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hello fellow engineers and welcome to planet coaster look at all these people with their crowns don't they realize that gold hard hats are the future wait who's that guy oh splits i'm glad he shunned the crown as well and today as usual we're going to be torturing some architects so as most architects live in the city we're gonna head to the city and our park name is gonna be architects are safe here yes they'll think they have a safe haven so first up i want to edit the park dimensions it's a standard one it's a little bit small let's let's max this out a thousand okay we'll go with a thousand we then want to tweak some other things say the part capacity we don't want to limit on that we want as many architects coming as possible allow the player to disable track restrictions that is a tick and next up unlimited money of course we don't want any restrictions on this since for architects we can change this the rate which the guest happiness declines so what does that go up to 500 percent we can then make them spawn with specific traits so yes unfortunately architects are wealthy however they're definitely stingy and sickly they're also impatient litter bugs okay so i feel like we've got a pretty realistic park scenario going on let's go check out what we've got so this is the entrance uh which is a really really dark tunnel where do they where they come from oh yeah there's a there's a spawner right at the very end they've got star trek technology here so i'm guessing somewhere over here in the city and that's where all the people come from oh my god did you see that it's not only as a traffic mental but they're like they're like caterpillar lorries anyway the purpose of this park is to create a fear-inducing mega coaster so there's not gonna be toilets there's not gonna be shops there's not gonna be any other rides there's just gonna be one a single coaster i feel like perhaps the stand up coaster because if you get jelly knees you're gonna you're gonna be in trouble so we're literally gonna shove that about there and then we're going to get building now i just want to see like how scared architects are so we're going to shorten that we're going to drop it down slightly and then we're going to do a bit of terrain work we want to push the terrain we want 100 intensity a little bit of size oh okay that's that's quite intense that is quite intense but i feel like this could work actually so what i've done here you know those people that have like a fear of like loads of holes yeah we've got that to start i think what we're gonna want to do is if we extend that we can flip these people to go upside down yes then they can get a real good look in those holes all right so question is do we have enough speed for this are they good they go so slowly over it yeah they they might go a bit too slowly i think i think we're gonna stop i've just wanged up the exit speed to 22 miles an hour that should give them enough momentum to get through the circles nice okay then they're round here and then straight up to a hill i feel like some people might smack their faces on that i think we're going to stop that i think we've gone high enough i don't want to overdo it so we'll bring that level then we'll turn off the chain here are people actually smacking their face on this we should probably check oh no it's fine it's only the left leg of the outer people i'll be fine who needs a left leg anyway so here we're going to drop it down we're going to go to about 69 degrees nice and then we're gonna head back into the ground but i do i want to make this this auto tunnel a little bit bigger all right and then if these holes haven't freaked you out enough you're then going to go into this giant hole which is filled with tentacles and if that doesn't freak you out then i don't know what will because i made it and it still freaks me out so our architects will zoom down here they'll try not to get snapped by any sloppy tentacles and then hopefully they'll come up here yes with just enough speed and this is the part of the coaster where i want to go from that fear into some actual physical harm all right so here we go we set up this super super extended f1 car and the aim here is sort of it will do a bit of that and then depending on the timing when this coaster comes up it's either going to be very physically damaging or just the mental knowing that that could hit you from the side i think either way it's going to do some damage and just to make it a bit more interesting i've put some brakes in here oh and i i added quite a few more trains as well so as this train comes up the brake should slow it down and then it's just a case of can it oh it can't dodge it's torched to move oh didn't dodge that one or that one tell you what though perhaps more breaks i think it could do with going a little bit slower through there all right then we're going on a little gentle run down here and then we're going to be placing some sharks down because yeah i think once you've come around here if you've survived to then be greeted with that so yeah that that is good that is going to give people a taste of what is to come around this corner so first off we want to fill this with a bit of water there we go next up i probably want to make this a little bit wider so there we go that's a perfect lake for some sharks to be hiding in if we search shark look at all these sharks we have oh no we gotta pay for them i gotta spend money right well we have paid to win so we can look at all these different ones so if we were to have one about that oh yeah that could be scary that could be scary right so i think i've sort of finished playing with that yes pay to win but it's going to be worth it because look once we go through this shark that sort of prepares them for the lake of death hundreds of sharks just trying to nibble at them you might be thinking matt that's not very scary they're just normal sharks well what about this it's literally a wall of shark and look if i if i