Best Laughter Moments - Pokemon FireRed - Game Grumps Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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why hello there i've [ __ ] my pants welcome to the world of pokemon where i consistently [ __ ] my pants my name is oak it stands for oh ass crap i [ __ ] my pants people affectionately refer to me as pokemon professor only he does it [Laughter] by wine creatures called pokemon [Laughter] i know i never i never i never well i never you'll see okay technology's incredible you can store and recall items and pokemon as data via pc technology's incredible you can totally [ __ ] robots now see you later [Laughter] wait i [ __ ] my pants you need your pokemon for your protection come with me i'm like down window follow the shit's tank i never received the charmander from professor oak you scratch it [Laughter] i never put the potion away the back side gramps i'm smelling you later later is now though yeah isn't that weird did you ever think about how someday tomorrow is going to be yesterday wow later dork [Laughter] do you guys have any pot see ya ah pele town all right so it's pallet [Music] pallets because all the cities are named after colors cleansing the palette the rainbow oh [ __ ] idiot okay dork i like this guy look at [ __ ] purple rat no he's more like hold on don't press that button don't press that button do you have a lighter i need to light my tail he uses his tail to light a long cigarette like wait yes the [ __ ] do you want do you want like a reveal shot [Music] [Laughter] i want you to know something about yourself what's that i forgot but but hold on it's very hot in this room and i think it's making us stupid i like this poking nurse is she is she like a classic one the long pink hair yeah i feel like i've seen her before in the cartoon they call her nurse joy oh yeah oh now i remember because she's in that spas kid cartoon where he's like spread your butt shoot your butt squish your butt and she's like i like this [Laughter] roaches are cuter if you name them like i had one in my apartment in philly and it was huge and i like we just came to an understanding that i wasn't going to deal with it and it was just going to live on the wall and uh it wasn't in my apartment it was like outside the door in the hallway and i named it kevin and i and after i named it kevin like we got along a lot better that's good yeah i was like i can't what the [ __ ] man god damn it you can't kill my nerd dude he did that's [ __ ] i'm catching a [ __ ] bug pokemon i don't even give a [ __ ] do it you know what i think there's pikachu's up here so i'm going to catch a [ __ ] pikachu we can get pikachus and this shit's get [ __ ] just pokemon i'm familiar with that one you can always get a pikachu it's pokemon that's great so there are many pikachus yes go on about your dead fly though oh so interesting ah just continue please come on you got like zero healthy piece of [ __ ] yeah he's like you can't hold this [ __ ] down look at that look at his face [Laughter] check this [ __ ] out i never used pokeball i'm gonna rock out with my [ __ ] out why don't we show this this girl's gonna jam out with her clam out ew you've never heard that no that's [ __ ] disgusting it's not disgusting it's a form of jamming it's a beautiful female form yeah but you can't [ __ ] call it a clam [Laughter] that is the most unattractive [ __ ] term you could use no fish tackle [Laughter] oh [ __ ] i could i could use it wait hold on i think there's a pokey center up here oh god he's poisoned hey an antidote what will i do he said i was too late he was a much heavier pot smoker at that time than i was and like maybe he should have lost weight [Laughter] for those who couldn't hear that we just executed the world's worst high five how are you this is weird we're on a couch together did you uh gently fondling my scrotums did you did you have a great summer two peanuts were walking through the park one was assaulted i put a rattata tat into my pandora lookbook yes and uh and uh i ended up getting a daft punk secret album um half [Laughter] well i think we figured out the name of our next pokemon did we ever figure out what taft's first name was well william howard was it really look it up i don't want to why not you have the free time lord knows i've got the free time look it up i don't have my stuff with me william henry howard henry that's you those are three different answers no no no william henry is one answer william henry was uh william henry harrison that you're thinking of uh you said howard taft theodore delanor theodore delano just start naming chipmunks from alvin uh i believe it's simon theodore taft no it's it's so uh howard henry henry howard that's not correct it's henry howard are you gonna go check right now where's my [ __ ] device then i'll go get it you're playing the game man fine look up the thing a big dump he is i told you right william henry howard henry taft what uh what were you saying to the lovelies so what you what you're not even gonna [ __ ] you're not even gonna be like oh my god you almost got it you're just gonna come in and be like yeah whatever dude like you you could have said like greg taft and you would have been just as close what the [ __ ] i said william henry taft and then i said how henry howard tapped and what was his name i don't remember it was howard henry it was not howard henry don't [ __ ] with me dude william howard william howard so i said william henry and henry howard and you put the two together and what do you get wow look at this guy howard henry taft he looks like the quaker oatmeal guy your old mural barry please put up a picture of him i'm sorry chris christie i don't even sorry so fat that's a girl name don't talk [ __ ] on him and his girly girl name i don't care about him i just care about his politics that's true he can have the girliest name of all and i wouldn't give a gun oh wait brock the guy like who has like no eyes that dude he has eyes he just chooses not to use them that's a choice he can make yeah uh [Music] like a car just crashes and like people like what the [ __ ] are you doing and you like come out with like a blindfold um i'm electing not to use my eyes oh dude my level five weedle is gonna kick your [ __ ] ass geodude geodude sub got not very effective what does fnt mean fnt faint oh oh i thought it meant like [ __ ] nice test really nailed it buddy well [ __ ] yeah that's right you [ __ ] paralyzed [ __ ] take that take that par make it happen captain tackle more like it doesn't do anything [Music] how do you even float you don't have wings what are you magic you're not magic you're just a rock he's just a rock oh my god when are we getting that new couch so we can have guest grumps would you shut up with the new couch thing i did a [ __ ] i did a [ __ ] ama on reddit yeah and everyone was like where's the new couch where are you gonna buy the new couch and it's like be that's none of your business first of all that's where my butt sits not yours it doesn't make different kinds of funnies well you know what like i gotta tell you i [ __ ] i feel like i have a little bit extra credence to ask that question considering i'm i'm the one who has to sit next to the giant white undefinable stain i know what that is it's semen so shut your mouth [Music] not very undefinable now is it yeah good news it's jizz next question it's a weedle i could breed them and make more wheels if you're interested i am i want to see it would you like to keep them in a cage hold on let me get my lotion and tissues next time on game grumps barry [Laughter] i have had the occasional green poop as a result of too many lucky charms really yeah i don't know if that's i don't know if that's an over share probably yeah it's like it's like like green intertwining snakes it's like the [ __ ] blue cross blue shield symbol they had a double healing [ __ ] your [ __ ] was the reason life exists the building blocks of life it's like a robberish like snake eating a tail that's like the first time you could be like yo my [ __ ] don't stink it creates life oh you know what you know what's back and i'm so so excited about it what [ __ ] cadbury cream eggs no you don't like them i'm done with them dude i had to be done with them i had a big thing when i was a kid dude first of all i put them in my freezer right yeah because it's an amazing idea yeah i would buy like a year's supply and stuff stuff them in my freezer right eat them throughout first of all they've gotten smaller and second of all i just don't i used to be so nostalgic for them right no i'm not aaron sometimes sometimes we just have to disagree to disagree disagree to disagree yeah i refuse to disagree with you on this one because you're my friend but i'm disagreeing [Music] you know what i'm saying all right all right you have the floor 30 seconds go cadbury cream eggs are delicious you crack them open and there's a sugary surprise inside it's a little like chase but whatever everyone takes a shot in the mouth from time to time and then it's a yolky delicious center and then you eat the chocolate and you're like mmm this is tasty and then you shove it up your butt oh do i stop time yeah you got uh five seconds you can eat another one and shove a third one up your butt and they have camera versions one second and you're done [Music] cool great here's my argument against them gross the floor is yours i still got 58 minutes if you could lose one sense what would it be taste really yeah wow i lose smell smell yeah well because sight in here you need that [ __ ] you need smell and taste are the same though oh yeah because of your olfactory sense so you could still smell food right right but you wouldn't be able to taste it so when you're eating it you'd still smell it so it's kind of like tasting it i see but if you get rid of the smell you wouldn't be able to taste anything right oh i never thought of that yeah and i thought of that right [ __ ] then i'd like to change my answer to taste there you go what if you're like it's too late and then you just [ __ ] stab me in the nose what if you chose touch and you just had to float everywhere you just have you just have numb leg oh yeah damn it i i feel nothing you just wiggle to the ground yeah caterpie that sounds [ __ ] delicious doesn't it your two choices are cat or pie i'll take pie please well another one for pie too late cat we're gonna run out of pie at this rate hey [ __ ] what will splart do i don't know thunderweight i would watch a pikachu just ravish another girl hell yeah it would i wouldn't jack up to it but i blocked it i wouldn't use my string shot or anything don't take it the wrong way take it the right way later that's just that's just a feel-good party time high five brother high five [Laughter] five our high fives are getting worse with every passing day i like combining team names all right what's your best uh well lay it on me my personal favorite is combining the oklahoma thunder with the denver nuggets and the oklahoma city thunder so you come up with the oklahoma city thunder nuggets if you combine the green bay packers and the indianapolis colts you get the indian apple baked hackers indian apple big hackers that sounds like a [ __ ] dessert at tgi friday i'll take the cackers please how are your cackers so why is it [ __ ] what if he was like i'm gonna give you brock tomb and he just like hugs you like super tight yeah and you're like i gotta go and he's like yeah he's like you're taking damage from bind [Laughter] all right so there's this old guy i should be grateful for my long life never did i think i would cut to see the bones of a dragon [Laughter] the crystal i wear around my neck contains an essence that gets recharged from that jacket with a bro who also has a crystal it gives me confidence at work home social situations etc nobody knows it's a j.o crystal but me and my bros i've seen it glow white while jerking it with a bud that's how i know this is real you can come over for as long as you want but i need a picture of you preferably wearing a crystal before i waste my time i am so [ __ ] sick of rattata right now your foe's weak get him bunt this [ __ ] is going down oh he got you with the quick attack i don't care i got him with the poison stick how about that [ __ ] damn dude i'm scared purple man did you see me like reel back and close my eyes slightly as if to protect myself from your flailing arms just like just the damn dude i'm scared if i had a million dollars i would blow it all on coke and hookers uh yeah if christmas and oh [ __ ] if ifs and butts were candies and nuts we'd all have a merry christmas that's what i was trying to say it's a zubat oh my god he has no eyes she can use a sonar what the [ __ ] c a p a i b a r a oh keepy bara capybara uh oh it's a y oh it's adorable i know it's adorable and they haven't made a pokeman based on it get on it game designers get with it come on good capey bear is the most premier animal in the animal kingdom [Laughter] but that's okay my mother will clean it up mom i barfed there he goes baby chairman alien oh he's not as cute as he was what it's like when a really cute like asian baby gets a little older and you're like oh when you started having sex were you super scared of uh getting susie pregnant uh i don't know if that's too personal question uh no cause like when i when i started i was like whoa even if i shoot it like way over your head like i'm still super scared like this could still happen somehow nah cause i was always safe about it that's probably the smartest way i was never i was never uh i was never uh they call it loose cannon a wick dipper a wick dipping a dip in that wick oh no oh i'm sorry where do you draw the line between what's gross and what is it having sex with a sandshrew is totally fine yeah that's that's what i'm saying dipping oh it's just candles just it's just a candle reference it's just the visuals it's like you're just you just like got your wiener out and you're like here we go then you just come out and it's all like covered in goop and you're like i wish those were the sounds of actual sex [Music] wait can you do the hand fart [Laughter] every time dude baby how can i show my love to you other than [Laughter] hello my name is milton i am from milton's milton factory oh milton i see you've created many milton's from your milton's your milton molds thank you for noticing i have many milton's on sale for 39 dollars a piece tell me something my name is milton and i would like a milton do you have militants yes really yes how many militants a lot a million millions if you would like milton i can get you them but one million may be asking too much okay you might want to go to a professional milton manufacturer such as mori more morty only makes maurice though he doesn't make multiple [ __ ] morty i know he has better prices than me nobody no okay yes do you have milk chocolate milk one more thing about that they melted my milton yes not in my meal yes yes to both one thing i have to mention about mutants tell me this thing they are rare yes and their very poisonous do not eat bree oh [ __ ] they mean they ate the milk chocolate one i ate it do not eat what do i do now milk chocolate only for decoration what did what's a dicker oh decoration yes you are dying don't you say you are dying currently right now the first sign of dying is misunderstanding vowels they call it milton's melting oh nay yes it's [Laughter] what moves does it know sk has kind of like the same uh like forehead or top of the head as bald bull he does yeah like he's been forced through a tube it's just a it's just a crazy nub like like when god was making him like and he was still in a moldable clay form god was like i have an idea [Laughter] somebody was like dude that looks stupid and he was like god yeah i'm sorry maybe you didn't read the name tag and it said