Best Laughter Moments - Sonic Adventure DX - Game Grumps Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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okay I have my hat down I have not seen what game this is it's a surprise that iron is excited about and I'm looking at all God god dammit it's Sonic the Hedgehog oh geez what game is this it's Sonic Adventure excellent is it good no okay bad example Central Station it's the SS Central Station oh is it that's it's about legally skiing girls guys oh good its day night [Laughter] time of the day tonight New York is this clearly supposed to be news oh boy Jesus Christ are you kidding me with this I just can't get up there also where are we yeah what is happening were also I have a thousand questions now you're done yeah yeah sweet I got one ring that's going on this finger what tails my you flying a biplane oh my god it created an earthquake yeah who would now that you're dead what am I gonna do with your corpse yeah what if I was just like I was just like they were like no runnings look she sure looks like she's having a grain yourself oh my god it's uh these games it's how many of these were there Oh tons that I really don't I don't know what just happened but it did don't mind if everything goes blue and you die I mean whatever right it's just a video game we could only work so hard on this again were you falling I'm not fall I'm just running into the wall and then suddenly I [ __ ] can you slow it down there and see if there's anything that actually you're running into it's just like when you hit the wall Jesus Christ man this is a retroactive outrage oh this is gonna be good I wanted I want you guys to know that I have the sonic knowledge you know like I'm good at this what the [ __ ] I got this [ __ ] down I do not know anything that's going on I know I'm trying my best to keep god this is so awkward [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you are the shoes that make you go fast no he already blindingly fast no no no do you haven't even seen fast yet okay oh my god alright let me try this again please do oh can I get up there yeah Sonic so never know where you are at any time admit whoa [ __ ] sonic boom was a massive improvement up there I mean there's really no doubt people still say this game is fantastic really yeah look at their look at their seizure faces when they talk for a ciggy gladder than they're talking this is a [ __ ] show in every sense of otherwise I would not have known even though it probably said so in the cutscene that I wasn't paying attention it's ok there was there's a lot happening here oh my god the fastest creature alive I guess in there on the train like kicking my feet wait did he okay is he is it floating oh god I feel like I feel like when like when they brought this up to the [ __ ] guy who like financed it he was like looking at it was like oh man it's gonna be so awesome when they finished the graphics and they were like uh it came out today [Laughter] wait what is it listen his music like a bastardization of African culture [Music] what the [ __ ] is happening this looks like a montage of when someone in an 80s movie is cleaning their house let's talk to this one alright right here before we go in super calm animation the demon king god damn dude oh here we go god I want you to just like barf and there's like a gyroscope a lot of puke around you it's like a perfect bubble yeah what am i doing with this egg now get inside me hello [Music] there's no sense of like stakes you know yeah no no I mean why would they put it far from boy and go back here now okay well there's your answer please stay with me Jesus there's only two places to be this and that well watch out buddy jeez he almost hit me whoa oh the close one do you think when he walks into a room and is this like girlfriend is like sitting on the bed and she's like in her towel and she's like we think sanic and he's like ready go gotta come fast [Laughter] all right I just got to do this [ __ ] damn it nice nice nice Oh sonic where this game is challenging I love my little sparkles press the button are you noticing that it's the best go go stairs right so help me god you're gonna get through that door today that's what today is all about keep accidentally pressing buttons with my [ __ ] thing here we go yeah gonna be here well so I guess it's got those rings from those slot machines right right so so if I go in here and the camera [ __ ] decides to not start making me want to vom which you love it takes it's my favorite thing so it shakes the rings out of me like geez I could have just taken it out of my pocket and [ __ ] thrown him on the ground yeah I've never seen how Stella got her groove back is it about a girl who gets dumped and then learns to find love again or some [ __ ] what no it's about grooving yeah but isn't that isn't that the groove that they're referring to her sexy sassiness was it why does her groove have to be defined by if she has a man or not in her life I don't know Bechdel test I'm just [ __ ] sad oh boy is getting a little yawn inducing oh no we're playing the whole thing really yep keep going well then I'm having a man thanks for dying okay did I land or am I just getting transported this what happens when you die [ __ ] kind of pinball game is this rings but I can't how much was the [ __ ] control how much whatever yeah dude oh God and back into infinity this is the weirdest [ __ ] game I've ever seen I've never seen a game that has side games that branch into complete be different [ __ ] like universe yeah should I just lose yeah I have 300 coins yeah you should go you should go check in and see if that's enough like I want to play a sub with Sonic not good enough Sega I mean this is great yeah you know they really gave it their all and then mixed it up for all their diehard Sonic fan players what the key is being manipulated by the game editor that's crazy Oh was it oh it's water I thought I'd uh instead of game editor I thought you said game editor and I was like what Sam editor and what and how do you know these guys and why does it even matter what flies take off backwards do they really yeah how how do you know this because I looked it up on Wikipedia Oh a date like when you say backwards do you mean but first yeah really yeah they