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hello fellow engineers and welcome to build a simulator yes the game's finally out look we got a little trowel mouse again and last time we played this it was the demo but now we're in the full game where we get to build whatever we want all right so in the sandbox mode we've got loads of different locations we've got the countryside an italian town tropical islands even a winter forest and not only that you get to pick what size plot you want so you can do 7x7 16 by 16 or 30 by 30. so i think i'm gonna head to the beach and of course i'm gonna go for the 30 x 30 because i want to build something big perhaps like a pyramid and speaking of pyramids this video is sponsored by rise of kingdoms who have just released a brand new egyptian civilization you can rule so if you haven't heard of it before rise of kingdoms is a free-to-play cross-platform strategy game enjoyed by over a hundred million players over the last three years you take command of a civilization and battle thousands of other players in a fierce ongoing war the pc version has just launched but it's also available on mobile devices too now it's not just the new egyptians that you can command you can choose any of the 13 different civilizations from throughout history engineering a perfect city whilst training special soldiers recruiting historical generals collecting resources and developing technology so click my link in the description to download the game and start exploring the huge 1.44 square kilometer map today and use the gift code on screen to get incredible resources also by taking part in in-game community events new and current players will have the chance to win a round-trip ticket to egypt to see the pyramids in real life so thanks once again to rise of kingdoms for sponsoring today's video really appreciate your support of the channel but i got some building of my own to do but here we are at our beach plot what a lovely place this is i look at the view down there there's a lighthouse in the distance and we've got this old shack thing i think this is where we're staying at the moment what is this so i'm clicking and that's like it's like i don't know what my hands are doing are they like i feel like if there's a cow i could milk it or something right anyway in order to start with our building we have to come to this the drawing table and if we click on this now you can see our plot from above so you can see we're on the ground floor we can add different floors as well so there's the first floor and we're gonna start on the ground floor and what we're gonna do we're gonna zoom in so we can see the grid a bit and obviously we wanna start with bearing walls these are the ones that like take the roof above so they bear the weight of everything so we're gonna do some walls we'll do some fairly big rooms so i'm guessing something i don't know like that with i think that's quite a big room all right so along this wall down here i want to select the window and i think i can use w and s yes look we can we can make this like a really long window like a terrace window you see we can't put them too close together we sort of we get like a red symbol if we try and do that so we'll just do like that a load of terraced windows along this edge i think between all these windows i want a front door in the middle like that we can even add parts and things we can add staircases that go up to a second floor and we can also put like partition walls in so we can do partition along there put an interior door in so we've got several rooms there i've got like a little that goes outside we got windows we got a door to go outside i should probably put a path out there as well actually bit of a patio area all right so up on the second floor of this staircase i've got to encase it currently it's outside you can see at the bottom can't play staircase outside a building all right so sort of made these like sunroom things they're like there's a little window going on and there's like a terrace out onto the top so hopefully we should be able to walk along the roof not entirely sure if it's going to be flat roofed or we'll have to see okay so the game is happy so if we confirm yes we want to confirm our plan and now we get to build our building so the first thing is we got to dig the foundation as it says at the top left so on the floor is our building and if we head into our wheel we've got all sorts of tools to help us build and the first thing we've got to dig our foundation so we can grab a shovel and we literally just give it a dig do another dig and this is what our building's going to sit on it's going to be a concrete reinforced foundation so we've just got to head around digging as best we can thankfully i'm very very skilled at digging in this game within seconds i can build a trench the perfect shape completely square edges and i've even got the speed running tactic down i can dig this fast and after a bit more digging we're finally done now we've been told we've got to do the formworks for our foundation now these are just bits of like plywood and stuff that sort of stop your concrete expanding too far it basically shapes your foundation so in order to do that we gotta head on to our computer so if i press tab we'll pick up our tablet and we can buy a load of formwork now i'm not gonna lie to you i don't know how much i'm gonna need so i guess we'll