Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #23

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The title of the Japanese video is "Message from the Future: things I/we [subject not explicitly stated] want to be known about AIDS."

Upper-right hand corner indicates it was intended for middle-school students.

The "Wisconsin" reference is actually ”ウイレス感染者"

ウイレス=Uiresu = Japanese word for "virus."

(edit: actually this should be "ウイルス" = Uirusu = credit to u/MrSputum for the catch and the correction)

感染者="Kansensha" = infected person

The "ghost woman" identified in the photo is Alison Gertz. If you do a google search for "Alison Gertz AIDS" you'll get the rest of the story.

Always been a fan of the site -- glad to have something to contribute for once! Keep up the good work. And yes, I also posted this comment on YouTube a few seconds ago :)

👍︎︎ 769 👤︎︎ u/minimumraage 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

“Your memory grave rivals Arlington.”

Rich Evans with another quote for the ages.

👍︎︎ 472 👤︎︎ u/zorbz23431 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

Goddamn. That hand safety video went hard. Like, full Italian horror movie hard.

Edit: Jay mentions Faces of Death. And...yeah...geez...

I'm gonna be watching this part with a heavy use of side-eye and dread.

👍︎︎ 220 👤︎︎ u/Tarlcabot18 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

I'm just glad RLM made this video to ensure the atrocities of General Manners would never be forgotten

👍︎︎ 185 👤︎︎ u/dubious_battle 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

Jay acknowledged our criticism about the VHS episode sounding to good. I feel so heard.

👍︎︎ 186 👤︎︎ u/notathrowaway75 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

Just yesterday in the "Old RLM" thread it was mentioned how crass especially Mike was in the early days, and the timing of this episode couldn't be better. Mike's on a roll, so many naughty jokes in the "General Manners" segments already.

👍︎︎ 146 👤︎︎ u/Narretz 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2022 🗫︎ replies







👍︎︎ 251 👤︎︎ u/Afternoon_Defiant 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

Mike not knowing what Pedobear is, is mindblowing to me for some reason.

👍︎︎ 250 👤︎︎ u/RastaRhino420 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

"I'm even embarrassed for the house."