never like go forward when they take off they go take off backwards so they kind of like do little push ups little fly push ups I guess to launch themselves into the air oh you mean when they like land and they go like thing you're thinking of that you mean when they like rub their legs together and rub their heads and stuff know that well they do that but they also don't they like if they land and then they do like a little like push up their bodies a little bit I don't know I think you have a different creature no I think I'm thinking of lizards you know you know in hamsters like or swim through the ocean and they [ __ ] like tear apart a seal oh I'm taking a shark I'm sorry oh man you know what I'm talking about I guess so feel a little lizard and he's just like and then you like spits his neck out where to now we'll find out next time on game grumps oh that sounds delightful this is my favorite thing sounds like when you're trying to park at the mall following somebody in the videos it's coming the other direction you see them turn your blinker on you're like oh no oh and then the people in your car or like there's a spot there and you're like there's not there's a motorcycle park there yeah you can't see it but I can see it right there just go straight just go straight let's think there's a spot right here yeah don't pull in a brown at the would you see [ __ ] side Jesus Christ so yeah I guess I guess is pretty does the textures are pretty high res yeah cuz I mean to me it looks like a [ __ ] steaming pile of unbelievable [ __ ] garbage but that's just because like I'm seeing it for the first time now yeah man turn down the music what did that mean you hit him once or you actually killed him wait really really yeah is that what is that what's happening right now why did they get hurt I was just walking on water my feet are wet that meter on the right shows you how far you are from the nearest Target what like the nearest Target outlet mall you're approaching super targets gotta go fast and get a new Brita gotta go fast and be a part of these amazing savings Sunday's the day they have food here too why would I ever leave everybody loves mac and cheese chicken alfredo mac and cheese [ __ ] lasagna mac and cheese with some meat in it it's all mac and cheese dude rigatoni well that's just a noodle whip if you put cheese on it then it becomes mac and cheese do you see what I'm going with this hey Billy what was your favorite game grumps episode Billy going in for your surgery today my brain is so good [Laughter] good job Sonic you sank to the bottom [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] I couldn't believe my eyes no weed you wouldn't know that says I love you with little hearts furrows you can read it when you're yeah then he eats then he eats a flying hot dog oh yeah it's it's really good I'm bending my nostrils Ross is out there I think was on the stream actually Ross it's the stream we just did and raised $80,000 way to go way to go sorry I couldn't be there no big deal that's great he was like oh he needed to wake up so he poured water on himself he was laying down that's a form of torture he is whoa Sonic the Hedgehog how did you get here nice landing [ __ ] oh that was the end of the first level Oh charming maybe that's what it is maybe you can't like oh maybe you have to like play Amy a little bit to get to that point man where show anything I don't I'm trying to come up with ideas thanks for belittling me though you're welcome looking like a like a band rehearsing right next to them yeah there actually is a band from the 80s called power supply so like that would have been perfect we're all fine let's go talk to Nami so why are you a casino I feel like I was looking back at her Jesus get the raid are you even a bug how is your squirt today hmm I love squid diners this is just good food you want some [ __ ] good eats you prick yeah I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna tell you what you have some of this school oh geez or let's give it a shot uh over here sacrifice the bird yeah throw it do it it's our only chance you stay here sonic would why not yeah I was just gonna say like in the boardroom where they were put the storyboarding and planning out this game did they just have a post-it note like on the wall that just said like [ __ ] it right why not look at that dot right what is this well I guess I didn't care anyway oh my god I feel like I'm taking crazy pills [Laughter] neat thank you one of you is just like [ __ ] me where's Sonic but I don't know did he go into Twinkie park was easy is he behind the thing okay jump into that wall Wow I went too fast come on game designers have been space and time didn't you see that video about Superman I did that was like Superman was obviously supposed to be a very colorful film and they look at these set images you can see that Superman's suit is really bright and say yeah well every movies color-corrected I'm a man who's never left his house and boy do I have some grievances yes I've never made a film before and Zack Snyder's made many here's my opinion or why he's not good [Laughter] it's funny because it's like just shockingly accurate it just got a little darker oh yeah it's not like there was any shade or anything had just got a little darker oh no he's super slowly getting away how could I ever catch up to him with my sonic speed gosh I guess I'll just have to accept the inevitable that you're like I can't stir again gee whiz it went at the speed of light got a crap fast fast whoa do slow in today's news a Hedgehog wearing sneakers blasted a robot monkey that's kind of ridiculous I assure you that's what happened anyway the weather is good whoa did I just break everything I don't think I'm supposed to be right now really whoa oh oh damn and shout you out of the air yeah now you don't feel bad about me [ __ ] wrecking that security garden now I didn't realize they had [ __ ] impeccable aim with their bomb skills that dude plus the fact that they have bombs in general yeah that is kind of a deal-breaker for me being cool with them okay yeah not this one but you know making conversation [Laughter] I just gotta burn everyone's faces off God look at how wide that fire rate I know I know it's really intense use a [ __ ] fire blast and [ __ ] that's