I Upgraded The NEW Saw Dome To INSANE LEVELS In Dome Keeper

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so rumor is that things have changed dramatically in the game called domee keeper and I am all about it one of my favorite Indie Games you know how it works we crash land on alien planets crushing Little Creatures down below and this game is in the beta Branch right now of a massive update that's coming on and there's very very interesting things happening in the world now watch this we're in a guild assignment where gravity is literally upside down all of our resources now essentially float to the surface and there are a ton of new upgrades in the game too so we're going to try to do the best we can to win this run get some Guild points and hopefully find some of the new weapons that we can get I've heard that there's like a saw blade and some other cool things too so you guys come over here get up to the surface beautiful oh that's so dirty this is really hard rock too I don't really wow okay also map generation changed so things are a little bit different below the surface of the Earth too oh wow okay we have some iron and it looks like a bunch of or that was a Cobalt and iron so we'll just grab these over here use them like a broom to sweep everything up to the surface oh that's so cool I should probably open this up slightly so things funnel in a little easier and I'm guessing that first wave is going to come fairly quickly let's just see if there's anything else in this run here uhoh uhoh monsters are here I better get back to my Dome before something crashes its head in oh oh my goodness why are you here already you just ate my shield with one hit never mind it's been three hits no no no no no no no no okay wow he got one hit off that's fine let's see what kind of upgrades we can get now this all should be normal so let's get our movement speed carrying strength and drill strength so we can move faster drill quicker and carry more and check this out we already have different color dirt already at the surface so we'll mop the debris back up yes let gravity take over oh that's so cool all right I don't need those right away there's some water neat who knew water could float vertically wow a little cave here interesting we'll just gather this juice I also forgot to get the Hostile proximity meter wow I was not expecting a brick wall already at like the surface here interesting I wonder if there's going to be like treasure hidden behind this wall w we got Flyers up here in wave two oh I can't even attack that flyer okay we got him dead oh this so slow we need upgrades I really don't like being back here this brown dirt is so hard to mine through and another wave is coming really quickly can I make it through before we get attacked again I hope so oh man okay I made it we're going to grab both these we're headed back I think we're going to be okay oh well that one didn't make it I really just need to buy the Hostile proximity upgrade yeah so I know exactly where the enem is coming wow that was really close to making back in time we got a flyer up to the top he's gone wow that thing just took out a lot of our Shield the little spiky boy good he's dead I guess there's new enemies too so it'll be fun to see what those are hit the jackpot too this is the second iron G I found in this cycle I'm hoping we can find a contraption fairly quickly though because I really want to get some upgrades I want to see like the new weapons and stuff oh I was totally even in the wrong area when I Min all that up whatever get in the hole buddies okay so real talk I think I might need to get the rotational speed upgrade and the power upgrade here okay oh yeah that's so much faster I really don't want to take any damage to my Dome cuz I don't know what's going to be coming at the end of these waves either I just kind of have the idea of digging all the way straight down and see if I can get an upgrade that way or until the rock gets bigger and there's holes come on where's an upgrade I need one at least it's easy to mine here oh my goodness this is a huge Iron Mine hot dang all right friends up you go thank you inverted gravity send it right up to the space station I like how the gravity is faster than we are I really need upgrades ow ow ow ow we already took damage oh balls popcorn dinguses maybe yep I figured there'd be a Runner behind him it will mow through those quickly cut him up nice no damage done all right let's uh see what kind of upgrades we can get I'm kind of feeling like we should maybe get some more movement speed at least drill strength okay we'll get all of them because I can a little faster now I need to find an upgrade let's go this way that's easy to Crunch through interesting that Wall's still there speaking of walls I think I'm getting behind this one maybe there is no behind it ooh we got blue okay I think that's the end of that path so I'm going to make sure I gather all of the iron again it's going to be a little bit close oh we're back we're back we're back we're back battle battle fine oh can't kill it please no Flyers no there's the flyer it's pretty much the same wave as last time I'm going to let you attack me there and then you're going to fly over here and I'm going to zap you when you come out of your stasis field beautiful all right another upgrade yeah I've got 15 let's get another movement speed let's do drill strength I feel like movement speed was probably better oh oh I thought I could just throw it in and where's the upgrade chamber like I I need these that's not it that's kind of cool that there's little caves now oh what is that it needs two iron I don't have any iron I need it that's the is that the sight range increase I think it is there's some iron ah only one okay give me and give me and give me yes