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a hundred and ten go to sell something that you're selling to us for 96 the town just it's an infinite source of money but it doesn't make sense why it's an infinite source of money the economy just doesn't make sense hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the sniffing Brits and today we're in the fantastic game that is portrayal 4 hang on a second this game's not out yet that's that closed beta build work in progress bush North Point 1-0 it's not even a release build ladies and gentlemen and you know what that means it means perfect game balance grab you cups of tea ladies and gentlemen because we're about to be playing a game which hasn't even been released yet meaning that hopefully the developers will watch this video and think yes we need to definitely make some balanced changes here because this game is absolutely great fun there's certainly some questionable features which will effectively have players cheese their way for the entire game with absolutely zero difficulty now what is portrayal for well portrayal for is the fourth game in the fantastic series which is very similar to games like anno and patrician it's all about management of a town and a populace and giving them resources and goods so they grow as well as setting up businesses and trade routes and fighting off pirates fighting off over countries you name it this game has it if you want to be a pirate in this game and just quite simply have no allegiance to any nation and just raid trade vessels all day long then you can or at least you could if the developers actually balanced it instead in this game ladies and gentlemen you're going to be turning yourself from a level one peasant farmer into a level infinity mega tycoon for some reason ladies and gentlemen this game is now all about money in trading but I'm not talking about the puny trading games that you're used to I'm not talking about playing openttd and you've just spent seventy minutes setting up a beautiful and efficient train line so that you can get the people from Henley upon bottom town to shag water on Thames on time in openttd that's how you make you Millions in this game you can make your millions by quite simply hitting about four buttons anyway it's time I showed off how I became the wealthiest person in the entirety of the Caribbean so sit back relax grab yourself a cup of tea and hey if you're feeling especially jazzy today you might even leave a like on the video my goodness thank you very much now let's dive into this right to have further ado it's time for us to start a brand new game in the free mode now in the free mode at the moment because it's in beta there are only two different nations you can pick you can either choose to play as the English with their fantastic bonuses of building ships faster or alternatively you can play as the Spanish the Spanish basically grow their towns faster and have a higher base satisfaction for their citizens meaning that their people are less likely to be upset when you fail to cough up their monthly shipment of freshly puffed cream pastries the English citizens however will be most annoyed you fail to give them access to their fine cups of afternoon tea and scones I mean naturally we're going to be playing the English because I'm pretty sure it'd be illegal for me to play any other country in this game so yes we play in the English although we won't actually even be using particularly any of their bonuses they won't affect us in any way because most their bonuses are entirely around building big military ships but this game can be won entirely without actually even having a military I don't even see there being a point to having any aggressive naval vessels because there are absolutely no consequences of having your vessels attacked in this game anyway now that we've chosen our nation it's time for us to pick our character all of these characters come with fantastical little bonuses can be the adventure and just travel around the map a bit faster you can be the merchant and we'll get back to them later you could be the Buccaneer basically the person who would fight for the English nation and try and attack rival powers or you could be the pirates pirates are brilliant because you will not be attacked by pirates and you gain a pirate Berk the only downside is the buildings will be 20% more expensive but the biggest downside is that actually pirates in this game for some reason are absolutely terrible they are useless and redundant they come particularly attack there's no real benefit to being a pirate and there's only one actual viable character if you want to get filthy filthy rich they say a life of piracy and crime doesn't pay and you know what they'd be absolutely right instead ladies and gentlemen do you want to make yourself a merchant you see the merchant does not require a trade license to trade and is able to trade with all nations even the ones that war with merely downside is that combat vessels will cost twice as much fame points and for some reason it will still only cost the merchant one Fame point to purchase I don't know how the calculation is done but basically it's borked that means that the merchant gets the best of everything because they can have a large military they have large bank accounts and they can trade with just about anyone no matter what England and France could be at war with each other and trying to assassinate each but it makes no difference