The Skyrim One Punch Experience!

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ladies and gentlemen we are here finally it's 100 stadtbahn time good lord ah how are you all doing this evening I'd like to give me a shout whereabouts you from what timezone is it because I know for some people it's a bit late for some people it's actually midday but for us here are the wonderful term that is Greenwich Mean Time and also the one true time zone of the entire world if 6 p.m. and that's right it's time for Smith and he's got a wonderful stream for you today so what kind of premise we're going with here it's quite simple you know you might have heard of it we ever heard of this anime I don't know it's quite small really quite small it's called bloody one punch man the premise of the show you got a bloke he's bold he's just a normal guy except he can literally kill anything in one punch and so we are doing the exact same thing in schoo and we're gonna start a new game and together ladies in general we're gonna sit down and beat the game and just one punch literally everything I've done a quick test just to make sure everything works and it does but from this point on it's uncharted territory completely uncharted territory ladies and gentlemen it is just you and myself and we're just in this together and we're gonna find out what happens hello there captain why why francs for the subscription hello there chat nice to have you grumpy mole-rat lovely to have you here and to minty to fresh the lovely new gentleman member who's just joined us right we hope for this I am very hyped for this I am very excited we have a few special ideas I have going on for this stream today as well not only are we going to be doing this we've also got a fun little mini game for us to do later on in the screen right later on in the stream I have this little thing set up called donation go on that's right you'll see the bottom left corner now it's called stream orders with food basically paypal donations are gonna add into that fund over the course of the stream and we're gonna reach a point where effectively we have enough money for me to go on to delivery and simply order something but we're gonna have the stream vote on it so I have absolutely no idea what I'm gonna end up with I could end up with a wonderful 12 ounce steak I could end up with 14 portions of potato wedges I don't know it's up to you guys we're gonna find out at the end of the stream I guess well not at the end of the stream probably around the midpoint whenever I get peckish I guess if you're excited of this please do give the stream would like and I guess it's time we dive right into this and yes stream chat this will become a video it will be scouring boy says user Khajiit oh no no no no scarring boy we are using guess we are using okay the one punch man mode quite simply it adds the one punch man race and it does what it says on the tin realistically right ladies and gentlemen Todd Howard is waiting for us Skyrim begin oh it's like I'm right back here oh it's what was it was 2011 when this game was released 2012 I can't remember hey very immersive Bethesda Game Studios you excited Gus what happens what happens when the game starts who knows what world are we gonna be in wow what's this it's beautiful not to be cold Christ my nips are cold or not we got Mongol okay he looks like he's staring into the abyss oh we're playing Skyrim ladies and gentlemen that's the game we play it's like the game new todd how did you know we were playing this game oh my god blown away Todd what game what game Oh James 105 9 funded 779 P ladies and gentlemen 79p thank you very much James what a lovely donation well it's crossing the border yes I was yes I was okay damn Stormcloaks aw that's my way to speak to someone mister crazy deaf stereos aah but we've also got raging Caucasian who's just donated free dollars saying eat your potato Rajon Caucasian thank you very much the issue is you guys donating through super chat which I can't accept donations for for the food simply because I don't get super chat donations for about two months YouTube really delays the time I received them so thank you very much for donation though raging Caucasian I'll receive it probably in March and spend it on a bag of tea oh right kind of V half thank you very much now the scarf is actually quite a beautiful game over them like the crazy glitched horses you can have like just looking at these trees it's beautiful it's very nice what did I miss W spycrab you miss nothing yet we're just experiencing the joy that is scaring the vanilla Skyrim experience with no modifications at all I promise yeah I got caught crossing the border as well did that happen in your game as well Oh will you caught will you call crossing the border has anyone else been caught crossing the border in this game I feel like it was only me Todd higher would sold it on the experience that I would have a personal experience but if everyone else has crossed the border what's what's the point oh tower Empire's experienced crossing the border and getting arrested that's not fair once that man versus one pouch but that sounds great I'm an eater 100k I don't know Joe I think we might stream until we hear a hundred cakes we're quite close we're out by like three hundred four hundred men so um yeah well sit on here and wait till well yeah I feel the stream until we reach that goal I didn't get caught I let them call me well mr. pandas too minty too fresh I never cross the border what well then how did you end up on this wagon you know I think my favorite thing from this game is like there's just a little kid those like what are they doing with all those people it's like son get back inside they're about to bloody love their heads off and then later on you sees far we get eviscerated by a dragon what a wonderful story oh no not all off oh he has a day oh that makes it so much worse Oh God why are we stopping because there's a there's a man with a big pointy axe over there that's why we're stopping sunshine he's got a balaclava rod good God shouldn't keep the gods waiting we're not rebels well I think basically 50% of the people in the carriage are so saying we that's quite that's quite a broad statement Oh step forward when they call the name I mean that's just German efficiency this oh my god oh my god conspiracy theory Skyrim Empire is the German Empire I think I've got it and we're gonna watch this guy do the janky run off into the distance and get shot in the foot and just have his legs kind of spray about and he'll just look really stupid watch this def this is probably the most depressing def you'll ever see in a video game I've been hit by an hour just gonna flop on down in this direction ladies and gentlemen don't mind me I was hitting the knee whoo you good question so we are the site of a race it's quite simple whoa hats workers just donated the largest mounts yet one pound thank you very much how that's going straight into the food fund we'll get onto that later on right it's one punch big effing chap for four bloody what even was his name something beginning with our top 10 saddest anime deaths what shame war shame anyway 101 punch man what are we gonna make him male or female the choice is here the stream shout everything about this is gonna be choice is yours you know actually let's instead do slide a fool left or full right I think that's how we're gonna do it okay Jesus Christ that's a lot of f streamed okay I was rule off okay so if you want if you want to be a man you say slider left if you want to be a woman you say slider right simple so slider left slider right full left right full rights there's a lot of right-wingers out there today okay sex is a spectrum confirmed oh no now getting a lot of slide left now okay right slide left we won't Bob with presets because we don't need them skin tone full left or full right are we having pasty white boy are we having Hulk Hogan right it's up to you stream chair it's up to you full laughs okay we're getting left again we're going left again okay now we're going for wait are we going chunky boy are we going big chunky stick fat chunky or stick fat both oh good right okay oh I don't know I'm still seeing there's a lot left going on a big chunk is okay we're going big chunga's we go for big chunks right it's on to the head what can we do here complexion it's over like I mean complexion isn't really that important it's over grizzled old wrinkled machine or thin smooth skin so grizzled wrinkled machine or thin smooth skin left or right chaps right oh I've seen okay right we're getting rights for this one it's chunky it's it's chunky boy with grizzled face right we're doing that dirt how much dirt are we adding to this man we're going lots of dirt or or no dirt probably you strike me as the kind of people that would like dirt really are we feeling dirty or not are we feeling dirty ladies and gentlemen okay there's a right on that we'll go for that one dirt color is unimportant that's a lot of people requesting dirt scars you can't really pick scars because it's over you have none or where you have some is it even adding it's not even adding the scars this guy can't have scars that's fine wall paint can we've an ad wall paint yes we can okay right so it's it's literature so we have that or we have nothing it's so do what the wolf hate on Hoover okay that's all I'm sorry it's one of the other big skull oh we could go for the big scope okay I could appreciate the big scope very well we'll go big scope no pain no pain oh I'm seeing lots of rights I'm seeing lots of rights okay we go full full right on the wall pain we're ending up on this strange line thing wall paint color it's either orange or it's black it's it's one of the two is it strange yellow or E oh my god I feel like I need my eyes tested but look at it it matches it matches the tunic we've got on that's quite nice pink is pink even an option oh that's kind of pink that's quite close no no it's donated one pound thank you very much anonymous Oh actually it's ghost Adam for some reason stream live Sphinx that your name isn't fit to be shown but thanks go satin for the one pound that will go to the food fund later on there we go we're going like this now nose type are we having oh my god just look at the nose jiggle look at it go what it's really agitated alien you always call wild knows it's agitated or can we catch it can we catch I'm just gonna close my eyes and let go I'm gonna close my eyes and let go go okay this the nose we got it's far right it's a strange little one but you know you guys were wanting oh my goodness it's it's beautiful just look at those far-right nose it was a correct choice right nose height are we going this high or like that are we going are we going top right are we going bottom left top right bottom left top right bottom left the choice is yours chat left right right left left left right right slider right left left left left left left left okay note that that one's definitely left right nose length nose length forwards nose length it's like someone's slowly pressing you up against the wall just push that back into your face you don't want that pointing out you could take someone's eye out with that okay everyone save right on this one we sticking the nose out jaw width okay we're gonna take you back to facing me come on face me there we go jaw whip-its I have a big chunky wide jaw or thin jaw big jaw fin jaw big tall thin jaw big jaw kinjal that's right we're going a big chunky jaw right jaw height oh it's got it's got to be down it's got to be down just look at that look at that absolute unit of a jaw just there we go look at that just have it go down big jaw jaw forward oh you guys what what is going on that yeah we'll have to afford okay now it's cheekbone time we either have really high up cheekbones or cheekbones so low that he just kind of looks a bit sad look at this he's sad he's happy he's sad he's happy what we going for big boy I'm seeing rights there that's fine cheekbone width it's just got to be wide we've got to make him a wide boy cheek color I never I feel like this isn't gonna make much of a difference considering all the war pain so we'll just leave it as it is laugh lines I mean something tells me that this boy is never laughed in his life I would just look at stare into those eyes this man is never laugh once Oh cheek color lower as fine walk in color nose color since when was nose color an option is it possible to color which is kind of a suspiciously dark