Markiplier Plays Astroneer W/Friends (TWITCH VOD) PART 1

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i'm here now that was never a thing before everyone be happy i am now here is cargo bad no it's good it's useful things man i'm feeling increasingly like the tutorial may have been a good idea though this does look different this was not like this last time i played i agree this is much different than i've ever seen this game be [Music] careful with the suck suck my dad oh yeah that just goes away doesn't it well no you can put it back i think but just no no there's no way just carefully there is no way how do i put it back how do i put it back uh right click or something i don't know nope maybe i'm a liar you seem to be how do you do what are you doing wade i'm assuming that's your wade i'm the pink one uh nevermind why don't you get off your ass and start doing something with your life i don't know what what we're doing i don't know what any of this is i don't want to mess it up again you know all right so the way the way that this works is uh stuff so we have an oxygenator provides the ocean to flow to tethers and whatnots we have a printer crafts oh wait we need to put these on the thing i remember now look at that if i just drop this crap here it's okay right now we can put compound in to make something i got resin why are you just [ __ ] why are you just talking well i'm not going to keep it on me what do you want from me i'm going to hook that's fine i guess uh examine so what do we have we can print compound or we could print a large printer we can print research chamber and an exo request platform uh-huh i don't know i think i'm a large printer i think that's the first thing there's no audi what do you mean i'm hearing it fine okay there's the audio guys well um i took all that resin you got for me got you some organic so there's that oh oh oh oh look it's it's printing a thing uh douche oh my gosh the menus of this game are very cool sorry i can't hear you over the game what did you say all right mark sir what just enjoying the immersive audio experience bling why is this not do we need to power this does this need power i bet this needs power what how do we power that with power with a power don't we need like organic material you need to burn organic power if i remember correctly no the organic's not doing it wait wasn't that no there's an organic generator what is that machine that's a printer this is a this is a printer yeah no we need to power the printer because we need more platforms right you need to have the platforms to do stuff yes oh i was suffocating whoopsies whoops you doopsies man it has been a hot minute since i played this game holy geez yeah i feel you there i i'm coming back with some debris and i got a wind turbine on my shoulder there aren't there like glowy yellow power stuff you got to collect uh yes i do remember something like that so we gotta find like a like a thing where power juice or power juice is you know what i mean power changes oh yeah you can totally craft on your bag you can craft uh sir i have a wind turbine i just grabbed that converts wind into power yes get one of those it's on my back right now well why is it on your back oh no that's for just your your thing yeah you need yeah i think it's a personal one yeah also i stepped on a bundle of debris that was not a thing before i need compound i just got i found the compound i there's only one stack right now right it's gray actually it's like silver-ish okay so i'm gonna go get more of that i found a kuwait am i stuck in here oh oh i fell in a hole cave oh monkey ball without oxygen i'm gonna die i'm gonna die trees falling down the trees can't be harvested by the suck gun the gun of suck does nothing against them oh baby i need oxygen so much are you gonna wait where are you do you need help i'm coming back are you sure kidding suffocating all right i trust you you're you're good this is fine hey wade can you give me the breath of life where are you oh i see you i was slightly going the wrong way wait heartbeat fast suffocating connect help me hey oh he's dead wade why did you just watch him die yeah that was pretty cool pick him up and move him i don't know uh like wade all i know now is you built one thing for yourself and yourself only and you watched it i stole it even worse well my bag is sitting there on the ground there's compound for you it's the gray stuff i hope that was way too slow need some storage no we don't ground is our storage oh if you hit tab you have you can do oh interesting packager not enough bytes what does this do not enough bytes bytes of what data bytes oh you have to unlock it okay it's a thousand bites it must be your research are you done yeah you should you should get connected to the thing perfect oh sorry that really hurt is that sneeze yeah i was a sneeze oh the blush you thank you you're welcome oh no i found a bug no this game is perfect i think every bugs i was trying to get my stuff off and i wouldn't get off you know what i mean yeah yeah how'd you what do we do with this debris that's a question debris i don't know the little stack of it there must be like a salvage machine right like i was able to pick up little bits of debris and stack it in one spot uh tethers okay what i just scanned a bush and got bites what are bytes data all right well i got some of that we still need energy i'm so confused how do i make tether oh wait you can plug there's a cable oh cable cable cable cable cable cable there's a cable plug on our thing and small generator beacon work light clay okay how make cable this question how uh yeah i am confused yeah but hey at least we've got each other right no right yes get away from me what do you do get away from me get we're just chilling just get away from me why would you be near me go to chill no no no i just we got each other no are you are you just following me and bob and not actually going to get materials okay see i was gonna