I built SINKING BRIDGES for Mr Beast! Poly Bridge 2!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to poly bridge 2. this time we're not actually going to be continuing the poly bridge one campaign within polybridge 2 polyception that we have been playing recently because instead i've been challenged by my community to spread awareness about team seas and you may be asking yourself well matt what the hell does that have to do with poly bridge 2 well my friends what did bridges ug span water yes without water there would be no bridges and today i've got a very very special campaign for you so if we head to the workshop we have this a dive into water physics now these are really super cool levels that take the poly bridge water physics into account and even better than that for the last level they've added in the team sees logo look it's team c's and poly bridge too who'da thought it so for every dollar that is donated to team seas one pound of trash will be removed from the sea and one pound is just under half a kilogram if you're wondering what it is in normal units sorry americans so if in the future you want our bridges to span water not just trash please consider donating to team c's using the link in my description anyway let's try this first level and i can show you how it works so this is the level looks kind of weird right if we press play you can see down the bottom there's a bit of water and there's a car that just eats into the abyss and you also notice there's a sort of u-shaped block and it's got some nodes on the top and you can see as it hits the water it slows down so my thought here is to measure how low this node is compared to the road level sort of as the car gets there so so it's about maybe a road length so let's see is that sort of okay it's a bit lower than that so is that sort of the right level it's a little bit lower again actually ready okay that's good then over that side it's like way higher it's like it's probably gonna be that sort of angle so what i'm thinking is we do a curve yes i love the curve tool up to there then we fill that in with rode lovely and then i'm just gonna truss this up but i imagine there's gonna be quite an impact when we hit the water so as we've got springs i'm sort of thinking that's what we want to do if we say do that and then spring it like that and perhaps we'll try and do similar over here i'm sort of thinking like spring muscles almost i don't know maybe actually if we were to spring like between those would that work whoa okay that's a lot of impact i had no idea how fast that was moving now tell you what then we're probably gonna have to trust over the top of this so we got double truss oh god it's so there's so much force all right so i've got to a point where the right sides sort of work i made like a weird suspension thing it's got a wire down the middle because that was really like trying to pull apart in tension uh this side is just completely just exploding all right then let's go back to basics and just try this so i'm thinking instead perhaps i need to try and support this in the middle rather than just at both ends i know i can sort of do that by i don't know if you were to take like a spring down there spring down there and we can literally just use cable and we've sort of made like nodes here that should stop it moving so much i don't know or a little bit if that didn't go inside out or if we actually what if we put wood in there i don't think we need a spring in the middle that should stop it it didn't stop it or what if we do that oh we're close we are close i think i don't know how much budget i have left but what if we try and put another another one of those in oh finally it's not breaking and it's actually oh did you see how close that was okay so we finally found a way to have our bridge not get annihilated but it wasn't quite the right shape so i think we want to lower that and raise that the trouble is things move because it's on springs that's better that's smoother you got the power oh no oh yes no yes no i think that's a no all right it's that last little bit then what if we were to like just raise these slightly so i've literally just tweaked that so rather than like curving that way around it curves that way around you can't even see it though it was so small i could probably sort the front out as well oh come on you bastard okay let's raise these front bits up a bit oh that's the trouble i cut oh i've just had a thought i should probably be building underneath no i'm using springs underneath what if we get rid of all that let's try and get the road where we want it so i think it's a bit higher like that sort of thing and then we may as well just build underneath all right let's try that then oh god oh god no okay i think that got ripped apart what if you were to make that cable because you know cable is a lot stronger in tension you have to do all of those in cable yes oh nearly so what happens to that top one it gets crushed so maybe it's worth making that one a spring as well oh a cable snapped but it might just make it no all right that cable snapped let's bring that down then we are close to budget this is a hard level damn it all right question is do we need that truss is it actually doing anything because now this is all flexible it probably isn't i feel like it was i'll tell you what actually i think that's failing if you watch this watch this node compared to that anchor point as it comes down it's getting like ripped so what if we add that in to sort of keep it so it can't go further than that that should stop that end collapsing yeah it does oh i tell you what i think that's probably the key let's delete all of that so essentially i think i just want to do like a proper tension thing maybe i'll make the end rigid i think we want to do something like that and then we can do our muscle at the end and connect to that bit as well bit of wood in the middle of the muscle that should be better oh it is it's way better oh oh that middle one didn't snap oh do you see how smooth that was though did