because I can still make absolute Millions trading between the capital ports of England and France you are basically immune to everything else going on in the world and consequently you will make filthy amounts of money now what I know if we going to be calling our fantastic merchant leader today well I think it makes perfect sense if we call our lovely female merchant here Mary moneybags I mean she literally has a money bag right there and we're going to be taking her out into the world and adventuring with her but mostly just making a lot of money we won't be doing much adventuring at all and don't worry I'll be explaining why very shortly she is completely utterly broken so it's time for us to move to the next screen where we actually need to set up our game now as you can see we have basically everything set to default in the free mode you start with 300 thousand pounds or gold coins I don't know what they are and free vessels now as you see this is the lovely map of the Caribbean to the north of the tip of Florida also known as the Whang of America along the west coast here we have all of the massive collection of Spanish colonies to the north we have the very prosperous and wealthy Netherlands but across the vast majority of the islands it is all controlled by the British and as much as the game wants me to start right the way down here in Georgetown that's a stupid idea if you want to really metagame this game you're really going to want to start in a place like port-au-prince and then just trade to the capital back and forth but I actually prefer to meme it up a bit and instead we're going to baracoa although I have to be honest the first time I saw this I read it is Baraka which for those of you that don't know is a very strange tablet which you pop into a glass of water and it goes very fizzy so yes we're about to become effectively the mayor of Baraka and with free vessels and 300,000 we're going to take this money and turn it into multi multi millions at an incredible speed as well right it's time for us to begin I love a good loading screen anyway welcome to the world of portrayal for it is actually really beautiful this map is lovely and whilst I am technically running this on purpose with the greatest PC in own existence the game doesn't really chug it's performance is very tasty now here is our lovely town of baracoa it's pretty small it has 1808 inhabitants of which 440 of workers it has a kind of increasing risk of plague and there are currently 84 people looking for work if those people don't fight work here they will quite simply move elsewhere to try and fill a job but before we stop giving those people jobs we need to start finding ways of making more money now in our lovely town of barroco we can see that it produces four goods it produces coal grain beer and pastries now grain doesn't necessarily sell for that much and I've less beer but things like pastries my goodness you should take a look at what of the average pastry goes for 334 gold for each unit of pastry my goodness that's incredible now we have our fleet here which is comprised of mostly garbage it's a bunch of schooners they're pretty fast but they're very small it don't exactly have much capacity but we will be able to use them for a lot of trading let's rename this first fleet of ours we're going to create the schooner gang our gang of free tiny ships which are going to hopefully make us a lot of money now immediately if we just let the game run we're going to just lose all of our gold because as you can probably guess our financial situation is not the best we're not making any money we don't get any tax from controlling baracoa so we need to start our first trade route this will be our fantastic first moneymaker quite simply all we're going to do is take goods from baracoa and dump them off in Tortuga it is genuinely as easy as that but we can even spice this up a little bit more ladies and gentlemen by adding in Isabela and then going back to talk to ger my goodness we've got an entire trip organized here fantastic now what you then do is you need to go into all of these lists and set what you're buying and selling at each of these towns but you actually don't need to do any of that you can just quite simply hit an automatic button which will decide when to sell things and when to buy things was this is not the most efficient way of doing it it is certainly the easiest way of doing it so I just need to assign the first money maker route over to our convoy get them to activate the route and then now watch them sail across the world so a way our schooner gang goes it's filled itself up with cold beer pastries and grain and it's going to sell them in Tortuga now if we already look at the graph our schooners probably has not made much money as we say it's currently made - eight thousand gold but given time it will definitely make its profits back it's just a case of lots of complicated trading before we actually overly focus on our schooner which has actually already just turned its first profit we need to immediately start diversifying by diversifying I mean buying more ships now we could buy more schooners here there only thousand the Pope and already they've almost managed to pay for themselves but in my case schooners aren't everything instead we want to get ourselves a brig these are a very common inexpensive merchant vessel with good cargo capacity and decent speed so we're going to be purchasing ourselves two of these bad boys yes that's 