get those bites you got them good work i don't understand what powers things i don't seem to be able to make a cable and i don't seem to be able to power this platform hey oh i'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] did i mention that well i've i don't know what we're not and then you plug you plug it in baby and then you can create things look it's working okay i'm making a tether no why is this not working the tethers are for oxygens i know so we can go farther but it's not working it wants to stick to that stupid whatever that why does it want to stick to the printer it's not working oh do i need to power the oxygenator somehow this thing i'm holding is the oxygenator yeah power that bad boy loves on that like this is going to be doing stuff uh can i don't have any yeah we don't have any tethers down so i guess it would happen like the first one but it's not working it's not sticking anything at least for a second but yeah it's not doing anything so how i'm unclear if the oxygenator needs to be on like a platform once this platform is done i'm gonna i'm gonna see if that's what needs to happen yeah maybe i mean it's doing a blue thing yeah well it looks like it's doing a thing where it wants to connect oh oh what is that did you do that yeah i did that hang on no why would you need to do there's got to be another way to do this besides what i'm doing but what oh no that's just storage wait no that's just storing it there why would you need to start it okay so i've got another platform here so do i need to put the oxygenator on the platform is this a thing and then power the platform can i never stack these again is the oxygenator can you do the tethers now mark oh yeah yeah yeah look look look now the tethers are working so the oxygenator needed power right okay it needed to be mounted on a platform and powered so now we can do tethers because the oxygenator is functional i see i see i say i see the whole inventory open and then going at a snail's pace is maybe the most annoying thing i've ever experienced in gaming history i wish there was a better way to to put to put things not just all scattered around the floor but that's just me hey look someone's got to go through and get stuff it's not going to be weighed and therefore it has to be me what do you mean i've been getting stuff yeah well i'm i'm spending all the resources so you you gentlemen's muscles talking mark's doing tethers mark's figuring it out doing tethers yeah i figured guys i solved it by my own genius you press t if you've got tethers and and it'll it'll it'll put a tether down look at this guy thanks hi mark thank you guys god damn goddamn genius i am i might just be but i'm humble so you know don't call me that in public i don't want people to get excited can i hang out with you no actually you can do nothing of the sort please go do anything useful uh i'm gonna slightly unplug oxygen for a second don't worry it's fine that sounds horrible chad was saying maybe you can plug the oxygenator into the ship but i don't know if that's true well never trust what chat says they barely know how to wipe their own butts let alone play astroneer they don't know how they left a real bad way can i just put it here am i some kind of [ __ ] i am some kind of [ __ ] okay oh no never mind it's me it's i'm the idiot it's me it's me it's me chad you write you write chat when you write you write they're not they write no it can't be they write it can't be it is b it is being a do be like that it quibby the number one go into the habitat i don't know actually this is so dramatically different from the last time i played this game it's kind of blowing my mind okay you can go into the shelter but you basically just crawl into your closet yeah i tried that comforting but what'd you say what do you see talk about oh there it is just things disappearing that's why that's why you put them on the floor so you never lose them yeah you can't lose them if they're on the floor or bob to put them on the floor but they decided they wanted to fly who who decided this what other thing on this planet has a man's free will all right my question will go unanswered forever then i i got a large printer why do we need a larger and that's it i don't know i'm just building everything i can pretty much i'm full chamber oh you know i'm building the research actually i should probably yeah i brought back the sample for that i'm well prepared uh actually bob i brought back that sample you're a liar and a thief well wow everyone calm down i should take offense to that statement wait oh wait can i do this demand curiosity so bob from my backpack comes compound some glass some graphite okay cool stuff cool cool bob get ready for me to suck on you wait no uh get ready for the slip hard pass hard pass uh compound full backpack eight pieces of compound for you baby and wait bonus eight no no bonus dude thank you wade just stole one i want to mention that i sure did i'm actually stealing another one well not thank god you know i don't know what these oxygen filters do but i'm curious anyone know what oxygen filters do uh probably extra oxygen storage right how do i is this consumable i'm going to ask a big deal i think maybe it's extra oxygen for later purposes sure like if you start to run out oxygen then it's then it's oxygens sure sure what else can i make in my backpack small oh canister oh hell yeah i'm making some small canisters what does the canister do i don't know bro i'm gonna figure it out oh my god oh it says tool why does it say tool how how do i actually craft tethers on this he doesn't know how to craft others oh man i bet you would wish you could do this and maybe this maybe that i thought what am i doing wrong i have no idea what the canister does i am lost lost and alone all right i'm gonna do i'm gonna continue crafting everything in the world apparently man usually i'm the dumb dumb out harvesting resources not the smartypants doing crafting stuff