👍︎︎ 122 👤︎︎ u/Tarlcabot18 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] well josh there's a lot of big things going on in the world today but nothing as important as the wheel of the worst um alas it is the wheel of the worst a torture device for the modern age a spin of three your torture will be dvds and tapes to seal your fates it's now time to spin the wheel of the worst well josh i know you got lost on your way to the 40 year old men who dress like toddlers convention i did too but since you're here why don't we check out what's on the wheel of the worst why not damn uh first up the manners club featuring general manners which is good he this is before he got promoted to colonel manners right general i think it's a little pun he's wearing a military style uniform it looks like a uh what are they what are the nutcracker right yeah like like a teddy bear nutcracker yeah yeah although he looks kind of sinister i mean look at this kid he's obviously been scarred already yeah it looks like a hostage photo a little bit next up something let's see we've got uh princess die um basketball basketball coronavirus oh boy and coronavirus coronavirus surrounding business people yeah this is this is a real uh up to the minute video uh especially with the princess die stuff yeah i have no comments i don't know what that's about meanwhile leader's guide high impact hand safety oh boy this is this is this is a this is a good sign what high impact hand safety so if you're if you're on high impact things to protect your hands to keep your hands safe from the high impact things what about like is it maybe like me you're not getting punched oh like a like oh but there's a guy that would be with a like a hard hat yeah this is definitely a workplace well we've seen what happens when you know you get punched in the workplace you shoot your toe off okay what's next on the wheel mike introducing the baldy man yeah i'm right here what [Music] uh the new look delegate keep what the what the [ __ ] new look delegate keep fit ill that just like broke my head new look oh those are different statements because on the side of the box they're all like one time like steps maybe new look delegate keep fit but ill maybe that's like like 90s slaying like ill like be cool yeah it's rated pg apparently well it's good and uh so uh uh i'm thinking this is gonna try to be funny yeah and it's not gonna succeed i don't think so i think brian butterfield could do a much better job yeah of telling me delegate keep fit sandwich casserole chocolate quail zones garlic pudding fluffy roughs hoisin crispy owl pasta pillows yes if that were brian butterfield perhaps i'd be excited to watch this yeah as it is not so much what's next next up action game series indoor games hours of fun for rainy days hours of fun for rainy days yep sunny day is optional i i guess oh god i wounded myself on the [ __ ] wheel already meanwhile what's the next thing more proof cold steel this is the video our competitors don't want you to it includes a bonus dvd sword proof side one uh the dvd yeah sword proof and big bore trademark blow gun whoa side two spears in action oh cow uh uh man with weapons the main thing that's sticking with me is that i've just remembered that dvds used to have two sides sometimes they do yeah they did yeah they're right right that's all i got out of this this is otherwise it's going to be a guy with a blow gun next up holy [ __ ] it's gorilla driving counter ambush tactics for today's mean streets defensive use of your car yeah baby oh i need to learn all of this [ __ ] that's great i hope we get this one this could be real informational uh yeah using your car as a weapon yeah defend yourself against uh carjackers or whatnot now that's what i see on the internet cars they do have cars on the internet what's next i don't know alcohol oh risky business not starring oh tom cruise interestingly enough they did still get curtis armstrong for this fella's got to work yeah yeah good old booger he ain't hazing anybody no but he might be indulging in some uh drug abuse have you any idea what the street value of this mountain is uh okay so there's a lot of words spiraling all over the cover hazing oh uh sexual abuse alcohol and drug abuse drug alcohol sexual uh yeah there's a whole bunch of highly charged words along with the title risky business all right josh it's time to spin the wheel try not to land on any of the tapes on there i'll do my best okay which is not good give it a good ol spin oh god the manners club [Laughter] run around once and went around once everybody went round one fully went around but i wanted to play checkers checkers i thought he was calling her [ __ ] [Laughter] [ __ ] but i wanted to play checkers [ __ ] checkers fists checkers fish checkers fish checkers fish chuggers fish checkers fish checkers fish i was wearing a hoodie and i was told this is where i had to come yep now spin the wheel okay uh high impact hand safety yes oh it's time to make a phone call american training resources inc in santa ana california yeah i hope they're there today november 7 1992 john growler is assisting in bending heavy metal plates to a predetermined ark although instructed to keep the floor clear of obstacles around the machine he waited until it was in operation before doing so tripping over his own tools caused him to fall into the rollers rich where's your hoodie rich [ __ ] what where's your hoodie hoodie yeah i don't have a hoodie oh spin the wheel then okay okay it's a foreign film okay find out what princess die has to say about basketball yeah why not why not [Music] talk about things around the world basketball and technologies that was an alien oh my god i'm challenging you to a basketball duel i was going to say i'm a space alien that's come down to teach you how to play basketball okay i'm saying space alien who's come down to challenge