40,000 gold down the drain but trust me it's going to pay for itself so now that we have our brand-new fleet this is going to be our moneymaker ship these are going to be the brig boys the job is entirely to make us a filthy amount of money by simply running a route to the capital port in our case that's Santo Domingo from then we want to go up from Santo Domingo to port-au-prince and then finally finish off a baracoa and then just repeat this route continuously the reason this is a necessary route is because in order to level up in this game you need to start helping the Viceroy Herve whose name is godrick King now what's Godric does look like you could fall over and die at any moment from a heart attack he is still the most powerful man in the Caribbean until I make my multi multi millions and so we must woo him with Fame by giving him various items like say chocolate coffee we won't be giving him that cotton and tobacco by giving him those items we then gain Fame and we can then spend that Fame on upgrading ourselves and getting more advanced businesses going none of the things that Barrett Co produces it's currently actually not operating at peak efficiency we're producing grain we're producing coal we're also producing pastries and we're producing beer but no one has actually decided to build a cacao plantation yet cacao plantations are a fantastic source of gold and goods and resources so I'm going to be slamming down four of them in a row here to create a fantastic organization this will take our chocolate production from zero to twenty six point three which is a perfect spot to be in other will actually upset the workers presently not having enough space for them to live so once we have that up and running we need to counter it by building more houses in Baracoa anyway that's that's all for the future because we need to get our schooners making more money on their trade routes which luckily they are doing good job schooners and good job brig boys we've got a new task from the Viceroy what's this as you may have noticed we've plenty of coffee however in towns of Spain there is a shortage you would very much help our economy if you would sell a hundred and forty coffee to our friends sorry Spain or our friends I suppose you're right we're not technically at war with anyone but still then I'm going to do a so Lucy do Gonzales of Spain a bunch of coffee especially is it's a heretical good which has no place in my Caribbean I'm just going to increase the game speed and watch the money tick on in as you can see our brig boys are already made a stupid amount of money you can see that our automatic sails have kind of netted us about 83,000 gold which is very nice so despite the fact we spent a lot of money on vessels and buildings we will eventually make all that money back I mean we're now immediately almost at 200,000 again our things are looking good now the people baracoa aren't exactly very happy and their satisfaction is going to fall very quickly for several reasons reason one the citizens don't have enough houses the housing situation means that most of the people are very upset equally the risk of plague is far too high for my liking so I want to build a couple of hospitals but before I do that I need to actually slam down the church as well as a couple of extra houses these extra houses in this church will provide more living space for our workers meaning that the people's generally won't be as upset on fantastic because our town has now reached a population of almost two thousand and actually build ourselves a proper small Church this will allow our town to expand and grow and so we're going to slap that down and I mean it does cost us about fifty thousand gold but fifty thousand gold isn't particularly hard to come by now yes the peasants are getting really upset about the housing situation we've gone from about 1600 inhabitants to 2400 inhabitants so naturally there's not exactly many houses going around yet about 1 percent of the population actually is satisfied with the current ongoing housing meaning that and it's got more residential areas down apparently all right let's get them down then all these extra houses new people best be happy ok I had to spend a lot of money on that let it be known the governor spiff is very generous to his working population provided they make enough chocolate for him to sell on the market now before we get too far into the video I would like to stress that the Oise de is very easy to glamorize the situation of the Caribbean in terms of being an untamed collection of islands just waiting to be exploited it's actually pretty dark time in history it's very easy for someone like myself to look back at it as a time of fantastic money-making but really it was mostly just a time of exploiting people and a workforce in order to get certain people very very rich while keeping everyone else in effectively poverty or just dangerous environments anyway back to the video so we've managed to make 300 Zinta which is good it's brilliant start certainly it's mostly thanks to our two trade routes which have so far turned around a profit of about two hundred thousand each this means we're able to buy ourselves a few more trade ships is actually not too many ships left to buy but I can certainly buy myself two extra schooners and we can create a new fleet out of these two schooners and name it the schooner sugar gang because you see in order to produce the pastries in Baracoa we need to get sugar and