look at me wait no good job bob wait but good job thanks bob bob i tried to service you and you you betray me like this what are you talking about i tried to service you something's happening i don't like that whatever you're talking about i don't like it i serviced you with my resources and you insult my intelligence you call me a dumb dude your lack of intelligence sir i do not have a lack of intelligence i do not [Music] i don't how do i salvage the debris i want so desperately to salvage the debris you build a salvager use your big brain why don't you i'm using my big brains that's why i'm asking big brain questions wait get away get away wade get away get away oh hey look at this uh research thing i found yeah i know hmm i still really don't understand what the hell the canisters for i'm so confused maybe like gas uh maybe it's it's like i mean are you is this you mark are you the yes oh i placed it over there look at this and tell me if that means anything to you i don't know what the hell that's for uh it's so weird and it doesn't do anything put it on the yeah that looks good wait you couldn't figure out right i'm trying to figure it out yeah copper did you bring any resources but no i've been on a copper yet just put your tiny brain to rest and what did you do with the canister did you just stick it on your backpack no no it's on the it's on the um uh it's on the the pod don't solve me i wait you know what i think i just literally just figured out and i'm an idiot aren't i i am okay thanks good job self get him bob none of these resources are correct if the symbol is what means it oh how do you know what distance you can put the tethers down uh guess oh i see i have the small generator now interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting that is interesting bob if that is your real name huh i'm a little bitter i don't know what you're so bitter about you called me a dum-dum and i meant you too yeah whoa oh that and that's why i'm better wait wait that was mean that was me that was me i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry what happened to nice bob what happened i prefer this bob bob insult him uh why i preferred you when you were younger yeah i don't like this bob i like you whoa i got bikes hey there's a cave so i i got a research room so i'm going to stick a research ball into the research room oh i am sliding it i might die oh god this is not where i want to be wait uh-huh are there enemies i forgot if there are enemies in this game oh baby there's research i don't think there's enemies but there's like poisonous gas areas and things i think oh i'm never gonna get out i might die guys i might need a rescue what is this how do i turn my oh my flashlight is on okay we're good we hide mark you just keep making tethers i forget how to no no uh you don't understand i slid down a cave and there's no uh immediate way back up i don't know how to put material back onto the world uh my oxygen filter seems to be working for the moment but if there's a way that i could put material back into the world if i could i just got one ammonium what the hell's ammonium uh something probably something sounds like something a lot of oh my god guys there's drills no oh no i'm fine i know you were all playing fireworks i cameras will survive i will survive i found plantable seeds i like that none of you have come to help me you seem fine you can do this you didn't want me near you i'm just respecting your wishes from before are you gonna keep respecting it after i die no why because it's convenient let me be honest do you want me to tell you what i want you to be honest i want you to be honest in my last moments be honest i was 100 honest with one that's everything i just said i will not respect your wishes after you die but i'll respect them right now while you're dying i'm not dying because you know what i trust that you will come back a new you that was a test i'm not dying and i hate you see you came back to you i don't trust you i don't trust bob especially i actually just turned the oxygen off for a little while sorry friends uh my tethers require that yeah you're it's fine you're fine you got got some more you got some oxygen it's fine there's some stuff here more salvage but i can't stimulate pick it up for some reason maybe because you're dumb and you don't know how to play the game never think about that unnecessarily harsh you're unnecessarily dumb but we still have to deal with you i mean you're right i have to is kind of a strong word like there's other people you could invite no you just know i'm like the comedic lovely glue that holds us together so are you guys in the direction that your tethers went is that the deal here so if i was trying to go in a different direction i should go somewhere i'm in the mountains in the direction that is that way sure sure yes that made sense oh there's a cave over here hello hello little cave oh worried wait are you talking to yourself no you're going to the cave sounds like you're talking to yourself well i mean what it sounds like and what it is are two different things interesting bob dear i've got you more compound i'm not at home my dear why i am out fetching my own my own delicious compound interesting i've got how do we get bytes that's my question because what we need to do is start unlocking stuff there's small researchables uh that you can press i've got a few bytes i don't know how to give them to you or you know if you hit tab you can see we have whoops i am not on a tether oh we seem to be generating 11 bytes per minute so whatever you made about research right now yeah okay that's doing its job what what is this what is this cave this cave is useless my cave is nowhere near useless useful there's nothing in here there's so much in here so much to expect isn't there a way to to to switch to making land i i think there has to be right it used to just be like you see it seems to cycle through things but we don't seem to have