a tough enemy whoa you and your [ __ ] overzealous leaps into Jesus Christ I'd love to see the script version of that I love you and your overzealous leaps into Jesus Christ I swear it made more sense in context father was like fine print in the Bible you like zoom in like it's like the Santa Claus you're like look good the magnifying glass of the business card he's like oh [ __ ] no I'm Santa I accidentally killed Santa no I'm Santa did you kill Santa yeah he killed Santa he kills him yeah his roof and Santa dies oh my god really and then the Claus is like if thou shalt ever kill Santa then you shall become Sam's you can't be [ __ ] serious commissioned and then like he kept like he gets back with him later oh he's dead in like deflates in his yard badly and grossly and then he just like gets fat and a beard and become Santa I have to watch this no you don't [ __ ] see dead accent oh and they do show it they just like it's like animated he like deflated is er and then like his kids all like traumatized that's act 1 oh my god that has to be [ __ ] you too bubble this week on Sonic's adventure sonic has an adventure yes they do you know because there's like so many different kinds of cable now right there's like satellite cable which i think is different you and your [ __ ] like trance-like state if you go into when the list-making is one of my favorite copies so we take some cables I bring it to go to different spot one that different things are happening this is it not helpful okay I was just in that rock for a second is that the canary that goes into test caves to see if they die yeah they're safe to go into and it's clearly alive so it's fine daddy-longlegs gonna kill you you get some he'll hear me you're in a plane there's a bite there's a prop plane and a giant [ __ ] spaceship going sideways what is happening come on ready to roll alright move forward me [ __ ] super sticking shoes are ready and my incredible abs it's a good game overall I'm glad what's happening launch the sonic cannon he's like what the [ __ ] the sonic it I think the Panzer Dragoon team worked on this because dang this is great I love Panzer Dragoon yeah it's a great game upset at a thousand times it's like this only interesting and fun Oh Aaron I swear to god you are such a [ __ ] talker alright I'm in a [ __ ] level with you lovelies out there yeah we have heard your messages and we are reacting to them in slightly different ways I decided you know what you're right this game is 17 years old and this is my first exposure to it so I will not judge it so harshly I will look at it in its context and come up with a fresh eye and I have to say I have been enjoying riding along for this playthrough much more since then sure you on the other hand uh-huh have decided to circle the wagons and [ __ ] on this game 40 times as hard which I think shows a very fundamental difference in her personalities well dude I mean come on well I mean that's the thing like you honestly believe everything you're saying yes but with distinct exaggeration oh sure oh sure um I think this this game is okay it's competent yes at some points well the truth is I feel like perhaps because when we were reading these comments it was like episode three or four mm-hm but like now when this episode comes out it'll be a couple weeks from then so like whoever's still watching this episode probably is open-minded enough to know that we're just like messing around you know or just wants to they shouldn't take it personally or just wants to get angry that's that's the other possibility like you had episode 24 and just everyday they open it up and they're like here we go again and they watch for one minute my favorite way to say dick his um the way projared said what's that in his top ten Dixon gaming okay dude feels great have you have you never done that on a pole all right there we go yeah I'm sonic abets welcome back game gross where things happen no no and stuff goes down definitely one of the better Sonics glitching out like crazy but you know what no I'll give it to it I'll give it you know X go and give it to you okay and if I hit these Springs I'll get some extra ray it looked like I was gonna mess it up I like to imagine like some of the lovely goes you might have a problem also we're just two idiots like hey tails like what the [ __ ] does our opinion matter at all and I think most people can agree that Taco Bell is disgusting and horrible Taco Bell helped me grow up see you later tails I had adult onset diabetes 12 and now I don't thanks to Taco Bell that is not how that work it's always how it works okay Taco Bell can cure diabetes is that right to use that [ __ ] writer and want me on that 2015 Erin Hanson yeah Taco Bell cures diet I think you need dr. Erin Hanson it's just it's Jam right now all right check it it's gonna [ __ ] aim back at me for a [ __ ] death cannon it's very coy right here no no no don't look at me oh jeez jeez Louise here we go yeah all cylinders are those shadows it's making you invincible so okay I gotta go over here cool oh no now they're all charged up with static electricity you can make balloons to stick to you yes that's a nice effect that looks really good actually what the rainbow and I'm just gonna climb this ladder oh man there's a little rainbow effect on the quills or whatever oh I thought you're talking about balloons yes whatever it is it definitely loves the pole safe just gotta get going I gotta get going great night this is the remember this is the the 1998 yes glitchy release Japanese release not the 1999 international version first of all the Japanese glitchy release is known as the Grich II releases thank you actually the gritty release you did it I guess you did it hey cave canary welcome back I posed whoa tails your ass out of the camera oh his his rundown of the sexy Terminator movies like terminator penises and stuff like that no and terminator : judgment : gay freaking tree hugger get out of just like last the whole through okay his inner guts spray all over Sonic cheese you help me with my knocking [ __ ] you know I I'm always gonna be me girl get out of the way me the ship is a sassy as ever you wanna take a dip in that water cuz I do all right I got to find a bridge Who am I talking to yeah I'm gonna talk to the player right now how's