so i don't think we're really getting anywhere with this design so [Music] do i just delete this all right so let's go back to steel i basically added twice as many blobs around the edge i don't really know the best way of doing this okay so we're doing triangles do that back in the other direction and then we've just got to copy it down to here so i'll delete everything i had and then put it in there bollocks we lost one right let's try this one then is it gonna be any better no it doesn't even move what's going on there doesn't want to move at all this big wheel i'm starting to think my first design was the best hmm what a lot of people suggested which i don't really think this counts as a land speed record because land speed you have to be on land if we just duplicate all of those let's say it's that long grab one more put him up there they basically said what you want to do so stupid is build a road on top of those limos and then your limber on top will be moving twice as fast i'm pretty sure whatever's touching the ground is the actual vehicle so it doesn't matter that there's something on it moving faster but hey hey we'll try it anyway so i figured the best way of doing this probably a custom shape so i'll create a custom shape and i'll just put a bit of a hook on the front and the back we'll bring this down right and then we'll see is this limo faster i know our custom shape we've we've unhooked we've unhooked it's no good oh it's getting run over now as well what is going on there's a pile up of limp look at that one flying it's like oh there's a limo driving by oh what's that shadow in the background oh my god let me pile up oh he's upside down all right so i'm watching this at 10 speed it kind of looks like it's working platform's moving the trouble is this limo he just cannot get his wheels down he's actually going slower than the limo is underneath not twice as fast okay so we just watched that again at 100 speed [Music] yes that top limit was no fastest thinking about it i probably only want one at the front oops and one at the back there's no need to put all these limos in between it's just over complicating things so we'll try doing that see if that's any better oh no i think it doesn't have the power look how slow this one's going boosh uh maybe i need the mass to be nothing no the back one is catching up i'll tell you what i might do i might edit this shape i might just do that it seems like our car on top can't get grip or speed is actually defined by the speed on the ground because he wasn't speeding up then which is very strange so i'm gonna do i'm gonna quickly just edit this i'm just gonna make sure that this guy's stuck so the road's actually moving faster than the limo on top right so let's put him in the middle then so physics we've got everything it's exactly the same as the ones underneath when we start he does a bit of a wheelie but now his wheels are all on the ground so he should be flying but he's literally not going any faster he's actually moving slower so i'm guessing speed in this game is sort of limited to oh god oh god remember me oh where did he go yeah i think speed is actually limited to like a speed it's not it's to do with like the speed of the ground not what you're on if that makes any sense at all let's just watch this at 100 speed just so you can see what's going on [Applause] [Music] he goes flying yeah so i do wonder if i were to take this edit tools let's add some dynamic anchors all right so i'm gonna fill this i'm gonna do it via time lapse because i just think it would be quite satisfying still can't quite believe a hundred and fifty thousand subs hundred and fifty there's 150 for all to see to be a pokemon master is your destiny oh my last name was a bit off on it right so i've made a road on top of this because i just interested to see if speed is related to the material material you are on or whether this might be faster oh god oh boy so road is quite heavy so what i might have to do i might have to up the spring physic thing on here to turn them back up to one it might have to go up again oh now let's try five i think that just should should no not at all should make it like more rigid so it should be able to hold more weight what's the max the max is 10 okay we're doing 10. is it gonna work oh god it doesn't work at all well the front one seemed to ish oh limo is flying i can probably edit this shape just to make it a bit better so i can probably do that and that should hold it in place i feel like all the points are like glitching out like anything have a look at this there's meant to be static anchors but they're like it's all not actually attached and all sorts all right so here we go the cut oh do you see that the car thought about moving then it like goes and then it's off i think though it's not gonna happen i could put a few more in to support but is it actually gonna do anything i don't know let's try let's try all right does that help things at all so he's got the grip he's got his wheels down but he's he's not going any faster than the ones underneath so that is a bust that is not a thing even so it was probably cheating to be honest so the final thing i want to try is sort of gearing up this one because this was a bust but this wheel might work if we stick to the outside driving so what i'm going to do i'm going to delete all of that and then try and put this in the middle oh no that it's a different orientation so i might be able to rotate all right there we go that's pretty good lovely right so now i just need to copy that to there get rid of those this is getting quite hard to see what i'm doing now get rid of that that all right so now i just need to connect them together that might be connected i'm just gonna press play and just make sure that's sort of all wow look at that in the middle right but that looks to the trained eye like my own that looks like what i wanted so go into this mode i'm gonna take this car i gotta rotate it i think the aim is to get the wheels as close as i can without the radar going off right case that's good let's go back into here now i can sort of move these a bit closer right so i think we got the same sort of traction design thing we just got bigger wheels now so essentially it's geared up oh the only thing i haven't done i haven't put the bracing across like these bits but uh let's just see if it works first say play uh it's not moving at all everything's pushing it like okay so if we slow it way down let's do 10 and we'll zoom right in oh it looks like something's not quite right oh i know what i've done idiot my car's facing the wrong way are you tip matt you tit so annoyingly we're gonna have to flip and do all that again right so that might be better might being the key word here okay right let's get rid of these back ones because they're just getting in the way all right let's see have we made it any quicker i feel like acceleration won't be as good maybe top speed might be better let's have a go limo is gone limo has finished what is this oh it started picking up speed that's not really how a land speed record works though is it all right let's just see does it pick up speed get in there a little bit faster well then it kicks in well that's annoying all right in which case i've only really got one more idea all right so this is similar to the dragster deal so let's uh see what that does oh it's got grip it's bending like anything oh no oh look we've made a unicycle the land speed unicycle record quite honestly i think this has potential i might make the front wheel smaller i'm doing 20 every time oh i didn't do them i didn't do them in the middle some reason all right let's turn this into a wheel quickly nice now we'll get rid of this wheel put it down there and then connect up to her all right so i think here it is here's our dragster so stupid but uh let's see how it goes come on dragster oh it's pretty quick to be fair it's a bit flexible [Music] oh the end bent enough all right i've just added some uh aerodynamic coating because i think it was a bit it's a bit airy before we needed that smooth top so if we look now [Music] there we go much better much better front wheel is clipping through but that's fine yes that was the land speed record 2.0 i don't think i actually beat the record from last time but uh shush it's not clickbait it's not clickbait i tried oh god what's it doing what's it doing it's so long the end of it got smushed into the air oh no now it's let's go that does not look like a drugstore from this angle especially now what is uh can you believe this was my first ever subscriber special without a knob in it can you believe that maybe i'm maturing maybe i am maturing then again maybe i'm not maturing we set a record today finally the world's quickest dong well dong mobile see and you thought you watched this video for nothing but yeah thank you so much for your support guys honestly it's unbelievable like this is slowly turning into a career who knows what the future holds but very very excited and couldn't do it without you subscribers so thank you so much if you've subscribed especially to the patreons and twitch subscribers and youtube members and people that bought merch cal gang cowgang for life but that shadow is pretty cool in it yeah speaking of merch new merch on its way might already be out now who knows peace love and bridges bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 519,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polybridge, 150k, poly, bridge, poly bridge, rce, real civil engineer, land speed record, fastest vehicle, poly bridge land speed record, fastest bridge, 150000, 150k subs, 150k subscribers, 150000 subs, subscriber milestone, cool stuff in Poly Bridge
Id: nq-oxZUK9co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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