Can Dan handle ANOTHER ZOMBIE GAME??? - Resident Evil 3 : PART 1

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4 zombie bites in a 15 second period

Flawless gameplay indeed

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/emp_raf_III 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jesus Christ I lost my shit when they hit the download block. Same thing happened when I downloaded FF7. Shit is not clear and it was hilarious watching it happen to someone other then me.

Also legit, is it darker for us cuz holy shit how is Arin even hitting anything?

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/kdebones 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Pretty sure Dan was talking about Outlast, but I dont remember if that was the one.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/spudmonk 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Stop putting your babies in me, dude.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/ShaunTrek 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Just saw a little clip on Facebook where Arin and Dan said they finished this game. That definitely got me more interested in the series.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Johansenburg 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Getting some strong Ivan vibes from their voice for Mikhail.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/skyyn3t 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Apart from the arrow and the "gets scared", I love this thumbnail so much

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/lukeiguess 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

The state of this fanbase is just bitching about thumbnails.

It's really sad.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

The lack of grumpheads in the thumbnail made me think there was going to be facecam.

I hope this isn't the start of them doing away with the grump heads for the sake of branding or something

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/SelfDepricator 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
are you looking for our 10 minute power our show ventriloquist dummy Aaron tell them where they can find it slash no crumbs I forgot I was moving my bad whatever it's cool all right everybody welcome this is resin evil 3 get ready and it's gonna crush this flawless speedrun so I played there just playing out standard flawless speedrun I played this I beat it in one sitting and I played it again sitting y'all I feel like I should hide so I'm hoping that I can I can get this done in like forward 5 episodes and be remarkable if you can cuz I can really just blast through this I mean to be fair I skipped cutscenes and everything is this new what do you mean this is this footage new yeah ok that's cool yeah this whole game is a new a new vibe to it [Laughter] scissor kick the door hey is that supposed to be like the president or like a governor I don't know they just kind of throw whatever that's dr. Matt Gorkhas he's a genetic scientist hi I'm dr. gorgeous being a scientist isn't my genes it's just like these Levi's put him in the wash and they mutate into useless pieces of starch oh I found the problem his head's deflated yeah oh he's all sinewy and gross he's like a zombie person oh wait a week in um hello so this is resident evil 3 resident evil 3 looks like fun it's a remake wait what city is that it's Raccoon City but that's an actual skyscraper I think this is this is still real footage I can't tell if this is real footage or if this is pre-rendered now boy there's a skyscraper that that's like clearly based on yeah well I think Raccoon City is supposed to be New York hmm and like the Arklay mountains are supposed to be like what's the what's the rich area of New York that has like the Hamptons New Jersey okay so I'm Jill I'm a cutie and I'm from the first game and I'm a part of stars which is like a search-and-rescue team and now I'm stuck in Raccoon City in three days and I'm out of here baby star since first search today and rescue someone Oh God was it a first-person game no okay hi this is Jill she's cute and looks like Michelle Rodriguez oh I I still have a soft spot for Ari one remake Jill who looked like a Nordic supermodel oh this is running looks like a regular supermodel mascara is running out of your nose Oh oh no my mascara is spreading across my face yeah it's gonna take me over and I'm gonna be beautiful everywhere no these luscious lashes they're infecting my everything you know what you still look pretty good yeah man I'd still swipe left or whatever swipe you what's the good one swipe right that's right right number swipe right it's a good one okay no don't do it no no wow it's okay it was just a dream oh okay she was sleeping at her desk and her palms are sweaty mom spaghetti remembered have fun I wrote a note to myself it did that would have said no it's gonna say like whoa oh is that the days she was at the arc lay three more days saying cuz this Tambor bye see ya alright I'm in smacking city it's a zombie abyss now