them to a basketball duel space champion yeah remake of space channel like space jam this is the real space jam a new legacy because they have within them the spirit of basketball that's true that's very very true get on with the show i'm not in charge here walking around all right all right i'm sorry you're probably you're going somewhere it's a classic wheel episode no real gimmicks other than the wheel which is a gimmick we spun the wheel several times we got the tapes the first tape was the batteries club and the person who spun the tape was judged oh lordy tell us about the matters club well there's uh this guy general manners and by guy i mean giant bear um and he teaches you all about the manners that you need um when you're in grandpa's sitting room by the fireplace is the bear there from the beginning now i'm so glad you could all come over and work on the science project but what i find amusing though is when the kids walk in the door they're having a very lively conversation the all of them all of them and then they walk in full stop full stop well she looks she looks up at the director for a moment check in yeah and then the naturalism yeah all the goodwill the video had built up till then it's just gone gone [Music] so that's that's that natural robert altman-esque you know overlapping dialogue the only thing that these these older kids know to do is call general manners who immediately arrives he's outside just waiting just praying they would call him [Music] hello general manners this is tap we are trying to get some kids to understand taking turns and sharing do you think you could help us yeah bring the guns so the magical bear human character that's called him on a phone come on over bud he's just watching tv have another beer hi kids what can i do to help you hi gentleman come on in it's clearly it would be an app now on your phone you'd just be like you know where is the nearest bear manor specialist it does look suspiciously like pedobear that's a real thing yeah well well it's an internet oh well see in context of the video uh general manners is a bit of a contradiction because he's a magical bear he's clearly not a real bear and he's clearly not a general or a person and in instead of conjuring general manners via magic or a storybook or some sort of childhood device she calls him on the the the the wireless telephone let's give them a call [Music] she actually even pulls out the internet it's a it's a cordless phone she calls general bear which means he has a landline a phone number he's at home just waiting and then he might he might have he might have a cell phone in the car he doesn't he doesn't materialize this was this was 1997 but you know he could have a he could be in the driveway in his car but that's all very real reality based we're at grandma and grandpa's house well in keeping with the stark realism of the manners club is is general manners just supposed to be somebody in a bear suit that's the thing they don't necessarily the children do not necessarily act like that's a bear they act like some sort of magical fantasy character yes you're right a person that's in a bear suit you're absolutely just shattered everything yeah the uniform for the manor service could just be a bear suit so so what you're saying is the eldest girl wants to teach all the the younglings around her manners so she calls up her bear friend immediately she knows hesitation and she knows the secret and then the little kid there's a little boy the youngest boy who's like four or three he's picking his nose and he's [ __ ] around and then and then somehow the other kid who's sitting on the fireplace is instructed to take out the cards the helper he's yeah and and uh she's trying to teach her friends that manners are important but she knows that really it's her mom in the bear costume yeah phyllis yeah it's debbie or whatever karen karen no karen's the writer is in the costume no karen's in the costume no karen and debbie are in the costume like a donkey costume or one's the head and one's the tail either way so they're little people it's the weirdest form of scissoring that's ever occurred rich looks sicken why are you sickened by my comments i'm trying i'm just trying to picture how this works in the costumes you know how it works legs go up legs go down yeah however it works it's inappropriate in front of you the one on the bottom doing like a handstand i think so i think so yeah okay and it's hard to explain manners when you're in pure ecstasy that's why the cards are there not to moan when talking about silverware it's difficult in front of children you hold the fork with your right hand goes away from you like this just like that just like that keep it up keep it up keep going keep going what should you remember when you are the guest i was told that when i get to a friend's house that i need to listen to their households that's right rachel you made a very good point that was so [ __ ] awkward she's like is he trying to punch me i didn't know that was coming get away your friends are not allowed to have food in their room should you snatch the little ones getting bored clearly this is the lowest on the lower end of production values i'd say yeah the two two vhs cameras on tripods and they're not properly white balanced to each other so each shot looks different and the audio is live i like this i can't switch people that's fun shut up see that's the thing you might remember when we did our episode on vhs cameras now our audio was separately recorded and sounded nice which people said was actually distracting because it shouldn't sound that good there's like a like a disconnect between the the quality of the footage and the quality of the yeah but that that episode would have been a nightmare oh yeah no we would never do it any other way yeah but but for anyone who doesn't understand that it should have sounded