the technology if you hit c the little arrow goes right it goes to like up and then it goes to like flatten yeah we don't have we don't we can't can't we can't oh i fell in i should probably not have done that i think you hit the hammer on the head of the nail with the tip of the don't even try wade i don't even try i gave it a little bit of effort yes whoa what is this found something weird let's try a suck it yeah oh god every dude spitting weird pretty colors uh we got bites oh i think this might be the uh material needed to open the thing [Music] very pretty so i'm finding a bunch of seeds and a bunch of bites from these plants so i'm guessing if i plant these seeds near the base they'll spawn more seeds and bites seems reasonable to me sounds good to me okay i'll bring these back oh you know what i'm not doing just placing tethers holy [ __ ] i really need that oxygen to live oh my god okay everything's fine it's my own idiocy no come on blue whoa slippy it's fine man i'm gonna spend my entire life placing tethers because i am stupid happens to the best of us it doesn't seem to be happening to you i'm coming back with a load i'm coming back too but only because i want to not because of you fair fair man that is fair we want to make that abundantly clear before we uh end up back oh my goodness dude they can either be researched or planted do we have a researcher this is a hell yeah there's a researcher uh at the base on one of the platforms okay and it's currently working oh still sliding sliding bad oh sliding to hell yeah this cave is dangerous exploring caves is kind of deadly dude caves are spooky god dang yeah are there enemies in this game i don't think there's any enemies except there are poison plants but i also haven't played in so long that it basically feels like a brand new game to me so dude maybe i'm not [Applause] 450. huh 450 450 bytes 450 bytes that's nice i did that dude we have a bunch of bites now yeah um thanks to me of course yeah yes you're welcome everybody i'm i'm here for the team i do this for us we're getting 55 bites per minute right now dang that's pretty good it's almost a bite a second i don't know what the packager does oh i didn't drop off my noob stuff packager [Music] because i worked in a packing warehouse that is pretty good explanation actually that's that's an apt nickname i approve i also lied i never worked there but i had to come up with something all right i can unlock small solar and wind turbine power doesn't seem to be too much of an issue since we're living on tethers right you say that and you're right okay oh god well i can unlock drill mod one not everything everything is a get weighed sometimes i don't know what drill mod one does but i kind of want it behold later right i'm gonna just unlock packager what did you just what did you just put near me wade i play i germinated near you why would you germany sound like a thing that you should be doing near anyone like your private personal business just give it time you'll grow fond of it why are you putting your laminate near me what i was dropping the laminate there you just happened to walk up to it not my fault not my fault one of these days i want to get the right button oh why is oh you can scan stuff in the field why did i put it on my bag then i did new so we want that there so we need to unlock certain printables right yeah so it's not a great menu but the tab menu has all the things that we can unlock that is really not a great menu so you kind of have to scroll through there and we're gonna have to just figure out what all we're gonna unlock uh-huh oh my god i found an absolute girthy vein of the compound over here my friend oh yeah hell yeah all right i'm gonna go deep into this cave let's see what the hell i'm dead did you die suddenly what happened i've fall damage but i've fallen down that hole many times and not died a horrible stupid death it only takes one bad fall especially filled up on compound the end of my tether over here is at a a well a rich place wait how fragile do you think i am i mean you just died from a minor fall so pretty fragile it wasn't minor it was like 20 thousand feet up but normally my legs are so strong and i'm coming home baby father you're an idiot or you're fragile you pick i don't know why those are not the friendly discussion this doesn't seem like a yeah it's a bad face what should we have this is every discussion i'm a part of this is in bad faith wait guys i learned a thing just now that's adorable if you if you know the big research objects if you select one and then you click on yourself you hold it in your arms oh and you can move faster oh what is this malachite not the battery remember the corn cream of the no it's the purple guy from avengers thanos no malachite dude have you guys looked at the sky we got some moons and [ __ ] going on you guys looked at this i am in a cave what i'm incapable of looking i am cake hey there's a thing down here what are you i just need okay that didn't matter no no stop no stop why would i look at my inventory i'm pretty deep in this cave i found a thing uh debris we like debris right you can stack debris dude debris is dope or you can make a debris cheese what is wait i need you to i need you to retract what you just said before i can continue i this is like not an uh it's it's a requirement sorry i want some bacon and debris bobby's not even a dad yet he's not allowed to make these jokes i feel like i had to sign some documents saying i would never be never be a dad probably based on another people i've told already we have so much stuff to unlock is it good i don't know man researching yet if you if you look in the in the tab menu yeah and you get the blue squares over this over the display there's so much [ __ ] well bob you're the big brain and we're just stupid drooling monkeys yeah why don't you handle all the unlocking then we couldn't possibly figure it out here's the seed bob i'm just sitting next to the