just buy a hundred for seven grand i mean we have infinite money so yeah why not we'll buy we'll just we'll just keep buying i guess we can hold up to a thousand so back to it we can press one to select the framework oh and look someone's written on it 25 centimeters and we just place them in and you sort of see they've got like spikes on the bottom that's to dig into the ground and basically we will be pouring our concrete foundation into these uh thankfully because i'm very skillful i can just whoa even around all the corners i can just do it without even thinking and just like that we're completely done next up we gotta head back into our computer because we need to buy some steel reinforcement so again we'll buy the max amount of that and basically all this is is like solid steel tubes they're not hollow they're completely solid and they're sort of just tied together with little wires and they make the concrete a lot stronger at different sorts of forces and things because generally concrete's only good in like the compressive state if you add reinforcement you can make it withstand some like tension a little bit of bending moment that sort of stuff and again in here we just literally place them in like that so we can speed place these up they've all been pre-tied for us which is very handy we can put them around corners no problem and as if by magic they're all in place so next up we need to fill these holes with concrete so if we head over here oh my goodness we've gone under the ground deaths help me i don't know what's happened uh right we're proper down at the water level what if we go under the water oh we're we are we're very deep right head towards the light map head towards the flickering light oh we're free we are free although we're still broken we're still very much we can fl we can go wherever we want to i just decided to climb this tree and get a nice view of the land oh isn't it nice and now we're very high in the canopy i'm i'm feeling a little bit a little bit sensitive of the height here ah we're anyway after a quick reload we're back on solid land that is good to see so now we've got to make our concrete so first off this tells us what we need we need water cement and sand but some of you might be saying isn't that isn't that just mortar yes it is so if we head over here we've got we can actually select between water and concrete so we want to select concrete and now you can see we add gravel as well that gives the concrete more strength so if we start this machine up it is spinning which means it will mix whatever we put into it so we will grab the shovel we want to grab some sand sand you go in there and you can see the bar fills up and the the sand is whoa good it's spinning around like that so add a few more shovelfuls all right sand is done next up we need some cement so if we get rid of our shovel we can come over here this is a bag of cement so it's concrete mix we've just pierced that open with a trowel we can pour that in you see as we pull that in the cement thing goes up and that is the perfect amount so we'll drop that back over there and then back to our shovel this is the gravelly stuff so we shove that in a few times and the final one and that is the perfect amount of everything except for some water so now we just select the water bucket and then we can literally just pour some water in i don't know where we're getting the water from maybe it's just spit or something but then that is the perfect cement you can see it mixing we're at 50 percent mixed and now it's fully mixed so we'll go grab our wheelbarrow from over here and we'll wheel it over it's not the easiest thing to steer this but there you go we're in front of it so we'll plop that down and then we can just pour this forward by doing a bit of that you can see the wheelbarrow is filling up with concrete so we'll leave that mixing we'll grab a wheelbarrow and then we can come over to our foundation and we can literally just pour the concrete in and we're very very good at our job so much so that we can literally pour as we're doing this so we can pour as we're moving right we are done so turn the mixer off next up we got to come over to our building we've got to dig the floor as it says in the top left so back to the shovel uh we literally just give it a little dig like that and of course we dig very very efficiently but i do actually mean that seriously as well because i am actually digging quite efficiently now and we dig right up to the foundation edge and because the concrete is set we've got a nice sharp edge there that is lovely this will probably be the stage that we remove the formwork as well i'm not really sure what happened to that once you remove the final bit nice now we need to get the floor down now in order to get a concrete floor slab we first need to put sand down so we'll bring the wheelbarrow over to the sand we'll fill it up with a few scoops and then we'll bring it over to our floor and there's a few ways of doing this first off we've got the architecture where you literally just grab the sand and you put on the floor grab sand put it on the floor sand floor rinse and repeat for like a billion times next up we have the engineer weight where we bring this over to the floor and we literally just pour it as we walk around look how much floor we're getting done after a lot more of this and a bit more of that actually a lot lot more this is