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alright Dan III don't know what the [ __ ] this game is about I've only heard that this game is ridiculous okay so I'm gonna do it let's do it we're gonna do it together I'm excited alright stop shaking knees god stop shaking in mother country that's what they called me back in the older my grandma used to call me it was my street name people came to fear it you would only have to hear the name and fear would be stroked into your heart oh no I'm out of ammo whatever shall I do oh that one really worked Arjuna you soon you better watch out kids there's gonna be some shooting your very teeth II D what's this you are like rabbit do you want a roughage to chew on like lettuce or carrots perhaps despite their sins maybe [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] my soul is a good place for you yes hold your penis yes yes that's why I call it yes hole Friend or Foe look giant bird my god bird have man inside should I shoot then we eat could have lived much longer length of three seconds when I shoot what will happen to babies in nest eggs must be delicious a huge family for this spoil easily but okay tell your giant bird oh my god there is no living or dead there is only people who will and won't be bothering I've literally all oh gosh yeah good job hiding out there oh [ __ ] won't be dancing at Luxor again so much fun at least he went out with bang get it and make more joke bang bang oh he died doing what he loved is that doing what you love putting on a good show bang I gotta take out the rocket guy oh yeah where is he he's right there now this should be easy for Ivan Oh girls no germs at least I got to not love you at least like oh my god I wonder how many fans we have in Russia [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] epic epic oh my goodness you think we'll see you because yes okay sorry [Laughter] boy oh my god what is wrong with you maybe that you don't have bullets then why what about about what about we're not playing no don't see runs over yeah we finished it yeah you guys didn't do remember though and this is why I think people asked me you guys did you were so close to being jebel but you did we did not be yeah so maybe you could throw that in a little later if you really want to but if you really want to see cheville getting beat look up a walk through that [ __ ] was hard I [ __ ] spent all weekend playing SEC euro and my blood pressure's very high is it good yeah I love it sweet it makes me angry like nothing else I like the boom yeah it's okay I already light cigarettes no need more assistance guys please no more needing for cigarette light okay where I go is it like gating me from doing okay alright just needed to load the wolf lot of work more dangerous than once thought was that is that young Ivan yes I am on mission very small body pile I am missing psycho head bodies insufficient excuse me body pile too small [Laughter] can you see the scar on my forehead the Panama Canal [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] okay yes there definitely did sniper rifle only used to spy just to make sure to kill confirm okay Church time where is good [Laughter] thing oh yeah that can't feel good you are on penis shots no little big mouse what the hell the other gun came back before my mother say if you say only don't say bad things only say nice English not my mother if if you say bad that don't say maybe he's sleeping sleep well young prince well as my tattoos always say bloody libel elevating your name remind me of one time when I blow up car and I was like boom supposed to be this way oh my god anyone else not by volcano blue I'll excuse me which way to gated be three when it's pretty boring women and children first excuse me I have to get to see very active in fact the guy just killed pilot [Laughter] [ __ ] I celebrate American tradition I like the exploding of this guy haven't seen bomb like this since Jurassic world fallen Kingdom I just told me.there wait till after this is for you because then you will poop you know we'll be the roubles herons some things are sexier to just leave it like leave a little mystery there was no mystery it is a clear IBS problem mystery is not if but when I'm like what there's a blue where did that come from all the time which is inexplicable that Bob always a card do not understand English very well stares I mean sir not to overstep my bounds but that is not a ladder you know sometimes it do be like this oh I am in making of airplanes make Ivan airplane please Oh phlegm through he like just puts together that these are airplanes and not birds wait why have factory for birds eggs no no this does not add up at all and I know edition of math what is soared if not very big nice surprise and Bush oh now I understand what Bob mean [Laughter] the rain is gone now so clear welcome back Erin I can't do this unless I'm half in the bag can you do can you do that voice doing a present of Ivan yes according to Ryan in the chat unfortunately that bowel high-five would not happen one because they aren't done at the same time and to the small bowel is way too long for the camera and they are a med student tell Ryan Ryan I appreciate your medical expertise and also that was not a fun answer so I'm declaring you or charlatan and a rascal I once lived in charlatan the candy shop had three customers had to shut it down after two months there were all your sons [Laughter] last time I saw me chopped up like that was butcher so I will only eat organic from do not like how the animals are treated my God to kill men whole food do