play this in fast motion is that not the most terrifying thing you've ever seen surely so they come along here they get chomped a little bit just nibbled by those ones then they get truly eaten alive by all of them and then it's back up to our next section all right so next up i've made these guys enter an oven a very very extended oven i got one from the the workshop yeah you can see there's some pies cooking on top which is lovely what kind of pie since the oven is only on like a preheat setting i mean it's cooking pies it's not burning pies so when they head down here we're gonna we're gonna heat things up significantly so in the scenery i will search via oh wow we've got we've got a lot to choose from there's like fireworks and everything nice i'm sure that will come in handy in the future anyway let's get back so i found this a large fire platform so if i just place a few of these in this hole and then we've really made the flaming hell pit that these architects deserve next up you'll notice there's another shark mouth and you might be thinking matt we've already faced the fear of sharks what could be more terrifying than sharks sharks with freaking lasers on their heads sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their heads yeah so i found those on the workshop and i thought they were blooming brilliant so we've got some of those if you're wondering why they're not in water they've got lasers on their head i mean they can fly they're hover sharks it's definitely the reason right next up we're gonna be heading up but we're heading up in a cave so time to make our cave and we're gonna use this the auto tunnel so that will allow us to build a tunnel as we head up so then we're just going to build going up this cliff thing and then we've sort of got to the top so we can poke out of there like that all right nice that's looking good from up there so you can see as we go past the shark lasers we then head up the cliff nice what if this cave was actually filled with spiders oh god it's freaking me out it's freaking me out i've just noticed as well which is going to be very important for this next bit in the options there's this disabled track limit so we definitely want to take that and apply because we've reached the top of the map which means one thing it's time to go down now that looks sort of fun to go around so we'll try and add a few more of those now this first section is what i like to call life's choices where those on the ride get to reflect out the terrible life choices they made yeah we then head down to sort of we need to pick up some speed we're going a little bit slow of course what better way to do that than in a death spiral then we'll just go straight down free falling and i sort of want to try and create the biggest loop that the world has ever seen i feel like that feat of engineering will wind up some architects right so there is the loop completed at the top the test coaster is just going through the knot that's quite that's quite good actually and then it will slowly descend down the corkscrew of doom all that's going quite quick it hits a speed of just over 200 miles an hour and then let's see does it have the momentum to keep this loop going this is sort of inspired by the euthanasia coaster that i did last time the idea here is the constant spiraling should sort of keep your vertical g-force fairly even meaning your blood will leave your brain and if you're an architect that'll put you out your misery nice so we'll just finish by wrapping up the loop and i think we'll sort of head out that direction like that right now i feel like we need some breaks so we'll put a few break sections in and then we're still pretty high in the air so i think we need to do a little bit more to get to the bottom so we're going to sort of head down that direction yep i feel like we need some more shark mouths so we'll do advanced move and duplicate which means we can pretty easily just do some of this that's actually terrible i can't wait to ride this one we are for sure riding this in first person because uh down here i've i've done a bit of normal coaster building this is quite a simple layout for me this actually looks fairly enjoyable although i'm pretty sure yeah the coaster is sort of cruising around 100 miles an hour around here okay as long as it makes this final corner which it is very slowly i'm pretty sure the rest is downhill from here we've got this six pack of loots which aren't actually loops the creaser doesn't invert if you look closely then once it's made it through them all that was going slow as anything it's just got a little uphill over here yes and then it's just a smooth downhill over to this point so we'll come over here and then we've got a chain up so that gives us a bit more height again we're on to the powered wheel section look at the carnage in the background beautiful and this is where you might get the odd spark in the face from fireworks but the message here is very important if we zoom out and look this direction architects suck now since we're on wheels we're going very slowly along here so it should give anyone that hasn't died already an opportunity to consider whether they want to retrain perhaps starting a career in engineering all right and then finally all we've got to do is link this to the start so i'm going to try and press the auto complete button and oh goodness that is what it's come up with nice so next up we just got to place an entrance so we'll place that there and we do need to place an exit i'm not sure if anyone will actually be using this i think it's more likely that the coaster might just go around again with the restraints up so that any dead people could perhaps fall into our holes which are infinitely deep plenty of room for dead architect bodies now i only want the best people here so i've installed this so if anyone could get past this then they deserve to go on the ride and i don't just want one trap we're gonna have a few so we've we've got spikes that come up we've got little spikes that