Endless Ocean 2: Blue World - Game Grumps

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Blue Tang ain't nothing to fuck with.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 61 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 197 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hardeback πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Do I hear... peeweedidi?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 133 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tropicallo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

"This game needs an escape rope".....as RETURN TO BOAT scrolls across the top of the screen

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 130 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Slamwow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank You <3


Edit: My god was it amazing...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 127 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheDemonPirate πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

If this doesn't end with a beautiful live-action dance sequence, I will be very disappointed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/radioactivechimp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

"First, turn so you're facing wet... heh heh. West. That's just a little diving joke!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ononothimagen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

I handed them this game at the NSP panel. I feel my work for this fandom is done

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 314 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Do you think there is a Blue Tang Clan?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnadictCumbersnat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
I'm not oh that's a spider crap not expected of all the [ __ ] of all the ocean creatures that could have had complementing hailey western ours beautiful voice why'd it have to be that [ __ ] monstrosity what a [ __ ] nightmare yeah Jesus still there's clearly no God if that thing exists holy crap welcome to endless ocean - it's the spider-man logo oh it kind of is why is it still on the spider crab I know I know I just want to see two large Japanese hands put like a rice roll around it and like your sushi is ready soon we're very excited to be excited does not even begin oh look at the little adorable penguin in between jammie-jams tonight this is equal to endless oceans yeah you better believe it is Oh oh do they jump over the thing I don't think so I think they're just doing oh okay oh my god they're adorable so this is I don't know if you guys have watched the first emotion if you haven't what the [ __ ] are you doing with your lives it's one of my favorite episodes we've ever done I've never seen [Music] [Applause] sorry ladies Aaron's single I mean whoops yeah I got I guess so wrapped up in the whale poops I love whale poops cheese wheels are just Earth's way of taking a [ __ ] actually sorry he's single is a way more offensive to say to you and looking unfortunate for you guys right Oh what incredible oh hey that's the girl what water molecules that's how the ocean works it's very large in fact so your intuition was right I are you looking directly at us yeah please click into it oh god they are it's a first-person shooter yeah gun pops up mission 1 kill the whales mission to kill the eccentric diver yeah a whale [ __ ] a bunch of whales ya know until we start looking dude do you guys like my aerodynamic diving hairstyle and it helps me sear through the water quickly I'm cosplaying as the Human Torch from the new Fantastic Four movie you really want to dive it with all these whales around it could be dangerous because you know whales I'm that kind of girl yeah you are your character will be female as if that wasn't [ __ ] obvious enough like they say that to you yeah your character will be female do you know that I can't stress this enough you'll be a girl this is a role-playing diving experiment you're yeah I'm real playing a douchebag you're one brave gal that's for sure you're gonna just save just countless time so that's not me I thought that was me on the right no now this time is no different could somebody turn that music off damn it Haley I miss the world I'd love it if it just pans over in Haley Western ozan like that vocal booth like oh sorry guys I I just really get into my work this isn't like your PJs and like an oversized t-shirt yeah she's like what it's audio I just like to feel comfortable there's a whole chorus the tenders are like I I don't know I think the baritones are less important to the overall sound so do I get to swim oh you're not doing that right now why they even animated the krill oh that's so beautiful this it can you feel me this is wrong Alec I'm monitoring your position and I'll be talking you're following the surface thank you first turn so you're facing wet waste instead should they leave the diving Joey look at your compass to see which way you're fussing this is no joke your compass is displayed err thank you right now you're facing north to face waste you need to turn left in order to breathe you want to push air into your lungs and then back out with your diaphragm do it quickly now not just once again I got it okay easy okay I'll turn