Cook Books ARE Stupid | Greg Doucette, Gorilla Glue Girl, Charlie D'amelio

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this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group the lifetime support group that comes with a 12-week gym program two home workout programs and a lifetime facebook support group that's right getting healthier is a lifestyle so of course you need a support group that will always be open where i'm very active daily if you're interested the link is below also we have a cosplay and crime video coming up followed up with scamming fitness model turned modest christian a pretty dawn tale please hit the subscribe button and the notification button so you don't miss it oh welcome back to the channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer proud mommy of a pug in a chihuahua a past theater nerd on a grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person and i'm sure because of my title my thumbnail and my great talents of catching your attention i think a few fanboys are probably a little upset if you are one of those fan boys or fan girls and you're triggered you will never be half as good as greg doucette worthless piece of crap you'll have to hold off for a little bit because this is another episode of does this offend you where i show an array of stories that offended some people and then you guys tell me in the comment section does this offend you or does it not it's a very fun and easy game that we all love to play on this channel but first little announcement for the brittany dawn video and the new episode of cosplay and crime they are very long so my plan was to film a few smaller videos i have about three or four well this was the only one that ended up being small yeah editing michelle here and my hands and lines under my eyes while editing this now 20 something minute video says otherwise all the other ones including the britney dawn and the cosplay and crime that i filmed are all almost 30 minute videos so my plan backfired i meant to have little mini episodes but the other ones are way too long because i talk too much i love finding more information i love to talk even more about that information so enjoy this video it might take me a little while to get the other lines of content out to you and if you could just watch all my other videos every single one that's that's your homework children okay commence the offensive content [Music] beyonce decided to gift clothing from her clothing line to tick-tock stars specifically charlie and dixie demilio charlie and dixie dimiglio face backlash after beyonce gifts them ivy park pr package i'm just gonna guess why people were outraged because a black artist gave white tick talkers uh free stuff and black artists should only give their stuff to other black artists that's what i'm just guessing because that's kind of the world we live in i see people just being upset about not enough black influencers just getting the recognition that they need that's my prediction what is your the emilios are almost constantly surrounded by some sort of outrage well now social media users are even more outraged at the pair after they revealed that none other than beyonce herself had gifted them a pr package from her own line dixie being very excited decided to post about this in her stories and people were pissed people were saying that the sisters should have never received such a gift from beyonce the the public has spoken that these girls should have never received such a gift from people who wanted to get them the gift we're complaining about who people decide to give gifts to got it beyonce really sent dixie to emilio ivy park when all her fans have to ask to use their parents credit card what is this mess i'm gonna assume this was the pr team's doing without beyonce's approval i refuse to believe she sent charlie horse and dixie stampede emilio some ivy park i refuse to believe that i know she would never send merchandise from her line that she probably wants to promote to popular influencers i know she would never do that beyonce is not about making money these are about not making money some of you guys do not have an education in business and it shows i was having such a good morning till i found out beyonce sent dixie to emilio the new ivy park nothing having your day ruined because a celebrity sent a instagram or tick-tock celebrity um clothes you are very sensitive and might want to use some of your time in therapy anyway i think my prediction was wrong uh i didn't see anything about people being upset that they got it because they were white but it seems to just turn out that a lot of people just really don't like the demilio sisters and that they're irritated that the demilio sisters got something for free and they didn't but i have a solution for anyone that's upset about that start getting millions of views on tick tock do the little dances out some words and boom there you go free merchandise from beyonce it's that easy and then you can tell everybody to [ __ ] off and complain about you getting a gift because that's shown off what i would do anyway you'll be there soon scamp gotta ruffle that hair of yours go on do the tick tock [Music] i have seen memes about this i have seen posts i have seen people complaining about the gorilla glue girl but i haven't looked into it until now jessica brown tried to get gorilla glue adhesive spray which is usually used to bond things like wood stone metal glass and more out of her hair after she used it instead of hair spray why did she do that well according to tess she wanted to have the slickest ponytail and homegirl she achieved it hey y'all but those y'all that know me know my hair has been like this for about a month now it's not by choice no it's not a choice when i do my hair i like to you know finish it off with a little got the big glue spray you know just to keep it in place well i didn't have any more that to be blue space so i use this the original video of brown also known now as gorilla glue girl currently has 3.4 million views on instagram and shared widely on social media okay remember last segment we talked about you becoming a a sensation instagram sensation to get free stuff from beyonce well now just use gorilla glue yo look my hair it don't move use it as hairspray and then post whatever happens up here on instagram she quickly grew a following of people who have been invested in figuring out how she planned to get the glue out of her hair from using acetone on her scalp to visiting the emergency room los angeles-based plastic surgeon dr michael obang offered to help brown get the glue out her hair for free tmz reported a procedure that typically cost about twelve thousand five hundred dollars according to the publication on thursday morning a video