Tortuga and Isabella do not produce sugar and nowadays port-au-prince or Santo Domingo - it is up to us to move the sugar from Port Royale over to baracoa so let's create ourselves a new trade route we go port oreo we go baracoa then we go Santiago and we repeat lovely stuff infinite money and once again we just set everything off to be automatic and then just send our convoy on its way lovely stuff at the money-making commence I mean that only cost us $20,000 to set up and I can tell you that that trade route is going to make more than 20,000 gold i mean they've already brought what 86 sugar over so let's just watch them sell that fantastic stuff they pick up a bunch of extra goods which are then going to turn on into more money you see trading is a complicated thing it's all about supply and demand you see and in our case we definitely control most of the supply anyway I've got a couple of hospitals getting placed out in my towns because I want to try and make sure that the workforce doesn't accidentally catch the plague but the game is actually giving me some pretty accurate tips basically there is currently an abundant commodity in this town and that the commodity is chocolate we produce way more than this town can ever need and we don't actually move it outside of the town fast enough so what does this actually mean in practice well it basically means that it is absolutely dirt cheap to buy it's Costin 96 gold to purchase yourself a bit of chocolate then if you go over to tortuga here you can sell what only costs you 60 to buy in one town for two hundred and sixteen here and the more we produce in Baracoa think cheaper it is to buy from our own ports now you can start seeing how the economy works any way for us to actually start taking effect of this we need to buy ourselves a couple of barks so - barks purchased these lovely bad boys have a stupid amount of cargo space and so we're going to be able to set them up on some very profitable trade routes but before we can actually have them doing trade routes we need to go and find more ports to trade with you see up to our north is the Dutch but we haven't actually technically discovered them yet so I'm going to send my boat off and hopefully we'll discover some Dutch ports there we go here's the Dutch capital nacelle there's the porter Vandross lovely and then I'm pretty sure there's some French ports along here as well yes there's mosquito and Florida Keys of course up the coast you find even more ports you even continue along you'll even get to the French capital port anyway now that we've discovered the Dutch it's time for us to create a brand new route of chocolate for the Dutch this entire trade route will quite simply go from baracoa all the way up to the Dutch capital which doesn't have chocolates and it will make a filthy amount of money fantastic now just have that trade route repeat itself and we have infinite money oh my goodness from already a four hundred thousand cash so this is of course much more than we started with and our operation to make silly amounts of money is only just beginning I'm going to buy myself a few more Briggs I'm actually going to get myself free Briggs and I'm going to bulk them up all into one great big fleet which I'm not even going to be bothered to name I'm going to then move this fleet over to baracoa because I have some plans so in Baracoa we now have two thousand eight hundred people here 680 of which are workers and sixty nine are looking for jobs so also a lot of them still need houses which is certainly something that I need to find a way of fixing so I've slept down a couple of extra houses but what I also need to do is increase the production of goods you see what we have cold we're not really exploiting it we're only getting a small amount out of the ground and so I'm going to slam down even more coal mines coal is effectively free money the same can be said for the chocolate that we produce we need more workers working on it as that means we get more money but the main reason why chocolate is so important is because if we go to our Viceroy and go to the fame section in order for us to gain Fame we need to get chocolate to the capital ah fantastic apparently the capsule also doesn't want coffee anymore lovely was this in our towns tobacco's being in short supply for a long time while France has enough you therefore asking me to buy tobacco from France and drop it off into our towns I've delivered -24 so far I guess that means I've taken tobacco from our ports have moved it us we're okay Oh enough if I got -24 for that cupboard game that's not how it works and we're going to have a lovely Center domingo trade ship here trade of the town we have some goods in abundant supply oh my goodness but don't even car isn't in abundant supply anymore we need to make it an abundant supply though that means more chocolate farms oh yes so there we go there's another set of farms built and that really has kind of used up all of our cash but you know it's necessary and with that that should hopefully increase the product of chocolate I'm hoping that we also increase the production of coal as the combination of the two should start really pushing baracoa into having abundant production of all of the goods that it produces when it has the abundant production well that's basically meaning we can make much more money or for the trade I'm also guessing we're going to need more houses for these workers because we're now almost a three thousand