Danny Gonzalez - H3 Podcast #213

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Wish the interview part would have been longer/more in depth but solid episode, papa bless

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CeleriterNix πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loved it, especially how quickly they managed to get newly suggested videos on the board, such a well oiled-machine this gang! But man, Ethan went from β€œ4 EPISODES A WEEK BABYY (loud gerd exclamation noises)” to β€œman, I just feel so tired and depressed all the time but I don’t know why”. Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait for a new video just like any other Hila Kleiner here, and you’ve been cranking out banger episodes like never before, and I really appreciate this level of dedication to your fans, but I honestly worry about the man! Take a break, take a scenic route to Malibu and enjoy the sunset (don’t forget the 500+ sunscreen), or rent a boat for a couple hours in Marina del Rey and just chill, dog)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blood_farts69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The tier list part was funny, but I don't see why not do it in an episode without a guest. Danny wasn't relevant 2/3 of the time, which is a real shame. :(

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThisSilence πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan needs to talk to Christina P about tiktok, she's got it worked out

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Friedguy18 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is this proof of time travel!?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nuke_The_Farm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This month has gotten off to a strong start... AI Ian Episode, Cody, Danny, and Bobby Lee later this week.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Groovy_Doggo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does the spotify podcast play the video on this? Not working for me so wondering if it’s on my end

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SunburnsAtCoachella πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan's demeanor feels off... dunno if he's on a 'low wave' or something but he looks more tired and a bit douchier than regular. For instance he didn't introduced Hila at the beggining of the show and I don't think he was kidding when he asked 'does your wife corrects you on everything!?' or is it just me?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tanatotes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

GERDGANG (I miss Zachs face)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome everybody to the h3 podcast i am of course your host the fresh prince of dead air this episode by the way is brought to you by ring i have a 5.45 on wiki feet unlike our guest here who danny gonzalez who has a very sad 3.5 your thoughts danny is that true i look it up now before every guest comes on wikifeet danny gonzalez which i you know what i don't know how these people judge because i think your feet look totally fine just to be honest with you okay well that's very interesting because i had i tweeted about it it was a bit of a controversy because i found my wiki feed profile like a couple months ago and i had a really low rating so i was complaining about it and then i think people went in and rated me higher so i thought my score would be higher it is i i stand corrected it's 4.39 okay yeah so that's a definitely respectable score yeah the a lot of the pictures if it's the same ones that i saw my foot is like swollen all right yeah yeah my foot there left i can't well yeah sure i mean yeah that that's not a night what happened yeah what happened to your foot i had like this like autoimmune thing it was like arthritis basically in my ankle oh no well yeah did you hear it yeah it's good now it was like a temporary thing it was very weird it happened like right when i got married um so most of those pictures are me on my honeymoon oh no urgent care in hawaii because my foot was swollen yeah that's not that's got to be a little was it just swelling up out of nowhere and you're like why is my foot huge yeah it was like a couple different joints on my body um we tried to go to like urgent care and they like had no idea what was going on they were like were you in a car accident recently um but yeah it eventually went away it was like six months and then it went away god bless i'm so glad that you that your foot is back to normal congratulations on 4 trillion subscribers would you recently hit thank you man yeah uh it's a big deal 4 trillion every single person on earth subscribed a hundred times yeah yeah actually yeah you hit four million subs recently your channel is is uh on the rise for sure and um i'm so happy that you're here with us so yeah i'm excited too my head you guys love your podcast oh thank you dude i love when people say that you know my face i am wearing hair gel and i i just started this what do you mean wearing is that what you would say what what would you say i don't know but wearing it i think i feel like wearing works yeah maybe it's weird for me because does your wife correct you on everything well i'm just yeah i guess um i'm just kidding um i wouldn't know how else to say it i have hair gel i have i have hair gel on my head yeah exactly that doesn't sound good okay no but fair enough i think that's a brilliant object of great observation but the thing is here that it's going down on my forehead and my forehead is super sticky paper towel deal is so you know how like you've seen like rudy giuliani or just like really fat just people in hot weather and they're always like that is me but today i'm in ac and i'm doing it so that's why you know is it because you're sweating and the the hair gel is like melting or whatever and coming down your forehead with probably yeah i think i i just showered so it's just a whole loopy uh it's a whole luby moist which is what i believe elo prefers to call it yeah you shouldn't say i'm wearing hair gel you should say i'm wearing a lubey moist yeah yeah that would make more sense to me what do you do with your hair you put product in there yeah um i just get like i don't know if it's called like a pomade or whatever but it's just basically just like a gel or like a wax or something like a target yeah get on that wax game dude yeah i don't really know what the difference between a gel because when i think of gel i think of like it comes out of like a pump bottle like this and you know but i go for more of like a matte finish i feel like pomades can be more like less shiny yeah i think the gel i've got my hair is just it kind of just looks wet like your hair doesn't look wet but your hair is curly or i think you maybe need you think i have to go versus i need a stronger weapon yeah well i think it can also depend on when you apply it because i have found before that if i get out of the shower and my hair is not all the way dry and i put stuff in my hair then even when my hair does dry for some reason the product stays like shiny looking so you might need your hair to be drier first yeah i'm kind of new to the whole hair product thing so i'm learning i'm learning uh listen we call you call your fan base greg okay first of all tell me why are they why are we called greg um the origins are from a video that i made in like 2017 about jake paul he made a song about the jake paulers oh yeah yeah right and so i was goofing on that and i was like i need a name for my fan base and i was trying to come up with something that was like because jake paul and logan paul both had like a pun on their name well logan's was low gang that's kind of a pun and then jake paulers he just put er yeah which is not which is not as good um i don't know if that's considered a pun or just like adding energy yeah so i was like well i got to come up with something with danny gonzalez but then i couldn't that's hard yeah yeah so well actually no i did call my fans goons for a while like goon gonzales but that's like [Music] yeah um so then i was like well if i can't figure one out with my name i'll just pick a different name so i just decided to call them greg but not the gragers or the grey gang just greg i feel like greg is enough plus i felt like it was funny to start every video like i was like specifically talking to one person just being like what's up greg at the beginning of a video yeah because you know there's some dude named greg that's like oh [ __ ] yeah that's me because i don't know if you've ever watched um the vlog brothers like uh tom and hank green yeah i know i know of them yeah because they i think they start videos where they're yeah they're like good morning john or whatever it's friday or whatever so i thought it would be funny if i just like made up a random person and was like hey greg at the beginning of every video but then never explain who greg is but then it turned into this joke where my fans are greg well we we actually it's funny we we uh got inspired by the same person we call our fans eli kleiners yeah oh that's right yeah so jake paul inspires all of us everything yeah i feel like i owe a big portion of my career to jake yeah yeah i mean me too man in a way you know he did a lot for a lot of our careers so was there any runner-up names besides greg what was the short list um i think that i just looked at like uh a list of popular baby names but i feel like it was like from a long time ago because i feel like greg is not a popular baby so it must have been like from the 50s or something because i i don't know anyone my age actually named greg but i feel like that's why it works because if you knew people named greg that were like your age i feel like you wouldn't want to buy a hoodie or something that says greg on it right because you'd be worried that like some kid in your class like thinks you're wearing a hoodie that has their name on it so i have to confront you on something uh danny you or tweeted once that someone suggested ethan for the name of the gang and you had said that ethan is a weak name and your fans deserve better i'm here yes you did i'll pull you i'll pull the tweet up right now and so i'm basically here just to confront you on that when is this from okay pull up the tweet guys surely i surely i didn't know