was released by tmz of brown completing the first day of what's expected to be a three-day procedure and finally freeing her follicle so a lot of people are like wtf were you thinking apparently she's a teacher and people are like you teach children to do things and you're doing things like this many people are also speculating that she did this for social media fame she's now over 774 000 followers over a million on tick tock she's also profiting off of her weird mistake merchandise i swear to god if i see y'all wearing this 500 for a request on cameo anyway there's also word that she planned on suing the gorilla glue company suing the company because she's a product not the way that it was intended to be used it backfired and it's all their fault according to tmz brown had sought out legalized advice around possibly suing the company citing anonymous sources tmz wrote that brown claimed the label was misleading because it said do not use on eyes skin or clothes with no mention of hair now she came back in an interview and said no no no i'm not suing them so we will never really know who is lying but she did open a gofundme account to help with medical bills and buying wigs apparently though the gofundme is under investigation according to gorilla glue girl they won't give her her money because she changed what she's using the money for it was originally for medical procedures and wigs but now that she got the procedure for free she says that she can give it to charity and but for some reason the gofundme is not letting her use the money so the investigation sparked many rumors and people thought it was very suspicious and people think that she played everyone in fact there's some people that think that tmz the doctor and tesca did this for views and some people believe who worked with gorilla glue that she didn't even really have gorilla glue in her hair in the first place one of the first things that occurred to me was her hair is way too clean to have gorilla glue in it that's not how gorilla glue behaves so i made a video and boy my comments were filled with people saying oh you just don't understand black hair you don't understand hair styling no maybe not but what i do understand is gorilla glue and how it behaves and if this woman put gorilla glue in her hair first there's no way she could have styled it that clean and if she styled it and then put gorilla glue over the top of it there's no way it would look that clean so i don't know if people were offended by it but they were making fun of her for suing a company sorry allegedly suing the company anyway does this offend you if she is suing the company for her mistake along with the gofundme account and profiting off of gorilla glue in the hair [Music] so ever since my last video the first episode of who the is insert this youtube star here what recovery greg you said i got quite a bit of comments in my comment section complaining about his cookbook the cookbook's too expensive michelle you need to buy greg's cookbook and then review it and expose him do it tell us the truth about the cookbook i feel like people are lying and i can't afford it so please talk [ __ ] about it okay well to the purchasing part uh no i don't i don't need to do all of that but i can tell you what i think about cookbooks in general when it comes to my life they're stupid for me to buy i love rolling you guys up some of you guys get mad about like some of the weirdest things because i don't want to buy a cookbook now everybody who ever bought a cookbook now or is a really big fan of greg who can't take my criticism that i haven't even said yet is outside my house like this i know it's hard it's very hard now in 2021 to hear other people's opinions here you go just suck on this for a little bit uh and then i'll tell you my opinion and then you can take it out and and then you can complain plain about anything you want okay so now that the pacifiers are in the baby's mouth and i can explain myself without all the crying let me tell you why a cookbook is a waste of time stupid it just not the smartest purchase for me to do so there's this thing that i discovered yeah i christopher columbus this [ __ ] called google i i'm guessing a lot of people haven't heard of it because i discovered it and i'm telling you about it right now google is this search engine that i can just type in really anything and it comes up so when i'm craving a meal because i'm not some kind of chef i just type in whatever i'm craving and it comes up now if i take that same phrase and put low calorie or healthier version or high protein version that will come up and here's the kicker to this google thing that i discovered um it's free and so free mixed with cheap equals me he said himself that he puts a lot of stuff out there for free so in my head if i really want to make something that greg ducette has ever made i'll just use the free [ __ ] i did that a lot through my weight loss journey i was a broke-ass [ __ ] another reason why i'm not really into cookbooks is because i eat very basic you know who exposed pretty much my whole diet obesity beast he's always posting what stir fry that's the basis of my diet if i meal prep all my meat and the rice it takes me about two minutes to warm it up i don't have time for steps reading recipes nothing i just want to eat and get back to work so once again that would be a very stupid purchase for me because my main diet is very simple third i feel like whenever i look at cookbooks i've been gifted cookbooks before and whenever i get like a cookbook it's like super thick and i only will choose one or two or three recipes in the whole cookbook and usually those recipes are things that i already eat stir fry so it's not the smartest purchase for me maybe for someone who's new and they really want like a lot of variety it's probably a good purchase for them i've had many clients get a cookbook from greg and they love it they share the recipes with me it looks great but for me reviewing a cookbook wouldn't be the best thing because i'm not gonna use it i'm not really interested in what other people are making because i i already like what i like and lastly to the people who want to complain that it's too expensive then don't buy it no one's forcing you to buy it i swear to sky daddy if anybody comes up to me and says this is too expensive i'm gonna complain about it i never told you to purchase my stuff don't be a dummy don't buy things that are too expensive for you what a weird thing to complain about anyway does me saying that cookbooks are a waste that my time offends you does the price of greg descent's cookbook offend you wait a minute hold up a hundred forty seven dollars for a cookbook three hundred fifty dollars for all three whoa greg you don't lost your damn man