Dragon's Lair - Game Grumps

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  • simple, quickly accessed gameplay

  • high difficulty

  • gorgeous Don Bluth graphics

  • nostalgic arcade memories

  • cartoon tiddy

  • cartoon ass

I think this may be the ideal grump game

Edit: jesus, how many loads got blown to this in the 80s?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 86 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HonorInDefeat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I remember playing this for the first time on Xbox Arcade. One thing that baffled me to this day is that you go on the falling platform four times in the game, and you can either go down three times, or nine times. As far as I know there's no indication on whether you can go all the way down to nine unless through trial and error.

There's also an achievement for getting the highest score, which involves beating the whole game flawlessly, getting to the last action command... and missing. So you restart that last scene. You have to repeat this four times, essentially grinding out score until you use all your lives. Crazy game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BionicTriforce πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have heard of this game before and I have think seen scenes but all I know is that this is the first (one of the first) game(s) to have quick time events/action commands. Either way, that was some nice Don Bluth animation and great gameplay,Danny.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BobtheFiveHalf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Arin's Princess Daphne impression is really fucking good and it's uncanny.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ARealSocialIdiot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Need a James and Elyse guest grumps...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cokevanillazero πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Always remember this game from the arcades. Was way too intimidated to play it plus the fact that it was $1 a game meant I probably never tried it and played Turtles in Time or X-Men instead.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SelfDepricator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Its such a shame this isnt as good a game because the animation is simply stellar. Such a fascinating piece of gaming history