this is this is real life now this ain't no dream okay turn that light on so I can apply the cream did they trip did they try to give it a little bit of a PT vibe you know probably you can sort of feel it so she'd be like creepiness so in the original resident evil 3 she she wore a tube top and a miniskirt okay and they decided that was stupid because it is yeah it was 1999 so they gave her a regular clothes yeah that like humans would wear fahrenheit in like normal situations as opposed to oh man I think I set the brightness way too dark on this yeah why'd you say whatever whatever when you were just enough right nessam portent well no I think this is what they want it to look like usually I do it a little higher just so I can see everything yeah so you can see everything I can adjust it now okay well I can adjust it when the games I can't adjust it whoa boy friend or foe its nemesis oh he's a bad bad boy oh he's a man who's naughty man oh he's the naughtiest man oh that's not a way to treat a lady oh that's all he wants to do is [ __ ] with Jill that's literally his entire character really yeah he's like ELC oh my duct tape yeah dude that was that was blocking my disgusting face yeah no people are gonna have to witness Oh gross my faces they lost have to witness the fitness the game a weird nose too did they yeah excuse me look he didn't used to have a nose and now he's got kind of like this is a little nose bump and a skirt yeah that'll sit that'll help what he busted through your wall punch through the wall get there Oh Jill uh I'm just gonna sneak into somebody's apartment I wish like I had time to just like look around there there's silly apartment yeah sir you're right over there yeah it's just a zombie apocalypse it's fine look it's just casually waking up in her bed like whoa hello handsome I've been waiting my whole life to meet you oh man oh he's got a goo hand is that bad I've got a slimy tentacles and no that's what he's using to grab you got to go now my tentacle is spray goo all over the ground boy she remains pretty in all situations no dude chill is she's like the queen of oops tell you that can't feel good against the sternum no no not at all no Jill takes up beating in this game and she is like resilient bro yeah hello boy he could have killed her a long time ago if it weren't for this love of dramatic walking - I know yeah well he does see in Resident Evil - that's all dramatic walking but in this one he he kind of runs and [ __ ] no oh Craig does this move he kind of like leaps up in the air are you controlling this yes okay I mean you know what am I gonna do dress it up I'm holding up yeah oh can you die is what I'm saying probably neat all right we're saying I went well ah I'm sure he's not gonna follow me anymore after this I should stop at the ear store okay just Brad what why are you here I'm gonna turn it down yeah please do I can't hear them sounds great let's hang let's pick up a little show at the scene I feel like all these these the Capcom references yes a great hapten commando up there and like 1942 is like a Top Gun type movie yeah that's awesome I'm sure the other ones are references but I don't know what they are got a run got a run like oh he runs right at the zombies yeah it's like oh dude I saw these great look at there's a lot of dancers behind you oh yeah don't care about zombies I want in this door yeah let's get in the jack let's get let's get the pump dude I want to pipe there's a door behind me nothing's gonna stop me from living my life red can't turn your back on this guy so you do I got bit and where's your zombie that's sick that's what I'm saying but okay and then we run he'll be fine I'm gonna take the guns sorry Chuck don't we well then now I've got like full gun gear I'm not gonna waste it on this guy yeah that's that guy screwed tutorials on me it is crazy oh dude this place is still open haha sweet jazz night I asked for a shotgun and I got not gun oh thanks for the shortest cameo ever Brad are you doing oh come on you go I'm making a fast getaway I'm safely here in this ice truck good luck dude yeah she'll do great zombie right outside damn it yes she's speaking for everyone here they're clean this up oh this is unsettling we're the choir they can't get me they're behind ya I knew it I knew it they gotta make its kinematic that was just like another game we played once we're crawling and dude just comes in low like that shoot what was that zombie zombie boys yeah it was it was another zombie thing you were in a hospital you're like trying to make your way through a hospital and I seen her it was the one where like you're in a helicopter that lands badly and like you find the pilot like crucified or strung up do you remember that Dead Rising jeez no no it wasn't fun like Resident Evil 4 maybe it was one of the Resident Evil's I can't remember it was scary though res evil 4head you were like in a truck and then you got out of the truck and then like there was a guy that was strung up on cross oh that might have been it we played that on scared of hair we'd never