you at the time because you you embody the name ethan really well and i think you're a very strong individual yeah well explain this now now you're all nice and happy about ethan here it is ethan is a weak name my fans are the strongest army out there they deserve a name like greg when is it from 2017 of almost exactly three years ago that's really interesting i mean it's weird because like there are a lot of people that i don't like that are named greg because there's like jake paul's dad is named greg also is he greg craig yeah jp wait what yeah cause we used to be coming at you oh yeah there it is gp oh it's gp you know he used to live in a van outside team 10 isn't that [ __ ] crazy i feel like i saw that in videos before yeah he seems like he just sort of hangs out and kind of reaps the benefits of whatever the paul brothers are up to it's kind of weird you know he uh i think he disappeared though because he was like [ __ ] like underage girls at team 10 house oh yeah didn't like a sex tape of his get leaked too i don't know if that was actually but i remember seeing something very graphic on my twitter page yes yes so he he disappeared in his rv it came out but it was getting weird yeah yeah they're like dad you gotta go dude go money at you that would just be so weird like i can't imagine doing like what they do and just having my dad hanging around all the time like going on tour or something and like my dad's on the bus with me that would just be so weird no yeah i remember when they have boxing matches like gp would come up in their corner when like tensions would flare no i i watch i don't know what your relationship's like with my dad but i pretty much just pay him to keep him away what my relationship's like with your dad with your dad oh okay uh yeah cause that's gonna say the same thing probably probably the same that i have yeah no i mean it's i they're great they i my parents are very supportive but i don't know if i just like want him around all the time like making my business decisions with me you seem well adjusted you seem like a normal dude with like good parents and stuff is that a good assessment yeah that's i'm that's very nice of you to say but yeah i uh yeah my parents are pretty normal so i feel like i gotta do a good hand do you have any diseases or anything well you do have the puffy foot whatever that was yeah that was that was a pretty temporary thing although it's like it has flared up a little bit since then but that's like that's pretty minor in the grand scheme of things i don't really have any like long-term chronic illnesses wow what a what a lucky guy dude i know i mean what you've got like that acid reflux thing i've got the gerd i've got the tourettes i have ocd i can't sleep before 3 a.m i mean what time do you go to bed what's that what time do you go to bed oh man um i try to be in bed at like 11 30. wow yeah this guy is way too well adjusted i'm like with stuff like that i'm like disciplined to a fault i feel like sometimes because i'm like sometimes not even tired and i'm like i have to get in bed right now because anytime you hear like people like motivational people talk they're they're always like sleep is the most important thing yeah you gotta get eight hours of sleep so i'm super like anal about that i'm like i need to be in bed at 11 30. no they're right i mean i i agree it's just i cannot fall asleep at times before three so i'll just this is probably the worst thing in my life right now is that i'll go to bed at three sometimes even later i'm not gonna [ __ ] lie sometimes four and i'll wake up super late in the day and it's just uh it's just horrible it's horrible dude yeah i my sleeping schedule's pretty good but my eating schedule gets really weird like i don't have an eating schedule bro i [ __ ] just eat what is the eating schedule well you have like breakfast lunch and dinner like most people eat lunch at like noon and then dinner at like six i don't know but sometimes it's usually because of like i'm working and then i don't eat lunch until like four and then i'm like well when am i supposed to eat dinner now so i end up eating dinner at like nine and that feels weird wow so i guess that's basically the biggest like problem wow yeah that's a huge issue dude what does your wife do for a living um she's in school right now she's doing her master's in social work oh so yeah so she's just doing school and she has an internship that's where she is right now um working with like she's doing like therapy for youth and uh yeah sounds like another well-adjusted nice person she's very well adjusted that's my favorite thing about her um my favorite video of yours is when you spent 13 000 on ads promoting your channel and you gained 40 subscribers that was [ __ ] awesome yeah that was pretty epic um total great great use of money 325 dollars per subscriber i that makes me wonder about how someone like tai lopez i guess he's selling a product and again and like a whole thing but i just wonder it just makes me think how do people make money doing that it's just because when i see ads on youtube i bounce the [ __ ] out immediately i know yeah that's something i didn't really think about before i made that video but it's like i don't think i've ever clicked on a youtube ad once ever ever or like even an instagram ad or anything like that because that's the reason i made them because of those instagram game ads and it's like i don't know i don't know what kind of person you have to be to click on them but i don't think i've ever met anyone like that so i don't know how they work they're out there apparently because they're i mean thank god they're out there because we're all making money because of them you know what i mean but damn yeah that's a good point have any of you guys ever i mean there's a bunch of people on the call have any of you guys ever seen anything and clicked ever like i sometimes you see a car commercial and you're like cool lincoln i'll never buy lincoln no but there have been ads that like i'll watch all the way through because i'm like oh this is an interesting ad but then the second it's over i'm like okay i forget about it immediately hmm they got you then they got you but he made this video where he was like uh he's like week one normal dude week two cool dude week three wizard trying to get people to sign up that was the worst performing one right yes i think so so i think it was that one was the worst and then was the second one then like the normal one and then the the one that performed the best me spanking myself it was something himself aggressively on a green screen and that one so that one did the best yes like oh my god the test was like so i i do a series about like bad instagram ads and like i'm sure you guys have seen like bad game ads where they're just like the weirdest phrasing and like really graphic stuff to try to get you to download the game so i was like i'm gonna make two ads that are really weird and one that is like a nor just a genuine ad for my channel and see which one does better and yeah one where i'm just like spanking myself that's me on a green screen i'm spanking myself and the version of me that's getting spanked is begging the viewer to please subscribe to my channel to make him stop spanking me and that one that one did perform the best i think because people were just so shocked that they were like i gotta click on this guy's channel to figure out what else his his content is about i i would almost because you were running that for like a long time i would almost be embarrassed because you're like i want you to know why i'm doing this but you won't find out for a little bit because he was starting to get a bunch of people being like [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] these ads because the ads were going out to millions of people he only got 40 subscribers from it that is crazy yeah it was awesome i do feel like there's a good chunk of like youtube's viewership that will never watch my videos forever because they just recognize you have to also count the people you lost like you get interesting yeah i think that video did pretty well i i made up for it in subscribers because a lot of people saw the video that never saw the ads but i do have to wonder about the people that saw that video saw the ads and like will never [ __ ] with me again yeah which is you know kind of ironic since you're actually just paying their favorite creators so that they can continue doing it but i know and i got a lot of comments too that were like stop giving me ads i don't want any more ads on youtube and it's like well you know that if it wasn't my ad it would just be someone else's right it's like i'm not in control of all ads on youtube but it's so interesting you can actually buy meme dumb for like i do wonder how much tai lopez spent but for what a hundred you spent like thirteen thousand dollars if you spend a hundred thousand dollars on just blasting your video out to everybody on youtube you'll become an a total me like an international meme 100 000 best marketing ever tai lopez yeah let's talk about that guy i wonder how that worked out for him i feel like i mean he must have made a good amount he was like selling a program or something right about dude he just bought pier one you know pier one oh yeah they went bankrupt he bought the whole company for 31 million really yeah okay he's doing good did i just go to pier one lopez owns pier one i went to some decor store that was going out of business i think it was pier one how have i not heard of that it's just the weirdest [ __ ] ever i mean i talked about it with cody oh and he's like i don't know how that's gonna work out for him but he thinks it's a great idea wait so that's outdoor furniture what is it what the [ __ ] is pure one cell like [ __ ] just a bunch of crap i thought it was just like interior just foundations yeah it's like one of those stores you walk in and just a bunch of crap everywhere and you walk through and you're like a candy cane with candy canes in it actually i'm not so i just went to pier one i'm pretty sure that that boat that little sailboat thing and that picture frame right there there you go that's exactly what i would expect to find the caron because we just went there because it's going out of business so we were like let's clean up yeah i still haven't put a picture