hello my name is god oh cool maybe when you're god i'll criticize you but for now i mean look at his [ __ ] face the whole time he's like oh hello hey he wants a gushy hug this doesn't look good aaron i gotta be honest watch [Laughter] hey don't walk away from me you [ __ ] [ __ ] he's just like excuse me i got me a pokeball that big is a whale that's about to set sail check as as as we get less familiar with the lyrics we know like we get less and less confident in our desire to sing that song love check [Music] that's that's a slow bro dude oh i'm sorry the kid literally just said the [ __ ] slow bro oh slow bro punch oh but he's so slow and he's a bro yeah maybe i could j.o with him we can charge our crystals together barry bring up the picture of the crystal good glow on that j.o crystal must have been a lot of positive energy at the sesh [Laughter] i used to have a jo crystal similar to that one until tsa confiscated it they said it wasn't safe to bring in the plane on account that it would interfere with the plane's avionics i don't blame them me and my bro spent all memorial day weekend charging that jl crystal up posted by jihadgirl69 [Laughter] avian oh nope avionics is a word why would you lie to me how many pairs do you oh my god this [ __ ] guy what using good berry powder i can make any kind of medicine now tell me have you any interest in berries yes why must you lie to me whoa yeah it's misty she is gorgeous i would i would you know what i mean i absolutely would how old is she uh 12 i would not 13 i would i would not you never saw a megalodon no i know who megalon is but i've never seen [ __ ] star you would you for [ __ ] sake just chill out for a sec it's not gonna happen bro barry keep this in you're gonna that's right you're paralyzed [ __ ] finally jesus quick attack come on [ __ ] my god this is a war of attrition barry put the entire history of the war of 1812 a war of attrition if i ever saw one high five okay the worst one ever i'm not mad at you i'm mad at dan really are you mad at me i just i don't want you to be mad at me i always feel bad yes totally okay cool i am 100 mad at you right now cool you know who else is mad at you super barry atkins oh because he's like he's like i can't believe you do that he totally has the long ass face yeah i don't have the lung capacity to inhale in a shocked manner is he the last of clark skies dude i beat clark like a [ __ ] year ago did you really i completely zoned out while i was telling that that church story dude yeah i fought like two trainers are you serious yeah that's amazing i am so lost was that clark's first guy wait what happened to missed it did we beat brock [Music] [ __ ] oh my god that's that's really embarrassing oh bellsprout i know this guy from uh you are so committed to it you're like oh is this uh this is for the club i was like it must be we've been fighting him for a while bellsprout's great though just look at him he's like why am i this my parents must have really hated me to want to give me life as he faints he's like oh thank god what drove him nuts was the the pamphlet he found where it was it was uh by an a naturologist i believe was the the term and he was like that's not a doctor and he's like that's not a real thing i'm like okay but this guy says he has his nd and he was like that's not a real degree and then you pointed out that nd could actually stand for not a doctor i've got my nd i don't know why i'm sending out my rock pokemon against the fighting pokemon yeah check out the biceps no check out these boxes brian and i were talking about that he was like what's the worst way you've ever broken up with a girl and i was like there's no worst way like you just you just be honest and upfront and like respectful and you do it and he's like i think the worst way to do it would be just to text her you and i are dunion rings [Laughter] i think he might have a point yeah i think that is the worst way i think that's pretty [ __ ] bad don't do that people at home yeah and don't especially don't in fact you know what say that it's from the king christ just don't incorporate dungeon rings into your life except when you're done eating onion rings yeah then you can say that dungeon rings like just put your hands in the air you have a [ __ ] like a like a bellhop bell rings all right check this out down in b just got to hold down and b got it [ __ ] got him got him got him he's done he's mine that's that's another one that's one more and oh oh oh oh he's gone [ __ ] you abra you think you hot [ __ ] but you wait dog just cause you can teleport like in [ __ ] star trek scotty beating me up why don't you beam up my dick in your mouth oh [ __ ] kakuna one dick to beam here's the dick that you were questioned goodbye kakuna i'm just imagining like scotty in the in the [ __ ] in the beaming bay or whatever the hell they call it and he like beams in and it's just a dick whoa whoa i may have [ __ ] up captain and it's been cauterized and [ __ ] so it's just like nitrogen's like hey um i've been meaning to tell you something you're like yeah what he's like oh my god [Laughter] i got it's a pokemaniac pokemon i got stopped by a hiker what's his name knob [Laughter] look at his [ __ ] face he's just like you you looking at my knob he's from a trainer i can't catch up oh [ __ ] i keep forgetting about that yeah all right trainers like their pokemon right and if you try to take them away from them they don't like you what if you just punch him in the face repeatedly like and then they're down on the ground like and you're just like [Laughter] splart is [ __ ] up a lot of [ __ ] for someone who's poisoned that's because splart is the is the man does not [ __ ] around he doesn't nor didn't nor just no it's been he's been on the back burner for a while and now it's time for his time for him to shine yeah s-c-h-i-n-e oh damn like there was like i saw the i saw the like the blink of like um got it i get it i got it you saw the like one gear and my head go gunk and i was like ah i never initiated the teleporter cell separator and bill always remained clear the end of game all right next game grubs we're gonna be playing uh butt party 78. yes there are 78 of them [ __ ] yeah i'm going on the ssan [ __ ] what do you think of that i don't what are we talking about done [ __ ] yeah ssa we're going on vacation what is happening right now yo the ssn the ssa flop it all over the couch is the best [ __ ] cruise liner you'll ever be on not only do they have pokemon yeah but they got filet mignon that cr i hear there are lots of trainers on board too if aaron sounds strange it's because he is now playing pokemon upside down with his legs hanging over the [ __ ] top of the couch they invited me to their party but i can't stand fancy dues is that what he said that is what he said [ __ ] fancy dudes why don't you go instead of me go on and have a good time great job all right bye hold on i have to flip the controller all right here we go oh that's way better what is that that is drowsy and i will [ __ ] thank you not to make fun of him why is he waist deep and [ __ ] because he's a tapir that doesn't mean anything man dude dude you know what okay here's the thing about dq tasty oh damn dude no oh you're speaking the truth dog truth bomb no you decimated that town with that truth bomb dog yo people are crying and dead and [ __ ] because of how much truth you suit saying yeah generations from now truth babies are gonna be more important to formed [Laughter] yo okay here's here's the deal with dairy queen say it goddammit so they have those like famous dipped cones right yes and it's chocolate dipped right yes there are only some dairy queens that have [ __ ] butterscotch dip oh you were so happy that [ __ ] was insane and she was like yo i can double dip it for you and i was like i don't i don't know exactly what you said but it was something like do you guys like do the butter butterscotch dips here she's like yeah we can do butterscotch and they were like no [ __ ] way all right so i promised you guys a voicemail from my dad um here goes he wanted to congratulate me on uh getting five million hits on luigi's ballad which is very exciting for him wait luigi's ballot has five million hits yeah isn't that crazy you [ __ ] serious yeah well i like we don't check it the way my our parents do you know like wait you're not [ __ ] with me yeah no it's literally it's five million it's over five million yeah yeah oh my god isn't that cool holy crap i know thank you everybody that's a lot of hits i know but it's it's like it's a dream come true especially for my dad he's like five million hits all right here we go hey dad you're dead i want to congratulate you on breaking the five million hits on youtube and enjoy mom i'm freezing my ass off with roxy here it never stops the snowing i love you and call me when you can bye okay congratulations on five million hits it's like [ __ ] red really this is the best i couldn't do my run voice whoa if you were ant if you were anti-pencil would you be a racist [Music] [Laughter] dude the look in your eyes when you hit my knee when you said that was just like pure like yes i did it you saw it everyone's a witness hug it when sleeping warm and cuddly spectacular ravishing oops look at the time i'm sorry what the [ __ ] is that it's a diglett you idiot he looks like a little [ __ ] whack-a-mole he's a little whack-a-mole but you know what he is underneath the ground uh oh that's what it is that poor girl's got her face yeah that one that one that one right there it's a stanky flower giant uh yep giant stinky flower finds its root jalon cine it does not photosynthesize but rather uses the host plant to obtain water and nutrients wow so it's like a fungus yeah yeah that's why they're not leaves wikipedia wouldn't lie except for that one time when i told that story on grumps that uh i told my parents i dug the qumran caves in israel and someone changed the coup on cam's wikipedia article to say these guys were dug by dead avatar i remember looking up the wikipedia for dane cook and it was like an unfunny gaylord or something like that and it was like whoa damn wiki this is not real yeah it's very real you're keeping it too real wikipedia hey cut me some slack what just the confidence that you like hit the timer and started the episode with i was like he's got something he's got something good this is gonna be a strong open and you're like i like potatoes pack attack pack attack dude trio oh [ __ ] there's [ __ ] three piglets and they're all [Laughter] you're angry pissed you are not feeling this cave look man the [ __ ] diglett cave can suck my nuts my butt nuts to be exact yeah god damn it yeah i don't want to fight another [ __ ] digler this piece of [ __ ] popping out of the ground like a goddamn whack-a-mole getting all up in my face with this big rudolph red nose jesus christ lead me to the out of the cave [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] if you're gonna leave me somewhere reindeer games and [ __ ] jesus yeah oh hey like that's [ __ ] standing in my way right arena trap like oh no i'm paralyzed in fear from a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] race net coming out of the ground oh go [ __ ] diglett i don't give a good goddamn you are frothing at the mouth right now no oh i can't escape because i'm [Laughter] here we go baby oh sail for the yeah of luxury and high tides and next time on game grumps and what oh no not the lever don't pull it ah what the [ __ ] is wrong with it um no don't let loose the marmoset [Laughter] [Music] oh god that water came right through my nose it's like behind my eye hey what's up old man i've journeyed far and wide but in all my travel i've never seen all my pokemon sleep like this one it was something [Laughter] check out what i fished up oh i hope it's your [ __ ] ball sack out of your balls hey actually that's closer than fisherman dale oh yeah do you think that they actually oh check out what i fished up and it's a fish [Laughter] good one god where brian did i tell you about that the tignataro sketch the good one robot tig notaro is an amazing comedian comedienne and she uh she has this thing called a good one robot which is a robot that the only thing you can say is good one [Laughter] thanks good one robot oh snap this golden is gonna get [ __ ] up by my bee drill my bun oh [ __ ] yeah so much punctuation good run yo i gotta come up with jokes on the fly dog not on the beat damn a damn all right good one i just remember that one time i think i think you made like a really really racist joke or something was it me yeah and then you were like right and then you put your hand up and there was just this like deafening silence yeah oh yeah that's right because we're like even we were like i don't think that was cool [Laughter] tanzania is my favorite place to be that has the tanzanian devil [Laughter] man you're making me feel tanzanite oh look at this thing this he's adorable i know he's growlith he's a cute little puppy dog and i'm gonna [ __ ] him up okay here we go you gotta do something to all of them what you gotta do something you gotta do you gotta blank them all oh [Music] i don't know what to do but blow yeah [ __ ] you gotta [ __ ] them all uh smack yeah yeah you gotta uh turn snack em give cereal too [Laughter] gotta give cereal to them all i'm amazed this hasn't caught on with the kids we're running out of cereal [Laughter] i only bought one box it was family size but still pokemon is like created by cheerios and the kellogg's foundation [Laughter] i prefer amnesia what are you talking about those are horror games that are popular oh yeah now i see the top level let's players not us we are mid to low level mark if you're listening to this uh sorry i'm not sorry i'd [ __ ] him in the buffalo and i'll fight you right now for him ready here we go [Music] [Laughter] ow stop no stop [ __ ] his ass is mine he's been a solitary traveler he caught on his journeys what does that mean i don't know what that means i think i read it wrong i'm going to kill you little girl all right say what you will about what the world is because you i'm trying as hard as i can to communicate with you okay go for it that's that sentence in and of itself made no sense all right i'm i'm i'm listening as much as i want [Laughter] i promise i am paying attention exactly to the capacity of what i feel like i'm going i'm going as hard as i can to understand the things water said for you next time we go to the uh natural history museum and we go to the uh the rocks and minerals exhibit and like that little like dark booth where like you hit the black fluorescent light and i call the rocks plow yeah i'm gonna be like whoa there must have been a lot of positivity at the sash check out the glow on that j.o crystal must have been a lot of positive energy at this edge [Music] i had a jl crystal just like this one just like gather people around but it was confiscated by the tsa oh i don't blame them though [Laughter] that jail crystal would have messed with the plants avionics am i right you guys enjoying the museum [Laughter] rob's and be smart man he was always a smart dude uh i i saw him at uh usfest 99. wow yeah it's pretty rock and roll was he [ __ ] amazing he i i still remember he came out on stage and he was like welcome to lilith fair we have a very powerful array of lesbian folk music first it's like oh my god that's such a random way to start a concert man yeah it was funny white zombie sorry i just had to get that [ __ ] yeah i was so excited about saying white stuff magnum might not make it out of prison alive yeah that was that was i was like what how do you want me to write the song and you were like so like do it like that one line and i was like all right cool i guess wow did i really give you the magnemite line yeah that was yours oh sorry no feel proud shanda lured into