Big Ed Gets DUMPED (I Can't stop Laughing😂)

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Tweedledee and Tweedledum come in here please [Music] Tweedledum it's been brought to my attention that you've been very unkind on the internet lately you've been acting quite Bradish not nice and very similar to the Queen of Hearts herself and we cants have that in our new town you're cancelled yeah I just I don't know I'm just I can't hear her anymore it's just hurt it just it hurts me too much maybe you shouldn't have been so dumb Tweedledum this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group where you get to stay in our very positive and nerdy groups for a wife you also receive a 12-week gym program along with the home workout routine also in the group we do live zoom sessions on most Saturdays where my clients look at me like this through the screen if interested hit the link below for more information we would love to have hello youtube welcome back to the channel and if you are new here welcome I hello there my name is Sean McDaniel I have a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug I passed the internet on a grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where I share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person so the drill here is you guys just tell me right now what's offending you today go ahead tell me in the comment section is is it the girls I know I know they're out today today we're doing a four part series on the oversized man babies of TLC's reality show 90 day fiancé don't worry man we'll get to the woman because they're just as stupid but today it's all about a boy but a four-part series on the oversized mole one munchkin size man babies of TLC we've got the woman Whisperer the strangler and Donald Trump's long-lost cousin the fire and of course in today's video our favorite waddling munchkin munchkin boy egg now if you are not fully updated on this individual that we are speaking about today the Wicked Witch of the West went into great detail along with he's a car I'm hunter x hunter so if you haven't seen those videos save this video go watch those first and then meet all of us back here okay go on we'll wait leave to your research and then come back okay get out okay now that they're gone let's get into this so today we are watching Rose go off on big eggs let me set the scene first when Ed arrived in the Philippines he set up the hotel for him and a rose to stay in for the first few days to get to know her and when I say get to know I don't mean anything about her personality I mean her girls and then her girl down under and then the plan was to go back to Rosa's home get to know her family her son ed lasted one day he was very disgusted by the living conditions where the windows that's not a window and I definitely want to point out about anyone who doesn't live in poverty would probably be very uncomfortable but she told him how she lived from the get-go so I'll open up above and they don't really have a front door and she's just a kind of a curtain of paper CD covers so why would he are transferring him to stay in that area no flying um that's her even though she told him in the beginning how she lived but I guess he was too focused on how to ask her if he can whole week her face be wholly gross so since ed is very uncomfortable and it's all about and she basically sleeps on the floor if I have a skin condition called atopic dermatitis so I can only sleep with sheets that have at least a thousand thread count oh poor freakin edu guys he just used a big word to confuse the viewers of TLC because he thinks people who lost the show are blatant idiots and that's debatable but I haven't read anything about people with eczema having to sleep with sheets with at least eight thousand thread count you guys have let me know but looks like we have a baby and a little princess on our hands even asks the dad Rosa's father if he can take his daughter and go to another hotel away from this area well this real cold it's not gonna come down and obviously it's gonna ask in the weirdest most creepiest way possible there's something that I wanted to ask you last night I had a hard time sleeping cuz it was so hot yeah the dads like yeah we deal with this everyday but honestly you guys I need my house I like 70 degrees or I die but I'm also not trying to canoodle with foreign women so you know and sometimes you got to get your balls very sweaty but first it was to help with the pics to you know prove how manly he is so that the dad could be like yeah this is a great guy to trust my daughter away oh okay okay son of a [ __ ] okay so he brings her to the hotel they're having a pretty good time you know as much of a good time as you can have with a guy like this but then there's a secret that he must tell roeser's always a secret pretty much what the secret is is that he doesn't want any more kids so last night memory you you're talking about you wanted more kids but having more kids it's not something that I want but she made this clear from the beginning and he went along with it why to her because in reality he actually had a snippy snip scheduled I had scheduled two appointments to have an operation where it's just it's a snip snip so here's another lie another lie that Ed is telling when he's saying that she is not the trustworthy one and so Rose is very angry about this she's pretty much so that she was very upfront from the beginning and like I said II D has lie after lie after lie and this was like the last straw for Rose so during the middle of the night or in the wee hours of the morning Rose ends up leaving in the hotel room last night I finally revealed to Rose that I want to have a vasectomy and I don't want any more kids and when I woke up this morning she was gone and we are graced with him looking outside of the hotel shirtless for way longer than we needed TLC okay anyway we're all fed up and now you're ready to watch with me Rose telling off little munchkin boy [Music] everything about him just just makes me mad the way he sits the way he taps his foot his pink shirt and I love pink his weird ponytail I think you were gonna proceed to try to touch her and he probably felt the raging fire reeking off of her body and he was like oh okay gonna sit back down she's gonna sit right on back down worried about you where were you this movie I want to be alone and have space 14 I told you guys he has this expression on his face the whole freakin time and want kids ya want nugget she told you that in the beginning yeah I want it because that's amazing did you see that little eyebrow raise there like really that's your dream I thought your dream was to be with your King me Big Ed it did it feel um disappointed you know because I told it so many times I want baby so basically when she was telling him all of her you know what she wants out of life this is what he was doing I want baby me why you not telling me that threaten not want a baby what do you mean why why you not been me first before you come here exactly why not also the expression and also all this time he's been questioning her changing her having her do these things for him it's all about Big Ed and stroking his ego and his little munchkin but the moment she calls him out he does this as if he can't fathom why she's acting like this well you're not that minute why are you not telling me first I'm chatting dude she's pissed and I love it tell me right now Oh yesterday oh my god he is confused he is extremely confused and one of those