West Oh easy left yeah yeah picture a map Alan Alan picture a map and go towards California can you see it that'll California no towards California that's West hunts left-left schoo soar map of the u.s. correct I was assuming a map of the world no that's round that will not help us I guess California would be on the left right unless it's a Pacific anyway yeah would you my swimming over there [ __ ] know what you find it's a whale yeah big big big-ass whale over it's just a swarm of sharks we need to know what it's like to be the contents of a great white stomach okay I got my GoPro yeah echoing Terrace look beautiful dog slap things like that it seems that you've been cast through the back of the calf Oh perhaps inside we'll find the undiscovered Swiss behinds the ancient legend or perhaps you'll get pooped out the other side of it and we will make farting noises see the way they do behind safe very comfortable a bungee but if I am is a diving expert why am i up here yeah so someone told me that you can actually die in this version of hotness ocean unlike before you can die yeah yeah sharks can kill you is dead oh I know which is my worst nightmare so let's live it vicariously through some poor schlub sweet nice ass at least you look great have you been doing paint crunches because that that nificant looks tight just looks like a reverse dick I found something it's a crab it's like one crab on the giant wall it's beautiful it looks just like a normal crab though so I'm gonna leave yeah I don't put this right on survey yeah it's a title screen what does it say and let's okyun that means nothing to me come back to the surface yeah it looks like you found nothing it all started that faithful day oh crap you're in the Pacific Ocean so California would actually be on your right oh damn it see this is why I can't jump to conclusions you go think about it they'll go coming with so specific I'm pretty sure that's not a place it is is it they I don't know it is a place the song of dragons for sex quartz the water not the ocean I remember you told me a researching folklore well there's definitely mention of that legend here in Palau go the song of dragons brings misfortune or some such nonsense [ __ ] I drank alive why am i driving alone it's an odd thing to be interested in judo so the anchor is down and we haven't been moving sometimes I like to pretend I still have my captain's license which was clearly revoked due to my alcoholic tendencies do you notice how these windows were actually television screens and we're not out in the ocean yeah well time to go ride the roller the disney-esque child's ride of moving up and down gently uh-oh so we're talking about jobs while you're researching oh you should make him grow I'll expect you to do your share of guided tours and pornography what but I'm getting ahead of myself what's your porno name Hayley no inappropriate she knows us she she likes us let's not ruin the relationship I was gonna make her that's just my real name Oh horn oh okay in that case Hayley it is but you're the one who introduced at all mine is gonna be Hayley Eastern I believe it's is it is it is there is there an are before the end I believe there is Eastern nation Eastern bra doesn't fit oh not Hayley Eastern his name okay sure yeah if he says wait where you hit now this name okay no thanks mom as I've gotten older it's become harder to remember people whose names you know like my daughter's what they say her name was Roger okay Roger Wilco I remember faces though I think it faces that of a person of a great resolve isn't that right Clifford how did you describe your parents that I'm looking at fair sure with fine features okay I like pronounced futures but that's okay excellent turn my throat we don't people oh yeah it is like work skill is more important the voice of the surface sure isn't that right sugar tits isn't that right all attractive crew [Laughter] I've shaved this incredibly intricate design into my head it reminds me there was no photo attached to your application oh yeah maybe it fell off I don't care maybe it's in my quarters right above my candle shrine to you maybe it's somebody else and you're a con artist I don't yeah maybe the ocean nothing matters maybe it's in my chambers covered in lotion we're nearly there so let's take a new photo before we arrive I need one for my life I mean you're fine yep I spilled some Chum on your shirt better take it off yeah let's take that photo now eat that Chum say squid oh oh I get it wow wow that's that's your choice huh yeah that's me okay I'm a sexy oh that's what fair skinned with fine features means Islander I guess yes I don't know if I'm particularly Asian or yeah you got a really solid part though that's like a Crispin Glover part Christ buzzsaw let's try that again yeah I'll just get a completely different human sure let's take another crack at it you look like a black guy in this one oh my god I have to go through the whole thing again I do it darkly pronounced features okay she has one enormous nose and like too deep-set beady eyes just look it's just the predator I like it nice shot hey shot I mean you still have stupid hair though but hey that's life you like my suit I made it myself it's a black man thanks let's go where our friends go let me introduce Oh John John Eric yeah I heal it's a dream of yours