colored nose just like the face of lightness but the nose is where we store all of the evils it looks kind of normal face up like if you saw this man excluding the wall paint you could accept him as a human being but as soon as he comes sideways it's just it looks a bit strange there's just something odd okay and forehead color I guess we go we got go all the way right haven't we let's see what color we can get the forehead BAM I know it's got to be pasty white actually there we go pasty white right now onto the ice the eyes are very important because the eyes are gateways into the sold ladies so ladies and gentlemen so these are your options this is far left or far right which is exactly the same Oh oh my goodness Oh potatoes thanks Rach inculcation for the one pound donation on paypal you will eat your potato Smith but we don't know if the stream chat is gonna give me potatoes glitch the eyes you see I like those eyes I like them as blue I think that's just how it should be I height oh they just got to go up haven't they ladies and gentleman oh no actually they got to go down they've gotta go down oh no my eyes i width cold look at me pick me straight look at me straight go on I which feels like we going wide or not wide wide not wide wide don't worry make impassive okay we're going right yeah he does look beautiful fault Patrol of course he does he's very beautiful he sees sees something that interesting his eyes they've got a bite of their own okay we'll go eye in his face eyeliner color and shadows that does not particularly matter brow brow type it's a type of brow is this changing anything no well that's that's just not was the point of this brow height oh can i oh I can do something with this we're gonna make the brow tall brow with very wide growl forward Varia forward II just needs like so you know how you need to use sunscreen to protect yourself from the Sun well your eyes are never gonna burn if your brow just sticks out for words and kind of acts like a blinker there we go those the brows mouth shape I mean honestly we just we just need kissable lips oh oh now those those those say kiss me cuz the beautiful lips look at those mouth we having mouth up enough tell is it mouth up or mouth down these are the kiss V lips someone ended suffered you can't is what punch but is beautiful up lifts lips up lip so definitely of mouth forward oh it's gotta be forward they got to be they got to be close to you so you can kiss them like see they start out back here and then he goes god I love this stream already Oh mouth forward chin whiff let's just make it let's make him have like a really tiny chin so that everything else looks really disparate chin length or yes now that is a chin chin forward oh yes put that chin forward or maybe put it back so the lips are more kissable let's see oh no it's got to be forward so that you can kiss him better there's a lot of bottom bottom lip going on there so you know if they're into it fine lip color or we want a definitely a nice luscious red or perhaps even a pink oh wow that's looking quite gothic there that's looking that okay we have in golf well are we having golf one punch man we having nice rosy red lips one punishment the choice is yours golf or rosy red just put golf already in chat oh my goodness if you're enjoying the stream by the way please do like it it massively helps me out the mail Rozonda nice to have you say golf right we're going gothic I mean they probably would be sir they would be suffering so of course they want to go golf right now on to the hair some say this is the most important part ladies and gentlemen the most important part let's add the hair okay oh we actually have no hair options here at all can we add facial hair no are we genuinely not we're not allowed to edit the hair on this race but we can change the color so it's okay oh you know I think it could be a fiery ginger we having fiery ginger kind of like blonde or gray or white actually hmm I strike Smee I think one punch one could be a ginger like you got the goth going on and then you kind of got like a ghost the body of Julius Caesar I just don't even know what's going on there just have no lights okay I've seen lots of calls for white we're going why we're going white there's a lot look at this beautiful character hello please be nice to me please I'm chasing a butterfly right we're done ladies and gentlemen let's finish and name the character oh it's one punch man it's one punch man ladies and gentleman let's go I'm excited for this he's not on the list forget this look at my beautiful face like where my legs where are my legs what have you done with them I will have your head okay good following to the block okay right away I've lost control what's happening here it's nice that they've just been stood staring each other forty minutes and then can begin their monologue after so those two Imperials there are the exact same they're doing the same pose in everything what are you smiling why is the guy on the right far right smiling look at him oh oh looks like something's happening Oh ladies and gentle do you know what's happening yet you know what's happening yet we're about to find out we well literally could have just waited and then I've been saved by a dragon but instead he's just like oh no I'm just gonna go get myself killed what a guy absolute power play on his own to be honest right well we've got quite a few stops going in Gabriel thanks very much Ethan and Ray Jane quit guess Lepik and we ddd thank you very much oh those head has fallen off they can move the body am I just gonna lie on top of it was Am I are they gonna force me yep look you hear the noises OH - minty - fresh is donated two pounds to the food fund thank you very much too minty too fresh that does really help oh okay oh that you haven't moved the body why are you looking at me with loving eyes there you have nice rippy muscles okay we're just gonna we're just gonna lie down okay Oh out behind you if only I had a voice and I could tell you there was something behind you but no no it's a dragon what's his name his name's Steve it's been a while since I played Skyrim his name's Steve isn't it Oh seems very angry for a Steven Wow okay right hey you get up the gods won't give us another chance okay well Oh Steve it is Steve I knew it was right see you guys for I didn't have enough enough Skyrim law oh oh that was a bit dangerous this is a health and safety nightmare up here Jesus Christ have they got a best have good insurance for this well we know it is it's a bloody dragon of course it's a bloody dragon what's up with you you just thought pile of blood around you okay you're just doing nothing okay good cool are we actually do have a choice coming up now oh now blokes dead rest in peace that bloke he's been toasted thank you very much howling wolf has work donating the next largest amount yet do you've donated free pass thank you very much that's going straight to the food fund I think it might actually we might always have enough well I think we're about half the way to being able to order delivery and then we'll see what food we end up with thanks to you guys on the stream well let's drop down here what are we going here nothing well there's there's the kid and as the kids dad make me proud our needs just be toasted alive you just saw your dad die you just saw your dad die and you're just staring off like oh no he's died oh that's just what those eyes you giving me you look like you're the one who killed him I swear you probably ran out there to attract the Dragons get him to run after you so you could kill him look what you've done to him bloody children for 20 viewers at the moment good lord oh that's one of the realest donation goes I've seen so far buying food okay the donation go to buy food is not because I desperately need food and I have no money it's to simply make the delivery my dad Bobby just got knocked on the floor it's mostly to buy delivery with you guys at home so basically you guys pick what we deliver and it gets delivered oh you're just perfectly fine and it gets delivered to us and then um and then I then we get to decide basically and I have to eat it on stream with you guys because it'll be lovely oh okay so we have an option here okay we're either go with blondie muck blonde boy or look at those rippling muscles or we go with ginger bloke with sword okay so still strong cloaks or Imperials who are we choosing Imperials or Stormcloaks chat you decide you best choose well okay Imperials Imperials Imperials go Imperials follow the ginger okay okay I'm seeing lots of calls from heroes oh I've just taken off my jacket let's get on with this Imperials oh it is joined the Empire today they've got cool little logo let's go okay we're going we're going bro calm down calm down right well you just phase into was that really a dragon of course there's a bloody dragon your absolute melon good lord come on keep those bindings off come on take them off oh we get a nice look at our character there we go Harry it's it's one punch man yeah you guys remember one punch man this is what he looks like doo doo doo doo doo doo and I can't do the intro but it's exactly what he'd sound like now we can buy something we could grab some armor so yeah we can could grab that but honestly I don't really think there's much need for us to have armor oh they're still out there let's pull this chain on what's through here oh oh yeah it's opening just quite slowly what do we got around here Oh have we got anything no we got nothing Oh some Stormcloaks the won't begin their dialogue chain until we open this maybe we can reason with them you know you can't come on oh you've just got your stuff okay hello I'm one punch man you've really shouldn't engage in combat with me here's why Jesus Christ did expect him to bloody body slammed them okay good job 100 no it's great off we go let's find the next one bum bum bum bum papa oh okay oh okay let's not go that way okay let's go this way this is great press tab tractors my inventory magic yes I know that well we got some people well Podge well purge oh Jesus Christ that was my god what if what opposed to dying my god 1/100 step man you um he's taken no hits so far he's just genuinely smashed someone this is great what rumors are for mate there's no rules of war when you can just punch everything out of existence right let's go this way that's done then this way yes I am done like you're lacking behind come on what's even as your name however hadvar had far oh no oh they're attacking the torturer honestly kill the bloody torturer they tortured them I like how hadvar doesn't care that I just murdered one of his kind but hey you know that's fine they're torturing people just got to be honest probably not the nicest now we have an option here to access there is there really a point no we're going derpy spycrab can you get stuff faster because if I recall one punch one is also super fast one punch one is not super fast he's a perfectly normal speeded guy okay yes he can jump pretty far but you know only when he wants to at the moment he just he just want a punch okay that's all eat that's all he's meant for he's a level one one punch man okay come wait seemed accidentally killed someone that's actually probably gonna happen okay just let me let me sneak no you don't see me no you don't see me no no okay no okay behind you as our but you didn't see that one coming behind you but you didn't see that coming up behind me I didn't see that one coming oh come on come on there we go take the swing take this week oh we got an archer here we got an archer ladies and gentlemen it's okay you can just dodge the arrows yeah what look at that Pro moves eSports going right here come on shoot the arrows and dodge oh no problem and dodge and punch and punch it's as easy as that ladies and gentlemen is that I don't know if it's one punch one is as fast as a flush or they're about as slow as a lemon strap to at or toys that's genuinely how good it is right what do we got down here nothing right onwards had far are you keeping up ed well come on head whereabouts all you had well at 5:00 I accidentally left you behind come on Howard Val for Christ's sake you've done now yep you're done now come on Jesus now jump and jump there we go do it for Sweden oh I'll be doing this for sweet and don't you worry ladies and gentlemen don't you worry okay now we hit this point okay come on hard work come over to this point had Val had Val what the [ __ ] you doing hadvar oh okay right so yeah