play that brush oh I'm saved thank goodness this helicopter is here right in front of me game is almost over well time to play dead jill has one resilient spine I know she smashed up we are come on dude sir I'm sorry I need to commandeer your vehicle do I have your permission do I have your permission here's my badge Maggie's face with it oh man looks like a WWF character oh damn girl oh yeah yeah Wow okay it's your turn again we can take turns we little car crash she's gonna stop nemesis I don't think and she's okay she's got a little shard of glass in my lungs oh geez it slowed me down not at all oh I would say it's just a scratch but I wasn't even scratched what the hell is this dudes problem um do you want to know oh yeah well no I know you can see his face so me his name's nemesis the [ __ ] face of which you speak it's Carlos yeah looks like you forgot about the handsome guy with the bazooka Jews Carlos I'm very yeah maybe we'll like form a bond later and late you know it'll be kind of ambiguous over whether or not we like have a relationship afterwards yeah that guy's like dead for like 30 seconds right yeah oh yeah no he's gone that's it the nemesis is never coming back that's how writing works was Brad from another game Brett yeah he's from the first game bro G's here that's just how he dies uh yeah I mean he wasn't like I think I think he was the pilot I think he was like the helicopter pilot you might be right personal space okay let's go okay hurry though we gotta go through this door gamedata not finished installing what do you mean okay I mean it should have saved it but where we were oh my god you gotta be kidding me did everyone like that playthrough it means that finish installing I had it I have it how do I check all right it's just 37 percent progress well that's just in how much I'm playing it on my account Oh Aaron all right been put up a thing so Oh Aaron it's a start and it was done in downloading like what am I supposed to [ __ ] think how do I tell if a game is done installing it no [ __ ] newfangled consoles so this guy was preparing a turkey alright we're back we did it I just had the game yeah does this thing where it's like it's ready to play and I guess I was playing too fast for it because I caught up to the point where I wasn't able to play anymore Wow hurry up Carlos just faster just go faster because you're such a like we're the only two people left alive like you can you can you can beat those cheeks a little bit it couldn't even be described as a brisk walk like really taking your sweet time in the zombie apocalypse how about bad that Bobo's yeah I think I caused this with my great hair my awesome chin well he doesn't know that umbrella was the start of all this oh you think Sunbrella is trying to save the world but Jill knows cuz she was in the mansion dang delicious yeah I love all these posters and stuff they're super cute there's a school stuck on the Red Planet and skull is called soccer adrift in space he will find his target that's funny the Terminator alien biggie like that then like a eighties band yeah they got Megaman up there oh yeah popular comic book character there's a there's a toy store that we're gonna go to and a little bit that Oh tyrant of the deep lovely hurry you're trying to oh my god I was just admiring she is not so fine it worth now of your name its Jill I'm not weirded out at all by the fact that you know me you know I guess he's Russian I thought it was Hispanic I can't hear very well why she's being so rude hilarious funny joke I actually thought that was your good me Kyle he's funny so I want all the stores are closed down Carlos can't even get a call [Laughter] murder on my split ends but we need help my man cannot do this alone not with hair like that can they need one more person a girl with like a bob cut kind of look like they are really they need someone who could be shampoo and conditioner in wine bottle luckily I carry that around in my hip pouch all right super calm there you go we can use this to stay in contact I know what a radio is do you know what a comb is oh sick burn you know or is the one post I want to show you its dr. wily and dr. light for me it's great robots are pass humanity huh that's great anyway love it yeah can we turn up the volume a little bit again oh my god you were such a you all you do is beg beg beg also I love her : e pours you love her come on beautiful thing paint it out of your brain let's go grab this document over here mmm tabloid front-page zombies are killing people that's all it says okay yeah this is cannibal disease and they eat each other you turn the page for the scoop I don't I can't get the scoop dude let me get the scoop it's been 7 seconds man I was reading the paper what's coming from my controller jeez you get the scoop I didn't get the scoop but I stabbed a box yeah sure do beat the hell out of me crooked dude I was like stopping cuz like whatever you do don't touch my herb garden Oh course not you've already made like a stew do you think he'll be mad [Laughter] Carlos loves that he's all he has I