a deadly trap was all me though oh i'm taking full credit for that i'm accepting all the [ __ ] party blow jobs that come as a result oh [ __ ] party [ __ ] yeah that's the most festive kind he promised to tell a little story yesterday all right hello sir he's a gamer that guy yeah he's got a little like a little game system with them that's like probably a game boy advance that's what that is it's not it's not a it's not the game like where he has the three cups and like the ball is under one cup but he only has one cup so you pick it right every time he's like damn it i'm gonna go broke at this rate my tricks are not working umami has a mild but lasting aftertaste that is difficult to describe it induces salivation and a sensation of furriness on the tongue whoa stimulating the throat the roof and the back of the mouth by itself umami is not patable palatable sorry but it makes a great variety of foods pleasant especially in the presence of a matching aroma what the [ __ ] yeah it's really [ __ ] mystery that's like the most vague [ __ ] description i've ever heard i know and it has a picture of this japanese guy oh good old kikunai ikeda yeah barry put him up that's the father of umami action damn and barry give him a word bubble that's like umami [ __ ] [Laughter] um so yeah like i'm [ __ ] driving and uh in new jersey uh there's a place called the menlo park mall and around the menlo park mall there are these old train bridges from like the 18th or 19th century and they're stone and they're lower to the ground than everything else and i have then other bridges i should say um and at this point in my life i've never driven any kind of truck before so i just never put it together that those yellow signs uh with numbers on them on a bridge indicate how high that bridge is and how that corresponds to the truck you're driving and what can and can't fit under it so like i start driving under this thing and it's the the road is sloping downwards so as i'm going under the tunnel like the the roof of the car the roof of the truck rather is getting farther away from the the bridge and i'm like oh this is good and then like halfway underneath the road starts cave like curving back up and i'm like oh this is less good this is very snug and all of a sudden you're like what that sound was was a puppy dog trapped in the back and he just wanted a little bit of love the end nope it was [ __ ] pipes and stone girders and [ __ ] [ __ ] like spearing the roof of the u-haul truck and i was like i bet i bet i could just [ __ ] get out of this by flooring it and so like i floor it and it's like [Laughter] for some reason that sounded like this it was not funny at the time it looks like a peepee coming out of a butthole wait why specifically a butthole because it's brown oh i see your game yeah you get it it could just be a black guy's dick oh my god did i just blow your mind i just saw the look on your face like just like all the emotion just drain away in like sudden deep thought i switched turned snack out with butt nuts i gotta take out this old man i was in the army lieutenant surge was my strict ceo it was a hard taskmaster i loved popcorn where am i do you have any pecans i could really go for some pecans right now lieutenant serge was the toughest man in the regiment my favorite color is blue what's yours sniggledap okay yes when's tomorrow oh mommy is a flavor can you imagine like fields of pokemon just like dying oh that is sad just [ __ ] fighting for their their master yeah and just like a pikachu with like a thousand-yard stare smoking a cigarette pika [Laughter] is he harmony a religious one no eharmony's just a dating site oh okay christian mingle is that's the one i'm thinking of yeah you're thinking of christian mingle yeah does god have a soul mate for you i don't know maybe we'll look at gross people online and find out i love it's like if that's the question then why are you even asking it right it's like does god have a soulmate for you it's like no and then [Laughter] evolving oh my god what what's he gonna involve into it's gonna evolve into [ __ ] graveler dude you better be a [ __ ] fennec fox oh my god here he comes thx can i ask you a d-club question all right go ahead was there ever um did anyone ever like grab anyone else's junk no okay no no that sounds respectful yeah no we weren't gay about it of course not were was was junk ever like made fun of for being small no we all had pretty much huge dicks wow yeah well all right then it was a very fortunate like outfit that is a lucky break because i can't tell you what it would be like if there was a if there was a small wiener no one wants to be the tiny dick guy in the in the d-clap yeah exactly um yeah so we all had huge dicks and no there was no touching right and except for the time you touch dicks with that guy i mean the only time i guess there was a little bit of dick teasing you're like oh my god one time and then never live it down there was one time of dick teasing because people call me a brontosaurus so there you go the brontosaurus like wait explain that one again because it's like a long neck with a giant head no a tiny head wait that's not right no yeah it's the first one okay like it kind of has like a like a like a dinosaur curve like you know how you would draw like a brontosaurus that's that's what my dick looks like that's fantastic we're just two uniquely [ __ ] guys [ __ ] hanging out we just have dicks galore over here we got we get oh ladies dicks for days ladies and gentlemen [ __ ] for days over here uh yeah dicks for days yeah dicks for days yeah that sounds like a [ __ ] charity drink a really terrible charity hey it's for the kids because i have no pants on come on it's for the kids can we do an improv sentence i haven't done that [ __ ] in a while who is the master of my dick the answer is within your heart oh i thought you were gonna say grass wait i'm back here i can't i can't deal i can't [ __ ] welcome back to game drums i'm going up this [ __ ] ladder right here where am i yeah just show me the map i need to know where the [ __ ] that's the wrong map give me the the second level of the map because i'm [ __ ] lost right right here would it help if i serenaded you please new kids on the block had a bunch of hits chinese food makes me sick now i think it's fly when girls stop by for the summer for the summer all right i like girls that wear rubber chrome being fit thank you okay so there's a banky you know what i was okay i think i have something that'll make you happy okay good because i need something for for those who don't know i mean which would be anyone watching this uh aaron and i just started the recording aaron for various reasons is on the brink of insanity and uh we're just gonna power through it we're gonna power through some pokemon today don't don't make it sound like that yeah like it's [ __ ] agony i love pokemon guys i love it [Applause] pokemon makes me sick and i don't think it's fly when a girl goes up and she says bend twigs and trails to make fires and her name is pig dicker sofia she's got a jiggly puff i send out [ __ ] then i use absorb honor i use absorb on it welcome to these girls to the snow i hope you made it and you're not stuck in the airport someplace so if you get the message give us a call i'll text you so uh [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] but all of my mom's drug stories will be like yeah i just accidentally got high like i was just at a party and like i thought it was a cigarette and it was it was weed it was laced with it was laced with mary jane and then i was walking home and i tripped and i fell face first into a patch of mushrooms oops yeah with my mouth wide open and my teeth ready to jump [Laughter] that second one's not true my mom never did mushrooms you know when you're when you're lying in a bed uh with a girl and like perhaps you're you're post love making and like you're both super relaxed and you're sort of like falling asleep in each other's arms and then you're just like [Music] what do you have like a [ __ ] like a whoopee cushion that you like sort of slowly press on i was just i was just trying to relay how like it's it's a relaxation part it's your ass like two really thick pieces of ham and having like a gentle breeze flowing through it hey welcome back to the game what do you want from me i was like before the episode started i was like aaron do you need me to keep the map open he was like yeah no yeah no i'm like cool glad we fully established what your options for answering that sentence can you run those by me again yeah yeah no yeah no which one is it yeah amazing you still have an answer do you want me to keep it open or not okay clefairy's poison so she's gonna die son of a [ __ ] what do you want me to keep the map up no i'm not well yeah come on dude no i don't need it dude i don't need it okay well i had some guy once feel up a girl over me [Laughter] i was i i there was a girl next to me and i was sleeping next to the girl and then the guy next to me felt her up over me that's she was awake right yeah no no she was not yeah that's incredibly uncool yeah i i i got pretty mad at that guy except for lots of reasons i don't think i talk to him anymore hot legs bro that's the worst i got hot legs every day or a day oh damn take off your jeans you want me to go for it well done all right everyone i'll prepare my belt oh man all the tumbler girls are going crazy oh my god here's his penis there it is wow that's a large penis wait hold on let's get a sound effect dan are you dead dan's eating ice no i should not start the episode oh i'm sorry and we're the game grumps dan's eating ice no i'm just kidding game grumps here we go wait what the [ __ ] is that start you look like a girl you somewhere is ever coming back daddy are you ready i'm ready okay grabs hey welcome wait what i wanna [ __ ] kill you sorry i wish you guys could smell my farts today i i'm glad you can't how come smell-o-vision doesn't exist ugh because it's a [ __ ] terrible idea why they used to have things like that in the 80s i don't know if they kept doing them where like uh you would go to 7-eleven and you'd get like a little pad and it would have like six squares and they were all scratch and sniff squares for a show that was airing like later that week and then like when uh you would watch the show like something would happen like i don't know it's like make a cake and then they'd be like sniff uh square two now and then like you'd scratch it and sniff it would smell like cake and that's kind of like smell-o-vision what the [ __ ] that's the stupidest [ __ ] thing i've ever heard okay well then maybe i'll just go it's not you didn't do it yonko damn you're acting as if i would care [Music] here's the secret guys i don't i'm always not caring that was an avengers reference i hope you guys picked up on that and it's not a spoiler because the hulk says it at the end when he reveals why he's always angry hey dan hey aaron i knew you'd come back i knew you'd come crawling back [Laughter] did you say that [ __ ] this is not a spoiler but someone says it at the very end is that what i heard through the door i could i'd bring it up but [ __ ] come on aaron i can't go through seven episodes of you just farting that's the first time i farted dude don't give me that [ __ ] you've been farting non-stop all day since i met you not [Laughter] since i met you has been one long day that i can't wake up go to sleep and wake up from just one dreamish day oh pollywog don't worry it doesn't smell [Laughter] i'm asleep wake up you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] oh god aaron what like do you eat farts it's more likely than you think it's unbelievable haven't you raided my pantry before like what kind of food could you possibly eat to produce that sam smell that sound everything well the sound just comes from a [ __ ] air horn your farts are a five cents experience a sixth sense experience somebody somebody in [ __ ] india is like [Music] let's say hypothetically okay i was looking to build a leopard pit in my house with barry a gold leopard it's not your own [ __ ] dime i'm not no what you why what do you mean why why are you so offended i thought we were [ __ ] friends i'm sorry who the [ __ ] no i'm sorry i'm sorry i thought you were the kind of person who supported my dreams and if my dream is to have a [ __ ] gold-ass leopard pit right between my room and barry's room the very well i mean closer to barry's room because i want him to have to leap over it to get to the bathroom and then if he falls in then whoops more entertainment for me it wouldn't even fit because your apartment's a [ __ ] shoe box whoa how dare you first of all it's a house secondly um that's the kind of talk that's going to get you thrown right in the leopard pit right now i smell really bad right you smell god awful yeah like there's actually like a two foot radius in any direction that i can't get i can't break uh just even having your knee this close to me is like woof the crotch smells that is a rank knee [Laughter] rank 20. oh [ __ ] that shit's corporal corporal colonel welcome back to zubat there he is there he is look at him what would he say if his uh if he found out that his son was dealing drugs based on his expression yeah [Laughter] what do you think he would say if he found out that his favorite flavor of ice cream wasn't available at the grocery store that he was at right now barry put up a zubat [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] yo i'm a good gambler you know i don't want to quit i quit when it gets boring i believe well i don't know what do you believe you believe in god jesus franklin [Laughter] barry would you put up a picture of god jesus franklin for me thank you i was thinking truly one of the founding fathers [Laughter] i was thinking of franklin the turtle he never watched it you [ __ ] liar i don't even know what you're talking dude clifford the bitter egg flavor the bitter egg dog that's what birth control does it gives you bitter eggs [Laughter] she was like why do people always say like you need to get some balls when you're talking about courage like balls are small and sensitive and really wussy if you really want to get strong you should try a vagina these things take a pounding yeah betty white yeah oh what a badass lady come on become a vagina hi there you go i thank you i will because a golden girl told me to stop being such a little sensitive dangling balls and [ __ ] [ __ ] up can that be the new game grumps rallying cry yeah yo [ __ ] up everybody i'm down for that i'm totally down for it really that's bellsprout yeah man boy he looks crazy for a [ __ ] badass right yeah he sucks you in and he sucks your juice out of you [Laughter] i'm about to shoot super potion all over let me laugh aaron your [ __ ] fake laugh is my favorite that's like you're we're in a business meeting laugh and like someone just made a terrible joke that barely registers as a joke but you can tell it's a joke so you gotta laugh no that it's it's that laugh is more like no because that's patronizing like the other one could be like construed as like uh like i i actually found that funny [Laughter] that one that one totally oh no yeah no i like the i like the like whoa what is that yeah you should have pussied up is tangela like is her name angela like angela the tangelo well no i'm [ __ ] asking you i don't god damn it am i pulling a shadow of the colossus on you i don't know maybe you should find out i can't get em bow is weak oh [ __ ] destroy do it [Laughter] you did it it allows my pokemon to use strength out of battle what does that mean it means i can remove i can move blocks and boulders and things oh [ __ ] and i got [ __ ] giga drains yo wouldn't you agree that it's an amazing move guess i would i'm gonna use it right now [ __ ] i'm gonna use it right now i'm