in the picture frame but i think it's a nice frame yeah um oh so i wanted to actually there's a trending topic i want to talk to you about because of your experience with copyright and everything you got in trouble with johnny johnny yes papa of all people to get into a copyright dispute i would say he they are probably the most intimidating yeah that was super weird and i think to this day they still have one of my videos copyright claimed because somehow they they claimed me and then i disputed it and they released it and then like a couple months later they claimed me again for the same video for the same content i didn't even know you could do that i thought like once it was resolved it's resolved but it should be yeah yeah that's happened to me it's it's like okay we've been over this but you can just claim my [ __ ] again so what happened with johnny johnny yes papa what was the are you familiar with that song yeah johnny johnny yes papa stealing candy no papa yeah yeah it's a banger anyway yes so that's yeah so that channel's billion surprise toys i don't know if they i don't know if they came up with that song i think it was like a thing before them because i feel or at least i've seen it so many other places that i feel like there's no way that they came up with it i feel like it was like a popular like nursery rhyme or whatever before that but yeah they they made like these really terrifying animated videos with that song just terrifying because the animation was so bad and they had like a bunch of other weird stuff too so i just made a video about them and then they copyrighted my video and then they oh no they didn't copyright that video and then i made another video about them where i sort of bragged about how everyone else was getting copyright claimed by them and i wasn't and then they copyright claimed that video but not the original one no i don't think so oh that's so interesting yeah and i think they took down a lot of the videos that i talked about in that first video so the only place you can see them is in my video yeah i was i was trying to find the original uh uh one one that all this dispute was over all the hubbub and it's just not there anymore yeah i yeah i'm not sure what was up with that i think they were just they were getting goofed on by like pretty much everyone so i feel like they were trying to take down all the videos that made them look like a not a legitimate animation studio which is apparent just by looking at it i would say yeah they're very good yeah so anyway you may have heard that i don't know if you followed this story that critical got a strike on his channel uh for watching a road rage video yes i didn't i haven't seen the actual road rage video but i've seen i saw markiplier's video talking about it and i saw all of uh moy's tweets the moist tweets let's watch the video it's been youtube said we can watch this video now oh did they yeah because they removed the strikes ultimately it's pretty funny though let me let me tell the story before we watch this so charlie got a community strike for watching this video that we're gonna watch they said that it was uh shocking and violent um and so charlie was like yo what the [ __ ] markiplier reacted to the same video he tweeted that kind of a snitch move by the way i have to say like just straight up kind of snitched on mark i guess so that sounds like something i would do not realizing it's like a total snitch thing but then they took down markiplier's video and they took down mark's video well when i saw that i actually didn't expect him to take down mark's he said markiplier made a video laughing about the same road rage instance when will he be getting a strike at team youtube straight up snitched on him dude like damn and so you just like a little bit youtube's like you're right and then they [ __ ] took down they took down mark's video and gave him a strike here michelle do you think that that's because once because there's like youtube moderators that are just like regular people right that can report videos do you think that it was it was because so many people it was brought to their attention and they just went and reported it that it got taken down who knows what goes on back there that's a that's a pretty plausible explanation i would say yeah i do think so yeah they just some people got to see that one but they didn't see that like someone like markiplier reacted to it so yeah i think charlie's fans probably went mass flag in his video because he snitched on him anyway they were serving justice they were like if charlie's video gets taken down all right fine yeah so mark said mark being a really good sport said fair's fair where's my strike and then and then he said well there it is [ __ ] strike does that that's great uh fantastic so actually even youtube responded to him this is just the classic youtube messaging fiasco they go they responded to charlie saying we confirmed that it was reviewed by a team member and the decision stands the footage contains graphic content with the intent to shock wow i don't know if the intent is to shock isn't it just people in a fight like they weren't fighting to shock people they were just fighting right i think i think chart whether it means charlie showed it with the intent oh i see yeah okay so so anyway they went out to reverse it let me show the tweet i don't know if you can see it danny but our audience can i cannot he says i'm uh charlie said i'm absolutely shocked youtube is deciding to die on this hill striking even the most wholesome creator i wonder why snitch what's next youtube is every wwe video gonna be taken down as well yada yada so they updated they said we're not gonna die in this hill you were right after further even further review your video and others are back up these strikes have been removed this was an over enforcement of our policy especially with the added context you know i gotta i gotta give it up so i haven't seen the video too get ready i don't think you read criticals um first to it about it but didn't doesn't he say that the video is fake right yeah but but like i mean again that i just don't think that's a distinction you can make to youtube because i mean how do you know it's fake are you gonna prove it's fake but once you see the video you'll see how ridiculous the whole fiasco is regardless of it being fake or not i mean it is all kind of obviously fake but um let's watch yeah let's do it i'm excited so dan how do i um how do we get her oh you you guys can do it okay great can you see that danny yes i can cool great all right here we go this is like the most fake fight i've ever seen yeah yeah no but i okay so i guess i can see some the thing on youtube is that there's so many people there enforcing and that's a weird decision to give a strike over that video dude they have they have literally thousands of people in india who do this and so they're like oh there's a dude getting stomped on the ground strike i think they they err on the side of caution and then once it gets but it's weird because i even responded to his tweet saying like yes this action was correct yeah and again it's because it's so big like you have so this person who runs a twitter account is probably somewhere higher up in the organization and they just quickly reviewed it was like oh yes and we reviewed this and said yeah but then it goes even higher up with someone with a brain is like this is stupid so i feel like there's there's there seems like so much variation even amongst the thousands of employees they have that like actually review the videos like because shocking and violent content is vague enough that you you could interpret that differently if you know there if there's thousands of people that watch these videos i feel like there's like a million different ways you can interpret that so yeah like every single person would interpret that differently i think if they're if there's even a doubt then they go they just kill it they're not [ __ ] around anymore i've had some pretty ridiculous claims though what do you recall any of your your uh favorite demonetizations i no i don't get demonetized that much they're the only times i get to monetize i feel like is if i if i swear in like the first 30 seconds of the video that'll get you demonetized um and then i feel like i did get one video that was that got taken down like totally taken down and i didn't even get notified about it like a community strike it i don't think i i don't know if i got a strike but it just like it went from being public on my channel to like not viewable anymore um because of community guidelines like it was the it was a video i did about um like a couple prank channel and one of the things that they did was like give their like sneak viagra into each other's drinks or whatever which is a very [ __ ] up thing to do yeah and that was the point of my video is to say it was [ __ ] up but youtube was like actually you're [ __ ] up for showing everyone it uh and took it down but that happened to us too a lot of our old videos they go i get arguments because i go you literally you cannot see the distinction between calling out bad behavior policing content and the actual act itself and you know what their answer is they say no there's no distinction they literally say that yeah well the weird thing about that is then sometimes the original video stays up and yours gets ticked yeah that's about it that's always a good that always feels good well um i wanted to play a little bit of a game with you that i thought was right up your alley called influencers in the wild are you familiar with this phenomenon i don't think so so what this is is when people spot influencers doing weird and wild [ __ ] in the wild getting over okay so so i've got nine of the top influencers in the wild here influencers in the wild and we're going to do a tier list together oh all right let's do it okay we are going to go to a quick break when we come back more with danny gonzalez today i want to tell you about ring ring is one of my favorite tech products is changed it's it's such a good product okay when we lived at our last house we were getting so much trouble so much crap going on around our house you know how hard and complicated it is to install security cameras and do all that the thing is that ring by the way is like a tenth of the price probably even