My Favourite Game Of All Time | Bloodborne Part 1

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to bloodborne which i'm sure many of you didn't expect me to be uploading i honestly didn't expect myself to be uploading it oh listen to that [Music] music ah oh you're in for a treat folks i absolutely adore this game for a long time i said the shadow with colossus was my favorite game ever made and i kind of stood by that for a very long time and then i realized that i've been playing bloodborne multiple times a year since it came out i think i played this game like six times a year i'm not even exaggerating i i play it so much i play it like back to back a couple of times and then like a few months go by and then i play back to back again and i've come to the conclusion that bloodborne is my favorite game ever made now it's just absolute perfection there's so many elements in a video game that i adore and we'll get into all of that as i'm playing it and we'll talk through it but i'm really really nervous to upload this series because this is one of those games that i'm actually good at and i'm almost afraid to say that because when i'm recording it i'm so nervous that of course things are going to go wrong i can beat this game in under 10 hours i can defeat some bosses in less than 30 seconds and i've done it and evelyn can attest to it um she's seen me do it many times and i just know that recording this that's not going to happen i nerves are going to get the better of me performance anxiety is going to kick in and it's just going to fall apart but it's part of the fun you don't want to get through it too quickly because that's part of the fun of from soft games and i thought with elden ring coming out what better time to play this game than now i really hope that a remake of this game comes out or even a remaster i'll settle for anything that's above 30 fps because it's very hard to play this game these days it's locked at 30fps it's the only fromsoft game now that has no version that's 60fps and i just feel like they have to be working on a version in the background that's better than this because the game deserves more than that it either deserves a sequel it deserves a remake it deserves a remaster it deserves some love and i hope that sony give it to it i'm also kind of nervous for this series because this is the type of game that's so old now and has such a niche kind of audience that i feel like not many people are gonna watch it on the channel and it's just not gonna perform great so any help that you guys could give in that regard by liking the video leaving comments sharing it with friends anything like that really helps bump the series and like keeps it alive uh it goes a long way but anyway before we begin i just wanted to put this on at least once before because i can't put on headphones over this and i bought this hat at pax east show years and years ago it cost me like 300 and it's made with like real materials and it's one of my favorite things that i've ever had and it's always been sitting in the background in these videos just sitting right here and also these statues this is the main hunter from the game and this i don't know if you can actually see this in frame this is eileen these are two of my favorite statues that i've ever gotten for anything video game related ever and it's from my favorite game so if those things don't convince you that this is a big deal to me then i don't know what will anyway enough farting around let's actually get into the game and start the series oh yes [Music] well you've come to the right place jharnam is the home of blood administration you need only unravel its mystery but where's an outsider like yourself to begin easy with a bit of yarn and blood of your own but first you'll need a contract hell yeah so that's what we're seeking we're seeking pale blood and yharnam is the home of blood administration oh i have to create my character oh i didn't even think about this part um i'm going to go with a name that i've been using a lot in my spare time for these series which is dinklebam the tale of dinklebamp begins now i'm going to be a guy i'm going to be young why not because i'm still young damn it i'm gonna go with what i like and what i know gets me through the game best there's a lot of ways to play this game there's a lot of really really cool weapons i think bloodborne is one of the cooler games for weapons especially since they transform but for me i'm gonna go with an absolute basic build uh to get me through it because for various different reasons you're gonna find out as i play oh i'm going to change my character a little bit though it kind of looks like me doesn't it it actually looks better than me good all signed and sealed it's anyway my life now let's begin the transfusion oh don't you worry whatever happens you may think it all a mere bad i'm very worried this place does not look sanitary or up to code at all [Music] and the fact that he's laughing before that's the last thing you want to hear from your doctor before you go under is them laughing it begins my absolute nightmare those claws this is the fine print of my contract coming to bite me in the ass literally steve steve [Music] it's just like when voldemort tried to kill harry and his mom saves him hey little dudes they're so cute maybe not you vagina face you'll just start making out with me who knew that bloodborne started with an orgy you found yourself a hunter so we begin wait just realize that my camera is too high you go hi hello all right we begin oh god 30 fps jesus all right not much lag considering i'm playing it through a capture card we can do this you got this jacka boy you and your suspenders those are supposed to go over your shoulders by the way should we uh should we try and do it should we try and kill the wolf at the start so spoiler alert you're supposed to die at the beginning of the game ow you turned around last second but you can kill this guy if you get lucky nah not lucky it's all skill baby give me those blood vials i'm going to press all the wrong buttons i've been playing dark souls 1 and dark souls 3 in my spare time recently so i'm going to be pressing i'll be pressing healing to change weapons i it's all going to go wrong damn i need to remember to like slow down a little bit too and take everything in to show people who've never seen this game i want to know why i like it so much because i can absolutely plow through this if i want to but the art style in this is i'd argue some of the greatest that gaming has ever seen there's also a speedrun tactic he can do when that werewolf comes up or that liken that i don't know how to do it um he like stands here and then he comes over here and he grabs you and when he grabs you your hitbox changes and you go through that gate and then that helps you skip a large portion of the game i'm not going to do that because i don't know how maybe i should try some speedrunner things that i've seen so now we're i mean i'm probably preaching to the choir for a lot of you but again for anyone who hasn't seen this series now we're in yernam the central city somebody told too many jokes around this and was uh beating a dead horse what up dudes how's it going don't mind me i'm just here for the blood baby yeah yeah piss off piss off oh god grab it oh they're gonna say some of my favorite lines as well i keep forgetting the the village the village people they say ymca at you they um they say stuff like oh why oh why oh guys it based this is all your fault i'm gonna deal with that later i need to go get myself a weapon though these are the lamps they help you go back oh god not today buddy boy i have to go to sleep this is the hunter's dream music hell yeah so cool the size of that moon i also don't know what these are there's been a lot of theories in the community about what these potentially are like other hunters dreams or just different worlds it's kind of a theme in dark souls and bloodborne to have something like this somewhere they kind of show up every now and then um this is the doll [Music] she's sleeping right now okay here's where you get your weapons i'm gonna go with the saw cleaver uh hunter's axe is the trap that everybody falls into when they stare at this game because it's like the strength weapon and you think strength strong weapon i can kill a lot of things but it [ __ ] sucks it's it's so awful i hate it i know there's going to be a lot of a lot of people who don't agree with me but i hate it i also prefer the hunter's pistol because i can shoot further and some things i can shoot in the face and get a little notebook from the little dudes here's german so he's not the dude who gives you the contract at the shard for a long time i thought he was but he's like dressed completely differently but because he was in a wheelchair i thought he was the same guy i actually don't know who the guy who gives you the contract at the start is but this is the guy who whose dream this is basically you must be the new hunter welcome to the hunter's dream this will be your home for now i am friend to you hunters i just call them german to be in a fine haze about now but don't