Big Ed And His 90 Day Wife BROKE UP?! Ed & Rose - Part 2

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It said it’s not available in my country. Any idea why?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Freddie-Mercury31 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone else have the problem of not being able to see it in your country?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nindroid2012 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is anyone able to view this? It says unavailable in your country.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/darty111 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not available for me 😒

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/damarisvasallo2831 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Says the uploader hasn’t made it available in my country. I live in America as well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Heatherharris08 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It says that it's unavailable in my country. Why is that? :/

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Yeah, im in germany its not available here aswell

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Not available in Germany.

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If it says not available in your country then download a vpn (they have free ones) and change your location to Asia or somewhere with shitty copyright laws.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShaggyNoHair πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
how's it going bros my name is P we have another update on the main man the man of thickness the man without a neck edy himself in the last episode to catch the guys up ed went to the Philippines to meet his 90-day fiance am i what you expected do you like despite edy lying that he doesn't want to get kids and he's gonna get a vasectomy that's seriously like does she want more kids did she tell you that or not well I don't want to tell her this but I want to get like nipped he lied about his height I don't know what else he lied about I don't remember he still doesn't trust his fiancee brooch and thinks it's all a scam her sister texted me the other night she basically said you know I need help my store is gonna close and despite looking like edy does yo swans rose to look a certain way and wanted to leave the family house of rose because it was not up to his standards is that a chicken is that a chicken first I would I read some comments from last episode as well he looked like he escaped from Club Penguin before this Oh God the comments I wrote let's see I didn't say it I didn't say it I love how she preferred to shame her legs than kiss him true it looks like he's cut least shrugging his shoulders all right that's just mean I did not like that come on mad respect for the cameraman who take it all seriously fair enough fair enough all right let's get into the new videos we now have a conclusion of what happens with Rosa Ned what's gonna happen I can't wait this is a restaurant and a big edit rights protected the hotel and told them I want the most romantic table in this resort and my hope is that for a rose and I to grow close that's romantic I mean having that guy in the background what you grow closer together and just relax and just kind of be with each other all right maybe there's hope I just wanna take this in right now just be with you Hey look at that any how beautiful you look tonight here you'll be beauty I'll be the Beast he knows he knows you've been happy I want my life see usually with these TLC's there's at least from what I've seen there's always like the gold digger fiancee but for once or at least when I see this I believe her I believe that she actually genuinely wants a relationship with this monstrosity and it's so weird to see how he's doubting and just completely ruining it basically I wish that posed to me this night oh wow oh you're happy yes of course that's a bit too soon okay maybe not the main reason why I wanted to come here with you was for us to really understand our feelings so Rose where does your dad live yeah oh my god the main reason we are here is not that I don't want to sleep next to pigs you know it is reality TV they have all this scripted out there locations and all that you have to understand it's not like Edie Edie made a plan for all of this but still come on what you want I want someone that loves me they won't ever leave me that respects me do you want that with me do you want someone that doesn't cheat sheet on you ed oh sorry Eddy cheated I forgot about that that's right he doesn't trust her but he's the one that cheated in the past marriage wait whoa oh how awkward was that edited or explained do you want that with me Edie answer please no I mean I think so but I'm I'm not 100% sure what's holding you back yet what is it I love rose but there's one thing that's holding me back oh okay and that is whether or not Rose was involved with her sister asking me for money why couldn't you just say that instead of going I don't know if I can love you or whatever you said why not just tell her hey your sister reached out asking me for money I felt a bit uncomfortable by that did you know about this it shouldn't be that hard at it shouldn't be so hard God so dramatic because I can I explain after dinner can we eat first and I'll explain no that's a terrible idea oh thank you that's a big mistake Amy no was there any mail NetID come on explain me it's about to get juicy here we go I heard because I think you're not to see my love you don't see the love ed come on it's right there I want to hear my side of that story I heard so much because you think like my I like my like my sister you want your money not with love but I don't want your money how much money can you have anyway it's just a photographer come on isn't sure if you were involved but you're telling me you you're not yeah okay I believe maybe he married raishin the last relationship okay good your sister made me doubt you but no more okay good yeah I am one percent sure that you're being honest promise I promise I just wants to resolve this so he can eat his dinner I'm kidding I'm joking what the honey's the relationship is good yes yes yes he says yes for speaking the Rose lying I am 100% sure in my heart that she's not involved just by the way she reacted I'm feeling like I can completely trust rose but I don't trust your sister so what are we gonna do about your sister tell her about this all right you guys I get a favor but can you and I speak to her together it's important to me okay I want to see that III agree ed let's do that I thought that makes you start together okay I'm relieved I'm angry that my sister a little bit because you want behind my back I know Maria struggling on money right now but I don't want money I love him and I want to be a wife and our relationship I know I know oh my god here I'm thinking we're in a good place and now she brings up having more children but I've been planning a game of sight that baby I don't know how to tell her well you may am you maybe should have told her before just like a little sooner you know I don't know what kind of conversations you've had but I don't want more kids she fought is she found a loophole so she doesn't have to kiss him just just just just get it monkey