gonna use it right [ __ ] down you know as soon as i [ __ ] you don't even know what the [ __ ] going on with me i'm a [ __ ] i'm an hm 20 [ __ ] i'm a [ __ ] go to gigadrain this is base power 60. [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm gonna use that [ __ ] ready use ready holy [ __ ] i'm gonna teach you to [ __ ] watch my kingdom here's the candle there's four moves guys actually move one more should be forgotten [Music] oh [ __ ] i don't want to get rid of any of these is that how it works you just mash a cd into their foreheads and they're like i know this now it's like the matrix dude pikachu looks like [ __ ] kramer from seinfeld he's like hey jerry [Laughter] he'll drop the soap scope next to you okay it's just this coughing like while you're reading like the walkthrough on what to do next it looks like this coughing go ahead and read i'll wait [Laughter] i see london i see france i'm going to insert did he want poop did he want um poop yeah poo [ __ ] like any poop [Laughter] i i hope like i hope uh we become so jaded that like we become crotchy old men like three years from now and you'll just be like susie get me a monster i'm thirsty and she'll be like damn it yourself [Laughter] and i'm like don't you sass me woman and i'll be like you don't talk to her that way and you'll be like shut up you're freeloading prick i bought this floating glass encompassed rocket-powered ship with the money that i for the business that i built with my bare hands and barry'll be like why do you guys talk like that [Music] did you see i've done that uh coughing's going to do a tackle not very effective gonna use rock throw through some rocks at him he is dead this is boring wait go back what that looks like the world's shittiest game of hangman is it the [ __ ] oh give a [ __ ] wait is it is it still part of the poke flute oh i can still go down never mind i gotta play i want a place i don't need your [ __ ] stupid dumbass help yeah don't go on the computer and [ __ ] patronize me with your information and [ __ ] i gotta i got a bone to pick with you welcome back to booty flakes shoop shoop shoop i'm a little ballerina twirling around that's the bone to pick oh [ __ ] [Music] does it smell or whatever dude he's lucky he fainted i wish i could faint right now well why don't you i was farting your face if you want help i got another one coming for you no please don't here it comes no oh choo choo trains coming through the tunnel oh that was a choo-choo train that's the steam coming from the choo choo come on do you ever like uh turn on like on channel 358 yeah it'll be like a japanese soap opera that's translated into chinese at the bottom and you're like oh thank you you know my favorite uh sound effect for uh a boner is uh the like the arrow shot into a wall thing like oh [ __ ] [Laughter] that is a good one just zip it down like [Laughter] don't mind me that's just my huge penis all right i'm sorry oh geez i left my magnum condoms out my magnums what am i gonna do with these magnums this is embarrassing i'm gonna need five of them i wish they made [ __ ] magnums where you could cut them open and then like tape them all together into one giant magnum and they called it the h-bomb [Laughter] am i right am i right ladies i have a huge penis it borders on deformity next time i'm game grumps [Music] it's all just a joke yeah no one i have a tiny day i used to have these annoli lizards when i was a kid um do you know them yeah we had them in florida yeah little green guys they weren't native but they were brought over like from cuba or some [ __ ] oh yeah they're they're one of those lizards like you need two and all of a sudden you have a population of thousands yeah they were the worst because like they they would just like hang out like on the edge of the sidewalk right and then if you would just like go by on your bike oh no they were like waiting they were like now and then you'd be like wow i don't want to run over these lizards oh that's awesome i always just imagine one of them was just like well it's been a hard day's work at my job that i've spent years and years working my way up to the top-end i better go home to my two daughters and my beautiful wife and bike [Laughter] sorry moreton lloyd i didn't mean to you just [ __ ] outed my parents dude dude we've said you just outed my parents you said their names a million people are gonna know the names and they're gonna send them birthday wishes and [ __ ] no barry go back and put put cheryl and denise over aaron's parents names but have aaron saying it [Laughter] so it goes from my voice to his i didn't have to feel the pain sorry cheryl and denise i didn't mean to you just [ __ ] outed my parents dude that is that there is like a a lil you can put into your voice that like denotes quotation marks isn't there it's like oh oh like in our professional lives yeah yeah definitely wait let me let me do it myself gastly is a scary pokemon well that was funny and also there's a rapidly developing hole in the crotch of your uh your pajama pants right now mm-hmm not mm-hmm well i thought you were gonna go on oh okay no there was more to that statement no it was just it was the humor of just like it was as if your parents were telling me like i mean you can say something but no one really has to know about this i was just making sure that your parents in the other room didn't hear adoro dango is a shiny ass ball that you make out of a shiny ass ball or a shiny ass ball i mean however you want to interpret this that's you yeah i'm going to be a dorodango or adoro dong anyway yeah before you rudely interrupted me i've missed you it's a bit it's uh new zealand first all right a different country cool cool on you anyway keep saying words okay uh so i had a wonderful time and you should all go if you get a chance uh it's one of the coolest places in the world really did they have climate problems no why would that be a thing because you said it was one of the coolest places in the world i went to hobbiton did you yeah that was really like meaningful for a nerd like myself what happened there uh not a lot did you meet frodo you are talking like someone who has not seen the movies or reddit books will uh i can't remember his name but the uh guy from saturday night live and uh [Music] and he's like hey i really love your guys thing like you know you you say like you're from some stupid country no one cares about like new zealand and then like everyone's interested in your band so where are you guys from like you study at juilliard or something and they're like new zealand he's like new zealand i love it lord of the rings frodo the ring [Laughter] so awesome oh ashley yeah he was looking away while you were sorry sorry i was all i was gonna say was when i kicked off my socks between episodes there it went right into my empty slurpee cup but not so empty that there won't be slurpy on my socks do you think they called it lavender town because all of the ghost pokemon or lavender is that possible i don't know i don't know either did i just blow everybody's [ __ ] minds yeah your [ __ ] mind's blown it was it called lavender and um in japanese uh what is lavender japanese what is that murasaki ravendoll do they not reverse the elves in [Laughter] if you went to new zealand and you were like i'm going to open up a mirai uh-huh what would you name it it like that's not how open up a mirai it's not a mcdonald's franchise no but if you did it what would you call it mariah carey i was gonna say uh carrie i would you really and then then you're gonna be like what it's gonna be like mariah carey oh that's awesome that's awesome dude this is why we're friends man we're on the same stupid page yeah i'm simultaneously glad that you were on the same wavelength as me and it ruined my delivery do you think gastly stands for go aaron suck tasty lollipops yay sorry i had to make that up on the fly did your phone just go off yeah who's texting me at this crazy hour of night tell whoever's texting you this better be good to go [ __ ] die is it is it brian is it [ __ ] brian this better be [Music] it's my friends from new zealand oh which makes sense because over there it's like four in the afternoon and here it's like whatever like three in the morning i don't know yeah i don't know either it's very late time is like a nebulous concept to me now that's for sure i just wake up and i'm like day night yeah and then i work and i'm like wow it's sleep area days and weeks blend together in such a way that i have truly no understanding of the world around me or control over my life today's munthers it's my favorite day of the week wednesday oh my god are you okay that's just so delicious spelled wednesday oh yeah yeah absolutely which is actually easier to say than wednesday yeah does that mean which kind of sounds like you're saying wednesday um look at this [ __ ] guy oh my god you have to fight his henchmen first huh yeah but i mean is it really so bad i mean it is if you [ __ ] die and lose all your jams yeah but is it really so bad what the [ __ ] aaron's getting in my face and like winking really really intensely this is going to work out poorly though isn't it you want me to [ __ ] give you a hand job or something yeah because i'm not well all right finally [Laughter] oh god i can't remember who it is would you stop and stop doing the motion no one can see it and it's creeping me out gross that's the sound of my hand going up and down your slippery shaft all right got it thank you is that right i didn't know what a [ __ ] was [Laughter] it didn't say excuse me that would kind of caught me by surprise have you ever farted and just been like whoa whose idea was that what happened barry feel free to edit this out if this is an embarrassing story but last night no don't okay cool because yeah you don't want to give barry work we'll make sure the episode's exactly 10 minutes so he can't remove anything without like being too short for an episode um uh we were leaving your house last night and you know like your stairs off your porch are really [ __ ] janky yeah and like he fell a little bit and twisted his ankle and uh and so he's lying on the ground he's like [ __ ] i sprained my ankle i was like are you serious are you okay he was just like yeah i'll probably be all right he was like and i farted i know i know there's something about like him like laying on the ground clutching his ankle yeah i guess i'll be all right [Laughter] annihilating i told you [ __ ] king is the bastard yeah i meant to say master but then like the flaminess of my nose made me say bad and then i just ran with it i told you [ __ ] was the product of an illegitimate coupling i hate that's my least favorite thing in the world but i'm like mochi's in the way and i'm like trying to step over and then he gets scared and then he runs into where i'm stepping and then i'm like ah and then and then i'm like and they like fall over and it scares him more and he's like what the [ __ ] and he doesn't know what to do like bird's eye view of this situation it's just me going and moat's going wow [Laughter] are you thinking what i'm thinking probably not what were you thinking let's just say it at the same time and the count of three ready okay one two three let's get it talking what [Laughter] i was gonna say let's get a dog and smother it in peanut butter coffee to me is like a means to an end you know oh you just need to inject the caffeine into your veins exactly like if you drink just coffee by itself it just tastes like dirt feet i like my coffee black [Music] go on that's it that's it what else is there too it's a statement just making a statement of fact it's like i like my coffee like i like my women very very nice with lots of milk and sugar [Laughter] i like my coffee like i like my racism and every morning what this is weird no uh we return to the mountains whatever what do you mean whatever the [ __ ] is i want to snorlax you know what sometimes aaron [ __ ] him [Laughter] when life deals you [ __ ] that guy [Laughter] have you named your nuts no really i will now [Laughter] minor alpha and omega [Laughter] wait which one's alpha uh the left one which one's omega the uh i forgot um what if i was like the middle one i was gonna suggest you name them fellman louise next time on gabriel why do they call them trapper keepers if they don't keep trappers amazing question like like you open it and there's just a guy who like catches beavers for a living like oh thank god [Laughter] thank god i was dying in there and so do they have a convention for convicted felons called con con [Music] so yeah okay okay i should have gone to star wars two route con con oh you mean star trek two yeah oh did i say star wars you did oh embarrassing yeah you're gonna get comments up the wazoo yeah yeah i i love them both i never understood that like you have to choose one or the other dear daniel yeah today i watched pokemon episode whatever the [ __ ] this one is and i regret to inform you that you were incorrect and you're telling him a joke about star trek you said star wars when in fact the movie that you were thinking of was star trek the movie starring captain kirk please include twenty dollars in your response i need bus fare jim it's a big ass bird yeah it's a furo that bee keep beekeeper that beekeeper is keeping a lot of birds [ __ ] up with that right uh maybe all the birds ate his bees and then he was like well this is better yeah well huh i'm not gonna look this gift horse in the mouth isn't it weird that like at least once a day your hand is just like touching your [ __ ] like i had the voice to text on my phone and i got i got a message from my new zealand friend hope your journey home was as good as it possibly could be missing you heaps already and i responded with i know i love you too i've thought about you like a hundred times since i've been here isn't it i didn't want to hit send while i was laughing [Laughter] oh god damn it i had some chocolate tea and it's [ __ ] with me chocolate tea it was in your cupboard my friend i don't buy the tea do you think i buy the tea is that susie is that was this susie's no it's the [ __ ] tea goblin hey i got a joke where old people smell like depends [Laughter] why do white girls walk in groups of odd numbers oh yeah why because they can't even it's so [ __ ] stupid well first of all you're very handsome smoothie group second of all i love your voice third of all let's hang out yeah fifth of all where's the fourth of all yeah i forgot what's strong against poison somebody's gonna be like oh it's [ __ ] whatever ground but i don't know oh god stop but it's the worst because oh he is weak against ground i should change [Laughter] while i was in chuck e cheese at one time they were playing a video uh of chucky himself the giant mouse guy dancing around on a shitty green screen background like the kind like that was like an early 90s background like the type of background like from pump up the jam by technotron oh yeah with like weird technicolor crazy colors yeah and it's just him dancing around to the song like it's hip to be square it's ironic now because i realized that all the teenagers that were older than me at that chuck e cheese were on drugs the guy in the chucky suit ugh that would be that would be the ultimate irony the guy in the chucky suit dancing in the hip to be square video just [ __ ] up on shrooms and he's just like got his arms out and [ __ ] he's just like slowly i am a square [Laughter] [ __ ] i gotta go get some [ __ ] potions oh god what i'm bored you're bored i'm bored i know i'm bored with how bored you are yeah cut it down with beedrill oh i never saw that before sorry look at this kitty's like 10 pixels tall all i ever heard about was the um that story about the story about oh i think it was in china they were like shipping a beached whale um and then and then like in