people living here 50% chance of a bloody plague happening Oh God that's the last thing we need there we go we've hit 3000 population in our town mean we've now hit the third bar it honestly won't be long before Barker overtakes Santo Domingo in fact I'm pretty sure maybe we already have there are three thousand three hundred no we're getting close now the fun thing about a town is that when you want to grow the population really really quickly what you can do is you can just sail over to another port like say Tortuga here so we're going to sail on over to Tortuga and open up the trade window but instead of loading up goods we can instead load people you can just buy twenty nine sailors for the low low price of nothing in Tortuga and then move them over to baracoa so we could go to barrack over here and deposit our sailors for once again nothing and that adds to the town's population so if you really really want to grow it out and you wanted to demand more goods they're just quite simply flooded with a bunch of sailors that you found waiting around at other ports and it doesn't even cost you anything I'd love it anyway I'm pretty sure barcode just over 2% at Domingo there which is a perfect sign for us and once again yes we're getting warned about the residential situation fine very well I'll fix it so how do we fix the residential situation well but you need as you slept down yourself a chapel a tavern and then you build houses around all of them now that we've set up our fantastic chocolate business though as you can see the production of chocolate is now up to fifty two point eight and also the production of coal is also skyrocketed which is perfect now this is a very good thing for us because it means when it comes to trading hopefully we can start leading point where chocolate has become stupidly abundant and consequently very cheap but in order to get extra fame points or the crown what I'm going to do is I'm going to buy effectively almost all of the chocolate inside of baracoa for the low low cost of eighty eight thousand gold and then sell it all the way up to Santo Domingo now in Santo Domingo I can then sell all of these bad boys for a hundred and two thousand gold but the profit make here isn't necessarily at anything fantastic the reason why it's important is because we'll get fame for effectively sending this back to England so we sell all of that and take a look at the Viceroy and we've just made ourselves 45 fame for selling all of that chocolate anyway time for us to go home oh and apparently yep news has just hit us war has broken out in the Caribbean the English are at war with Spain now what does this mean for us oh no the Spanish are going to sink our boats well actually no you see allow me to demonstrate what happens in this game I'm going to take my fantastic fleet of free ships over to baracoa I'm going to say to load them up with a hundred and fifty chocolate and I'm going to sail it right the way over here to a Spanish port and simply sit outside God I know you've got a couple around here somewhere there we go we've just encountered ourselves a Spanish military fleet we 100% can never beat them in a fight but apparently we just had a fight with them we had a sea battle where the Santo Domingo a fleet of free ships with no cannons and no sailors fought against two Spanish military ships which have 82 cannons because we don't have any fighters on our side our captains immediately capitulate before the battle has even started handing over a small quantity of their Goods 15 chocolates in total just 15 chocolate 15 chocolate costs us nothing there are still over a hundred and forty-one bits of chocolate on this bloody boat meaning that entire fight of the Spanish military has cost us nothing they also won't come back and fight us again what's even better about this is that my ships aren't even damaged that much they can just sail back to a port and automatically repair let me find another Spanish port oh here we go nueva Filipina now these guys don't produce chocolate and I'm at war with them but because I'm a trader that means nothing and I can still sell them things so I'm going to sell them some chocolate because I can there we go I seldom worn chocolate and that's some nice profit but I'm gonna go south and instead find myself the Spanish capital which I'm pretty sure is down here so we're going to sell our ships ladened with chocolate over towards the Spanish capital of whom I'm technically at war with and I'm going to be making myself a profit because for some reason that's how this game works and I've got some good news our society is once again leveled up allowing me to build a church because we now have just under four thousand people living here making baracoa larger than santo domingo by of long margin anyway let's go sell some chocolates to our enemies and we haven't even been attacked again right here we go more KBO now these guys once again don't have much of a supply of chocolate actually no they apparently have 980 free chocolate lying in their town square well that doesn't matter we can sell it from our boat for a lovely profit even though we're with them and that's job done it's a pleasure doing business with you mr. Spanish it's time for us to leave oh no you attacked us again what did you do absolutely nothing great it's it's just wide there's no fret there's no danger I can't lose money it makes no sense I could just make infinite quantities of world folks to this game anyway I'm gonna