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cascadianranger πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've never seen a version with the on-screen guide. That makes it so much less annoying.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fortunato5678 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I could have sworn they already played this. I found the video, but it's for the SNES version. I SWORE they already did this for the PS3 or something.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Future_Wolf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey I'm not Zhu Goff and we're the game grumps hello and welcome to the dragon's lair oh my god huh we're Dirk the daring and we have to uh oh [ __ ] names dogged daring yeah and I have to react fast enough oh no I didn't react fast identify you're [ __ ] dead okay there's more footage of him dying than there is not dying oh god yeah oh [ __ ] Jesus Christ dad you can't even enjoy the [ __ ] visuals it's so beautifully animated yeah it's really cool cut mmm princess Daphne princess Daphne's so hot in this game of her how do you know what how do I know what like how do you know I'm just enjoying you know what I should actually just sit back and not stress myself yeah this is not the one playing this is an amazingly goddammit oh good on you yeah I know alright I'm gonna do see that [ __ ] crossfade it's so awesome and my games over okay that was really fast we're gonna quit and we're gonna give me as many lives as possible Oh Jonathan yes player name him mister I just throw an ice cube on the floor hey my name's day you okay all right cool back ragging glaive okay extras no play a game you just have to [ __ ] do it man oh no new game yes there we go all the lives please well five all right fine easy dude it is uneasy are you [ __ ] kidding yeah that's easy this is hard oh yeah yeah it's really brutal okay Dragon's Lair is one of the most notoriously hard game try [ __ ] playing this in the arcade game choose your adventure when you were blasting your [ __ ] like when you'd lose like a 50 Cent's every time you made a wrong move the average Dragon's Lair game lasts 45 seconds that's generous yeah that's extremely generous but I [ __ ] love it it's so beautifully animated run oh you can do it okay it's Wang Wang it's cool that they put it over yellow graphics oh yeah hey oh alright yeah I did things okay it's always different like the order that things happen it's always different though how come the [ __ ] on oh yeah he's carved right through that sketch you gotta be so [ __ ] fast well it's [ __ ] bubble gum it's like pepto-bismol okay oh yeah oh ye rapids oh good no come the [ __ ] on man how in the name of pearl so sorry okay there we go yeah baby that's what oh jeez alright oh you're doing it you're [ __ ] oh it's going so well huh it's pork I owe ya dirt well he's Dirk the daring amazing oh my god right in the foot he could carry on without a foot this game had to have costed $5,000 to me oh yeah that's really cheap yeah $500,000 yeah I mean it was the early eighties - oh no oh I had my hand off the sword button you got bonked on the head Oh so nice Thank You moose nice whoa damn Dirk the daring can [ __ ] [ __ ] hike it yeah it's got [ __ ] [ __ ] you whoo Slash's he's turned into a back alright I did stuff oh my [ __ ] lord god this is insane I push the sword cheese eggs alright my god lives do you have no more oh my god okay you wanna play this try it try it alright I'm gonna be clicking silence okay oops okay one damn that's good sword is a by the way they're too late okay yep okay I have more time than I thought I did I was just sort of panicking right oh yeah you have like an entire half second okay [ __ ] I fell yeah it's okay it's just a giant spider death becomes Mishima Bay [ __ ] that gave me no time with jinx T that was cruel yes and it's one of the hardest games I've ever seen what's [ __ ] footages in those tonnes it's a it's it's almost like a movie I mean to be fair it's only been like five minutes right but there are a lot of scenes oh come on I [ __ ] also keep in mind this is like 1983 or 84 it's Christmas so when you'd walk into an arcade and like pac-man and Frogger and Qbert were there and then this was next to this [ __ ] just looked unbelievable laserdisc dude yeah okay what the hell I [ __ ] did it at the same time as the other ones little man it was no less of a delay ah [ __ ] wasting all my damn lives here I could talk to me there you go no not where we go I died oh boy I'm a bad man it's going well it's right it's right right is the right button [ __ ] do it say yeah you got it it is so unforgiving oh I know it's so brutal Oh wolf just made it good job oh my favorite you really just have to memorize the scenarios oh yeah this one's up again oh that was too late apparently it's okay I guess that's why they made it like this so so it would be harder to memorize they knew people would memorize it so they just wanted to wool this is [ __ ] trippy yo this kind of rules Colin I saw this sell on eBay the sell of this myself from the scene oh yeah it's really cool oh my [ __ ] come on I want to give it one more shot okay and I'll give it one more shot after that's gonna be it I'm just gonna lose but yeah oh so cool [Music] oh oh it's so nerve-racking [ __ ] there's no time I know oh this Christmas tree huh oh goodness me what he's a joystick [ __ ] yeah you can't actually oh good that might be easier yeah you know what I should have thought of that Mikey hmm damn it's like it's not easier it's not good okay yes this is harder than actually saving a princess for a cake like seriously this is so absurd oh go for it right here all right [ __ ] bone boy float in the background like a goddamn shirt burn okay here we go yes oh we were getting slammed by those scimitars oh yeah whoo oh my god yeah you're way better at this than I am oh my god I hate these reactions huh huh oh come on right afterwards geez that scene is so long scores very high thank you Oh 21 23 25 thousand phone killing it thank you oh my god that's dead it's like up dead it's so true it's like up nope but but some are some give you more time it is it that's that's the [ __ ] it's like it - lights you yeah it really does oops