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this video is funded by the patreons thank you patrons for allowing me to hire an editor and add to my schedule schedule schedule anyway hello fellow engineers welcome to balance city balance city is a perfectly balanced game no this isn't a spiffing brit video ladies and gentlemen yorkshire tea oh god i'm gonna get roasted but i'm gonna get roasted edit that ouch mike edit that house all right so what is balance city it's a city builder of sorts uh i actually don't know haven't played this let's uh what should we do free build let's do free boat we're gonna go in free build hey there's a little man oh he's bald he's got green hair is that green hair or that pencil oh i didn't i was too busy looking at the green blob i didn't see what he said what did he say here's a pigeon we will call you peter peter the pigeon right so the idea with this game is you've got to build a city on a very precariously placed platform so you've got to watch the balance you can't build too much on one side or uh we will fall off oh where the peter go god damn it show you guys that i've lost peter peter he's gone can we get a like on the video for peter or peter the pigeon anyway so we've got to build we've got to build a city we've got to build up at the moment this is our city limit with the word limit clearly displaying a height limit to up that we've got to get our population to above 250 at the moment we've got no one so to start off with we're going to build some houses an apartment so i'm gonna pop one over there and plop one over there so we've got we've got two sort of towers going on i'm gonna go as high as we can right so we've got four high on either side you can see by our handy yellow plug socket indicator we've got no power so i can come up to this one and build a carbon power plant i can wang that in the middle i'm gonna make it drop boosh alright so that's now powering our apartment blocks but uh people still are moving in can you see there's that strange symbol it's not a petrol pump believe it or not it's actually a computer on a desk and a little man sitting on a chair because they have no jobs so if we come up to this one office we can make some offices so again i'm going to the top what does this little dude want i can build our own house now i think the first population limit was actually one so now we can build our special building this is our house oh look at that i'm gonna bung on the edge because i want a really nice view oh god that was a bit of a wiggle so now you can see the sky limit has moved up it's up here when we unlock our next special building at 250 pop population that is you can see at the moment our approval rating is only 63 not very good that's because residents they're getting a bit they're in range of this smoggy power plant that's what they want they want trees this increases citizen happiness happiness with a y love it so what you want to do you want to plop some trees down and uh can you see like again like plants and stuff so the more trees we plopped out the happier they become especially if the trees end up upside down but yeah they're happy now these guys not so much so we'll there you go smartening the place up approval rating 100 they can't believe how many trees there are they are loving life now we can also use this one a green terrace that allows us to like put a platform for more trees but we don't need to worry about that yet can we make our house a bit nicer oh no there's pete came back but he's gone i'm gonna i'm gonna put our house in the woods because he doesn't want their own private woodland oh trees wait something trees weigh something no no no no oh i didn't realize oh i forgot the trees have a weight i thought they weighed nothing anyway let's just rebuild what we had quickly polix thankfully it was a very good layout so very simple to copy all right so as i as i would up my one i'm gonna would up over this side as well we're doing perfectly symmetrical city building all right so you can see here we don't we don't have power to this top apartment that's because we can only power 15 different blocks with each power plant so we're going to need another power plant so i'm gonna bung that in the middle boosh and why not another one boosh lovely jubbly and you can see we now don't have enough trees can you see these apartment buildings only the bottom ones have the flowers in so i think if we just build some more trees like bollocks it doesn't work so this is where the terrace comes in handy so we can put these on top little grassy platforms and it does nothing it does nothing i just made them a green hat that's all we can do we can build one of these a train station that increases population but it must be built on the ground so we'll bung one of these down we'll bung it over here oh god and the train comes out nice and i just goes across the bottom my population went up then and then we got this one here a road platform so this also increases population and serves as a building platform so i can shove that on top of these power plants then we've got a road then we can build from there upwards so if we want to extend this oh god oh god [Laughter] um yep so we might have an upside down road over here i'll think on this wrong already we can build a police station i think i'll wang that there now we've got a helicopter oh pete he's gone he's gone again a hospital i might put that on my house oh no and then you can see here our apartments are a bit stinky over here so i'm gonna i'm gonna do what i did on the other side shove that on top a few trees on top there you go perfect lovely oh god so we've got a fire we've got a fire so we need to build a fire station quickly uh i'm gonna shove that on under that road uh and i need to i need to click on this and say go put out the fire helicopter and now it's spurting all down there and we save the day we save the day it's fine people still have offices to go to it's all good all right so this last one military base this allows me to create some rockets not entirely sure why i want that but we might have to defend ourselves