cheaper but the thing is it's also connected to the wi-fi so when someone comes in the ring of security that's why it's called rangilo is that it sends out a motion detector and uploads it automatically to the internet so if some creep coming snooping on your [ __ ] cutting your electricity or whatever goddamn it's all up on the on the cloud and it saves those clips so it's super easy to find the moments of uh suspicious activity dude when we were when we were in our last neighborhood people like everyone in our neighborhood was getting robbed and the police one time came to my door and they're like hey did you see anything around this time boom ring i saw the car on my ring on my ring spotlight in the driveway yeah on the actual security cameras it's almost like impossible to find a specific moment those things are so easy it really is i mean ring is the future i feel like that old stuff is just over ring has a security product for every corner of your home inside and out best of all you can see it all in one simple app with the ring you can keep an eye on your home no matter where you are right from your phone if someone stops by or something's going on ring lets you know it's a peace of mind anytime knowing that your home is protected that's another thing you open your app because it's all online no matter where you are you see all the cameras right and you can talk through the cameras you can hit an alarm through the cameras uh it's phenomenal um it genuinely felt made me feel so much safer the thing is also cool about ring is they have a neighborhood app so everybody in your area can goss up and talk about what's going on in the neighborhood and it's really cool as well and they can share videos and uh and pictures and stuff through that through their ring app it's great whatever you call it ring has something to protect it you can see and speak to whoever's at your door from anywhere with the video doorbell you can keep an eye on every corner of your house with easy to install indoor and outdoor cameras protect your whole home with ring alarm a powerful affordable whole home security system you can easily install yourself now uh with our link get a special offer on the ring welcome kit at ring.com h3 it comes with rings video doorbell 3 and chime pro the perfect way to start your ring experience plus free two day shippings so guys if you want to support the show and get a beautiful product at the same time go to ring.com h3 that's ring.com h3 okay and we're back so here is our first influencer in the wild by the way this is all from an account influencer in the well so there's someone much very dedicated to this so shout out to them yeah did does this person have a lot of followers it's got 90 000. i think it's pretty big let's see influencer in the wild 3.5 million god damn and so you guys went through and these were your favorite posts yeah all right here we go there's a ton more on there too so yeah yeah this person is prolific yeah because people submit them to them they email them so yeah all right here we go uh oh no oh that oh that's just a straight up tick tock though that went wrong yeah but i i was going to say this doesn't look like very candid because the person filming her is supposed to be but it's still great i mean i'd love to see that you know if you're just walking by yeah it's kind of sad all around because nobody's proposing to her and then she's just really eating [ __ ] i've seen people do this trend on tick tock before and i don't even know if you're supposed to walk backwards i think the camera person is supposed to walk back she was improvising yeah this is awesome i mean i could watch it a lot so what is the trend because i'm not familiar with it it's this it's like a remix of this taylor swift song and you do the little proposal thing and then the the cameraman starts walking away and then the beat drops and then you do like a dance where you thrust your hips i think is the whole thing that did not that's not what happened in this one well that was fantastic so okay again i always have trouble with the first one you know because we have no point of reference yeah but here she is can you see that i i have some issues here i mean first of all it's not a candid shot yeah right yeah that's what i was going to say it doesn't seem really true to the this is pretty safe let's just start c and number two we've got a backflip faceplant that sounds good to me hopefully it's not too shocking for youtube right yeah this might be violent and shocking yeah okay this one looks candid so here we go yeah it's almost like making me rethink face plants in general like that's really the only way to get a good face plan is by doing a backflip into it right oh my god he kind of like he kind of like twerks at the end i don't know if you can see that but yeah right he jiggles at the end it looks like he meant to do it it's like he's it's like he just surrendered like halfway through the flip he's like [ __ ] it because like his arms go limp like before he hits the ground he's like [ __ ] this i'm out yeah it's like you know how sometimes when people go in like in jet planes the g-force is too much and they pass out right it's like that happened in the middle of his flip yeah oh man we love it we love to see it but there you have it that one let's let's pull it up well it's candid it's definitely higher up than you want to give it up what do we think gonna be maybe yeah i'm tempted to give it higher than the first one because it's candid and uh and i like that you can actually see when he hits the ground because the girl who fell the first time you don't even really get to see what happens to her true that's a really good idea disappears into the shrubs right that's a really fantastic point all right oh no so wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait-wait let's see ones like this before these are always bad i'm gonna mute it just so i don't like destroy your audio okay here we go yeah you know when there's a rope swing involved it's already going to be bad rope swing swing accidents are the absolute worst and there's nothing to hold on to on that rope like she's just holding onto the rope i don't think people appreciate how hard it is to just hold on to a rope yeah and especially like a thin rope there's no there's no knot or anything yeah it's so thin uh here we go buckle up that's not what i expected at all wait she doesn't let go dude we were giving her we were talking so much [ __ ] like she wasn't going to be able to hold on but that's the only thing she did right it was her camera person oh and then i love how she like destroyed her camera person and then wouldn't even let go of the rope did she reach her legs out to kick the camera person yes wait i gotta hear the audio on this can you hit me with the audio again [Laughter] it does make me wonder what was the intention at all i know it looks like she just kicks her friend like into the abyss and then she just chills on the rope for a while she's like well while i'm here i might just like she pushes herself off the rock again she's like i might as well just wow that one's really good although it makes me just it kind of i just really wonder what was the intention i think she was trying to get an action shot and she was trying to retract her legs last minute her legs kind of come closer like she was trying not to kick her butt she could literally kick her at like straight up kicked her i mean you see how she flies off man that was like a full force flow yeah if that was me maybe my instincts would be to reach out my legs so i don't hit her with my whole body and maybe i can like slow myself down with my legs but it really does look like that was entirely intentional oh i love it she's like yo can you do me a favor and film just get a shot at me real quick and then all of a sudden right in front of me please that's awesome i love it well this one wow that was great that one was better in my opinion yeah what do we think i'm thinking that's the best one so far yeah i guess it's an a we have to save esther for something really fantastic yeah yeah i don't like to um i don't like to give away s tier too easily these are almost like merging into one great photo i think it's a good t-shirt potentially for merch you know yeah that's kind of cool just like this long design of people about to get rocked okay oh boy oh no what do we think just on the pause here oh it's got a lot almost a million views this is giving me someone's gonna fall on the road for sure do you think this guy is gonna rear-end them because that's what i'm worried about and then they go flying or something [Music] i don't think he's going to be at fault you know i think they're just first of all what are they doing why they're on the roof of a volkswagen and traffic what the [ __ ] yeah these like yoga influencers it looks like a yoga pose kinda oh i don't know i didn't even know there was yoga answers all right here we go oh what are they doing over there no this is that's the same that's the same trend as the first girl really oh it is yeah they're doing the proposal thing oh my god this trend is like destroying society oh so no oh so nothing happened it's just embarrassing yeah yeah yeah well it's embarrassing if they got wiped out by a car yeah that would be violent and shocking i don't understand the trend why why do they propose and then run and then do that do that i don't get it see here's my theory is there's no point to it and this trend started right before taylor swift released her most recent album i feel like this was an inside job by taylor swift because it's a taylor swift zone that's my theory i don't have anything to back it up other than the timing but how do you even think of something like that like it's just it doesn't make any sense that's tick-tock man don't you understand it doesn't make any sense i i don't know what to do with this yeah i i mean i didn't make the videos like you're proposing or being proposed to what is the story yeah because the line it's the it's from the taylor swift song love story and the line is he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said juliet marry me so you're like doing the proposing and then you dance and then they're like and then you dance it's a remix to the song so there's like a beat drop and you dance so i'm subscribing to the conspiracy theory i