OVER-ENGINEERING HELL to torture architects in Hell Architect!

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since the dawn of time architects have tried to turn a humble planet into a hell buildings that look like slides stairs that no right-minded person could ever use always a focus on the feeling rather than whether you can actually walk down them windows i look like oh wait that's actually pretty good but today is the day where we shall rise up today is the day the architects get sent to hell yes hello fellow engineers welcome to hell architect prologue now i honestly cannot believe some engineers come along and created a game where we get to burn architects in hell what a legend and quickly just a thank you to the developer for the key very kind all right let's use our trusty mouse i love that a little uh devil hand let's uh let's head into the sandbox oh the loading screen are architects falling into hell absolutely love it i don't even want to press space i just want to keep watching all right so we've got a countdown here and that's when our next architect arrives so these are our four initial architect we've got nero habel abel abell he's definitely not able he's an architect matthew matthew that's not an architect's name and eve so the first thing we're going to do is get our architects digging we can select all of these ready for digging i'm going to hit him hang on what's all this you're meant to be in hell there's no safety in hell why are you wearing hard hats i don't know why you're not helping abel all right so thomas dig all the way along and then dig up i am interested to see how they're gonna dig up they go there you go right so they're all digging getting us some dirt now we can head into the build you can see all the lovely types of things we can do with our architects so we've got the basic sort of things that you'd expect in hell torches basic food but if we have a looking drink we got a simple toilet which produces poo a water squeeze i'm not i don't know what's going to be squeezed i don't know what it produces leaves it makes leaves so let's go ahead and we shall make a metal bucket right so we've got our metal bucket that allows people to drink but there's no there's no resources to make drinking water he's just come over and be like oh i'm thirsty i'm going back to work then so i think we need our latrine oh yes as expected they're only architects they do not know how to dig up so we're gonna have to build a ladder oh he's he's got a shovel and a stick that's actually quite clever no it's not clever it's not clever they're architects they're architects remember right so hopefully that will allow them to sort of be up there and then i'll also head over to these resources as well i feel like this person is gonna be stuck oh there's two people up there it's matthew and eve oh god what's gonna happen to eve ready this is proper architect thinking ready ready as soon as that lump of coal goes i assume she's gonna go as well yeah and now matthew's on his own all right so our toilet's complete we still don't have drinking water i think for the drinking water one we actually need the water squeezer which we can now create but we can't build this water purifier if you look here we need we need a hundred suffering at the moment our suffering is zero because obviously everyone's just loving life just happy digging now if we do our job matt's gonna go easy on us no that is not the case that is not the case because this hallway is going to be a torturous hallway and i'm going to start off with the basic one that was meant to be iron maiden no no okay so firstly an iron maiden will go in this hallway one of you come and build it yes that's right come on eve and obviously we need more suffering than that only one person can suffer at once we'll also build the bath of kings we'll put it right next to it all right good work eve and as you did such a good job i'm going to reward you with going in the iron maiden oh wow she's suffering now all right i might just keep sending matthew up on a mining mission all right so eve although she sounds like she's not having a good time uh she's all she's well in the green look how happy she is she's so happy let's get a bell into there you know that feeling we jump to a bath it's too hot yeah that's what's happening here so now our suffering is going up pretty well we need to get the next torch device the furnace we need a hundred suffering we're on 89 currently so a little bit more suffering and we should be able to afford it there you go a hundred exactly so we will build this there's not even enough room okay we're gonna have to go out in the open over here oh and we've got a new person who are you adrian that's a proper architect's name i'm sorry if any of you watching called adrian but uh you should have known better all right he's new and he's got straight to work which is very very commendable and for that i'm going to put you in this lovely furnace this how much suffering does this produce 11 suffering nice all right how's eve getting on she's still she's still loving life to be fair all right so once matthew's done there i'm gonna send him straight over here mine all those matthew is our resident miner i've decided today i don't think he meant to be an architect he sort of accidentally fell in it he tried to be an engineer but his parents just forced him into the sin that is architecture yeah he should dig over here i'm gonna i'm gonna plan out all this so dig that dig that i'm gonna make him dig those now we need to get him up here there's there is a lot up there it's maybe if we build that then once he's dug some that we'll start building a ladder up all right so meanwhile if we look at our resource on the top dirt's pretty good dirt is essential for building so all these things we build pretty much starts from dirt as you would expect so obviously if we want food we are going to want food at some point so we want to build our flesh farm this produces delicious stale meat and of course the main ingredient in that is dirt 50 dirt be exact i'm going to make some room over here i'm going to say dig all of that out and eve i think i think you've done your time for now i'll let you get out of there because what i want you to do wait where are you going where are you going oh she's going she's going to go dig she's good straight to work good old eve but i am a little bit worried about uh got no