BALDURS GATE 3 Stealth + Summon Only Challenge Is Broken - BDG3 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game

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everyone can have a go murdering him because why not oh my god what i don't know what's going on with his corpse what was that i need his body you've gotten rid of his body he had loot on him hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we find ourselves playing boulder's gate free the latest release from the lovely lowerian studios and wizards of the coast now these lovely guys they made divinity originals in two one of my favorite games of all time for the sole reason that has completely broken telekinesis i mean you can just take a look at my fantastical video and see for yourself just how broken it really is telekinesis is such a stupidly overpowered feature and i absolutely love it now boulder's gate 3 is based off of the dnd fifth edition which is actually quite a balanced rule set there's only one slight issue which is that several exploits immediately created by the fact that this is a video game meaning there are millions of exploits exploits ranging from glitching out the ai to getting the ai stuck on doors generating infinite money accidentally becoming immortal falling through the terrain you name it this game kind of has everything because guess what it's in early access and it's not the kind of early access you're used to where you're playing a free demo to search for bugs no this is the full shebang 50 pound game kind of early access although luckily i got the game for free the developers gave this to me for free oh what were they faking well in return and as thanks for giving me the game developers i'm gonna be showing off to you how to generate infinite money in boulder's gate free because it's kind of broken and ridiculously easy to pull off like this is an exploit that is so obvious and simple i was amazed no one's actually found it yet so yes let's give it a whirl so without further ado ladies and gentlemen let's jump into this fantastic game so make sure you sat back relax you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand as we're about to absolutely perfectly balance this game oh yes make sure it's yorkshire tea as well that's the official t of this channel and video game exploits in general you heard it here first welcome back into the game ladies and gentlemen i've created the ultimate character allow me to present to you cheddar cheese this is our legendary lightfoot halfling ranger now the ranger class might not sound very exciting however for some reason when it came to the balancing meeting which of course all game developers have the developer in charge of balancing the ranger class evidently had been snorting pure unrefined tea leaves that day because they've created one of the most perfectly balanced ways to play baldur's gate free that i've ever seen today we're going to be winning every single fight without even having to fight effectively a boulder's gate pacifist run which on paper isn't actually possible because you have to fight bosses and so on but for some reason nope we can just cheese through all of it with our legendary cheddar cheese lightfoot halfling ranger now of course i have made him physically look like cheese he does look a little bit beautiful like a small mature cheddar his head is made of a cheese wheel and honestly you can roll him but it's generally best to not keep him out of the sun now in terms of his abilities and stats he's just your regular high stealth ranger who's going to have great abilities of just blending in wherever he goes which is exactly what you want in order to pull off this exploit so without further ado let's throw ourselves into this lovely game oh now of course the game wants me to create the ultimate woman who do you dream of at night who attracts you oh i shall create it game for i am exceedingly good at this oh my goodness this is perfect of course i've created the ultimate female for a lovely hero this is what peak fantasy performance looks like if this is not who you dream of at night or who attracts you evidently there's something wrong this is the female physical embodiment of cheese oh my god right let's venture forth we have an incredible adventure to do naturally i'm just gonna bypass all of the tutorial because we don't need any of it all we need to do is level up cheddar cheese so that he's level free and then this game's brokenness is going to commence now waking up as a ranger is rather fun because well apparently as we're so short we actually wake up in the terrain of the map that's lovely developers thank you very much and one thing we can do is immediately summon a familiar this is great fun fact familiars are kind of pretty much broken in this game because if you're ever doing say a perception check to see if there's a trap right in front of you then all you need to do is summon yourself a familiar as soon as the familiar is summoned the familiar will run a perception check themselves and see if there is in fact a trap in front of you if your familiar fails that perception check just summon a different one we can just basically summon a cat out of thin air there we go it's a cat with two hit points perfect it can do meow that's its main attack move is just meow very good cat very good and of course once it does its little perception check we just immediately swap it out for a i don't know an animal that can actually do things like a raven and we're bam now we have a raven this raven can do things like actually fight now if you are in fact playing this game with friends 100 what you have to do is make sure that you're the first person to this jump and then at the jump what you want to do is position your character around about here the reasoning for it is simple if you position yourself here you just have to wait for one of your friends to land next to you and then use the shove ability to eat them off of the side of this ship and immediately kick all of you out to the main menu this is fantastic what we can do is