Unleashing the POWER of the ROPE MUSCLE!! Challenge Mode in Poly Bridge 2!

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hello fellow engineers we are back in the challenge mode illuminati and we we got quite far the last couple of videos on this we're still on world one we got two levels left so 115 hydraulic management i feel like the last few levels like the first level absolutely brutal since then i kind of did all right i'm a bit scared of this one because it has the word hydraulic in it but having a look at this challenge no hydraulics so essentially the challenge mode they made it easier awesome thank you challenge mode i may have spoke too soon calling it easy i just wanted to say a massive thank you to audible for sponsoring today's video so i've been using them for years like every day my commute to work back when i used to go to the office i had to fire up the old audible app and uh listen to a book cause i'm not much of a reader especially like on public transport like i get a bit queasy trying to read but uh listening is the new reading trust me so with your audible membership you get access to a range of like free to listen stuff but also you get a credit every month which you can use to download a premium item and that's yours to keep forever yeah so my first ever audio book i listened to on audible was the girl on the train and like i uh i was very surprised like it's got like full-on actors and actresses like i was literally so impressed and then the film came out and the film was a bit meh audiobook way better like i'm i feel like i'm one of those people that's like yeah books books are better than films so if that sounds of interest you visit audible.com forward slash real civil engineer or text real civil engineer to 500-500 where you can get a 30-day free trial and you can support my channel yay right what we're doing why am i doing that down there right so this sports car got to end up up there so first thing would be do that bridge so you fill that in but i'm going to go underneath because i think well i think it should that will go across that should be fine now i gotta think are these different speeds six six six but that one's got more acceleration like is this i don't know is this cheating i want to try something let's just do that for now and just see how fast he goes he went pretty quick i don't know how much of a jump we could get away because that was going quick as well like i do think this is probably the way and then you probably just make that a bit of a road so when he falls down he gets deflected this way not down there i'm gonna make that as big as a jump as i can oh nice that's easy i think this bit of road might break oh oh no that worked so i assume this one will work unless he is going to go a little bit faster as he started further back bollax yeah damn it okay i might just be able to like squish these up a bit so that might just make them a little bit stronger i could probably just keep going back with these i may as well do the biggest jump that i can they're so smooth i love it all right how's this one looking oh that's quite a heavy landing that i assume if i did that they would just fall to their death those blue cars let's have a look ready yeah okay so i do i definitely do need to do that balls right i might be able to do that and just strengthen by doing that because that should stop this breaking a bit not a lot it's got to do something oh no it's still very much broke maybe i don't know can i make it would taller be better i'm just thinking it might slow it down i've seen this is like the best method oh that was nice little butt slide down there basically my mum once told me if i were born a female my name would have been sarah thankfully i was born a male and my name is not sarah all right okay so that worked that was awesome let's uh let's reduce some cost i think we can bring those up well i should probably turn the stress on as well oh that is pretty damn good though i'm quite impressed with myself but oh everyone's calling me sarah now didn't see that one coming i don't know if i can do much better top 17 how the hell am i meant to make this that much cheaper i could try getting rid of that now but i think that's just gonna break oh i know it worked oh as long as this one works that's way cheaper oh sick yes ah top 13 we're getting there to well i think i said last time top 15 was my aim because a lot less people are trying these levels yeah only 8 000 people i think that's sort of in my range stop calling me sarah you're bastards real sarah engineer you knobs sorry probably some crew knobs but yeah whatever let's have a look in the gallery let's see what everyone else is doing i am very intrigued by this one what's that hey how did you get springs i thought we weren't allowed spring oh this is a cheating one isn't it spiro very naughty hey top 15 percent i meant percent i am not capable of top 15 in anything i did it once i got top 10 in a level once before many people tried it that's the key do it early all right let's sort this by budget then so let's have a look at the cheese solutions dangling road you naughty people little flap essentially that's what i did but like using a bit of a cheesy solution rather than my truss okay let's have a look at like one that's actually a bridge oh okay that's pretty that's pretty clever how the hell did