not source ethically sprouts on other hand very meticulous about source where is more men to kill so we write Ivan it sprouts kills me she is delicious superfood how do you think Ivan remain syrup chia seeds and acai Ivan spread them on soil covered pottery for maximum growth and then when chia pet grows fully I yell ambush I tried to do impression a chia pet Oh Meili only you say gone and face oh [ __ ] he may lay down after I shoot back leg hair on chin my back my nipples are extra dry everybody walk the dinosaur but if everybody's walking with dinosaur there will be no one left to fight the war and take out the hostels and get on the floor and get on the floor so okay here's how it's gonna work 30% of you get on the floor the half of the remaining people walk the dinosaur and I will take the ability surgeons load again it's what the [ __ ] or Oh oh my goodness look at the baby from Eraserhead is all grown up that's absurd Larry it's not your time yet oh you're coming out to preemptively this is ridiculous [Laughter] hey Jim Wow haven't see oh man how are the kids oh they're dead boy it's been a while always being a week you'll get over it yeah walk it off Jimmy boy you're not yourself in your family my mother told me always looking both ways she died cancer really neither here nor there [Laughter] mama mama hey hello that's just what we do in our free time yet we've been actually doing that non-stop since the last stream ended and now we can finally speak again as human being thank god there's so much I wanted to say to my wife excuse me so nice I killed them twice run don't walk to your local bullets where am I going here I don't know how far does your butthole go one way to find out I will send in my penis as a canary if it dies well then we both have problems only well I feel like been here before there's a boob I don't remember names and it's the same thing over and over again yeah it really is wow that's really weird I mean not weird lazy that's a good way to put it oh [ __ ] cutscene so excited about story [Laughter] sunglasses very dark oh no my expendable friends Nick excuse me please hit me with small-arm now yeah looks like somebody's right-handed that is one big what pet store do I have to get myself one of those look your eggs oh good Wow your canister readings are very very full who put these papers together the intern I knew it because she's a subject because they're not predicate Simon English very difficult I wonder if iron is left on that's not the romantic at all to say it like so oh look there impenetrable fortress yeah has a door just go through the door wait Bob Jim where's Nick Nick's been dead for six days sir really [Laughter] could have sworn I felt his presence are you sure who is telling mrs. Nick [Laughter] what are you guys thinking about huh I was thinking about cats I love Kelly cool did you know most are female not many just making conversation breakup not to be murdering people sometime get boring you know what to do I have problems my mother used to do this whoops you listen to Skrillex [Laughter] little genie I have no interest we're big genie little genie only do one maybe two wishes tops I come out of tiny lamp I guess one wish enough to wish for more wishes what can Little Jimmy hold wishes guys what do you think I've been thinking about this okay do you think have a limited power like normal genie and only one wish or three wishes and limited power will he be cool honestly I'm warming up after second trailer maybe I make Twitter poll remix I saw Dumbo and take or leave they really blew it on the gimme emotional moment that they did not take advantage of when Dumbo leave mother but that okay sorry spoilers they trying to spoil 400 year old they are according to me what this carbon footprint zero now [Laughter] approach the enemy staging area this is where maroon 5 will perform we need to install race stay for Adam Levine to make him appear taller very short men I guarantee shirt will not stay on for very long I'm doing my best Adam Levine impression right now I have very similar feelings about shirts thank you again to everyone who watched and supported during this last week of strange episodes on game grumps we very much appreciate your positive feedback if you didn't like it it's totally cool everything's back to normal and we're really grateful that you all watch the game of chance guys Franklin's dead ok well he died on the plane back it wasn't like a crash or anything he just he he he hit the flush button while he was sitting on it and was sucked through the toilets right oh yes first he's somewhere it's how he would have wanted to go in the middle America yeah it's very metal I think he would have appreciated but Jimmy's still alive he recently dropped his Bojangles biscuit in the mud so you could send some positive vibes Jimmy's way brighten this day kalium lang says please pass my donation on to Jimmy so he can afford some new mud free Bojangles biscuits oh thank you so sweet yeah I will do that I'll definitely do that do a high-pass filter on that on that mixer board I don't know I'm thinking maybe you get a phone call from Jimmy to thank that guy her is Bo Jake it's all boy oh boy here's something well yes that's what eyes are for body is for changing things it's all the best yeah well it's not really all the same they're different that's why there are two words for them I would never hurt a woman except for just then yes okay a small small exception how are you scream I cut the vocals where you'll find darkness light what's the difference / - neck knot / the neck no he slashed her