like this yeah just awful just on board mics compression smooshed all sorts of hiss noise the motors of the vhs cameras great job on the singing since i have a few more minutes whose voice was that i thought i'd help you with something else that deals with this forgot to dub over the bear that was his real voice inside the costume let's go to the dining room and see what's happening there oh we're going to the dining room what what we're changing a location well what made it distracting is that sometimes it was most of the times it was dubbed over but then occasionally it wasn't okay kids spell the word right where it's like yeah it's all or nothing baby it's when it comes to the banners you know yeah right there right just do it unless the timing was off but how did how did you miss that maybe one of those little kids was in charge of post-production the littlest one the littlest one the one who's the most invested one yeah and [ __ ] around hello prick do you all know my favorite song yeah they're gonna sing you gotta have singing in a kid's videos [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no don't zoom in on him i keep waiting for him to take us out is it weird like it just it just feels like it should happen like it it feels like that's the natural process grimy looking vhs yeah it looks like a snuff film all these kids they all get killed at the end and there's blood all over the bear costume we have to make a call of the fbi we learn we learn uh some general manners and then we learn some table manners and then they sing a song and then the kids in tribute do a rap dedicated to general manners one of the worst things ever it's real bad in the history of humanity watch me do it like look at the little abc that's all he can do now you're done and ready to eat everything is that was fun let's do it again watch me do it like abc play in the center of your place i'm even embarrassed for the house we've watched at least three videos on the wheel that have involved manners and two of them have involved wraps this is how the table set knife's on the right forks on the left has been three yeah it's a marginable marginal uh mind your manners man and this one i thought that wasn't that the same video no no no that's two separate words let's mind your manners remember the georgie was wrapping dressed as george washington's giant fork that that memory is already in my grave that's fair that's fair it's waiting for you that was the same episode come on home mike i'm making room your memory grave rivals arlington i do love how your synapses just just yank everything away you don't remember these because your brain is trying to save you overwhelmed bray an engineer who's just shouting just pull all the puns it's like it's like when you die your your whole life flashes before your eyes mine's just a bunch of bad vhs tapes you're just going to see all you're going to have left just a few episodes of ghost adventures everything else is gone you see ghost adventures in marjabel and a manners bear and then and be very quiet with any paper products what does that picture in the frame mean i bet i know if you go to a museum you should look at the items but not touch the works of art am i right gm oh that's what that picture means wow let's not get any close-ups of the pictures yeah they didn't do a close-up of this card i don't know what i'm looking at it looks like a milkshake in the middle oh it's popcorn oh he took it away before i could see what any of the things were what about come on what about the quality of the presentation the the poster why do you still want to talk about it the visual aids they had oh the the the white boards the white board scribblings that we don't get close-ups of so we don't even know what the [ __ ] they are the useful graphical tools to teach children things when using our hands we should watch them before when whenever we see videos like this right we always have the the idea that they're trying to make something that someone way up higher in in the tv industry is going to say this is going to be the next barney you're going to be the next barney we want to we want to pay you to have general manners make a tv show for this major network that always seems but on a smaller scale if they're thinking smaller do they want to produce 100 200 copies and sell them at their local library or do they really care about manners so much i'm thinking grandma was really annoyed with her grandchildren having no manners and and she thought you know what i'll make a video i'll teach kids manners that's how that's the origins no they're thinking merchandising though yeah there's merchandising here they want to sell t-shirts although the quality looks like someone just made this in their basement with one copy there is a like a professionally produced uh sticker uh is that a receipt yeah oh you can join the club oh the club oh others because learning manners can be fun okay so this is so you need to join the club before learning matters you're in the club you get the club card you got the i got the club card i'm in the club uh two and then you can choose the size of t-shirts you get where's fat ass they do have x large just x just one x adult xl they assumed that adults would want to order these t-shirts i bet all the girls and boys that i visit would like to sing that rap song it puts everything in order next time we call you gm do you think we can eat that you got it i'm so hungry my parents don't feed me he just turns and walks right into the door at the end of this video general managers is talking about when he's going to come back with food so he can teach them how to eat properly and so he's already trying to get this video sold i don't know if it happens did these kids ever get a meal they don't really care about manners they don't just want to make a living they just want to sell pedobear t-shirts yep