just actually finish this up what i love in this game is just when you see your own character in cut scenes now these cutscenes are a bit derpy already because you know early access game but when you see cheddar cheese himself facing off against a legendary dragon i mean i just can't take this cave seriously what are those fire textures actually i didn't turn the graphics down what love is that oh my goodness oh cheddar cheese things are going wrong oh my sweet sweet precious boy oh he's such a perfect being such an absolutely beautiful specimen all right let's skip this cutscene and get on with the game yes you reach for that mr cheese man you reach for it alright perfect we've arrived now our character immediately is not necessarily the greatest character in the world they are only a weak level one ranger called cheddar cheese now this is great but we actually need to level up we only have 93 experience missing before we can level up but as soon as we can things will start looking very good now there are many ways to break this game including ways of generating infinite gold by equipping items which traders are trading to you now that's a lovely exploit but of course infinite money exploits they're a dime a dozen i don't need to explain to you how to do them you can probably do an infinite money exploit with your eyes closed at this point if i've been training you well enough no no the exploit that we're pulling off is much much better we are going to be needing ourselves some party members though not that we're going to be using those party members rather we need to meet party members like say shadowheart here because they give us experience right perfect we now have ourselves a brand new party companion which actually gives us 30 experience and it's onwards to our next fight to get some lovely little devourers now welcome back into the game we've just survived a fight it was a bit of a tough fight but you know after a fight it's a great opportunity to just demonstrate that this game is a bit of a challenge you kind of have to exploit everything around you to give yourself the edge that you need to actually win combat one ways you can of course exploit combat is via a lovely strategy which i like to use in divinity originals in two which is throwing items of immense way to characters now of course if you were to throw an item it has to be a bit of a heavy item like say i don't know this chest which weighs 20. the only issue is we can't pick up this item oh wait we can oh my goodness we can can we throw it we can straight up throw the chest our character's strong enough so we can this is incredible let's throw this chest on the floor now normally when you throw an item it will do damage equaling to its weight a chest like this is a brilliant thing because what we can do is just fill it with garbage item like say this random long sword that we found this bit of water maybe these grease bottles lovely stuff there we go now that we have those we can throw that chest and it's pretty solid however if you have a character which isn't actually strong enough to pick up a chest you can actually pick up any item in this game regardless of its weight by simply holding down the alt key and double clicking on the item and that will force your character to pick it up regardless of its incredible mass right now we're going to meet our next companion who will also give us a nice bit of experience hey what on earth is this camera angle gabe come on give me a natural camera angle for the cutscene oh lovely stuff anyway we're just gonna skip through all of this and add this lovely character to our camp right now what i'm going to do is immediately attack these uh stranded fishes that we've just run into because they're worth experience okay like sure morally a bit grey to attack them these guys have money and that's what we need well actually not money we just need their experience now naturally when in combat with someone there we go that's 10 experience there first one dead can i just throw the chest at someone yes i can 70 chance go chest go oh that did some fun damage i love throwing items in this game and what i love is that actually picking up the chest again doesn't even cost me an action oh this is just brilliant anyway let's throw that chest on the floor again oh we missed oh what a shame and there we go with the fishes dead we've just been able to level up fantastic stuff let's of course steal all of their lovely items now that's level two we're halfway to glorious profit and success all right now it's onwards with our lovely journey we've got a bit of a fun adventure to have now that our characters are all leveled up as we need to find a way to generate more experience and the best way to do that is to head on over to the overgrown ruins where there are some lovely level 2 characters which we can butt heads with now naturally these characters are going to try and fight us because that's exactly what they do but thankfully we've actually managed to go first and all we need to do is actually just yeet some kind of spell over into this lovely thing here and this will kill two characters immediately because you know they're standing underneath this object so well bam there we go that's two kills for us also for some reason this game has completely overpowered firebolts which are a level one spell but they're pretty broken for any major wizard you have the reasoning is simple they inflict fire on a surface do fire damage and then if you actually hit a target you can set them on fire all three of these operations will do damage this is how it works we find our lovely character hit them with a fire bolt they take 3 damage because the weave roller 1 d6 dice they then take 1 damage for starting to burn and then because they're standing on fire they'll also receive 1 d4 damage every turn they stand on it so as soon as it's their turn they take damage what a perfectly balanced feature that is there we go she just took three damage for standing on the fire and then a further four damage for just walking forward