that go up there hang on play that again was that oh there was road up there and it dropped ah i should always think about that because if i dropped i wouldn't have needed that bit cheeky spirey i'm sorry but there's a guy at work called spiru exactly the same spelling is yours so you sure it isn't spiro i'm going to keep saying spiro because i've worked them for bloody ages all right we're going to the last page so these are the most expensive levels we've already looked at that one absolute carnage what is it it looks like a bloody stocking or sock or something i'm intrigued by this but again it's cheating stop cheating you're not allowed all the springs and hydraulics that's very annoying as cool as it looks cheating that is cool though let's play that again it's like i don't know it's like a brain a yellow brain all right let's have a look at this this is tetsu yamamon yamamon yamamon so i think that was just two bridges and the top one disappeared so what happened yeah kind of kind of looks like a stapler anyone else seeing that or just me or like a half open burger with a triangle of cheese coming out for some reason these middle ones i can never full screen them very annoying that's like a seesaw that's quite a cool idea like it let's have a look at this oh so this one drops and it just uses brute force to try and take the impact so you got full bridge bang just lay out with road and as long as one survives you're all good right let's go on to the next level because that was too easy oh god large bridge so this is the final level of world one large bridge and the challenge is there's no steel that is quite a span that how far is that 24 meters let's turn the old grid back on for this do i start with non-reinforced road i feel like reinforced road isn't always the best way of doing these levels i'm almost thinking tension might be the way or it's a massive arch i don't know what should i do oh god everyone's saying tension so that means people have probably played this game and they know tension is impossible but let's try what's the worst that's going to happen right so i never put one there i always put on there and then slowly make them bigger so copy that to the other side and then just copy these and i think what we might have to do on this one is do the old really low bit as well but we'll see we'll see what budget's like because it doesn't look great 47 grand this is going to add up in no time actually that's pretty cheap all right so this is my sort of go-to tension design i've used it quite a lot in poly bridge whether this will work i don't know i'm going to turn yeah i'm going to leave the stress on for now oh yeah it doesn't even hold itself i did kind of suspect that might be the dealio so let's do this sort of thing so if i can kind of get these in a straight line that would be best but i think that's a bit too low to be honest i will see what that does it's a lot better but it's going to break as soon as we get some weight i'm guessing even lowering that isn't going to help anyone yeah those bits are still super not happy so we might have to oh we could i guess we could if we make that word we should be able to rope between those and i think don't hold me to this i think that should be a bit better in terms of like less stress just because it's more of like a straight line yeah so not as red up there but it's still gonna break that is for sure i could do a muscle a rope muscle he said it couldn't be done but then it was done it's a rope muscle i should probably do the next one as well yeah and in case you don't know right muscles they're just well all muscles they're just a way of like doubling the amount of stress you can put through a beam because essentially we've turned one beam into two or one piece of rope into two pieces of rope so all the force that was coming along there like pulling that apart there's now two of them so obviously they can well they should be able to take like twice as much force essentially so is that any better okay that was looking good i'm gonna copy the muscles to the other side and it might just be a case of you might have to do these long ones with muscles as well because yeah that one especially is pretty red yes the bit of wood in the middle is because that's going to be getting like crushed so if you put rope in there it's not really well it's going to keep that shape because if you have wood it's cheaper than rape as well i think yeah cheaper and it's in compression which is what wood wants to be in in this game alright ready so that looks like i haven't drawn these symmetrically but it might be okay oh that's going red yes yes so tension works i'm an apprentice engineer i've started my career again ah tension gotta love some tension so top 17 percent as well that's not too bad i said we're gonna aim for top 15 percent let's uh let's get back in here let's watch this we did have the stress on let's see where can we save some oh god oh god hmm okay this might be a bit more difficult than i thought it would be to shave let's have a look at these triangles i'm going to try doing that because i know it's going to be cheaper and it is just about strong enough yes okay i'm guessing these ones that's probably too far i think i could get away with making these ones smaller but not those ones or maybe okay i'm talking rubbish i can't actually move them any