Best Uhhhhhhh "Accent" Humor? Game Grumps Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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i wonder how many like what kind of compilation you could make with out of context things we've said that make us sound racist as [ __ ] hey i'm grump i'm not surrounded and we're the game grumps like if the way if someone's like i'm not a racist but you better believe that they're about to say some racist [ __ ] if you say butt to anything yeah i guess you're right what was it r there we go you know what even if you just say i'm not a racist you're probably about to say some [ __ ] racist [ __ ] racist i i don't mean to be racist uh there were some asian guys what the [ __ ] man at the dance dance revolution machine oh my god yeah and i not to generalize it's [ __ ] up but uh it would appear based on empirical evidence over and over that i've experienced that asian men of a certain age are very into [ __ ] yeah try for a shard uh two or three is that the age uh yeah exactly um are very very into dance dance revolution hold on what are you gonna do hold on i got that you're gonna go like that and then you're gonna go like that and then you're gonna go you don't even [ __ ] know brother you don't even know so this game is as sneaky as the chinese themselves you know how you say jam session in japanese jammu [Laughter] that's how you say it okay it's a long running chinese proverb obviously it's a chinese proverb it's been around for probably several hundreds of years is it burn your slips referring to a chinese laundromat that was racist i apologize i mean dora the explorer's [ __ ] chinese nigerian no one has a problem with that she's like should i go left or right and she clearly has to go left and i'm just like left and then she just doesn't do anything she just stands there blinking and i'm like [ __ ] go left maybe maybe you don't really you know maybe this isn't for me i'm thinking probably i should watch some breaking bad or something because uh god damn it you chinese [ __ ] [Music] would you recommend to have a party yes where you're in a row i bring a zebra ball is a [ __ ] up word if you're having difficulty pronouncing the letter l as is rory bob my favorite american show is a rand of the rose [Laughter] suck my [ __ ] in hell dude i'm sorry go on when we show everybody how good we are so let's display oh did you like that everybody yeah [Music] now in honor of god let's pray in honor of god my japanese exchange student friend let's pray uh something [ __ ] up game crashed whatever no big deal i'm [ __ ] up some [ __ ] all right that's all it's like the would you like some [ __ ] i don't know what that's from it's just it's just a it's just a thing people say when they're cool it's just a silly stereotypical vietnamese voice saying would you like some [ __ ] i see would you like somebody this is uh danny from game grumps i was wondering who what uh game grumps who is your gamer grandpa game grump oh i'm sorry glam glumps i didn't see where you were going i know right mario kart [Laughter] oh god it would be so racist but god if it just said roading how great would our lives be why are you saying my name is i was just saying i can't wait to see my best friend finn wilf heart that's like when i was like when i was like i'm going to chipotle and then it's just it's just like chip pull lay or something yeah dude yeah or that time when i was like i can't wait for in-n-out burgers later and my phone was like black people am i right you know i think it's oh they've introduced blacks meant to say blocks but it came out as blacks and now i'm in trouble i might be a redneck or pakistani he's not white i guess no he's definitely not white she's white oh yeah he's definitely brown yeah brown people am i right barry at that why did they make black widow's hair blonde in the new avengers movie oh i don't know she's been a redhead this entire time and now suddenly they're like well i think we think blonde people are underrepresented in the media so let's uh let let's replace first of all i don't like the way you want black widow that's [ __ ] that's straight up don't you realize i'm black i'm like the least safe of anyone here i'm darnie from darnia darnell whatever your name was that would be your like your black name oh thank you if you had did i get one of those yeah if you had like a heritage name oh yeah i've never heard of that that's a thing what like well yeah it's like it's like muhammad is like your spiritual name or whatever like your real name is george but yeah do you just get to choose it uh i don't think so i think like a like like a completely uneducated i am on it i think like a shaman this is a bruce leemer i believe you pray to the sun and it just it just appears in the sky raw raw i think do you know where the big key is i do give me your bank numbers i'm a nigerian prince give me your routing number electronic not not paper not to say that people from nigeria are like monkeys jesus christ i can see the [ __ ] like racism patrol like god just looking to start [ __ ] that racism they are so ready they're so ready to like make any connections when you said that thing was black did you mean that it was bad because like no it just meant that it was the color black yeah clearly it is it's the sky at night