when you get your damn man you call me okay i just looked this up and yeah why is this so expensive holy [ __ ] uh so to go back to my statement i definitely wouldn't be buying this uh i still stand by my words if it's too expensive for you definitely don't buy it but [ __ ] are you exposing the krabby patty secret formula i guess it doesn't matter to me anyway i don't buy cookbooks if i was the higher greg i guess i would use him for a competition prep coach twelve thousand dollars for four months greg that's about what many people pay for their mortgage in four months in california shoot now i'm slightly offended by this thing that doesn't affect me in any way but i don't understand what people are saying plot twist i really like greg but whoa this must be some top tier training if i drop twelve thousand dollars for four months of training he better fly his ass down to my house cook for me stand next to me while i'm on the treadmill dressed up like iago and recite every line that iago had in every single aladdin movie holy crap whoa oh look at that it's so the kardashians are no stranger to extremely edited pictures and a whole series and they're no stranger to people critiquing them but this one had fans saying chloe uh what the all right let's uh let's pull up this picture [Music] why are her feet so big they made her ass a descendant of sideshow bob peggy hill ain't got nothing on her they gave our girl breadstick feet remember that episode of the proud family when like the little the latina girl she jumped into the water [Music] and everybody was just amazed by the way that she was swimming not only did you pass you're on the swim team heck you are the swim team and her little ass got out of the water and uh they found out why she was such a good swimmer big old feet hold it a minute no fins allowed coach daddy those aren't fans those are her feet completely unproportioned of her body like almost the length of her whole leg hold up all right crop this out rotate the foot this way and yep almost but then oscar penny's dad tried to like comfort her really well he likes me anymore oh now come on i bet they're not so bad bro she look like slenderman uh she won that comment one okay this one cracks me up i haven't read it yet but it seemed from the comments that fat older man body shaming fat younger girl and i personally love when anybody really but it's just icing on the cake when a fat not very conventionally good-looking person or man uh has to just say that that fat girl over there is fat and she does not please my pee as if you know the fat chick over there care so let's see what's going on twista apologizes for sharing viral posts of gobbery i'm bad with names everybody knows i say everything bad i'm gonna say gabby says it was an honest mistake you guys remember twisted the song i think it was like my like high school days the way we know them right you were a celebrity overnight that guy i loved that song twista is apologizing for sharing a viral post comparing two women that featured the images of actress gabby and model bernice burgos many people were angry with twisted for sharing the viral posts that people felt was meant to fat shame gabby the viral post compares to fictional circumstances but to real women asking people who they would choose to be with option a boosted a woman financially stable with no kids a couch or is it just says couch i don't know he's calling her a couch or she has one couch in the home that she owns that says couch and option b was a jobless woman with no car staying couch two so it's like staying on a couch staying couch and 12 000 followers and multiple children and baby daddies okay i mean a few things i feel like i've seen so many of these type of oh this option or this option and i've seen it with men like there would be like a fat out of shape dude but he got a lot of money and farts all the time or something and then on the right is a fine ass looking straight out of dragon ball z type on the right but he got no job 12 baby mamas which one you choose and type of thing by the way guys i originally use a real fat guy in this example but my video kept getting demonetized because of the man boobs but with that i usually see absolutely no uproar no people freaking out because it's men i guess but i guess they did with this i mean it's not right is it funny probably to a lot of people can it be hurtful uh definitely if i was gabby i'd be like okay why can't i have 12 000 followers and staying couch too now twista is speaking out amid the backlash and exclusively tells us that sharing the post was an honest mistake like honest abe he says the post was a reshare from facebook and it wasn't meant to harm anyone he explained to us that while he does not know gabby directly he wants to offer his sincere apologies to her i was traveling most of the day when i saw the mistake okay like his wording is weird because it wasn't a mistake you didn't accidentally look at the post swipe your finger post it and put the caption you like deliberately posted it it's like those people that cheat and they're like oh shoot it was a mistake i didn't mean to i didn't mean to do this i did not mean to take off all my clothes first of all make sure you weren't home and here you know watching me and then take off all my clothes with this person and then get on top of them naked it was a mistake i didn't mean to baby take me back anyway gabby responded to this wow i am g i only like you as a rapper i forgot about in 2005. but good luck with option b burn also isn't he kind of just insulting both women and perpetuating a stereotype on both as in you can't be financially stable if you look like this and if you have all of this then you're fat and ugly girls like this has followers but no car girls like this can't even get a guy to have a child with but she has her own home and a couch or is a couch still not sure what that's trying to say anyway do these type of option a option b type post offend you honestly if i was fat and twist a fat guy put up this type of post i'd probably respond in the same way and tell him he's an old fat washed up guy that nobody really remembered and oh twisted just so you know none of these girls don't want you either honey so bye [Music] neighborhoods
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 111,643
Rating: 4.9748206 out of 5
Keywords: Greg Doucette, Gorilla Glue Girl, Charlie D'amelio, greg doucette french toast, greg doucette ice cream, greg doucette diet, greg doucette cookbook, gorilla glue in hair, gorilla glue in hair update, gorilla glue challenge, gorilla glue in hair original, gorilla glue girl original video, charli damelio, charli damelio tiktok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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