taking forever we were finally done which means we can do this bit so you can see we've put a geotextile down which is i think just an impermeable membrane that stops like the concrete seeping to the ground it also stops like anything trying to grow up into the slab now but we need to put the rebar down so we need to go back into our shop we need to go into the concrete screed section and we need to buy a load of grid reinforcement so we'll buy a load of that we'll also buy some floor insulation whilst we're here so first up we grab the mesh we plonk these down and again we can speed this pretty fast thanks to the power of engineering and again this is just steel reinforcement that will help make the floor slabs a lot stronger i mean your bloody hopes are the amount of steel we're putting into this floor what this is going to be a strong building and if you were wondering a civil engineer would probably be the person that came up with like the size of these bars and like the spacings of them also make sure your floor slabs won't crack under load or anything like that but today we are just the builder putting them down there's no engineering going on here all right so after a bit more speed running the final piece is in place right so with the still laid we can come over to our cement mixer and we can say make concrete just auto make it i can't be asked to fill it up every time then we can pop our wheel berry there and then once it's mixed which is now we can pour it into the wheelbarrow tip it back up and then grab the wheelbarrow then we literally just pour this all over the floor making sure it's level and obviously completely covering the steel rebar and after a few trips of doing this which again is taking a lot longer than i'd like it to don't worry i got quite a lot of joy out of abusing physics to fill up my wheelbarrow somehow i poured it into that but with the final bits done oh that's a weird effect i don't like that we can now cover the floor in insulation and yes we can do this fast again so after a whole lot of this and a little bit of that the floor was finally done all that's left to do now is pour concrete back over this again and then the floor slab is done now don't ask how we got that straight edge i i don't know honestly but it's time to lay some bricks so we gotta we're gonna make some water so we're gonna select mortar we're gonna auto make that we're gonna pour that in to the wheelbarrow that's 100 full and we'll bring this over to here and we're gonna select our trout so we can grab the mortar with the trowel and we can just plop it down on all these oh and there's a mini game if i right click what is the mini oh my goodness what is this click so i can either place it or i can do the mini game why would i do ah it allows me to loads at once okay fair enough i mean i feel like clicking is a lot quicker i'm not gonna lie to you clicking is a lot quicker oh and that was using up the mortar from the wheelbarrow so we have run out we haven't quite finished so we're gonna have to go back park this under there tip her back out and i imagine i can just leave it there if i grab the mortar yes we can just plonk all this mortar down i mean i imagine probably lay bricks at the same time but uh no we're doing all the mortaring first and then we'll leave the bricks afterwards and after a lot more of this a little bit of that and a lot of damn it we are so close to finishing yeah we were finally done which meant we can go onto our ipad go into the bearing walls section and we can buy some hollow bricks so a thousand of those please and then we can lay these down and now these are the structural bricks which thankfully we can go a bit mental with and place them very quickly like this nice before putting more mortar on top of them and then more bricks on top of those more water on top of those and can you tell why there's gaps here yes this is where our windows go so after a lot more of this oh dear and a lot more of this we finally got to the point where we should probably have scaffolding but we're just mortaring by jumping we're finally at the height where we can put some lentils in for the doors and the windows so back in the shop we actually have to buy those so let's buy a thousand again obviously and now these are basically just concrete blocks that help support the the gap so you keep on building on top of those with your brick wall but they basically just allow your windows and doors to go in very nice so on top of the lint tools we'll carry on with the bricks we can lay these really fast just by running over them unfortunately can't really do that with the trowel we've got to click every time but now you can sort of see how that works the lintels are supporting the bricks above them and we're at the height where we can put a ceiling in now so back in the shop we probably want to buy some ceiling concrete blocks and these are basically just reinforced concrete like what we have in the floor but they're not poured they literally come in a block and it also means we can literally just bonk these wherever we want like apparently that is structural and it's holding itself i'm not gonna complain like that is a very impressive piece of technology that can hold itself just by being attached there but anyway thanks to the power of engineering it now looks like this this is our build i guess nearly there it's nearly there so first off we're gonna