the middle of the streets it was so hot that it just exploded onto like and like intestines and [ __ ] we're just all over the city [Music] and people came from far and wide to look at it not because it exploded but because it had such a huge penis i i was doing like a glass uh a glass cutting class like a or like a i don't even know what the word is i was young it was like a stain like how to create stained glass windows and [ __ ] like that and they give you like the knife that's like a little wheel it's like like what you cut pizzas with um but on a smaller scale that's a glass cutter and i cut like my i ran over my hand uh but i guess i hit like some kind of like vein or artery and every time my heart beat like there'd be like a new fountain of like i was like a teacher and they were like whoa okay oh god i would like you to poop on my face this guy's a nightmare i kind of like tired dan cool [Laughter] uh bert [Laughter] birders bird [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] one pro [Laughter] anyway his eb evolved into flareon but it evolved into vaporeon i wonder why wow what a conversationalist i can't imagine why you're alone puttering aimlessly around this room well i was hoping i'd make some friends in here but i just made new enemies my flavion turned into a monkey snirch well [Laughter] batman i won't stand for this who the [ __ ] is that that's morgan freeman oh yeah i get you he calls me he doesn't call him bruce he's just like batman welcome back and he's like what the [ __ ] man yeah we're in a meeting right now he's like oh sorry [Laughter] just kind of slipped out that'd be the most amazing way for a secret identity to get blown like they're just all out at dinner and it's like batman could you pass the mustard dude morgan freeman what the [ __ ] and bruce wayne's like [ __ ] i'm not he's like he's he doesn't move each his eyes are open he's like i can't make a move but he needs that mustard it's the mustard he deserves [Laughter] i can't do the voice when i'm laughing you better bet get get busy passing get busy [Laughter] batman do you want another ice team and like everyone goes dead silent like a fork drops bruce wayne's the only one with an icy [Laughter] he just kind of like silently gets up and like like with his like shoulders hunched a little bit like walks to the bathroom he [ __ ] never comes back [Laughter] oh god they put up the [ __ ] symbol in the sky and it's just like a delicious glass of iced tea look what's waiting for you batman if you come back the whole [ __ ] town hears about it like he like shows up and he's like commissioner there's a problem going on he's like all right bruce and he's like what he just [ __ ] [ __ ] shoots this thing up in the air and flies off why is everybody doing this stop stop it you're embarrassing me [Laughter] they're all in the post in the post office and bruce wayne is just like [ __ ] like filling out a form and lucious like across the [ __ ] across the room it's just like batman get me some steps i just need a roll of stamps [Laughter] hey batman yeah batman the one in the suit bruce wayne you know batman batman wayne i i'm sorry i'm i'm sorry i have to do it in front of they're driving home in like dead silence or i like to imagine like everybody's staring at him and bruce wayne's got like the look of death in his eyes and morgan freeman's like oh oh oh my god but on the other hand i really need those things so uh sorry not sorry [Laughter] so chillax for a sec give me those [ __ ] stamps and maybe we'll talk it out oh god next time our game grumps [ __ ] ronald mcdonald comes out he's like hey what's going on guys and grimace is like why am i here yeah and then hamburglar was like rabble rubble are you really my friends and then when hamburglar didn't shave he was like stable stop [Music] then when he was like being immature at the dinner table with his milk he was all like [Laughter] and his mother was like you're in trouble trouble oh god oh boy to your room mister on the double topple i can't think of any other hubble run it's okay there's not many oh wait hold on wait wait in a science class when somebody was like so how do you think we take pictures of these galaxies he's like hubble [Laughter] i'm i'm literally surrounded on all sides by a cloud of your fart like a brownish a brownish haze yeah it's like like a stoner movie but like turn up the color contrast and turn down the tint yeah and instead of everybody being happy everyone's like this what if farts got you high oh no this is really the the riddle all right okay there's a guy and there's two doors and he says the first one is the right door but he always tell i don't [ __ ] remember [Laughter] a woman and two men okay women are two men are drinking iced tea all right and uh they they all they all drink it the guys uh the guys drink it quickly and the woman drinks it slowly and sh oh but only all three are poisoned but only she dies why uh because the poison was in the ice cubes you next time i'm getting gross a woman's drinking poison [Laughter] what as she dies why why did she die show your work a guy stops a girl on the street he asks her out she says what the [ __ ] is up with i mean seriously i'm a nice guy [Laughter] my first dog was named uh dead puppy what uh our magikarp [Music] good job thanks man too many ninja that's his license plate yeah what did i [ __ ] just say what did you say i was like use it on turn snacko and you were like yeah but i gotta do that all right turn snack out as long as i thought of it it's a good idea you know look at that doofy [ __ ] face poof i learned to move oh no no i'm a doctor now i'm gonna withdraw a water pokemon and it is going to be goldy and it's gonna be this one i'm sorry that's really funny supersonic who the [ __ ] wants to know that i don't know wait i could have gotten rid of flail i screwed it up super sonic actually pretty useful i need to set i need to set the hotkey to my map okay cause you can do that that's cool [ __ ] i [ __ ] it up i'm so sorry dad it's a [ __ ] cider oh yeah you wanted one of these oh my god my [ __ ] dick is like hitting the roof right now go get him go get him uh dig can you dig it yeah i can aaron i'm gonna need you to raise your game a little bit right now check it out my game get him here no good good raised it your defense harshly fell dude i don't need you to narrate my life whoever's whoever is uh editing this just say hello but do it in your color text so i know who it is okay hi hi blevin levin where'd the l come from uh larry our new our new editor larry hey larry the neighbor from three's company i love your red comic sam stacks hi my name is larry i'm 17. it'd be awesome if we had like i don't know like our editors had like a fake third persona named larry with red text and he was just like he could like they could live out all their like dick fantasies not their dick fantasies but like they're being a dick fantasies like towards us like nice [ __ ] joke [ __ ] and like we can't do anything because we won't know who was responsible for larry the red comic sans and green drop shadow nice nice [ __ ] texture choice larry i like her rather duvet is very strong really yes extremely strong i'd love to slap you with my dewgong all right next time i get gross oh wait it's too big i was just in such a hurry to get the [ __ ] out of here shut the [ __ ] up you're such an [ __ ] [Laughter] oh my god just like yeah like welcome back to game rooms oh next time okay [Laughter] [ __ ] douchebag yeah he really is [ __ ] you up you've been fighting him for like two minutes now yeah pull your [ __ ] together shut up jesus sorry oh man that's super effective jesus christ looks like you're peeing and sneezing on him dude what jeans i wear is politically motivated is that right yeah [ __ ] old navy like it's supporting the navy i don't have time for that which political support are you departing through your pants and you're like yes i don't know if i ever told this story at gabriel you might as well all right it's too late now this is one of my darkest times in u.s history oh [ __ ] i i was very poor uh-huh um i i worked at [ __ ] disney world right and uh apparently no actually i didn't anyway um so here's the deal toys r us was selling elite beat agents on sale elite beat elite beat agents i don't know what those are it's a nintendo ds game oh okay um it was selling that on sale for seven dollars because they had like a billion of them so i bought a bunch of them okay and walmart was still selling them for 30 a piece right walmart has a very lenient return policy especially for walmart's in very nice areas so if you go in with three items at a time uh because it has to be under a hundred dollars right uh you can just be like i bought these and i don't want them wow you have the receipt and it's like no and they're like well all right but it has to be a nice walmart it can't be like in a really bad neighborhood okay um they'll just give you money wow so there you go dude yeah but well i can't believe you take advantage of a totally innocent enormous corporation like that i was very i was in a really shitty place i didn't make like any money and i was like this is this is like i bought food you [ __ ] that's what i did i bought food so i could live unbelievable yeah i swear to god if walmart goes out of business in the next 10 to 15 years i'm blaming you did you ever kill a man yes all right uh kevin go ahead and edit that so it says yes yes god damn it [Music] [Laughter] oh you got him oh that's a [ __ ] psyduck go button like i can't handle how much psyduck there is in this world well you just caught one didn't you yeah but you [ __ ] send them out i don't have them yet but i went to some hot duck action you don't understand that he's in a pc all right oh i said it [Laughter] you're always so forceful with your language and it hurts sometimes talking about it hurts i'm sorry hershey squirt oh mr president hershey squirts what the [ __ ] are you talking about this is something my sister used to do like in grade school she would pretend to be marilyn monroe but that's what she'd say and it was the [ __ ] funniest thing it's still fun it's so funny oh god i love her mr president that's somebody's mom right now she is somebody's mother oh boy i love it i love it i had a little flat flap um and uh it was one of those growing things oh yeah yeah and uh i put it in the tub and i forgot about it and it got really really really big and it started like cracking and i was like oh god i don't think it has enough mass to support it itself there's like no water in the tub it's just a giant just keeps growing like it's like spilling out of your bathroom door and you're like backed against the door holding it in your dad's like what's wrong you're like nothing [Laughter] he's like that makes me think there's something wrong why is that nothing gets by you dad i wish i could i wish i could [ __ ] put it to sleep again that would be really helpful but he took out my [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i can bring him back uh yo i can bring back maybe maybe the uh that is that is different god [ __ ] damn it i'll bet he did [Music] hi how are you my boyfriend says hi sometimes all right i get it you have a boyfriend like i don't that's not what this is yeah just saying hello anyway you single yeah anyway [ __ ] him i do frequently because he's my boyfriend yeah [Music] i mean he's a sweetheart yeah he's a really good guy he just yeah i mean like he's an [ __ ] to me like all the time but like sometimes he ignores me yeah and the other times he ignores me but like i've got some stuff in his house so i can't break up with him [ __ ] agony for me i'm gonna give you a peen missile let's put the penis okay hello this is the gun will his resurrection machine make that look so sad bring me his skull you know they've tried it look who's playing god now you're late where were you i literally walked out the door and walked back in bye honey i'll be back in a second oh i forgot my keys where have you been do [Music] [Laughter] real quick uh the mr mart our psyduck like from the back he just looks like he's like constantly like you ask him a question he's like give me a [ __ ] second here god oh i'm sorry i'm sorry mr fujita like that's his first response to it yeah yeah just like immediately could you help me out with this god give me some time [ __ ] one minute what do i look like an adorable peep i mean i do no it's just i was just name dropping my bro chris sabit chris abbott the [ __ ] actually never really learned how to say this sounds like a real bro he he complimented me on my audience it might be christ it might be crazy yeah he's a pretty big deal he's a pretty cool guy you know yeah he's all handsome and [ __ ] listen wow looks like i'm two degrees of separation away from a big deal [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh man sorry no you're one degree yeah i know you're a big deal you're a big deal there's a lot of big deal on this couch right now there's a lot of big d on this couch i know all too well okay my dick wait what's he talking about yeah give me a [ __ ] second here people are watching oh i don't want these i was on the wrong store aaron what god stop you're embarrassing me oh i'm gonna fart but i gotta i'm holding it in don't i'm i'm holding it i mean don't yeah okay thank you oh it's punching its way out dude [Music] tossing balls around i'm gonna breathe deeply for a little bit i'm gonna i'm gonna sit somewhere in this awful fart cloud that you've created for me yeah it's called bikram yoga idiot [Music] that's what bikram is someone with heinous gas comes in and farts until it's sauna-like is this perhaps a swing back at the the small amount of people who have said you should not have hitched your wagon to making a bedroll your main pokemon is that perhaps what you're trying to suggest here beedrill is the best pokemon and please don't ever suggest otherwise wait so when i was sucking on your lollipop and you were like that's a great way to suck on my lollipop you you you were just easy to please that was what i [ __ ] on your first [Laughter] you mean when i squirted ketchup all over here hot dog [Laughter] i just love censoring the wrong thing i'm gonna [ __ ] you in the ass and then we're gonna eat sandwiches [Music] [Laughter] whoa what was that whoa whoa whoa [ __ ] priming frost come on all right time to bring out the big guns [Laughter] uh that's probably the one one of the like 10 family guy jokes i ever laughed at what's that is that the episode where he was like i don't speak english and he's like wow you speak pretty good english and he's like well i only i only know that phrase and then this phrase explains i love it goodbye this is the end of game grumps aaron has decided that it's opposite day yeah so i mean no now he's you're off to a bad start it's not at all what i said right you know when you have a burp and you just can't no oh does that mean yes because it's opposite day no [Laughter] damn it yeah psyduck's like i'm fine i don't need a second side x like rubbing his temples like i can't remember if her name was karen it was karen meanwhile like a bats like biting the [ __ ] up let's no i'm serious right now it's not absolutely anymore okay okay all right okay good i love you i think you're a great friend oh my god you are putting me in a real bind here [Laughter] [Music] i am my emotions are just all twisted up in a pretzel we stopped opposite day [Music] it's over [Laughter] i'm gonna use a [ __ ] i'm gonna fight eradicate dude my [ __ ] mr mart is gonna be so goddamn strong is that the blue experience bar does that when that fills he goes up to level 31. he said it works okay cool you like experience bars dude great yeah idiot sorry that was really uncalled for yeah i'll just pretend it was happening for a second obviously on you're stupid