steals big Ed's banana can't wait sorry what just happen let me smack you what sounds does she make Wow classic you too vlogging right here really likes Matt I'm really excited that's why she like said same shape oh my god that's beautiful are there monkeys in the trees there our song he's asking because if they're in the trees he can't see them he can't you can't bend his neck the monkeys in the trees okay good Eddie's relieved there's another monkey over there come on so stage there's no way you would they would tell you before don't leave stuff out them the monkeys can grab it especially not bags of food like that come on it's almost like if we have 30 TVs fake what cringe what the hell fake Jesus was that Roast of the comedy chief says these weren't the cute monkeys that I was expecting monkeys he's setting it up instead staring at me with my pants it looked like he's constantly sucking his pants that's like that's the face and posture you want the wood oh my god oh my god oh my god he just took my banana but you don't want monkey I know I think this is funny this is a metaphor for the upcoming kid debate or discussion he doesn't want the monkey but she loved monkey she liked monkey I like monkey a lot monkey I know like don't be scared I don't know he would attack me I'm terrified I'm worried about getting bit or scratched I don't like the monkeys anymore I don't like him I told you it's a metaphor okay let's go that's the look of love right there can see getting their eyes it's sparkles damn that shape bro that's like Alex Jones shaped with the hair gotta be on those pills he finally revealed to Rose that I want to have a vasectomy and I don't want any more kids oh no she was gone she just saw me shirtless further why am I so mean I don't know he's so evil he's not evil he's just really flawed he's just a very flawed person inside and out she's not answering my texts and she's not answering my phone calls I looked all around the hotel but she's nowhere to be seen I don't know where she is she's in the trees that's why she knows his biggest weakness she's just on the second floor okay all right I'm really confused and I'm sad do you do you think girls that see this are gonna reach out communication after they watch this and marry me you know so it was really more about me trying to figure out for myself was Rose the one that I wanted but now it's kind of you know now it's a 180 now it's rose really sorting out for herself whether or not she wants to be with me what there's two people in a relationship what she has her own feelings in thought I understand this must come as a shock too big end he's never been rejected in his life come on [Music] this is so sad I'm crying hanky if Ed and Rose can make it then there's hope for no one no one hey continues Rose Rose goes off damn oh here comes she comes oh she does not look happy Judah's oh look at me at all I woke up me every day morning and I want the thing but you said yesterday all right I want to be alone there dude he looks straight up like a mafia guy here and what happened peace so for now I'm I not feel good okay not feel good about having kids and want kids I want it because that's my thing that's our dream disappointed many times a one baby why you not tell me the truth you not want a baby why yeah what do you mean I'm what what do you mean what what why that's is that a thing what what do you say me first before you come here mmm-hmm gosh this is such trash TV because I'm 54 years old I don't want more kids why you're not telling me that's good why you not me first untapping oh my god tell me right now yesterday why you not tell me you because before you come here I should have been more truthful I should have may I apologize I should have said look I don't want more kids Rose I apologize come on what what's the matter with you but I wanted to get to know you I wanted you to get to know me to make sure that we are competitive my look at me you want more of these you're on one of these things running around trust me compatible Oh actually she had a daughter that looked surprisingly nice so who knows there's there's that face again nice never say then there's the face of love right there to see who I I know who you are I think she sees exactly who is Oh first night to me about I yeah yeah yeah you want oh give me an STD test right you know about your crush and so in this appointment because you always me yeah what what you saying sister I think you're you think me like my sister same thing I want your money not you you give me feel a little bit personally I think you're not lovely I'm done no no okay Oh God Oh guys the next this is the last video and the title I mean it's gonna shock you to the core Rose ditches Edie this is your behavior because you another see another girl and I think you give her again what you hurt me yeah alright so you think I'm bad and just I'm a bad person okay yeah come on seriously so childish to just walk away as well when you think I'm a bad person just because I do all this bad things work good I pause for us don't settle for a man like that no way no way I feel like girls think they can fix guys a lot at at times do just dump all right it ain't worth it a guy like that is always gonna be like that unless he finds himself I don't know it ain't worth your time 18 hurt and sad because it not accepted he own mistake yeah he just walked away I miss my son because I leave him but or it in I'm inside I daunted this relationship good good exactly when Ed and I met online I liked it because he give me respect but after I meet the person I realized who is a true IDI right now Amit micro key in the future sorry and you're not a king anymore you're just the Beast is just a beast oh no goodbye yeah I just I don't know I'm just I can't hear her anymore it just hurt it just it hurts me too much what I mean I'm shocked I waited 28 years you know to find love again maybe she just needs time no I need to let her calm down do not whistle in again it you need to fix herself first come on [Music] all right is that the end that's the end ladies and gentlemen hopefully I actually don't want any more of this I know they're like everyone's favorite couple of this TLC channel stuff it is a reality TV show at the end of the day and a lot of it is set up at it I don't think ed is the worst person on the planet but he is obviously heavily flawed and I think settling for a guy that acts that in lies especially you don't want to do that so good on Rush good on you and good on good on roasts and so should you as well that's it for this video if you enjoyed gently hit the like button subscribe I upload every day almost we got new merch Jojo very nice if you're interested and think I'm live streaming today you guys check that out it might be too late actually never mind see you tomorrow hey dope in a world where science knows no boundaries travel to land where no tuber has been and explore never-before-seen landscapes [Music] beings that are extinct meet Mayan actors ancestors who collect ancient items rediscover your favorite scientifically accurate dinos what will you create you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 11,201,718
Rating: 4.9598351 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: 5UvWbvRpdY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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