that has to fall down then you do your audio cube don't slow me down again ed well don't do it again no in front of the stream at four at all you understand not in front of the bloody stream at four I am NOT don't you run away from me head look at what come on okay we talked about this head bar you are you said you're gonna keep up you said when we did it for the ladies and gentlemen you to keep up but you didn't have fun you did okay okay had [ __ ] now remember this isn't domestic abuse it isn't it is amiss and a contract with me had fun you remember that now let's go off your headphone come on come on hadvar woo ladies and gentlemen its funtime 100 so much fun not understand but good Lord completely different person I promise we're totally not just playing reskin to 100 Sandman isn't just 100 step man who killed one punch man and then stole his skin and put him self in in there okay let's go Padua of course it doesn't go anywhere cause we better go the avoid kill the Lord well melon oh my good lord Massimo van steam I see movin steam get some sushi my man if you don't get sushi some kebab everyone likes kebab Massimo van Steen I love you but I'm afraid that's a super chat donation so I can't add it to the funds for the food I'm terribly sorry but thank you very much that we'll go to some food for me and my fiance in a later day oh no it's the horrible frostbite spiders eat eat eat have fun get in my bloody way head walk away so i mean--yeah have our team work out of our teamwork teamwork makes the dream work what you doing lying down had fun how did you fall up I must've tripped ladies and gentlemen he's simply tripped Oh such a website cool thank you very much for you donation though Massimo certainly will help us out BAM come on had far it's a journey time we've had for going on a journey with your friend his name's had-had ver have up now that's racist now he's racist head well some people it's 2019 mate it's bloody 2019 you can't be saying those things what do we go over here oh what's that it's a bear I had far I know I said there's a bear just ahead had father yeah we best want tanga women right now we can sneak past had phone had far come on let's sneak past a sneak past had fun lets me pass haha let's sneak past that's that's just let's just sneak past I'd well goaaaal had well we'll just sneaking past is bear come on however I'll never get their claws and PayPal lovely thank you very much Beth had father racist you heard it here first ladies and gentlemen adver exposed as secret racist right over here what do we got come on had why it's time to leave don't walk around come on we got better things to do they can't see you if he's dead exactly doc exactly done in chat me exactly mate you got it as your name completely threw me off there for a second mate damn boy hurry it can't do that anyway thank you very much Oh everyone it's lovely to have you here ad what you don't know huh it's flown off yes had fall it's gone this person can't be pick box so I didn't try on good to say yes I don't think we should have fun oh go to River wood that sounds good why would it be best if we split up if I'm a bloke with amnesia you're just you're literally just running off to - just leave me behind ok no you're just running off to stand there cool right and so ladies and gentlemen and so after escaping almost death the journey can begin how do you put your weapons away again is it like X well how do you put your fists down said see no see is autorun II know Q know kill him now oh can I kill him chat why why would we kill had four why would we kill had 400 to our hello it's me your friend had had was it was it had louder keep moving had far my friend had fun we best keep moving had well had well there we go ahead Bob come on had well come on Harv oh come on had well come on had four Howard well come on take it like a champ had well take it like a bloody champ Advil take it like a champ there we go and one for good measure there we go and we're off we're off ladies and gentlemen what a wonderful journey we've had we've had for today people are saying our because it means I can put my fists away and look at my beautiful character what's this their house over here there's a little house sign up at the top of the bar which you guys can't see because I put my bloody they stream a header over it so yet that's that's broken what's over here ah it's a beautiful lake here's someone over here oh and of course krabby patty thank you very much for donation who's this Jim Lee who are your a song man I see okay oh there's a wolf what are we gonna do there you can deal with it song boy come on some well you actually can you completely wreck him okay I'll finish the job for you good job that was teamwork song boy you know what you're too bad have a pair on the back oh oh I forget I can't do Pat's on the back oh well big f big f indeed it's just take all of these you won't be needing them don't think you'll be needing those anymore rest in peace song boy rest in peace right so said there was like a house over here somewhere so I guess we just follow follow the River Line look at this beautiful lake it's no wonderful as a deer over there can we catch up to that and then I'd know it's a lot of wolves over here good lord okay the house is over this way somewhere okay stick to the mini-map come on not the mini-map BAM top ten saddest animated what what's this a dead woodcutter okay um I didn't do this okay now I know it's very you guys in chat are all very quick to judge you see a dead body you see me nearby and you're like oh well it's probably this bloke here it's probably this guy right here well that wasn't me ladies and gentlemen that wasn't me we got over here there should be some kind of house it says a little house not look at this you have got a little Hut there's people here there's people here one punch one so I put the fists away one punch one don't let them know it's pine watch there's a bloke over here running walking around like who are you oh you're an orc hello oh you shouldn't talk to me like that I won't cry you don't seem very nice shame I can't really kill you oh well what's in here should we discover to see what's in this house miss Wren but it's got a lock on it okay ah don't think I'm very good at picking locks typically I'll just hit the door why are you guys saying rest in peace the orc no organ oh she can't hear us wearing airport headphones okay good point oh wow suddenly someone's angry who's angry up here are you you seem very angry what are you hello Oh your bandit good lord okay look friendly friendly friendly not friendly stop being friendly stop being friendly quite a long time ago right can we take the body come on but are we getting shot up are we off by that person over there hey come on come on if you shoot another one at me your friend drops your friend drops if you hit me right you wait maybe I can just absorb the bullet with his body come on you wouldn't want to shoot your friend would you you wouldn't come on dad tada tada tada tada tada tada tada come on you wouldn't want to hate your friend Dave how could Lord okay you hit me he's getting dropped he's getting dropped cheeky bastard right die okay oh good lord jesus okay body slam oh that's how we're doing it okay we're body slamming them off a bridge rest in peace unnamed bandit number two rest in peace okay lady though suppose you wanted to help out with that whole debacle no you didn't let's just jump off I see it's meant to drop these when you come by no no you how do you like me a bit better no still completely you hate me very well I saved your life and you're just like now go away ah what a shame what a shame kill the green lady a chat come on oh my Imperial soldiers what have I done what have I done Imperial soldiers I went with you bloke he liked me auch lady come help book lady what do you mean this should be good why don't you want to participate okay great now I need to take on a little Imperial soldiers by myself very well one punch time it is one punch one punch oh wait there we go and you doubt anymore for anymore yep evidently you've just notified me of your location thank you very much for your assistance right now what is this finger oh there's a prisoner hey ah I can free the prisoner tell us guy to you to my friend tell us guy to - what a lovely place we find ourselves in what's this oh it's a spray gun those things are quite dangerous aren't they except they're not really are they so any hidden treasure here no just got some mountain flowers and oh there is there's a chest got hide armor iron mace Gold there we go I'll take the gold that's useful we can use that whoa rest in peace everyone who's nice to you they won't nice to me come on you got to be honest they weren't really were they no quite mean in fact right look at that is that some kind of like - it's a dungeon we can explore ah there's a hat there's a town here of some kind there's an elk thanks Hulk I'll be taking that and I should can probably sell it to you guys if you're friendly are you guys feeling friendly yeah I'm not looking for a beating are you there we go see that they're quite friendly actually this isn't Riverwood no it's not I've no idea what this place is but if it's got a pub it is probably a nice place what's this the dead man's drink that sounds good hello a handsome man in Fouke reef there you go it's a handsome man it's a handsome man ladies and gentlemen it's a handsome man she's the only one who's ever thought that one punch man could be handsome we cannot punch her we're not punching her ladies and gentlemen she's very nice you however you look about as pretty as I do so I look above you I do not even acknowledge you why are you staring at me what are you doing can I make a request Oh Ragnar the red let's do Ragnar the red I love that one heard only a thousand times before nice what are you got for saying I'd like a beverage drink for the thirsty that's exactly what I am lovely hey there we go we'll just buy all of that and that's all we got lovely right ladies and gentlemen it's drinking time and has absolutely zero effect or at least that's what you think da da da da da da bodyslam but a dead duck dinner but a dirt dirt dirt to dirt grab the meat whilst there nope was it looking at the body grab grab grab Leggett come on it's time to go it's hard to get over touches that bad go go go go go oh boy it's an alcoholic play fruit time come on they won't chase you out here why are you gonna kill me I was friendly you were friendly to me a second ago that wasn't my fault what do you have on you OOP ah a key to the pub and a ring of stamina nice how do bye-bye what did it do do rest in peace the only love I ever had just in peace that's just the cruel hard world we live in ladies and gentlemen sometimes you got to make sacrifices to make gains oh it's not what I understand why this is one punishment I get the two mixed up okay there's no no similarities between the two I promise all right let's actually see how stream laps is keeping up on this donation goal of ours where's my mask on okay I got to do that and then BAM there we go right stream laughs editor and turn back on the donation goal right where we are how far are we to food with 40% of the way to food ladies and gentlemen I can almost taste the lovely goodness that we're getting today who knows what we're gonna get right away we go well what's this it's some kind of like castle over here this is nice or castle if you're feeling a bit portion spicy today so there's a rabbit that's cute can we punch that hopefully we can no get back it there we go this is cracked tusks who said that oh oh oh you're there oh you open the gate for me thank you that's very kind of you where do you think you're going oh no oh no no you shouldn't have opened that gate sunshine you really shouldn't have oh no don't make me kill you where's the last woman out there good lord there's a lot of arrows sucking to me at the moment let's just go oh hey look ello sunshine oh my that's a bit more than one punch one punch was all it took and now he's just okay it's been a bit evaporated what what can we find in here is there any food we got some leg of goat nice to be fair I wouldn't be surprised if the food you guys ordered me tonight is a leg of goat I have no idea where an Oxford delivery would get a leg of goat to me but I'm sure we could find a way right oh can we use these you can but really there's there's no point what's here light Armour forging that's exciting can we read that yes my smithing