opposite day off truce truce office opposite day on truce opposite day off [Music] [Laughter] it's like the most unnecessary thing to say oh no his [ __ ] [ __ ] is super effective against me i needed to switch out oh your defense harshly fell yeah that's [ __ ] up that's two stages i don't know what that means it means it fell two stages right instead of one stage it fell two stages that's how pokemon works buddy nice so pokemon works you're no longer mac compatible what your you can't because never mind it's it's just no i i kind of want to know what you i tried to make and never mind it like it made sense in my head and then as soon as i said it it was like nope makes no sense you know what i should have said i should have just made a weird joke out of it i should have been like you're not shack compatible and then shaquille o'neal and turned snacker won't get along anymore does that make more sense i feel like it does [ __ ] it's like hold on baby i'm not usb yo you 80 shaq compatible which means if you and him hang out you'll be like pretty good friends you know what i'm saying cliffkey is um oh voltorb i remember him yeah electrode is just voltworm upside down okay oh yes yes it is but with eyes on the white part instead of the red part yeah and more disturbing somehow yeah yeah you know what yeah he just looks like he could cause more mischief mischief yeah so this is magnamite uh evolved it's just three magnets [Laughter] when i was in third grade there was a girl named sabrina who i went roller skating with once was she hot she was eight was she hot to your child eyes uh but could you imagine like a like a really [ __ ] intense like pokemon bust where they like oh you take open the door and they're like get down get down go go go shut that [ __ ] dog it's just like there's a [ __ ] psyduck in the corner like sorry he's like gets caught in the crossfire and gets like shot at it's like something just like paints the wall with [ __ ] side oh god [Laughter] i told you about that right no my friend adam had a theory that all creed songs were like walk the monkey because it's like oh my mom care the moment there's like five examples it's a when you are walking the monkey [Laughter] oh [ __ ] meet charlie yeah oh [ __ ] yeah he looks like his girlfriend just like slammed the door on him he's like baby really come on 39.95 [Laughter] wing attack [ __ ] yeah um yes i'll [ __ ] learn wing attacks that's awesome no no not flamethrower oh [ __ ] no did you [ __ ] it up oh no did you really [ __ ] it up what is wrong with you how do you [ __ ] up a menu i was trying to quickly go to scratch i was so confident about the movements of the cursor did you just like [ __ ] us over for like the next three weeks oh you look very disheartened i don't know if you're messing with me or not or if like you're really sad you look really sad hold on hold on i gotta [ __ ] google i gotta there's a there's a guy who can make you learn you relearn moves okay well we're gonna we're gonna pause right now fire red we're gonna go really you're gonna make people walk listen you google move tutor pokemon moves they have forgotten on island two next to the game house where the [ __ ] is that yeah rock those two yeah attack's pretty rad you just flap your wings twice and they flew out the window of the corporation obviously yeah i'm one of the rocket brothers um that's what happens when you skip leg day you can't you can't stay on your feet i don't think i've ever seen you actually fight one of these uh yeah you did i caught one i mean well i mean like but like fight to the point of fainting like that like he just [ __ ] slapped him mercilessly across the room he was dipped in [ __ ] he looks like it looks like a chocolate frosted [ __ ] melted banana dip it in [ __ ] what is that you ever seen that no that's my boy mark m dip it in chef just stupid and [ __ ] [Laughter] what is it a commercial i mean like or not a cartoon yeah it's a cartoon okay can you can you tell me what ekans backwards is [Music] snakes [Laughter] canes [Laughter] he's like a big long cage yeah that's what it is and he's almost naked [Music] [Laughter] jesus what is that a rock with hands it looks like somebody like drew his face and then like messed up on his mouth so it like goes a little bit too far yeah he's like oh all right ratata no he like they like messed up with the white crayon you see and they just like whoops off to the right i mean you already let yourself go by the by that point but i'm just kidding it's a telephone better not use it who knows what this thing might be capable of [Laughter] juggler dalton he's got a kadabra oh boy he's going to send a blue pool he's going gonna [ __ ] smash his [ __ ] yeah yeah he's like go kadabra let me bend that spoon for you whatever i can beat this yeah i think i think you know what with your [ __ ] legendary creature across space and time yeah i think you can [ __ ] take out uh six magnets hey lenny kravitz is going to play the super bowl what speaking of astroturf and lenny kravitz i know he played football yeah he's he's good um it's probably going to be the seattle seahawks versus lenny kravitz [Laughter] only lenny kravitz yeah yeah he's good i'll like reel back and chuck that like [ __ ] ball like a beautiful arcing rainbow pass and it'll just be like american woman and then kelly rotted him and he's like i've got to get away [Laughter] [ __ ] don't you forget it don't forget who hammered you guess what time it is all right what the [ __ ] whoa what the hell is going on no that's copyrighted okay okay [Laughter] close it just close it just there's some beds over here apparently so says this um mind of mine yes of course my god damn it son of a [ __ ] you scared me ah jesus christ did you not revive a bunch of your dudes no i can do them here i don't know why i didn't do that i might not have a revive though oh i do i have four well then everything's coming up daisies if i was just dropped into this pokemon world and the first thing i saw is that [ __ ] goldbat i'd be like pretty goddamn confused myself are you hungry are you yeah do you want me to try to say something throw something into your mouth [Music] in your mouth what do you what do you think it's the dame cook yeah it's the damn cookie um i was cleaning a dish i was cleaning a dish and then i walked out i walked out i walked out aaron and i uh were driving through la last night and we saw dane cook uh it was on a marquee i guess he's doing a show here and then we and we got lost in a world of pronouncing things like dane cook does so we went out a lot things went into her mouth i saw a pink car okay a car it was pink pink like the sky when the sunset is going down wait what was was it his wikipedia article oh yeah then somebody edited it to be like an unfunny douche [Laughter] oh is is it next time on gamers having it it's time for next time on game groups okay yeah we don't have our usual timer so i have to keep checking the little stopwatch on my uh on my phone but uh what does it say it says i don't know it says 10 plus something so [ __ ] it says over 10 all right that's all that matters yes yeah it says we're out we're out of time make no mind of it that it actually says 30 something i couldn't clean a dish coconut [Laughter] could be a watermelon looks like a coconut next time oh we don't steal jokes we just repeat them yeah everybody shut the [ __ ] up that's gay yeah that's not a pity oh [ __ ] look at mr mart yeah he's [ __ ] he's like super hunched over and ready for battle now yeah he's got like check out my fat back that's a fat man you ever thought of throwing a rock at a bird i haven't teaching children good good moral values good hygiene yeah in order to get yourself clean you have to kill a bird in the air right and then go home and brush your teeth with your [ __ ] poop your poop poopy breath [Music] [Laughter] i thought the bagging referred to putting a condom on it's like a badass term that dudes at ralph's yeah and tag them and bag them baby and tagging refers to sex which wouldn't make much sense because then you're putting on the condom after sex damn you [ __ ] those eggs up with your dragon which in retrospect makes a lot of sense a bunch of eggs go giant fire dragon with a flame that's always burning in his heart go yeah alakazam's like oh [ __ ] [Laughter] uh future site yeah i could read your future you're gonna [ __ ] die you've got like one percent health and you're dead i've got the sight oh [ __ ] the future's terrible yeah i don't like this future also i'm burning alive well i never [Laughter] yeah i feel like that this whole game has been going leading up to that moment yeah you nailed it did you notice how everyone on the iowa test always got 98th percentile or better what the hell are you talking about did you not have that no the iowa test was this random test that they used to make us take like in like first through eighth grade i'm going nowhere with this i'm just surprised you never heard of it no we had the um we had the f cat maybe it's the same kind of thing yeah the florida circumstances are tricky next time on game girl what's a florida circumstance [Laughter] how to navigate your liz uh your bike through a thousand lizards oh that's true yeah yeah that was a florida thing yeah ten ways to know you're a florida kid click here number five will make you [ __ ] your dad here's the thing it was one of those it was one of those uh like like urgent like indiana jones style like i gotta i gotta get there before the door closes but the door closing is coming out of my b-hole oh that's the only kind you have though i've never seen you say like excuse me gentlemen i believe i must retire to the restroom now it's always like oh my god like out of nowhere that's so true anyway what the [ __ ] was i saying oh yeah so that [ __ ] right so i ran and i ran and it was one of those shits where like it's just it was just catapulting out before my cheeks even hit porcelain it's so immature like if there was like a filmed like if there was a camera filming like the side of the toilet like the cross section of the toilet yeah you would have seen pooh coming out of the beetle before it made contact yeah i you know what yeah i wouldn't first of all not a film i'd watch secondly i'd [ __ ] rent that [ __ ] so hard i'd like to imagine it was set to the uh the music of like right after luke skywalker shoots the missiles into the death star like inside of seashell chomping on that guy's ass and he's like yeah more of that please one guest to tell you what my fetish is this is what i wanted i'll give you a hint that involves shells tails and chomping oh my god that is funny who knows like what i mean they're calling that a battery but who knows like what we think of as a battery when that actually showed up was it a capacitor i don't know it requires it's a it's a big wall of text that i have no interest in reading right now plus this thing's a [ __ ] puppet it wouldn't have batteries well go on read it really you want me to no okay i'm sure it was like a capacitive battery no nothing nothing gets uh i think it's people loving an episode quite like one of us on our phone reading the long-winded history of batteries on wikipedia dear diary today dan shared with me one of the most boring things [Laughter] god i cannot get over this [ __ ] slow bro he's like like the thing's munching up towards his butt and he's like almost there keep those teeth and shut you think when do you think when the shell gets like all the way to his butthole his his his ears uncurl and make like a sound effect [Laughter] god that's a solid question you have snatch and double team who needs a tract oh damn oh my god oh yeah our new jacked nerd is way [ __ ] cooler than he used to be yeah back in the box he goes yeah well i'm not saying no give give them back to the daycare guy oh yeah okay well good to see you nerd i guess i'll leave you babe you killed one oddish he's like yeah i'm pumped the adventure's going to stop hey where are you doing yeah oh oh all right pokemon how about nerd final look after your nerd for a while oh eradicate he's so hard [ __ ] my splurge go splart uh thunderbolt dammit that's gonna be really strong [Laughter] well sports probably my best pokemon right it's like it's like and ma are the [ __ ] different no it's like the way we say both differently both yeah i i say it like a w is in there and you say like an l is in there for some reason both i do the first time i heard it i was like what both let's we'll both both go i can't even do it we'll both go i feel like if i still sort of had that mindset like i can kind of like kind of go back to that time in my life and be like and sort of like feel it again not genuinely but like i can empathize with that feeling right right right um and it's like man like maybe if i went down that path like i would be uh a bisexual male it's hard to know a deal instead of jokingly talking about [ __ ] jason mama and the sweet beautiful jason momoa no i mean like muscly cheeks and i ain't talking about the ones on his face god they're so good dude the boobs you know what i'm talking about no explain it to me well they're like they're like butts but like up on the chest i've i've been asked to explain a boner to a girl like what the sensation is like yeah and and then like what it's like to like put it in a in a warm hole all right uh i would say it probably feels like when a girl's nipples get hard right is that what would you compare your nipples getting hard to a boner probably not exactly then no okay well i i that's tricky i think i can answer the second question it feels like the best that's that's the easy one i think i think i was with barry once yep and like and and i was like describing it and he and he was like he was like yeah yeah i could say that it was like it was something like it's pleasantly uncomfortable that's funny well there's different levels of boner like there's the normal boner which is just like it feels like yeah it's weird the boner itself is not like a pleasurable feeling it's not it's not anything it's just there but it's it's more like a yearning for another feeling that yeah oh wow huh interesting you know what i mean it's it's defined by its motivation exactly like it's not um it's not the feeling of the the boner itself it's the like let's go let's put this somewhere come on folks we got things to do and i'm losing it i can only stay up here for so long guys i gotta go back don't talk to me don't [ __ ] talk to me [Laughter] dude we are approaching 100 are you fire ready oh [ __ ] dude i'm so ready you better dude what you were like right before the episode started you were like let's [ __ ] do it would you [ __ ] a guy would it be me let's do it and then like we start the episode you're like well i get really fired up about [ __ ] guy [ __ ] involves you and another nameless guy but when it comes to the show like i mellow out a little bit you know right right yeah i'm more passionate about it clearly i see where your priorities lay my priority is to lay already come the [ __ ] on why why it's a [ __ ] roll the dice and i always land on [ __ ] tails wait when you hurt yourself in confusion does that mean you just like punched yourself in the face pretty much like where do you think you're going got him [Laughter] [Music] what do you say to that back fat that does have a fat back i had some guy come up to me at the the last unicorn thing oh the last unicorn thing let's talk about that yeah all right in a minute tell your thing which was really nice but like he came he came up to me well he came up to you with his friend and clearly didn't give a [ __ ] about me and then and then he was all like oh man you're great dan you're the best oh you're the coolest and you were like oh thanks man and i was like i was like oh that's nice and he like took a picture with you and then he like