come up mind you mind your eyes kids i'm not gonna lie i was sort of i was secretly hoping there might be collision physics with the guests that would have made my day but hey-ho hey-ho right look at the smiles on these faces they are super impressed what are they looking at architects suck yes look at the kids cheering they can't believe it i've done well here right let's let's open this so the park is open let's get this coaster open but first we have to name this of course so it's called only engineers survive it's the true test those applying for engineering charter ship this is this is the last place they come oh no way the bloody also complete failed me auto complete the tool of architects all right the coaster made it back which means results are in let's get it open excitement zero fear 20 nausea only 13. lots of red warning signs yadda yadda i i've heard it all before i've heard it before right well there's certainly interest in the park there's a lot of people here sadly no one has joined the queue for the ride so i might be riding this on my own not gonna lie though i'm pretty impressed with this like even if no one rides it i look at it right so we've just gotten bored i think the head restraint is going to come down in a second is that right mate he doesn't look sure about himself like which bottom was it again was it was it this one looks like it's just me as well it doesn't look like anyone else wants to come on fair enough right so here we go oh it's quite it's quite a quite a launch and now we've got the horrible holes above us although technically they're below us but you know what i mean anyway you go around this corner and then we're up our first chain lift right and now we're sort of at the top we're going down our first drop oh look at the tentacles it's disgusting it's horrible oh very dark and then light at the end of the tunnel and then we've just got to dodge all of those oh that's terrifying oh i don't like these i do like this there's another one it's okay though oh that was very close that was literally touch my eyebrow now through the first shark and you get a little look at the world's strongest pond and all the sharks trying to fight my toes ah and then all the hydra shark right up our next chain lift and then we're into the oven where oh it smells like pie it smells like pie indeed oh actually oh it's quite warm quite toasty in here as nice as it smells i am sweating anyway thankfully we're we're out of the oven and we can cool down because well that was getting hot although i forgot we're heading into the pit of hell look at all the flame in here oh through another shark of the laser guided sharks it's too well that is terrifying oh spiders right this is legit one of the horriblest places i've ever built in a game okay okay i want out of here now i want outfit oh no there's legs there's dangling legs at the end and there's a jumping spider as well did enjoy that i didn't enjoy that but it looks like i might enjoy that that is where we're going to end up in a minute right so we're basically at the top remember we're standing up so my knees are going to be shaking i mean look at the city you can see the entire city there's still a lot of traffic down there um anyway now we're going to contemplate our life choices ow ow my brain oh well that doesn't make you want to throw up then maybe this will this is the whoa that's quite fast oh oh okay thank goodness that slowed down that was hurting a little bit so now we've got the spiral loop now we are completely upside down that is quite cool actually you can see the shark one that's coming up it'll soon be over and then we'll be on to the next bit oh man this loop is getting tight it is getting tight oh okay another shark bit oh there's so many sharks oh so many sharks we're doing the shark loop this is actually quite cool they should like do this for a real coaster that was amazing all right and now we're into the carnage of this bit which i guess going over 100 mile an hour for a lot of these is a little bit too fast uh but some of these work quite well this is quite smooth i look at all that that's coming up that is cool anyway now we've got a smooth sort of corkscrew down into this a nice little loop oh this is the loop that isn't a loop and a nice little barrel roll into the strongest shape layout all right then this is where it gets pretty slow and tasty well actually no it doesn't because we're going straight down oh yes this is is this the six pack so we're basically just doing six loops in a row and oh look at the shark the shark loop is so cool i think that's my favorite thing i've ever built in this ski anyway now we have a nice smooth drift to the exit so we're just going down very slowly we get to look at the carnage that we've just been through a little sneak peek of the uh fireworks are about to see as well and then we're heading up this chain lift which has like the world's steepest staircase i would not want to have to go up or maybe down i think i'd rather go up than down but anyway we're up the top now which means we'll just drift along this straight bit until we're over there where the fireworks start remember we're still standing we are still standing somehow i'm sure our actual kneecaps would have imploded from all the g-force of that mess but now we're on the home street where we get out fireworks in the face but it doesn't matter because we know it's a very important subliminal message anyway as we take the cinematic look at the final stretch look look at the mess of that oh look at that in the background that's um efficient but yes i will say peace love and roller coasters hope you enjoyed the abuse of the architects i mean it's pretty much what i live for these days and i will catch you guys next time bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 309,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planet coaster, rce, euthanasia coaster
Id: r20vVenbitI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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