Using the STRONGEST SHAPE in the game to complete these INFINITE BUDGET custom levels!

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hello fellow engineers so what'd i say we're doing we're doing some more infinite budget i have not played polybridge like properly in the longest time i probably haven't played it like properly in a month maybe so i need to like get my brain back into gear get back into the poly bridge mode and sort of remember how the game works but i'm too scared to do that right now so for now we're just gonna do whatever i was gonna do which is the infinite budget because they're easy because you can just build your way out all right so we've got here we got monster truck hydraulic monster truck then two hydraulics another monster truck oh god bloody hydraulics so a go straight oh there's nothing there's no planes or boats or anything so that goes straight across that's got to go up so basically i just need to build something that rotates about the middle is it yeah i think that should be quite easy i think he says famous last words yeah so let's fill this in all right so we've got a point in the middle so that is good i'm gonna i think i'm gonna do what i did last time which was like do an arch and i'm gonna hang it from here as well so i think that should be fine so we'll do an arch with i think i do want to go up a bit actually we'll just go from there so let me let me draw that again see there to that yeah i think that's better so i'm gonna do just steal i'm gonna go to where these points are just one there one there and then i'm just gonna trust it up so we'll go in between i'll do another wall brace as well [Music] just to double up look how janky that is damn grid go away grid we'll just curve these up a bit not too curvy we don't want to go architecturally nice and we'll mirror that shove you over there right so that should hold i think it won't hold the road obviously until i do a truss we'll put the truss in now the other thing i don't really know how strong this needs to be because that's quite a long distance i imagine they're quite heavy 14 polygrams let's fill them i'll just i'll just copy and paste save a bit of time bike boy right so let's just see firstly does that hold what's going up okay yeah that's good that should be all the strength we need then sweet so i think we have there's two hydraulic phases so if i just get one essentially just gotta push this up high enough now that meets that so that needs to be a split joint i think all of these will need to be i don't know actually it might not oh it's definitely not going to reach yeah i don't i don't i won't do those split joints so the question is how do i actually get it up there how far is it four meters i don't think that's going to be far enough let's just try i think i'm going to have to put one of those little triangle bits on just so i can get that a bit higher have a look idiot helps if you uh hang on why didn't that work why didn't you work hmm why didn't that work i actually do not know i slow it right down once he gets across oh interesting for some reason when it moves it doesn't have the strength how random oh i know why it's because yeah idiot it's because the strength is like into the anchor joints you know i mean i'm thinking actually this might be a bit stupid but just because it seems like an easy way out let's copy this up to there and we'll just connect this up because we've got infinite budget we can do what we want there are no rules tonight what if we dangle wait is that going to work i'm so bad at hydraulics oh if it didn't have to see-saw it would be quite easy i think actually i'm just going to double truss it you can't go wrong with a double truss i'm just going to leave that arch there because it looks cool ah good thing though it appears to support itself because obviously these unlocked and the bridge didn't fall so that's good all right let's see how high this goes and if it snaps it shouldn't snap yeah that's not high enough would you reckon hydraulic muscle down here if that shrinks they expand that should go super high oh that's a bit better that's a little bit too high i wonder if i can just change the middle let's see oh it's quite a drop isn't it i wonder whether i could attach a little bit of a it's a bit sneaky but a little bit of a trust just on the end cause that should be fine right that's not interfering with anything i probably won't do the same on this end how long let's just let's just do that bung that there and then hopefully there's well there's no drop he says probably will be a drop i still don't know why i have the double rainbow either so where's that going to go see oh what happened what happened i touched the ground see ya yeah so downside with that you can't be too long because you're gonna hit the ground my main concern though is i'm not sure how to get it back up we can get it to the middle but we're not gonna be able to get it down from this side so i might have to do this sort of hydraulic thing over here and then do a weird sort of detaching thing so i can make this one detach and this one attach oh you mother i reckon a little bit i might make that a little bit shorter as well maybe to there to increase let's do 45. no 42 we learned from one of my very first i think it was polly bridge one video if anyone saw that 42 is always the answer and that is a hitchhiker's guide reference as well right ready [Music] what's a bit of a step yeah okay all right it was 45 bloody 42 right come on oh it's that back wheel i'm just going to keep going until it's like not even a step it's just smooth i might have to shrink it a bit as well let's slow that down i could even lock it in you know let's see if that causes carnage oh it went high how's that gonna go ah you mother i'm gonna i'm gonna lock it in so if we have a look at this that should be pretty close oh a little bit higher lock yes so yeah if i just mirror that end now it should make this side because yeah that's