okay I'm all right I'm all right I'm all right everything's cool oh I'm assuming it's all gonna be right yeah and right and right that's an easy one I like that one uh this is just mirrored yeah it just reverses it oh I mean that's all my god creative way to get like more of less yeah it doesn't make it any [ __ ] easier that's true oh my gosh Daphne how I love you yes okay uh-huh [ __ ] you guys seriously [ __ ] you you use it valiantly well into the door oh boy this one is [ __ ] gosh dang yeah fiddle-dee-dee Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] all right laughs how many of these do you have to go through to get the princess Daphne so you can see her go find the key her last try last try then what's all out through yeah it's the best for but so out I'm nice yeah you just gotta wait to find out which direction you're going in I bet if I [ __ ] sat there long enough I could work this out yeah hey probably right you're good gamer yeah but I'd have to have you film it on oh [ __ ] film it on your phone so I could actually watch what's happening because I can't appreciate any of this amazing art oh no not at all so it gives you no opportunity rate and thank you loved it super fun I think it's just to entertain your friends I think so pick your friends crowd around the Machine and then dude you're so you're the best at this I wanna go do it I want to be you I want to I wanna be I wanna make love to you are you playing dark is no good squares I did it fast enough I did it sorry bro you're dead ooh nice oh nice I hate these things well they want you this you they got big do you also Cales oh yes all right and please I'm trying to concentrate here sorry bkl big kissing labs okay that was fun my god continue I'm into it now I mustn't I've got to see gotta see the end right like the end yeah oh it's a double up okay got it God [ __ ] bull bellowing you got it baby oh dude it's a dark nut it is this is exactly the dark nuts lair and look there's all ocarina of time wow they fit this style with the pillars and everything oh my god he makes me go left right i right yeah it's cruel they're an autoplay option I would love to just work yeah you should definitely just watch someone play this online who's amazing at it so you can enjoy it like a movie oh god okay so [ __ ] what happens here oh god please give me more time I'm alive okay here we go oh you can do it again do you remember it no okay great perfect ma'am wait where did that poison you I don't know well I guess that's the final death animation Oh interesting you let me give a shot we're making no progress no zero okay let me just shine [ __ ] him but this one was like right left right oh yeah I'm thinking the victory Yee rapid yeah oh [ __ ] or not it was out of it already oh I see safe to get through the entire scene yes like a dear progress correct that's [ __ ] man it's Supes [ __ ] yeah Yee Rapids up is the way to go okay I love it oh my god for UPS is a circle he will put you know geez a lot there's so much happening well I'm so intense right now again my blood is clenched I don't even have a butt to clench anymore dude i clenched you out of existence oh whoa oh my god yeah if I pooped right now it'd be like one of those play-doh thing Aaron please please I bet here could be the shape of my clenched ball come the [ __ ] on okay what's the same one yep up-and-up okay nice are you [ __ ] serious no Dan I know I feel you okay it's not anyone again oops I hit the sword I got too excited I made a lot of progress though much progress was made did you change the game mode I don't think so because you're playing the same scene over when you die it's very nice very helpful and relaxing oh yeah boy ha ha nice Oh twice oh oh yeah yeah yeah I got some [ __ ] gold that suck my hard warm no not die now yet twice yeah dude making tons of progress right now [ __ ] destroying this but don't know whoa I can't see it it's too yellow really [ __ ] it's too yellow Oh yellow ok alright that was it but much progress was made that was good yeah yeah I think I'm starting to feel it yeah a little bit you're getting the hang of it for sure just a touch okay so that's it yeah this is nice yay sweet memory oops okay well that answers that I'm a dead man a class a dead man okay oh [ __ ] Oh earthquake and white and sneaking okay yeah huh and huh oh you hooked huh good hops thank you huh huh oh that's such a fast one okay alright I'll be ready I'll be ready at this time clean ups this time yep up and hop roof and Hut the Humber tops and hop and hop here like this x2 little hop Hut sort up well I sort up and I hope yes ok Daphne's stay with me please you're getting hoppin okay oh [ __ ] you dude yeah oh goodness into the hop door oh my god I'm so excited so much progress do I make oh god these guys I haven't fought these guys yet this was all you yes yeah these are a problem very fast so straight just [ __ ] die already yes oh my gosh okay oh god this [ __ ] yeah I'm feeling it is real oh boy yeah I'm feeling it man I'm really feeling it now uh-huh there's a lot of down Oh God okay thanks for the heads up yeah it'll change though yeah oh boy oh boy oh boy that's a real quick shift in perspective yeah for [ __ ] sake okay yeah what's castle's this I don't know it's awesome though isn't it yeah fun Hey I'll [ __ ] with this well that is absolutely cruel oh boy you got to hit that right off the bat okay more progress is made though you dude just start me from there just start me from there you [ __ ] yeah I'm gonna do it did you look memorize this whole [ __ ] game right now I'm starting to yes whoo oh it's Satan cool love him he's my boy I shouldn't say that okay Satan is no one's boy yeah skeleton man oh boy my god that once make it please Daphne where are you oh yeah die [ __ ] just strolls back oops oh no that's an issue you got it yeah now the deaths are more fun than this the Desa that's what really funds of those oh I know they're really great whatevs nice oh god this [ __ ] again your version of this yeah that's cruel oops okay so [ __ ] so it's this this this this this and this yeah yes [ __ ] okay alright bats that's a good high score thank you babe yeah no I hit that that's a fast one my god the fast ones are killer yeah that there they hurt your soul