to work with me in my younger days I could understand somebody saying that but this old man he played one he played [Laughter] myself as a marine adventurer like now a long time since I've done anything I dove too deep into one many times I suffer badly from sickness pression the bends we call it excellent Radiohead album it's left me with a serious medical condition I can never drive a glen click now I'm just an old man abandoned by the sea who are you talking it's like I'm the only one who can here's the sea what are they talking about I have no time for things like your clickable link song of dragons but we are short-handed here now that I've killed the rest of the crew so anyone willing to work is more than welcome oh yeah I'm willing to work sure I guess I'm safe behind this TV screen hey what's up [ __ ] I stole this scene you know just in time Oceana oh really is that convenient name wow you're just in time phoenix from the x-men oh you must be the new excuse me let me introduce my granddaughter Oceana louvière that makes a lot more she's one of the most potential human beings on earth and my pride and joy and the common criminal alright and right now she is the only diver at the L&L diving service really not much of a service sister will be our entrance examination for L&L diving service and then after that we will take you to Xavier school students be sure to catch whatever you can because we will be dining on it later follow Oceanus instructions and see how well you can move around on the bottle as soon as you already who starts it I have the girl I don't know I'm ready and they just push your interview yeah learn to swim let's dive I guess Oh Haley's singing hey God man so pretty I wish we could sing along with you but we're not allowed or don't embarrass thing would it be if that was not Haley west bet it's not I bet it's not she whoever whoever it is has a beautiful Haley Western right has to hit Wow Hayley Westenra like tone to her voice Ben's - I I can't speak today okay I got them at all I told Kate there's 13 feet this area is its vast array of bright tropical fish and coral reef formations ooh large fish can be found here at night too bad it's daytime that's where they like to party and they party hard [Laughter] good time I don't know oh it's beautiful these are all real places yeah are they I think they are I'd well because I seem to remember that was the part of the purpose of the first endless ocean to like instruct people on the beauty of the ocean and yeah and why we shouldn't destroy all this to put up a parking lot an underwater parking lot use selfish submarine bastards oh we got to interact with fish I'm gonna rub fish I'll rub the [ __ ] out of the fish just a to focus on it hey purpose you focused on a particular fish purpose right isn't it what is wrong with us today they say purpose you did Wow purpose do you perfect on the fish dirty little immersion I love fish Pierce is my favorite blender water beef it also makes it easier to interact best way to get close to animals feeding them of course and some fry equip hey the best way to get close sounds run at them arms flailing yelling wildly in tongues it's fun try it oh I love that little icon when you're clever peers you're ready for love it's a love cliff let go of it you can touch the animals to shake the Wiimote normally you couldn't touch her interview with animals what but of course it's hilarious and cool we're gonna straight-up go for it [ __ ] it yeah but here's something that love to be touched believe me they do I could see it on their non-expressive fish faces yeah you like that tennis ball don't you look I think they like you they just [ __ ] devour I think they like the food that you gave them and don't even care much for you if you haven't acknowledged your existence you're building a relationship look how it looks at you with those loving eyes now spirit through the heart these are Aki Aki mmm delicious around and practice oil wells you got it it's okay to go explorance sounds good thanks wait I wanted to pet that fish yeah you wouldn't let me pet the fish I want you to like just gently place your hand on her face and push her away slowly a moorish idol yeah the dad's like well I'm going to call you Oceana from now on beautiful look just like who wants the tennis ball oh isn't it great rub the fish rub it rub the fish did she just eat the pellet fish look skinny something's killing their ecosystem - taking all that food whoa whoa that's a moorish idol just like one of the members of one direction Nile is Moorish is it even old Moorish means I just know that Morgan Freeman from the Robin Hood movie was Moorish really yeah so I assume they're dark-skinned in color oh it's Dori blue tang oh man fine finally it's been so long since I got some sweet blue tang it's been off the market for a long time is that when you [ __ ] a smurf god this is actually just as scary as when you feed fish in real life yeah they poked at it you don't know what they're gonna do yeah and then one of them opens up it's like giant jaws like you didn't go out there and oh whoa you guys gonna eat it or what I think you have to let go of it don't you Oh then I'm gonna wiggle rub those fish yeah yeah yeah why do I rub it with one finger yeah that's how you get the tang out this is where tang comes from didn't you know