slave owners were quakers but quakers worse labor [Laughter] that's true that's true i've heard it okay eat your oatmeal eeny meeny miny moe black people am i right any meaty mighty mo ching [Laughter] did you how the [ __ ] did you say that i curved the ball dude i'm the goddamn [ __ ] man dude are you using black magic dude yeah yeah that's what i'm all about as opposed to white magic which heals black magic is attacking magic and white magic is healing magic everybody knows that erase that point you shoot it somewhere else shoot that portal somewhere else or just the red one can you erase portals but not like a race portal where like i walk through and i'm a black guy so what i need you to do all right this is [ __ ] baby you can say black they're they're not american they're just africans wait why the red power ranger because his name was jason oh i could i thought he was the most judgmental of the rangers i guess so i don't know looking good today black ranger black people have huge dicks i'm chocolate eat me i'm delicious but but don't it hurts the yellow one's like i don't trust that brown one what did the black chinese guy say to the chinese black guy what hey jim his name is jim that's pretty racist i swear to god and i'm not saying this to be racist if this game is racist and the black girl likes watermelon i'm gonna be extremely disappointed all right i'm going to give it a try oh god please no this is just a social experiment we're doing we have to be together oh [ __ ] i didn't give the watermelon oh and it's gone bad oh son of a [ __ ] damn it aaron no like no conditioner is powerful enough to tame that beastly judaism that lies within bagels a little google maybe oh speaking of which check out the brain on this guy i'm gonna take out these white blocks first because i'm tired of their privilege sorry okay sitting in the middle all pretty and [ __ ] yeah well the red blocks have to go over in the corners protecting the treasure chest and who do you think the treasure just belongs to certainly not the blue blocks wow this [ __ ] got real yeah wow oh what a shocker white block had money in it no i mean like different um cultures have different ideas of comfort you know yeah uh like white people like mayonnaise what the [ __ ] http colon slash ass slash ass monkey uh slash uh monkey [ __ ] coconut slash mario slash jumping slash uh white's rule cops they they profile man that's what they they have to do i guess come on man white person profiling i know really a break what did we wait for [Laughter] so that's harvey and not vincent who are you talking about this guy this guy's harvey okay he looks like vincent no he's not the same guy whoa dude he's a bad guy you can just tell he looks just like him i guess he doesn't he doesn't have a goatee you say all white people look the same aaron yes what time do do people fall into like two distinct groups other than mexican and cool if i did ever get a laundry guy though i would name him i would make i don't i don't think you get to name him you would make sure i'd be like are you jesus be like uh no your name is jesus now i'm carl [Laughter] yeah but i mean you know what they say about canadians like what do they say and who is they they those [ __ ] dirty mexicans [Laughter] they rejected my uh suggestion advertising well that's what you get for being a [ __ ] go on go the [ __ ] on you know what next time i get goose i'm tired of your [ __ ] see you later [Laughter] put in that anti-semitism at the end of the episode please thereby insinuating that jews are greedy mongrels that only like money mongrels yes mario why don't you like harvey goldstein because he's had jews they were boats [Laughter] that's right link you have boat blood in here and link's like well at least i'm not a jew [Laughter] but it's funny because now everybody gets a zombie yes that's just how it works these guys will never be the same wait what disguise no not disguise disguise these guys these guys over here wait which guys no not these guys glutco and lupe hey what's the deal with with mexicans man you know it's like you see your dad and your dad's like what is going on and you're like dude come on man this is the 1900s the [ __ ] are you talking about that's how old they all are that's how they all are are you sure you want to [ __ ] say that aaron racist pieces no they're saying mexican comedians or spanish comedians they're all like they're all talking about their families and just like oh no my mom you know she's like i made this meal for you and if you don't eat it oh and everyone's like that's how they all are she's like look i made this this bean casserole you're like no i didn't eat much and she's like you you eat this pink cuz room that's that's how they all are is like the single biggest out of context nightmare that you can ever say on any show no i didn't i didn't mean all spanish people i meant [ __ ] all comedians yeah i mean all spanish people i met all mexicans what do you think i am [ __ ] racist yes well you're you're just a straight-up pizza [ __ ] delicious pepperoni pizza chip overcooked yo my cheese is melty like in those commercials it's not even cheese you know it's kind of like a polyurethane dear mr scrooge or as we say in puerto rico [Laughter] thanks for your request the adventure of link video walkthrough