now I can see farther oh that's a bomb isn't it okay made it back just in time for two Flyers to be destroying my base and a bunch of popcorn things floating around okay and a big Walker and more popcorn and another Walker oh man why have I got no upgrades there's been zero oh boy okay I got to kill the popcorn before it arrives that was dangerous for my base you don't want to unleash that Dragon Inside though but we did get a couple more upgrades here I did get the movement speed one we can heal Health meter Let's uh repair a little uh yep I can't do that either okay come on I need need to get an upgrade we're already like third the way through this dungeon maybe it's hidden over here behind that wall that could be search out this way just kidding ah it knew it it would be over here hello there General Kobi okay what kind of fun things we're going to get please be something actually new and unique like a taco cart I could go for tacos right now mushroom f a buz saw Yes install buz saww running along the Dome Cula it's a big word or we can grow mushrooms no buzz bu bu okay that's going to have to cut things up uh when we come back the good news is when I'm mining now I can skip three instead of two so that should help out with o big sight hot dang that's cool we're going to mine our way oh that sucks a big sucks and I believe I did leave yep little bit over here can I upgrade no we're not going to upgrade the saw already we don't even know what it does oh there it goes hey he turned on oh that's cool it just bounces back and forth okay I'm going to take out the Flyers and I want to see what happens oh boy against the big guy over there this might be a bad idea stay stay nope nope nope nope buz saww you had one job there you go oh dirty look at that pieces are flying up that's cool all right it doesn't do much damage oh that's awesome okay we need to upgrade it maybe I need to make sure my Dome is healed up first and then we can upgrade ooh bigger Health capacity all right that should be fine for now that's awesome I like that thing oh that's cool we got a buzzsaw oh did I just find another one oh no what is this oh this is one of the I forget what they're called oh but there's water right here neat come here get in the hole supplement I believe they're called I'm sorry supplement I don't need you quite yet I really need all of this iron though so we're going to vacuum this up to the gravity machine I should have made my Approach a little wider there we go always smart to have a nice wide angle up top cool I'm going to mine a little bit more over here just to see what kind of interesting things if any are up here I was not expecting a solid brick wall won't lie with that okay now I know where to come back in here awesome let's see what kind of fun we can have with this too hello ah Dome Resurrection instead of being destroyed your Dome will heal completely become invisible only one use Dome hardening I think these are new we can roll whoa scrap repair double blissa yes that's awesome bu bu bu up oh dirty that's so cool uh-oh okay it's not doing as much damage as I had hoped okay one's dead I got to kill the flyer oh man oh we got popcorn yes it worked oh that's kind of cool I love it okay we need to upgrade these Buzz saws we have to do I not do I want to I feel like there's other upgrades I need but how expensive is it o autonomy hot dang okay saw speed increase so they'll go on their own oh these are cheap my goodness they're cheap we're wasting all of our money on giant buz saws I got a giant load of resources again there is so many here I'm going to try to vacuum them up go collect this one again I think I can make it back in time I should be able to just use this to to push everything over yes oh that's so cool I love this [Music] update especially since I got gigantic Buzz saws do I need any other upgrades I'm thinking I might want maybe this do I do I spend money on it or we could upgrade our Shield strength that'd be a good plan strength two yeah that's also good plan is this the recharge speed overcharge I don't care about the overcharge I got giant saw blades with this much time too I always feel like there's something I should be doing but I'm going to hang out nothing's going to stop oh except those things oh balls no no no no oh they got caught with a saw blade that was dirty okay I need to kill this thing nice s blades get down there yes oh my word okay okay okay I really just want to see what they do okay some of them are going to get through uh-oh they're not great to killing the popcorn that's dirty I love it ooh that's the Iron Tree isn't it I found an entire area over here whoa there's purple up top hold on this is there's an entirely different Zone here and I think purple is harder yeah that's definitely hard okay I don't want that right now um I know there's the tree now we have to find a good good resource next to come on down hey get down here we have to find a good Iron Mine close to the main shaft that we have we can do that then we can plant the Iron Tree directly on that cool all right you guys go up to the surface we're going to do that beautiful pop into here grab the the tree seed wait hold on we might have to go under it how does this [Music] work and Chuck it at the ground nope interesting I don't know how that's going to work is the tree going to grow underneath ow ow ow I heard it oh this the shrier okay s get over here thank you okay that was dangerous that was really dangerous just destroyed our Shield instantly um that's better I feel a little more confident but how do I grow the seed that's the real question how did you grow it upside down are you planted I mean we can try this oh that's a huge one we don't need that many we only need like four I don't know if that's going to work I guess we'll just