researcher i'm tired of sitting around here waiting for it it's always full so you can put the seed in there wait how is the medium printer available how do i make the medium printer i don't know tell me the answer i can my small brain just couldn't i don't even know where to begin look at my babies they're growing so big bob you know how in factorio if you hold down the the like light pole button it'll just automatically place it at the max distance yeah that would be really cool for tethers but they don't have that yeah i was just doing it basically when you disconnect if you just tap t it does it but you had to be nice it was like automated you know interesting interesting interesting how how in god's name do i get a medium printer don't you unlock it it's unlocked if you it's one of the ones in the tab menu that's unlocked but like there's no obvious way to make that wait i guess his brain isn't big enough to figure it out i'm gonna oh oh no he didn't even see you he said my brain for some reason oh bob why have you done this to me wasn't i good to you i didn't do anything i am going to die i didn't do anything it's not my fault trap down here alone scared you you always go off on your own you don't ever want company then you [ __ ] when you're on your own small printer does not make medium i have a small oh that's i fell in the exact i'm the dumbest one here i thought you were dumb but in fact i am dumb really i don't know why everyone always thinks i'm dumb you me dumb you not dumb me dumb wow it's okay wait stop beating yourself up it's not your fault it wasn't that's not your fault it's not your fault no no no not again not again i am alive i made it i did it i'm the best i'm the best existed jesus malachite's annoying to harvest what the f oh it's its own little thing though look at that look all right let's let's go ahead and just okay man the mess of the mess of [ __ ] that's over here i did that for you and i'm doing this for you i guess bam 400 bites in the pipe that's what they say right in the pipe yeah in the pipe yeah yeah yeah yeah i've got a big rock oh doodles whoopsie dipsy oh that's no i'm gonna go over here little buddy oh that's not how i thought you were going to be oriented at all dude wait was that a markiplier quote from 2014 dude nice were you the first person to say hello baby yeah man probs yeah well then i guess it was i didn't even know thank you man sorry do i know you like royalties no no no you got one that one for free just be careful how many do i get for free just that one just that one storage rover seat rover seat you're about to make a shot if i can make i can make storage now holy crap damn if i could hit the right button i certainly would do it how do i give power to something very far from the base feather tether power yes oh what is this it's organic nah i don't want organic oh i thought i was big brain but i was small brain but i'm getting there don't even worry about it oh where am i now i'm gonna spend a ton of these resources you brought building shelves to store the resources that you brought on uh great that's good right i might be digging out of a mountain i don't know i don't feel like tether was the answer i don't know tether always answer you you'll probably need a little generator guy you know you can build a small generator on your big pick well guys i don't know what i'm doing just do a general statement like i'm i think i'm digging out of a mountain but i might just be going straight up the edge of the mountain medium shredder what is that what do you do i want to know all right well i need two irons for that so uh cool arm oh man are we getting uh we getting uh we getting like metal and stuff what kind of metal you need do we have any iron protection have not come across iron oh i have a packager i'm curious about what the packager does how do i make you what packager graphite why do you have some of that so hard to come by that's i've got tons down this cave huge veins is what my experience has been yeah i'm finding like little bits but i'm digging deep and not finding more of it well gotta dig deeper if you go in my cave which i don't recommend you will find more code no it literally like the entrance to it is so janky you won't find your way out and you will die i i made it poorly i didn't do it right small brain move but don't it don't go down here oh come on i just need i need like one more little compoundie compresses items into packages what does that even mean it compresses items into packages seems pretty cool oh sick that's whoa that's actually really cool apparently it's really cool with it's very cool you have no idea how cool it is i really wish i knew how cool it was now i i kind of wish i knew you know how cool it is this last bit of compound i thought i needed if you hold your arrow over where a compound was it'll actually point you in the direction of it did you know that okay well oh if you hold your uh thing on yourself there's a compass there's a compass that's dope if you mouse over your own little body you got a little compass down there dude sweet compass play i'm actually really sick oh i was right here out oh what what is that problem uh i'm on the mountain i'm on the mountain i just need a tiniest little bit of of oh come on hmm it's a little cut little curl just need a little a little just i'm fine i need a bit of dude you sound fine it was fine dude you should have seen the other guy messed him up oh what are you all right i'm looking i'm trying to find the what do you need iron yeah i mean i don't know if that's like advanced or what but i don't know i'm trying to find every new thing i possibly can i'm gonna build a couple small printers here and i'm gonna we're gonna we're gonna get we're gonna get organized my friends ah no it's malachite whoa it's beautiful oh my god it's so pretty wow this is beautiful that was unfortunate there we go why is there so much debris ooh small wind generator i'll take that oh you found