step one stab yourself in eye step two step yourself in other eye step three you're blind [Laughter] turn your nose up i don't know if i can do this you know when they draw french people in cartoons and like old warner brothers cartoons yeah that is how they draw french people yeah it's kind of [ __ ] are there big noses going straight up and [ __ ] and they're like i did that in a cartoon once i don't want to hang out here come we go i don't want to hang out here yo man i don't want to hang his [ __ ] [ __ ] baby oh [ __ ] i gotta kill engines you have been jerking off in that bed for months what's ghosting what you don't think your faith is your sweets get all up in here you're sweet you're sweet you're sweet in your head jeez your fluids it's gross every time you lay with a woman you you the both of you exchange fluids it's quite lovely really when you think about it quite a lovely it's quite sweet and beautiful the fluid exchange between two loving souls and then if you get the fluid in the right hole you might create are you jealous of our flow jacob not at all i'll tell you what i'm so glad to be here jacob promised us that he would open the episode uh with uh doing an american doing a british accent so here we go welcome to game garage what what what city are you from i'm from leicestershire unless it's a structure [Laughter] you're not british it's pronounced le cestershire oh god my cover is brown brown what are you asian british like we don't [Laughter] i would be sitting in an obscure french cafe and you would be there and you'd be happy and i would look at you and you would let me say look at me would you like to test my kicks i'm sorry would you like to test my kicks your kicks sweptic is eastern european yeah eastern european i've been to the ukraine i wasn't born there i've just been there not not not born just being the most racist uh uh punch-out character though um he was only in the arcade game uh the italian guy do you want to guess what his name was uh was it like was it like spaghetti and meatball it was [ __ ] pizza pasta oh give me that sweet triple bogey this ball is right [ __ ] up it is oh thank god i want a hole with that [ __ ] koalas in the trees [ __ ] kangaroos are distracting me in the background just thinking about my hometown you know right i'm gonna [ __ ] suck this joint in the jaw tell you what yeah you just hit him in the face with a boomerang he's like oh [ __ ] bloke ross cried oh no [ __ ] oh jeez man well it's weird cause he doesn't have an accent anymore barely right so he only does around other australians yeah like remember when he was talking to uh emily oh yeah yeah emily roche from uh the ninja sex party videos she is australian as well and together they're like online [Laughter] oh oh crikey how are you going how are you mate how you doing how are you going oh i got the vegemite all stuck in my pan it's a vegemite [Laughter] oh no oh no oh what an awesome battle cry oh yeah totally which isn't real apparently no they never did that no i don't think so son of a [ __ ] so much cool [ __ ] like that is not actually how it went down yeah well it's just a stereotype that came from like 50s movies or something right and then going like me um this incredibly racist german von kaiser with the [ __ ] handlebar mustache is coming like nazivan kill you or something unless you're like a [ __ ] one of those like weird armenian dudes with a hairy chest and like a tracksuit and and you show up with vegas and you're like 10 000. it's like oh okay what are your ears not working ten thousand nice where did he go [ __ ] that guy yeah probably some dirty armenian once again big nothing wrong with our meetings [Laughter] sorry i was just being racist off camera yes you were but it was in reference to a girl you think is beautiful so it doesn't i guess it was yeah it's still racist if there's like a stereotype about being beautiful i'm just trying to help you out man you're the one who was like [Music] [Laughter] there was that indian dude who uh um indian or native american no indian okay red dot or woo woo that's not that i didn't make that up that's it's from drawn together [Music] stinkiest show on television i'm i'm dr frankenstein and i'm dr [ __ ] stein you he's called that because he likes pieces of other men inside all kinds of different pieces whoa you kind of got like indian there for a second all kinds of different pieces oh god did you order this if they don't do it in time the guy like the nazi comes out and he's like there's nine stuck and blocking they beat the [ __ ] there's one thing about mario that i can't stand he just doesn't know when to stop italian wait what [Laughter] the [ __ ] ghost it's blonde it's very blunt i've eaten this it's frozen this chicken has so much oil the u.s tried to invade it [Laughter] it's rotten this chicken is burnt so black it tried to steal my bike why don't you take a diet then you know not a very good song is it wait who said that that was david bowie to coldplay um that's not very good [Laughter] oh you bald bastard let's do it hello hey how are you doing my name [Applause] [Laughter] i'm from is isn't it weird how my name is ball it's weird and then from istanbul this [ __ ] guy yeah i mean i'm sorry i'm sorry that's just me you know you know young man there's no need to feel