let it roll and see what happens right oh did I find another one hot dang we got another upgrade what are you going to be we'll find out in a minute but it must dig into Uncharted Territory ooh beautiful okay I don't want to use the bomb on that just because I want to use the bomb why do I never make it back in time ow another Shaker oh I think it died on the saw blade though oh good okay a probe a lift shreded Crow I don't want any of those no when trigger sends Lo Pulse R reveals nearby sources ah we could had something else cool and new but we didn't I also kind of wish that the saw blade had reflect that would be very helpful my goodness they're actually really powerful now I'm just going to watch that's dirty it stunned him too okay with that extra iron we should be able to get the movement Speed final Yeah final movement speed so we can zoom quicker which allow me to collect the resources faster wonder how the gravity affects drill BT I'm out here asking real questions we must know yeah that seed's not planting huh I feel like that might be a bug that might need to be worked on ooh another supplement neat and some water to plug it in cool I wonder if I shouldn't get it n we'll go for it okay Dome hardening scrap repair um let's get the Dome hardening less damage is always nice battle what is that oh I don't even care okay he's going to get super cut excellent all right we have tons of popcorn things over here I don't know if the saw blade really knows how to cut them up properly it doesn't some of them are making it through no no no no no friends that was awesome that is such a cool upgrade I made that main shaft open a little farther again and the reason I did that is so these will just fly right up to the surface was oh there's so much iron I need all the upgrades I can get now too really want the drill strength upgrade my goodness that should be enough iron for it yeah there's the purple way down here we found that purple on the side I'm hoping we can get another upgrade right in here somewhere but I mean I'm just going to dig down ooh dark blue until I hit something really hard hello wasn't expecting a cave but I'll take it ah there's the first tendril for The Relic uh-oh uhoh shrier oh he he destroyed itself okay we got to kill this one yeah this is what I was afraid of the High Flyers uh-oh don't zap me got it that's why I need to upgrade that faster upgrades okay I want the drill strength how Okay nah power three oh I can't afford that either so I'm going to mine this area up since we won't be able to use it anyway all right I collected 31 which is totally enough to make me buy this oh I have to get that one first huh all right double upgrade on that I kind of wanted the drill or the mining strength but I really don't mind giant laser beams to go with my giant saw blades yeah get cut up you weird ape demon uhoh that actually made it through I don't know how but it did took a little damage not too much decent win also that seeds here I wish I could plant it but I literally don't know how like I feel like it can float around but then it it just flies up choo choo get up there it was so cool it is a little bit annoying when you have to deal with them on the bottom side like this but we'll just mine out this area and send them all to the surface and then hopefully get there when the bad guys get there to the top all right let's kill some flyers yeah I don't care about you you big grumpy I do care about you oh all right that was fine um please don't move oh shoot it phased no no stop it you're annoying me oh I can't ah got it okay that was dangerous that took a lot of Health off of us cool let's uh heal up a little bit it works on the other side too I feel like everything's slippery I don't know why got it a one of them didn't make it up neat there's some water just let that roll to the surface B I think I just recognized I can skip four I don't have to skip three all right just defeated another wave it wasn't anything exciting so let's get the movement or the the drill strength what is this power four why is there no icon for it I don't know but I do want movement speed upgrade again for the the turret look at this big collection of juice wow no I don't want to mine that one because that would make everything else fall into it that was close close to being a stupid move and then what we can do now is we can like diagonal this so we can get into an additional area here with even more loot get out of there spiders kind of send that all back to the surface kind of make a mess of things come on get back here you guys are supposed to supposed to go up uh-oh I'm supposed to go up uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh oh oh I think it hit a saw blade okay oh why are there Flyers don't like you don't like you got it okay we got a giant ape creature over here yeah he going to get cut up well done cut him up thank you all right oh it gets so scary I don't want any upgrades I want to go I have another big train of resources coming up to the top it's actually a lot of fun doing this uh-oh except when uh you know there's a bunch of monsters coming and you have to get back up quickly maybe I should just mine everything out oh my goodness we have to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go like the saw Blade's good and all but it doesn't quite compare especially when you get these crazy flyers in here that are going to die oh I think that hit shoot that hit all right saw blade did work good sub blade do work good excellent excellent get cut wow that was so dangerous all right this entire day what we need to do is just clean up there is a giant mess of resources down here that we have to grab and I might just mine up a little bit be so nice to have my pal drill BT here he would do he would like munching on these