it going yeah breaking that fourth wall can you try to not make me look like an idiot okay thank you oh so close ha ha ha maybe he's just like me me every time he does it it reminds him of a joke nice he's like ha ha remember that shoes dude do stuff like that ha ha all right now where is that yeah that's the next time I don't know where that see this oh there it is over there [Music] it's non-degree dancing on your dancing and [ __ ] grave this is great oh that takes me bad memories that's me that's two years ago two whole years yeah dude we've been doing this a long time damn so many feels like yesterday / 14 years of it feels like half my wasted life ago I'm dreaming here that's the last time I take [ __ ] peyote dude he's just like I didn't see you not seeing you all right so that switches that and that switch is just these two so if I do that and then switch that and do that and then switch that and do this it's worse that yeah [ __ ] do that this one turns on all of these and then this one just these two okay so if I do that and then so if we play the better version it's like okay so there's less hilarity this game is growing on me tremendously yeah yeah you wanna play it no no just from like a an observing kind of view okay sweet I hope this video goes viral the very nature like yeah these are the moments oh I can't I made it one minute 30 second oh god in heaven oh that yeah then it's just a function of his subscriber being right god I wouldn't say that every video the Merc puts out hey welcome [Music] [Laughter] whoo all right welcome back yeah that floor looks good I'm just gonna blame I am in a world of tile I'm just gonna blame myself for the rest of this playthrough because Oh as you should yeah it's not it's it's you know it's Jesus God you don't even save them you just [ __ ] explode them into a tiny little like yeah I don't know what any of the shiny metal things is oh my god although now I do remember these swinging hammers - and I'm getting an impending sense of dread that perhaps we did play this entire hand no not this entire stage this part Wow and I died profusely as I will again all the way back here that's rough come on Sonic Adventure that was a protester wow we've got 60% of this episode talking about Flag Day researching glisteny black day in a hypothetical situation yeah well neither one medical future session you watching this [ __ ] Sonic Twitter account you're watching this at pornhub we're doing the research over here what do you do we're bringing subreddits together at gamegrumps X pornhub yeah there are slash game grow are slash sonic the hedghog are slash girls finishing the job have you ever been watching like like you and I are straight heterosexual men oh sure um as far as you know yeah have you ever been watching like heterosexual porn and you're just clicking around and you're already kind of jacket off and then you come across gay porn and you feel weird because you're already hard [Laughter] now the worst is when you're watching heterosexual porn uh-huh and then you're like you're you're at at the moment of climax yes and then it just it just decides like it's gonna show the guy it's never [ __ ] ever shown the guy just his face yeah yeah for forever through the whole video and then suddenly he's just like stop and you're like trying to hold it in yeah your balls just explode a little bit it pans back up blasting through it like Cleopatra welcome back everybody we just found some weird creepy ass dummies of our favorite Sonic characters I can't can I kill oh yeah oh god I'm just gonna get rid of tails VIP he's come to vyp your eggs there's rooms just for you to get a dirty [ __ ] in that's pretty good the egg VIP from a weird stranger it's not the Viper it's the VIP er you go to get checked up on you know when I was a kid I never realized it but like my wow you just fell through the floor it's yeah that's what happens that was my fault no it was my fault don't worry just get stitches people who want to email me that was my fault yeah I totally dude I might email you I busted it what if I emailed you from my phone right now if you [ __ ] suck yeah it's really long encyclopedic respond just a 48 paragraph respond yeah [Music] I remember when my uncle used to call himself like syphilis why do you mean he used to come in video games like when you play a competitive video game and then you would kill somebody it'd be like you were killed by syphilis and he thought that was funny son of a [ __ ] you thought that was funny you've got to beat this guy before the end of this episode when I was really young you know he did that and then I'd be like what's syphilis and he was like he was a pilot so he's like oh it's it's a disease that pilots get okay I mean it can be it's a sexually transmitted disease yeah but exclusively for people in the mile-high club I couldn't have been older than like four years old and like my first tooth came out that I can remember you know and I remember like believing in the tooth fairy so I like stayed up late to see if like the Tooth Fairy would show up right and I do remember like having my eyes like mostly closed and seeing like my mom come in and like put a dollar under my pillow or something I just remember thinking like I didn't say anything but I remember thinking like I [ __ ] knew it there is no magic in the world it was like a really silent breakfast then yeah yeah so the Tooth Fairy bring you something yep yeah it sure did well I don't know about that but I got a dollar mom yeah oh that's nice I guess the Tooth Fairy came then uh-huh yeah but she did um yeah you just like pull the parental like role reversal yeah so do you uh do have anything you want to tell me so I'm putting this out there right now yeah you have one more shot to beat this enemy this episode yeah if you do it yeah I will applaud you and and everyone on the internet will be like [ __ ] yeah Aaron everyone comment [ __ ] yeah Aaron if he wins at this time oh no the stick sir if he doesn't I encourage all of you Oh to write an email account Oh detailing why he's terrible [Laughter] episode and one [ __ ] morning I'm just gonna get up and I'm gonna wake up on the wrong side of the bed you have 48 thousand just gonna be like man I just don't want it's gonna be like a Saturday to like it's there I