sass i said young man stick your hand in my ass i said young man eat the poop it's a sickness you see we do not want it it's here in uganda in ymca okay we do not want it in the y mca it's a sickness in the wild they use their dicks like big toys you can hang out with all the boys wow i really like my non-specific foreign guy ugandan accent yeah that is just an accent yeah i'm just getting overzealous they [ __ ] the [ __ ] [Laughter] i'm just i'm just like i've done this before whatever and then i [ __ ] get cocky in case anyone doesn't know what the hell we're referring to oh yeah yeah sorry not just being weird racist yeah there's a there's a video of a of a man what what what are they like probably like a morality council or something like that yeah in uganda uh and he's like talking about like all the quote unquote terrible disgusting things gay people do but he like clearly has no idea what gay people actually are like and what they do and yeah it's just a it's just like textbook ignorance but he's like they eat the poopoo and they love it [Laughter] like ice cream they lick the anus like this like ice cream like i feel i feel bad for them in a sense like because like there's they're clearly so like disturbed and scared i'd like just want to tell them like that's not what it's like you just came out today and i have mastered it i am fun because i'm french because i am from let's let's let's make that entirely clear that the way my i might make incredible french toast when they fry french fries what they come out like amazing like i could cook that rabbit no problem you have a successfully guided then your son too all of the challenges [Music] god she's [ __ ] such a soul nancy dude wait can you yell she lost in an angry chinese voice befitting of aces uh character shiro thank you wait like a million in japan is like about a hundred thousand yeah exactly oh you mean a miriam boy everything is golden around here yeah cause um you guys peed on everything i don't know i don't know it's actually gordon's i feel like that's why a lot of people get into music and playing guitar and stuff they just want to get laid that is true oh god and then eventually they find out that they like it getting laid yeah so they continue playing guitar because it gets them some [ __ ] yeah it does yeah it does do you want some [ __ ] yeah well don't get too cocky because next is piss and honest and honda yeah [Music] it just goes out well because first of all he's like twice as big as little mac yeah he is and then he just comes out and he's just like it's like excuse me i don't know i don't know either did i just blow everybody's [ __ ] minds yeah your [ __ ] mind's blown it was it called lavender and um in japanese uh what is lavender japanese what is that murasaki ravendoll do they not reverse the elves in theirs the correct answer is [Applause] look at me no my family oh my god starting with the racism early this time what it's just a little saying a little saying is that like is that like a sang like a korean song that's racist so in japan yup it says it says shine get which is why the shine is like all the way over there oh what does shine get mean it's just funny because it's it's just like anguish it's like i just have an angry shirt that said accidenta offside what i know i know but i wore it proudly [ __ ] that noise that's like something a black person would do set to sail for adventure and be conquesting for destiny [Laughter] i really hope this account it doesn't do me out of my money [Laughter] you know what i like the most let's get this done [Laughter] you know i really love that chinese food but uh who wants to [ __ ] him or a small gisha girl to like [Music] [Laughter] master i can see the ball better through my slanty eyes [Laughter] don't touch my mustache who knows what those blacks are doing on a friday night we want something that will make the gameplayer feel [Laughter] they'll be praying japanese people win because i played with a guy named hiro and also they're very sneaky people oh is it suddenly racist if i don't do a bass line sorry sorry about that that that is a game changer don't hurt that poor old rasta woman oh no no man me back back yard bomba clot man hottie oh oh jeez oh you're hurting yeah me aching back i want me bacon back want my baby back baby back baby back ribs chilis where are you baby oh give it to me give me my bacon you're really taking it from me this toy chicken my bacon that's a very good back foot oh thank you oh a dumbo i will get you he has nothing look at his oh boy i always lead him into the zombies oh well never mind yeah damn this dude blocks dude his name is brock this is a japanese game so you do the math guys brocking up a storm dude this guy i can't write one punch on him i don't know what poop is japanese just like i have to shoot myself uncontrollably and she's like oh go ahead and you're like into like whoa what were those fleas yes duh gross you think robocat's not gonna have robo fleas or as they call them in japanese freeze if you freeze that [ __ ] means business holy crap dude all right well time for a pie oh my only weakness i want my death to be honorable and bearish [Music] mmm key rhyme i ordered that at the the japanese restaurant the other day so if i hop you and you hop me you can do crazy hop abilities