from urban threats look at that that's pretty cool in the meantime i'm gonna try and work out how i build on top of this bloody hell so let's try and build yeah i can up the old residential houses to the top i don't think i'm going to be able to people can live in those ones fine we've got every orientation you need if you're a hang left sort of guy you'll love it if you uh prefer to live on the right hand side of the room all good shove some of these under there right decent oh what was that protesters are marching through our city send police send police why do i need to send police for that he's like completely on his side he's like a turtle right police and he sprays him with pepper spray and now he's injured so i gotta send i gotta send the old police no the hospital ambulance so hospital ambulance picked him up after his pep sprayed all good and look pete's back oh we disturbed pete oh there's loads of him he's multiplied right so it's time to build some new offices i think so people want jobs we'll give them jobs of course we're gonna have some right orientated offices how have i cocked this up so badly so early a big earthquake is inevitable ah sheet alright we got a new posh building so we are crap oh no we lost we lost our hospital oh dear oh dear wow okay that didn't go great that earthquake destroyed me alright let's start again i know what we need for this we got we got pete back we just need the strongest shaped city don't we let's start with a power plant a power plant and we'll do offices there and there and let's see does this fit in the middle no bollocks all right i'm doing three wide of apartment buildings can do offices next to them and then i'm gonna use the bigger buildings to sort of hold them together it's gonna have that down one side and down the other side that out there that up there thank you all right we're still gonna shove our nice house on the end with a nice view yay fireworks yeah now we need some trees so we'll tree up down the middle i feel like we might need a lot of trees because there's four power plants uh okay they don't seem to be working uh hmm i don't know everyone's happy it just it just isn't showing it that's fine there's plenty of trees there all right so meanwhile we'll do the police down this side the hospital is that gonna fit there it's not gonna fit there is it hospital on top oh bollocks i'm not used to having this constraint when i'm building stuff [Music] put the train station there nice and then the hospital put that back in place on top of the train station yes and then fire station in that little gap yes okay that's good that's good uh we need more trees still then i'm not sure how this grass works so if i like lace the top of these in grass can i then build on top of that oh it looks like i can and then can i put trees on yes okay that's like that's how you do it that is how you do it oh look it turned into a big block i did not know it could do that that's cool all right in the meantime we can build our new special building so where shall we shove that can we shove that on there is that a bit risky i might do i'm gonna do a power plant over here first so i think the weight's shifting to the right so hopefully i'm scared hopefully if i do that bollocks we lost both of them all right we'll start with the small special building first and then it looks like our next one is just gonna have to go somewhere else i'm thinking maybe if i do it like there then we can fit some stuff underneath well we can put some stuff in there and then maybe get the next power plant on top let's put an office about there and then that on top yes cool let's try and get some more trees down oh we've got a fire so we gotta put that out go on firecopter squirt on there nice all right more trees sees no matter how many trees i put down we're not changing those ones tonight anyway we tried we did indeed try right so we need we need a 500 population to get our next special building so we're gonna have to up the old population so let's just keep building should we put a road on top of that oh yeah that's adopted can i just put loads of roads oh god oh no that's risky that's risky oh i know it says getting robbed quick i got to save him he's like gunpoint go on please chop up save the day i think we saved the day all right let's delete some of these roads whoa the cars went sorry put some grass down uh we've got to fire our power plant as well let's put that out spurt on that nice oh and down there police station's on fire quick quick get down there all right okay we gotta build this school i might just put that on the police station yes it worked it worked oh it's getting really wonky up here lopsided oh we got we got a robbery we got a robbery send the chopper go to the chopper there is the eye just wrote the blade straight through the criminal that's how you deal with them in this city oh god this is getting wonk now offices oh dear this is leaning back i need some structural support what's that control tap prevents plane oh we can build an airport i'm gonna build an airport to try and save this and then a control tower maybe i should shove that on top of it oh dear this has all gone wrong this is all the wrong right let's build a grass platform here and on this one the citizens want to build a statue of me sweet i think we'll build that on our house i can't think of a better position for it that's me we've got a fire oh god someone just got run over but that was horrible did you see that i think someone like jumped out the burning building and then got hit by a train but pete's back everything's fine pete pigeon is back all right so i was gonna do i was gonna start building on this put some grass on top some more trees oh and then more houses i don't know how these people get oh that where's that plane i forgot we're in the flight path now we're in the flight path oh god that is leaning more and more heat's buggered off he senses something bad's coming right what's happening with this plane just maybe it can't get to the airport anymore i might delete that let's delete that and that and i'll put the airport on here