ingredients no food and no drink so you can actually assign people to these things this one our water squeezer we can actually add someone in there let's let's go grab eve all right so eve is coming over here into our toilet our latrine and she she's reading the daily sin there looking at all the architecture news and nice now we have 15 excrements so we can now assign eve to this one this is the water squeezer okay she's she's over here now and she's turned that on and you see our ingredients here are going down our excrements are going down they're literally squeezing their water out of well yeah it's only what architects deserve but now eve you're thirsty she's not that thirsty she's still in the green but i'm gonna i'm gonna make a drink drink up yum yum oh she is laughing it up and there you go now we're drinking is in the dark green you gross you are gross all right so i'm actually gonna lower the floor over here this will be a little food production area i think in the meantime belle how are you getting on right i think i'll let you get out of there for now we've got we've got a lot of suffering definitely not enough but uh and adrian our new guy he's doing fine he's a little bit tired so we have the ability to give our architects somewhere to rest so we had to rest here we've got the paper box or a bed now i'm not an absolute monster i do have some moral values so i'm going to go ahead and build a paper box i'm going to make them a little a little bunk house so nero's building our ladder all the way up to there and now he can build the first bed you go diy bed lovely but now we have our space over here we can start building our first food area so we head in food we'll build our flesh farm which produces meat and next to that a cauldron which turns the meat into food and then in order to serve the food we need a trough we can also build a mushroom farm because mushrooms are the most disgusting food on the planet so why wouldn't they be in hell there you go so i've got eve she's the cook you can you can tell it's going to be good just by her face trying not to gag she's made some smelly goop and she's just serving herself lovely right this dude needs a sleep so we'll send him to test the bed oh no someone already in it so who's already in there about damn you i'm gonna have to build another bed it's only fair it's only fair okay build that he said i'm too tired to build a bed all right i think three diy beds that's quite a cool little bunk house i'm quite jealous of that if i'm honest what the hell is going on there's not enough suffering going on get in there and eve i know you want to be the chef but get back in there please how's our miner matthew coming on he's getting there he is getting there still a way to go to her up at that level though there you go he's got he's got a lot of mining to do so we'll leave him to ah but he can can also build the ladder we'll quickly build that and then we'll come see how he's getting on in a bit meanwhile you need to go in there go suffer food is pretty low so i'm gonna send you to go and cook all right so you bob i think you're new here your first job is gonna be poo i said bob you better suffer you better suffer on the toilet all right now bob you're gonna turn that poo into the beautiful drinking water all right nice i think i think hell is going pretty well i'm gonna try and add to my kitchen we can add a food kitchen and then a food truck as well so i think i'll just allow people to cook and eat pretty quickly oh god i've actually eaten out of something that looks pretty similar to that look at that barbie look at the posters but old matthew up here how was he getting on i'm surprised he's not tired yet oh yeah he needs a toilet he needs a toilet real bad i wonder should i do a rescue mission to get him back and by rescue mission i mean just build another ladder i assume i can just do that then he should be able to get back but things are going well in hell so i'm gonna i'm gonna fast forward oh can you hear that all the suffering noises get get hamsterfied i i hate to think how they recorded these sound effects do you think they literally got hamsters and like with their feet with feathers and stuff i think it might be time to grab some people and go on a bit more of a mining mission i think we should take out we should take out all of that and start heading down oh and it's matthew back at it he came all the way back you didn't finish your job up here matt he's on is she sweet right i'm gonna build her a ladder so she can continue with this project i will make sure all this gets dug i think it's time to build a new suffering center we can go for the freezer i mean it is hot down here don't worry this won't be too painful all right where is everyone i need someone to come build the freezer good work eve she's a good little builder really ah lovely right now who's gonna come in here bob is on his way that looks pretty cold look at the snowman oh he's bleed does snowman's bleed oh there you go he's in there air con on re-suffering a pop you can also upgrade these as well i've just realized so let's make our let's make our hot tubs upgrade it oh yes and again oh it's got spikes around the edge that's when you know it's bad that's making three suffering now decent what about our iron maiden what if we upgrade that that's a normal one oh even more spikes and the final upgrade holy moley all right someone come test out on you all right everyone's getting real thirsty all right come make some water that's it turning that juicy juice do you know what oh you can even see at the top it's horrible oh there you go who's that christopher's helping oh my goodness who is in the new eye maiden monika she's new she sounds like a chimpanzee but that's producing five suffering pretty nice i want to see what happens if we upgrade the freezer oh there you go the final upgrade has three aircon units that's going to be cold in the meantime i feel like really need to build some decorations it's not really hell if you don't decorate it i'll tell you what we'll put a skull pillar in there nice put a chandelier down here above the uh of the food area i don't know i don't know how they build that where they need a ladder up there and it just ain't hell without a shelf all right i think these guys might need a ladder to go and build that so if i do that so this is what our furnace looks like i'm going to upgrade it to the max this is step one