things I think there might be drill bird upgrades too in this new update yeah a lot of resources here we can send all these up go to the Moon there's a buttload more here we'll just Yeet these up to the abyss doesn't even make sense but you know what I mean I know there's still at least one more upgrade Relic we can get but I haven't found it I'm thinking ah stop it all right we got upgrades done or uh all of the resources up I'm thinking it might be up here because there's this whole area that I've not been able to explore yet but I wouldn't be surprised if the upgrade isn't here somewhere or you know what it's uh totally not here wow that's so crazy I love all those resources do that all right you guys do what you do best I'll do what I do best monster killing oh two of them okay oh three of them okay got it we have oh these blinkers uh-uh they do a ton of damage when they hit I don't think anyone hit though that was satisfying okay I'm going to kill this first one uh-oh and the bugs I want to kill the bugs the Flyers okay oh no just kind of like watching the saw blades do their work yes ah one got through that's annoying but actually hilarious oh that's so cool I love this I love this update also I think I have an insane amount of resources I haven't checked in a while I've just been Gathering uh upgrades 57 my dudes hot dang that's a lot um I don't even know what else to upgrade I guess we can upgrade our strength of our Shield we don't want any of those this is fully upgraded we need more upgrades let's go find a relic I've been systematically dismantling this entire side of the map and not really anything here there it is oh that's another supplement we don't want the supplement without the thing to supplement it there's a mushroom what is that on the bottom oh just a Rock I guess we can grab that makes me go zoom zoom that a oh yeah there we go we got a relic nice I knew we would find one today okay I'm going to open this way up we'll drop everything up man that's a lot of iron we got to grab this and go I'm excited I'm excited we could get something new again prospector meter what is this a furnace install a furnace smoke delays the next monster attack that's fun ahuh neat okay destroyed him destroy oh oh Noe nope got it h stop it no no no no no no no no no no no no no got it oh okay that thing hit me like physically I wasn't expecting that what is that thing in my basement oh that's the furnace thing all right let's upgrade the furnace see what we can do with it furnace iron fuel burn iron in the furnace for extended delay yeah D Days base delay another 15 seconds Hot D thing okay and the other one water fuel burn water in the furnace water in the furnace you can't burn water that's illegal enhanced water water delay maximum water stack four water Burns Cycles I don't know what that means okay I'm going to do this one let's go down here and see what we can do ah okay one stack to be burned lasts for three Cycles delays Monsters by 20 seconds okay all right current stack four neat and then oh can we upgrade it with uh I don't know how this is going to work I'm concerned that we're going to do something stupid here wouldn't be the first time let's grab this one and this one so is that little bar at the bottom there is that the delay bar it might be o what is this what is this oh I think that's the first opening up for the winning round cool all up you go Little Friends okay found this thing just upgrade that there's so much more water and iron here I guess we'll gather it all why don't we get every single upgrade possible all right little buddies in you go uh that's fine some of them will make it through cool I'm going to let that one iron push it up did you see that the one iron was pushing up the supplement okay we'll wait for that for a little bit just random iron littered around the cave I got it there's going to be a lot up here again isn't there yep okay whoa whoa whoa double laser numbing fumes adds a toxic ooh that's cool all right adds a toxic fume no no no no okay kill this one saw blade man do your job I got Flyers to kill sa got them Dam I'm going to help out here too dirty so dirty that worked really well we did lose half of our stuff though give me these half of our Shield went down I don't know why I didn't activate that I needed to and another one awesome did we just find oh we actually found the the finishing device sick so we'll need to get the two other activators before that thing will work found another iron jackpot again which is good because I want to get the upgrade for this furnace up here all right enhanced fuel uh-huh neat okay so I'm hoping all right I got to these guys are scaring me I got to kill them the saw blades are doing what I intended them to do they really do a lot of damage okay keep on cutting them well done I really don't like those strange Flyers though stop it you're annoying good all right let's uh queue up this thing uh we'll stack in there good so we should have a nice enhanced relaxing time down below which is good because I've got a few more things I need to mine out and as soon as we do we can win the battle I also totally forgot about the bomb totally forgot about it what happens if we just drop it right here oh right right about here and K bloy neat did nothing as expected cuz there's nothing for it to do there was no resources in that side they're all down here instead oh my goodness wow jackpot open up out here I don't even know if I need these I'll be real I have no clue if I need all these resources I feel like we've got all the upgrades we need our weapon is powerful we have Shield maxed out we have the toxic fumes going look how many there are though I want to excavate it so excavate I will nice broke all those tethers we're going to fly up oh that's satisfying just kill