a small wind generator i did yeah some of the debris and the the messed up stuff has uh actual things on it well there's more of that but i'm not ready for that i just wanted compound i don't want this fancy [ __ ] i'll come back for them so mad about all the fancy [ __ ] there's some good fancy [ __ ] here but it's not what i need iron why didn't you compound so badly what are you doing i need to make that small generator so i could power this thing to open it up and get its goodies all right think i don't know i want to get some confidence man i got my compound nice dude nice proud of you ow what the hell dude the red tentacle things suck oh you better watch out for that oh dude they slap you okay that's not so good you can kill him i guess but wow i wasn't all ready for that yeah so i've got that we're earning bites dog so now i can oh interesting wait wait what did you plant uh seeds did they look green with a red inside they looked pretty scary yeah those are the things that just attacked me did you plant hostile plants near our base um they're not planned to oh no they are planted what are these guys doing whoa yeah they're they're hostile man yeah don't touch wait did you really just plant an unknown really to me why don't we be they're friendly to you they're clearly not how do i kill them you suck the ground from beneath them man we really need to research how to put ground back yeah that'd be nice how do we do that is that even an option in the menu i don't honestly no i don't i'm not seen do we just need to like hold something like hold the stuff to spit it back out well i mean what we don't get anything from just doing the ground there's got to be like something else i suppose maintain desired power to unlock what is desired power how do i know that well the power you want i guess yeah oh my god think about what you want and then just maintain that it's like the the red ruby slippers from uh the the the thing you know okay think about it i don't know if i'm just wasting materials if i'm doing good here i guess we'll find out in a moment maybe maybe man who knows like i'm just wasting materials wait i'm turned around oh shoot maintain desired power i dude i don't maintain the desired power i don't know how clear this could be it doesn't say what the [ __ ] it's just a symbol of a [ __ ] lightning number one watch your mouth and number two just think of the power are you i don't know are you my entire chat's just deleted you guys are being [ __ ] out there you [ __ ] okay that's a little rude i mean you lovely [ __ ] that's a little better technically okay why am i in charge i should definitely not be in charge you're the big brain you assigned this i didn't assign this it just started happening there's apparently wind in this case usually when there's wind in a cave that's like you're in the sarlacc pit or something like that and something's gonna eat me all right problems i think you pretty much called it all right well see you guys it's good knowing you i will uh be being digested soon all right small thing must look through a rubber seat no mistake mistake mistake mistake big mistake mistake why are there sudden death drops in these levels what does the canister do oh maybe i need to do another research chamber and we get all that research oh power cells have you guys messed with canisters or power cells do we know what those do bob did but i have a canister i have no idea what the hell it does yeah and i looked at it and i went whoa too much and i walked away something right there's a fart cloud chasing me there's a fart cloud chasing me there is a fart cloud chasing me so i wasn't maintaining power at all there so that didn't work at all i don't think anyone was shocked by the fact that i said there was a fart cloud chasing me it's fine dude calm down does it seem like a problem doesn't sound like a problem to me all right you know what you got a point generators they're not good enough so this iron didn't work this might be iron guys no it's not no it's it's the zinc stuff never mind um my camera died oh come on camera that's such a me move all my friendly plants are back you guys didn't hurt my plants did you no they're fine they're fine okay because like they don't hurt me apparently they only hurt mark is there really a mechanic where if you plan that they like you i don't know they were always nice like i'm buying them right now they're not doing anything to me oh god they yes me they're evil kill them all okay i was just standing here they were being all nice and then yeah so maybe we need the drills to get the metals have we got any copper of any sort and i might have uh oh mama i should have looked up i can't reach that high though damn oh how do i get that is this copper this might be copper quartz all right quartz is new i might as well get it it looks coppery but it's quartz dude i believe you well i mean it's true yeah that's what i'm saying i believe it's not really anything that would be like any sort of like we believe just calm down i believe you it's not really truth or lie here it's just just is what it is it's just you know it's just a simple fact okay whatever you need to say do you think i'm on your side already i don't need to say it again we see you and we hear you yes okay then everything's on the up and up hmm what'd you say we believe you oh you would love to say that wouldn't you not we okay all right cool yeah we believe each other there is a please holy there we go hole there we go there's a huge compound vein here that's getting increasingly more dangerous to harvest because i'm just making a giant hole in the ground oh i forgot about air hmm don't forget about delicious air what if air had a taste i mean it kind of does doesn't it it's not like a strong taste but like don't you don't can't you taste the difference you can definitely if you like go in a new place or something like you go into someone's apartment and it has a certain you know flavor i don't know