guys when you ask him bro what happened to you and your girl and he says something like she went freaking crazy you meets you and crazy after she decided to question your inability to be a decent human being or did she go crazy when she decided to tell you know which one was it let me answer probably both why you're not any of you because before you come here I wanted to get to know you I wanted you to get to know me oh my god freaking ed everybody knows the exchange may hear when talking about this type of situation are you that dense in the head well since you don't let me break it down to you you see it on the internet for a young Filipino woman a young Filipino woman who lives in poverty to the point where they don't have doors a roof over all of their house or a shower and you knew that little Filipino girl from Facebook that you friend requested and then message to yourself sees an opportunity to get her and her son out of that situation it doesn't make it right but you know what that's what a lot of people do in that situation most Americans especially act knows that and it's the thing is miniature munchkin Lalique hot and young girl younger than his daughter by the way I have a young woman by his side so he can show all his friends look I'm big Edie I scored and she liked it I think she enjoyed it look everyone I'm a hero I took this young girl out of poverty I am her king and Rose gets to have a better life for her and her son that's what this is not this whole get to know you to make sure that we are compatible why you always trying he knows we know she knows that he ain't there to make sure they're compatible shut up Edie in this face also to me represents her seeing and how we all see it she no longer sees a ticket outlets she sees a small insecure short ugly man that can't get a woman not because of his looks but because of his disgusting behavior and personality I wanted you to see who I am I know who you are dude that's the face they make an anime when they got beat up and broken down during the whole episode then they find that last bit of string and whoop somebody's I love it you know first I lied to me about I right he said he was the same height as her by two but as we can see he was quite a short on the truth but it's fine you know because it's big ed it's completely fine one so give me a STD test right and this man baby powers are about to be activated god he's just such a horrible person about mots wash and why are you thanking me i know i'm i have a shake and about all set so which is understandable you need to communicate these things people but the thing is is that he told her that her breath wasn't pretty after the fact that he asked her if he could holy cur after the fact that according to ed they last night we made love it was awesome so he wants to complain about her breath but prior to that really rude comment up saying a breath isn't pretty who words it like that he had all of these instances where he's trying to get close to her face i can't wait to do it again you give me feel a little bit personally i think you're not loudly i'm done and she breaks up with him he literally has little man syndrome on the outside and on the inside look at that shrug off he's like what is this girl even talking about look at me look at me i'm I'm big Edie I didn't do anything wrong it's tricks crazy because all the times that he critiqued her and then she breaks down everything and he has to run away literally run from the situation so here you think I'm bad I'm just I'm a bad person okay yeah yes Edie you are a bad person yeah got it wait you guys know I have to do this so after you ran away who then cries I [Music] don't know I'm just obsessed with Dave meet the ugliest laugh ever when I watched his episode to the point about my boyfriend looked at me like this also a lot of people are like well Rosemarie isn't a saint she's not the best person either he was only in it for the money okay let's let's let's let's entertain that for a little bit because I do believe she was only with Edie to try and get out of poverty so for the money to get a better life right but let's just break this down the way that Rose broke it down to Ed Rose didn't get paid ed did ed wanted to get Fame he got it he wanted to have sex with a young girl he got that he said that he bought Loras Maria logic gifts no he didn't buy her any gifts he bought all that gets her himself so that he could be comfortable when he got to the Philippines and of course a little extra dish for himself Feroze Marie to where that she didn't really want to wear in the first place he brought more awareness to his condition that's a very good thing I like that one you know it says a lot about someone that will give up a chance to go to America and just go back to live in poverty so who's really about the money here who really benefited from all of this ed is not the victim he's the anime villain that you don't even love to hate you want him to get the hell off the show and move on to the next part also rose has a YouTube channel that is whooping as drumstick butt cheeks 247 thousand subscribers four point eighty four thousand I don't like to normally compare followers and say like oh this person is better than this person because this person has more followers but in this case I am very ecstatic that Rose is whooping his butt and I hope at least the show is bringing his traction and continues to bring traction to her channel and she gets herself out of poverty and not have to entertain the Mesa next man's distant cousin imagine finding a girl like rose and mess it up not because you're ugly and necklace but because you're heartless and ugly on the inside a few individuals always get upset because people are making fun of his looks and making memes out of him everybody on the show on any reality show gets mean he's not gonna get exempted because he's Edie I saw an interesting comment of someone say well you guys always put it next to the weird characters it's like me getting upset that people don't put me right up next to Justin Timberlake I don't look like Justin Timberlake they're going to you probably put me up two characters that look like me or have some kind of similar characteristics or facial features like me and if someone takes the time to put my face next to a weird character I'm going to appreciate it because I think it's hilarious okay so because I think the memes are very hilarious I will leave you with some but for the people who are very sensitive about singling out Edie I will make sure to put some with the whole cast thank you so much for watching remember you do not have to be a size too big biceps not big at our grades ahead but not need it to be healthy but health is very important and I want everybody to be as healthy as possible I will see you guys next video I hope you enjoy all the memes you see the GP I'm sitting in my car in the kitty do you secure the bike yeah I get to my you see the gasket goes wrong you're questioning my Rose rocks nombre sweet
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 295,132
Rating: 4.9680896 out of 5
Keywords: Rose Ditches ed, 90 day fiance before the 90 days, 90 day fiance i like the view, 90 day fiance pillow talk, reality tv, tlc, tlc chows, foreign love, visa, soja boy, david and lana, avery and ash 90 day fiance, avery and ash 90 day, mail order bride, Rose goes off on big ed, big ed, no neck ed
Id: VPaEsz8J96Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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