going to break so we'll delete that we'll make you a joint lock you in copy that so what i'm thinking for the next bit this is a bit it's a bit it's a bit but we'll copy this over to here we'll make that a joint and we'll use a little sneaky bit in there just to hold it in place we'll make that joint as well they want to be ones the bottom one to be twos okay and the hydraulic controller the first one we don't want these hydraulics to go and we don't want that to disconnect hang on we need to make this a joint as well and i could make this not a one use bridge by doing a little triangle here should i do that is that just a bit pointless it is pointless but i think i want to do it so all right so i got a little lock there as well now i'm going to change that one actually okay i think we're nearly there for shits and giggles right hydraulic controller then we don't want to disconnect but we do want to disconnect that the corners don't matter this side we want that to disconnect we don't want that to disconnect so i think that's good phase one sorted all right so d this is when the bridge is up there at this angle so you want that to disconnect you want that to disconnect i don't want that to do anything don't want to disconnect that that isn't a thing so we won't want that side to disconnect but we will want all of those to go that shouldn't be a thing right so that should bring it down to the beginning all right it's a final phase this is where you want the right side to go up so we want that's disconnect we don't want that to disconnect but we want all those to go and this side i think that should not disconnect but that one should and hydraulics don't go let's play this do we think this is going to work i reckon i wouldn't bet my house on it but i'm quietly confident i think this rainbow at the top is why it works right ready [Music] come on that's looking good lock oh the top didn't lock the top didn't lock it seems to be okay seems to be okay [Music] oh yes come on will we go back to normal [Music] hmm that nearly worked i'm gonna slow it right down though just so we can focus on so for some reason that looks was it that one that locked in maybe nothing locked in over there let's try and keep an eye on what's going on so coming down [Music] is that gonna lock is that gonna unlock so that look that didn't look that's very annoying i think the trouble is all the split joints added a bit of weight so it didn't work as well as it did originally hey that's not locking anymore i think it's literally just because it's a bit too heavy the trouble is i can't make this point lower because it collides with another node but what i could do actually i could move that to the side [Music] yes yes yes yes just lots of yes we can move it to there and just rotate that a bit so of course i'm going to completely bodge this yeah so what i'm thinking we can now move this a bit lower oh no that isn't going to work nothing is going to work oh unless this could work this is very dodgy if you use springs and what i'm thinking the springs will just push that down oh actually i didn't do my hydraulic controller right will the spring thing work no so what i want to do i want to make these a little bit stretched yes yes i know but now it's on a spring damn it all right we're gonna have to watch that again just because i wasn't really expecting that to happen all right let's just see what works and what doesn't work look look oh it hits oh someone said that didn't they they said it's gonna hit the dump truck this is taking me a lot longer than i thought it would not you get any sort of movement and i panic there you go so that's connected now so it shouldn't touch him but will he make that gap that's quite a gap oh but i know i have fixed it i know what i'm doing ha [Music] so we're going up to there check this out ready i am a cheeky i'm gonna rotate that to meet that line like that i believe we're gonna make a little triangle down there we're gonna keep all of those attached lock and delete that cable i reckon that might work oh but no no we're gonna have to sort that the springs and i reckon to fix the springs it might just be a case of adding another one worth a try so let's have a go middle sorted top sorted slow it down is this dodgy ass bit gonna work oh what the wait what happened oh i didn't connect i didn't stretch it you've gotta stretch it right ready ready please lock yes yes i am worried about that i am very worried about that oh it's getting lower it's getting lower you mother the other sort of thing i could do rather than springs i could be very cheeky i could make these hydraulics and i could make them extend by like the smallest amount just to make up for the very slight not going back to the same point so that's kind of doing what the springs were doing but i probably cocked up because i didn't really look at the hydraulic controller mother all right so it needs to go higher not lower so that should be that way around oh have i not turned on those hydraulics yeah that bloody hell matt come on pay attention man all right let's lay this down slow this down so it locks in and goes up but it all goes a bit wrong why is it all going a bit wrong all right let's see if this works first because that should just go a bit higher it's wiggling all over the place why is that joint wiggling but probably only a british thing are locked in at least i could wiggle oh [Music] oh you mother this even worked this end worked it's just this end all right turn the green off go away green it's working it's working it's over it's over ah thank goodness yep that's the story of my polybridge career so far not a clue how i got that to work but it worked i look at literally every design is like clean apart from mine let's start well let's start with the most expensive one let's see what we could have fragmented look at those hydraulics what is this going to do whoa okay he wasn't expecting that i'm gonna lie whoa and they did something different [Music] wow how the hell did you do so little bridge oh mate seriously oh that's like so simple i've seen that's holding there's a cable there is there that's pretty good that i like that you did the little stubby bits of road like i did as well nice i'm trying to like be like yeah i'm as clever we did the same thing that's really really good let's have a look at this ah golden piggy whoa it's like wow okay it's what it's weird it looks more complicated than it is oh we got some tension going on here why can't i make that full screen what why can't i make that one full screen okay we're gonna have to view that one tiny what's gonna happen i did in the middle with cables that's a good idea [Music] cool all right they were there oh what what is this one i've seen that's basically mine but a bit different yeah decent all right i'm just terrible there looks like there's dangling road in that one powerfly you know better than that oh and it drops is this all going to drop yep cooled it love it see can i just do this can i just sit here and talk through replays do i have to play the game because i'm useless absolutely useless all right let's go into the next level oh god we got the big that's not right they're going through the bloody map i kind of want to see that i know he goes first balls that's what happens so he goes then the boats go i just wonder should i just go mental question i don't know how close you can get like will that clash trouble is gonna have to build a whole bridge before i can find out all right let's let's build this and we're gonna build something huge and hopefully it'll work i assume i can't connect to that node because it will get hit by the boat i want to build something but i'm just not sure how big i can build these i have built a few big ones before but that should be quite strong i think did you say two people have completed this that's mad maybe it's not because it's hard maybe it's because it's boring or something but uh i figured i'd try and complete this in the rce way uh do i just do i should be doing straight up really i'm pissing out cause you said it was hard i'm going back to what i was gonna do all right straight up to about yeah about there that is going to be like a mini series on my channel can you complete every level by using the strongest shape in the game i reckon it's going to be a yes nice guessing there i'm just going to copy this to make sure it's symmetrical to me i'm going to have to tie the balls together so weird [Music] oh if i add a bit of support down there all right we'll try that we'll copy that to the other side i don't know if that will make much of a difference oh it did it did yes okay i'm gonna what's the best way of doing that i could just stop it rocking by doing that [Music] oh the end lifts up a bit [Music] all that work please yes just okay so now i'm wondering can i add hydraulics to this assuming it doesn't touch anywhere i assume he's got to go to that one and that's got to get over so i could just modify my ball is he going to stop there didn't even get across oh no the bridge is moving under him he pulled the rug out so if he didn't get stuck would that have worked see or do i need to build over right assuming this will make it i think the carpet is going to get ripped out again annoyingly now it's never gonna make it is it because that's gonna stop there oh okay so what i'm thinking what am i thinking i am thinking do we we do have hydraulics oh the hydraulic phase is there so that's not actually helpful i am not entirely sure what the best solution is this is a new polybridge technique for me i can't remember how far back the back wheel was i feel like i don't want to go too close or do i just want to push the front one we'll have a look he got up let's see where this one stops if his back wheel is on there oh seriously [Music] i'm gonna i'm gonna trust this up just to stop it folding up because that's really annoying it's gonna be the jankiest trust we've ever seen but we're speed building i think that should stay there then assuming it's not now too heavy do i need to build that closer maybe oh the whole dick is moving ah he's gonna fall down no he isn't he's gonna make it yes all right how is this gonna work [Music] they're moving they're moving yes no don't make me come down there don't make me come down there i know the road the road the road got ejected he is still moving first little car that's so close that's at 300 speed ah that was so close that was really strange how the road got ejected up all right we just need the same thing as last time believe have the power that's it go on go on oh yes we did it we did it hopefully i won best replay award all right let's see the other replays there are only two oh no there are three because one isn't mine we'll start at the highest price which is this one golden piggy oh that was sneaky you see a little ramp at the end [Music] not entirely sure oh so everyone just did pushing on road hmm okay [Music] i love that like you kind of you did the shaft and the bell end you missed the balls though like where's the balls and then this one which i assume is crimson yeah yeah my bridge seems like such overkill now compared to that but it was a dick so so is it just a similar push to mine yeah it was that it was definitely that art pill bit of road that made it possible sweet well that was fun well was it fun i guess it was fun i did a dick that's pretty good for me i'm just gonna have a little sneaky peek at the next level oh what are you mad what is going on here boats on top of boats boats on the ground things in the middle oh god we'll leave it there guys let's go back to main mini thanks for joining me yeah peace love and bridges yeah nice one guys take it easy you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 803,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polybridge
Id: kP7vjm1JK7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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