you see how unsmooth that was all right how do i stop that middle one snapping oh really game look how close we are all right what if we do that now it should be slightly higher by the time it gets to that end are you actually joking right what if we move that over a little bit ready please yes ah all right this time come on come on yes okay i made it i made it right i don't want breaks so my first sort of thought is can i just delete that like will that still work these will be under a bit more strain now let's see no i still broke balls what if we lower this one oh yes yes right if it still works the same way which it should oh why did it not work the same way right please please game you [Music] yes right after like an hour of tweaking we finally did it we're under 30 grand as well that was a cool level very very different and obviously if the water was filled with plastic the level wouldn't even be possible so let's head into the gallery and see how other people got on what no only five people have done this okay only five people have done this apparently let's have a look at the cheapest option pretty similar to mine i guess but super super efficient how the hell i think the truss is just mainly made out of springs so it's super flexible but i did not think you could do that because i tried for ages and i couldn't do it myself yeah what's this one oh another one oh that's similar to mine they've used the old tension underneath to get some extra nodes what what the hell was that hang on what happened there it's got a catapult and a ramp that's awesome beverly that is thinking outside the box and then this one which looks like a bit of a cheese they've uh created a bridge over the top it's over budget as well but very very nice solution i like that i do like that one right shall we go on to our next water filled level quick that submarine has knocked out the support and the pier is collapsing floor and oh god this could be cool now the level is called sinking feeling so shall we press play and see what happens oh wow so the submarine down there if we watch that again you have to use your imagination a bit but the submarine has knocked out the bridge pit so we've got to try and fix it or perhaps cross the water going slowly i don't know let's have a look so we've got a few nodes on there i think it's another one where we're using obviously the water physics in the game so i'm sort of thinking we want to do some sort of like a curve so as this thing slowly sinks the car should stay reasonably flat we can rest against those as well let's just see if we can actually rest oh yeah we can actually rest okay that's cool i'm sort of thinking now i've got to hear wood won't stretch but steel has the same weight as wood as long as you use the same number of nodes so if we do that sort of thing we're sort of making the most of the long pieces without adding too much weight because obviously the more weight we add the faster it's going to sink oh but that's really just flopped straight into the water there yeah i think we're gonna have to build this a lot steeper then so i'm thinking we probably need to be like that sort of height and then we probably want to go like really steep do we that seems too steep to me but uh let's let's try that and i assume that gravity will be working this direction so i probably want to be going like that sort of shape with it all right let's try that and see how it works oh my god oh my god oh i thought i did that then right so the start was so good like look how smooth that is we've just gotta i think just ramp up at the end then all right let's try that i've tweaked the end a little bit so the f so smooth ready oh he's on the wood get some grip get some grip oh no can i build anything this oh no i can't build anything there can you see these are dotted lines that means if you build anything they'll just pull straight through okay what if we add more road i think we just want to make the ramp slightly longer that should give the whole thing oh god yeah that's that's not as good that is not a sketch we might need some reinforced row down the middle oh yeah yeah okay that's good that's good right longer ramp no okay we might need longer ramp again which probably means we'll need more reinforced road all right there we go there we go we are sorted oh no the bloody the blimp hit it i think we're too long oh there you go just about skimmed the blimp car did a backflip and it's dead this could be shaved a lot to make it cheaper but i just want to get over there first yes no i was so close right okay we might have to think about because we come down it's so smooth but i think we probably want to be a little bit higher now annoyingly that means making that one steel so we can move it slightly because if the ramp's not as steep at the end then we should be going faster all right how about that then we don't hit the blimp it's so smooth coming on and the jump oh he made it he made it but we've got a break we've got a break i can't have a break i'm sorry it's just the way i work so that bit is getting annihilated i wonder if it's because that's moving what if we just all i've done though is just add that piece would that help i'm just worried that node was moving maybe oh it still breaks it still breaks all right how about then we try and do this in like two sort of structures what if we do that oh yeah that's better that worked oh no yes yes yes all right we did it we did it 46 grand that is terrible if i'm honest but to be fair surely we get style points for a front flip anyway let's go to the gallery and see how other people got on oh there's only three solutions and the first one is 4 000 quid okay this is a cheese what the heck what even happened there i don't know what i saw i know that i just saw cheese somehow it gets like a super boost it's going so quick at the start hey look how fast it was there must be like a load of springs or something uh but it's got brakes anyway so it doesn't even count alright this one holy crap it's like the super super cheap version of mine 24 