think he's right i think it's a viral taylor swift marketing oh i think that's a really good theory i just i don't know how you can force such a nonsensical trend how can you get people to do something that makes no sense if you pay popular tick tockers to start doing it then everyone says is that what happens yeah i think i mean generally speaking that's a thing that happens with like popular songs and stuff this artist will just play take talkers man i are you on tech talk are you active on there i'm i'm really not and i feel like i should be i'm not super active i post like occasionally and um i watch tick tock a lot like laura and i just lay on the couch a lot in the evening and watch tick tock for like an hour see i feel like we have to do that you know i just feel that i'm missing out on yeah might be something going on although i can do it is someone buying a tick tock because it may be yeah i know i don't want to get invested just yet i want to wait till i know it's going to exist yeah you don't want to fall in love with that right to have it as i understand it we have we'll find out in about two weeks well the deadline the original deadline was september 15th i believe which uh yeah is week after next and there was news earlier this week that um china changed the rules that and that it might now block the sale so uh there's a decent chance it's going to get banned wow yeah the newest update would be so crazy i know it should be unbelievable uh there's a there yeah the newest development is that china is stepping in because they want to make sure i guess they want to make sure that like it's about the algorithm yeah any of the ai or they don't want they don't want to give away the secret of the algorithm they don't want to give away the info i think why would someone buy it if they're not getting the algorithm they want the audience they want the platform i know the algorithm is really important they would they would want a functioning platform right yeah yeah i mean that's like the whole thing that's the reason tick-tock is good is because you don't have to follow it like i don't follow barely anyone on tick tock i just scroll on my for you page and good stuff comes to me did i hear that walmart is considering buying it walmart i heard that it's they were partnering with microsoft i believe yeah i didn't understand that i was just thinking is that even gonna be walmart related now i don't know i just feel like it's gonna go down to [ __ ] like walmart owns it no algorithm that [ __ ] is gonna just like there are already so many walmart versions of tick-tock that like imagine if walmart really did just own tick-tock dude everything has done a bunch of trends on tick-tock more than any other company to my knowledge really oh really they got scammed what so what's a walmart trend look like uh it depends like they had a christmas one where it was like for christmas shopping they're all over the place you proposed to walmart and then when the beat drops you start like thrusting your hips exactly dan i have the tier thing up but can you see them on the user side when they talk yeah okay i have zoom open on oh great great great great great great great great greg greg greg greg greg greg all right well i gotta tell you [ __ ] these people i'm gonna give them a d what do you guys think yeah yeah well there was a small detail that i want to point out that i think we all missed in that is there appears to be some sort of forest fire going on on the side of the road oh what okay wait let me revisit it that way i do need to revisit in that case i think that might be why the traffic is happening look that's bizarre too you gotta wonder how that's not the focal point of the tick tock if there's a forest fire going on right next to you and you're like well let's just make a video to taylor swift's song because they're like oh we got this freeway that's not moving great chance to dance between cars yeah i really hope that that's their car that they jump on you imagine if there's just other people in there yeah it has to be i can't even imagine but i do yeah the fact that there's a fire fire forest fire whatever's going on over there it's definitely juicy but i still hate them and think they deserve a d yeah see it is do we all agree yeah it's just secondhand embarrassment there's no like pizzazz to it so yeah there's no tumbling off of a cliff but i'm liking the imagery here it's really powerful it's really good it is really good uh number five guy voice over influencer shoot there it is there you go hell yeah okay she could be doing more to be honest but honestly what he's doing is pretty good show her let's see what she thinks yeah come to him dude so that he doesn't have to get out of the pool and then back in the pool oh man the look of shame he hopes that she likes it so he can stop taking pictures dude he probably took 46 by now maybe 50. there you go there it is there yeah i know that pain that guy nailed it man that happened like a surprising amount when we we used to live in la for a couple years and we lived our apartment building we lived like right outside the pool and i would always see like people taking pictures like that by the pool or in the hot tub why do you i know you live in uh chicago i believe right yeah i live in like the suburbs of chicago so why did you leave la um i mostly just moved there because i thought it was like the spot for social media or just like everything in general because that was like we moved there when i was doing vine still and vine got shut down right and i but i had like a full-time job there also but i mostly just moved back home because well this is where my parents live and also where laura's parents live so once i started making enough on youtube where like i didn't have to be didn't feel like i had to be in la or i didn't have to have like a full-time job elsewhere that's interesting you just moved back home when you found the success you wanted yeah i feel like i kind of did like the reverse you yeah because most people moved to l.a well they started my family i'm going to l.a yeah that's one of the weird things that i've always felt about youtube is that like you can live anywhere and do youtube it's just weird to me that so many people congregate to l.a uh even people who have no hopes of like entering like the hollywood scene or the movie industry people just flocked to la even though you can do this job from anywhere i guess there's better resources out there like it took me a while to find people to like film stuff out here with yeah well yeah there's there's a lot of resources and if you want to like collab with people they're here yeah that's true if you want to pay way more taxes this is a good place to come illinois is actually not great on taxes so it's probably about the same really yeah i think illinois i forget if it's income tax or property tax but it i think it's income tax illinois is like second in the nation or something like that shout out to illinois let's go yeah it's awesome so this one i'm not super impressed by frankly pretty pedestrian it's a d yeah it's just kind of it's just kind of secondhand embarrassment just like that the other one yeah it's a dude i could go d i mean this girl falling off the cliff is yeah i'm starting to appreciate her a lot more now should we go back let's watch her that's true was that tarzan girl no this was backflip the first one oh was the first one it was the first one let's go ahead and revisit this one because again i like you said i'm beginning to appreciate it a little more yeah we've seen this challenge ah man she's not very aware of her surroundings wow she really just does disappear completely like she is gone that's true not even a leg still showing look at her i mean that's got to be a steep drop off look at her face the moment it hits the stone yeah this one's good man we got to move this girl up yeah we can move it up she died yeah it's crazy that she's dead now man i can't we miss her i miss her let's move her ass up to uh the thing is it's not candid so i can't really give it better than it be but what do you think i mean i'm willing to negotiate obviously now i think b's i think that fits pretty good yeah yeah i like that the a tier belongs in the a tier because it had like levels to it yeah there were there were lots of good things about that 100 it was candid it was there was like injuries the cameraman took a dunk it was weird how long she held onto the exactly come on okay influencer climbing horse alrighty sounding good to me dude i'm going to start faking vines where i just from the third person have someone pretending to [ __ ] up making a vine just to get featured on this account yeah exactly meta [ __ ] dude i'm gonna fake faking it i'm gonna fake [ __ ] it up candidly well that's probably already happening considering how big this account is yeah i wonder that's a good point yeah i wonder how many layers you could add like [ __ ] it up candid and then you're recording the guy who's recording them and he falls these all remind me of that girl who um what was she it was like during the black lives matter protest she would like was pretending to help with something like help board up a window or something and then she got her mercedes and drove away wait you guys gotta pull could you guys pull those up those ones are great there's like black lives matter influencers would they like pull up with a sign and then bounce immediately after taking a photo oh yeah can you guys find some of those right like we got to add those to the list maybe just add them to the bottom good call danny those are important oh yeah what are you doing you're on a public sculpture in a fountain i mean what the [ __ ] oh yeah i mean that's so rude yeah yeah it's so douchey and i love that she just ate it hard only i know it's funny that you thought that would work because like there's not anything to grab onto and she's wearing like the slipperiest clothes possible and that horse is like looks like very slippery also in the morning in public like how embarrassing yeah how do you live with yourself well that probably hurt quite a bit because that's iron and it snagged her leg she got it oh yeah she went in and i oh and she did oop wait so is there a good sound here good question that looks super painful she deserved it [Music] oh man imagine having friends like that yeah