think too hard about all of this just go out and kill a few beasts it's them for your own good you know it's just what hunters do you'll get used to it a hunter must haunt [ __ ] you german he's not dead he comes back uh but that's all we're doing here for now so what's basically happened is that the blood of yharnam is special and it's been turning everyone into beasts i could spoil the whole thing now but why would you want to do that why would you want to spoil a wonderful story because this is kind of like me playing the game for the first time again you're cursed you plague-ridden rat but my that my favorite one is oh why oh why so i want to hear someone say it there it is cuz it beast oh why um yeah so you have the weapon like this and then you can press l1 and it transforms into like a longer version and every weapon has a a different version that you can use uh but for this weapon it's really good it's transform attacks are oh he got me okay i want to parry like that yeah baby stick my hand in your belly i'm gonna go up here and get some molotovs quite a wonderful place urnum is people crying people dying people turn into beasts blood everywhere basically uh pandemic everyone's gone mad and there's a disease going around that's all you need to know but the reason i like picking this weapon is because it's serrated and serrated mean it means that you do more damage to beasts and a lot of enemies are beasts but also it's really fast it's charged r2 is super quick to allow more backstabs it's transform attacks like this do a lot of damage they're really quick and it scales really well so to me it's like the best weapon in the game you'll see a lot of speed runners use this i might switch off to a different weapon called the horley gig saw later because it's just so badass and cool and i want to show it off but saw clever is usually what i go with for the whole series [Applause] oh why oh why oh wait we shouldn't go this way whenever i would uh i used to play this game on tour we had a playstation 4 on the bus and a tv and i would just play it over and over again you play grid and rat um and because aaron was on tour for me with me for a while from game grumps we would just walk past each other and go cursed calm down gents everyone here's got a british accent it's just [ __ ] england in it this just england on a friday night after all the pubs have closed oh yeah i forgot to talk about one of the more interesting mechanics from this game which makes total sense of this one and why they don't have it in the others which is if i get hit uh you can get your health back for like a short period of time which is very handy it promotes like uh aggression where are you going no way ow see get my health back baby it's fun right bloodborne let's go i'm so glad i'm playing it because i kept thinking like if it's my favorite game ever then i i want it on the channel i part of me is like i don't really care how it does i don't really care how the algorithm treats it i don't really care who watches it or who doesn't i just want to play it for me i'm doing stuff just for youtube all the time and for what like trends or what does well for the audience or whatever it's kind of boring isn't it it's fun to do the stuff that you you really love and i did shadow with the colossus on the channel and that's my second favorite game ever so why wouldn't i do bloodborne sorry this is going to be very abrupt i'm sorry i killed a man in a wheelchair i know it looks absolutely awful he didn't even get a chance to do anything but trust me he has a gun in his hand and if given half the chance he would have shot me in the face i know this is like a who shot first kind of situation but i'm just gonna let you know he would have decimated me i don't want people going around being like man jack just killed someone in a wheelchair i know that's a great article title that big sun god it's so [ __ ] pretty this bridge is what we're going to go over soon it's where the first boss is that's the scream you heard earlier but another reason i like this game artistically is because it's very european i think it's a lot of this stuff is based on prague i think if you search up like pictures of prague it looks like this it's very gothic and i love that it speaks to my little european heart i also have my own lap this whole place loops around and i have my own lap that i always do that like gets me the most out of it the quickest assuming i don't stupidly die from dogs gnawing my balls off you can't hide from me you can't surprise me i've played this game actually i wonder how many times i've played this game i think i've played this game upwards of 20 times uh i won't talk to you yet because you can't give me anything actually i probably won't talk to you ever you bring her to the town she's a bit of a [ __ ] she just doesn't like people she's like an old cronie and now we get to my favorite character eileen is she cool she's dressed as a crow that's her in the statue she's all covered in feathers and she uses something called the blades of mercy which is a skill based weapon and it's my second favorite build to do in this game oh a hunter a hunter and an outsider what a mess you've been caught up in and tonight of all nights here to welcome the new hunter thanks aileen i love her accent a hunter uh a hunter must haunt prepare yourself for the worst there are no humans left who are you they're all flesh hungry beasts now yeah she also gives me a badass gesture it's just to shake off my cape um let's switch out this one for it if you do it near her you get sorry i didn't mean to ruffle your feathers eileen she'll come back later she's cool oh actually oh i should do a saw spear build yes yes yes so the saw spear is the same as this weapon but they they have little differences i'll show you when i get it sorry lights just coming through just wanted to kill you oh you're not saying yo let's see see if you can see my hand yeah that was a good shot of it when you stick your hand into them to do the visceral attack and you pull it out it gets bigger like you've turned like part beast shaku little detail i wanted to show you as a fan of bloodborne favorite game ever don't know if i mentioned it i just wanted to give you a wonderful experience i thought of doing a playthrough of this game like every year i've thought about doing this i uploaded one video of it years and years and years ago when it came out it didn't do well and then it kind of turned me off and i was like i'll just play it for myself um but i thought about doing a play through which was like a mix of standard let's play plus like vati's kind of content where i went through the game and i did all of this and then i would like stop and get some shots of the place and give the lore on it and i'm like that's it's not really me it's not my type of playthrough plus but he does such a good job of it [ __ ] you i've been talking to him a lot about elden ring it's been really fun because we got to do the network test we got to play a little bit i've played quite a bit of elden ring by now um or at least of some areas what are you doing shouldn't be going here yet actually so i i'm so [ __ ] excited for eldon ring maybe i'll do some videos of that on the channel as well but that's going to be a massive game especially first time through so saw spear so i have a good look at this one actually there's no weight limit in this game so i can just do this that's the saw cleaver this is the saw spear way more teeth way pointier but it basically does the same stuff it attacks almost identically except for this which is better it has a thrust attack the other one doesn't um but also if you see in the bottom right it says attribute bonus so cleaver scales better on strength the little arm and then saw spear scales better on skill and skill is a better stat to upgrade if you want to do viscerals those like those big hand moves that i do because if you do those then you do massive damage and upgrading skill means that you do more damage with those it scales on skill so this weapon scales better on skill and then your your visceral attacks scale better on skill so it feels like a much better solution madman's knowledge i need this to level up this is one of the few games as well where i can give proper tips and actually know what i'm talking about some of the games that i play were i like i'm okay at them but i play so many different games that i'm not really good at any one and then this is the game where i can like like this is me going slow this is like half the speed i would normally play this at can he make it can he make it oh and he sticks the landing on the high beam dinklebamp for ireland covered in blood or his own [ __ ] we never know uh yeah i can go this way i could go left but we're gonna come back around there don't you worry lads we'll get there eventually we'll see the whole game and what she has to offer maybe there's a lot of game checking boards the [ __ ] boards [ __ ] off he feathered [ __ ] agents i don't look around in this world as much as i should anymore i'm kind of just like laser focused sneak attack what up [ __ ] eat [ __ ] and die so i like to imagine