sail on over to baracoa and try and pull this off again alright baracoa once again the cost of chocolate is now drop to 96 provided only by 300 of you it's only going to cost me on average a hundred and five gold for each chocolate it's Nowell a need to do sell this chocolate for higher than the average of a hundred and five well I've got some good news what we can do is we could sell it straight over to the port of Evangelista which actually produces chocolate oops accidentally bought their entire stock now in order to make our money back I've just gone over to the port of nueva Filipina here and I'm just going to sell it all and we can sell all of this for a hundred and eleven and pushing away for Filipina into a massive abundance and just make a stupid amount of money there we go that's a good trade deal oh no and we got attacked whilst we were on our way there we lost 36 chocolate oh no that hasn't impacted my finances at all you know it's time for the Santa to win go to actually do its own trade routes now the fastest ways to make stupid amounts of money in this game like save myself here as I've gone over the halfway mark to 1 million is to quite simply get control of a town and boost the production of one of its goods into stupid levels where basically no other town can compete because that means that the good is effectively in constant abundance which is perfect for us well we can build ourselves a small warehouse apparently lovely I'll build a small warehouse in the center of baracoa here lovely stuff and with all of this extra gold I've set up so extra businesses as well as it's probably also time for me to purchase some more ships so it's about these two sloops just lying around I mean they're really cheap so we might as well and here we have our sloop squad we'll be doing these snoopers trade route and these loopers trade route quite simply is just going to be getting more Goods out of baracoa of to this port over here or just be case of getting Goods out of baracoa to the nearby neighboring towns and hopefully building the mark once again just set everything to automatic and jump done we can now send them off on their little route and they'll make millions for me or Barker is now rocketing its way up to having a absolutely massive population certainly very happy it's currently December the 1st of the actual first year of this game its 1580 which is very good oh and I'm noticing once again a missed opportunity in order to get my fame in and you do another shipment of chocolate over to the English capital but I don't actually have any ships lying around for it so I might as well just buy a ship to do the job so time to buy myself - lovely barks the fastest ship in the game and have them do my bidding for me yes this will be my personal fleet I shall use it to grind honor by sending mass produced quantities of chocolates into ports without chocolate or even ports weave chocolate books for some reason I can still turn a profit seriously I've been able to take chocolate from here before and drop it off into towns which apply it and still make stupid amounts of money anyway we're going to buy 500 chocolate which over the cost of ninety six costing us 48 thousand gold they were going to sell that forty-eight thousand gold cost over to Santo Domingo and hopefully make a lot of money so here we are in Santo Domingo time for me to sell my lovely chocolate and there we go fantastic profits were had but most importantly we've gained a point of Fame now what's the point of Fame well it allows us to effectively go down this technology tree which is lovely going down the technology tree eventually allows you to make little cakes of your own which is something that I kind of want to do so I'm gonna do by myself the first point into setting up a brewery lovely stuff it is just absolutely terrifying because now all the chocolate is produced by this town immediately goes into my warehouse which I can then sell straight back to the town for just infinite quantities of wealth and then I can take the chocolate from the town at a cheaper price than I've sold it to the town and move it to different ports around the Caribbean for even more profit this makes no sense effectively I've produced all of the chocolate I sell it to the town and I make a hundred thousand and then buy all of that chocolate from the town for about fifty thousand and I take those goods which cost me fifty thousand but I've already made a profit on and I sell them to another port for a hundred and fifty thousand effectively tripling my money as well as also not even losing any money in the first place you know that means ladies and gentlemen it means more bloody chocolate plantation so I've set up even more chocolate farms and more houses to hopefully flood the workers into but yes things are looking good on our lovely little Caribbean island once we start expanding ourselves out a little bit more we can actually take control of other islands nearby and really start messing with their economy - I'm also interested in trading with the Spanish and whilst they are really really far away from us don't see why it doesn't make sense for us to have trade all the way from baracoa right the way down to the Spanish capital for a nice tasty profit so that's exactly what I've decided to do I've bought myself two very cheap ships and I'm going to set them on to this little route there we go go make me even more money now the issue with parrots is that even though I set them to