walked away and then his friend walked up to me and was like [ __ ] beedrill man what it's like hurting your standing in the community do they did did they not know that you're trolling people uh i don't know okay i i don't know anymore yeah i think i think it started off as trolling and now you're like no no i'm gonna make this work no beedrill's not a troll he's my favorite pokemon is he really no no i'm trolling what's wrong with you i'm so stupid i never expect my friends to be lying to me for any reason oh i'd do it for comedic i know i do it for fun and profit well the only time i ever profit is if i i have a hearty laugh afterwards i didn't know what a [ __ ] was though no yeah i wasn't uh you're lost bro well they're the best twelfth i was getting head when i was like six from my babysitter i was getting head when i was born because i was born with it sweet bro i came out of a vagina i came out the [ __ ] with [ __ ] yo the moment i hit [ __ ] fresh air my dick hit [ __ ] why don't we get more street cred for that [Laughter] you were so like when i was [ __ ] 18 i finally learned like what sex was you're like you're like two and you're like man i sure could go for a hummer right now it didn't happen i was just very curious about it at a very young age yeah i can see why yeah and all kinds of hot girls around you and where were you born in the 20s you got those flappers yeah oh god i remember my first charleston in fact they named the chew after me can't 12 that's a compliment enough i remember when i bought my first girl a cane soda how cool would it be to like go to like a concert in the 70s you know like in a high school gymnasium before they had like big laser lights and [ __ ] like that oh yeah and like see one of your favorite bands before they got bigger i don't know the example i would always use is rush because like they were my favorite band growing up but they're also like impossibly good musicians um but then when i like went back and listened i like found these bootleg recordings from like before their first album and like you can tell they're kind of still like learning their instruments maybe i can be a good musician because the people i love the most weren't good at it like right off the bat you know like i'm sure it would have been cool for you to see like some of your favorite artists in like a really like early stage [Music] oh i'm sorry am i boring you am i [ __ ] sorry i'm just sharing really deep childhood emotions with you no no [ __ ] figure out your rock blast [ __ ] no i don't want to give you my ride shoe you piece of [ __ ] you [ __ ] old fart do you have a ditto and an articuno you can trade for this this chair i found [Laughter] nice chair comes in a set of four beautifully upholstered you can buy the other three i went to burger king today i bought somebody burger yeah i mean i'm a nice guy yeah whatever we can bro out it's cool oh i see you've killed me whatever no big deal it's cool yo i'm gonna get a quick attack in yeah probably did a lot of damage to you it's cool don't worry about it he does have that look on his face like um hey how you doing well [Laughter] oh burglar dusty yeah dude i love that name why isn't his name why isn't he just a dusty burglar what a what a solid questionnaire just dude when you have like hit your limit on playing pokemon it is my favorite i mean it happens to everybody but like do you have one person that frequently like you're talking to them and like that you just see their mouth moving and that you like kind of like snap to the realization that you haven't understood a thing they've said for the past 20 minutes yeah i used to i think most of my friends now are pretty awesome cool agreed to say important things but like yeah definitely i've experienced that before yeah like 100 yes yeah many people i can think of and then you just have to be like yeah or like i know right and then they're just good for the next 20 minutes they'll just talk and talk i once had i once had a friend who i'm not friends with anymore right i didn't even really like him at the time super um but like he used to do that and we'd go on skype together and he would do that and like i don't even know why but i did there's just this one point where i just [ __ ] just got up and left and made myself a sandwich while he was talking looking back that is the rudest [ __ ] he was still talking oh my god i'm gonna be pretty angry later what oh and wait no scat man crothers no it's mount fuji okay they call anybody in japan when you say uh mount fuji you say fujisan which is like mr fuji is that right yeah oh that's funny oh okay [Music] well mr know-it-all that was like one step away from like you could see all the facial features on his human face it's weird that his name is fuji when the mountain is also called fuji he's standing on top of mount fuji it looked like a mountain in the picture does it not look like a mountain oh man that is funny [Laughter] these [ __ ] robot faces over here they're like yeah after the fuji thing after it says that the robots are like there didn't you you fell for my fuji painting trick are we oh whoa we're just going on your private yacht huh looks like my pal's boat arrived that's weird yeah it's just like hey hey is that the chick yeah yeah can you get can i get you to wait for me for just a bit yeah absolutely that's what's fun about video games forced waiting yeah let me do let me do you a favor while i wait this sounds a lot like life [Laughter] [Applause] come to my island on my boat wait here can you do me a favor oh you're a stranger here hi where did you come from pallet town i don't know good talk [ __ ] god damn it now where has lost all gone to today i've looked over here and over here she's gone forever [Laughter] she always brings me lunch every day right about now are you lost do you have my lunch [Music] presents [Music] they're just bicycles and they're making like motorcycle sounds with their mouths [Laughter] at first like i didn't realize it was duo duo like with the two heads it just looks like mickey mouse after he like fell in like a vat of like acid and he's just like help me looks like he's shrugging his shoulders like well [ __ ] it [Laughter] i'm this now yeah [ __ ] bulbasaur get this [ __ ] onion off my back [Laughter] what is it fun is it funny to hear someone who didn't grow up with this like reaction to the creatures 100 [Laughter] it's just like i never really thought about so many things you just accept right off the bat yo i heard you said [ __ ] pidgey that other picture was like get him dad all right son wait oh [ __ ] [Music] uh why don't you go play with your coach yeah yeah and like then he walks over to turn snack on he's like listen here's 50 bucks or you could throw giant rocks at me that's that's cool too yeah all this all right i'll just be unconscious if you need me just walk up to him and take his 50 bucks anyway daddy his leg is twitching get out of here get out of here get out of here duck's like who the [ __ ] are you guys don't barf god do you think um do you think like super hot guys like jason mama what nothing go on they're like oh babe look at the bar they're just like hanging out with some super bottle yeah and the girls are like yeah two do it on me wherever you want oh thanks babe [Laughter] no the leader of i'm trying to think of like a really obscure like south american country that nobody would know jesus christ weeping bell are you [ __ ] kidding me with that that's what he turns into it gets worse oh my god he doesn't look finished doesn't he kind of look like a clown like krusty the clown he looks like [ __ ] crusty he looks like a child's art project that doesn't want to be alive help help me [Laughter] put me back in the kiln oh wow what does have this look like oh gosh don't they look like little penises in the bricks it just looks like a rope oh my god it sure does can i can i do this aaron can i share the text yeah go oh yeah okay i don't care okay cool aaron um aaron and i were sitting in the airport getting ready to fly out of dc and uh he he see there's there's one guy sitting across from us and i don't really put anything together this is an older gentleman um a little bit heavy set and uh and you know what i'll just i'll just write the two texts that aaron sent to me right in a row text one [ __ ] fat tim robbins over here look at this guy text too that was actually tim robbins because i guess aaron when we got on the flight aaron noticed that the guy was in first class and then saw like a movie trailer with tim robinson and he was like oh [ __ ] [Laughter] he like looked me in the face too like as i was walking by and he was sitting in his first class seat yeah and i just got a good look at his tim robin's face he's tim robinson i was like there he is that's the guy yeah wow that is funny that's [ __ ] andy dufresne right he's not that fat no you know it was just really funny yeah it was it was it was the posture he had like a lazy posture yeah yeah like he just didn't care yeah yeah like when you like sink into your own chin yeah it's understandable he is an outstanding actor though not to take anything away from me oh my god god that was funny though just to read those two texts back-to-back actually airline there is i believe virgin galactic is uh they have the baby room well i believe like their secret plan is to actually shoot a bunch of babies into space and hello in there yeah alone by themselves exactly so they can start a new baby civilization in space oh it'd be adorable i mean it won't be a baby civilization for long dude you just wrote a [ __ ] summer smash movie like baby planet baby planet i mean didn't they have a ton of only baby planet for like three years then it's [ __ ] kindergarten or planet what were the movies that like um they weren't look who's talking they were more recent than that but like it was all babies it was all babies and they make them talk using cgi and it's super creepy oh [ __ ] man i don't know [ __ ] baby two babies that is the laziest [ __ ] sequel title i've ever heard baby two babies uh sure go with it the movie goes up tomorrow yeah i can slap it on maybe two babies that would also be like um an early 90s like [ __ ] terrible like r b group like baby the number two and then babies with a z maybe it's a baby they just sing cover versions of boys to men's songs and then [ __ ] throw up on themselves she's supposed to teach my charizard to move but she doesn't [ __ ] do it why not [ __ ] you you stupid [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] brink ass [ __ ] looking like a [ __ ] [ __ ] it's good to see that even in your weakened sick state you can still [ __ ] go off on people you're like you're like biggie smalls in the hip hypno ties video what hey remember the song biggie biggie biggie can't you see sometimes your woods just hypnotized me and he's like hit bow ties [Laughter] oh he's fainted that's why i can't do it oh [ __ ] dude bring him back to life yeah but i don't want to use a revive plus i don't even know if i have one yeah i have two [Laughter] don't give a [ __ ] yeah we've gone off on american idol before you know what i like the most about american idol what's that simon cowell yeah that [ __ ] dick bag mother he's not even on the show anymore is that right he left a long time he's probably puppet mastering [ __ ] from behind the scenes nobody doesn't even [ __ ] care everybody just sits in his [ __ ] this [ __ ] mansion and judges people from afar yeah i bet he doesn't care about my opinion of him yeah which is why it's okay for me to say i think he's a [ __ ] douche yeah oh man you know what i think about him what's that he's got a dumb haircut yeah yeah and his v-neck t-shirts make him look like a [ __ ] penis with like a little flippy hair thing on top of it does it i think so that's nice i look at i look at simon cowell and it's just like all i see is a giant dick i'm fighting a golden right now [ __ ] knows some sweet moves like splash [Laughter] being an animator means that you sit in front of a computer all [ __ ] day so my best stories are that i was thirsty once and got it i really like the randomness that people like spout at you before like they they you start fighting like i like to imagine you're just going through your day like would you like uh three or i mean two or four percent milk waitress sandra would like to battle oh [ __ ] i didn't know that really got me she has she's like holding a tray of food but it's like pokeballs on it yeah yeah yeah what the [ __ ] were we talking about animators she was a good woman she'll be missed by all gravedigger ted chooses bellsprout i'm not now please anyway no so a little bit further do you think you have anxiety because of how your mother treated you [Laughter] oh man psychiatrists [Laughter] oh my god i know i was actually thinking of uh a black girl i dated one time oh really yeah was she hot she was awesome cool good line of questioning aaron cool did you find her a satisfactory mate yeah she was super funny and cool that's cool yeah we just wanted different things so it didn't work out but like i wonder wanted man and she [Laughter] she also wanted men that you could relate in that aspect i guess we wanted the same thing really i [ __ ] every time i get yellow curry when on eat 24 it's like it's like how spicy do you want it it's so funny how like we say things like that and i can imagine people think like we have hundreds of brand deals we have no brand deals we just like talk we just it's just how we talk but like if that were a planted thing it would it would sound so man when i ordered thai food from oh god it's so convenient available 24 hours a day i had a weird dream that i was in a really nice mansion house that's it really awesome well there was like a hole in the floor and like like the markiplier was underneath it and he was like hey how do i get out of here this is under the floor yeah wow did you help him no i don't know bro good luck with that though i know pokemon like the back of my hand so what the hell is that on the back of my head that's a joke from fresh prince [Laughter] my daughter was 13 years old when i was 13 where she was when she was consumed by the flames of the volcano um erm it's an anagram from moltres [Music] or actually lobster the lobster [Laughter] hey what's up lobster [Music] aaron dancing isn't stupid [Laughter] i'm sorry i just got my spelling all mixed up yeah lobster that's enough come back go bloop i wish i like that he comes out of the pokeball to accept the slash it's like go blue and he's like [ __ ] really [Laughter] ah when the kangaskhan mom dies the little baby kangaskhan becomes a cubone oh that's so sad so sad by the way did you see that black belt guy's name was atsushi at sushi yeah not not like a twitter handle wait didn't they get in trouble one time i feel like i remember the denny's twitter being in the news for some reason oh i think they might have retweeted something that was like a little not okay like kill jews [Laughter] retweeted by tennis whoa ryhorn you're a funny fellow i like him ninja sex party oh thank you yeah we are we are we did incorporate recently yeah your corporation ninja sex party is a great corporate twitter i feel like what are your write-offs this year his head is weird after one and a half years that's where it's cut this is the pinnacle of game grumps right here his head is weird his head is weird buy our shirts we're so talented i feel like we should just stop while we're at our p yeah well you know you can't be remembered for the bad times if there are none no it just it was all indented it looked like you'd pour like something into it like it's like a mold and you can make another rye horn out of it [Laughter] like a play-doh mold yeah exactly you like these ears yeah well you can't have you're a just because you're a man doesn't mean you can't have sex