you have a teddy bear costume make them a magical teddy bear and go to some different locations rich you don't have a teddy bear costume you have a military bear costume go to go to the magical land of manners and have some like colorful backgrounds and maybe kids will be interested not just they don't have the budget for that standing there at a wide shop gotta gotta shoot at grandma's house while they're there in florida the grandkids are only in town for a week half a week [Laughter] missed a rope in a couple kids from the neighborhood yeah we fooled the next door neighbor kids to come over and do this that's why it's all shot in the house we can't do locations we're not allowed to take them anywhere told them we were going to give them dinner we lied and they're bitching about it by the end of the video i believe it's beside the fireplace all of us can help what are they valets now there are more kids coming to my house what do you mean great the next batch of kids next batch of victims the basement where the grinder is [Laughter] who's dead and who's in prison trevor you know what's interesting though is tara john frankie and trevor all have the same backdrop that's the school background which makes me think they were school photos which means pedobear was prowling the school for cast members in his in his in his video manners club no kathy the school teacher just pulled them from school you want to be in come over to grandma's house patricia her name is patricia what if we tracked her down and one of us just pretended to be trevor all grown up oh that's a really good that's a good patricia it's me trevor remember from the general manners video you could pretend to be john and we'll see what happens i'm going to be rachel okay i like it sure it's me rachel what if we order it what if we actually we'll send it in we'll order the t-shirt and you'll get like an old dusty moth eaten t-shirt that's fine that's fine wouldn't that be amazing at least we'll have gotten it yeah would be i will have a lot of respect for her if we actually get sent a t-shirt she's still just still playing the manners game hopefully she hasn't raised her rates yeah should we factor in inflation from shipping and handling is only four bucks for a t-shirt from pennsylvania it's probably 12 now we don't we'll we'll we'll give her more adult t-shirt it says here it's 18 let's just send them like i don't know 78 bucks all right that'll cover everything yeah just yeah put put in a check for 80 bucks and give me how many shirts you got yeah four dollars for shipping and handling not with bush in the white house [Laughter] checkers fish chuggers fish checkers fish that that was that was mind your matter sir mind your man the manners club the manners club federal general manners the no breakfast club oh jay coming in late busting out of the last minute giving us giving us an ending to the segment that's great you know you know what as a reward i'm going to let you talk about uh high impact hands oh my god that was your spin yeah it's an amazing spin it's yes uh is it now is this hosted by louis ck or our hands are the tools that reach out and connect us with the rest of the world they aren't accident proof they aren't covered although instructed to keep the floor clear of obstacles around the machine he waited until it was in operation before doing so tripping over his own [Music] uh so this movie borders on this movie this video this very uh instructional video work of art this work of art um because what is the the famous like fake instructional video about workshops it's like a german thing and it's got like extreme gore yeah but it's like it's like an evil dead looking like it's it's comedy it's silly we've got it i think it might even somebody might have sent it to us on blu-ray yeah yeah it's it's a thing you can find it on like youtube and stuff that's wonderful i highly recommend watching it [Applause] you can probably find it under forklift operator klaus but it's not real but it's not real this is real removing or disabling these safety devices and disregarding your training eventually leads to personal tragedy on september 14th oh my god no no no no no daily task cleaning the sausage blender sausages it's real in that it's intended to be an actual training video and not a parody yeah of safety training i believe the idea is to just shock you he could have prevented his injury like oh my god these are the horrible things that can happen but that's all the video has it's like faces of death it's very generalized and it's 95 recreations which makes me presume that this is meant to be shown in tandem for the specific training video for whatever your occupation has to be yeah because this is like this is like industrial workers or chefs or butchers this is everything and it doesn't get into detail about any specific one there's some vague things like uh what is the one about like uh if you work with like acids on october 10 1991 earl osterman changing the cooling liquid on a drilling machine scratches deciding to finish the job before getting first aid attention he then allows coolant to flow into the wood dude contaminated with bacteria and by delaying going to the first aid station there's a hundred different jobs out there where you have to use your hands in dangerous situations here's a really kind of vague overview where if you don't follow the procedures of your particular job you can [ __ ] up your hands forever jan knowlton found this out on february 15 1992 when he reported to work still under the effects of alcohol he was standing on the oh he's drunk oh no okay this is still this is work okay he's on a forklift oh my god he can't ride on a forklift grandpa he's doing that fingers presumably they they show you this one first this is the one that hammers it in look this is [ __ ] dangerous this [ __ ] can happen and then you watch another