that yeah it's an endangered species like a little earlier when we're on the boat I was like man that chorus music is awfully uh it just really gets in there and kind of takes over the whole theater game but like now that it's quiet I'm like Jesus I could go for some tunes some Westenra right can't you turn on music it wasn't that a feature in the last one push a button Mary I have many buttons okay none of them do a thing oh that one makes a noise there yeah it's a pleasant noise it's like a truck backing up in here Oh God an ocean truck wait can you do that like dive straight down thing again but like watch the little white figure on the left oh hi sorry you've become intangible okay let's find these beautiful corals so gorgeous can I go back up yeah I have never been more bored these fish are beautiful and all but I could really go for some lunch yeah and look I don't think you did the thing you have to do yeah I have to do I don't know talk to her talk what are my options we can exit the atoll gate by heading southeast oh oh so we want to leave yeah you want to go southeast use your compass rose all right here we go yeah oh that's why I was boring we weren't doing anything right now we're moving the calm waters oh my god the camera starts shaking 700 sharks that's a fish I'm sure you'll just love it mom adapted hold on a sec oh my god it's a giant [ __ ] flat oh my god it's coming right for you well it's a humpback whale calf punch it to enrage the mother great oh changes it's not swimming race its mother yeah I make all of a sudden like the Sun gets blotted out it'll be fine on its own all the fish swim away quickly mother is still maybe in the spring garden area yes bring garden Street in Philadelphia let's drag it I think it's pretty difficult to lose a [ __ ] whale yeah hey-oh pretty happy on its own yeah it's fine look at that big maybe smile why do I think about say down oh look it's the whale another one of God's cruel jokes okay I guess we're following it no you want to go south I believe okay I don't want to know about this creature I really don't care but it's got distinctive and elongated pectoral now we'll never know I could have told you that I'm an observant person look at this gate this water's blue my god this ocean is endless it really isn't actually it's it's no it's quite limited yeah yeah this is just like a big big blue marble so were we just like swimming I think we have to head over that hill talk to her again past the point of no return you're practically dead already guys it's like part of Finding Nemo or like he goes like out of the coral reef yeah into the main ocean this is like an open world ocean game I believe so why just going and I can just go forever I think so really expensive true then wait here turn around and talk to her for a second she even behind me yeah she's like oh what a nightmare just turn around and like there's no one yeah it's just emptiness Oh spring okay press one one I want to talk to you anymore here we go there you go oh wow look at you you've explored a large amount of the ocean that's all of the ocean practically damn good job alright let's go to gadamer Adil God hey what's up what's okay huh stay away what are my arms in folding there it is there's the mother is it I mean I think I'm sure she's gonna be like there she is the mother humpback whale would you know that kill the baby in front of her to enrage press a to punch press a to do a double punch oh they're so excited the mother must have written we didn't do anything yeah line them up for a one-shot double kill these bullets will go through thousands of layers of blubber Hey look out whoa Jesus like cuts our line I love it it's great Jeff's sweet how rude yeah [ __ ] you you know what structured my umbilical cord my unborn child will never find it now [ __ ] it's gone forever here's something it's the song of the Dragons did you hear something coming from the pendant shark shark yeah my necklace talks oh boy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] check the reaction whoa oh sweet I did it damn good job nice that was a sick roll she's she's coming right for us at an extremely slow rate of speed you think they mocap to this game right yeah probably if I get underwater mocap suit that sound coming from the pendant then the whale going crazy hey where'd the whale go uh I don't [ __ ] know I'm standing here with you I think it was Duran Duran from my iPod yeah her name was Rio and she dances in the sand it looks like she's settled down because she's even headed with her calf let's seal the calf and the pendant now we have the pot and the money Natasha I don't think we're going to get away with this look look he's unberthing the miracle of nature you think it looks strange whales are mammals too it's how they nurse their young the mom is like oh man it is weird that they're mammals yeah like they just they look so fish like it's so great to see them this has been science with some fish fish fish next time on danger but oh no look over there you caught the whales snout it got caught it Oh her pendant oh that's my memento those are my mother's ashes yes the whales just like huh excuse me oh god are you serious Oh grab on okay grab that whale and [ __ ] get your friends necklace out of the whale's nostril this is ten times weirder than the first endless ocean