Game Grumps Laughing Fits Compilation PART 3!

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Isn't this a compilation that was already uploaded on a fan channel?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DJ_Aftershock πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really feel like all these compilations are just clips I've seen already, in other compilations, dozens of times before.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BionicTriforce πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love the pokemon battles one (50:11)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/idejtauren πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love the "Hello. You must die." joke so much. I also love that it's based on them mishearing "Now you must die".

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Wefee11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I always forget and it reoccurs to me that Ashley is responsible for β€œDoes Bruno is Gay?”

Thank you

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheWhitemareOnElmSt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

People always complain about the compilations, and I get it, but I really don't mind. 90% of GG that I watch is compilations just acting as white noise in the background while I play video games or otherwise. The only times I watch new stuff is when a new series catches my eye, or a shovelware one-off pops up in my reccomended (cause thats usually the sign of one thats especially funny).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
look at me till completion and oh god that would be Suzie's least favorite thing you could ever say we want me to complete [Music] [Laughter] Aaron handed me his phone so I could look up something and I couldn't help but notice that oh I don't know reading for these randomly off the list big dick I love [ __ ] [ __ ] make to be peas and fart chamber contacts so so I wanted to pull up something that made and there's also eat healthy note to self fart chamber no I was I was making a Bruno Mars joke to a friend of mine like through like text message or whatever and I needed a Bruno Mars image and so I I looked it up and the first thing that came up was I'm gonna send this to Kevin was this article titled the rumor come out does Bruno Mars is gay I don't know does he well I said that too by Fred Ashley if she's [ __ ] good she can like hang with the best of them when it comes to like returning memes and [ __ ] so she went deeper down the rabbit hole and like read the article and sent it back to me and she was like you're going to want to read this so allow me to take the next 20 seconds to read you an excerpt of the does Bruno Mars is gay rumor mill yeah cuz I've thought the same thing myself yeah Delhi never know Mars is gay I have to know I does this have to know Bruno Mars is gay is the most discussed in the media in the few years ago even it has happened in 2012 but some of the public's still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there was a rumor comes out about his gay oh my god I can't believe this is real dude at that time he became the massive social networking rumor the public especially his fans are shocked he just came out with his bad rumor which is spread massively this time is not about his music career but his bad rumor the rumor is out of standardized of hoax what according to the last reported this singer revealed himself as homosexual do you still believe or not this rumour is really much talked by people even in a person of his fans so I hope I hope that cleared that up for you so yeah he actually come out as gay I don't [ __ ] know you could glean anything from that really my god that was like it does Bruno Mars it does Bruno Mars is gay it's it's a question that will haunt me for the rest of my life okay yo we're rocking and rolling now a little shitty piece we're partying and like hey do I get it I'm fine with that I'm killing your eyes cry yeah welcome this time yeah yeah you see that see that we [ __ ] them I'm learning we're having intercourse I'm a neural net processor a learning computer faulted [ __ ] damn it I thought I was good at serving I've been unstoppable AI machine we've we've never seen this we've never played it anything like that out of 200,000 people who have played this level only like a hundred thousand have it are you [ __ ] [ __ ] my nuts sure I dare a bag of dicks okay Wow how would you even do that you think there was somebody some kind of like personal trainer like therapist that was like you know what I think a good piece of therapy would be Matt Ryan would you mind playing that again but jacking up the scream suit thank you my god it sounded like his [ __ ] family was killed in front of his eyes saying man it's just weird it's just weird switch is on the fly egg stage egg tell fry to did not I saw like evil evil egg egg devil ray we were both way around how the [ __ ] did we both miss read that let me see it again egg devil ray it'll show up again but oh yeah I could see how I thought egg devil fry you that you said evil Devils today so you're clearly on Cody check this [ __ ] watch this haha [ __ ] dick [ __ ] didn't we just see this before okay available for 59.99 is it