the hunters going around doing just an absolute monster german has unleashed a [ __ ] freak of nature upon yernum and this little girl has lost her parents who are you i don't know your voice but i know that smell are you a hunter it's the smell of shite look for my mom she never came back from the hunt and she went to find him but now she's gone too i'm all alone and scared oh yes daddy yes he's gone wandering off into the abyss and i've never heard from him since and mommy's gone missing as well oh please look for her please oh golly gosh oh [ __ ] covered hunter oh thank you my mom wears a red chilled brooch it's so big and beautiful you won't miss it oh and she's got an ass that won't quit if you find my mom you've had this music box gotcha tiny music box from a little child in baby jail got it it plays one of daddy's favorite songs and when daddy forgets us we play it for him so he remembers i'm so silly but enough without it about that i'll i'll find your mom no problem i will absolutely 100 find her i i feel like that's fair to say now you [ __ ] screamo haha tried to turn around did you but dinklebam put his hand up your ass already she's giving everyone a free proctology exam so what it's called proctology where you stick your hand up people's asses what a profession also if okay weird sentence to say i was gonna say if you shoot dogs they fall over like yeah that's true to real life as well dodging bullets like neo baby all right which is the best way to do this dog first the dogs and fromsoft games are so [ __ ] annoying they're so quick and biting that bitey yes stop [ __ ] shooting me will you bruv she's trying to get through to see you where all the bloodies you [ __ ] shoot me in the face [ __ ] plonker bloodstone shards gonna be very useful then you go this way ha ha around at about e and then you don't go get that item because it's pebbles and it's [ __ ] [ __ ] but you do get this item and you fall down and you go all over the place and you wee tinkle bam hunter by night but performer by day stop trying to hit me and hit me go i've heard these sound effects a million times that like kind of sound when you do it watch any horror movie there's so many sounds in this game that you'll you'll notice in any horror movie because as much as i love that sound as much as i love fromsoft and their ability to craft a game and artistically their sound design team is not the best they use so many stock sound effects that it's really distracting not like this this has all gone wrong i shot at him and i shot next to his head chaos ensues oh i wanted that item up there though wait he's not gonna come down is he i mean i could go back up i'll go back up i'm going to finish when i started nobody [ __ ] slaps me and gets away with it here we have dingleband for ireland trying his best on the high beam will he be able to do it oh a perfect ten oh he sticks the landing the crowd goes wild island win the gold sure ha ha in your face you [ __ ] and now we get the beautiful clothes oh i am a dirty stinky hunter no more i am what they call fashionable see there's the hat the beautiful hat it's the exact same here we have beautiful hunter sporting the very fashionable hat from the winter collection hunters be damned to let you glide through the air with the greatest of ease the blood wipes offered like water off a duck's back this ain't bloodborne anymore baby this is fashion born and i i'm the most fashionable die you stinky sons of [ __ ] [Applause] there's so many of them here so manny owie owie wowie hey i'll have less than that now lads less than that cop on nobody's i know you're out for a night in the town and you're all [ __ ] blathered there settle down now lad settle down a grand bit of souls came out of them though see now this is where we were remember i said we'll come here later and i went up that ladder and i talked to the girl and she was like oh please find my mummy oh please i told you we come back around uh guys i don't want to alarm you but your mom is down at the end of that tunnel got him here we go piggy let's [ __ ] go you guys ready for are you ready see that butthole i'm going right in baby they knew exactly what they were doing you know people say miyazaki is a genius the ability to be able to craft worlds and have them so cohesively work together in the gameplay it's just top-notch and he's like what about pig anus and everyone's like he's so clever what if hand go inside pig [ __ ] hit attacker you're a genius honestly he is i believe it is he gonna do it he's gonna get set on fire oh he didn't do it sometimes he gets set on fire by that ball i don't know why sometimes he doesn't yeah keep swinging you're like a [ __ ] child in the playground okay child in the playground with a [ __ ] cinder block in their hand ow owie oh oh oh oh oh and now we're back around we're going up here that's the bridge i said that we're going to fight the first boss on now we're the other side of it because everything's interconnected and yharnam is [ __ ] incredible and then we're going to go down there later right down there down those steps see them on the right all the way down and right underneath where we are down here is where the third boss is is that the third yes third boss i'm all covered in goop i'm all covered in gwyneth paltrow's vagina smelling candle wax seriously not even a joke that literally is what she sells come on bro come on bro in your face and if you listen closely you'll hear another one do it again bro time to go upgrade hey someone's away great enjoy the beard hello good hunter she wanted to start you heard your voice here in this dream to look after you good hunter honorable hunter pursue the echoes of blood will do and i will channel them into your strength thank you basically she's saying i level you up um so we're going all into skill baby we won't even touch health for a while farewell good hunter may you find rest in the waking world and i get those things to be able to summon righty ho ho and in a from soft first this is the first game where you could actually sell stuff and it made quite a difference actually because i like selling all the [ __ ] that i don't use to the annoyance of manny actually whenever i play this game everyone's always like oh why are you selling that it could come in useful later and i'm like no clutter mess i don't want it i end up selling all of my armors that i don't use i end up selling all the weapons i don't use because you can't respect so a lot of the weapons are just useless to you unless you want to do a new game plus but i i do it just so i can get extra levels because some stuff you sell sells for a fortune very well nice cool we put a little bit into strength because it also scales on strength a tiny bit and it helps the damage go up but viscerals are really where we're going to be doing most of our damage to some bosses bye-bye and now i gotta go upgrade what can i do oh uh i almost upgraded it my brain [ __ ] my brain fell apart there for a second i should sell that one uh this one because i'm not to use it and honestly if i want to buy it back again later i can it's really cheap but just because i don't want to upgrade that one by accident and waste all my bloodstone shards all right time to go fight the first boss there's the guy that's the guy who's going oh earlier this is the bridge okay let's see if i can get this visceral off ah [ __ ] mist this is what i mean anytime i try and do it for a video it'll never work oh there is that beautiful visceral damage and we can cover them in oil this boss doesn't go down as quick because it's it's the first one so i'm not like hyper upgraded yet and i don't have like fire papers and [ __ ] now what i was gonna [ __ ] molotov your ass screw you [Music] it is an optional boss though i don't actually have to fight them but i like ruining your life i don't even have to fight them just rain fiery hell from above and down you go so easy so easy i didn't have to lift a finger um i should go back and level up and then we go on straight to the second boss all right we're back at the bridge with the fireball remember except now we're on the other side of it but the boss is the opposite side of this oh yeah yeah you're all very angry yep can you light that ball on fire please oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god [Music] everybody dies except me i'm left alive because i'm awesome okay i'm actually nervous to fight this one the nerves are getting the better of me now because this this is one of those fights that i used to think was really hard and i have done it in less than 30 seconds maybe like yeah actually i have i've [ __ ] plowed through this fight before but i know that it's not gonna happen this time but this is daddy that the little girl was looking for that he's hard at work what are you doing daddy is that mummy oh dear god i hope not he's so dope he's also irish wait for the accent and it feels like you're are you talking to yourself well you could use a [ __ ] mint anyway ah stop shooting bro use the axe there you go oh that didn't work that music if you've ever watched me on twitch that's the music i used to use at the start [ __ ] i