a bond cool we're messing with nature new eye oh you got it was easy oh it's in the blowhole snap my first was rocks it's a cylindrical pendant made from a blue stone she's like yeah I know it's mine can I have it back neat it has the words the road to truth engraved on it in small letters I wonder who could belong to her she's like it's mine [Laughter] [Music] Oceana please remember I know that's mine yeah I guess I better hold on to it for safekeeping until I can find the rightful owner I can't believe you're cool with this it's not actually my face they're really just rocks yeah but press down on the open the tools I'm sorry what's that my done with the they might go back yeah you want to head back I'm going the absolute wrong way yeah cut there you go the way into the endlessness of the ocean I am school oh hello I see yeah yeah whoa still got that pendant that drove you nuts just [ __ ] eat the baby oh I guess that wasn't her baby after all well it's nobody's baby now back to the boat yeah that takes care of that all right Wow then listen s of the ocean is really occurring to me they really could use a what is it called like when you get out of them I can Pokemon when you could like fast escape from like the depths of a cavern Oh what is that called that has a word write scape rope Oh like just so it's called in Pokemon okay this game really needs an escape rope yes could also use like Pikachu's I would really be way more intuitive and if you did like battle the sea creatures and and train them and then they evolved into highly sophisticated sea creatures that's a reasonable request makes a lot of sense mmm what miracle awaits us over the ridge oh nothing wait a faded to white dolphin island what's what the [ __ ] is here I don't see any dolphins why would they call it that oh did I just like accidentally go somewhere wrong I think I did yep oh well let's check it out anyway it looks like a hippopotamus it looks like a hippopotamus is it dolphin island it could be a coconut okay okay it's beautiful anyway Wow I loved it it was one of my most favorite things oh there's that stingray again yeah flap flaps come here [ __ ] flap flap I'm gonna pet the [ __ ] out of you god I'm gonna punch you [ __ ] pettish I'll punch you gently with my bare flat hand horrible drag it wasn't marbled it would be much harder to cook this gotta be some way to [ __ ] it you just say that under your breath and the other dark divers like hmm maybe we picked the wrong person oh no you can't feed it oh no no no you will not the Trivium maybe the Tribune will teach us how to have sex with all right I'll see you later my genitalia is under the tail Oh select return to boat by pressing left or right oh there you go then press a it's not letting me great trying to go there you go I wonder how many times that scrolled across the screen er we just didn't notice and meanwhile we were like man wouldn't be awesome if this game had a feature ooh a flap flap wow look at all that exploration yeah you did a good job man dang you saw a lot of [ __ ] you come back and he's like and he's like in his boxers he's like oh yeah no big deal nope and like a sea pizza delivery mission you were gone so long I was beginning to jerk away or nearly hit by I mean you're nearly hit by hot oil Oh Oh my beloved wife's pendant no big deal thank you it's just the only way I'll remember he'll make this right out of the well suddenly went crazy I've never seen anything like it I'm still not sure what happened I'm like you dropped the Piscean pendant so that's why you took so long to return I was worried sick about you well there are so many mysteries so hunting's that saying good thing you have anything it's not jammed into some whales blow my Gaius lluvia was my son and Oceanos father he died 15 years ago wait that sir his granddaughter yes oh did you say that thanks for reminding me I'm only 48 I got busy really that's you know your dad died you seem to know an awful lot about this oh um I'm like the [ __ ] this huge deepwater next to the island yeah just jump off it it's like I think it was nothing more than water washing so dependent and making some kind of noise you [ __ ] idiot I don't think okay cool the son of dragons brings misfortune that's what the legend says [Laughter] [Music] maybe it's because we thought we stole her baby it might also be that's could is there something special about the two pendants oh that mom and dad left me grandpa about the other pendant yes I know you I heard you you were talking out loud right the one you lost when you were just a child yes thank you for reminding me that is where you dropped it two thousand dollars down the drain I told my wife oh no it's too expensive and she says I could have sold you for less than $2,000 I've gotta I'm going after it I'm sure it's still there dumbass you lost 30 years ago she Anna you'll never find it now oh here it is wait here these in my underwear that weird besides Sahara is very dangerous just like here in my underwear that's weird just forget about these worthless superstitions is any more important note do you like black cats into your fear window [Laughter] [Music] when I do love booty claps well you certainly seem to have made an impression on Oceania what do you have to say for yourself nothing good that's enough for me consider yourself a member of L