it sounds like her friend was only a bad influence yeah more like a bad influencer zing bruh um where does it go so let's think here she's obviously awful she ate [ __ ] the ironic things about these is like they all the people at the start of these videos were probably like oh this is going to kill on my social media yeah and then it totally goes wrong but then it ends up on an account like this and it does kill but like for the wrong reason it probably did way better than it would have if it went right this girl was probably like this picture of me on a horse at the mall or wherever the [ __ ] she is is gonna absolutely kill on my instagram are you thinking a c um well maybe a b i don't know it could definitely be a c because like i would i would lean for c because when i think of like the face plant and bee like that's a good hit yeah i feel like when she actually landed it wasn't like that satisfying right right even though she probably endured a lot of pain oh yeah not a great watch it makes me appreciate the face playing guy kind of too after going through these because that there was some layers there yeah like how his ass jiggle that was pretty cool yeah i didn't want to say that but no yeah i noticed that um yeah i think a c what do you think eila yeah yeah poseidon's wrath i like that what that wave looks so crazy oh no shout out to brittany nash who apparently this is spelled the most obnoxious way oh yeah whoa the ie brittany brittany dude that wave is so way too big how is she just casually standing there like that is a huge wave holy crap dude so this is great is this one actually candid because she's posing in that other direction right to someone else oh you might well they got wiped out too yeah they did i think no i think it's not candid i think she just thought it was gonna wash over her gently and she was gonna look sexy i don't know if she's never been to the beach before or something well the interesting thing about this is she might actually still get a good picture from this like if you just go a couple of frames before she gets hit like that's a dope picture right there so you think she knew yeah oh but then she's really committed to her vacation then she's a good client she's on x games mode because she knew she was gonna get hurt she did it anyway wow i hate the ocean bro [ __ ] the ocean i used to go i grew up in socal man and in ventura and there's some pretty you get waves like this all the time yeah it's it's so surprising how hard water can be when it hits you like that i mean yeah that that's that's a lot of water oh man yeah she slammed into the ground too like it didn't just knock her forward it knocked her down that's just sand right there yeah we used to go to the oceans like every summer i would go to a summer camp and they'd make us go to the beach i [ __ ] hated it because it's like you go to have a good time at the beach but all the waves are like terrifying yeah and so in israel it's not like that it's like a it's like a bath yeah well in israel you got jealous oh yeah do you guys like the beach in california that's one thing that i was like excited about when i moved to california and then just like every time i went i was not happy with it it's cold it's scary it's really sharks it's just such a different experience for me what i'm used to is like people go to the beach and it's a it's a really fun time like you go in the water it's warm uh i don't know and then here it's like kind of dangerous and cold no it's horrible yeah even like it's really beautiful here we lived in glendale and there would be days where it'd be like 100 degrees and then we would go to the beach and at the beach it'd be like 70 degrees yeah you need a jacket so much cooler well glendale windy yeah that's the weird thing about la is like in glendale or the valley it can be 100 degrees you go to the beach it's freezing so first of all it's cold the water is cold the water is always freezing here but it it is really beautiful here there's like so much nature it's pretty amazing yeah that's true you know when you get to see jellyfish here you get seals just hanging out yeah on the sand saying hi to you and stuff dolphins yeah it's crazy yeah flesh eating uh bacteria water yeah that happens too i i've never do you know what i'm talking about no the beaches they get shut down fairly frequently because of some sort of uh septic thing got released into it or whatever oh oh well that's i remember seeing something about like huntington beach being really dirty or something like that yeah or maybe it was santa well there's a lot of boats and uh yeah the marinas are disgusting i wouldn't swim in those i've watched this like a thousand times i'm just watching santa barbara there's tar all over the place oh yeah there's a guitar on your feet so wait is that a natural occurrence is that just from offshoring there's like an oil tanker yeah or oil drilling oh that's disgusting yeah so yes we love our beaches when i was little um like eight years old my family lived in england for two years and every time we would go to the beach there the beach would like it wouldn't be sand it would just be like rocks like rocks like this big so it wouldn't be like fine gravel i've seen that it's just yeah which is pretty unpleasant like you can't have a nice day like laying out at the beach when you're there's just like big rocks right i guess that does go uh that counts for something the the sand is really nice on the on the west coast in israel it's even more like it's just really soft and wow if we want to go to the beach we go to like lake michigan the great lakes stuff like that um and those are nice because the ocean is so big that it takes forever to warm up but lakes are kind of smaller so i guess they warm up quicker so they're usually not as cold as the ocean does it freeze over in the winter some parts of lake michigan do i'm pretty sure yeah and my grandpa uh he grew up in in chicago and he would tell us about how much he [ __ ] hated it there oh really he's just like it's cold it's windy it's hot in the summer he's just complaining about it sounds really cool to me yeah i agree i mean i really like the seasons that's like one thing i missed when i lived in la is because i feel like i guess there's seasons like in january there's it's definitely different than in like july but in general it's like very condensed um but here you get everything right but you also get like months of bitter cold so that's just yeah the chicago winter is pretty serious uh can you see what i'm saying yes oh my god dude that's shocking and violent right there yeah that is shocking and violent but can we blame the ocean when i go to the beach here so this one's pretty good i think and also i kind of admire her i kind of think you're right i think she's just a hero right i think so too yeah i mean maybe she didn't expect it to be so bad but i think she knew like okay i'm going to get hit by this wave so i think we got to give her some kudos i'm team natalie team natalie nash did you guys find any black lives matter influencers yeah it's in discord oh can you add it to my list i'm working on uh sure thank you oh look at this thumbnail that oh yeah okay well let's let's think here that's going straight on our instagram it's not as good as a let's be honest right well you think it's a tier it is good i'm open the a maybe the a is an s though because that one had it all it did i feel like we won't know until the end if a is an s right right i could go i could go b for sure it's a pretty strong b definitely strong b let's do b then because like it's not as good as this one i mean it's just not all righty poseidon's wrath uh simon cowell of tick tock i don't know what that means let's find out uh just how unentertained he is that's awesome what a legend oh that's so sad like they're really giving it their all they've got a perfect background they got the choreography down and he's just like dude he's on a boat man you got to step your [ __ ] up what kind of out of sync they're out of sync exactly yeah get your [ __ ] together come on ladies what are we doing here i love that even without the audio like you you can't tell what's going on yeah this is the best thing ever this is pretty epic yeah i agree they're trying so hard also i mean it didn't look that bad you know looking pretty good gila they're striving for perfection they got the boat it's a perfect day they've been exercising just think it's not just tick-tock do you think they rented the boat just for this i'm thinking i'm thinking probably yeah this is what this is why they're there yeah looks like the whole day is about this i mean i don't know how much is it as much as it looks like he's not into it i feel like if he wasn't into it he would have just been like that was good we can be done but he like he cares about it but maybe he cares too much well the way i'm interpreting it is that this is his project yeah he's this is all this is what you know what i mean that's why he cares this is his idea dude i need like i need this gif i need to be able to use that in some regard okay i like that one can he by the way can you see this me no he oh he won't no sorry nevermind it's just in the switcher i have a button of a guy from sonic who was delivering food and i saw that yeah yeah so where do we put this guy i like him a lot yeah i like his oh there was i don't know if this might be in the list but there was one recently that was like super popular on twitter that was like these that was a dude um it looked like a group of friends at like a some fast food place where you order outside and the the woman who's working like calls his name or something and he starts to do because his friend is filming him he starts to do something like really dramatic where he's like did you say and then the woman who's working is like no shut up just come get your food and the kid immediately he's like okay yeah i'll come get it you guys should try to find that one and add it to my list sure our list is growing yeah i don't i saw it on twitter but i feel like that's descriptive enough well i mean it's a c if i'm being honest well well how are you going to compare it with this look at this well you want to up make an argument i'm here to listen we did get some laughs out of it yeah we got a lot of laughs that's it you guys want to put this baby but just just