actually [ __ ] it up whoops i forgot to use the music box first oh i made it much harder on myself oh oh i'm panicking i'm panicking come on come on you got to you guys oh that's actually easy i'm so sorry daddy nice oh god my heart's beating a mile a minute i should use that heart rate monitor to play this game what you can normally do is that he has three phases short axe long axe and then beast and in short acts or long axe mode i play the the music box get a few hits in and then he transforms you can use the music box again and then you can kill him before he can get off any attacks in beast mode but that still went really well now let me see was that mom mommy oh he's gone i know her mommy is mommy was always close to daddy but where could she be i don't know maybe she fell through the banister and broke her neck on the roof oh mommy a red jeweled brooch what's the sign say remember child but be wary but beware of donation this is a fine note but i will not listen to it i'm not donating this brooch to the child you kidding me me smash broach in hand get blood gem much better than child's happiness look her parents are dead what's a broach going to do i think if you give her her bro she actually leaves and gets killed by that pig that we saw earlier her body's like found down there so technically i'm saving a child's life technically i'm a hero child sadness is better than child death come on people ah a place that we're going to come back to many a time [Music] the grand cathedral i haven't watched these cutscenes in so long since the game came out really it's kind of nice to see them again it's like seeing them for the first time wow [Music] the rumble it's cool place i love that ambiance and that atmosphere i may have a nice little friend here hey fella oh you must be a hunter very sorry the incense must have masked your scent good good i've been waiting for one of your ilk these hunts have everyone all locked up inside waiting for it to end it always does always as you know since forever but it won't end nicely not this time even some folks hiding inside are going bad screams of women folk women but if you spot anyone with their wits about them tell them about this here odin chapel they'll be safe here the incense wards off the beasts spread the word tell him to come on over if you wouldn't mind [Laughter] i will little fella dobby has dobby master has given dobby a sock dobby is free so he reminds me of all right onwards and upwards i love these guys they're so weird but they have the longest parry window in the entire game like as soon as they start attacking you can parry them other characters have like a teeny tiny little window to do it in but these guys are like hey i'm gonna i'm gonna attack from last week and you can still hit them anytime within those seven days all right we've got an item here but be wary you can't stay there long because weird [ __ ] happens remember that for later it's gonna come back what was it what did that to us hold on i want to get a blood gem a bloodstone a giant god this game is so awesome the first time through it i'll i really wish i could get that feeling back here i think that's why i'm so excited about eldon ring because i've it's been so long since i've gone through a from soft game for the first time especially one like this like we've had sekito but it's not the same as these ones it's a completely different style of game and i i miss it i've played through these so often now that nothing's really a surprise anymore it's a bit of a shame what are you doing doggy [ __ ] die i need to be a little bit stronger killing those guys in two hits would be nice three hits is not cutting it three hits is not good enough for dinklebam no no i knew it oh every now and then that happens to me where you get stuck i was trying to dodge away but i got stuck in this weird little hit box against the guy and you just can't move and the dogs are so aggressive god damn it of all the ways to die it's so embarrassing oh you may have this one you'll rue the day you attack dinklebamp i'm back who wants to go huh huh come on doggy [ __ ] come on come on yeah yeah there's a couple of places i always die playing this game and that's one of them i don't know why there's something about the way i go after that guy that gets me caught and then i just get stuck in a loop it's funny alfred you're a beast hunter aren't you yep i knew it that's precisely how i started out oh beg pardon you may call me alfred protege of master legarius hunter of vile bloods nice morton jobs would say you our prey might differ but we are hunters the both of us sure are why not cooperate and discuss the things we've learned yeah oh god i can't believe i've gone this far into the play through without even mentioning it that i have this tattoo on my arm which if you look at the top right is next to my echoes like my currency and if you look on alfred's chest it's there as well um a lot of people tell me that i have this upside down i mean it is if you're looking at it but i i got it for me [Music] um but it's it's the hunter's mark to like designate hunters but what it actually is is like a a pole with someone hanging on it and this is their head and these are their arms tied above their head it was like let the blood rush to their head and he would slit their throats and the blood would come out because the whole game is about blood i know delightful also fun fact if you've ever played dark souls and you know solaire the biggest meme in the entire game this guy's voiced by the same person oh very good very good indeed take this to celebrate our acquaintance thanks alfred he give me fire paper very handy beast hunting is a sacred practice may the good blood guide your way you got it alfred tinklebamp out he'll come in handy later well not really you can summon them for the bloodstar of beast but it just kind of doubles the the health pool of the boss and i can defeat the boss much faster on my own granted everything goes my way which is exactly where we're heading now actually we're going to old diarnum where we've been now is basically new yearning central yharnam it's built on top of the old city because the old city fell into ruins from beasts where are we going bud not as strong as i would like to be right now taking a little longer to kill things although i am only plus two on my weapon we'll get there we'll become an absolute killing machine soon i have to get my antidotes because there's a little bit of poison coming up and i need to get my pungent blood cocktails nice uh yeah i'll go level up first do i need to yeah in case i die take me away lads ah i can get gas coins clothes now that guy we fought that was the daddy his name is father gascoigne oh you see his name at the bottom when we were fighting him but he you can get his clothes from the inside shop and it's oh yeah i got a i got a top hat as well the top hat's fun look at me all spiffy or it could be gas coin which honestly i think this is kind of cooler i look like a a western character but his outfit's not it's not great at defending you but it's really good against poison and that's what the next boss is going to have oh wait hold on [ __ ] you german piece of [ __ ] oh i need seven more it's okay i'll get them soon and this is why i kept that gem from your mom because it's really good anyway just showing you in case anyone wants to play along if you're playing the game along with me going through the game at the same speed as i am that's kind of fun okay all the arnhem this town is long abandoned hunter's not wanted here oh man i was looking for a job now we get my my favorite voice lines in the game you there hunter didn't you see the warning i do it every time it's very fun come on do it hunter didn't you see the warning turn back at once burned and abandoned by men is now home only to beasts they are no harm for those of us turn back so cool he's there right above the top of my head right now like literally sitting on my head that's where he is on top of that tower over there his name is jura and he's he's kind of a defender of beasts because this place is again burned and abandoned and then they went to new york and closed this off forever but beasts are basically just they're people so i'm a murderer but just people turn into beasts by taking too much blood because the blood has healing properties and that's why i always jam myself in the leg with it whenever i want to heal like that i'm literally stabbing myself with blood and then it heals you but if you take too much of it it drives you crazy and turns you into a beast that's just some light lore some light reading um i'll i'll talk a little bit more about it as we get through different stages of the game because it it reveals not everything a lot of it you have to piece together yourself a lot of what i pieced together was through vati's videos so i don't want to say it all now you know i don't want to rob you of some of this experience if it's your first time going through it but look how jaw-droppingly gorgeous this game is imagine this in like 4k or like slightly higher acids slightly better shadows and lighting and different things like a bit of ray