eyes so she couldn't see anymore we're dick now they can't make a difference and can't see see how I suppose now you will not be able to watch Avengers end game where is Nick you guys keep telling me he's dead but I don't believe Nick Nick they all look at the same silo that's where cow's milk this is where I can make grain what's that George Michael oh yeah they covered they did cover face yeah that was very oh God Fred but it sounds good it is good okay it's good you're good I'm not gonna piss off 5.5 million people a month they're gonna do the turn tired child yeah Wow almost down to the exact number that's remarkable really I don't want a high pitched I just want a high-pass filter make it sound like it's on the phone for no reason other than just just out of I just want to know if we can do it you know it's got nothing to do with just when Jimmy calls in he'll really be calling in folks this has nothing to do it we're not giving away any oh I just got a text from Jimmy he said he might be able to call but a little later yeah but he was asking about it just out of curiosity well there's a [ __ ] turret right here I couldn't kill these kinds of turns instead of sniper rifles get Diggs okay dang you should be showing yourself that door oh it's not an effect no it's not I just got a text from Jimmy he said he can't talk why don't we just put me on speakerphone because then it won't then it won't sound like we can't because he can't make a call okay because the whole the whole thing unrelated the the high-pass filter makes someone sound like they're on a phone so the entire so also unrelated uh-huh Jimmy would be calling from the phone so when he calls it would sound like it's from a phone if you if you get what I'm saying well well maybe you could have him call while you take a little bathroom break that would work I think this is all connected somehow but I'm not putting it together oh you know what dang you know I got a PE so I feel like maybe I should take a little break and Dan you should keep your phone by you cuz I think Jimmy said he was gonna call at any moment Jimmy yeah Jimmy jamberry Jimmy jambalaya Jimmy Jamboree my relative okay I actually do have the piece okay that's great that was a great opportunity okay um wait hold on maybe I pause should I be feeling bad no should I be feeling good no it's kind of sick oh hold on I'm getting a phone call can you put on speaker down yes I will hit hole hello yeah it is this is Jimmy Jamboree yeah man we just missed each other I'm sorry about that Gerry I slept in the office for seven days all right hi guys Aaron is the boss so that's cool you know what we'll talk about that later Jimmy I have plans to usurp him for sure what are you up to now you dropped your biscuits in the mud well I'm extremely sorry to hear that Jimmy okay I'm like I'm kind of on a stream right now so I think yeah I got a guy might have to go you're already on the stream dude is there anything you'd like to say to our audience you know what I'm sure I'm sure most of them will say you're very welcome Jimmy they love you very much the stream what we're not recording we're actually just broadcasting it I mean we are recording it but it's more important that you watch it now because it's it's happening right now you know I enjoy your bro jangles it was great great to talk to you again okay I I say hello to your son for me is Richard one of the farm owners or is he the third one okay good what are they what are the ones with the farm were their names hey listen Willis okay well it was great talking to you Jimmy say hello to Franklin for me too oh is he dead how do you die he was sent out of a toilet in an airplane that's right I forgot about that okay how did you know about his untimely death then okay did you Jimmy did you kill Franklin okay see you later bud Wow I feel like we touched on something pretty serious at the end there do you think it's possible that Franklin wasn't sucked out of an airplane toilet after all perhaps he met his end in a more conventional yeah equally terrible way hair things got weird what happened I think I think it was a long piss I'm sorry yeah Jimmy might be a murderer he might have killed Franklin these guys yeah these guys with their stuff and their thing I don't know if they thought this is adequate cover yeah it's not three horizontal bars are not getting the job done maybe I should tell them with balloons why tell when I can show actions speak louder than words so sorry my friend Nick maybe I go beat them up with axe maybe I throw eggs very fast with bullets taped with this will show them both eggs what if I put X in chamber of God and then throw the entire thing at them very risky proposition from their end oh I have sniper rifle much better did you know these necklaces these necklace charms are shark-tooth that got great approval from Ali and vast disapproval yeah why did you not drop like superhero I did land on one knee for maximum hip pain later in life why later why not I do love parts of it though ah dude I mean come on it's like predator to its worst it's like ratatouille at its best wow so harsh you are not adorable rack that cook meals you do not make me remember childhood with meal now you remember I've got a full set by this point Riku Amador says please stop reading Sonic fan fiction Oh Riku that's not what you should say yeah especially as a door you've just doomed yourself no not not Riku I'm a door Wow followed by Pete parts X Judah and please keep reading furry friends see this is this is the difficulty of my life why was it called new metal like not any W metal and