don't think about it man you know what I'm feeling stressed but I'm gonna try to you know go through today with with high spirits just ahead which I hate and I'm like oh that seems really beautiful to me and I respond to every single one and I'm like you know what [ __ ] you yeah [ __ ] you Aaron [ __ ] yeah you did it great [ __ ] chance right is he sitting here we're gonna cleanse this [ __ ] take him out in a boat ride malnourished em there was a Chaos Emerald in the windy Valley our search is going well huh I'm hungry what's for dinner oh I want that toy [Music] just because I am something that is frequently roadkill doesn't mean okay this is pretty sweet [Laughter] whoa yeah like you take a step on the wait a sec well there's a box on there whose burgers I made by like midway god it's been a little while for me jaleco it's perhaps Jellico god that looks so much like a butthole slash vagina you know what it doesn't look like what rocks falling rocks they just wrote rock on exactly yeah we'll fix it in post it'll be fine Oh whoa just a nod damn it all right way back cool super bad just [ __ ] breaks crap they do the [ __ ] yeah and [ __ ] clasp hands and their muscles just pump yeah they're [ __ ] absurd roided-out arms ridiculous in those moves looks like they've got you pushing pencils again delay pushing too many pencils if it bleeds we can kill it wait tell us that's a funny like chest first run doesn't he oh yeah like his arms are just flopping around no you don't breathe through your mouth tails you'll dehydrate that way it also get like several insects you were that's not a question yes statement I wonder where I am that bugs me to no end wet and guess what what a [ __ ] anyway guess what people put a question mark after guess what guess what and it's not a question it's a statement oh wow you tell it's a command you're telling people to guess we never thought about that is that like our IP and peace do you not like that either people write that all the time and it's like rest in peace and peace our friend and also NS P's manager really into alien ant farm what no way super down with the AAF he's got like a Walkman and like a [ __ ] cell phone sunglasses and he's like yeah yeah what else does she teach you how does never shut up super good at that how you practice they bet I was like this singing backing vocals were just like [ __ ] up [ __ ] that are really masked by the action but Jesus teachings here you are dead ahead is that supposed to be like a fire or a jewel in my Montand super unclear on ass [Music] [Laughter] why did sonic need to jump off seems like an unnecessary risk what do you say we nail those guys jeez I'm just gonna get the Chaos Emerald you weaselly [ __ ] those guys sure whatever oh goodness I'll give you a sample of my frog smile I would love it if you did frog smile yes is that a sexual maneuver yeah it involves it involves no penal or vaginal contact mm-hmm all it requires is I lied it involves penal contact okay a leap frog uh-huh but you're both naked and the guy just leapfrog over the girl and when he does all he does like a little jump and then the penis like drags on the backside women love that love the Frog smile that's not oh my god if I turn the blender and I'm like making a smoothie huh and then I put too much ice in there and like it gets stuck I'm like [ __ ] thinking god I'm never getting a good review on Yelp oh my god you are you know you gotta make you gotta keep things interesting in life or else you're gonna stay are you alone in this scenario like are you alone in the room sometime that's neither here nor there it's very much here sometimes the difference between making a joke and be insane insane was probably talking to yourself or talking to the toaster would you eat that [ __ ] metal tea please you got your friendship bracelets who's that from sorry that's probably smell really gross that's okay anyway I broke up with that girl because she was [ __ ] nuts good yeah she was [ __ ] nuts it'll gross yeah she was mad at me for talking to girls cheating on me with tree nuts and such Oh so I'm not good enough for cash I get the good old stack of almonds is a good replacement for me huh I see the way you're looking at those walnuts that it goes did you just beat him yeah you go get ice cream it she's like could I get butter pecan like pecans and just like this again I see it do you tails didn't nothing gets by you starts bumping into a door you've been doing this by yourself the whole time you be ionic in every race certainly talking yourself okay all right egg Walker maybe he like let out the sound and then now the rest of the song is it echoing among [Laughter] [ __ ] here comes what does he what does she want to do the piggies with an ass it could be anything oh it's playing it again oh god the road with the credits it whoa I didn't know there was like wicked religious [ __ ] go that's ridiculous so I can meet my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ it sounds like it's one of those melody lines that sounds like someone's making it up it was inside the [ __ ] enemy guy oh really there was a duty and emerald sytem some people like to put things inside themselves bro I just don't judge yeah I know I was 16 1 do you even know how hard it is to get keys out of your rectum dr. Fred my very good at keeping secrets dr. probably not a real doctor we're not in a hospital in an alleyway behind the CVS is it in here do I do I punch what do I find stomach hurt is it here is it here sir nope those things shoot your farther away I do the are they here they don't help me with my don't you Ian why on this no you're just on the ship is on the ship [ __ ] Jesus Jesus no no it's I it's on that pirate oh my god I'm gonna have a [ __ ] legit heart attack okay I got to get there first this area is large I know I can make emerald hunting a pain there are no secret place as the pieces are hidden in just glide around until you locate the ball I want to open up a walkthrough from Mario and it's just like play do the things until the credits happen games are supposed to be fun duh yes come on one time I remembered huh boy it's just like room 403 thank you can I get room service don't bother me knuckles I just want to play some slots wait just get in there and punch oh my god gonna break I'm