because the ai doesn't really know how fire actually works so they have a very high chance of just straight up dying to it anyway there we go we just hit the archer with four and three fire damage and made the surface that they're standing on literal fire and so guess what they're gonna die next turn as well we don't even need to do anything to stop them suppose we can hit them with a little bit of a spell there we go and then they get further one damage for standing on the fire my god the spell is completely and utterly stupidly unfair anyway that's a little bit of experience for winning a fight now let's steal all their items now before we actually go down into this lovely maze we're going to actually pick up yet another character because one of our friends is being held captive in this lovely little cage and we can recruit them as a follower that's going to allow us to cheese the game yet again with an incredible bonus now of course because our party is actually full we have to send her to our camp but don't worry this is fine because also actually just recruiting we get some experience but what you want to do is go to the camp at the end of the day now what's pretty fun is what we've done is we've got one of our characters here to cast a buff on the lovely cheddar cheese now this buff is actually one which will expire however this works for buffs that don't expire as well like for example bless lasts indefinitely provided the caster has concentration now this is absolutely brilliant as what we can do is cheese this bonus by giving our character cheddar cheese some resistance now of course what we can then do is just kick her out of our party there we go job done and actually now that we've kicked her out of our party we still have our buff because the concentration hasn't ended and then we can just immediately replace her with a brand new companion there we go like leisel here and then all we have to do is go to sleep wake up and we get to keep our lovely buff one of our companions is effectively sat in camp chanting away and continuously giving us a nice little bonus now books it's a temporary bonus sadly doesn't last but if you have any permanent buffs that your wizards can cast and it just uses concentration well then guess what you can use that anyway let's go down to these ruins because we have a game to choose now fantastic we've caught andorn here just completely by surprise he was expecting someone else this is brilliant for us because what we can do is just everyone can have a go murdering him because why not oh my god what i don't know what's going on with his corpse what was that i need his body you've gotten rid of his body he had loot on him he had precious loot he legitimately had a key for this door oh my god you just sent him off of the bloody terrain of the map oh goodness laser he can't take you anywhere my goodness all right that's fine that was a fun little fight let's go steal some items up around here as we've got some combat to work through right now what i've done is i've created this lovely ornate chest here which now weighs 30 and what we're gonna do is uh pull this lever here i'm not sure what it does but you know there's a whole bunch of people in this room oh it opens the door lovely right i guess i'm gonna shoot that oil barrel there because that looks like a fire safety hazard just waiting to happen right there and then what i'm going to do is actually just close this door here because you know what i can wait can i just open and close this door as many times as i like in a turn yes i can let's throw that chest of mine oh my god 42 chance go go what enough was that chest it just did a barrel roll through the bloody world oh that's fantastic right let's just lock up the door no need to actually let them into our area and then what you can do is you can just open the door like this do your lovely attack do a nice whole bunch of damage and then just close the door on their face ah combated this game completely fair now what's pretty fun is for some reason the ais are just going to spend most of their attacks taking down this door to no avail of course there we go they've almost made it through i'm just going to clear a path so that our mage has a nice clear shot when it's next his turn and there we go now we do open up the door let's just yiete a fireball over there setting fire to everyone and then just let's let's just close that door oh mage you stood in the fire you melon oh you absolute melon that's just what mages do oh my goodness what a lovely one shot there beautiful stuff now just of course close that door as soon as you do your fight and then just walk away this is just the dumbest way of fighting they've almost broken through the door almost there we go perfect one made it through such a shame he's now going to die there we go another lovely kill every kill we get we get one step closer to having yourself a lovely time and getting a level three character anyway let's just use these semi-overpowered firebolts yet again oh that's a good bit of fire damage that's just yita fibre on the final one there were bam critical miss but of course you can't actually miss with a fire bolt because you still hit the target set them on fire and set the ground on fire so it's physically the most overpowered spell because it just doesn't miss if you could actually point your mouse at the target congratulations you can kill the target oh that was one of the loveliest and cheesiest fights i've ever done oh my goodness can we use this bed in the corner yes we can look at that comfy bedding experience right there what a game what a incredibly designed game right now through into the next region we go now of course in this room there's a metric ton of traps all over the floor as soon as we walk in here they're going to be everywhere now my character trying to pass a perception check he failed luckily one of them succeeded however if you want to just pass even more what you've got to do summon yourself a raven because i know that there's yet another evil vent right on over there so