is increased and I can steal some iron armor but more importantly let's just go punch the guy who owns this really who wouldn't want to do that spife if we hit 100k will you spend $1,000 on tea bags if we get a one thousand dollar donation and we're here hundred K then yes I'll spend a thousand dollars on tea bags but otherwise I currently have like forty thousand tea bags so I think it would probably be better if I spend a thousand pounds on a pure box and then have you guys send me the tea bags like send me your favorite tea bag in the post and I'll drink it that sounds like a great idea but maybe that's for the future let's add some carrots that's a venison oh all come to excuse me sunshine don't go punching one punch and then a body slam good stuff what are we grabbing my potion of healing legend of the red Eagles exciting who knows what that was and find ready go sword the red eagle bothers narrowing my head let's open this wooden door who's in here you the boss oh you you are the boss let me just loot your stuff first 92 gold nice what else we go not much to be honest not much at all right I guess we just kill you now the pleasure running into you well crated tusk volt key that sounds nice right and we are done ladies and gentlemen we are out of here good stuff right uh what kind of maybe we should own 16 more subs to hundred K seriously is that how close we are spycrab you can't be right oh no no 296 more subs spycrab you had me there for a second you had me there for a second I thought I'd missed 100k good lord I'm glad I didn't right oh no I [ __ ] up the mouse oh Christ right-click off there you go and then thank you oh no now my mouse is on screen oh car right okay there's just gonna be a wiggly mouse on screen now oh how awful if any of you know how to fix that I genuinely been looking for a way to fix that for so long god I love you Skyrim but you certainly do have loads of broken things about you Oh Oh what's happening here just some guy that's a novice necromancer Oh resurrecting a body who's this oh don't know but I can loot from you Oh oh no I was a bad idea hello don't freeze me your melon oh you dies well I'll rest in peace nobody's necromancer juniper berries is that all it takes to resurrect the dead it's not too bad oh just get the weak lingering potion and a couple of these that seems good and you have to restart if you want to tap out first press tilde enter the console yeah you got to get like the little you got to get the upper mouse up oh bugger actually wait it's fixed yeah it's fixed for the time being so I've locked my mouse on the other monitor so it's good it shouldn't appear well there's a cap I can see like Steam over there what's over here let's go the steam emanating from these this area is that fire to fire what's this first stream killjoy these donate to the largest amount yet 15 pounds first stream ladies in general we just hit the food god Wow right guys thank you very much for 15 pounds I think it's almost time that we go order some tasty foods Wow someone got properly looted up here well maybe they got scorched by a dragon I think that's more likely to be the incident right so would you guys you guys okay to pause as we order our food temporarily it's gonna it's gonna take like a probably about 15 minutes to what probably about 10 minutes to order and then probably about 15 minutes to arrive but in the process of it arriving we can certainly still keep playing so let's just make sure in a good position to order food so that people don't start asking too many questions okay this this position should do fine that's good yeah we can say like that do we even lose health how much after we have like if we go to here oh yeah we do just have a lot of health and infinite stamina okay this character is perfectly balanced okay yeah it's type of food there its type of food right now ladies and gentlemen to take away delivery time we have a few options we can order American Asian barbecue fish and chips you know actually I'm gonna I'm gonna create a straw poll right now and we can we can do this properly stream chat we're gonna do this together properly not frogs legs frogs legs are not gonna be an option so first we're going to choose the type of food we order so type of food options fish brush tips or actually we'll just call it a chippy and all of you Brits will understand what a chip is you Americans will have absolutely no bloody idea what a chippy is so chippy then we've got Asian food well let's go for Chinese and then we've got pizza that's an option and then we have burgers that's always an option as well whatever options do we have here we have no salad ah great well us is that noodles well I actually know these are the main options here so chippy Chinese pizza or burgers and worse is that Curry's I don't know I don't need any curry so there's no point adding that in there's also like kebab so I guess that can get added in will add kebab in my book about just sink right crating the pole there we go types of food pole is created there we go guys wrote in the pole it's no incher simply go in there vote on the genre we have and then we'll four they've refined it down to a few more advanced options and we'll see what is oh okay curly a lot of the vote to go towards kebab or chippy yes the chief he's climbing up there ladies and gentleman chip he's a 30% all but the kebabs have just come back in with victory but pizzas coming in for an unexpected second place its head-to-head between chippy Peter and kebab kebab it's creeping ahead 6474 votes down for my food - no 30 of them have gone into kebab 20% of the votes for chippy pizzas making a move out there we've had a hundred votes ladies in general 107 it just keeps on climbing it just keeps on going ladies and gentlemen kebab is still managing to stay ahead it's creeping into always being double the votes of the next best option and oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen I'm pretty sure unless something magical happens kebab has won this chippy is making a sudden return come on chippy come what I believe in you don't make it a kebab don't make it comparable to pee cover Oh chippy okay right hundred thirds free votes something tells me that's all we're going that's got to be a kebab bakery ladies and gentlemen Oh chippy is making a comeback though it's a 38 votes to 44 it's still got six votes to go so I'm feeling that it's probably the kebab right what are the kebab options I have it available for delivery okay kebab king is temple lounge or tani kebab they have a 10 pound minimum well that's fine they take 20 to 30 minutes but no rating kebab King oh god I it does it serve delivery okay I won't be able to follow the order live up and a wonderful of the order light that's one of the funnies I can't do kebab king then they do have some nice options though in terms of kebab they're mostly just offering pizzas but yeah they do like lamb donnas mixed grill kebab king prawn Oh disgusting oh yeah oh my goodness damn it chippy is good yet chippies are wonderful chippies are wonderful although chippies are actually about to overtake kebab i think this could be it guys this could be the moment this is the time to shine it is looking like chippy is about to overtake about ladies and gentlemen as chippy don''t as chippy done it it's neck-and-neck it's 46 runs between it right final vote has it the final vote has it we've had 146 votes if it's chippie chippie or kebab it's it's now or never it's no one ever guys you've got to make your stand you've got to make your stand Oh what's it gonna be it's chippy ladies and gentlemen chippy has caught it back with 32 percent of the votes thank you all for voting ladies and gentlemen oh thank you for it not be hiccup by God thank you so much oh right now let us take a look at the wonderful chippy we have so the only chippy the does delivery in Oxford it is of course the cuttlefish I've no idea where it is but it's a nice place we're about to discover what it's like so for grazing that's right it's a very very middle-class fish and chip shop they offer grazing 's you can have warm garlic bread or a selection of marinated Mediterranean olives but no we don't want that we don't want that guys instead I think we're gonna go for a nice I'm gonna get all the fish and chip options and actually we could do full starts and pay them pretty good I mean we've I don't I think we have got just enough pudding although I have looked at the pudding I don't think we want to order the entire white chocolate passion fruit cheese gate so we'll pass on the the desserts oh they do phantom Inns as well oh I could get a nice little sentiments cloudy lemonade or mixing gin with it that would be nice anyway right let's get the starters out there so cuttlefish mains we have the classic fish and chips this is just a massive fish and a portion of chips with it plain and simple everyone knows what it is then we have the choice of that is not getting put on because I have no idea what that even is Christ even allow you to buy an entire steak now that's just way too much all cook lobster 46 quid who the [ __ ] would deliver a 46 pound lobster right that one can get ignored chef's fish of the day I have no idea what that would be these are like proper meals though right they do have okay just a standard beef burger so beef burgers an option then we have no idea what that is what tomato lettuce gherkin and homemade sweet tomato and red so that's a veggie burger or no we wouldn't want one of those definitely not wanting a veggie burger half lobster is also not getting added to the bloody list black ink spaghetti with mixed seafood and hint of chili well I died on just a miss NIF of chili for a chippy there isn't really many chippy options this is a mostly just entirely entirely Maine feels okay I think I should probably include as I didn't the smokey cheeseburger whatever lies and we're also gonna add in so I add in the bloody black ink spaghetti whatever that would be that would be horrible or avocados and Atlantic peeled I hate fish though I genuinely hate eating fish oh Christ okay now we'll have one main and then we can go wild with a bloody side orders that sounds good fun okay right one main complete that's okay so the main course options are now getting logged out to you guys in the chat get ready for this BAM get motive black ink spaghetti is not getting included on the bloody list ah maybe I should have included it but it's so much money for what it is it would have been like it's 16 pounds to get a piece of lacking spaghetti and mixed seafood with a hint of chilli I said now see I when I go to a chippy I'm used to just cheesy chips but it's just not an option here instead it's a line called fish of the day with like homemade batter chunky chips and tartar sauce not just we put some chips in a boiler and added a load of just packaged cheese but anyway I need to start making you know you'll get to the results of the main course and now I'll start making the side order because it's very important to have your side order now this time I will include all of the side order options just because there are some memes here we got some chunky chips we got mixed leaf salad then we've got a mix oh that's a mixed green salad and then there's a mixed garden salad oh I'll just put mixed leaf salad and we'll go for that and a garden salad then we got skin skinny fries then there's a seasonal vegetable of the day it's just vegetable is it just a single single vegetable just the seasonal vegetable of the day whatever's in season today you just get one of that vegetable it's a it's like a mystery box who knows CJ seasonal veg of the day then we have steamed to new potatoes herbs and olive so that sounds boring instead let's go for the voice that potato mash for 6 pounds [Music] that's nasty spaghetti who just who's done who's done something something's happened something has happened Oh for Christ's sake ladies and gentlemen a cone of God a single raindrop just dropped 30 quid blacking spaghetti blacking spaghetti is for crissake okay we'll find out what this is let's find out what this is Oh Oh God right yeah it's blacking spaghetti and God let's get working on the sides now Wow let's create a pause right it's side order time black eggs forgetty oh my god I love you guys you are the single single greatest yet worse people at the same time oh my god I feel like I should put the stream to a be right back segment oh my good lord if food doesn't sound so bad would you like a description of bloody