about to break I can tell you our sex your face is spazzing out oh boy [Music] now I guess now here I come oh my god [ __ ] seeing like are you oh my god is this some kind of brilliant avant-garde boy I wish you could just hit this guy one more time oh how sweet a diamond tiny a man like mmm [ __ ] lick my own [ __ ] when I do it yeah horrible horrible triumph for you shut the [ __ ] up yeah looks like I might be waiting a long time stop it's just it's just leaves do just walk on the man crunch that's the extent of the do me a solid here knuckles this FAQ is dedicated to my friend Michelle who has stuck with me laughed at all my lame jokes and humor me a lot more than I actually deserve and she was also really impressed when I wrote this walkthrough I mean he must have hated her considering the quality of his boxer this is dedicated to Michelle ah the worst yeah that's not a cool nickname yeah that's true actually they call me beats it because my walk they call me because my walk throughs are like driving a beats pedal to the metal into a brick wall mix I like a grip still gonna walk over this bridge okay but crazy slowly the entire next episode oh I'm not even doing oh [ __ ] doesn't it look like in movies where it's like one echidna in a world where nothing's [ __ ] make sense and the laws of physics don't apply this echidna is gonna walk real slow a sweeping camera camera now oh [ __ ] Oh whoa this is like wow you're not making any progress it's a kid there we go one way to go and you okay are you okay are you okay any good Bry as a matter of fact this is beginning to blow my mind what the da question mark but there was something about like at the height of his popularity that seemed really like me me me look at me I'm so awesome you know and like persona yeah well that's that's what I'm realizing it's like [ __ ] well because also like the reason he got so popular was because he was he sort of act as its own publicist right like he that's fair he started the whole myspace thing yeah you're like you know you gotta see how long ago was yeah using myspace as a promotional tool he finally like really used Friendster to its full ability and and brought it brought it to the floor front you use geo cities three website service totally the way it should be man [ __ ] I'll never forget how Dane Cook harnessed CompuServe to really [ __ ] [Laughter] you dude you are flying all around this thing remember when Dane Cook used Usenet in order to distribute his news groups I forgot all about that one yeah yeah all right well how do I get to the crane now anyway you got to fly with this horrible camera why are you doing this to me Farkle that's the dog barfle the dog he's so crazy looking he looks like something from five nights at freddys Lucy hold on I'm just gonna play it oh my wasted a weightless named farfel that was the space version never mind [Laughter] yeah they just [ __ ] over their friends and pops it's just like like a textbook like schizophrenic paranoid attack yeah it's like no guys just like dude I'll just give you the pops and he's sick you got him at five Janet look at all those well I was gonna say after-effects but don't think after-effects existed back then X plus C no it's answer your question after-effects clearly did not exist rap break down [ __ ] gonna get a puss eat a [ __ ] yo don't matter if you shave dog get the hair and you throw it stop choke ah that's the sound of Maceo [Laughter] gonna see the crystals yeah Oh gonna slam a dick in a puss yo don't care if it smells bad whoa like 3/4 of the way through Sonic's playthrough it is a statement yeah that's weird isn't it all right here we go what am i doing going annoy the [ __ ] out of Sonic he's stalking mercilessly collect all the smother Emeralds whoa that robot is after you son collect the paper shredder there restraining orders and the match set but you said you you've had a name like that too right like was it Jessica or something like that that like just for some reason a lot of crazy girls in your life seem to have I don't remember what what name it was some like Melissa it's not like you know like like a really common name so obviously a lot of girls would have it right but yeah it seems like everybody has that name in their life like uh ever Sarah I've known have been whoa Sarah freed liners oops and Stine I actually Sarah Dixon I've actually had two ex-girlfriends named Sarah yeah one with an H on the end and one not I know mixing it up and I was so afraid I was so afraid of calling one later [ __ ] it's like triangulating lasers much easier you love doing this you were so immature where's the game Amy Amy we need you on set what really is this was this did we see this already no but she remember she saves him when Sonic is kicking his ass and she's like he was nice to me [Music] [Laughter] target eliminated don't know why I didn't do this before I kill for sport what am I am i love.i oh man she really looks like she meant that finally a flying target walking away from my feelings aiming beginning trigger pulling finger action now half way and the secret weapon is not my friend Mariah who has so kindly offered to grind for us yes thank you Mariah you're sweet girl never met you I'm sure you're cool she's delightful especially since you're friends with Dan who's one of the best human beings I've ever met in my life holy [ __ ] Erin what that's really nice of you why are you white it was said in such a terse tone expected to be as nice as it was it was meant as an insult to the rest of humanity okay yeah raise your game all others that's a little [Music] [Laughter] that's the funniest thing I've seen all day that wasn't on Kiba alright I've got better things to do yeah that's a shape by the Bell marathon you're that you have better things to do than fight your arch nemesis that has been ruining your plans for 20 years yeah whatever you take care of it I'm the golden girl zone yeah my rice cooker just goddamn it there's nothing I hate more than overly crisped rice I'm gonna start you better go you're still here I'm looking at you humans have taught me much yeah I never quite understood that it's tails his nickname yeah or is he miles tails no well no no his last name is per hour his name is miles per hour yep like like by day he's like mild mild mannered miles do