we summon a raven over there into the corner of the room and the raven has his own little perception check good job raven good job i'm just gonna have my rogue try and disarm all of the lovely traps in this room it should be quite easy he's pretty skilled at it and we have the main perks of being able to see every single trap in this room old beans except of course that one which accidentally fired and it's murdered our mage oh that's good welcome back to boulder's gate 3 where we're about to demonstrate the next most powerful cheesy cheese strategy and that is of course the legendary cheese strategy of just doing anything in this game with stealth now the thing is when you think of a stealth character in a d or rpg sense logically they have to be a rogue sat from a distance doing damage in a shadow they do a hit and they run back into the shadows and hide now this game does have that as a feature the issue is it's completely nicely overpowered and also it's not limited to rogue classes because literally any class can do this which is going to use a rogue for simplicity's sake and sit right up here of course being nice and hidden then we're going to do a lovely sneak attack at range which has a 70 chance of landing on this lovely person and wa-bam of course it's a miss and oh my goodness combat has started and they've spotted us but here's where things are about to be completely and utterly fine because what we can do ladies and gentlemen is simply run right back here into the shadows and press the hide button suddenly we are now invisible to the enemy and what happens when you're invisible to the enemy well the enemy does literally nothing in this game they stand there and say you aren't escaping me or i'm going to kill you do they do any of those things no they don't do any of those things they just sit there and they're frustrated so we've done all of those lovely successful things and what we're about to do is give ourselves a lovely bonus of cunning dash it's going to allow us to move a bit further then we're going to walk forwards just a few meters let's take a shot with our lovely action and we can hit this person 84 chance go for it why not well bam nice bit of damage there then what we're going to do is just walk straight back into those shadows right on over here and once again press the hide button and just hide here and then we can hit end turn what do the ai do they do nothing they just sit there and go right that's it we're gonna kill you do they kill us no do they move no do we have to fight them no this is completely and utterly broken it is so unfair i have no idea where this was greenlit to be in the game it just oh my god the thing is we can repeat it every single round every round once again we just hit ourselves with cunning dash so that we can walk further then we walk up here 7.4 meters lovely this lovely range character 84 chance to hit bam they're now down to one health we then walk straight on out of dodge don't mind me press the lovely hide button and we're invisible job done we've basically shown off two absolutely incredible combat strategies combat strategy number one is what i like to call the child workforce strategy where you basically just wave assault your enemies with expendable infinite summons whereas this strategy is the completely unfair high ground strategy of hiding in shadows because we're bam 84 chance to hit that's an enemy killed 50 experience for everyone involved they're lovely stuff and then we're just gonna once again just walk out of there yeah we don't need to be involved in that fight when bam hide in the shadows let's hit end turn stand and fight yep we're not going to do that yeah combat is a little bit broken in this game the ai could use a little bit of magic i mean come on i've shot at you from the same position for the last four turns in a row and you still haven't found where i'm coming from did no one test this come on it's an rpg game people are gonna role play stealth classes oh no boulder's gate cheddar cheese what have you done to it you've absolutely cheesed it and the thing is this strategy you don't even need to use characters for you don't even need to use stealth characters you can use your mages you can have your mage go here fire a fire bolt teleport back and then go into hide and then suddenly they're just basically immortal we can even use summoned creatures to do the exact same thing that's how bad this is we could have a spider come up here shoot a web then come back and hide oh i love this game i really do any kind of rpg game like this with completely breakable stealth mechanics oh just makes my day anyway walk up to the edge again 91 chance to hit and that's a yeet oh nice kill there my friend 50 experience good stuff then once again let's just walk away we had nothing to do with that immediately press stealth and end our turn lovely you aren't escaping me no i think it's the other way round gifhanki rider i am in fact the one you shall not be escaping so yes with strategies like this you can win every single combat encounter in the game because you are untouchable and you're always in a lovely position to do damage now some games like to balance players being untouchable by also having players not be able to do damage like for example this game has a kind of balancing feature like that it has invisibility potions and invisibility potions work the way they should in rpgs you're invisible right up until the point where you take an action this however is effectively an invisibility potion which is free and anyone can use and also you can attack whilst being completely and utterly invisible to the enemy that doesn't sound very fair now does it there we go once again we're just down to two characters now we've murdered four characters without really having to do anything which is absolutely perfect for everyone involved and then hit them with another wham-bam look at that oh only one character left to try and defeat us oh my what a shame let's just walk back from the edge pop into stealth hit and turn i mean she's got 48 