you know yeah and you unlock metal I don't know probably just to stylize it someone in the chat will know in like 30 second years I'll have the full history of all types of metal a person in the chat literally named metalhead said new metal also known as new metal with this German yep said it's a genre of alternative metal that combines elements of heavy metal music with elements of other music genres I know what new metal is I'm asking why it's called new metal I genuinely thought this message by a person named metalhead would include that information but it did not know him disappointed that's a stray rip from the Wikipedia yeah they went straight to the Wikipedia hey wait a second you're not a real metalhead maybe he had like a metal plate in his head he's like oh no this is just a misnomer yeah this is just was a misunderstanding yeah thanks for bringing up my metalhead [ __ ] you think I'm proud of it God every one of those days is just one of those new metal was originally created by squirrels but they stole it from them this girl's got to keep the T though so instead of nut metal it became I don't know enough about metal to dispute this no that's dead on you know the proper spelling of him nut was you it's me and you I don't care what the real Jesus so many he's a rock and a hard place I don't care whatever the real story is that's the one I'm going by these guys god [ __ ] Nick how about a little backup you're out of yeah what the hell is Nick coward ring-a-ding-ding do no no they they evacuated the team and just the captain stayed behind because he was too mortally injured Oh got it he was a brave soul that captain whose name escapes me Nick combat [ __ ] that's uh you might want to come up with a new name for that that's the dance I did in third grade combat [ __ ] it child soldier can I thought you exploded look I am speaking through someone beyond the grave so Devils third received a 43 on meta score out of 50 out of 100 okay here's an example of one of the users reviews a big crap brought to you by jogador hardcore I love a big crap it's pretty great oh oh okay oh good three thanks luckily huh Ivan has sheath of aluminum okay explode bomb oh where is second explode bomb now it's not fun here sorry for brick guns oh oh oh gee I don't forget with guns guns James empty cans empty Oh candy yes where is head stop moving up here there is headed oh well there was her head disappeared about you where could it be on and you PK more heads oh don't lose your head over this haven't thought that one up on the drive here Ivan does not understand why if we are in close quarters are there no coins I don't know what coins I do not feel like I am close to quarters they should be closed easily within I view where is quarters maybe I even want a bubblegum maybe Ivan one sticky hand now I maybe I even want to make a collect call in early 2000 remember Goldeneye favorite gun or C p90 I liked begun that look like makeup pencil for eye like the regular not one of those like the aka remember what it was but definitely what it looked like just it was just kind of a stick coming out of his body very weird not that I even know what makeup pencil is yeah I've been been told Ivan once had girlfriend I mean many times not just once once today maybe ha ha ha I've been told you cinder don't even know what tinder is yeah Ivan doesn't know swipe right or even to say swipe right as a fig relating to tinder I used my cou crease to fight these other guys with cute crease could you shoot him in the face the only thing I've been swipe right with his knife on throat Ivan super like that beautiful there is a large handgun next to me here no place in a holster for later use stop shooting yourself [Laughter] such a shame to kill something so [Laughter] where you going with all that now I use your parachute sky cannot fall yes sky is up too busy floating where our feet in sky sky always standing you show Ivan burden of proof on you to show sky you cannot see invisible beings they are where they are you can see not very helpful invisible man walks into a doctor's office the receptionist says I'm sorry the doctor can't see you now hahaha Ivan Ivan you dog you've repeated [Laughter] [Music] diabetes in check yeah it seems like it'd be more dangerous to use the like the stabby end you know what I mean yeah you thick accent yeah what's the slice the end yeah we should write letters to the development of this gang there was one dumb thing about it oh my god you are the one who is blind yeah you are dumb glasses babe you're the what oh the glasses are coming off oh shiz knits wait was that like is he like Cyclops who is it holding in his fire eNOS oh my god is this really now we are in realm oh boy I remember the legendary fighter a floating gooping his squishy guy was all wrong they call it the air fight of 2015 just never [ __ ] again oh my god so excited [Music] I'm like almost hypnotized I have entranced yeah yeah if you told me to collect I'll getcha come here I even want to put end to boring monotonous head how's the chat doing here hey Isaac something came for you in the mail today [Laughter] oh this isn't over so truly there will be a devil's fourth oh yeah oh sure oh my god Bravo Bravo outstanding it lived as it died [ __ ] stupid
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 653,738
Rating: 4.9516764 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, devilsthird, wiiu
Id: iFnngQUzhtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 21sec (3621 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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