a couple creatures oh not these things again nope nope oh missed it what is that oh the deer guy over there okay oh shoot I got to go take care of the deer saw blades you take care of those things thankfully oh that is so wrong that's cool look you can see the water and the the metal over on the right actually getting burnt up for the toxic fumes neat took a little bit of damage there wow doesn't bode well for the final boss so that's the last of that giant load of resources now we all we need to do is find the access to the last two nodes so we can open up the final re I can win oh more iron and a lot of it too there we go there's one of the two we're looking for pump out those nauseous fumes uh-oh I really need to be on air patrol here oh I missed it it teleported ohoh come on got it all right sawblade good we need to take up both of these he good job sawblade you're doing the work you got to you got to talk nice to it the PopCorners do a lot of damage to us oh I have to sneeze that's bad I got him I killed him to death beautiful oh you ever get the sneezes that tickle your entire body that's what that one was oh man kind of think the second one might be over here too let's just mine through here I guess we need to turn this on oh maybe not H let's just go this way and see what we can find anyway maybe it's down and a dead end but this one's fine thank you Game for giving me all the in the entire universe yeah such a good map in this one or maybe it's just that it was super easy to gather the resources I'm not sure but the doe keeping Guild really liked me today I think oh there we go okay the tendril is going down here down down down till the Flames grew higher okay that should be the last one we need let's turn it on I'm feeling confident with what we have so I'm going to grab it we're going to head up to the surface with it and this is my single best animation my single favorite animation in all video games that pulsing wave that's like clear when the rest of the game is pixelated I don't know why I like that so much I just do I feel like we're going to make it just in time as well uh you know what let's fight this wave then we'll do the next so I have a little time to upgrade I'm not concerned about it I think it'll be easy enough and if it isn't uhoh this is almost bad nope nope not letting that happen okay come on saade get back do your job cut the little popcorn pieces yes beautiful do I want any more resources no let's see what we have for upgrades 148 that should be enough to do things we'll grab that one we'll grab this one dissolve projectiles we haven't really been getting any but we could it's 24 let's get the invulner the overcharge use water to manly overcharge your Shield of more damage next wave okay overcharge strength and strength two I have all of the upgrades for those two reflection and vulnerability yep yep and Last Stand nice we still have 64 remaining I don't need any of that uh we can upgrade Health we can get our intense hardening repair up to Max adaptive wave Warner nope we don't need those uh laser sight why not why not all right we literally bought every single upgrade that we can get I'm good for it we're good to go let's do this cuz I really got to go to the bathroom and let's see what this does it's battle time my friends we have invulnerability we can use oh The Shield isn't fully recharged okay I need to take out this thing oh there's so many over here oh my goodness okay take these down let's uh invulnerability f f okay we're invulnerable I want this thing down good okay my shield wasn't recharged all the way I'm a little bit irritated about that I can dissolve projectiles with my shots though okay and vulnerability we got uh upgrades let's repair I have plenty of repairing to do battle time okay I'm just going to attack these guys over here for a little bit man there's so much damage they're doing oh balls they attack the ground okay upgrades we need to heal they do so much damage okay don't attack the ground again yep and if you do let me let me block it excellent oh nope shoot okay it's dead kill both of them we have this guy to do upgrade one more time why is it taking so much health I am melting your Shield it is melting you dead than dead melt the dead thing maybe I'll just wait maybe melting The Shield doesn't do anything I heard that noise nice we split it those two will be attacked by yep my saw blades I'm going to let my saws finish it off go little friends go they're working they're doing it we have completed the mission the mining Guild is going to be so impressed with us oh oh yeah assignment complete congratulations you completed the assignment successfully the Keeper's Guild acknowledges your efforts you earned a new badge to spend for the Keeper's Guild rewards you can complete the challenge mode and assignment to earn another badge nice unlock a new element oh the Drone yard install a yard for producing drones to use in resource transportation and combat oh that's awesome anyway my friends that'll it for today's video of domee keeper oh wow that's instead of a shield yikes if you enjoyed it let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including autod day Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M Cino Keegan H Louis C zarof maxer Ral BC Engineers CarX whiskey YH gun Jam Doug rules red dton c scander d Payton plays fussy badge rip the warrior link hu Kyler J Nitro Nitro w k Grim Reaper kitu Rob rugby terano and Abram G
Channel: Blitz
Views: 417,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, dome keeper, dome keeper tesla, dome keeper update, dome keper blitz, blitz dome keeper, dome keeper blitz, dome keeper beta, dome keeper sawblade
Id: _LqQrtVq5YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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