uh you can just hop over pieces bruh yeah dude holy shazbot yeah by the way hop me is uh a chinese name and i'm very offended well that's your problem and your prerogative all right she's she's available she's available okay i gotta buy some [ __ ] for her jesus oh a romance novel but she doesn't read clearly she didn't like that one book i sent her so chinese tea set which girl is chinese uh lei fang is she the one who's most likely to play joke [Laughter] japanese tourist is just about gone well there will always be more oh that's not a cool thing oh that was a good photo opportunity i guess it's okay spoken like a true japanese taurus oh sorry i'm concentrating deeply i'm playing yeah yeah mario sunshine we're playing cold stone creamery scoop it up so by the way that was uh a simple plan or as they say in japan a simple pran and like they i do a lot of accidental racism in my day i do a lot of intentional racism is that racist i don't know i honestly don't know what's racist anymore like comment and subscribe if you're a racist it's like a sad japanese man like that's an instant bad mood if you're looking at that it just comes out it's like hoshi [Laughter] did you have a good day like no you do it well oh god i'm making myself sad just do the voice what happened like i just don't want to talk about it i just don't want to burden you [Laughter] did you maybe i can make you feel better about it like no no this particular problem some battles you just have to fight around [Laughter] oh god it's like do we have anymore of that hugging dogs no no no no i ate it today okay okay i can go i can rush to the store and get you some real quick [Laughter] i don't want to put anyone else out today [Laughter] meanwhile he lost like a billion dollars in the stock market and you like stubbed your toe like god this day is [ __ ] he's like yeah it's okay don't be sad oh god it's the saddest [ __ ] i've ever heard of yeah you think we'll talk about it and then she's like he's like so how was your day honey and she's like i don't know the washing machine kind of was giving me problems for a little bit and i got really mad and i punched it like that sounds like a bad i'm sorry everybody at work's like god hoshi you [ __ ] up what are we gonna do everybody's gonna lose their jobs jesus were you even thinking today i guess not it's like not even his fault that everyone's getting fired because of something he couldn't control i will take the bullet yes one this is my responsibility oh my god said hoshi i think it's the saddest character i've ever imagined in my life oh jesus i can't is there anything that would make him happy um i don't know maybe like a good porno mag oh are these 16 year olds oh she's looking much better oh it's that's how you that's how you uh that's how you break down uh an unassailably lovable character just make them a pedophile [Laughter] see just so i could just just just [ __ ] unadulterated like no wife she she's like i know you really like it so i'm just gonna give you an hour just no judging just go ahead and read your mags he's like oh i wouldn't wreck that very much [Laughter] don't forget your back it's okay nobody's good at wrong division when they start [Laughter] don't come so cross little girl [Music] am i trying to touch your ball [Music] [Laughter] you look i'm very beautiful i'm completely aware of how pervy i am it's the only thing that gives me happiness so if you wanted to get it just okay i take back what i said about the shrimp these are shrimp 2.0 god in heaven he just wanted to touch yeah that's all he wanted that was a sad hoshi of shrimp let me just come on it would make me really happy it would put you out none and it was making me very happy have i illustrated how sad i am [Music] [Laughter] i turned into goop and now nobody wants to hang out with me i think laura is one of my favorite characters we've ever developed oh [ __ ] i like to imagine her and sad hoshi hanging out is laura always depressed i think she's just always kind of like miffed yeah sad ho she's always bummed though yeah i said ho she's a sad guy but laura you know oh come on laura oh no you'll be okay it's okay don't worry oh that's right san jose was like a sad sack yeah well he always like went out of his way for everybody yeah but never got any appreciation yeah no it's a worry aurora you'll find [Laughter] and she's like but you just got laid off [Music] oh thank you for reminding oh me it's okay though i don't need job to be happy i have my family oh i just got the text from my wife she wanted to vote it's okay though i have my kids oh she has full custody it's okay someone else referred to it as like accent humor and i was like yeah that's what it [ __ ] is stop calling us racist we don't hate anybody we just think everyone including us sounds stupid yeah [ __ ] americans sound ridiculous [ __ ] you man of you come on or as they say in italy [Laughter] cameron robbins oh my god when i'm when i'm feeling proud of myself i watch your compilations and and laugh upon my previous triumphs um thank you
Channel: GameGrumpsHighlights
Views: 88,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, highlights, best of, laughter, laughing, gamegrumps
Id: rAbH0IF3Xn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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