especially when they're followed by a slow one boy that is so fast yeah okay I'm just gonna have to preemptively strike it it's just not fair it's simply not fair I am having fun though it's not small huh here we go there you go okay yeah yeah I was like alright you were too fast yay oh oh [ __ ] Oh [ __ ] dick nuts we're stealing your dankness I know I saw that was absorbing all your dang I need my dank for reasons [ __ ] all of my day my tank my tank my tank again one fresh tank for everyday again yeah yeah it's three it's it's one two three one two oh god oh god more danca JAF tur the thing timing come on that's pure tankage okay one two do them good dank immediately continue okay what's the ROI on that dank Γ€j-- oh god this ice I'm terrible at this Oh which is back and forth right left yes yes it is it's like back and forth and then it tricks you wants ya my name is Carl I did drugs once I'm so exhausted Daphne where are you Oh God she's also a [ __ ] watch I know I know yeah it's really ruthless there's no blood though No very gentle too gentle dance gentle brutal deaths mm-hmm retro oh god this [ __ ] again alright I get a mic it is anyone else can like Ocarina of Time imagery like a lot of this coating is like totally used in Ocarina of Time yeah yeah well this was super influential really I [ __ ] alright oh yeah didn't swing at any goddamn faster get me out of here man you're [ __ ] killing me oh boy oh boy oh I think a big part of it is that as you do it more you learn - oh [ __ ] you learned at first you're distracted by how beautiful the game is and then once you start playing it for a while you're like alright I'm not gonna look at the game at all I'm just going to look at the little arrows whoops Oh sometimes it's still not and I don't think it does that in the arcade version what do you mean I don't think it has the arrows in your camera oh yeah that's how you know how to do it like you have to follow the pattern but I don't think it has them in the arcade version really yeah I mean I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the arcade version doesn't have the arrows at all if I don't get to see princess Daphne I'm gonna lose my oh are you are you looking it up yeah okay holy crap is so hard the use of the guess like that makes it even harder oh god it's like Oh should I go left or right oh god man this [ __ ] room yeah the environment blinks oh god that is stone-cold Brutale is it's [ __ ] cruel [Music] this one's like the easy version this actually these oh maybe that's what makes it the easy version cuz oh Jesus you have to hit twice yeah cuz maybe the hard version it's I thought hard would be less time to do it but maybe it's just that it doesn't show you what to do holy crap 'ti yeah it's like the bridge blinked so it's telling you to go right oh my god Oh God not this again [Music] Wow [Music] okay okay I got it now die yeah okay oof oh god no continue yes please Wow dude we've spent like 40 dollars in quarters oh absolutely absolutely that's like in the 80s eighties $1000 and when you're a kid you know like you only get like $5 for allowance like oh god is she [ __ ] like mortgages the house oh there she is it princess what's this Avenue Oh balls that's death okay well trying to get distracted dude okay sorry she's so pretty no she's the best oh yeah he'll be fine while he's sleeping he's a fat oh my god I love her so much she's like my super dream girl when I was a kid sorry I completely got fried cuz it's like the toughest one he's attractive look at that cape hey baby the tree he's friendly yeah oh my god you got it baby oh my good god in heaven woof this is so epic [Music] gee you got fried by the Jake I know I saw that seam yeah the finale I think this is it I mean wolf your that's the dragon's lair yes you're right I love her hair it's very Sleeping Beauty isn't it the way it like curls at the end the princess peach's oops I'm dead like I was staring at all right I'm doing this we're [ __ ] doing this Wow do you start there now yeah yeah really there's nowhere else to go I think right yeah oh [ __ ] maybe that's why the environment started repeating because we beaten enough of them that there was nowhere else to go oh yeah oh god please I wish you were real oh damn it you know me to look up princess Daphne cosplay yes please no I think princess Daphne to this day is the reason I love blondes that it was a mafia definitely her too she's got more white hair though that's true it's silver silver blonde yeah you got it muffin drink it drink [Music] yo great voice I know it's awesome I wonder who did the voice I must concentrate oh yeah no that's the one that I always it's gonna make me do the whole goddamn thing [Laughter] Oh cuz he's Chuck oh god I don't know why I keep forgetting I should just start over I'll just let myself die Daphne I can't believe it I'll say Vincent's character okay here we go what does it matter if you started over used to always start from here oh yeah you're probably right I'd love a cell from this scene how rad would that be I have a couple pencils do you really yeah lucky bastard have a pencils of when she goes like super lovin walk she's pretty she's in pretty good spirits for being trapped by a dragon yeah she uh she picked an interesting time to be super soldiery yeah okay okay focus man up real fast and then that all right [ __ ] yeah yeah [ __ ] thank you [Music] okay did I get him yeah [ __ ] that's it Oh socket maybe I'm just gonna keep my hands on the thing just in case Oh Daphne oh that was amazing Thank You Brown some [ __ ] amazing [ __ ] Diane yo dude yo if you want to talk about amazing [ __ ] oh yeah what's that dragons laugh play through the game girls did Oh baby no does should talk Wow getting a beat that was a real [ __ ] big thrill in my life wolf nice and dumb thank you man alright uh yeah now you've seen dragon's lair everybody have you Jesus Christ or is that just the beginning love you hi everyone goodbye happy adventuring if I keep the keys you dumb [ __ ]
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,471,382
Rating: 4.9636016 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: M_YqOBddTm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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