video like your butcher on your particular then you watch well this is this saw and how you use this song yeah i would like to think if i started a job where i'm working giant machine that does i would i would sit through 12 hours of instructional details about how to operate this machine yes and this is this is like the surface level be [ __ ] careful and this is how you use the meat cutting bandsaw series 3000 that we have in our shop [Music] but [Music] how do you do that my simpsons t-shirt is eventually [Laughter] you know what i was questioning whether or not the accidents were like real because they're like they give specific dates they're like august august 1987. specific names specific names specific dates november 2nd 1991 christina wando was clearing the trim near the slitter on the ends of the paper rolls to make it hammer home to whoever's watching it that oh that really happened i kept waiting for the unsolved mysteries music to come in because the guy kind of had a bit of the host feels inappropriate for this type of video there was a little robert stuff he had a little bit of a stack so were these accidents fictionalized or were they real it doesn't really matter and the gore while we found it hilarious it's well done they did their best to make it as realistic as possible shock it's their audience and if you know what if i was sitting there and i'm working and i'm like i'm ready to start this job working this giant machine and i see this horrific video i'd probably be like that'll get my attention wally rediscovered this when he let the joint slip and punctured his hand with the awl only use tools for the jobs they were intended well it's just one after the other yeah but the lead up just like bland kind of like although you're a little baffled by the fact that it's apparently shot in a mannequin factory and you can see all these hands yeah that was a little weird but so we're watching it just you know it's it's it's the analogy telling you like be careful because this could happen this could happen this could happen this could happen this could happen blood blood blood and so that well it gets very repetitive like a slasher movie yeah where you're just waiting the boring stuff in between each kill to be fair i mean for us this was the mother lode how long how long have we been how long have we been doing this years 27 years 27 years we've been doing this for 27 years and every time there's an industrial we're hoping for this we keep putting safety videos on the wheel we keep putting and we we're always hoping for for recreations well a good recent example is we did the uh forklift safety video and it was mostly boring it was filled with actual useful information yeah and then there was like five seconds of a guy getting crushed by a forklift and it was hilarious this is uh just that this is nothing but people being crushed by forklifts the equivalent of that on october 10th 1990 fagin baby saw changing the saw blade they started the saw motor and the assistant adjusted the plan pay attention it's gonna happen move your other hand oh [Music] [Applause] what this obviously reminds me of is is kind of kind of a combination of like the uh blood on the pavement like like driving videos they'd show you in high school yeah you know like you got to be careful because you'll die and there's there's a there's an industrial from the 70s called shake hands with danger take a chance that you won't fall you know that it's meant to shock you like this is not a new thing this is something that's been around for a minute which is why we were expecting it more often but yeah something that goes to this extreme where like the first moment of gore is a guy getting his entire arm ripped off and you see right some flesh like ripping out of his stumpy arm right into it like it looks like a troma movie or something yeah yeah well the effects are good but they are cheap they're yeah they're rubber hands this is a video filled with rubber hands yeah and where was robert stack at i mean we we speculated he was in a factory that made mannequins but the hands looked pretty realistic i suspect he might have been in a factory that makes rubber hands for amputee victims or what if he's in a factory that makes rubber hands for instructional videos about arm safety that's true in july 1993 jose montoya was feeding steel into a continuously running roll press he'd removed the guard sometime earlier that day to allow him to correct a recurring problem reaching in to check don't do it jose oh yeah this is what we want every time ati american training resources incorporated has made other videos oh workplace violence now we're guaranteed recreations in all of these videos we've got to order their entire library sexual harassment oh that'll be like i spit on your grave confined space bad for us claustrophobic housekeeping office safety and has come hazardous oh has come might be good yeah cause i'm picturing nothing but like the robocop toxic waste for 30 minutes if you would like to leave a message in our general mailbox please press three hello that's me harry ass blanket i've had an incident with my hand i've had i've had a high impact injury on my hand my friend here harry g plinkett kind of harry we don't have time you're bleeding too much uh yeah yeah hello i'm sorry yeah my friend here was just in a horrible horrible accident with a farm carbine no no no masturbating too much he was masturbating on the [ __ ] farm equipment and and they didn't cover that in your video uh uh your video here hand impact high uh high impact hand safety on my hand if it wasn't covered in the video i just need to know are we liable uh there's blood all over the farm equipment [Laughter] i'm just so just like you're gonna order more videos all right so that that was a high impact hand safety our our final film uh of the night i i spun for this [ __ ] but