even color cool I'm sonic milk me for all I'm worth [ __ ] cow Saiga milk me the 2nd continent I've got nipples o'clock looks like you're [ __ ] mmm you're so super [ __ ] oh yeah maybe if I jump over this yeah landed on nope [Music] nice ciao ciao puppy again electric booth Electric desta loo [ __ ] I wish falling off a cliff you could actually be like [ __ ] and just tighten yourself and like go up an inch but then you continue to fall to your death everybody gets one really terrifying footage of people like jumping out of buildings and [ __ ] knees falling [Laughter] like oh that's great I don't know only 45 more iterations seriously oh that's a big [ __ ] goober open here open heimer I've become demand destroyer of worlds yeah become death I'm sure that's what Miyamoto said after he created this it's Oppenheimer up in hi Esmeralda mucho open should be I need my morning's to show you ever seen this gif of Hulk Hogan riding a motorcycle down the road well dude Chuck the dog in a river in the background Matt Ryan please put that in this is really exciting all of a sudden what you got to get a running start on that last are you [ __ ] with me dude unbelievable man I can't believe it what is with you man come on it's nearly nightfall here in Shamar I suspect the darkness revealed more clues but it'll be dark so you won't be able to see them do you think sonic shits if he does it happens very fast fast you really used yourself with that one huh [Music] you're right iron are you gonna be able to recover from you yourself bringing up the question of whether sonic shits or not well he's like flying toad would have the worst like give you the worst for like rap songs that like have a ton of lyrics it's just like paragraphs of text I just want to hear a toad rendition of dear mama but too far god [Laughter] that's really good can you give me one you are appreciated I'm gonna read this word for word okay man and girl go out to drive under moonlight they stopped at on at a side of road he turned to his girl and say baby I love you very much what is it honey our car is broken down I think the engine is broken oh no i'll walk and get some more fuel okay I'll stay here and look after our stereo there have been news report of steers being stolen I believe he meant to write stereos / God good idea keep the doors locked no matter what I love you sweaty again I think he meant sweetie but ya spelled it with an A so the guy left to get full for the car after two hours the girls say where is my baby he was supposed to be back by now then the girl hear a scratching sound and voice say let me oh the girl doesn't do it and then after a while she goes to sleep the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there oh we are definitely not we do enjoy ice cream hey baskin-robbins if you ever want to come on my face like a boardroom meeting where they're like so popular youtuber grows she penetrates herself slowly inside of Sonic that doesn't make any sense not wanting to hurt herself once it is inside completely Rosalina soon begin to move her body and it's [ __ ] 2016 now oh I know dude my life was way different than 2014 there's 30 men that's crazy especially since who cares I was the Wemo forgot six seconds go we had facecam you also at home would see us wiggling it and we'll never do it god dammit dude I was right there [ __ ] sucks alright next time here we go I'm just not good enough this game's great what's the difference between a garbanzo being in a chickpea but I wouldn't pay $300 to have a garbanzo bean on my face I love that one everything's good fine this is this is the first Sonic game where I'm not gonna have a breakdown no I mean this is the last episode not cat no it doesn't okay the breakdown is when I throw the controller and yeah and and pace around the room that that half I a little that happened two episodes ago did it yeah no I guess I blackout this is gonna be this is ever gonna be the Sonic playthrough where I don't black out with rage oh it happened last time I guess I black I feel like you should just have silence to do this go for it well that works I was like I was like now no now no now well and then she'd [ __ ] went all crazy good lord that's why it's frustrating otherwise I'd just be like that was weird I can step outside myself for a second and look at what just happened on the screen and be like god what a [ __ ] do business get up on a platform and [ __ ] but it's it's [ __ ] I don't know man this game's [ __ ] wack as [ __ ] Wow our 90's of you stab you in the [ __ ] heart [Laughter] alright let's say for left all right [Laughter] nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing this is nothing nothing don't believe me link in my resume 30 years experience okay okay last one Jimmy's got back too much it late at night and they wake up in the middle of the night have to vom sup buddy you know that feeling no it you wake up you gotta barf you can feel it you got the hot sweats I can't take much longer how much more I think I've reached my limit good [ __ ] good good god yo good [ __ ] god [ __ ] easy breezy beautiful girl maybe she's born with it maybe it's mabeline oh my god you're doing [Music] [Laughter] my mom mommy mommy bring that sweet white but Jeb do you