there you go and the control tower on that me an alien i don't know what the aliens are doing is that why i need the sam turret maybe we'll put that on there all right we'll keep an eye and see if this why is it military base we'll see if that shoots the aliens i'm not entirely sure though um one do i delete this i'm just it's really not good is it oh god it's a gunshot look pete's falling all the way down oh boosh boosh boosh boosh boosh all right i've just got to get it stable i feel like that tower is fine that's not too bad i just gotta sort this one out i think it was that bit of grass in there oh is that what it was that's all it was all right i'm going to try and build this a bit straighterly oh bollocks i forgot about the weight not again not again right so there's also these scenarios which are looks like real life cities so let's try i think london because we all know london is a very tall city oh god we're in the smog welcome to london please stop for a cup of tea all right so i think this is the same as what we're used to but i think our special buildings might be like london landmarks which is pretty cool all right can i get away with a hospital there and then police station over there ready police bollocks anarchy in the uk all right please station down this side yes and then train station down this side yes and now we've got our first special thing in this tower bridge sweet and even better i think we can actually build it like a bridge yes we've actually bridged if it does we've got to build some heavy stuff over this side just keep it balanced so can i squeeze a hospital there or that fall off oh so now that's close keep building our offices then a layer of grass and we're nearly out the fog we are nearly out the fog all right now we can build big ben oh look it's all it's quite slim i might shove big ben hang on someone's getting someone's getting robbed deal with him quickly right police i think fire truck fire station first i'll put that there i'm gonna add another power plant just for the weight and then big ben is gonna squeeze in that little gap i think and it might lean might lean to the right yeah but that's all good that's fine oh this is good i think as it's london and it's definitely london look how many pigeons there are that's awesome right so we could see with a rope maybe we can put a road there that looks pretty good and now we're all at like the same level nice so power plant on top of that offices next to it all right we've unlocked a new thing oh the tower of london i think that might be a good spot on top of the train station now if any criminals get arrested they can go to the tower of london and we can behead them no we don't we don't still do that and now we can build the london eye oh where's that gonna go on there is that wise no that's gonna be too much oh i really don't know where to put the london eye right i am gonna add some weight to this side first i might try and get a power plant in there maybe i could put some i don't know citizens getting robbed where are they down in the photo oh the fox clearing all right you got sucked away nice i feel like i need to build there first so maybe i'll put a sam turret just ready and that's quite a bit of weight i don't know how that's the trouble i don't know how heavy this bloody thing is i really don't want to fail this early in the game oh do i do it i can't do it i can't do it i think i still need more stuff over that side i'm going to build some houses like in here yeah that's not even that's not even moving anything is that leaning right maybe another power plant okay now i think that is leaning right so it might be good oh god oh i'm scared wish me luck wish me luck people this could be the last thing we do in the game oh crap it didn't sit how i thought it would but it's in sweet it's in it isn't let's keep going then we need some grass a big earthquake is on the way bollocks oh oh i think we're good we got a fire but that's fine we'll put that out we've got a robbery as well down there i know it's not rubbery it's uh someone hurt we saved him we saved him he and his mates are still happy as well that's the main aim looking good all right time for more apartment buildings space is a premium in london so you do have to build up to get the most value for your land and it's happened we can build the shard i feel like the shard should just go at the top of this yeah i'm not i'm not going to build it yet i'm going to keep going up so layer of trees i forgot to build trees on that floor someone's getting robbed where are they i don't see anyone getting robbed you're fine you're fine i feel like the weight is a bit brightish so i'm gonna try and put a power plant in there somewhere we lost our hospital we lost our londoner alex all right there you go we're back in we're back in all right i might try and build the shard and just see what happens ready we lost our hospital congratulations london complete yes i beat the game i'm gonna build the eye on that side oh bollocks that was a bad idea oh well that is anarchy in the uk right well that was the perfectly balanced game ballon city and pete the pigeon shirt coming soon once again thanks to the patreons for supporting the channel it means so much i can create extra content for you guys i'm sure michael loves being kept busy trying to turn this terrible footage into viewable videos but yeah cheers guys peace love and balanced cities i'll catch you next time [Music] bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 877,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: balancity, balancity game, balacnity gameplay, balance city, balance city game, city builder, city building game, city management, city management game, jenga game, physics game, balancity is a perfectly balanced game, balancity gameplay, spiffing brit, spiffing brit impression, engineering, civil engineering, rce, real civil engineer, patreon videos, tallest city, tallest city building game, balancity london, balancity british
Id: 42Q4Jt0AQBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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