once heard him weeping over the concept of it even just the fact that it exists when he thought I wasn't listening I've heard him call herb Clementine you know you know he lost wife he lost dog he lost children but when he lose one herb oh boy wife named Clementine dog named Clementine children named Clementine one two three Clementine one two and three both Clementine all Clementine what time is it Clementine that's my hideout these are like the only these are like the last civilians you'll see no game like this Chamblee good job all right teach me the quick step but it doesn't even work they did to do no handgun mine so why is she fine even though she just clearly got bitten on the neck there's layers there's some there's like a yeah she's fine again there's an implication that she's immune ah even though later well I won't yeah but okay well you just did yeah really not all the way Carlos have muted Maine Avenue and Aaron spoiled some [ __ ] really what a surprise oh you shut up you you are just too much with that air oh did they bust out are they busting out I'm gonna break this fence boy what is even the point of those little yellow sandbag yeah thank you [ __ ] watch this if I just back up a little bit and then I'm like a zombie little of a yawn tails whenever he got roasted dude it's like just deal with it I'm gonna eat this real quick hold sorry oh sorry she was something coming out of her head yeah blood when I shot it okay come on dude don't give me that [ __ ] I'm getting doughnuts go to eat that [ __ ] yeah yeah I know how to examine dude I'm gonna damn it open up the damn box and there's a damn crystal inside I think that's all that's in here right yeah type it in homie should get that get ticket ticket thank you thank God this town left antique typewriters all over the place oh yeah so I could chronicle my progress yeah and they're all connected via bluetooth or Wi-Fi or whatever whatever you kids and your typewriters do ya like that what the radios got going on Wow oh you startled me time for the yeah I didn't even register it as a quick step without it ending with you getting bigger than that dude your meme being so mean to me right now Oh bro haha dude oh so sad hold please the firehose oh no it's okay now I can get some fire hose action going on nice host back to moons do nuts quick step no don't need it doesn't even need it uh-oh I have wait wait wait hold on oh yeah let me get some more ammo over here baby oh well you really know this game dude I told you man ow [Music] oh whoops oh dude all right in the face all bro sorry please remember him hey uncle he's a good boy here comes the firehose mmm shit's awesome like the visual yeah it's hot the spray nerd the cool water all over everything yeah you can say it as it is yeah yeah my my cool mint jizz everyone loves it is that all that's in here with that would they come in putting away the jewel who is it I wanna say it first I want to save who needs to save alright I'm gonna do die yeah I mean this might be a friendly person behind me it is well what are you alive besides he had a dumb hat yeah just so you know I am bad guy they definitely like design that character to have like a nice face like don't worry I'm not one of them gets shot in the [ __ ] head those things they try to make it like sad he's like oh man I'm I was like I was in jail and I'm trying to get my life together yeah and like aw you know when I get out I'm gonna be awesome don't worry I I have to I won't die I can't die I've got to see my wife and 27 children dudes right though he would have turned into a zombie right oh for sure yeah um do I have to come back to this I do yes okay it's just uh yeah cuz I can go back and like get a bunch of [ __ ] but I'm going to anyway so it's fine dude dude dude dude this guy killed himself because he was sad about getting bitten and being turned into a zombie yeah these this whole this town is full of people who killed themselves because they're sad this thing's talking about how these little generators around that if I shoot them they'll go but in the like shock everything which is that one right there oh sorry who's the buzzers it wasn't there another one yeah but he like ran they get a little like little scamp's man Oh gotcha oh sorry dog okay well now it's queued up close there really aren't that many in this hold please hold and it's fine they won't get out or will they go on they want their gun oh hello hello sorry sorry mr. head I see you have your head cocked in an inquisitive manner do you have a question for me oh I don't like the ones that come with their mouths open this guy like runs down the stairs what is he he's like oh he's not gonna do it okay how you doing all right you're okay yeah all right I can take one more hit okay you take one more little bite one more little nibble yeah oh man this already man this was fast okay yes lost first thought I wish I had a small belted pouch right now I would really tie this outfit together did you get so many pouches bro yeah all right so they put this game in here they put this part in here