tracing or something just bump everything a slight bit more 60 fps 4k this game would look gorgeous because now the anti-aliasing is kind of bad you see it around the hat how it looks like it's kind of sparkling the jagged edges it's kind of distracting there he is he's on top of that hi jura i'm gonna try and knock you off later the last two times i've tried it for some reason it hasn't worked it's like the game got patched or something and it didn't so who knows if it'll work in this play through he's going to shoot me he's got a big minigun i'm going this way instead bye don't attack me don't attack me don't tell him okay he's at the top of this ladder the technique is that as soon as you get to the top you lock on and you start spamming your pistol after three shots he falls off the edge and dies then you reload the game and you can get the item from him that's the cheese way of doing it he's very hard to kill at this stage of the game and i usually don't come back unless i do it this way but the last two times i've tried it it hasn't worked and i don't know why and i'm just saying it now in case it doesn't we're going to see this is going to be a litmus test for this and now i'm using the claw method to play as i as i normally do okay locked on spam spam spam spam there we go it took four or five shots to do it but we did it and normally he just falls off i don't know why lately he's not and then just quit the game and load it again also another benefit of a version of this on ps5 would be better load times they're still not that bad oh the sky wasn't loaded there we go powder keg hunter badge i really wish i could use this mini gun it's insane i want to shoot everybody in the face with it sadly i can't i only get a stinky little pistol how is that fair i like jurado he's one of my favorite characters in the game he um he's got a heart of gold you have a heart of gold don't let them take it from you and all these guys are worshiping something down there but if you smack this boom these beasts are on fire okay easy does it know easy does it there dinklebamp easy does it easy does it oh there it is whoa boy noise we're gonna have a very upgraded weapon very soon shut it noisy bust it there's usually a lot more dudes down here but now i've killed them by uh knocking down the fire oh a special kind of [ __ ] head are we [Music] what are you doing oh holy [ __ ] that hurts okay i get it you're hurting me how you that's what you're doing and your poison stinky [ __ ] this is basically like what i'm gonna fight soon but a larger version of it but it's like a beast with its skin frayed and flayed all about it it's kind of hard to see when you're looking at it like this it's another thing a lot of the assets and a lot of the textures are so low quality in this game because they have to be to run and to look the way they do when it's on ps4 hardware which is pretty old by now but man imagine some of these textures and all the detail work that's been hidden by it not getting a proper release look if anything that i can do with my my youtube power with my influence that i have as a creator online if i can get the ball rolling on a bloodborne remaster or remake even though they're probably working on it already and they just haven't announced it yet they're trying to wait for elder ring to come out first and they don't want a camera but the cannibalizer on sales but if i can let this series be a vehicle for letting people like the more people that watch this and like these videos not only help me out and that's great because the series does well and i always want my videos to do well but we can use this as like a flag to be like look we're interested even in 2022 someone's uploading this series and we still really want this series we still really want this game that'll be awesome that's where i'm going right down there fight the boss and that's the bridge i was on before isn't that cool ow ow so i absolutely adore franza france after my favorite developers because of the sheer amount of attention to detail that's in their games like being able to having this all crisscross one another and having it all planned out that bridge over there is where we fought one boss this is where he fought the second one and this is where we're fighting the third one all interwoven like that being able to see it dark souls 3 and dark souls 1 are also great examples of it dark souls 2 can uh go [ __ ] itself i hated that game when it came out i tried to play it again recently still hate it the only reason i did play it is because i've played the other the the good games so much that dark souls 2 was like the only one i haven't done a lot but like the controls of that game are what get me nothing so much about the visuals and the downgrade that happened i don't really care about that it's the mechanics it's slow it's sloppy they put too many enemies in too many places because they thought a lot of enemies met hard and they thought a lot of people play these games just because they're hard people play these games because they're difficult but it is overcoming that difficulty that makes you feel amazing and you can utilize your skills to overcome that difficulty dark souls 2 kind of spits in the face of all of that also let's see if we can do the trick to get this guy killed he's the same weapons as i do but i want his clothes but there is a method of getting them to fall down this ladder and i don't know how to trigger it consistently 100 of the time i'm kidding i know how to do it all the time that's the first time i've ever done it first try oh yeah here you can see it this dude hanging upside down that's that's the mark that's that his hands tied together at the top his head his arms and his legs creepy right so cool this is where i jumped down earlier i fell down that ladder and then you just come over here and you can go further down because there's a cool outfit in here that i want to get that i'll be using for a lot of the game hello boys what you're doing stinky [ __ ] oh oh a tricky dicky you will have to die nonetheless where are you going off in a stroll you die now please thank you so many of them but luckily i'm all powerful dinklebamp and i can overcome any obstacle whoa wrong one that's not the lock on that i wanted ah that guy's using that kirk hammer rookie mistake her camera's stinky it's actually okay it's just way too slow for my liking it's too slow for the amount of damage it does and i feel like the strength weapons are like a a new player trap because in uh in dark souls strength weapons and strength bills are king but bloodborne is different bloodborne is faster it's more agile it's all about speed and efficiency and min maxine okay we got the outfit do you want to see it uh oh yeah it doesn't come with a hat the charred hunter garb it's got like it's all tattered in the back it's so cool i want to get like an outfit like this once in my life like a proper really well made not real leather because you know you don't want to don't want to do that kind of shitty um but just an outfit like this that kind of has the same feel it's kind of hard to walk around with something like this and not feel like a badass just walk around fearing the old blood forever i've always i've thought about getting um more bloodborne tattoos but i never know what i would get i want to get more dark souls and bloodborne and video game tattoos in general but i like i like symbols i like runes um because these these like the one from shadow with colossus as well and the one from bloodborne they're like they're just cool to look at on their own and the same one that i have from arrival it's like you don't really need to know where they're from to to really get them if you do great um but i want to i want to get more stuff but i just don't know what to get there's a bunch of other dark souls or bloodborne runes that you can get that mean different things that i can show you later on i don't think i didn't pick up any yet did i no they go in here which is the same same symbol again but i just i never know what to get i'd love some suggestions um oh hi sneaking up on me the through this door you can't go through it yet but you come back there later is evelyn's favorite boss and she has a tattoo of him it's really cool it's one of my favorite tattoos of hers called dark beast peril we'll see him later he's uh he's a lightning boy wow so cool these buildings are dope there's literally just a church in ireland looks the exact same and don't get fooled folks you come in here you're like whoa what's going on suddenly [ __ ] don't get full keep your head in the swivel stay in school fear the old blood all of the above anyway moving on shortcut time and then keep your head in a swivel what did i just say what did i say and then this is our shortcut to where you ask i'll show you shortcut leads back here start of the area pretty cool huh also you want to you want to see a little secret there's a floating thing in the sky this is always there i don't know why they haven't patched it out it's like an asset that they brought in to use somewhere and then they just kind of like left it floating in the air and rendered out