higher the other thing i can do which will be quite a big saving i don't really know how to do it without cocking everything up is like move these points in because all the rope and everything is connected to that and if i move like say for example move this down a bit that's made all the ropes shorter i'm gonna try and move these ones in slightly this could be where it all goes wrong so these were bright red oh god oh they're bright red but they're good i don't like this oh i made it i'm gonna guess the uh the stress was pretty high yeah 99 oh but we made top 12 percent awesome so that's good enough for me i'm not going to try any further but let's have a look at the old gallery all right so i'm going to sort this by budget again by budget again listen to me right hand oh look we've got some tension for the top designs i assume this one doesn't show you what the design is but it looks like a bit of a patient of a saint sort of technique so yeah i won't bother watching that one but the next one 12 and a half grand oh a very very dangly tension bridge yes that's the same but it's a bit bigger a bit taller call there's a lot of movement in there banana bridge they are banana bridges aren't they all right let's have a look at this wow that's nice like i'm surprised how cheap that is if i'm honest and we got an arch so i nearly went with an arch looks like i would have had to use muscles well this is go saigon as well there's a lot of banana ridge on these i'm surprised they all go up first not entirely sure why but i'm not really a man of dangly bridges so cool right let's have a look at the the best page the final page what the actual crap is going on there it's a working bridge we've got a diamond dong thing going on that's the only way i can describe it there's a lot of schlong going on there there's a lot of schlong in all of these ones it's almost like people knew you i'd look at the most expensive bridges and prepared was i don't think that's meant to be dong shaped but it is quite donk shaped like literally i'm not even sure if that was intended for me to watch or is it literally just a coincidence it's just a normal bridge and i'm just seeing that in that shape either way a lot of steel did we no we didn't have steel so this is another cheating one same well oh that was kind of gross the steel dangler we shall call that one it was oh is there dates on them 22nd of july okay so that's literally me being gross or maybe when do i start my channel i think i started my channel in june maybe he thought this guy the guy that loves drawing dick bridges one day he'll get big and he will come see this replay he's one step ahead good work sabor that must have been it right well look at look at the like seriously like look at the name that can't be a coincidence the name cannot be a coincidence what's going on what is going on what have i turned the polybridge community into that was my first choice of my channel actually but it was already taken so real several engineer here we are ow why tooky why uh we should probably look at that one because golden piggy nice the five falling dong bridge oh and a sixth i do really want to look at that though look at that arch that is a nice arch fair play it's like a proper it's almost a semi circle right we are going on to next level and it's the next world we're on world two back in oh was oh there is the glowing gorge right so world to the glowing gorge first level is called unity i never don't recognize that name uh so the challenge is the model t must come back so this is the model t okay yeah okay i remember this one so we had this pickup truck that goes over there over there and then is there oh there's no hydraulics maybe i literally don't remember this level very strange let's build a line fill it with road and make that a bridge always a good start can't go wrong with that in this game and actually you can go wrong by building a bridge first in this game it's often not the most sensible solution surprising for a game like poly bridge right so he goes up there and i assume he just goes all the way across yep okay so we'll build that bit of the bridge and what sort of bridge design shall we do over here let's just do let's keep it simple we'll just do a normal truss why am i going down i should go over i want to go down i don't feel like a truss will work i see anything i'm going to try it let's turn the grid on we'll just do proper old school boring truss just because well you don't really see many of these in the game being useful i am quite intrigued to see if it will actually work it turn well let's leave stress on just for this okay so we nearly made it but you didn't quite we're going to turn the stress off from now on and the grid off so just to get over that i'm going to raise those a little bit and lower these edge ones just because that looks quite pleasing doesn't it i think that should work don't hold me to that so now we just think how the hell does this come i think in the original one you sort of build a bridge and he just drops off hopefully without destroying that bridge but we've got to get back and thankfully we have springs so what i'm thinking let's just have a look how tall okay so he's actually bloody tall sweet that truss works lee so that's good that's gonna be carnage bonk okay so i think we want to start like there somewhere so he's going to