remember who and whose company you're putting it face planned falling to the death rest in peace we miss her no we don't don't forget her and where yeah i think b-tier is exclusively for people who died during the video right b stands for uh all right we can move them down there's no good i mean look you know i'm just i'm trying to get i'm trying to be as serious as i can here oh bye stands for bye bye bye bye i'll see you in the afterlife yeah no i mean but i hear your point though it's better than the bowl because maybe these need to move down like [ __ ] these guys yeah maybe we need like a c and a half tier yeah or we could these guys suck there she's d and i think maybe yeah maybe this is a true c okay okay i would even put the card dancing one to f um right that's a good point zach i mean what are we doing here way too like this one had some entertainment value right but this one was just like [ __ ] these people yeah yeah yeah yeah nice interesting what may way well happen is this is s and these are a but we'll find out yeah yeah that's entirely possible hair flip generation hmm i feel like i know what's going to happen in this video yeah it kind of gives it away but here we go so she got her hair wet to flip it okay and you gotta love it you gotta love it probably got the photo though yeah yeah that's another one where it seems like they got the photo that they were probably going for right i'm so glad that they filmed it too i i like that she's got her ballerina shoes on she's doing the tiptoe thing which almost seems to me like a show of balance like look how balanced i am right while i do this yeah and it turns out she wasn't so balanced after all look at that form grace look how beautiful she is yeah what's that vin diesel look how beautiful she is yeah she's pretty not very balanced though not very good at tick tock yeah do you have one of vin diesel saying she's not very balanced the diesel is she balanced so [ __ ] sexy it's not i can't do it again yeah he genuinely comments on the appearance uh wow okay um hmm i'm thinking cb or c which means we don't have an s here [Music] okay uh my thinking is that she probably she didn't die so not b yeah that's there you go done no death step your [ __ ] up all right now we're moving we're moving on to black lives matter influencers is there any way i can get a picture of them so i can put them on the uh tier list dan holy sh you can just screenshot it real quick this has 29 million views yeah wow that's the one okay i have a feeling this is gonna be high up this lady stopped someone boarding up a store in santa monica so she could hold the drill for a picture and then drove away holy [ __ ] wow what i do remember seeing that and her dad it's like her dad is filming oh this is so embarrassing this is is that she's wearing her mask for the picture and the second the picture's over she also takes off her mask this is so awesome i can't even i can't handle this dad what are you doing how did you talk your dad into doing this holy [ __ ] bro good job everybody oh my god oh my god you i can't you this is the most embarrassing thing i've ever seen yeah yeah it's so weird because like what was this picture supposed to look like were we really supposed to believe that this dude who's like clearly dressed in construction uniform it's like working with this girl dressed in like regular clothes somehow they came together and they're putting up these boards this guy will never forget this moment holy [ __ ] wow i ah i'm speechless frankly that s tier then so i think i think it's ester ester by far this one transcends yes i've almost never been so embarrassed before for somebody you know and i i wonder because they got the even the license plate you saw the dad you saw her i mean this has 30 million views everyone she knows saw this it sounds like they were getting shamed while it was happening also like the person i was filming was like wow nice job guys as they were driving off it's like it's not just secondhand embarrassment like they're getting shamed in the video for it how did she get the dad to do this like parents before they stopped me from doing this [ __ ] but he was such a willing participant like well imagine the inner dialogue dad pull over i want to get a photo with that guy's drill and then imagine having the balls to approach someone who's doing work be like hey can i borrow your drill and take a photo real fast yeah that's crazy and it's like good job i'm proud of you for being so involved in social together we can make a change yeah you really made a difference today sweetie good call wow well we have more black lives matter influencers let's see so far they're [ __ ] great here we go this one says um okay oh this is the this is a twitter account for influencers in the wild oh this person is really prolific i gotta say here we go audio up uh what what that looks like jamie heinemann from mythbusters oh no no bruh well i mean is he okay he's just trying to get a cool photo can he yeah i mean he's at the protest i don't know that he's not necessarily there in earnest yeah he's not wearing a mask though which is kind of whack yeah you gotta wear a mask down there definitely cause the thing is like if you don't wear a mask down there you you give everybody that you make everyone look bad yeah it does seem weird to like turn it into a photo shoot though like that i mean he brought like his nice k he's got his camera bag on like he's there just to take pictures well it might be something that he does so his outfit is bothering me too to be honest there were just the the imagery in general was very surreal so yeah i mean he's a very interesting looking person yeah i think jamie it's embarrassing on the level no the other girl the other girl was again transcendent let's get a nice photo of him with his hands up dude look how good i am in photoshop beautiful what a king all right we've got uh we've got jamie from mythbusters young uh the young monopoly guy we've got uh the poster boy of manscaping where does he go do you let me ask you something do you use the same trimmer on your pubes as you use on your face me yes no no you don't seem like the type of dude who would do that now to be honest i don't shave very often anyway but when i do it's not with the same thing that i use on my balls so so you do you do trim on your your pubes occasionally that's good i think you're i think that's i think it's appreciated thanks for asking yeah what about you well i'll be honest with you um it's not unheard of that i'll go i'll go face to pew but the same instrument face to pube sounds like you're trimming your pubes with your face yeah that just sounds good well i just wanted to make it clear that i do the face first and then the pubes but you would still use it later yeah no no i agree it's not optimal but i take a shower out full circle yeah i like that you acknowledge that it's not ideal but you do it anyway it's not ideal no it's not ideal i mean by any means it's not ideal because what are you gonna do buy two razors i mean that seems over this seems ridiculous i believe you have already a couple of them so you could do it but that doesn't make sense does it not seem ridiculous be like here's my pube razer and here's my face right here it's like wow first world problem dude just cut your hair bro i think it's fine if you go to the shop exactly i go to the shower but uh what do i know well you kissed me i haven't smelled anything on your face anyway i bet this guy goes uh face to pube for sure i think he's got like five different trimmers yeah that guy is pretty yeah he's probably got like an arsenal of different like little scissors and stuff mustache oil so embarrassing it's a d i think or maybe even eight ah hmm oh and that's kind of wrong i mean i like the way the guy made me feel and that makes me want to rank him poorly but i don't know if that's just me i feel the same way i mean i'm thinking e i could see that yeah i don't i didn't like how he made me feel i know what you mean why are you shocked by that dan what do you think not just it's harsh critics here but oh you got to be when you're when you're creating a tier list this is serious business yeah yeah well i think we all thought we were being too nice before because we're putting everything in b-tier right right and i feel pretty good about how everything's landed these bees are solid but these are special yeah i kind of i am i kind of feel like the girl that disappears into the black hole should be a no but it's not candid dan yeah that's the problem right we're docking it for that okay okay fair enough he is like the beat beat-up tier okay so but to be fair if the instagram account's not called candid influencers it's called influencers in the wild and she literally does disappear into the wilderness maybe we misunderstood the whole thing no but i don't know that is a good point there's a good number of these where they are like in the wild though like the one girl who gets destroyed by the ocean dude on the beach let me ask you this do you think that this is as good as this one because i don't i mean yeah this one is next this one is elevated i think it's elevated you know but maybe this one's s here maybe that's the problem yeah it's weird well like that might be and then that that might be here because what i was gonna say is i think that the girl falling into the abyss is better than the other b-tier ones but not as good as that a tier one yeah yep yeah i think we figured it out oh i think we unlocked all right good call yeah good job everyone oh well i feel i feel like i just screwed a screw into a uh black lives matter protest now we can get in our mercedes i was going to say we almost got like a big f here oh wow but the guy kind of messes it up yeah from chat it's like a double decker f kind of now i want to taco bell was that all the clips we got no we have more oh we do oh i thought that was it oh wait is this the last one i saw someone typing no we have one more okay linkedin photo shoot what the [ __ ] does that mean oh no uh now is not the time for a new linkedin profile page oh my god are you kidding me here we go [Applause] wow that's pretty funny is that like senior photos or something what's going on over there that is pretty funny i gotta say man this guy is just like i don't care what's going on in the world i scheduled this and