the game but because normally you don't see it if you're looking around at all the buildings but then it's just there i don't know why level up time oh i'm sorry are you i'm snoring are you snoozing i'm snoring are you snoozing wake the [ __ ] up there's blood to be feared there's bees to be killed ah well i must have drifted off [ __ ] sleeping on the job very well god damn it uh yeah 25 i want to get to 30 skill and 20 strength farewell do i have anything to sell not really bone marrow ash isn't going to be useful to me i mean it could be but not really um i have duplicates of these i can sell uh which one do i like more i don't know i kind of like both now i like the the other one and gas coins i'll hold on to for now [ __ ] you garmin nice now we're up to twin bloodstone shards we should have two slots in this oh yeah this weapon's about to pop off welcome can i want more level please very well one more level yes what is this guy doing how is he dying over and over again oh he's using the blood letter it's a weapon that when you use it it does damage to yourself so you like sacrifice some health to do extra damage so you can kill yourself with it okie dokie boss time so i'm gonna do a little bit of a setup for this so we can get rid of this we're gonna have a beast blood pellet first they take one of these and then you start attacking you start building up a meter and the higher your meter goes the more damage you start doing then here um i'll put fire paper okay and then in this menu i'm gonna put antidotes and pungent blood cocktails molotovs might be useful but i don't want to fill up my menu too much i used to put all five of those items on this menu but i realized in the middle of the fight i was like scrolling through a ton of them and it's just not that helpful here's alfred's bell if you want to summon him but he summoning people make the bosses easier and harder at the same time because with alfred in there the boss gets more health i think right i don't know if it doubles but they definitely get tougher to kind of like balance it because if they're the same amount of health then you can just plow through them but if you summon him then he kind of [ __ ] up some of the the stuff that i strategize because he starts attacking the boss when i can do a visceral and things like that oh there they are there they are we're going to start off with a one of these and then one of these and then the blood cocktail you're gonna throw in the corner and then he gets attracted to it throw another one so he stays attracted to it and then throw a last one [Applause] oh god boom baby [ __ ] yeah clinical that went exactly the way i wanted it to let's go diggle boom oh yes happy with that one nice i always like when i'm able to kill a boss before my fire paper runs out because these last what 60 seconds how long was that how long was that fight i'd love to know [Music] who my heart is pounding let's go let's go oh fear the old blood and we're back cathedral ward so after being you can that's an optional boss as well you don't have to beat them but it gives you a lot of souls gives you a lot of materials to upgrade your weapons and stuff that area is really good to do and it opens up this door and this door also leads us to get some hyper vital materials well not it's not hyper vital i like doing it because i get a lot of money going this way see dudes in wheelchairs with guns it's so [ __ ] here's we get our first uh rune communion so they they have like symbols on them as well this one's kind of a it's it's kind of like a sort of like a spade like a card thing but they they basically increase your character like you get more health you get more blood vials but i don't need that one i can't actually use it yet either there's a shiny bang a shooter this is also a place where i've stupidly died before oh my god my character dodged the wrong direction that was so weird it almost happened see silly mistakes man nice nice i want some of their weapons some of them have cool weapons but some guy has like a cutlass that you can see every now and then uh this guy has like a sickle i can't see it anymore he might have dropped it somebody has just like a meat cleaver i know they're not hunter's weapons but they would just be cool to have i want a sickle you can get one in a dark souls 3 but it's the drop rate is really [ __ ] a little bit of a maniacal bastard how dare you bro first you try and kill me then you laugh about it that's messed up bro this dude sucks he has a gun that i think that the amount of vitality i have would kill me would literally one shot me i don't want that let's okay let's have a look around because this area you get some of the coolest views um this is wait where is this oh it's my favorite game ever uh just finished it like 20 plus times yeah uh where is this look at these weirdos i love their masks though they got like plague doctor masks on like eileen radiant sword hunter badge that's important uh we can also take these off now okay let's go back down this is not this is not what i was talking about when i said there was like vital stuff here oh [Music] and all these weapons hanging up all these like blades it's like the weapon i have so dope let's go this way yeah there's one thing i don't like again like you hear that wind blowing so intensely and it's so atmospheric and then you look down and nothing's really like blowing around these little particles in the air are going so slow the fog down here is normal like or maybe the wind isn't down there but just i feel like there's so many more atmospherics they could do to this game if they had stronger hardware to do it because if you saw earlier alphas of this or earlier trailers it looked so much more atmospheric and they had to cut a bunch of stuff back i would love to see bloodborne with increased lod where you could see like high-res textures in the distance and fog everywhere and wind blowing it would add so much to the game well you go this way get this little [ __ ] because he gives you your first twin bloodstone shards which i need to upgrade my weapon uh there's also a lot of items in here that you can get like all the way down but we're gonna go right here nice oh i almost jumped without healing and then down again i might have survived or that might have killed me perfect first try and this will look familiar the abandoned old workshop which is the hunter's dream so where we go to level up and the doll is is a remake of this um there might be a little bit of a spoiler for the story now but just to give context german who is in that dream i mean i said it already it's his dream that we're in and he he brings you here as a hunter to like basically solve the problem and it gives you a chance to like reawaken every time and this is like the workshop that he used to come to and do stuff from if i'm getting any of this stuff wrong by the way uh i'll defer to some people in the comments um but i'm i'm pretty sure i'm on the money with most of it uh those doll out the doll outfit that i just got i should put it on before i sell it hello good hunter i don't think she reacts if you go back with it but she's also right here she's a little doll dead and this is the same workshop where gearman is it's cool first time i saw this i was like what the [ __ ] is happening you get a hair ornament and you also get an umbilical cord which is really important for the end of the game to get the true ending um and now i'm gonna go back actually i can wear this now telly who those uh doll clothes that i just got unless you like the look of them they're kind of bad for taking damage in but my god do they sell for a lot um where are we 7k i'm at 200 now 35 000 just for clothes that are pretty bad welcome and then you can give her the the hair ornament what is this i i can't remember not a thing only i feel a yearning something i never felt before she's crying what's happening to me [Music] tell me hunter could this be joy then you get her tear stone and then smash the tears you get a blood gem from it welcome all right level up time do that and then that bingo bango strong hunter strong strong strong [ __ ] you german down we go all the way to the bottom parkour parkour there's a beast guarding the door fun fact about this guy he doesn't show up anywhere else in the game except for the sumerian dungeons which is kind of like bonus side content um the randomized dungeons and he's nowhere else in the main game and also you can just walk up to him and then do this and then this and ruin his whole life he's so easy now we're at the bottom cam down ladies there's plenty of me to go around i love this bottle sound effect oh yeah i can't do it again [ __ ] i was talking over it i don't know why i like it it's just such a clean sound effect i always thought that if i wasn't doing uh what i do here now i would go into sound design somehow as a career and foley is one of those aspects that i was always kind of excited by crafting sound effects for movies such a cool job um but those clothes are one of the reasons one of the main reasons that we're down here because they they just give you so many blood echoes that it helps boost your character