blacking spaghetti blacking spaghetti i doesn't even allow me to hover over anymore cuz I've got it ordered okay just get rid of the order quickly so I can see what the blacking spaghetti is Oh does not you say it just says blacking spaghetti with mixed seafood and a hint of chilli very well it's on it's been added okay now let's see the results of a side order size or side order is it's it's very close between seasonal veggies a day and potato mash it's somewhat evidently wants me to have one about five a day seasonal veggies creeping ahead is is looking quite good for seasonal veggies a day what's that sticking away oh there's an entire vegetarian dish segment well a roast sweet potato MAME oh god we could have had in the entire roast sweet potato but hey yes that's that's for another time we can that's for another time drinks I guess we've got a few options they've got they've got coke in a glass bottle apparently okay I guess we'll see what we're drinking tonight then boys so drinks we have Fanta means cloudy lemonade oh then we got Penta means I feel like I should probably just copy paste these in to save time Penta means ginger beer who knows what's gonna win here then we got ya seasonal event of the day has worn it's this is this is actually quite a fun way of ordering food then we've got something called Belvoir elderflower bells were elderflower water it is made in a factory but we give it a fancy name and you couldn't slip a four-pound label on it and suddenly anyone would've drink it then there's coca-cola in a glass bottle then we have Fanta means Mandarin what if why would you want a Mandarin flavored drink okay Bentham in Mandarin and that's that's it that's all I'm adding to the drink selection job done that's right you guys get best ready you guys get ready to vote on this drink selection has just been updated and so daughter result has finished seasonal veggies a day as worn seasonal veggies a day seasonal seasonal vegetable of the day who knows you know let's google this what is the seasonal vegetable of the day what is the seasonal vegetable oh the day Google what is the seasonal vegetable of the day Google doesn't have an answer it doesn't have an answer but luckily there's a website called fruit and veggies more matters what a stupid what's caused it no and this just lists all of the veg of the season so we're in what we're in winter at the moment so what is the seasonal winter veg oh it could be oh it could be sweet potatoes it could be red banana red banana what is a red banana I suppose it probably says it on the tin really but um it is genuinely just a red banana Wow good source of vitamins tea ladies and gentlemen you learn more every day thanks Google and it would appear if Entenmann's doing has won the drinks vote so there we go the order is about to mate Oh phantom is ginger beer ad okay so this order comes to 25 pounds 35 pence including delivery oh let's go to the checkout let's go to the checkout oh God right I've gotta add in all my details now I've got a make an account all right I've got I've had my phone number in or I've not had to do this in a way okay track just if you want to know my phone number but we're gonna hand it out to you live today oh my good lord you know I absolutely love you guys this is gonna be a wonderful meal I can't wait to have it with you what an experience this is gonna be all right here's my phone number guys +4 for both my dad dad dad out Deb didn't you get nothing Morgan because I personally don't want to have my phone spammed with calls for people asking me to voice over their entire day so go Pam phone number added tick this box if you want to receive delivery marketing personally I'm quite okay without some delivery marketing but do and save the password for that [Music] oh do I request cutlery or not I suppose I have got cutlery I could cut down on plastic waste but honestly you only live once ladies and gentlemen hmm I've just got to enter in all of the details my goodness give me a moment ladies and gentlemen new member a cone of the Beast okona the Beast thank you very much you're the new gentleman welcome so honestly actually I think you'll see more streams of me in January mostly because January is a very difficult time for YouTube because adverts go through the floor and for me that means it makes less sense for me to focus on new YouTube and more sense to focus on my actual day-to-day job and yes it's up honestly thanks to wonderful people like you that makes YouTube through January an actual viable time using things so members like you thank you very much like each membership it gives me something like I think it's about 4 pounds per member maybe 3 pounds 50 per member that's what YouTube gives me and it honestly does make a huge difference it's about it's something crazy like 20,000 views maybe 40,000 views it's a it's a lot of what not 45 years probably about 5,000 views it's honestly incredible what's your job spiffing Daniel Jensen I love you sir but I'm afraid I can't say because it's the kind of thing where if I was linked to my job I'd probably lose my job and I liked working online I just can't can't do both sadly my job doesn't permit it instructions for the rider and let's just do call when you arrive I've got to add in a payment method I've got to do my full card here great expiry date do you guys want the card number 2 we can do that Oh what is the card ending again well that's not my card Christ I've forgot someone else's card here oh yeah my cards change mate there we go oh let's get the expiry date in you know it's fun during online purchases with a entire audience of several hundred people imagine if you could tell someone's cardinal by just hearing the clicks of the keyboard no that would honestly be an impressive thing sorted and a promo code now I've got no delivery promo code you have a delivery promo code there we go right oh use a VPN oh that's nice oh yes because of course yeah if you use a VPN when you're I have a feeling patreon does a lot more than my remember what membership allows you to go onto the discord and you can get you ranked patreon it just depends although being a member is nice because you get access to all of my lovely emotes and the more of you I have the more emotes I can add so that it's not just the spiff and various Ottomans I can add more emotes probably I want to have a few hundred statment emotes plus your name also your name will also show up in in the comment section of my videos so if you want to leave my smart witty comment it's more likely to be noticed by not only me but also everyone I'll tell you my phone number what's wrong is it better now you happy with that is that a better number that's not my number you haven't that's you've got someone else's entirely different than four oh I see I put the numbering wrong oh I see oh I didn't I I really did yeah you'd be surprised by my ability to just completely [ __ ] up ordering things but it's just you just gotta love it sometimes and but and then that's the phone number there that's the stuff good stuff confirm okay place the order process the order come on you're processing the order no you success BAM estimated arrival time 750 - 750 five lovely it's kind of confirming the order and then we'll receive something back and then leave ladies and gentleman it's preparing the order ladies and gentlemen BAM back 200 settlement thank you very much for being part of me being part of the journey to ordering me food live on stream thanks very much a cone of East you absolutely majestic man right I think it's time we go back to Skyrim so ladies and gentlemen back to the live screen oh this games not there BAM gone come back Skyrim lovely know what we do here is we just go like that and then I put my mouse all the way to the far side of the left monitor and then once I undo that there we go we now no longer have the mouse for the most part oh wait actually no no this is how we did it BAM put it over there yeah and then go like that and then maybe like that okay they would go that seems fine this seems fine hopefully sorry if you if you guys noticed the mouse appear from time to time it's not meant to be that spear thinking about getting CK - what DLC you should I get honestly just enjoy the vanilla see code to experience at first everyone needs to play vanilla ck2 it's important as soon as you start adding more mods into the mix what soon as you add DLC into the mix you will instantly find the game a bit more complicated and I think everyone needs their own vanilla CK to starting his account experience in Ireland it's just part of the lovely game new PewDiePie video structure of cool what's it about what about friend can't tell me best be something good if it's not good why'd you tell me it's someone up there as a bloke I wonder if they're friendly I hope they're friendly most people are friendly easy to hardest yeah it's all we got here you guys don't see very nice hey are your bandits good lord there's a lot of bandits here like a ton you've got an entire civilization going on now that just wasn't a good idea was it neither is this just like what are you doing what you do with unit cells you're a fortified me excuse me I could say the same thing to you mate hey hey no you start running oh now that just wasn't polite that just was not polite oh you can activate the lever oh I see they're meant to drop rocks on me oh you know that's a cool idea told how Jamie didn't work but thanks the idea oh you're someone Oh Oh No your fault what is it with like the play-doh expressionless face on my character he's like like making his lips lovely and cute what mod is this this is the understatment mod yeah no other mods were required feel like this cave nearby here what are we going here what's that good question oh I'm on fire Oh Andie's don't have magic what you doing what you doing search oh you've got big potatoes should go big potatoes lovely let's grab some magic II stuff nice stop calling it 100 stop - one punch one I feel like a melon but yes it is one punch one never should have come time to end this little game oh is it is it okay okay well you look even more Gothic than me so calm down there is there someone up here of course there is of course those are you a nice person hello hello do you like me you can take me I can take you yep indeed I can let's see what's over here is there some colleague dungeon oh there is what was that good question I judge at cha cha cha no magic magic is cheating oh my god well it's actually well this is like the little secret side entrance and then here's a mineshaft knife point in mine have you ever been down here I've never heard of this place before 107 is one parchment were they all quite similar yeah this roll of paper before was a joint as a guy though what was that indeed bandit chief oh no no no no no no no no no no no no not bandit chief no no no no no no no no no no well I'll be doing the body slug we're doing the body slam into the pit fire okay Wow okay there goes the Bandit chief what do they have on them lots of gold you know skyrim is a very progressive game because you know it's got loads of bandit chiefs of loads of different varieties you never know what you're gonna get is our dead pot as a dead person in there I open this what no beans that one okay no not there either what about him it was there ladies and gentlemen success I'm good at lock clicking I promise I was an imperial here I see oh I for those actually gonna be something jazzy put no it's just a dead Imperial in an iron mine it's not very exciting alright and what have you got here a chest with gold and a pretty soldier nice and iron great swords and literally nothing else that's a great useless really I thought there's gonna be something spicy that what I kind of want to do is maybe one punch a dragon yeah that white mouse pointer is very annoying it is it is annoying for me genuinely very frustrating right and about and hopefully the mouse pointer start there we go and it will be for a while but alas it always comes back it always finds a way it's bloody mouse pointer right let's go find a cave or where is a dragon on this map if I show you guys a map can you guys pinpoint me just a live dragon for us to go go say hi to so people like I heard a noise oh so if I show you a map can you locate world map yeah I know the world map is success and okay so wherever here we went to Fouke reef as Mara calf there's more file solitude we meant to go to River wood we didn't go to River wood we went quite a bit away from River