and L diving service [Music] it's getting late let's make our way back to the island he goes like a foot we're here record my progress yeah do it hell yeah [ __ ] yeah please do not touch the power button or reset it [Music] like meteors are falling upon us the Dragons have come it's a beautiful day sir I had no choice but to bring you along it's not she Anna what she has a little bit of a crush on you she's not what I said then went along to dive at deep or as you heard yesterday that's where's the other pendant sank [ __ ] the one that goes with the pendant you helped Oceania achieve yesterday had you forgotten that we spoke with authority 20 seconds ago about it Mattias gave those pendants to his wife and daughter before he died he was my son he died he gave my granddaughters appended she lost it in deep hole we're going disappointed in this family we are going there now unfortunately ok whatever to see and it was lost that sentence would have made more sense is very difficult but there is danger Sofia grafted tiger sharks that sometimes one tear log I'm so worried about Oceana that's my granddaughter she had the pendant she'd lost it in the poll it was given to you can't see it at first glance but it's a narrow shallow channel god I'm getting horny just talking forest and count growing I prefer no count any part of the storm right like my dad's before he gave my granddaughter's impendence whatever I just said a personal watercraft is beauty Oh gross as I mentioned I have a medical condition that won't allow me to die I hate getting wet condition meanwhile he's doing like jumping jacks in a sense I know we only met yesterday but will you replace my probably now dead granddaughter in my life you have the necessary skills I know you can do this just put on this dive suits yes and you get a haircut yes an answer to Oceana yeah please find out Shia or Shanna I'm counting on your channel also you're married of course I'm scared of course you're scared I understand there's something here that might help ooh the Pulsar oh nice I wouldn't have given you this otherwise this is a dying star that I pulled out of the night sky take it with you I I got it from my buddy Kat the bar at the marsh looks like a gun but it's actually electromagnetic coconut device primarily used to heal marine creatures oh wow really nice but it can also pacify dangerous animals when they are agitated [ __ ] if I said I was ready he would just thrown me in without this yeah seriously all right great sharks remember okay yeah find that pendant I'm sure you'll have no trouble using it where I've advanced weapons to shame with your one day of diving skills under your belt still think she's an undercover spy I'm so tired of you mimes just coming in here like you own the place yes die here yes is that where you are or is that wanna be I got well maybe I don't [ __ ] yeah cuz the boat wouldn't be in the same place you drove out here where the [ __ ] oh my god they're so ready to kill look Bob this sandy spot it's covered in coral and teeming with tiny creatures a pair of humphead wrasse is the hub head wrasse god ah are often seen at the entrance to deep hole I love deep hole I love humphead wrasse --is yo catch you later I'm gonna go get some hump head at the Depot too much kelp here keep it trimmed baby on the way that's just safe you run into something dangerous good thing I gave it to you want to win this expect the unexpected have you ever heard of underwater clowns [Laughter] this is your air gauge oh yeah it takes more air blah blah blah blah blah now off to Depot and the South of God am i at all marked it with a circle in your map on your somehow always remaining dry map I'm pretty much already there yes holy [ __ ] that's a humphead wrasse Oh touch it touch it all over we never could find one baby oh it's a cleaner Ross oh yes that's not the Rhett these aren't the rest as you're looking for um oh wait race wait what so from the left it's a hump it hasn't I'm gonna feed it cut two-headed monsters they said like a French moustache yeah oh yes I could got a pompadour when you look at him dead on ya feed him dude we never got to find one last time six feet seven inches Jesus Christ he's [ __ ] massive I'm not into the idea of fish that are like five inches taller than me I'm yeah that's nice oh I'm pacified look at me I'm an angler fish yeah I mean I was kind of hoping for food but yeah electromagnetic shock that's cool too okay baby baby gone girl you want some of this looking green tennis ball action [Laughter] [ __ ] out here stingray [ __ ] League dish this is humphead wrasse is touching time yeah alright boy okay so yeah on you go onward so glad we met you're so close to the deep hole entrance don't stop now there's no time for protection or lubricants just get in get into that deep hole and go deep that's why it's called the deep hole a massive cavity oh yeah you know what it's not what I like to hear strikes fear and wonder into the hearts of all who see it also not what I want to hear yeah a great place to see raising group who the [ __ ] is Ray whoa learning about you baby cuz I care about yeah what about it I can't help the way I feel people yeah looks more like grass it sure does oh can you tell me it's wrong I like how's it looking is it wet I bet it's wet there should be a forest of kelp this called us