really well early on and then these guys are really [ __ ] scary because they can trap you and steal your brains they're just straight up cthulhu monsters or something from hp lovecraft they're so scary and they're so strong unless you oh i have a thrust weapon actually i could have done this they're weak to that addy boys i will not die thank you nice clean there's one more guy here though that i want to chance my arm killing and it's you mr bag man the jailers these guys are actually terrifying they're one of the strongest enemies in the game but i'm gonna [ __ ] you up see that double backsies also another reason to choose this weapon because that being able to do that twice in a row after you do a visceral is you can't do that with many of the other weapons it's very fast and i like it a lot cool we'll come back to a bag man later to go to hypogean jail but not right now and this is the second reason why we're here to open up this gate [Music] that was a mistake see the biggest parry window holy [ __ ] i barely even saw a move [Music] and then that's the game gives you a wooden shield as if to be like go on use it i dare you it's not gonna do anything but i dare you you played dark souls before yeah doesn't do anything in this game nice i've always wanted to get their scythe so dope looking sorry mr giant sorry sorry sorry don't kill me let me go down and open up this i would kill the giants i guess i should they don't really give you a whole lot it's just kind of fun to fight them ouch they're so heavy sounding let me give you 800 that's pretty good isn't it and we'll keep doing our lap all those items will come back for later they're all just madman's knowledge but this is uh you can open up this gate early if you pay is it 20k you can get an item at the the shop where's the dude oh there you are and we want to get this lady oh my what a queer scent but i take it over the stench of blood and beasts any day what do i smell like what is it i don't know i'm off during home so if that's what you're here for i'll leave you to your own devices if that doesn't do it come back in the morning darling she's a prostitute i'm not joking she is oh thank goodness but you can bring her to the church to keep her safe might you know the safe place left oh yeah he mentioned that in the chapel and she talked about it here as well the incense keeps the monsters away they don't like it and then you can bring her to the church and then this guy you you're not from around here are you joining idea you what what you think i'm a beast well maybe i think you're a beast and basically he's just a [ __ ] and you can send him wherever you want to send him he goes the opposite place just to be like i don't trust you bit of a knob really come on buckaroo oh you weren't attacking for a good while there bruv ah i just pressed dodge at the at the last second missed me opportunity but a dodger there she is ariana thank you i'm in your debt a problem got a currency i like to tender my thanks but i haven't much to offer all i can give is my blood oh but would you even take a horse blood oh i forgot that she actually just calls herself a [ __ ] so i was like wait is she a prostitute i'm right on that right oh good come close dear don't worry this isn't the first time so she gives you her blood which has like special healing properties so there's more to ariana that meets the eye all right we're going to go fight vicar amelia you can summon henriette there if you want but again kind of just [ __ ] up the fight for me makes it a lot slower because i've got techniques oh jesus [ __ ] you hell what a crazy boy sorry lads i have a date with a deer a dear friend of mine those guys hate you they give you frenzy there she is let us partake in communion let us partake in communion let's get this fight started baby she's one of the coolest ones in the whole game she's very memorable death so cool oh yeah so clutch and repentant she's so dope what a badass boss design like a scary deer so if you hit her if you hit this arm a lot then you can visceral which already is a lot of her health gone and then if you hit her back leg this at the opposite leg and do the same again oh i missed the visceral well boss offer i could have gone out with style but whatever we got there in the end but that's how to make uh short work of a boss again i learned that from watching speedrunners big skull master willem i've come to bid you farewell oh i know i know you'll think now to betray me no but you will never listen i tell you i will not forget our adage we are born of the blood made men by the blood undone by the blood our eyes are yet to open fear the old blood there it is fear the old blood i must take my leave nice by the gods fear it lawrence so that's lawrence and master willem the heads of the two schools of thought in this game um you have the the school of blood administration which is what i do like stabbing myself with the blood all the time and then you have the school of insight the school of insight deal with in the top right you see the eyeball symbol and it says 12 that's the amount of insight i have and both schools are trying to reach like the state of being an extra stage of evolution for man they're trying to seek how man can further themselves to become great ones to become more than they are and both are seeking it in different avenues um but they don't really agree all the time with each other so that's why they they split apart there lawrence is for the school of blood the the healing church and then master willem is for the school of insight the school of that's called a menses is it uh either way differing opinions but basically trying to accomplish the same thing um i was going to leave the video here because i feel like that's a good place to stop off but i i can get through the next area pretty quick and and round out the video to like a nice closer to two hour mark um because the next area is i think it's my favorite area in the game which is hemwick charnel lane and i mean i'll talk about it when we see it but i just love the aesthetics of it it's not a particularly hard area but i just really like it although going down here with all of my blood echoes is probably a bad idea this is this is karma this is me being like yeah i'll get through here this is not that bad and then the easiest of things will kill me get through the bosses in like 20 seconds and then other [ __ ] and kill me real quick damn down there lads cam though and then okay what you're going to want to do is you want to come here run past it somebody shoots that explodes it then you come over here kill these guys that guy pulls out a sword kill him kill everybody some of the guys that were in different places now go running to that place in the middle splitting them up oh god there you go this is the place to farm quicksilver bullets get so many of them and you come over here and you're gonna fight these guys and you're gonna but dodge dodge because those guys will kill you if they all shoot you at once and then boom are you done bada bing bada boom bob's your uncle or maybe not i don't know do you even know a bob i do you might not he's not my uncle though i have an uncle named jim i think oh yeah wait you guys are still left nice nice see that's a moment when a guy with a gun and two dogs is a moment where i'll get myself killed easily also if you have too much insight coming to this area extra enemies will spawn i think you need to have over 15 this is my favorite area watching the birds fly away seeing like the steepled towers the fog rolling in the smoke the cackling the witchcraft vibe to it it's just so cool to look at [ __ ] love it it's so badass it wasn't until i played this game that like i never knew how much i loved sort of gothic architecture and medieval sort of vibes i got a i got a feel for that sort of a dark souls one when i played that years and years and years ago and that was the first framsoft game i played and fell in love with and getting that sort of i'm not picking that up because it's a eyeball and it's a shitty item um i never knew how much i loved that sort of aesthetic until i played these games and i was like man it opened up a whole avenue for me that i didn't even know i had artistically and creatively not that i've made anything in the vein of this but it's like what i enjoy looking at it opened up the playing bloodborne actually opened me up to uh paintings like medieval sort of gothic paintings and the works of hieronymus bosch if you ever look at the the garden of earthly delights by hieronymus bosch is my favorite painting and it's a triptych that has like uh heaven earth and hell and there's so much going on in it a lot of you have probably seen it before and just didn't know what it was but it's a it's by a dutch painter and the depiction of hell in that is so much my aesthetic with like the dark buildings and the volumetric like beaming light coming out of it and the weird monsters it's like seeing that stuff is like man it's like sure part of the reason i love that is because of these games but it's also that i didn't know i loved that stuff before and i didn't know it existed until i played