would we went very far away from river would 289 substr go might God you know if everyone here just made a second accountants out we'd be there but don't do that because YouTube would get upset plus it's not real subs and I like real subs real subs are people like you and it really makes my day having you it's jazzy hey cha cha cha cha no no no no no no no nibblin is this this body is not made to be sampled by wolves it's made to be loved by someone someone's out there someone out there will love 100 sad man I believe hopefully there's someone there might not be oh what's this here hunters rest it's got meat it's got a tankard it's got some hunters don't mind me just gonna borrow your gold and who you you're a hunter wow there's a lot of stuff in here oh you you're also hunter you got gold oh I could steal your gold there's a there's a lot of stuff there I've got to be honest there's a lot of stuff like what could we do the lockpick or gold gold what are you doing that for now now you weren't woken up by that one see back to sleep you go that's these two which are sleeping just sleeping some say they died in their sleep and I think they would be right Wow this planet is a moon didn't realize they had moons in this game that's jazzy take all the alcohol we couldn't do that we've got to find more alcohol and there's a there's actual civilization in this direction and once we find it yes we will take all the alcohol maybe that's how gold have all of the alcohol in the world look at this there's an actual proper bit of civilization houses and half moon mil discovered is that it's a superb or just a house I feel like this might be just a house can we get in we can they don't even close the door how nice of them hello what's wrong with your eyes the patrols never seem to give us time to be alone we have guests as long as we can what a shame you seem like a vampire okay okay bright I've done enough of stone you I think it's time we instead borrow your Lord Mead never should have come here now I should have stood up that's your fault wine very nice anything else oh there's a chest it's got some gold in it it's a lot of stuff wardrobe it's just got a half barrel nothing dresser nothing you want some Nord Meade n table anymore no doesn't chop although they mix that with some with Levy's add or outer why almost miss that one and any other stuff no I feel we are basically done here over them is there any more like alcohol just lying around or we we are completely out of alcohol well thank you very much though it was nice I'll take the key to your place and the venison chops and I know you're a vampire also thank you very much for the outer wine you had on your that's great oh my god this awning track called a hundred set woman whose that is this is it finally is it one of the many wives of a hundred stat man I think we finally found it ladies and gentlemen maybe this is one hundred step man soul mate right is there any mail was up here like any stuff you can find what's in here oh this is just human meat claiming to be venison but this is um you know that's people stuff you guys are you guys are cannibals yeah you're dead no so that's not really my fault we'll catch salmon can I just literally eat salmon from the water I can that's pretty powerful and I also swim to the bottom here and I know find a spooky cave do I even need oxygen there's oxygen need me if I'm not breathing is anyone breathing now these are the real questions oh there's a boat no that's just a rock my depth perception is all out of whack and I'm dying and back there we go anything anything like a suspicious Rock no there is literally nothing under the water Oh new member understand woman ladies and gentlemen thank you very much hundreds that woman I have not understand woman appear in every comment section I'd be very excited to have you around sounds good fun it's always important to not only have a hundred step man but represent we've are undressed at woman skeleton here hundred gold drowned drowned drowned drowned I don't think I can die by drowning though more gold nice and on the up so anything up here no this is just a flooded place nice what does member means so I'm a member of fudge my words there for a second a member is basically there's a lot of angry things all of a sudden a member is a kind of there we go love the love the British basically a member is someone who pays for about five five dollars a month for pound fifty month ish I think and the money goes straight to me each month they get a little tag the longer you remember the best of the name you have next to you so at the moment minty fresh is a gent but we have some people who are barons and sirs and eventually you can work your way up to being a king of course no one can work their way up to being God Emperor because it that's me we can open the shackles how you how you suspend it you just still suspended cool there's a knapsack this has got a fisherman's journal a mortal blood mine healing silver necklace oh this feels like a vampire thing is is feeling a lot like a vampire II think he's feeling immensely like a vampire thing well before we go but oh love a good dead body every now and again very nice oh it's a skeleton heart its wine excuse me as wine ah go away you don't need all this wine stop hoarding it wine is for me Oh soldier I can use that for wine have you got wine on you nope without you skeleton it's got an ancient battle ax but yeah the other benefits of being a member is you can use the jazzy emotes I have and the more members I have the more emotes I can create and put up for you guys you can also your little name shows up better in the comment section while there's a lot of necromancing going on here in the moment so yeah it's it's kinda like win-win for you and another one as you're Kyle thank you very much for becoming a sponsor helping with the very low at rates up there's a more necromancer's going on here a lot more deco writers but thank you very much Ezra very kind of you you look exactly the same as the last one anyway excuse me skeleton girl whale potion of health potion of regeneration this looks like the place you keep alcohol where is it ah here it is Nord Mead good potion of water breathing do you realize that as a thing go away go away you away oh we're body slamming you instead okay rest in peace oh that's a funky chair thank you very much by the way history freak just subscribe thank you very much that really does help out uh what else can we steal rock wall blegh okay is there it's just tankards there's no actual booze lying around here it's a wooden door what's on the upside of it more dungeon okay is there any booze lying around no all right onwards I guess oh yeah you can't always become a member because it is very region locked it's like really restricted yeah the only way to do it otherwise is use a VPN and then become member oh you're just reanimating a wolf okay you want to reanimate it again cuz it appears to have died oh excuse me a magic barrier isn't gonna stop a physical fist hitting your face sunshine ah right what else we got search the cupboard a journal and a clothes iron excuse me excuse me don't make me do the way Leone so anything under this water that could be how come it's chairs is our chest chest of booze maybe here nothing Oh hidden pathway that's what there is that's what there is now back out back down here we go but I do that uh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh did up the dirt dirt or dead search the dresser so Jeff nice such they have a dresser clothes cool a bed can't sleep on it to sit is this where's I was promised alcohol though well back up we go our cha-cha-cha don't go complaining about dying on me you can do one punch when trust me onwards Oh Oh dragon Joe its count dragon Joe lovely Toby and chair dragon Joe yeah we've got a few new jets that finger got three new gents today absolutely wonderful news right what else we got lying around here some kettles nothing really in particular what's that that's just nothing as a candle onwards we go alcohol through here maybe a couple of skulls skulls don't drink out course that's oh there we go fresh human beings what we got potion Imagi capetti soul gem very nice let's grab some buns done no soul gem fragments that's fine petty soul gem potion of magic er excuse me excuse me comet sunshine oh that doors locked okay we'll leave that alone for a moment that's a beehive husk Pole go away oh you you've resurrected your mate and then had him try and fight me too that's pretty cool I never thought people would actually do that that's very jazzy what an incredible move shame it did not work at all because where is the alcohol boys go search cupboard just wooden balls okay this what's in here go enjoy donate now but I'm low on money from no work over Christmas dragon joke my friend you never feel like you need to rush it donate you just do everything in your own time mate I'm not going anywhere you've always got spiff don't worry it's always a case of the only donate if you can it's never gonna hurt you there you go right BAM come on give it steal the stuff oh I was using the wrong cursor the negatives of having two Wiggly cursors on screen right you like something's up with the light in this room desde is a significant lack of alcohol past this point like there's just we've only captured Li I know maybe six bottles so far ah wine what's your problem have you never seen a raging alcoholic before have you never seen our sunshine this is all you've got me you've got me started now a shield ain't gonna do nothing against all you think you've got a drawbridge and a couple of icicles they're gonna slow me down why make me very angry very angry my bucket of protection shield me from the pointy sticks i cha cha cha yeah actually works oh I want that one was a miss okay that one I won't did okay let's get this one oh no con catch this one what I didn't see that one coming I didn't see that one coming either right how I meant to get to come I just meant to swim think I am don't mind me just gonna swim back ah this desk door unlock the door don't break the lock pick all right it's over here so I thought or done in one done it in one BAM what do we got Magica chest ah gold mine a healing potion BAM potion healing coin purse very good very good anything else down here you're not really a skeleton it's got gold I guess we come on up now come on don't drown and we come around here and we come say hi to the necromancer person who's been filling us with loads of spikes yes thank you very much for all of the bloody spikes now get bloody body slapped 9900 yep I know we're very close have you met or gonna why do you not swear I do swear actually sometimes what's the life subscriber count' like oh very good ah oh my goodness my orders out for delivery Oh ladies and gentlemen we are very close Oh my orders here Oh my orders right outside guys okay I've got to go collect this order I'll be right back but we're also 99,000 717 subscribers very well I will quickly be right back let us put it to the be right back screen see you guys in a second oh it's heavy metal gut Oh heavy metal gamer oh oh I get it now right I'll play some waiting music for you just because you know I'm such a lovely guy waiting music can we have elevator music elevator music 10 hour sounds perfect there we go no don't give me a switch guarantee my friend don't need an Advil there we go oh no this is god copyright so it's got a copyright ignore that one there we go oh this one also has a copyright that one's got a copyright - why do they all have copyrights oh well I'll cut this up this isn't going to end up in the video there [Music] I'll see you guys in a second I'm gonna go get some food I'll be right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen I'm back chat give me a wave if you're still here give me a wave oh let's turn the bloody elevator music off that's enough of a copyright stroke for today oh my goodness right what are they giving me well they're giving me I've give me what's this ahh cuttlefish week they win two promotions or what what's this glass of wine and a half a pint of beer with a fish pie doesn't look too appetizing to be honest oh god all their pictures are crazier of ratio anyway we got mr. truffle inch at 100 start woman Oh lovely to YouTube okay I can't show the food because my identity is is hidden and must be but so oh right firstly I'm gonna take a picture of the food and and put it on Twitter for you guys spycrab you can paste the link to the Twitter