want some ghost ice cream Mario gonna play my level now that's Adele - yeah totally watch out for those fireballs I'll hand you right to hell yeah there you go uh did she do any other songs is that her EP two songs I know she's had a bunch I'm trying to [Laughter] [Laughter] hang around he's kind of cool-looking hello welcome I'll tell you what you're supposed to do you eat you eat raw chicken you must die these tape words will assist Oh God high school how long's it been ah 15 16 years [Laughter] GameStop where you can this is charles speaking hello and welcome to Moviefone if you know the name of the movie you'd like to see please put three letters of it now you must Mickey Mouse first of all what is this [ __ ] two cats why not three jeez what were they thinking this game's a bunch of poopy a stinks covered in chocolate feces what is this some kind of angel I don't want religion in my game sometimes your girlfriend gets kidnapped by a bird just like her [ __ ] this game has nothing to do with Disney except that it's jokes what about you poopy Avis farts covered [Music] [Laughter] oh my god is that you pew that got you way more than I look over your faces just already okay we're fine we're good mad man I won't stand for this that's Morgan Freeman oh yeah I get you Bruce he's just like Batman wanna come back and he's like the [ __ ] man we're in a meeting right now he's like oh sorry I just kind of slipped out for a secret identity get blown like they're just all out of dinner [Laughter] [Laughter] dude what the [ __ ] at Bruce Wayne's oh [ __ ] I'm not easy easy doesn't movie - his eyes are open can't make a move but he needs that mustard you better get busy passing [Laughter] Batman do another Ice goes dead silent like a fork drops Bruce Wayne's the only one who plays [Laughter] silently get something like shoulders hunched a little bit like in the sky [Music] [Laughter] Bruce Wayne is just like [ __ ] like filling out form across I just need a roll of stamps hey Batman yeah Batman the one in the suit Bruce Wayne you know Batman way I I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry I have to do it in front of and they're driving home in like dead silence like to imagine like everybody's staring at him and Bruce Lee it's got like the look of death in his eyes and look Morgan Freeman's like oh but on the other hand I really mean those sorry not sorry so act under the ground jump dude I don't think he can do it all right yeah I get to over to fidgety it does make you very fidgety I get there get there get there so why they put that [ __ ] [ __ ] it all right here pause the episode please no you got one more try one more try it one more try my fourth try go ahead people are gonna be so mad what are you talking about I am getting better I am so interested this is epic to me like the Odyssey it's like this and then the Odyssey in order of epic yeah and after that Speed Racer movie there's parts that are meant to be like this they're bet to be hard it's like [ __ ] kid you gotta she's gonna do it zero percent of anything did you take this you didn't even savor the P Lee's just ripped it off with a barbarians [Music] gamegrumps saber the penis dan you're being crazy Aaron oh my goodness don't don't 1982 you don't know what I got four on this side and three on this side and a roll again in a do lyrical and I got to do this pose like I just came back from a mythical creature [ __ ] so a tester throw and a real throw okay Jared are you rolling do you only go first Stan no go for it iron I'll go for it okay all right here we go okay he talked a lot of [ __ ] that actually failed as bad as it could in both distance and I'm sorry that was just the testers yeah I know it doesn't this is gonna be the real throw all the matters is that the series 5 micro fighter is complete i won and now I get to I believe this [ __ ] on Aaron is that what it is well that's a disqualification right there I don't don't worry about this thing this is chocolate let's give it a give it a good go you have the first one it's delicious thanks easy-bake and guess what you have I want to stop because I won the game if I can imitate her goal really who's the judge of this maybe Tucker judges that all right Willie you're gonna have to judge this miracle imitation right here did I do that [Music] did you have fun din I had a great time I'd actually we only got halfway through the questions so if you'd like to do another ten minute of the rest of the questions at some point perhaps not the next episode but one after that or so I'd be down okay great join us next time and if you want to do uh s'mores if you want to have a suggest more things for us to do on the show then go and comment in the comment section watch this from here sure is did Cameron really dramatic and cool okay agus bagus oh god it practically solves itself this puppy honestly honestly oh man you really just gotta jump to the rhythm yes yes damn it yeah yeah cool a wink that's what I wanted well now that he's gone if I die bury me okay hang my balls on a cherry so heartfelt my grandson is nazgul Ruth I'll destroy they're all like knitting while they talk you may have heard of them in the nekron if you took the time to read here comes my my beautiful heart