is that not a thing other people experience i feel like i experienced that uh yeah you know what you're right i'll give you that one point to bob wait point to bob i'm pointing your puns oh no we'll kill someone someday oh i think i need to build a large platform i think i am some kind of dumb idiot no molly happened to walk in right when i said you can taste a fart and she just looked at me and left do you guys disagree did she give a look of personal experience maybe that was the look i thought it was more of like i'm concerned for my marriage but that's just how you wanted it to look oh there's like some psychological stuff going on here psychological that's dead that's dead on accurate i think yeah uh yeah so i i've got some quartz here but i really did wasn't able to get a lot of stuff inside uh i'm gonna dump it on the ground we got some things you need to smelt this stuff to get quartz out of it there's one of these things smelt it gets smelted bob have you seen a probe scanner is that one of the things you've come across in your many days is a thing we can get yes i need one for this alien silo probe scanner costs 4 000 bytes that seems expensive i don't know what this gives us but it's an unclassified probe we need to attach a probe scanner to hmm how many bytes we got uh a thousand dish 1050 expensive so i i take it that's an expensive thing that's fairly expensive yeah maybe the rewards are great though did someone take a tunnel down below the cam i want to unlock this drill mod but i don't know what it's for no i'm going to do it i'm going to do it hmm oh hey drill mod drill mod what does drill mod do does it make your drill better well that's i i don't know if what we have is a drill also how do i make clay into ceramic smell where do i smelt it build a smelter right so that's not a thing that exists smelled it whoever smelt it what is going on with the grill okay nevermind the ground completely bugged out for me there it's not that smells it smells it's melted man caves are for chumps why don't i just build my own more debris not the breeze too big to put on my back i don't know what to do about that it debris too big yeah so i said is the debris any good i we need something to like to like break it down is the thing about the debris i believe probably something like a smelter i've kinda yeah kind of kind of my guess right now all right i'm gonna make one last trip down into this cave and i'm gonna go as deep as humanly possible look at all this compound that was right next to me this whole time i told you i ran into like an unending vein of compound in my cave wow that was a lot of compound all right man still some more all right man you know all right it's fine i don't know where your cave is man you say think you're like wait don't follow me but you better know where my curve is you don't know that's how you finish your sentences you know whatever where do you smell bad okay so all i have to say about you sorry i stepped on my my my formerly friendly plants and they weren't friendly again maybe you should kill them they they provide researchables if you kill oh i will one day but right now my back is full and my legs are tired your back is fine so baffled right now about oh smelting furnace it only costs 250 bytes i could easily unlock this uh damn it this menu is kind of garbage gotta be honest the tab menu for unlocking stuff is so hard to understand it's my small brain it's a lot of no no you big brain if you small brain we have no hope bob we have no hope you need to be big brain i am small brains all right uh smelting furnace is happening i am carrying this big boy over here because i'm some kind of [ __ ] some kind of just set it down set it how in god's name do i set it down okay there we go i need to print myself a platform oh i need another medium printer you know what large printer you're out of commission buddy oh whoa let's not be crazy let's be crazy let's do it wow that's pretty crazy i'm the craziest man around stereotype of a crazy person but goddamn i'm just a crazy son of a [ __ ] oh i bought the research thing not another printer i'm some kind of dumb idiot make sure you bring me more research stuff though uh i'm actually bringing you i must research pants and i need the research stuff i research one of those seeds i'm researching all of those seeds my dude well that's new we're currently getting only 30 bites a minute we need some big old honking research crap well i mean i'm finding whoa uh i'm finding researchables down uh here as i go they're like 50 per uh wow here's some more debris i guess i'm going to keep the organic oh some emergency it's overheating and turning off this is terrible mark generator what me you know things and stuff what camera is it what camera you got my a7 uh two a7r ii oh yeah the a7 r2s were really prone to overheating i have three different types of well lift the uh view screen away from the body that can kind of vent some feet a little more yeah interesting i will do this do we have any resin here yeah there should be unless bob used it all stored up what does resin look like yellow i'm gonna try this thing oh there's a working medium generator down here and carbon the carbon disappeared apparently oh no it's on the generator all right for the view screen tip i knew you had the tips thanks bud you're welcome that's what i call you that's me i like that nickname i'm never going to be able to find my way out by the way just want to let you know i'm going to die down here just like follow your tethers or whatever i'm so far beneath the earth i could never know dude i'm like a turkey if i look up in a rain storm i'll drown you think i can just follow my tethers i don't know you could try i know you could try i will not i have so much [ __ ] on my back then get out from under the bull i've got a solar power generator a wind generator a small generator a canister why do you need so many generations can i have one of those generations i almost