grand that's like half the price of mine and then this one which is very white for some reason pretty much identical to mine not just in terms of looks but in terms of price as well yeah so if i just look at my price there 46 116 and that one was 46 956. so yes we're not bottom which means we can move on to the next level right water physics tipping point there's no use in crying over spilled truck no that doesn't seem right oh god what is going to happen here then so we've got a u-shaped glass i guess that is with a block under there so what actually happens okay i think we need to like add weight to this side to make the glass tip like into the water so let's try that then i'm sort of thinking if we go make like a crane arm and we can add a little rope and we can put all of our weight down here all right let's first then just see if that does anything oh it drops i forgot it drops okay we might have to make this a bit more hench oh god it really drops oh we don't have any balls like as in not balls as in i mean we don't have any like rope or cable okay my weight might be too heavy we add another arm i don't really care about price i just want to get it done and then we can trim later if we need to all right now obviously the wood is collapsing of course right fine game fine i think the ball on a chain was a bit silly anyway okay so that isn't tipping it maybe when the truck hits oh yes yes but i think the truck's gonna drown the truck drowned okay what if i just try that there you go there you go it's tipping right there's no way in hell that the truck can get around that corner without some road so i think we're gonna have to put some road in just like to get him around oh thankfully i can actually build through the cup so that's good so what if we make this nice and smooth we can go right under that just like a curve like that let's just connect this up we're probably going to have to truss over the top to keep it rigid yes let's try oh god oh there's so much force right i can probably get rid of this arm to be fair i think just the truck driving around should make the glass tip i'm just worried how the hell am i gonna stop that breaking without any springs and i wonder actually is it worth checking so we know this one we can build road through it have they been cheeky oh you right that changes the game completely can you see this bit of road it can't go through there which means we can actually use this block to our advantage i mean like just doing that will probably do something because it stops the input oh god it it rolls that way oh there you go there you go it's tipping back oh no okay so essentially i just need more weight on the right again if we use reinforced road i know that's the heaviest material so what if we do oh yeah look at that go look at that guy oh go on through the boat ah i'll tell you what i think if i just extend this road a bit just to make it a bit smoother or if we try that oh yeah it's getting speed now ready ready oh so close all right if we watch that on angle i'm pretty sure it's actually in front of the boat oh that's such a cool level i love that uh the only downside we didn't actually make it so i'm sort of thinking we might want to make like a jump at the end so if we like get to there say and then go back up a little bit maybe like that so what if we try that it's looking okay oh god it just it completely broke i tell you what then let's go back to what we had which was that and then maybe we can just build a ramp at the very end so if we do that i can then just do a line down there oh 9.9 meters let's make it 10. uh fill that in with wood and then i've just made like a dangling oh no it's gonna flip first though isn't it it flips the wrong way oh god oh that really cocked up some stuff all right so the top's flopping all over the place when we get down here oh it just it just makes a wall okay perhaps instead of the rope it might be worth just doing like a truss in between if i do it really small it should be cheap i think that whole truss thing needs to be a bit bigger yeah okay let's make the trusses bigger all right come on then this is gonna work this is gonna work no it didn't work all right come on game oh it's still broke stop breaking oh if we trust around the back as well so it should be strong right no what is going on with that still oh it's the boat it's the bloody boat behind it isn't it yes it's the boat oh okay so i literally can't build that end then oh actually i could i think i could get around the boat let's look at this straight on see if we build from the very end all right does that go around the boat oh it does almost perhaps actually do you think this is like ruining me it's going too fast i feel like i've got a lot of weight down this side now i think that could be the solution because look how much higher it is when we get to the ramp yes okay let's go back to building our road from there so will that work now i knew the test call would screw me over they always screw me over all right ready it broke i've added more support yeah that's but oh i still broke it still broke i've been tweaking this for ages i feel like maybe the boat's hitting it yeah that's it the bloody boat is hitting it again ah how about we try and not fall like until the boat has gone because if the boat's out the way we can do what we want at that end so oh god that nearly made it that nearly made it so i'm sort of thinking if we just sort of move this to different locations and it won't start tipping till the truck drives up oh actually i could have done it that's done it i've done it i've done it yes oh you don't know how long i spent on that bloody level uh but we're done we're done as cool of a level that is i am not ever pressing that up arrow because i did not enjoy that one bit well they're pretty satisfied now i've completed it yeah let's go to the gallery only two people have done this one i'm not surprised uh what's going on in there what is whoa so somehow they managed to do exactly what i did but with like four grand how much did i spend 17 anyway