you wanna know what's so Sonic's Canon name is please tell me why are you taking guess I already gave it Jeff tool who also happened to be the third string quarterback of the Buffalo Bills a couple I'm gonna game well Dan you'll be surprised to know yes I'll give you three guesses okay and I'll tell you if it's like close enough okay [Music] cliff nurp Lee no not even close sponge nicely it's lunch is definitely gonna be the name of my firstborn son sponge Avedon no and worse though your room sponge where's your third the kids like I would have discipline problems if you baby Greg we left off on the last episode okay um it's probably confusing for those my final guess is sport sponge Lea well is running dry today the Hedgehog sponge sponge Lea yeah yeah that was gonna be my fourth guess about s punch why is that correct no further so just tell me his name don't maybe jump through hoops alright spongy spongy hoops his name is Ogilvy you can't be serious I always meant to guess that there you go see you later there's lifting for ever and ever and ever I would like it much more if she was like being chased down by enemies that she's like see you later [ __ ] and the balloon lives our one foot off the hills okay kids I got a text was that I guess I got a text yeah all right cool is everyone out there entertained I just make you sure you all knew I got specs and I guess that was a bird Wow oh boy her panty shots are so hot that I'm not even bothered by her monster hands her panty shots are getting me so dang hot oh my god I okay I mean whatever what it could just break yeah certainly see exactly oh I needed a ring yeah yeah my father was a boy my mother was a I'm off to heaven like a shark just looks like when I jerk off huge dick this one's a worker what if they had like a section for like panty programmers and ledge design jerking off to dicks animator that was Takahiro ha mono oh my god like you started laughing oh my I saw it in your face before you finish saying these are natural stripes it's well done stop the [ __ ] car money big it up big just flips the [ __ ] take me for a ride yeah I bet I bet you'd keep driving I toss seven go [ __ ] that guy some dirty Armenian fish that fish really wants it oh my god happy well it's not getting it you can't have known this dude this is [ __ ] hard apparently yeah it's hard and boring where the [ __ ] the goddamnit froggy seriously giving me [ __ ] agita [Music] [ __ ] just get him and good this is AG sometimes it's got a water effect sometimes it doesn't comes in from the left like a spiral thing what the [ __ ] is this like requiem for a door you're going bass too bad I think he's all for just a nibble just the boys like straight up [ __ ] Algebra three to get that [ __ ] this mouth god [ __ ] damn it [ __ ] froggy piece of [ __ ] froggy I swear to [ __ ] god froggy holy [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] Oh froggy Oh froggy Oh frog frog frog frog frog frog [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] okay great what are you [ __ ] oh what's happened to the fish he just became the wall it's fine I'm not a religious man but if hell exists ran home it's 45 minutes later I'm looking at the clock and it was so pissed if I don't catch this [ __ ] do it can I tell you I kept a secret tally of how many times you said something to be effective who likes this game anyone like this game it was over it was double digits it was at least 12 or 13 milk so funny big big can I can I level with you for a second yes your portion of the game has been a true joy might not be on my top 5 list just just just just in freaking out that's all I'm gonna catch you yeah I don't know look okay there's such a defeated tone to everything you're saying level two ice cap this level as many of you [ __ ] got it's not the page sorry I'm going not porno let's look at my tabs porno sub stopping I'm holding up traffic that's awesome so you have to do that like four or five more yeah four times oh my god how you feeling alright I'm like really worried about you all of a sudden oh boy nothing just terrifying think cats would be afraid of yeah he's not liking drone really that's that music means saw no what the [ __ ] man like what the [ __ ] oh can you get on the top of the rock and then jump from out of there please let me know there yeah are you serious yeah there yeah yeah yeah dude damn this one you have like four pairs of shoes on are you [ __ ] insane I'm sorry I shouldn't abandon you in your time of need but wow dude not only did you fall off the same ledge but you fell off it in exactly the same way because this game is [ __ ] ridiculous dude three steps to the upper left and then just whoever that fence does nothing but exactly you fell right through that [ __ ] it's right here it's right froggies right here it's right here you can see it you can smell you can taste it it's real it's in front of your face you Oh grab it grab it huh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] no 15th one's a charm brings back the good old memories of like a D turn slide guitar dude it do you think they make people at Guantanamo Bay you think his tail is just a giant green middle finger growing out of his ass Oh guys where this is where I am right now in life just say hit this is hardly it's hard to get this hit as like a top 40 radio hit my god I think you you know what iron I'm gonna say I got a good feeling about this you act like I'm not even here experience right next to you please please bring him in I hope you hooked him through his [ __ ] eyeball oh my god he feels this froggy a little son-of-a-bitch I can't breathe please please just just reel them in oh my god among the top villains of video game like by a long chase in space oh my god he is really fighting you come on you didn't do anything differently to catch him it's completely random sorry I didn't mean to upset you oh you're right there victory throws rock and now to release him in so he could be caught once again Oh is there a fourth one of this yes awesome Oh cutscene is this frog like power diamond fuel or some [ __ ] oh my god hey [ __ ] you welcome back welcome back to game grumps Aaron it is ten seconds since Aaron's last harrowing experience with this game and attempts at frog catching yeah yes it's so it's so nothing it's