with me i'm sorry i'm acting out a little thing in my head here oh come on nidorina oh he's stupid she's like you can't kill me with those rocks of yours it doesn't look like she's doing that like hand thing yeah yeah yeah like stop stop just you go ahead and stop right turn snackle was like no she was there she came right up to him and she was like he she did not i'll talk to you later i'm dead [Laughter] [Music] whoa you okay you're killing me smalls i'm sorry i didn't realize you're just [ __ ] down to pack a camel 100's jesus [Music] [Laughter] i'll call you back i'm dead yeah oh geez nidoqueen's like i told her to be home by seven and then bathing suit makes me look fat is like mom you know i wasn't coming home calm down staple remover that's what [ __ ] rhyhorn's head looks like oh yeah yeah it does like one of those little chompy like yeah he's even got the teeth yeah but staple removers always looked like an animal didn't they oh yeah totally they look like the like there's there's not a personal live that's handled a staple remover and then like the [ __ ] most like dry ass humorless corporate crony has picked up a staple remover and been like yay yeah like yeah talking to his boss like that like [ __ ] you i quit and boss is like you can't quit we need you meanwhile the actual boss is like standing there and watching him i think you are incredibly fired right now i mean like all the way fired you okay then he pans over and he's just got a staple remover for head yeah what the boss has this table and he's like the boss the first thing he says is like i believe i requested that all staple movers be removed from the premises of this building it really never has gotten boring for me really yeah like this has been a very interesting game to play the whole way through for me yeah i was out like episode 36 i checked out around episode four it's been a cool like lesson for me like to see like all these different things and like and and and understand why pokemon is as big as it is you know um and and it is interesting there's there's something super lovable about it fosho [ __ ] okay i just you could have just said yeah i agree yo that's not my steez my knees i feel like who was ever the drummer for this band like must have been [ __ ] exhausted just listen [Music] it's like nonstop it's like a death metal [ __ ] double bass drum it's not just like one thing it's like a million no it's like a herd of clydesdales like galloping through a field [Music] uh yeah oh [ __ ] it's [ __ ] clark oh my god car [ __ ] i forgot all about clarf oh [ __ ] [Laughter] oh my god we haven't seen this guy in like 90 episodes jesus christ [ __ ] purple pod kazam trail because he's like oh man i don't think we can get id'd for this or anything content id for the [ __ ] sound oh oh i don't know i don't know i'll watch it off oh god well this episode's almost over so oh okay all right you can you can get you just gotta give it like 20 seconds okay cool how's everybody doing today i'm like sweating bullets because i i can't wait to see the kids there look eyes are darting back and forth come on make eye contact for 30 seconds are you sure you can handle this level three rattata [Laughter] the 90s i remember in the 90s things felt like they were getting darker than they'd ever been and like more cutting edge than they'd ever been now when you watch it it's goofy as [ __ ] but like i don't know at the time like like 1997 like prodigy had released like smack my [ __ ] up and people were like oh my god smack my [ __ ] up that's just the kind of thing that happens nowadays in the 90s you know and now it's like that's barely even music [Laughter] [Music] that's kind of stupid that happens in the 90s no people are shooting up heroin yeah and [ __ ] directly into their eyeballs as music that's when you buy an album they're like all right hey you want to hear some music you've heard the shameless story haven't you sheamus the sheamus no no what is that [ __ ] shibuya 109 which is like a super famous uh tower ship stores oh yeah in shibuya in shibuya there was just this girl that stands outside everybody stands out there inside their shops and like greets you to like try to bring you in but there was this one girl that she was saying you know shy i must say but she was she was saying it so quickly it just came out the shame [Laughter] like you're about to start an early 90s like dance song [Music] the way she was saying it made it sound like she was like irish and a guy named sheamus is like what what and i could hear her because they say it's so loud and i can hear her like all throughout that floor so i just it'd just be like walk by her and she's like just james and then i'm on the other side and i just you're like top of the barn and tell ya look at those eyes jiggly puffs they're filled with such wonder oh she sang me a song oh she missed they're like fishbowl eyes oh god man oh dude what's up guys god does this person yeah hey how you doing [Laughter] dugong here of course we have a table save for you [Laughter] oh man that's awesome right this way mr papa georgia i see you've murdered me okay bye cool couple yeah just seems like something that [ __ ] oh goodness me it look it just seems like something they'd say uh in like a teen magazine cool couple ray and tyra were spotted canoodling down at the pinkberry [Music] [Laughter] yeah is the last one for tonight right yes it is cool then i go home and eat cinnamon rolls and none of these pokemon are up to the challenge apparently sounds pretty good is this the [ __ ] entrance that i came in [Music] pikachu splarts only level 32. i wonder he sucks oh no no way it'll never kill him oh all right you just see me like wait why am i here god damn it cloister [ __ ] you i just want to kill laura lay but i don't want to kill her i want to kill her in bed i don't want to kill her i just want to slay that pus i just want to crush that dude my mom is dedicated oh dude your mom is super dedicated so into [ __ ] uh shadow of the colossus yeah so was i she was she she was i loved that game when she came to visit me like we were still airing shadow of the cola oh my god whoa that wasn't good that wasn't good at all oh dear go we were airing those episodes and she came over to visit me and and she was like we like went out and did some fun stuff and then uh she was like i gotta get home yeah and she when she got home she was like gotta catch up on my game grumps whoa that's awesome what's up maureen maret that's what i meant oh my god i'm so tired of course i know your [ __ ] mom's name i'm still embarrassed about getting barrett's name wrong and now i have to deal with this what the [ __ ] is it it's jinx you [ __ ] john travolta what does he screw does he screw up names you've never seen that no oh my god oh no is it gonna be like the [ __ ] grammys dude oh i remember reading about this but i never saw it stuff like that makes me embarrassed for the person and i don't like it he's giving the he's giving the award for uh like whatever [ __ ] the frozen song sure to um idina menzel he's like he's like please please welcome to the stage the wickedly talented adele desimone adele that's not really close my dad as i've mentioned before was initially very skeptical about my life choices and career choices and as things have worked out miraculously just in time after the 15 years of not working he's totally come around and he's super into it and he's excited and he he just he loves everything about this so he wants to learn more about let's plays um because the concept is still sort of foreign to him right um so like he's asking me about like he's like i see you have a friend and mark and i was like yeah markiplier he's very cool like he's he's a buddy of ours and he's like what about the the swedish guy uh pee wee diddy i'm like do you mean do you mean pewdiepie he's like yeah it's pewdiepie i was like hi guys my name is dede they call me pee wee deedy p-e-e-w-e-e-d-i-d-i javi is that what you're trying to say oh my god pewee deedee you might not you might not be able to guess why they call me peewee i'll give you a little hint i'm 3 4. but i'm full of spunk it's nice to have you home i'm like thank you avi it's nice to be home and he's like it's really good that you have a nice uh place that you can come and decompose and like decompose you mean decompress it's like funky no where you can naturally rot your body away a place where you could die and then return to the elements from which you came fridge there was a a post-it note of something you had said and it was uh he they were talking about something political and he he's like generally a moderate with like most of his thinking and so like he meant to say like he was trying to say like extremists aren't you know the way to go either in either direction and actually ended up saying was down with extremism whoa extremism baby yeah down with it i'm tired of it oh i love extrinsismism that is something that you and me and your dad were gonna have to disagree on yeah yeah and me too extremism everybody loves extremism dude i say up with extremism yeah yeah well you know what fact we need mandatory extrimism sessions yeah exactly god i i often think like whenever i'm watching peewee deedee it's so nice to have a place where i can decompose and just think about my extrinsism that's very extremistic of you like my dad is just slowly but surely creating his own language well next time i can't grasp welcome back to peyton dedy's fun hours holy [ __ ] so while you were gone we ran into a super angry bee tiger she's a little alien yeah he totally is like an alien yeah he's got like the little diamond [Music] oh it's gonna be perfect yay my friends call me peewee you can just call me pee-pee uh she is mariah and um she has very kindly devoted her time to leveling the [ __ ] up uh i mean oh look at greg wait she only leveled up bedroom you know it you know it she got him to level 80 [ __ ] only leveled up that was your request no i wanted her to focus on vidro not only level up feature what i remember your exact words were was um i want to beat the entire elite four using nothing but beedrill that is what i recall well that's what's happening apparently yeah oh my [ __ ] god i forgot about nerd nerd is growing a lot today quite a lot i bet he has he's grown by 14. what that's it i love how he congratulates himself at the end too aren't i great oh man [ __ ] you you know what [ __ ] you 45. that's nothing yeah he sucks look at the [ __ ] vibrating anger why did you take someone oh man 45. we could get turnt snako in there oh man these names dan's stupid i don't remember oh yeah i remember [ __ ] king yeah yeah and pewee oh yeah yeah wow that joke is that oh that lap ass dangle pink dude [Laughter] god damn oh it's little steve yeah i remember which one's bumping which one's dumb that's up to you to decide snuggle [ __ ] oh man barters no i remember the other one it was burnt a sport all right geez oh there's more got snorlax yeah spiro and shh oh that's right i [ __ ] i [ __ ] up sh because i gave him the wrong uh move or whatever yeah pressure's on dude this is very exciting i don't have so if she's been leveling up like crazy how about i have any money i don't know i mean i don't mean to mariah what are you doing you spending on cash girl [Laughter] keeping a little something for yourself on the side uh [ __ ] i think i think lorelei is strong against pedro oh [ __ ] he used uh he raised his especially bro you're [ __ ] annihilating these people because peter is the best pokemon isn't she purple now she's she's darker in the japanese version oh damn whoa how do you like that get out of my way [ __ ] he's got his hands up in the air like [ __ ] come at me bro you should have [ __ ] pokemon does she have jesus last one [Laughter] i don't have any [ __ ] pee pee up stuff what does that mean i'm gonna run out of moves before i go [ __ ] serious aaron i forgot god damn it we're making stew oh no greg is paralyzed uh drill pack steve come on did you just say greg is paralyzed what will greg do i don't know [ __ ] be paralyzed i guess uh yes yes oh awesome yes yes yes yes [ __ ] you gyarados kill her yeah suck my [ __ ] b-dick okay i guess i guess you're a drone all right awesome dragon god a lot of dragons uh okay [ __ ] you yeah well he's dragging he's the dragon trainer oh thing well then well [ __ ] him we just beat him that was literally his monologue yeah he was like i'm a dragon trainer i wasn't driving wasn't paying attention holy crap are we at the end of this game he's like [ __ ] oh yes i got him i got him i got him he's dead mark and i said oh mr martin you saved us all saved us all with your yellow mouth and your four-pronged head oh my goodness oh my god i can't believe it's come down to this it's coming out of this [ __ ] out with this double spoon action i might have a chance no don't restore him dang it he took me out [ __ ] it's down [Laughter] oh god please please anything use and use the anything he's a full restart [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you you dang dingle oh god damn it just pursue these pursuits please please please please oh my god that's what super effective is oh my god i'm first i'm faster than alakazam oh that's because i'm level 90 yeah but he's going to kill you now don't don't don't don't die i have to i have to look this up i have to look if i made a horrible mistake did i make a horrible mistake oh [ __ ] i could have used the bug technique and it would have killed him [ __ ] it all [ __ ] it all i could have beat him with twin needle man oh i could have destroyed him with [ __ ] twin needle how fast is this guy get the [ __ ] he's got a scary face oh no hydra pump come on are you [ __ ] kidding me with this that's a lot of misses earthquake just killed god damn it this [ __ ] is gonna get pin-mistled in the face he's like he's like there's this face space will be good to get pen muscled in i love this yeah that was way easier i know oh my god that's what would have happened last time if i didn't use [ __ ] pursuit like an idiot oh that's hilarious and we have a whole new episode of pokemon just because i didn't use pursuit blasters poison yes oh no but bunt is but it's going to be bunt's residual effect yeah you know that will kill blastoise yeah boy that's like a [ __ ] movie where he goes down your foe's weak get him watch this watch this greg rain continues to fall and is hurt by poison dawn but killed the blastoise bunt is the winner of pokemon pointing to him like remember the name [ __ ] he's like i'll point at you [Laughter] oh i wanted to tell you about that remember how like in that pocket she knows sorry go itchy nose scratch it's like a good story never thought about it starts off in a place and ends up in the same place but things have changed yeah you've learned things wow this was amazing and i learned a lot and i enjoyed it tremendously i i learned a lot about you dan you did one uh uh right you're super interested in slobbing on my knob wow is that is that what you took away from this number two uh-huh that's going to happen tonight whoa you made a promise don't break it okay i'm holding you to it no it's publicly uh i promise hundreds of thousands holding me to a promise that you made just now no i'd be happy no no no don't even i'm not gonna blow you don't you go there don't even go there don't even go to the not blowing me place hey everybody thank you so much goodbye we love you we'll see you soon bye have a wonderful evening wow bye 2014 me is like this took how long
Channel: GameGrumpsHighlights
Views: 880,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, highlights, best of, laughter, laughing, gamegrumps
Id: _zrlI-ECA84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 38sec (10958 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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