here's another one oh that one lets it drop and then drives up i'm guessing they just didn't realize the block underneath has special powers that uh don't interact with road which is a very sneaky level design thing if i didn't see that i'd still be doing it now all right moment of inertia there's nothing to brace against this time build evenly so you don't tip over but be aware the more weight you add the faster it sinks oh wow so we've literally got a sinking building and we've got to try and get these guys out oh god okay so sort of think if we do some sort of curved ramp upwards because i assume are you gonna be going slower speed is 10 what's the speed of u10 acceleration slightly different accelerations and very different masses okay so brace out i think we'll just go mental with a rope on this one and then over here i'm sort of thinking as it's going down we almost want to do the opposite oh god it's such a long way so i'm thinking as it should tip right right because the ambulance weighs more i don't know let's let's try that anyway and i'm sort of thinking if we just add a maybe one of those and then we can do rope to all of them and then we probably just want to do that to the node and i've just anchored that with this root so i don't know shall we let's try that for starters okay so it's sinking it is tipping left big time oh but now the ambulance is bringing it right oh oh so the ambulance straight onto the flag i actually didn't even realize the flag was there i was trying to do a jump over to them completely failed with in that regard but uh we landed spot on the flag so over this side then we just need a couple more pieces so add one for now maybe i want to raise the oh no it broke it broke okay what if i bring that forwards it's an ambulance spot on oh actually how close that was all right let's just raise these up a little bit all right ready ambulance spot on this moped yes we did it all right let's have a look in the gallery five solutions to this one oh most people just did a simple sort of trust thing what was that 11 grand how much was my oh yeah 29. yeah ropes are expensive but oh that was a clean solution you see that they're both just perfectly straight pretty much symmetrical yeah nice very cool levels and i didn't come last because this one came last think mainly because it was all steel sweet on to the final level it's a loop it's sinking be quick and thanks to powerfly for adding in well look up you'll see yep this was the level we looked at at the start with the tmc's logo on right so for this one hang on it was called loop the droop oh god it's a loop but it's sinking so basically we've got to do a loop because these need to get taken in order so because it's got a little hash symbol we've got to go that one that one and that one so we're gonna have to loop around those but i assume as we're attached to this we're gonna be sinking but we got 120 grand so first off let's try and see how low this is when the car gets there so it's about that height so let's just measure that with steel and i think we sort of want to head upwards that might be too steep all right let's see what that looks like to start oh god oh because we had more weight it goes higher every time oh i forgot about that so i almost can't really do this until i know how big the entire thing is going to be oh bollocks okay so the ramp angle was pretty good i think we need to like just go for it all right so i'm sort of thinking that we'll do like a crazy spiral to the middle okay so if we watch now we've got the weight we're like twice as low as we need to be so that needs to go way up so is that any better oh good stuff oh that wasn't bad that wasn't bad let's just tweak this loop a bit oh yeah we know in there we've got to be over there we've got to be over there matt i'm going to tell you what though i'm going to need like a sort of rampy thing there i think adding this will make us tip back the other way oh okay so we got we got one start so if we can just do that stop it breaking oh that would work that would actually work we just need to get all the stars okay if we could get the first one i think we've done it yes yes oh okay what have we replaced i just added a little weight there now it's just a bit of dangling road literally yes ah too much too much right one two three and then we've just got to be way higher with this bottom so what if we do or if we try that one two three yes oh do you see how close that was right those two up please please let this work ready ready ready oh yes yes we did it campaign complete you can exhale now that's enough water for one day you can say that again that was brutal absolutely brutal let's have a look at the other designs oh i should have done that i should have done that they just braced at the bottom they braced at the bottom this one looks like half a horse oh wow okay that was quite a cool one i'll give it that that one's pretty similar to mine uh a lot more expensive actually mine's pretty good where'd i come i came third i came third this was the cheapest again using the nose at the bottom very sneaky right anyway guys if you can go and donate to team c's let's do our best to try and save the planet for future generations a really good cause so if you can't afford it it would be super appreciated from one engineer to another uh thanks to lazy comet for making this campaign and powerfly for making the logo for this level very cool but for me peace love and clearing plastic out the sea catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 360,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 2 engineer, real civil engineer, engineer poly bridge, poly bridge 2 hack, polybridge 2 real engineer, polybridge real engineer, architect plays poly bridge 2, engineer plays poly bridge 2, over engineered poly bridge, poly bridge 2 challenge mode, poly bridge 2 tension, tension bridge poly bridge 2, poly bridge 2, polybridge 2, pb2, teamseas
Id: NxdxOk6epiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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