regular there are basically no known pirates in the game pirates for some reason just definitely seem to crop up despite the fact that we're making stupid amounts of money and we have massive vessels lated and we've trade he don't seem to actually be interested in going after them which is a real shame but our lovely city of baracoa has managed to upgrade itself to five thousand inhabitants my goodness we've worn away from the peak it's also time for us to sell our lovely chocolate at the town centre and you know what that means it means 250,000 gold mmm lovely oh my god we make so much buddy from just scamming our citizens oh my goodness what's this Fame with the crown we can sell apparently 735 chocolate to the crown and we de gain some more fame so it's used my personal fleet for that will sail on into baracoa and instead of taking from the town what we can technically do is we can just take straight from our warehouse this doesn't cost us any money but it is a waste because it can buy chocolate from the town 496 so let's buy all of this chocolate for an average of 96 and if we really want to choose the system what we can do is we can then take the chocolate that we bought for 96 drop it into our warehouse and then sell from the warehouse straight back into the town for an average of 107 effectively it's a bit for the bloody glitch because what you do is you take the goods from your warehouse sell them to the tower buy them from the town a lower price than you sold it to the town for load onto a ship that ship just sits in the harbor and hands it back to your warehouse for free and then your warehouse people go get let's sell it again this could continue because I can load it up onto my boat for once again an average of 96 oh my god it's all for an average of 96 there we go I can dumb off into my warehouse again there you go take all 500 of it oh yeah this is this is really insider trading right now now what I've once again done is moved all of my goods from my ship to the warehouse and after a bit of trading the price of chocolate has risen to the point where it's 129 for me now to buy because the market is kind of established meaning I can then go to my warehouse and sell it for even more money this is a lovely cycle it really is effectively this is just an infinite money glitch and I wasn't even aware it was in the game I've mostly been messing about with the prices and being quite silly with it but I didn't realize if you'd eventually hit a point where you produced so much for good the game just kind of doesn't work anymore anyway let's sell all of this chocolate over to the capital and gain an extra bit of Fame lovely stuff I just don't even know how this functions the fact that the average price in the town is in 96 and the average price for me selling into the town is 109 it just doesn't make sense 110 gold to sell something which you're selling to others for 96 that town just it's an infinite source of money but it doesn't make sense why it's an infinite source of money the economy just doesn't make sense I've not used to this nobody I fully understand how the economy of the game works but this is just borked oh goodness and once again we're in a new month and you know the new month means it's means a brand new shipment of chocolate to the capital so we load in another boat up with 500 chocolate for 48,000 and dump it at the capital for I think it's red white sixty thousand or something it's not exactly a massive huge profit it's certainly not going to change the game but it's the fame which actually really matters actually no I'm wrong we sell for eighty one thousand Jesus my good lord that's way too much ruddy oh goodness right I love this game I really do this is my kind of game the financial market is just completely broken and that's how I like it now apparently we are at war with the Dutch in the Spanish which is a shame that does certainly affect you know several things Bachelor tell a lie it doesn't at all here's my trade ship it just walked into the enemy capital and what did it cost apparently causes nothing towards into the Spanish capital of anything he gives us a round about 300 thousand love now what I'm going to do is I'm going to buy the building permission from port way out to the self here for rent right seventy-five thousand gold and the reason why is because Port Royale is a very important little center now what we can't build any houses or anything we can expand its businesses about spending its businesses I mean we can start trying to aggressively get more sugar down and there's nothing the world can do to stop me so there we go another plantation of for sugar and I can just do the same another plantation of for sugar lovely now this will massively upset the local economy for quite a while because it don't exactly have the means to house this many additional workers but it doesn't actually matter because as soon as they get built and more workers need jobs well I have the solution we're going to load ourselves up one hundred and thirteen unwilling workers from baracoa and drop them off in Port Royale there we go now that we've arrived we can dump off all of our unwilling workforce and sail all the way back to our glorious homelands right enjoy your new jobs working in sugar plantations just so that I can try and get the cost of producing baked well tarts in Baracoa down a little bit and oh no the Spanish have come by and immediately all my boats surrendered but I didn't lose anything except nothing