these games and then of course getting into berserk which inspired all of this everything from these games is inspired by berserk there's so much berserk in bloodborne and dark souls and a lot in elden ring as well from what i've seen that berserk is now my favorite manga ever and i just i can't find a manga that's like berserk i keep trying to read other stuff and nothing scratches that itch and hasn't for a while and i keep asking people for suggestions and they're like well maybe you like this because there's a ton of gore in it it's like that's not why i like berserk i don't care about the gore aspect of it it's cool and it's badass and intense to look at but that's not why i like berserk i like berserk for the characters but i also like it for the the sort of crazy [ __ ] that's going on how there's always like causality in the background and these creatures that are just so above our understanding kind of like hp lovecraft stories and they're kind of controlling what's going on and then a character the school night shows up and he's like ah you're exactly where you are supposed to be right at the right time and it's like the wheels of causality keep turning and it's like man this is all part of some big thing that's all going to fall into place later and just having one big bad character for the entire arc and it's just following that it's not just a bunch of like mini badass characters ah i love berserk so much shoot the dog oh i missed him anyway that's my rant about berserk but if you haven't read it it's [ __ ] incredible there's a lot of harsh imagery in it that's not for people there's a lot of stuff about like um like there's sexual abuse in it there's gore there's maiming of people there's like torture there's a whole bunch of stuff there's stuff in it that i can't say in a video because the word will get flagged and i'll get demonetized um or at least flagged in the system but there's a lot of stuff like that that can be off-putting to a lot of people but it i i think it benefits the story and i think it's in there for a reason because the other aspects of the story then really shine in light of the horrific [ __ ] that goes on in it anyway berserk is amazing i love its death and everyone should uh read it anyway you wanna see a weird texture thing we we see if i can get stuck in it i don't know what it is there you go all gray but it's always been there and this is a massive lake that we're at but i'll show you more of that in a second this is so fun it's it's fun getting to show off like a game that you know really well and get to show it off to people that might not have seen it before just kind of share the love share the load oh come on that should have been a visceral what is this ah that worked taken out of midair bro yeah look at that look at that steeple the steeple that count oh um but it just kind of looks like a witch's hat and this is like this area is about witchcraft the boss is up in here that's where we're going but the boss is easy and you can do it in one shot so so i am also doing it in this video ooh twin bloodstone shards nice i can upgrade nice i got her now keep your head on a swivel or she'll get you she'll tear your eyeballs out and turn them into stones not yet but not yet not yet not yet let me open this okay now we may fight i always [ __ ] up the timing on the moves of these guys i i just can't do it i think anytime i do it i just get lucky god damn it i want to parry him but oh that works i'm not over there dingus aha and another why not you're already dead i'll shut my hand up your ass and find out what you had for breakfast got all my blood vials back as well so that's nice i'm still i i'm still evening out in that regard oh nailed it that time absolutely nailed it nailed them got him nailed them guys it's over we got him um do i have any molotovs because that will make this just less of a headache because they're not that tricky to fight but there's just a lot of them you know and then they all gang up on you and they're all bark bark bark in your face and i just i just don't want to deal with it i've had a hard long day i've stuck myself with like 70 vials it's just too much blood for one man where does the rest of the blood go oh ah oh man animation i'm thinking but yeah we can come here to look at the lake we got to get this item easy easy does it which is also called lake but yeah this is all water as far as the eye can see bodies of water have a big meaning in bloodborne or in this world it um i can't remember what it is remember vati said it in the video he says a lot of stuff he's a nice man i love his content yeah if you want to kind of brush up on the lore of bloodborne whenever we at that whenever we finish this series uh which i i will do i i said that to myself that i'm gonna do this regardless of how well it does because it's something that it's like a passion project for me [ __ ] now headbutted um but vati's videos will help fill in the gaps in the lore ouch oh dead end dead end what am i doing oh god i'm panicking because i knew these guys were coming you got a lot of fire going on there lady again the simplest of things it can just go so wrong at the drop of a hat i don't like it [Music] who's in this tempering blood gemstone don't mind if i yes all right boss time top ourselves up top of the morning if you break these barrels secret boy and he gives you twin bloodstone shards and we are rocking all right this is a weird one this can go really slow or really fast come in here trigger the boss then they always show up here first get a bunch of damage in quick and then she disappears and she shows back up down here because if you don't get her fast enough then you can't build up your beast blood meter quick and then she summons a sister it's always like wait where did you go then you have to go look for them oh almost killed her where the [ __ ] okay we're doing good oh that's her [ __ ] all my meters ran out see what i mean it's just kind of a pain in the ass she's not even hard wait did she not die ah crap no no no no no no no no no no oh one hit really yeah they did die okay whoa nice clean yeah it's it's my favorite area for the aesthetics but it's such a quick easy area that it's like oh man oh and this poor guy tortured but he la the ruin workshop tool lets you uh upgrade your character your sacrifice is not in vain god look at all the bodies yeah so the the witches here i don't know exactly what they do but they they steal your eyes i kept picking up pebbles everywhere i went and the pebbles are actual like dried out eyeballs and sometimes they like grab you from behind and like pull on your eyeballs with like uh like ice cream scoops it's so gross oh i have a blood drawn hunter now we can actually access the dlc sweet [ __ ] you german upgrade yeah dude we're sailing maxwell's held plus one so i get 21 vials i get physical damage reduction and that beast mode that i do gets a reduction as well they get any new gems that are worth nah just for thrust damage that's not that epic any blood yeah damn 64 65k see if you can get that any higher bone marrow ash i don't really like using something useful if you use like the the canon 66k welcome very well okay i want to actually get this stuff up to 1515 first i want my vitality 20 my endurance 20 i want strength at 30 minimum and skill at 50 and that's kind of where i'm aiming for my character but for now that's gonna do it for our first episode of bloodborne we got a lot in that first one we we covered a lot of ground we got a lot of bosses defeated we got a lot of areas covered we're absolutely cranking through it i hope you guys are enjoying it please please please if you are enjoying it please leave a like on the video it really means a lot especially for something like this that that is old it's something that i personally really would love to do well it's something that i've always thought about doing but kind of shied away from doing because i'm like i don't want it to upload and get it be killed by the algorithm um so it would really mean a lot to me if you help the series out and help to get a lot of likes because then it gets pushed into the system more and a lot more people get to enjoy it and watch it and it's it's one of those ones that really means a lot to me and is dear to my heart and i just love being able to share with other people i've played this game so often it's bizarre to be able to commentate over it because i don't really know what to say because nothing is new but i hope you guys are enjoying it anyway let me know what you think down in the comments below i would love to know if you've ever played it what's your favorite thing about it if you're new to it anything at all if you've watched the video just leave a comment we'd love to know anything about it but thank you guys uh and i'll see you in the next one don't forget to fear the old blood [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 8,185,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: VQn10jziY5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 25sec (6565 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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