i'm doing it does it have to be this alley that's so weird is that do you think that's his dad he his back looks so sweaty like they've been out there for hours taking these pictures you think that's it i don't i don't think they look related you know there's no very different yeah i guess they'd be oh [ __ ] i thought he was wearing a backpack dude i think he is oh oh do you oh maybe he is it's just like so close to his shirt color that i thought it was sweat is this a kid or a man is it ladies and men it might be his dad man control plus oh what is the what is the thing on the wall saying next to him fun yeah that's what i wanted oh yeah fun while it lasted i think [ __ ] i think it's a graduation photo it does look like it oh totally senior portraits so they planned this out before the protest yeah it's just weird that they were like well there's like a big protest going on downtown like in the exact area we wanted to take our pictures but we'll just go anyway wow i love it did he really not weigh today the [ __ ] no dude he's graduating he's only going to look that fresh once it was fun while it lasted that's right i mean he probably only had the suit they probably reserved the suit you know you rent that [ __ ] hmm everyone is located it does look like the there's like a girl standing on the sidelines taking a picture of them too yeah i think it's just it's just a hell of a sight yeah yeah man i love it i love it i love it donald loves it i said i love it okay i like it wow rave reviews even the president okay even the president could get behind this so what do we think about uh graduating in the apocalypse it's a funny concept but i don't know if i like i'm just saying you know i'm just sizing it don't panic i'm not placing it i think it's a c but it might be a d it's better than d yeah okay we can put it in c yeah okay yeah i feel like it fits yeah because [ __ ] this girl i love this guy this freaking guy all the way down there and eating with his hands up all right finally this is our final one and um it's on youtube unusually how odd should i mute this damn wait that's not in the wild well neither was the girl who fell to oblivion either no it is a fail it's a candid fail okay okay here we go oh my god i the title yeah i know i kind of gave it away maybe it wonder at what point should i play the music [Music] i don't need the slaw dude her leg is so limp how did that happen yeah so i think there's a description here oh she's auditioning for a tic she's a tick tock sensation she's famous this music audition made her a tick tock sensation yeah her name is liz she was doing a tick tock and her mom was upstairs and supposedly she missed like the support beams and just went straight through oh so she was in like an attic yeah exactly that's awesome wow the fact that she was on tick tock when it happened is epic wait i still don't understand how could that happen she's in the attic yeah and sh well apparently there's certain parts of the attic that you have to use the support beams because there's no like roof it's just drywall beams and then between it is just drywall you can fall through it so she stepped on the drywall and just went right through the roof oh my god i thought that this was like an apartment building so i thought it was like someone she didn't know that's that would be great yeah that's pretty good i listened to an interview on this and she's like if you look at my eyes you can see i'm annoyed because i hear my mom making noise upstairs you know what the screenshot's just got to be that foot i feel like yeah yeah i like how the foot just stays stays there too yeah yeah it looks like she's comfortable she's she's she doesn't struggle at all she's just chill she's totally content yeah she's like i'm just gonna chill here for a bit it's like oh that happened again yeah the foot where does the foot belong okay well let's let's compare it to what we know what we know so far it's not as good as bees these bees maybe it is maybe it's b it's a solid yeah i was going to say i feel like it's at least c tier i think it's a b actually because there's some injury there's some mystery i'd say a if i'm if i'm being honest really what's your reasoning for a out of the shock value in it maybe it's pretty incredible she caught it on camera too yeah definitely shock value let's hold on before we make this final judgment is it the kind of shock value to give you a youtube strike that's a good question we'll find out hold on let's rewatch this one because before we put it alongside this great we need to really carefully consider what we're did doing see the comment she pushed the air too hard oh i didn't even realize that she was pushing oh man oh my god i think she's probably still falling yeah no this is more funny i don't know why i hope she's okay it sounds maybe it's just can you click on their account and see if that's this girl so we can know if she's still alive it looks like this belonged to her oh there's just a fail page with the huh oh [ __ ] oh so it's surprised she's dead she's definitely dead her family privateed her account she's dead unfortunately you know it might be the same lady she just hit the roof you know that's her leg yeah i i gotta disagree with you zach yeah it's not on the same level i could put it in the middle but i don't know if the hell she's falling in between the tears i'd like to imagine the woman falling through the ceiling and the girl falling into the abyss is like a sequence like that's where she ended up right yeah yeah it's this if it's the same person then it's gotta be a i just like the image of the foot there well here we go i think we i think we've i think we've done it this is important work i feel like it's a good looking distribution yeah yeah that's a that is you know it's better than yeah because sometimes we do these and it gets really clustered around a few tears but we've we got a nice spread yeah [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] this girl yeah i guess if there's one thing that we've learned from this let's [ __ ] that guy [ __ ] this guy and [ __ ] these people not really they just doing a goof but they're f just because it sucked yeah i kind of feel like [ __ ] all of them except the girl that fell uh this girl who we wish well and hope she's well and survived yeah i hope she's well yeah pretty much the opposite for everyone else i think everyone else was hurt badly yeah i wish what happened to her happened to everyone else okay danny i feel like we've covered a lot of ground we've done a lot of important work together yeah i feel like we've changed lives today i'm pretty happy about it we've changed lives not as much as the girl with the screwdriver but we've tried our best no yeah the rest of my life i'll be trying to live up to her probably god i wish i wish i had more like that i feel like that is a true s tear yes it is just but that's why it's so it's so rare you know you know i want more like that it's on a different level for sure anything else yeah i'm just thinking is there anything else i was just thinking about her dad still yeah i was like thinking about that man nice car too i wonder what they do for a living i wonder if it affected their business [ __ ] i'm just thinking about her dad man he was so proud he seems cool he's kind of cool in a way so little and get your dad involved and be proud still is pretty epic i think he is kind of a cool dad alert because like he's willing he's like look it's your thing i trust you i don't know yeah boomer as [ __ ] though yeah so what do we think uh uh you you've been to pier one uh what other home uh tchotchke uh stores do you like uh what i don't know well i've been kind of into like house plants lately so i got those two house plants so i've been going to like lowe's to get some plants lowe's is good i like lows you never know what you'll find there yeah they've got a pretty good garden section too i love going there before the holidays and getting all the weird like uh inflatable lit characters lowe's has the best holiday [ __ ] yeah straight you guys seen there's halloween decorations out now we just went to oh it's already out yesterday they've already got halloween decorations done we haven't left our house since like february i'm so depressed i'm not even i'm not even saying that to be funny i haven't left my house since this whole thing started and i'm just so [ __ ] bitterly depressed do you go outside for like walks or anything yeah yes i wouldn't do that okay that's good sometimes i go for a drive but the thought of going into lowe's no way yeah it is kind of overwhelming so a lot of people when you go there uh no i feel like i usually go at non-peak hours also because i can go during the day since i don't have like a nine to five or anything um but yeah no i mean i live in the suburbs it's not like la i feel like everything's pretty crowded but well danny thank you for coming on it was really fun yeah absolutely thank you guys for having me and keep slamming on youtube i'm a fan i'm going to keep watching and i think it's great what you're doing you're making wholesome beautiful content on youtube which i like to see honestly i'm a toxic [ __ ] and i appreciate people who can succeed who aren't toxic [ __ ] no i don't think that's true i think that one of the reasons that like drew and i started doing commentary is because of like people like you i like when you i guess i've heard you say before that like people on doing commentary are generally pretty toxic but you were like the only one of the only like commentary people that i watched before i started doing commentary so you were like the only reference i had besides like drew for what commentary is so that's nice i appreciate you saying that yeah sure definitely more toxic than you though you're a sweetheart you do like lacroix tearless and [ __ ] yeah cheers to that well thanks man i wish you well lots of continued success thank you for coming on i had a lot of fun and god bless you yeah for sure man thanks guys thank you dude
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 368,724
Rating: 4.7533231 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, danny gonzalez, greg
Id: 62WncEO0z4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 59sec (5639 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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