oh it's got a skull on the top now and the max upgrade oh we can't afford the max upgrade we need 100 suffering so thankfully monica has kindly volunteered to head in there and get our suffering up just so we can upgrade and make more suffering she's good like that there you go 101 sufferings oh we need 300 oh god you might be in there while monika i'll come back i'll come back and there's our fancy skull pillar it's so fancy oh and eve is building our shelf i'm glad he got a hard hat for that eve safety first ah lovely now got a handy place to store our liquids i'm not gonna ask what they are all right suffering is flying 287 we should be able to upgrade this very very shortly there you go we can upgrade let's see holy mole look at the skulls on there all right so i've just realized all of these all of these torch devices you can actually see how much it produces all the time and depending on who you put in there it produces more so so if you look at these traits we have special bonuses if we get a sinner that has the fire traits and the small spaces treat so i think they're people that hate fire and hate small spaces so where are the traits traits here we go so adrian where is adrian he's he's stuck he did some digging and he's got stuck let's allow him to build his way out of there oh no matthew died a resident miner did not make it your sinner has lost their mind however you can turn them back from their way to limbo remember to take better care of yourself oh god i also lost that guy as well okay i need to i need to be a bit more wary of the mining missions because if you don't look after your employees things do not go well all right let's get everyone out suffering you can all go sort yourselves out for a bit you can have a sleep you can drink poo whatever you want to do guys today is a day off i'm feeling generous that's what they all decided to eat build ladders okay all right i do i do actually want to try and find the best people for these torture machines so fire and small spaces let's have a look at our people have we got a fire yeah adrian but adrian's dead i can buy oh i can buy him back from limbo it's a hundred suffering yeah you are back adrian all right adrian you're coming this way you're going into the furnace because i know that you love fire now let's see how much does it produce now 13 18. i can't read that's you're so small that's an eight not a three okay so that's way better by picking the right people say what we might need we might need to up our water production you could say i've gone soft but i'm gonna build a water purifier and a drink dispenser i've gone soft people i've gone soft right we're producing some water now so that's all good and what about the iron maiden blood and small spaces it doesn't like blood so eve could go in there oh ronald i think he's new his sin was lust this sinner empties his bladder 50 faster than others that is a strange one i was going to buy matthew back because he was a good miner oh but ronald seems to have taken his place he is mining the tits out of everything oh there's matthew look at him he's just like screw this hell stuff i'm just here for the mining what are you guys doing i'm gonna i'm gonna bring all of our people back they've just stopped for some reason so get back get back down here so looking at the top of our food is pretty good our drinks not too bad we're finally in the plus we were on zero for quite a long time there as that chandelier hasn't been built i am gonna do a ladder like that and i assume he can just get across and build that yes nice the floating ladder is he now trapped or is he just lazy i think he's now trapped i'm gonna delete that he just fell down oh we can upgrade everything i didn't realize i'm an idiot i am an idiot right food is good but drink definitely needs some work so i'm actually gonna upgrade the toilet i don't know what an upgraded toilet would look like oh it's a proper shack with a love heart and everything christopher has gone in it's now occupied that's wicked all right it made 25 excrement that's pretty good there you go i think our water crisis is averted i want to try out the final torch machine the dentist chair it invites you to a delightful drilling without anesthesia that's a hard word to say we're actually gonna have to dig out an area to put this in it's so big so this is gonna be the dental area and then torture the drug i think this would probably be my like the bonus you'd get for my one because i hate dentists i've had many many dental injections and drills and stuff oh sorry but let's find the perfect person for this who is the meat there's no traits just everyone hates it i think all right so who wants to go in then i bet oh my god it's horrible oh my goodness right we're upgrading 205th suffering i don't know what i've graded i think they just added a skull right final upgrade oh yeah skulls everywhere that's just what you want when you walk to a dentist all right let's get the right people in all these then right who's got a cold treat you christopher you go you're going in the freezer chris all right matthew doesn't like small spaces so he's just gone in there you need some of the fire traits go in there so that's luke so you've gone in there luke boy oh that was ronald they look the same that's luke get in there luke all right let's upgrade our meat farms so that's a normal meat farm it's a bit slow we've maxed it out oh god look look at the nutrition and the mushroom farm we upgrade that oh wow oh it's proper getting heated in there with a heat automatic 2000 let's deconstruct that ladder as well it's annoying me but i think we achieved today i think if you're considering doing architecture yourself consider what will happen to you once you die because whilst you might be having fun just remember there is such thing as karma and for all the curve and stupid designs you make you will be punished to peace love and karma and i'll catch you next time bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 561,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, life game, life games, office simulator, multiple choice games, life choices, life choices game, grim reaper simulator, grim reaper sim, heaven vs hell game, hell architect, hell architect gameplay, hell architect ep 1, hell simulator game, heaven and hell
Id: vH__jdnRZ7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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