died a wind one or a solar one because i i could you could use that yeah yeah here take the solar one thanks not that bad it's good it's not daytime right now but it will be no yeah no it will be daytime it comes back no i'm pretty sure mark i'm down to the red layer of earth color i i'm i think i will keep going there's something calling me what the hell is that what was the button you said to switch between placing dirt and lifting dirt c but it didn't work right did we get the research no don't work did we find the research i think maybe the drill mod is the thing i'm working towards the drill mod right now i'm wondering if this is all mine how i think the canister holds this [ __ ] oh do you need a caster to hold dirty poos oh something we need to hold it maybe no way bro wade's a big brain like me thought me was yeah but he actual big brain oh it do not it do i do oh my ring is getting so big dude wade i take back everything i've ever said about you thanks man even the compliments you're starting over who are you hi my name is markiplier clean slave hi how are you doing i have a youtube channel i'm gonna just go ahead and pave over this huge freaking hole next to our base chad you're really celebrating this wait you're a genius you're a genius i love you wait you and you alone are a genius before i don't know not why i didn't either but i could i didn't bring my way to the solution did i not like you biggest brain of all is i guess it's a big deal i didn't realize the candidate i didn't realize that was such a big thing i'll take it i'll take the win dude take that i just thought now we can we can do us dude bro dude sweet dub man i had that canister for so long and i don't even remotely yeah i'm putting things back guys i'm just flattening things i fell in a hole oh there's a flattened stuff so good dude flattening stuff oh it's just like like flattening some stuff are you okay why is the canister such a big deal everyone's like oh finally they can progress like what was that because your chat was like hey hey and we were like look again and chat hurts because chat chat don't well i mean chat chat didn't know if they if they knew they should have said something i'm suffocating oxygen sweet sweet oxygen sweet baby oxygen okay there we go all right so i can't pick this up how feel free to keep bringing me those delicious research i am too underground well you do you buddy i could not do me my connection's been lost well what no no guys it's a joke i don't wanna hear you tell us what to do that's the joke oh are they not understanding the yolk i don't think they were understanding the yolk damn sometimes you think chats geniuses okay turns out they ain't though okay all right how's this is this gonna be enough power where did that picage go i don't pickage i'm am i some kind of idiot i'm back where did that go because anything what's up i just picked up a thing i printed and now it's gone this this goes on the gun holy though this ground putter downer is really strange is that enough how do i know how much power this wants yeah the way the ground put her down or be working it's crazy crazy don't quite work so good as it should do i'm a dumb i'm a big dumb idiot it's okay well is it it's okay is it all right it's okay you sure i'm just gonna disconnect this research and i'm just gonna get this smelting action going baby hell yeah smelt it up man i'm how i feel like the dwarves from lord of the rings who delved two deeps into the mines and are you about to discover satan and whatnots yeah satan yeah well i just thought at some point this would stop going down but apparently it just keeps going down oh i'm smelling guys i'm smelting uh yeah i'm about to smelt this is flash feel like it crashing red does the flashing red mean i'm doing it wrong hell yeah i'm guessing so i probably just wasted some supplies oh wait how many generators do i need jesus whoa what the heck it's getting real the the the the geography is getting real weird down here guys i don't know how to find yeah i need to find a bit more compound i i went through like six stacks of tethers that's how far down i've gone since all of my other tethers uh and i still got so much more to go but i'm gonna find the bottom for you bob you need iron i get you iron do it baby i'm going baby oh baby what are the different mods the alignment inhibitor narrow boost no idea i think they're for possibly uh [Music] like jet pack purposes because there's a booster pack you can get a jet a jet pack sort of thing oh i see okay well i'm just gonna leave those there for now i don't think i need power at the moment so okay so now i've got another printer oh you you you yes i don't know what exo is but i can request it exo i'm currently printing an exo requests platform okay cool i have no idea what that is but i'm doing it sounds dope also we're getting ceramics up in here which is noise that is noise it's nice oh yeah i wanted to fall in the hole jackass that's what i wanted to do okay calm down oh no man it's all right it's fine yeah it is fine it'll be okay don't worry about it it's okay it is everything's all right it's not your fault who said it was someone say it was [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier Vods
Views: 907,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, markiplier vod, 3 Peens In A Podcast, markiplier clips, markiplier livestream, markiplier full livestream, markiplier highlights, markiplier reacts, markiplier plays, markiplier gameplay, markiplier twitch, markiplier vods, markiplier with friends, best of markiplier, jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye uno, jacksepticeye fans, gameplay, uno gameplay, jacksepticeye vod, jacksepticeye vr, twitch, twitch vod, jacksepticeye twitch, full livestream, vod, stream, uno
Id: c36bEfHdJM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 33sec (3993 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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