i'm in charge here now mike i demand you tell us about this video all right rich so we landed on this video which is japanese yeah we're pretty sure i'm pretty sure yeah i'm very if we're wrong i'm pretty bad i'm sorry wrong put eight thousand comments below this video letting us know sure listen share with all your friends so they can leave comments about how wrong we are the best way to tell us that we're wrong is to hit the thumbs up then we'll know [Music] business business business kids these kids are in business i believe there's probably school uniforms yeah although why don't they get them once they fit oh my god uh we put the video on and uh it's not in english we don't know what they're saying there's there are some business children walking along a path they're wearing their best uh david byrne cosplay yes they're oversized suits and then and then like the detective work starts yeah now our goal collectively is to figure out what the [ __ ] is going on it begins with alien spacecrafts don't forget that that's true yeah yeah yeah basketball players well the alien shows up makes a weird thing appear on its arm we figured out that's where his power point is yeah yeah and then he made a basketball appear yeah so we have little kids in business suits we have an alien we have basketballs we have no idea what the [ __ ] is going on in business suits i think there were school uniforms there were kids coming back from a hard day's work at school yeah so today is but then the the the alien or whatever it is manifests some stock footage of uh magic johnson yes and so we were like okay this is a video about basketball oh my god oh boy oh and they're shrinking is he growing and they're shrinking or that was just a weird shot both of those things is true okay oh oh god flying to his eye now [Laughter] we have to play basketball inside he has assimilated them now they're in his brain cool we live in the giant now that's great so it's a remake of inner space oh yeah anything's game at that point we don't know what the [ __ ] is going on we were completely lost and that was a lot of the fun because it's in a foreign language and we don't know what's happening and we're guessing what is this video about is it a basketball basketball is it about ill-fitting suits is it about aliens so so we're put into this giant's face and we see things that look like cells going by like blood blood cells we're going to learn about the the human body and and uh the immune system maybe what this has to do with basketball i've got no idea that's that's what it kind of came together for me though we got we've got basketball we've got viruses and we've got magic johnson and it was like a like a light bulb went off in my head is this lead rich [Music] [Applause] wow you held on to that aids longer than magic johnson recycled jokes it's fine joke again wow rich you held on to that aids longer than magic johnson [Laughter] hey if our comments section can recycle the same five jokes over and over and over for a decade we can do one joke twice [Laughter] hiv video i was just thinking that in relation to johnson is that possible remember they had viruses on the cover yep that's possible oh my god possibility is this a japanese basketball aids video i was about to say wait be quiet i i can't hear them [Laughter] japanese alien disguised as a member of bts beams down to a random apartment building near a bunch of children wearing ill-fitting suits and tells them basketball legend magic johnson has aids and you might have it too if you're not careful let me shrink you and let me get bigger and you fly into my eyeball and let me tell you all about is that essentially what's happening specifically how you can get it if you're white trash in wisconsin if you live in a trailer if you're 27 and 24 and you have a mullet and you have a mullet and you have a baby and you live in wisconsin and a trailer and you feed your baby too much baby food you might have it you might have aids this is the worst comedy routine i've ever we started theorizing that that possibly this is an anti-west misinformation campaign you never know well we never know because they show new york city show new york city initially yeah initially like here is new york city also aids [Music] aids comes from new york city his name is woody woodpecker well there's a part where they say yes let's shake hands or let's share a water bottle yeah and then they show a toilet seat i think they're saying the places that you shouldn't have sex in a water bottle or in your hands yeah definitely at a hot dog stand on the corner of a street in new york city and definitely in a trailer in wisconsin well i heard that that was the thing we heard aids we were like i know that that's that's our first clue yeah wait like maybe that means something else nope it's aids [Music] consensual wisconsin has the most aids that's what he said don't bring us into this wisconsin it certainly sounds like that jay it all comes back to wisconsin i keep hearing wisconsin all i hear is aids in wisconsin wisconsin in japanese means aids so sorry wisconsin is where the aids factories are located okay aren't you listening to the disinformation i mean well we don't know what they're saying for the rest of the video maybe they just really hate wisconsin and they think aids originated in wisconsin originally in new york and went to wisconsin sure somebody get a hot dog we were hanging out with woody woodpecker and clowns came to wisconsin and they brought in some puppets too oh god the puppets [Music] [Laughter] there were puppets dancing over her shoulder for no reason i'm out what the [ __ ] are they talking about now how are puppets involved truly this is a japanese japan developing robots to fight aids yes who was okay who was a girl [Music] well you know what now that i have this i'll have this video digitized i'll take a shot i'll do