for the fetishists I'm just gonna say that right now this whole sequences for the fetishists the fetishist mm-hmm what kind of fetish like all the good ones like people who are like way into herbs no no that you'll see okay you'll know what I'm talking about is there it like one sexy zombie like in Dead Rising no man you'll see okay you'll know it right when you see it okay you'll be like oh that's someone's fetish and it totally is mm-hmm doesn't anything to do with this guy okay when does he look up and attack you hey uggs yeah bugs yeah sir you feel a bug sir this little thing lockpick I love it well that's disgusting yeah I guess I'll run through this first let's actually I'll wait until this happens okay here we go here's here's here's the here's the fetish situation about people who like thief women oh yeah all right oh yeah that can't feel good yeah he put a little spooge in there did is she like impregnated with something now oh yeah she's got little buggies crawling around Oh super gross okay if I just need some herbs she vomits oh yeah Wow this games fun yeah it's got a lot going on oh this looks good these little bugs are like hanging that's warm and inviting is that good Oh Oh God all right oh hi hi oh god they look like the things that fall off the Cloverfield monster dude spoilers sorry what's that movie so old yeah when is it well yeah I guess 12 years ago geez bro do it do it do it you oh my god you wasted so much time you're getting pregnant with parasite babies you know that can happen again yeah oh yeah oh heck yeah that's the problem with these spiders classic life comes at you fast can you kill the one that put it in your beat to begin with that was like a cutscene spider sir who knows which one is which they uh-oh oh she got me stop put your babies in me dude how many times have you said that to it yeah come or I'm gonna pretend it's uh Joe don't pretend it was this one yeah yeah autumn then cool feels good weirdest Spidey let me get the other baby I do fight you spider your friends there's one right above me dude boy oh boy jerk this is surprisingly disgusting oh dude yeah it gets grosser super yeah this isn't the grossest thing you'll say I plan on having some pleasant dreams I'm gonna turn on the breakers give me a breaker you've been impregnated facially oh yeah that's true give me the handgun ammo I need I want chad's notes well [ __ ] me that's all I saw things didn't turn out too great for old Chad Chad's a bad boy dude and he wasn't he didn't listen to the herb situation yeah he should've hung with Stacey you freak good freaky freaky and I'm like right above me too I don't like it when they're close gotcha right in midair reload right on my face boy they're coming fast enough fast and furious now is it better to just like walk with the parasite for a minute no cuz it slows you down so much okay you just want to get out of here yeah oh god stop please dude I'm right there with you oh god that's the opposite of what I wanted yeah yeah what was it on the ceiling oh it was there's so many spiders in this so many yeah last time I played there were not this many [ __ ] spiders I was pretty like clean run hmm alright I'm out of your baby okay cool well and you made it out physically and emotionally unscathed I mean power switch everything's coming up roses Oh No Wow yeah I'll never impregnate somebody else with spider babies again who will [ __ ] them oh dude it was gross it was a little gross but I wasn't into it I didn't like the non-consensual 'ti of their spider actions their little spider impregnation yeesh yeah pretty gross like a lie dude the insect world is brutal like old like the zombification and stuff like that then like for real though like that that wasps you know like they'll go cut off a roaches antenna and and like hypnotize it into thinking it wants to go into a lair and then and then they can like put their baby inside it and it eats its way out I know wasps a little worst wasps are straight-up evil I had to pick that lock I mean it's their nature like it's not really their fault that's true yeah it's what God gave them I'm just working with what God gave me baby that's that's what wasps those are that's a wasp boys that's what I overheard a wasp conversation [ __ ] baby hey dude are you ready for something cool to happen I am okay next time I'm Gabe Rose Louise thing you know where he is well it's gonna come after me oh did I get him yeah I've never done that before that was really satisfying excuse me it's me nice and into the door and we're safe what oh okay well I'll see you when I see you yeah smell you later all right next time I gave you I wonder Alvin's Locker oh man here we go yeah cheese this is relentless and it will continue to be till the very end
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,136,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, resident evil, resident evil 3, zombies, zombie outbreak, backstreet boys, reunion tour
Id: VEqmgvWCdvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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