plop off onto that i think we're going to want some sort of like cat flap sort of design i just want to get this model t nice and smooth yes that's new in it okay so that's good that was pretty good actually the question is where do we flap i think over here would be safest right okay i'm thinking how do i flap the cap maybe if i just do a bit of road i'm scared he's gonna hit that i'm gonna have to raise that up i don't think he's gonna be able to drive up there it's the only other thing as well but that should be a joint so that should should so i think it's kind of working i might just need a few bits of reinforcement so that should help with the old force of trying to poke that up oh god oh and that one so that i tried to be a bit clever there i didn't think we'd need like a brace across there but if you look as this is getting pulled like this is meant to be our hinge so our hinge has to be strong so putting that in should help it i'm not going to say it's going to fix it because it it definitely isn't going to fix it i think the other thing as well we're kind of hitting the joint a bit too high so we might want to move everything back because i don't even know if this has the strength to lift this up so i'm going to replace stuff as it breaks with steel i don't really know what's going to break to be honest because well as we know as soon as movement is involved my head says no right so at least we're here now we can see do we have the strength to lift that up and is it going to die as it gets dropped yes of course it is of course it is is that any better okay so that's a bit better we can at least see now that should get down fine but will it get back up because if it can't we're in trouble it does look like quite a step or okay that's fine but that one oh no god yes yes oh okay so it works the old stress is quite high 99.8 definitely some savings we can do and generally the best way to like save money i found on like levels like these where there's movement the spring the lovely spring question is where do you spring i'm gonna guess i can make those pretty small and put a spring in there it's how much cheaper is a spring it's a hell of a lot cheaper so i'm thinking force as that comes so maybe that one ideally i want everything as wood and just springs everywhere that needs it hey look at that i don't even think we need that one as a spring you know i've literally just made the top flappy bit okay i do need that on the spring see there is a reason why i do stuff sometimes that didn't go to plan my flat fell down so i think to get over that this probably just needs to be a bit i think if i get that nice and high oh there you go sorted next thing then we can make this right side much cheaper but let's just wait to see if we can get up first yes ah go on go on good bridge top 11 i do want to go a little bit further though just because i didn't even touch this side all right how red does it go it goes pretty red actually maybe i can't do a lot i can definitely bring those down though maybe those ones that might be a bit dodgy that looks nice and even i think that's the key with these get it a bit even all right that's pretty good anything i can do in here could i remove any part i don't know if i don't know if that's doing anything okay that might be where i draw the line on this level nice oh god oh good all right i think we're good i do think we are good come on come on come on come on yes right where's our final place top eight percent i would say oh look how close i am to top 500. so no i'm not doing it i'm not doing it i do this every time i'm like oh next next milestone let's go in the gallery let's have a look in the gallery right so this is budget this is the cheapest one and it's a lot of dangling stuff which annoys me what else would it be well i'm surprised you need a bit of road along there are they all like that no so the top two are but that's kind of what i expected dangling roads everywhere but not there all right let's have a look at the first free play that isn't dangling right oh no there's dangling road there that one yes no dangling road in this one my god how did he do that he's got like three bits of wood and it holds the whole thing up fair play that's awesome alex mourinho five to four that's like extreme trip like look at that although i tried to do that shape so that means i'm clever too right yes that was chat talking in the high-pitched voice by the way all right we're going to the expensive ones because they are fun i know there's probably going to be a dick because the chat loves the dick or maybe there isn't it doesn't look like there is oh first person again first person through a cat flap that's awesome not gonna lie ah the flag gets you right in the face though annoyingly i can't full screen the middle replay ever not sure why but that looks like some crazy catapult and like that car has a ramp on it what is going on and a spring cannon at the end what i would have loved to see you made that one and actually what happened in detail but i can't so what's this this is like pretty what i did identically just more expensive but yeah nice one guys take it easy and i will catch you next time peace love and bridges
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 840,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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