tweet in the chat and you can see the wonder that is the wonderful food that you've ordered me yes I've just got to quickly open up the the seasonal veg which we spent four pounds on okay you guys best get ready for this this is the seasonal veg it's really something magical for you for everyone to enjoy oh god I put up now right bam and bam enjoy these two pictures of my wonderful meal tonight they're just getting uploaded now to Twitter spycrab share them to everyone I'm clearly gonna grab some cutlery and then we can enjoy experiencing some pitch black licorice looking pastor I'm just gonna have a quick nibble now mm-hmm wow that is just um I have no idea I meant to read this real quick you grab some [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm back that looks amazing god damn beautiful excuse me excuse me you guys you must be enjoyed by lovely tui this is this is what you pull okay right first taste test first taste this I'm gonna try the seasonal veg okay hmm exquisite hmm this seasonal veg for three pound 95 which basically consists of about 30 beans and string beans is what I've been given about 30 string beans someone just sent me a DM on Twitter why are you eating burnt spaghetti you okay stream chat you know people don't understand for the stream hmm write him before he dies of food poisoning - because I should be good right let's try and enjoy some of this now as I said I absolutely hate seafood so I thought this was gonna be some I thought this was gonna be like pitch black spaghetti with maybe some salmon no it's an entire bloody is it's a really as an entire bloody prawn as just an entire province set on a plate bloody spaghetti and there's muscles around it I hate prawn absolutely bloody hate prawn right I'm going to eat some of the pasta now okay okay [ __ ] okay now it said that said a minor chili that said we've like slight chili that some that's gonna require the ginger beer I'll the ginger is hot too ok the ginger why did you guys get a spicy drink with oh my god why couldn't you've gone for like I know a glass of milk instead Flo had to go for our the super bloody spicy drink with the super spicy food oh goodness goodness oh my god right ha ha I'm managing I'm managing let's just power through this let's have a muscle let's see what one of these muscles is like hmm hmm ok the muscle 10 out of 10 that's actually very nice bit chewy bit too chewy to be you know safe but quite nice nonetheless there's a lot of muscle in here it's basically muscle pasta and then just a great big shrimp with a load of chili of course tons of chili right that tart real hot you know ginger beer really wasn't the drink to pair this with good god it is very spicy and very nice as well thank you very much dream chat and let's try and open this ma'am I'm a pro I'm a pro ah oh I thought we had somebody alcohol now no more barrels I've got garlic's maybe we can make our caller that and juniper berries okay so there's no alcohol in here that was useless right out we go okay that's getting spicy again let's drink some of this mm-hmm ah the spice up the spice gets worse thank you stream chat thank you very much but let's activate the door bow let's open this all we're suddenly up here ah this is where we started all we can slide down oh that's cool don't want to do that and go around again that would be annoying okay so back to the start oh we went to just leave now is this seriously how it all of that for okay great right back up we go then I guess what a lovely experience that was what's our current quest maybe we should go country dragon oh yeah if you go meet the Yeol that happens all right let's go do that mm-hmm what's up with the mouse cursor but basically I need to restart to fix that and I don't know how I feel about restarting but I could I could restart if you guys want I'll give it a restart for you it's it's possible it's possible 280 subscribers left all and we've done it right I've just burned into Haugen so I can get over to where is it RIF Riverwood is that where we're headed yeah Riverwood right that we got a marker on it yes we have so let's just go to the marker where's the sign to Riverwood there is no sign to Riverwood just gotta do it off the top of my head then but today hmm well this food was really something it's um it's certainly different it's it's not wide normally and so for that it's exciting and I say find cute the fact I feel like I'm being burnt alive by dad said that's less of a thank you but nonetheless thank you very much how not it just type player what is this player I want to know what this does okay so I'll move the earth through the feet of the way oh they fixed the bug did they on us but let's do player I want to find out what this command is dot place at me zero zero zero f e a9 be okay oh it's it's spawned an elder dragon Bam Bam Bam Bam there's a lot of them let's have them circle around let's make the sky happy with Elder Dragons clipping in an Aboriginal alright come on land come on you got a land it's not fair that your honor oh there you are and you did oh come on you've broken my bloody screen you've never you you are dead you're not you can die that's one dead well that's two dead actually what about whatever you go dragon scales and gold okay and have you always feel like landing up you do and that's a Boop on them to snout for you I love you do you want to do you want to land instead of just singeing me come on get down here where I can face you up there you go that's a good dragon come on elder dragon BAM come on BAM there we go oh here's another one go well you know you want to land just come land stupid elder dragon now teens in pitch black spaghetti no pastor or whatever it was called oh you I don't know give me a second elder dragon army eating my spaghetti if anything elder dragon come with me we're going to roof going to Rifton I'm pretty sure as the name Rifton right just jump up here I think I realized I'm eating too much of the pasta I haven't enjoyed the seasonal the seasonal veget come on seasonal bed oh thanks for landing there I made my job easier thanks out a dragon right ha hmm there we go seasonal vegetables not bad at all it's just eating spring beans that appear to be deep fat fried but you know not bad hmm so how's the air some our food stream going for you guys I feel sorry for anyone who's just like spontaneously just wandered in on a stream with a psychopath with one punch capabilities I mean I want to blame the fact that stream bought this food for me okay stream was kind generous um decided to buy a random order and so we've ended up with a load of seafood oh we don't have to go the normal way into Redwood all over if didn't just eat on over the walls so what's the point of even having those entrances you can just jump on over you guys the is the blacksmith man oh wait why do you hate me excuse me excuse me I surrender I surrender please surrender al for Christ's sake who are you sick everyone wants me dead okay right then everyone else can be dead Oh God Wow I completely failed that one I'll just take everything you have to offer anyway would appear everyone wants me dead so into the pub we go wait no that's the traitor not the pub this is the pub Liam we go hmm don't punch a chicken don't think up under to chicken mm-hmm the moment I'm enjoying my pasta I take one oh my god there's a lot of wine here this is getting good there's a lot of wine as even more wine oh that's tankers we don't need those those are actually rather useless that is just no good excuse me out of the way how far out of the way go away right over here out of wine good and more outer why good oh and then even more wine lovely go away or ganar friend I'll go away Delphine get back down Embry just go away what we'll go in here more wine even more this is this was a lovely place to raid good God even more wine thank you very much I'm so glad we found all of this here sketching me can you not hit so hard stay down all right and I think it's time we re exit now that was a good selection of alcohol there hmm no no no I'm very friendly go on my food and the other set try to punch me in the face that's not very nice hmm you know I've got an idea I've got an idea ladies and gents hi and happy New Year to everyone who's watching and also the guys have your Twitter TM just now Happy New Year son right boom natural spawn ancient dragon and that's their problem no need to worry about that one yeah you just have a fun time over there ancient dragon don't come after me go away go away is that an ancient dragon flying over there oh no it's just a just a bird in the sky hmm make some dragon just stay over there making the town worse please oh you are oh no you're not you really are okay alright I guess we just run to hide ill or whatever it is I like how so many people have liked my food and no will have any idea the importance of the food so everyone else on Twitter will just be very confused by the picture of the food that you guys ordered hmm if you haven't see it seen it up Imperial soldiers then once I do eat prisoner free the prisoner oh he dodged which I'll let him live for that well done he managed to dodge one or one punch man for that he's earned his freedom where is he gone just gonna stand there dodge again ah he could dodge once but never twice very nice alright let us enjoy a bit more of this wonderful posture that you guys ordered before it gets cold what a wonderful meal this is it's just looks so spicy though I can literally see the chili on it okay come on you can do this Biff you can do this okay oh that's hot that is very hot hmm the gingerbread really does not make it any better it kind of numbs the taste for a second because the body thinks oh it's a liquid that's what you need and then it goes oh no miss ginger beer it just burns the back of your throat well I tried right are you guys gonna fight me immediately leave it'll be nice are we gonna be friends oh right I see how these excuse me I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I am surrendering surrender he didn't surrender I was offering to surrender so really well we got Roman chair roses of red a once all around no one in Skyrim can beat 100 step man well it's a good thing with one punch man then oh go away okay that's wasn't very much was it I feel like there's something up there something that wants to be seen but I'm just eating my seasonal veg in peace is that a bear it's just a there's a bear in the distance what is that a camel it's one of the two scarves a very old game graphically wise oh my goodness anybody have tea with them this evening yeah if you don't have a cup of tea with you go make one now what are you doing bandits hello you guys have alcohol don't you around here poop and poop and poop and just poop the bandit right now something I've discovered where this disco this seems like a good idea Rudolph is that you yes no it's all for the blind no yes thank you or further blind why are you reading all firs book what what is the there's then there's nothing on the book I've just taken your book what what do we do with all for the blind what are we doing a weed are we letting them live there's got to be a judgment here ladies and gentlemen smack him you're telling me to smack a blind / okay kill kill well leave F for you mean T sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry why would they give him an axe why is he on guard well some things are living apart wine that's good anything else nope no more wine gotta be careful we don't miss any wine or booze there's no one else up there said go on oh this way oh I see I see Oh grab some gold and a coin purse search the dresser for booze there's no booze stop zapping me you'll regret it stop stop stop stop stop and just stop right what we got bloody gore where's the wine art what kind of bandits pro toys gourds and vegetables over wine right there we go job done chest what do we got Gold Lorex nice you know delivery also delivers alcohol here for some reason I've no idea why I like order entire bottles of gin should be delivered to you it's a very strange feature we might have to do one day for a stream oh of course not dogs I could train by house of wolves oh you can release the wolf hmm let's try joking you release the wolf is it possible no no it's not as they just which is detected me oh it's okay I can just release it I can do your job for you there we go let's release a half stop wolf go on half stop wolfed yep good job our staff will do my job for me see it's friendly it's my friend come