my grandson has two hots and four stomachs like a cow if one fails he can just rely on the other one and if it doesn't he can donate it to a charity of his choice preferably one that gives kids primarily I believe if World Peace is going to be achieved it's gonna be through tossing salad like your name Roman I feel like Nicky was really onto something she's nailed it yes like she got nailed by that tongue just like she get tongue punched in the brown you call me Danny so really like you really must be in a state right [Laughter] Thank You Linc truly our goal is the same I I mean we've already established this but I really like rubbing it in mooses face we are great friends I consider you my number one friend you're the back take this stingray hat and new better that's a good one King surely you do not really intend to give this outside of the zuhr armor countless generations of Zorah princesses have gifted that armor to the one they have sought to marry son bring this weird stingray thing outside new zoo dispose of five there's five now yeah nothing's gonna change I just have to die and start over it they hope that maybe this time when I tossed the dice they'll [ __ ] die I jumped over the thing and now I kill that brain and kill this guy and I kill that guy and he's dead and he comes back to life because he shot the fire there's four brains and one of them is gonna come back to life for God's sake this is the man who drained his nugs in meifa all right fine I get it [Laughter] I've drained my nugs wonder twice of my day obviously just into the sea I mean [ __ ] look at me I am a nightmare hmm I never would have imagined she would make that special armor for one such as he you [ __ ] Barry I'm sorry to ask this can I just get a little smiling floating burger across the screen from right to left thank you ready just need to see something baka no hurry okay may just make him go a little faster Joe get out get Dan out of here Bergy you don't belong here you're not you distracted me I was gonna jump and then you were all like oh my [ __ ] sucks bro doesn't help me one bit cold upon [ __ ] Bergy in my time of need Jesus Christ I don't think that [ __ ] got what the [ __ ] [ __ ] album fire out there Oh God there was something I was watching episodes of this it was so [ __ ] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] man come on come on please please and your brains I had so much going for me that one and you had to rip away the meetings you [Laughter] yeah baby come to my circus my roundabouts Annika I beat you up that is the show ride the elephants get [ __ ] up ha yes yes nice and then just say oh [Laughter] my god it went off the screen did if you if you went to a place in Poland polish plays a good polish Polish yeah if or if there was a place that pop dude if you were polish and you jacked off that would be a Polish pole policy baby thank God one of us is at the top of his game I think you might be right he's like hey what's going on guys and grimace is like why am I here yeah and then hamburger I was like Robert are you really my friends and then when Hamburglar didn't shave he was like stop being immature at the dinner table was his milk he was all like Bob and his mother was like you're in trouble [Laughter] good to your room mister on the double topple science class when somebody was like so how do you think we take pictures of these galaxies he's like Hubble ha I think raywilliamjohnson once a meter saw I'm sorry Oh God your favorite Martian do you remember met him nah I drew a dick on his wall though really yeah how do you take that I think he was pretty mad it's okay I'm sure under the bridge [Laughter] did you just give like like the JFK assassination of YouTube lore where did this come from sorry ray wherever you want I mean [ __ ] Aaron what I just wanted to be important here three okay Jesus I'm not gonna murder somebody so that's the next best thing the vandalized something super fat and this was like the top of his fame too if you should ever say something is the next best thing to murder and wait no Scatman Crothers mr. Fuji Mount Fuji though isn't a haiku no it's Mount Fuji okay they call anybody in Japan when you say Mount Fuji you say Fuji song which is like mr. Fuji is that right yeah oh that's funny oh well mr. know-it-all like one step away from like you could see all the facial features on his human face it's weird that his name is Fuji when the mountain is also called Fuji he's standing on top of Mount Fuji it looked like a mountain in the picture does it not man that is funny such a crazy quest take one down pass it around dude yeah 99 bottles fear on the legitimately surprised yourself the fear I guess that's the word I'm gonna say I really like the randomness that people like spout at you before like they you start fighting like I like to imagine you're just going through your day like would you like three or I mean two or four percent girl waitress Sandra would like to know what we're talking about animators she was a good woman she'll be missed by all gravedigger Ted shoes his brows Brown do you think you have anxiety because of how your mother treated you I will keep the mix potion in the beaker god damn it please don't make it just a little bit of