the entrance to deep blue tiger sharks have been sighted Falls ahead good luck there are half shark half tiger you are [ __ ] mostly yes you can't be too careful keep your guard up you know just underwater Tigers with fins oh [ __ ] nailed that sucks he sucks for you am I going the right way I'm pretty sure I'm going the right way oh this this this what's this a sparkly thing on the ground these are the little seahorses that I loved so much at the aquarium and you [ __ ] hate it look there terror of the leafy sea dragon I think they're super beautiful and amazing they're so [ __ ] disgusting they're creepy as [ __ ] why do you hate seahorses there look at them they're [ __ ] they're monster living Pokemon you're abomination beautiful oh god it's so weird and love them I love them look at their little snout horns like the definition of a creepy floating alien die they're so beautiful to me they're like they're like little angels just floating around like little plant animals angels with adorable Muppet faces new grep they would grab on to your pores and suck the life that they would not do that [ __ ] gross poison food I get Martian food you sick disgusting monster it is so do you feel the same way about seahorses that I feel about sharks except the most benign creatures in the ocean sharks are cool yeah scary but they're [ __ ] that's why they're cool they'll murder you pretty much no problem hey Dori hey and you are see that's the thing you don't remember cuz Finding Nemo you get a bad memory but we actually never met so okay does it make sense to you is this is this the deep hole everyone's been bragging to me about yeah this isn't nearly mmm I'm unimpressed yeah at least yeah deep ray come in here and ruin this [ __ ] before I had a chance to [ __ ] ray I knew it I knew it wait am i I don't understand oh is it this way yes Oh oh god it's the deep hole what a mighty crevasse they got a piano down here and a bassoon the Colosseum will they see you are you not entertained okay like I said proceed with caution even local divers couldn't come here yeah what am i and they're all dead on account of the tiger sharks Hey look they're all singing swimming in Houston oh if it's dogs you damned it up Oh time to go in the deep hole this seems like a terrible it's here oh I'm actually getting a little bit of a huh I don't like this actually so oh no so if you ask for a double moo cow it's a great it's a great special secret menu I trap down there that's your girl you what you're saying suggest the shark is hungry and aggressive it's dicey it looks like Oceana is playing it safe and hiding but sharks have a keen sense of smell you can notice her at any moment and then see the bubbles go up no don't feel a fart that's the last thing you want to do whoa whoa whoa well go right the oh god I'm actually getting the heebie-jeebies but it's a lot bigger than a tepee yeah I don't like this at all all right yeah like that's playing with jaws theme it's it's close it's just close enough to not be copyright infringement we need a little Hayley Westenra right yeah Hayley where are you oh please sing to us yes and yes nice my big making progress I said to use your pulse on all right yeah you're getting you're doing it I think it's at full pulse I'm just gonna its foger food yeah [ __ ] God I actually freaked out a little bit the tiger shirt swam off oh thank you so much you saved my life you just grabbed by the ears did you find your [ __ ] dumbass necklace yeah that you lost weight do John Eric is worried cuz we might need to find the pendants oh wait before we leave got a [ __ ] I [ __ ] knew it please will you help me find it looks like I don't have a goddamn choice do I it's at the very bottom of this crater covered in spikes and sharks yeah I'm sure of it yeah see ya the lower levels are just crisscross sharks in a never-ending grid Oh God ya see something out of the ordinary point at at present hey to examine a god there's so much more intense than the first endless ocean [ __ ] alright I guess I'm going down in the deep deep hole looks like it this just looks like a straight butt hole who the [ __ ] lost a necklace down here yeah um that's stupid idiot girl shit's hard enough when you like drop it behind a couch is it am i getting like the bends or something I think you're okay yeah you don't want to dive too fast cuz that'll make you sick oh no [ __ ] [ __ ] Joe punch it crystal jelly that's beautiful that's my stripper name would you like this thing that has no mouth or nervous system or no it is a nervous system oh isn't it delicious boy mmm delicious there's nothing in the ocean that doesn't love those little [ __ ] blobby cheerio jams a rabbit in the rabbit what about it yeah I'll rub you jelly my baby by a litters gotta find his pendant we should some peanut butter and some bread [Music] like trying to make a paper sandwich open the jar all the jelly floats away like damn it is that all that was down here no it's I mean the pendants down here you're just searching for it am I in the right hole Aaron ask myself that question and have been right maybe 5% of the time we're gonna go ahead and just leave this hole I don't think okay well they ain't doing it right don't think I'm using this correctly oh boy where's there's got to be more deep hole around here somewhere yeah I'll bet there is it