on half staff wolf block them with your body oh oh you killed wolfy oh wait no he's still alive look at him go look at him go he's flying he's flying he's flying and he's he's punching you come on Wolfie good job Wolfie let's go Wolfie come on Wolfie come on Wolfie come on up this is Wolfie not not one punch man very different people come on Wolfie come on there we go come on come on Wolfie oh my God look at you you're spinning in the air look at it look how excited he is he's flying oh look at him go right now I'll donate like 10 bucks if you put up an alcohol thing like the food okay the issue is I don't know if any alcohol delivery place is open at this late at night what will see the stats will control all the alcohol in Skyrim well I'm just a woman just donated 20 pounds of stats will control or the alcohol in Skyrim thank you very much hundred up woman I need to make a video about your hundred stat woman honestly it's a great idea for a video let's do one all right well let's see if we can order so I'll go give your cuttlefish order a star rating the rating from delivery was great the food itself it's not bad it's just not necessary me here we go with the bottle shop knocks of bottle shop they do 250 deliveries are they open yet open until 11:00 at night okay while they can order everything oh it's wines it's it's wines a beer in a can okay they're in a bottle there's a lot order entire whiskey's order entire scotches where's the gin section there's a lot of pretty nice sizes available actually there's quite a few ales as some champagnes as well lying around some liquors buy an entire Jagermeister gin are there we go or ladies and gentlemen I think this is this could be this could actually be a wonderful thing we could just order gin and have it delivered deliver gin it's no one's ever thought of this is a company idea but Bam and I mean we have just received like 20 pounds which could go quite a way to a gin thank you very much understand woman so would you guys say we go for it hmm I'd know it's up to you stream chat do we order a gin and drink the gym it's gonna be it would definitely I'm not sure I'm not sure don't you mean ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness check the ponds the levels of puns well done clap clap clap do you indeed well done James how all right we have a few options there's the Bombay Sapphire Bombay Sapphire hundred centimeter Martin Miller's Beefeater gin or Gordon's gin oh that's just pretty standard so it's basically a Bombay Sapphire Tanqueray Marley born blooms into issues this is a lot of money ton of shooting it's a lot of money we're gonna have to do this for another stream or they also do ice cream okay right I think for another stream maybe we have one tomorrow we're just gonna do a stream where we play some games have some fun maybe smarts weren't for and we order yeah we can order in some nicer some nice snacks and some ice cream oh look at that haagen-dazs cookie and cream we can order in and loads of Oreos as well so yeah we'll do this as a we'll do this for a stream sometime I think this will be a great idea we'll just buy a gin and some snacks and smile core and work our way for it live on stream very good idea very good idea all right sapphire is good sapphire is very nice all right let's search his wardrobe let's go on up because I want to meet this guy and then be done [Music] hmm will you have a stream ck2 um perhaps yeah ah here he is [Music] it's how about iron hand all right let's get amethyst garnet and probably not the [ __ ] conjuration ropes hello you don't seem very friendly so I'm allow me to just do another typical body slam of mine into the ground Wow absolutely no remorse on my face perhaps lutely never more suave you got you got a journal oh that's cute arrows gauntlets great swords there's a chair for you to just look out at the world with oh you actually have quite a nice view up here it is really quite a nice for you cool can i maybe work my way across from up here there is where did it there was something it to White River Watch what oh yeah yeah we're going out we're gonna go this way who knows where this goes oh it's takes us just off okay that's fine we're gonna find our way around somehow don't mind me I'm just clinging onto a rock somehow I'm just gonna slow down round here don't mind me any human being can do this thanks going for letting me do this so just killing me right it's slide our way on round come on slide in come on just keep on sliding car once car and keep miss gonna Lydon there we go here we go keep on going around keep on come on around the mountains going how about it and there's a pathway there's a pathway very good right now where the heck are we can I go on to this rock I can for emotional purposes no don't fall off the bloody rock get back on your rock come on come on come on yeah come on [Laughter] get up the rock can you jump up here and go yep yep and there we go beautiful screenshot thumbnail right there perfection there we go ladies and gentlemen no idea what's going on here Skyrim ladies and gentlemen the Todd Howard experience right here if my blade panel or whatever comes up you should do understand man in it I certainly will absolutely love it huh all right oh oh - min - you're talking about the tea company called tea - I absolutely love them they're great you can get so many different types of tea there it's wonderful yeah - too minty and everyone else who's become a member join the discord give me a Boop send me some verification that it was you that became a member and I can give you the one for a couple of special ranks you can join our VIP games there's a some bloke up there doing something but we found just never have a novice conjurer or something a necromancer of some kind they always just like hanging up here with dead bodies and doing weird stuff or I don't know what are they doing what do you oh yeah and novice necromancer Oh once a day those under the ritual can reanimate nearby corpses to fight for them cool yep let's have this sign why not and I'll evaporate you might as well job done oh I call for fun hello nice to see you no call for fun who are you what are you doing here I feel like you YouTube says you're a special person because they've given you a little tick next to your name so let's go to your channel let's take a look at what no call for funnies BAM it's an i-cord channel it's an i-cord channel enough I've actually watched some of your videos there we go absolutely lovely pleasure to meet you night call channel it's another channel that's it's just above 100k ladies and gentlemen BAM we're about to hear that ourselves actually what's the live sub count now what's the live count today ladies and gentlemen what are we have or 732 BAM we are very close now getting close probably actually might hit it over the night which is a bit of a shame and spycrab can you boop um the link to the discordant first 100k this is so high P hate is it fun no I feel like there is some oh there's meant to be some Giants over here if I remember correctly and Giants are a good meme because they're super big and yet we I kind of just want to see what happens well I've contracted rock joint what excuse me what is rock joint what have I being given as a magic active affects 25 percent less effective with melee weapons right on I call fun you love my videos awesome content thank you very much me lovely table you right this means we've got Giants here are the Giants nice here be the Giants hello there are you friendly no you're not friendly right well let's can only mean one thing sorry sunshine as what giant dead Walter cha-cha-cha what have you got you've got a giant's toe that's quite useful horn tusks a garnet that's cute can I use their own stick no I can't excuse me calm yourself for a second as I take a look around your wonderful camp what have we got up here just a great big fire pillar that's not Oh mammoth cheese ah ma'am of cheese yay okay right let let's actually leave BAM you dead okay into the caves we go come on what's in the giant caves come on tell me James goes you just served very much thank you very much Lolita Viet right we got more Giants in here or just what is this place what is this place just got a coin purse Knights of the mine and soul gem and a chest while we go hide bracelets of wielding okay and touching robber useful Henry let's have Stender and a staff of flames i stuff of flames are always quite a good life hmm all right so um oh such a cow why they got entire cows in here and Skeever oh wow they're doing their own home cooking ask you guys well done nice try Giants sorry I kind of killed you hmm all right why is my PC mouse on screen cuz Skyrim is an old game and absolutely hates me and is literally trash and once you tell you stayed to have doubt thanks Skyrim game broken I love you such a cute broken game right you know what it's it's eight o'clock now coming up to 8:30 I think we might do just a few last things kill a few more people and I'm gonna call it quits it and gonna go back and have a nice little day's rest put up a hundred at my video tomorrow and might also be doing a collaboration with a certain youtuber called toriel on another hundreds at mine video but not quite the way you might expect it to be okay so this is the vault I'm towers what are you at over 200 gold how about you let me from gonna intimidate you oh I just hand over 200 gold I didn't click at 200 gold you might go back give me the gold back give me the gold back she hasn't got 200 gold what where did where did it go this is just a wrapper 8 do we just pretend that the gold never existed right I'm a bit Oh that triggered something how that's not very effective nice try though what's up ear okay God bender Archer are you annoying annoyed that I killed your friend possibly Oh potion of minor healing and most importantly we got a load of white I think after this we can just binge drink all the wine excuse me give me a second just sort of make sure there's no wine lying around here certainly not over there right excuse me mr. bandit a booth have you got my 200 gold you do not write what about you down there mr. bandit any of you over here got my 200 gold what about you your bandit with a flame stuff you have not got the gold you have you got gold fifty-two gold okay that was more gold than most but still not go my gold back I think I've been absolutely known to your right stream sure you're completely right god I hate it I get absolutely no like this version of mine a healing pickaxe oh my god been properly known doubt of all my goal would happen I thank you there got my gold no no we do people that don't know my gold put them off the cliff off the cliff they go whoa you can go up people climb man we got pushed miner healing and some garlic okay it's not the alcohol I was looking for I've got a chest it's a novice chest I shouldn't beans this one up it's very easy come on there we go very simple I'm healing and some gold on level two now yes finally guys are finally gonna resist magic and nice some wine good some more wine even more wine even more extra wines empty chest come on up here what have we got just a chair and a block of cheese alright there we have it ladies and gentlemen I think so far the journey of a hundred step man well so one punch man been good had a nice go and I think that's all we got time for two in today's stream I've got to finish this wonderful seafood based meal that you guys have absolutely lovingly paid for so I'm gonna actually eat a lot more of this so that I can get my wonderful money's worth out of it thank you very much I will see all of you in the next one [Music] absolutely lovely right let's grab a save of this I will see all of you in the next run have a lovely time bye-bye
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,000,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the spiffing brit, valefisk, rts, grandstratergy, funny moments, montage, drinking game, drunk twitch, drunk golf, company of heroes, coh, coh 2, company of heroes 2, company of heroes funny moments, eu4, hoi4, vic2, stellaris, stellaris megacorp, stellaris 2.2., eu4 memes, hoi4 memes, stellaris memes, cities skylines, gaming, funny clips, funny montage, red dead redemption 2, nostalgia, sovietwomble, megacorp, A_spec, aspec, stellaris aspec, stellaris youtuber war
Id: 3mRV0SVCSnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 13sec (8773 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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