a google image search and we'll find out who lady is because she's a big part of the video they're sure there's a whole tribute [Music] someone famous like a ghost recreation like carol remus and ghostbusters afterlife oh god uh but by this point jay you will put it on the screen and and we're gonna all will be revealed and or there'll be no results and it'll just be a mystery till the end of time [Music] this is this is when we read the comments and people who speak this language like how did they misinterpret a video that was about farming equipment wow wow that would be a pleasant surprise this was also a video about hand safety [Laughter] [Music] sad enough papa please number eight no i i think overall this is a very productive wheel episode yeah we have something classics tonight but it's time to pick in this in this episode what we think is the best overall tape uh jay would you like to start us off high impact hand safety it's one of the best things we've ever watched on the wheel uh it's all killer no filler i have nothing negative to say about high impact hand safety you just gave it a tagline james it's the perfect length 30 minutes boom nothing but hands being mutilated 17 minutes whatever it was it could have been it could have been 30 minutes jay jay would you say it was a hands-off experience i'm gonna i'm gonna give him a hand [Music] mike your pick for best of the worst oh boy oh i jay i share your enthusiasm for the mutilated hand video um but you know i was a little let by what i i i i enjoyed the recreations i would have liked to see a couple of uh more dumbest [ __ ] falling off roofs uh i'm going why would dummies fall off roofs in a video about hand safety you gotta mutilate some hands and they mutilated all the hands i'm going with general manners the guy gal in a bear costume teaching children in her mother's basement with two vhs do you even try to be a troll anymore you're giving this you're giving this zero effort no i i normally you like ham it up no really i think that matters you're just like yeah i'm picking i'm [ __ ] the manners video because i'm [ __ ] troll no [ __ ] you mind your manners sir and close your [ __ ] mouth it's my turn to talk uh the the the japanese aids video didn't live up to its expectations that's totally fair it was a wonderful discovery but once we figured out what it was about then yeah yeah and the hand video and you know i'm not i'm not quite so much into hand mutilation maybe as so much this guy is but i mean that's fair a creepy lady in a bear costume that does it for you that looks like a snuff film the low production value the the fact that it very well could have turned into a snuff film split level grandma's house really yeah yeah the dark places my my mind went to while watching a lady in a like the manners club was going to be a literal club yes yes all right and just just the sheer pathetic nature of the video the sad the sick the disgusting the gross the the rap song let us not forget the rat the i'll never forget the right rap song at the end it was just all around sad and i'm going you're going for brutality yes sickening uh practical gross blood effects whatever i'm going for sad and pathetic and that that's what gets me off like watching rubber hands get smashed by industrial equipment that might be my thing is a sad lady in a bear costume you don't know what she looks like under there she might be elderly there's some sick [ __ ] going on in both these videos but the sicker of the [ __ ] is going on in general manners okay uh josh i gotta go pound for pound minute by minute high impact hand safety it just packed so much in man it just it was just it was just once once that first crest of the roller coaster hit just boom boom boom boom boom okay are we are we destroying anything rich you have to vote oh i'm voting for high impact hands smashing what i impact hand smashing what i impact what are you mad cause i'm not gonna scream aids again i thought you might throw a vote towards the the japanese aids video or the woman in a bear suit i got a hand really quick yeah i'm going for the cheap win because this is what we've been with every time we have a [ __ ] safety video if we had forklifts or did it didn't live up to expectations though really seriously rich in terms of recreations you know it was interesting you know it didn't look look look mike nothing nothing will ev when it comes to like recreations nothing is ever gonna surpass surviving edged weapons that's true it's ruined us for all kind of workplace recreation footage but it's not bad when have you seen two women scissoring inside of blue costumes i still haven't seen two women scissoring a bear costume because that's not what happened in that video bike it could be but you didn't see it that's yeah it's happening inside general manners that's just a theory rich this is the world's first furry video that's more reason not to vote for it and i know you appreciate that [Music] this is jay will edit this out but i know i know i know you i know you secretly appreciate that remember where you were was it two weekends ago the convention in in columbus i was watching ghost adventures two weeks ago you know it you were watching it with me rich loves ghost adventures we know that hi zack baggins it's me rich evans i'm real and i can't wait for all of the new and totally real paranormal activity that you have caught on camera that has totally not been edited or or altered in post or faked in any way on this thursday on this thursday's episode of ghost adventures i'll [Music] left of the plate not on your nose [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,473,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Id: Khcf1hWX1B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 6sec (3366 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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