was just that one it seemed like there was a much bigger dark crevice to swim into yeah I just came from I don't know I'm so turned around I'm really uh-oh there's many okay alright so let's try out explore the crevices the one Oh God that's a big this is the one you think so yeah this is definitely the one how can you tell because it was a big one why is it so blurry I'd like there's a sparkly thing what really we're left oh it's on the fish no it's not on the fish it hit down on the bottom thank you pine cones yeah goodbye pine cone fish it down to your left oh yeah there it is right oh there's a super spark that's what I'm talking about all right well I don't care about [ __ ] [ __ ] it's the beauty of nature or whatever the [ __ ] yes oh look we found your one piece of [ __ ] thing yeah yeah we did it oh it's the pendant of the dragon's [ __ ] like some dragon comes oh thank you Wow 30 years in the ocean really [ __ ] hasn't done much to it somehow it's used for treating animals yeah by treating you mean shocking them it looks like it can be used to calm aggressive sharks too if you hadn't come to my rescue all curing with the Pulsar alright I don't care yeah can I shoot it in that sound like a van Halen song a yellow radical means moderate injuries or illness you need three shots for these purple reticle means serious problems you'll need four chakra have you ever had a purple radical wolf the worst a red reticle is practically uncurable you got to see a doctor fan yeah that's messed up okay see doctor okay get back to the boat back to the boat all right yay we found the pendant we did feel like our adventure is over you move you're diving level went up to two level one point one all right here's what I'm gonna say endless ocean one felt like it really was just drifting around and we couldn't do anything more with it yeah this does feel like it has potential to be played another time like for us to continue this adventure not not for a while not for a while oh but like like like what we do with dog island like whenever we feel with it like it we'll just do a long-ass episode what would you think you're going off on your own like that to dive into deep hole I should mime slap you which is of course not actually slapping but she's like yeah worried I was yes if ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a Merry Christmas yes and if the Queen had nuts she'd be the king that kind of thinking can lead to disaster that Chuck was just one of the many dangers you could have counted down there you can't be so naive being unprepared only puts you at risk you can't always count on luck and good fortune like you did today am i doing enough elaborate hand gestures for you belly we're thank you Oceana let us return to the island for now over here and I can't thank you enough for what you did I really owe you one I'll leave the shuttle I'll leave you the Pulsar in your capable hands you seem pretty handy with it considering the so capybara but don't make any weird moves I've got my eye on I see it takes a special individual to really master it I think you've got what it takes that's you what I just like that if you don't push the button like she'll just say that line forever oh yeah put them together they form a heart you put them together it forms like one of those like labyrinth ball puzzles exactly it's like tilt it you're like [Laughter] yeah there's so many special things it's like they're both of blue yeah yeah they look like they might fit together what's gonna form the Hellraiser puzzle oh my god now stick your fingers in them no get stuck they form a verse the road to the truth is the song of dragons who is how it reads right if I could read of course you mean your dad mateus my son who died thanks for the reminder can I Drive a boat for one minute without somebody bringing up my dead dead son he's dead who did it this time it was me fine I'll give you a pass this one time me it's like a girl time you bring up my dead son cuts to the girls with like their eyes like super wide open listening to his crazy ramblings well why don't we get Nancy to appraise them while we get back to the island okay so hot piece of humphead ass Oh sassy drifting alright that's what they called me in prison guys this was [ __ ] super fun yeah alright let's let's stop here and and we'll [ __ ] party next time next time on yeah next not next time I gave rose but at some point in the future we'll continue this adventure into the deep into the deep to 9-ball islands oh it's a very unfortunate affliction do you dead son it's been 10 years since you were dead you still are but I mean these penguins I didn't know they could fly but here we are you're still dead and penguins fly hey remember that pens injury good-for-nothing daughter lost yeah she found it didn't bring you back though well time to get back to jerking off love you
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 4,234,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets, play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game, grumps, gamegrumps, funny, endless ocean, endless ocean 2: Blue world, endless ocean blue world, nintendo, wii
Id: GVNjOlOtD8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 22sec (3802 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2015
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