red potion that will [Laughter] [Laughter] Rapp would you place a cigarette on my processor tell enough to cover up I don't know a penis peach I will protect you when he attack I got a text from Aaron that says it says I said I'll take the time to respond to a text of my own [Laughter] yeah he's responded to Texas wasting my [ __ ] time and followed by sorry wrong [Laughter] baked Asians I was challenged my preschooler Mia yeah she looks ready to kill see old she's got twice the eyebrows of any normal preschool [Laughter] [Laughter] all right Oh are you texting no no I just received another like one of those crazy holiday texts from my friend Libby that's a lot of emojis what's popping in that peppermint [ __ ] you little snow hoe dictum December is almost here and the only way to stay warm is to ride daddy's crisp matte ass tree all month long until isn't that a woman SAP comes out but don't forget to lick off any syrup from daddy's hard candy cane if you want to get rod under the missile ho send this to 25 is here pick yourselves if you get zero back then you're an unglue grin back you're a bad jingle bill [ __ ] careful dog next time you front on the king hey I'm gonna be way way way way way better keep it real king K check me out I'm getting butt-fucked by my best check me out I clone myself and I'm [ __ ] my clone yo yo yo I feel like I'm going crazy I'm getting [ __ ] in my same [ __ ] who is that for Rotom go put that little trickster back in your bag dang dude [Laughter] I am programmed not to harm anyone hello I am friends dog my ears contain my human protection program oh my god oops my ear fell off great if they removed one and it was teenis let's just change everything oh god it's a nightmare Oh No best of three players I was born to protect humanity I too was programmed to protect humanity I too am French dog Clarence you're acting awfully strange lis Clarence does not compute I am friend I am friend clearance were you replaced by reprogramming as per your wand I am friend Clarence something's wrong with my dog dr. Ben speaking human words yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa I missed was sweeping you along right on your tit stain see it's it's so like not sexy not flattering yeah just like tits let me see your dish well that's the thing like has the word tits ever been like uttered when the sentence was not referring to like show them to me show me your tits looks like you might have a little cancer your tits [Laughter] I got a mammogram on my tits today that is amazing I wish all doctors did that do you want to go chicken see you in a chicken leg or the tip I get that every time I order a sandwich it's subway what do you mean just like if there's somebody but like everything about Subway's is like infuriating really yeah it's like the people in front of you take too long and like there's no drive-through and like it's it's just all I don't know I'm over-exaggerating obviously but it's always like the land of inconveniences yeah it's I mean because it's like I have to be okay and they're like what do you want and I'm like a sweet onion chicken teriyaki footlong on flatbread and then they're like what bread and bread and they're like okay and then they they [ __ ] take and they're like did you say footlong yes I said footlong yeah and like you want cheese you already have so many like bad experiences with the place that like it becomes self-fulfilling prophecy the second you walk in there like hi how can I help you in you're like oh this [ __ ] cheese is like yeah could I get um Swiss cheese and they're like what kind it's like [ __ ] yeah you know the kind I just said uh and they're like toasted and it's like of course Toth you can't have the flatbread and not toast it it'sit's like spongy gross starchy ass [ __ ] bread it's made to be toasted Wow of course I want it toasted and then they [ __ ] toasted then they start helping the people behind you and it sits in the toaster for like you are [ __ ] take it out it's like another person and you get a read on their personality it's like god damn it and they're like what do you want that's like and I'm like spinach and then they just [ __ ] destroy it with spinach just like an avalanche of spinach and you're like I want like five other things you can't just fill it up with smidge and think that's all it's gonna be Wow Wow and then you [ __ ] it and then you're like onion and they're like okay and they put like two onions on it it's like more onion please then when you like get some weird combination like wicked can I get mayonnaise and also sweet onion sauce they finally they like throw up their eyeball a bribe brows a little bit like and you're like don't [ __ ] judge me I'll you and I can make my own sandwich Wow next time I gave Wow
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,737,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, game grumps compilation, game grumps best of, game grumps highlights, game grumps emotional, dan avidan compilation, egoraptor compilation, game grumps laughter, game grumps laughing fit, game grumps funniest moments, game grumps funny compilation
Id: bnyenTbBIvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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