the occasional piece of linen I don't know something like that combat in this game is not negative in any way shape or form anyway it's once again time for that fantastic trade we're going to be 300-thousand by selling more chocolate to the town fantastic the chocolate production rate is two bits up at seventy nine point two which is just downright ridiculous so we've increased the wheat production we've increased the chocolate production now all that's left is to get more houses down before people start complaining that don't treat them well enough my goodness I've just been effectively all of my money on that oh my goodness this is it Barker's hit a population of seven thousand two hundred and forty seven which is you know a lot more than the capital of 3647 yeah basically this one tiny port which started out with nothing has grown to twice the size of what is supposedly the capital port admit see there are issues of a distinct lack of living space but you know doesn't really matter all the masses that we get our money in my goodness we've really been getting our money in in sell coal is an average price of sixty-two a town which you can buy it from for forty-eight it's a go that's another lot of easy money in the bag and once again the same exists for the chocolate which does for 110 town which can be bought 496 this just doesn't make sense none of this makes sense at all it's so confusing but I do like how this economy functions now interestingly enough because we basically own the wheat production of the town and the beer production the town produces a set of wheat but that wheat is then eaten up by the town's members as well as the many breweries we have which just absorb the wheat which is in the natural town stockpile whereas our 96 purchased grain just goes into our own warehouse for our own game meaning the town is currently having a massive shortage of wheat we only have 5 left yet I have over 3,000 in storage so allow me to sell all of that yes it's kind of a little bit bored but for some reason it's actually easier to sell a town an item for profit when it has it in abundance than when you have it in abundance for example now that the town has an abundant supply of wheat my average price of stored goods in the warehouse is higher than the price in the town meaning infinite money and there we have it ladies and gentlemen within just one year of game time we have managed to produce our first million and honestly from this point on a million is not going to be difficult to produce mostly because we're producing a terrifying quantity of resources and then selling it immediately back to its own town for fantastical profits this game is completely nutty Bork and I love it for it but of course how much is 1 million gold coins in 1581 in comparison to the modern day and age well I'm actually interested so I'm gonna try and find out now I've done some calculations behind the scenes and apparently if you had around about a million pounds worth of currency in 1581 then in 2019 that money would now be worth according to inflation 400 million pounds which is as you can probably guess a nice hefty quantity of money it's enough money to buy about 40 private jets which I suppose in the modern age you can then use to set about doing your own trading business I'm not sure maybe doing some illegal cross-border chocolate transportation I don't know whatever floats your boat not the matter ladies and gentlemen this is a silly quantity of money and I absolutely love now if you have indeed enjoyed today's video then feel free to give the video a like as it does massively help me out in the long run and hop down to the comment section and vote on what video you'd like to see next I've got quite a few interesting things lined up would you like to see another civilization video perhaps another fallout 4 video or maybe just maybe you have an exploit of your own you'd like to have shown off on the channel in which case I'll have my eyes and is directed in the comment section that she taught up I'll just be there anyway you can ask me just about any question so I'll see all of you in the comment section later as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my but jest ik patrons you make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much about your continued support I would be able to do silly things like this on the regular and have you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next and look no further than this one on screen now trust me if you've got a couple of hours free and you want to binge you away for a bunch of very strange content than this is the collection for you anyway I hope you're having a lovely day my fantastic subscribers and I see each and every one of you in the next one and you know that means it's goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,037,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, perfectly balanced game, spiffing brit, video game exploit, port royale 4, port royale, port royale game, video game, tycoon game, port royale 3, port royale 4 gameplay, port royale exploit, tycoon game exploit, video game tycoon, infinite money, infinite gold, infinite gold glitch, infinite money glitch, money exploit, gold exploit, is broken, port royale 4 is broken, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, funny, montage, exploit, english, funny moments
Id: d_eQtAWGVr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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