nothing it's just images on a screen how is our big the cat and froggy ever gonna get out of this hopeful [ __ ] giant piece of metals is coming flat cuz Ross came up to us earlier in the day he was like oh did you get to the big the cat parts yet hmm I'm a cat my name is big and I was like yes dude it's been [ __ ] hysterical aaron aaron has been having like an insane meltdown as he plays BIG's parts and washes rust came over to you and he was like dude really is that true have you been having trouble with big and you're like didn't even look up from the fridge you're just like the gyrations continued at this fish inside of chaos his body you catch froggie quickly extremely slowly arriving now we're looking from the profile of Robotnik checking him out I am your and your mother i birthed you from my mind which may be so happy come on this actually looks pretty cool it does it here you want to give it a shot nope right then maybe you shut the [ __ ] up because I just don't want to step on your toes man this is your baby yeah is that really the excuse you're gonna get floated down the river leave it on a doorstep with a bad orphanage like one that I know is like like not on the up and up Bob's fried chicken in a way my name is not Gama it's Y also known as eg 209 perfect [Laughter] [Music] anyway Gama why is he still walking yeah I'm already here I'm just trying to stay in shape all right welcome back to catch froggie the game yeah yeah wait watch out there robot monkeys on the umbrella yeah but I'm a robot - so now rinse oh that's right so not even don't even worry about him so check it out I could say hi to them like what's up monkeys and they're like then I can just [ __ ] I was informed that be marked it is on this [ __ ] and they're just chilling out - yeah bothering anybody target acquired your face is bothering my face considering all the things this game kind of forgot to like add and logically that's like a really like specific good you know it's a nice little thing they programmed it yeah it's only good I can't I can't go through the loop-d-loop come on I can go to the loop-d-loop just give me just give me a chance desperately program - Lu [Laughter] going low rey de loop over loud desire increasing throwing monkeys it's the only way to take my mind off of not loop how am I ever gonna tell the pizza delivery man where to go iPhone clock off-kilter jps bad signal no reception LTE my ass so our buddy own is here he does the most omit Jesus Christ oh my god they're going to say make yourself comfortable yeah okay so we just need you to do your awesome robot voice what do I say oh just read what he says no gonna get any closer I don't know if you remember the cheese pizza from a long time ago but would you say it's Trey's epic robot Kratz can you say suck on my hot robot nut [ __ ] look in my heart about nuts okay mourn your brother fish in the pool of sadness just go to their robot graves press a to pay respect I know that doesn't sound appetizing faster if they had something that does something of the hood poke it [Laughter] man you're being awfully sassy for some time carrying a gun and looking at you yes you are being very sassy for something that has eight seconds to it that has eight no seven seconds to six I am NOT a person I have a robot you [ __ ] auntie hits ten things you just said were wrong does not compute too stupid fifteen thousand ways to die or I will choose for you be warned I always choose worst on list at last something to put in my robe anus it will not only fit but give me enough elasticity to bring massive pleasure I hold the universe in my hand not really sure my scanners were not equipped for logic must bring this back to the lab it is [ __ ] did not need lab analysis come with me run away with me fine yes my three memories they were sweet not that one though that one can go a raging dance dance let the beat drop I was gonna say was doesn't it look like there's a weird red jello pie floating behind you at all times sadness everyday I seem to remember the place I was on existential crisis approaching downloading exists enterprises 40% complete feeling inner sadness urge to buy Porsche increasing midlife coming out coming out the woodwork hmm have to take wicked pass how to take wicked pass try attempt number two this is how I do the peak and a snapshot of genitalia but I am a robot so actual snapshot oh yeah ever since I watched that red letter media total destruction of Phantom Menace I can tell you what I can do in one minute I can leap off the ledge to my gas that's all so these headphones don't reach my ears why did I get Babel headphones for babbles it looks like he's bathing thing he's like trying to talk over the loud keyboard so I'll take I'll take them aside he was trying to [ __ ] care man sometimes I just want to go slow now floating down the river with n-word Jim Mann and we're Jim you're one of my best minority friends not the best just one of them what's happens is the most dramatic it's ever been oh I thought my head was the sky for a second this is how it feels when I eat Taco Bell oh Jesus this makes no sense by the way I've been holding this in Sonic remember what you told me why do that lightning bolt [ __ ] why do that [ __ ] God turns coming with me just grabs his neck she becomes the sea dragon what a beautiful story I think I'll break my own neck see you later I must rebuild one building at a time all right like the big thumbs-up from God nice job Hedgehog I bet there's gotta be some kind of affection for it oh maybe not at all it's his baby yeah he knows I'm gonna [ __ ] on the earth with my light rays well I'm God I don't care oh my god I love that the [ __ ] nice I love that the lead singer was like at the end after the [ __ ] instruments [Music] alright next time on grumpy games yeah we're gonna play another game yeah Wow love you everybody good thanks for joining us on this one yes me too I am drained you two babies
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 885,857
Rating: 4.8974562 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, laughter, laughing, danny, sonic adventure dx
Id: vvx97Fxhgi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 34sec (5854 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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