have to buy all the windows check out the view from here like you'll just be sat like on your sofa looking out at the view the cement mixer will be gone by then don't worry but yes first off we go into here we go on to doors and windows and then we buy a thousand windows just in case and a thousand doors just because we can right and then we place all of our windows in like that annoyingly we're holding it perfectly as soon as we get close it goes it goes a bit on the wonk although that looks okay ah then look we got to pick what style of window we want i think we're gonna go with those or in there over here once you get this straight do patio doors in there nice well is it nicer i feel like there's more wood than window there this one i'm quite intrigued to see how a window like that orientation will work so let's apply that oh it did it did just patio oh that's way better than that one i think i'm just going to put one of every window in and see what we get oh what is that we've got full on doors there how is this one going to look oh it does that that's quite nice of course we've got to go upstairs and do these windows and finally we've got to shove our doors in i love that that is like the starting angle like yeah that's probably what i want to do silly game all right so next up we grab our drill we gotta do all these screws yeah we're drilling straight into the hollow blocks i'm not sure if that is correct or not i'm gonna feel like some of these might be okay i'm not sure this is gonna do anything drilling straight into a gap what do i know i'm just an engineer i don't know how to build it i just know what to build it out of anyway then we just place the wedges in to make sure the window ain't going anywhere i don't know if this is legit technology either seems a bit old-school to me but hey-ho it is what it is and then we just frame around the outside so no drafts get in what is what is that oh that's the window sill so windowsill goes there the outside windowsill does that lovely jump look how modern this is looking i have outdone myself anyway after a bit more fiddling about we finally have all the windows and doors in next we gotta go do the stairs so open our new door and here is where the stairs are going to go so we got to go by stairs of course i'm going to buy a thousand of those as well and then we just plonk the stairs there oh what sort of stairs do we want i've never been a fan of like holy stairs so i'm gonna do these ones maybe a sort of light one how about that oh look at that lovely so next up partition walls we're going pretty open plan here it's pretty much all open except for this end and to do partition walls we're gonna need all of these so i'll buy a thousand of each right so with these we just want to place these down i think these will hold like the partitions in place we're gonna screw them straight into the concrete floor yep lovely in the uk these are usually timber to hold the plasterboard these look like metal or plastic we're not we're not very up to date in the uk right now we put the vertical bits in so they're all done now we've just got to put the plasterboard on one side so that's all plasterboarded that needs screwing in so we'll screw all these screws in now unfortunately i do have the glitch where i go through the floor again so so we've got to be a little bit careful but it does make screwing out ground level a little bit easier right and there we go this is all done on that side so if we go to the other side now we put the insulation in so that goes in the gaps to keep things nice and toasty and of course we just plaster board on top of that screw them all in and there we are jobs are good and we can go onto the roof and i don't mean literally onto the roof although i have just gone on to the roof but we can literally buy a roof blueprint which is a hip roof blueprint i better buy a thousand of those as well as getting the roof tiles and the roof beams and this brings back memories of when some rogue trader nicked my roof over christmas yep what an architect that guy was anyway because we're two-story living our only roof goes up here so we can adjust the angle we can go and go really really tall we can go really flat i think i quite like flat for this one so yeah we'll confirm that and then we've just got to put this together by doing a bit of that yes i am floating now because i've just learned that i can literally fly in this game i don't know if i'm meant to be able to but that's just another perk of being a builder you get to fly anyway that's all done that's ready for tiling now so we grab the tiles and then oh oh if only it was this quick in real life but we do all of those you can actually see under there we haven't put it in ourselves but there is all the fabric that makes it watertight and everything i thought given the detail this game we'd actually be putting that in ourselves but no apparently not anyway just ridge tiles to go and one little tile there that i missed and then the roof is done for a little garden room oh lovely lovely all right so next up we gotta do these parts and what i've been doing in this game i've been pressing q because that tells you like sort of what to do and what order so we'll press q and the language has changed to chinese or japanese or something uh cheers game so we're gonna have to try and work out what we have to do i'm gonna assume we're gonna shovel yes we're