health but i still don't think that her odds are looking too good can we even hit her from up here oh my goodness we can but she can't even see us up here we can just hide we don't even need to move we could just hit him standing on top of this little fig and her coat of vision only goes this far so we completely safe oh my goodness right it is outside of our normal range so we have a slightly lower chance to hit but i mean 50 chance to hit in an unreachable position i'll take that that's that's more than happy for me i mean it does of course help that we have the high ground famously as everyone knows if you have the high ground you are guaranteed success now the thing is as great as using summoned creatures are to completely cheese the game i personally prefer this completely broken stealth strategy just because it's a bit more fun it's kind of a good life to have your characters doing the damage because then it actually means you might as well invest in the characters because the issue of using a summoned only strategy it's hard to get invested in an unnamed bear which is just destroying all other opponents you're running into oh now the ai has done something now that's the first action they've done they've used a healing potion to get back five health although that health is now just suddenly all gone away again oh i do feel sorry for the poor little ai here they're kind of just standing in a pool of their own blood and they've been hit by about 17 arrows at this point and they just haven't moved anyway that's um that was combat in port escape free didn't really feel like combat it more felt just like shooting fish in a barrel but you know um that was um certainly certainly fair and we can just steal all of their stuff i mean look at this there's some nice armor on here yeah these look great lovely expensive items we can sell all of these and of course the game's glitched out so i can't get the loot off one of these bodies come on that's like the 17th time in this playthrough i've had a body fall through the terrain to the point where you can't get loot from it oh well it is early access what can you do but there you go ladies and gentlemen this is boulder's gate free it's a really fun little game and i've i really do appreciate the rpg elements and i imagine if they added a dungeon master mode this with a whole bunch of friends would be absolutely incredible but at the moment it needs a few little fixes and improvements like for example making it so that you can't just spam the water pump for half an hour and flood the entire map with water because currently there is no end to the amount you can press this button and the spread of the water we can just keep going until the entire screen is filled with water yeah i mean i wonder if you could even get the entire map filled with water it just keeps on spreading what an incredible scenario this is i'm afraid that's all we actually have in store for today in boulder's gate 3 it's been a really fun little experience for me we've got of course the lovely cheddar cheese who just looks absolutely majestic and the thing is there's a whole bunch of exploits that i wasn't even able to cover this time around several of these aren't fixed by the way for example the dog companion in this game if you get the dog companion and take them to your camp every time you pet the dog companion your characters like say gayle here who are your party companions will have their approval improved by a small amount now this doesn't really make much for difference other than gay or might then offer to sleep with you however if you want to absolutely farm the approval stat then all you have to do is pet the dog repeatedly there is no limit to the amount of times you can pet the dog and consequently there is no limit to the amount of approval you will gain from petting the dog basically everyone likes someone who loves dogs i mean who doesn't dogs are brilliant there's also a fun exploit at the moment involving splitting items where you can accidentally duplicate things there's another exploit involving dual wielding weapons where you can get about four hits in per turn and just a whole bunch of other dumb little things which are completely nicely broken but of course the developers will slowly fix and improve one thing's for certain this game is a perfectly balanced game however there are many exploits and actually it's not balanced in the slightest but hey that's all for today folks if you have indeed enjoyed watching them feel free to give this video a like because it does massively help us out and hop on down to the comments section with a recommendation of what videos you'd like to see next i've got some very interesting videos lined up there's some very broken games coming i mean heck cyberpunk's just around the corner and who knows what exploits that game might hold anyway as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my lovely patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible and also thank you to you the people who like the videos comment on the videos and just watch them seriously thank you very much i wouldn't be able to be here without you so pat yourselves on the back your lovely sausages and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you trust me you're going to love it anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely fantastic day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 418,438
Rating: 4.9238148 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, video game exploit, rpg exploit, baldurs gate, bdg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate exploit, baldurs gate 3 exploit, baldurs gate 3 guide, montage, is broken, video game, summon only, summon only challenge, stealth, stealth only challenge, only challenge, can you beat, funny, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 early access, funny challenge, spiffing brit, baldurs gate 3 combat, funny moments, baldurs gate iii
Id: Kv37JEeJ2as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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