gonna dig this out we're gonna accidentally go through the ground again all right so that's done i know we've got the patio over here so we better dig this out speed digging right now we've got a place i assume some sand yes okay oh i'm back on i'm back on solid land with a wheelbarrow if i let go oh we've fixed it we're back to normal yay okay so fill the wheelbarrow pour the sand down do the same for this path and then we can buy some paving blocks nice okay we'll buy a thousand of those oh we can select the texture and color and everything oh wow i quite like i think i like that one so then we just plop these down oh lovely now they look a bit dirty and old already they're sort of the grout is all filled with moldy stuff perhaps if we change the color of them for this front path yeah that's much better lovely okay right what's next we gotta do the wall insulation and focade facade is it facade it's not for kade it's facade i know words but assume we buy this insulation board yes and then we can shove that all on the external of the building that will keep everyone on the inside cool in the summer and warm in the winter i don't know why this is sort of oddly satisfying oh have we got mo blimey i think we've got marble blooming external windowsills that is posh this is a partial building all right and then we're nearly done we just got to do the upstairs so here we go getting there all right final few pieces oh i think that is it all right so now we've got to pass this thing so if we select the plastering trowel we've got a wheelbarrow we'll shove that down and we've got some plaster oh we can choose oh you can choose different textures and all sorts i think i'm going to go for a bit of that right as we do this you can see the wall is filling up with plaster i don't know why it's gray though oh there you go the top layer is not great okay i'm gonna have to do that again right plaster plaster i'm plastering it from all the way back here aren't i impressive i'm actually quite pleased that we can do this all right so there we go that wall is done so i guess we just gotta do the rest of the building right so with that done we're ready to head on to the inside and do some plastering indoors so for this we've got the plaster gun and we get to just spray the entire inside with plaster i'm not sure if this is realistic i always thought you did what we just did on the outside but i'm not going to complain because it's way quicker anyway once your room is fully plastered you've got to smooth it down using a skimming blade so we got to the wall and we just give it a bit of a wipe oh wow that literally did the entire wall what about the ceiling oh i am a god at this okay that is useful anyway now the entire inside is done all we've got to do is get some furniture get some carpets down so we'll grab that and then we get to pick a floor i am quite a fan of the old wood floor so let's grab a bit of that oh that is down that is that's quite that's quite wooden actually it's very it's very shiny i quite like it this is a bedroom over here of course in the bedroom we're gonna have carpet with a dark floor very nice next up with the floor carpeted we're just gonna shove a paint thing down and we're gonna do a load of painting oh look at all the things we can buy can i buy a round bed i really want a round bed all right so the bed can go there and then i sort of want while i'm lying in bed i want to watch tv now the default tv size isn't big enough for my liking but we can stitch all those together on a wall oh what is this can i even get out of this room now oh i literally i can't get out anyway we could do some ceiling lamps let's get them above the bed and then we'll just turn them all on and that's much better we got loads of light in here now i even bought these fancy wool lamps which uh they're pretty cool yes that is interior designed to the max now sadly i can't actually get out of this room so this is where we're gonna live from now on but i can at least go in photo mode and if we go oops i just took a photo if we head high into the sky you'll see we in fact made the strongest shape house and on that note i'm gonna say peace love and strong shapes and just a quick one if you enjoyed this video and you want to play it yourself i've actually hidden four steam keys within this video thanks to the devs for that if you found them go redeem on steam and you can play this game yourself for free and before you go don't forget to check out rise of kingdoms the sponsors of today's video because they've just released a brand new egyptian civilization that you can take command of click the link in the description to check it out i'll catch you guys next time i hope you enjoyed this bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 444,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc gaming, pc gameplay, gameplay, builder simulator pc gameplay, builder simulator gameplay, builder simulator pc game, builder simulator first look, builder simulator on steam, builder simulator sneak preview, builder simulator pc, builder simulator youtube, builder simulator steam, builder simulator game, first person, 3rd person, single player, simulation, simulator, live motion games, builder simulator demo, real engineer simulator, rce, real civil engineer builder sim
Id: doH3klBQ5HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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