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And ofcourse MH fans can't keep it in their pants and ruin the comments section of the video...

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Dooder39 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

That thumbnail reminds me of that one Mario game where you could manipulate Mario's face and it was the best part of the entire game.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MCuri3 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
do we need to like make mark be in charge so we can do his lowly new bequests don't talk about my lowly noob quests mark you lowly new but I'm not a lowly news please you relentless my bish pleb yes plan good word yeah I am an expert gamer if I'm good at one game I'm an expert at another game this is another game I am an expert at it therefore you can say nothing you bring your tetris dominance over to dauntless thank you for acknowledging how good I am at Tetris I will bring it over to dauntless and anyone at home can bring dauntless home to them if they follow my link in the description my link in the description not bobber waves link my link that's not even the right link on it play dauntless cop / r / markiplier gets you this game what they said put lord minion 777 because it's a shorter easier to type family-friendly fun name wait said except my name cuz that's actually true about my name yeah all these weird numbers and symbols numbers in their username yeah who puts numbers remember seven years ago and you were like Lord many seven said I was like now you should probably come up with a new one without numbers really gross okay it's not going anywhere [Laughter] yeah well now you're a loser with 1.5 million subs on a stupid channel we appreciate dauntless for sponsoring this video you know yes we do we do so they should use my link hey can we kill a monster look enough this villain our leader why buy the party leader cuz you have the new quest what does that mean no talk to the question mark alright all right Catherine Sorel greetings slayer thanks for you slay bro lastly family friendly I appreciate the save and I won't mince words you're kind of handsome Wow I think she likes me she says that to all the Slayers a full set of Ramsgate recruits weapons forged from ostians steel we'll need them to get started on the lesser behemoths Dean ste yeah you can equip whatever weapon you'd like in your loadout you need better protection Oh Katerine sir I saw valve geez remember her being that flirtatious oh she loves me she was way flirtier with me I feel like she said my name three times and sent me away why men I don't know what that's about that's weird she was all I don't know what the deal is no no no no she liked me even more she liked mark yeah well know about that she liked me a lot kind of mad whenever I walk over no she was like giving me smooches the whole time she was like thank you for saving my life thank you Lexie and listen I need you to make me look good really good no don't talk Lix you don't listen to them just make me look pretty focus licks in put a beauty filter over my face more beauty beauty fuller so where we going we're how do I get my weapons so you want to talk to all people that have question marks that is true you want to talk to Marcus you want to talk to the flirtatious lady I'm gonna talk to her Gary oh the hunt chess flirtiest lady I know oh Awards I want that ball of fury though I do want that ball of fury from number five elite number five elite ball of fury oh I don't know what it does but I want it you think it actually works no it's an emote hey got you go both fall in a ditch their emotes and other games that work - Team Fortress 2 the emotes can kill people huh you know you didn't get weighed pattering soul L so that's too soon how about that yes that's really that's mean maybe no been mean to me Maura look at her shoulders oh yeah she could squeeze my brain to mush with those look at those arms oh my god Moira I don't like the way you're saying that my okay I'm gonna craft something Wow you might need to give some extra room in that armor well I'm harder than ostian steel guys oh man wow that's a dauntless joke what hunt are we going on first I need to make sure I have the right like weapons I don't have any weapons yeah well with my sweet black and red ember main how do I that's just like my upper blade how do I access my like inventory hit start and then go to load outs I am on a keyboard I got it I got I got it I got I got a bunch of Power Cells I'm putting in here what does that mean wouldn't you like to know you noob I Bry I dunno I was just testing you'll have to kill some behemoths if you want to know I'm gonna kill some behemoths you'll have to I will well good maybe I already did I doubt it you shouldn't ever remain you can change your situation pretty cool that's what I'm wearing mark you wanna wear the same stuff is me cuz I'm your teacher what the Master Hunter and you are my student who's the party leader huh here we go you guys ready here we go blaze behemoth here we do it we're doing it we're doing it do it I am NOT the party leader weapons is blaze behemoths through Layton here we go okay finding hunt finding the top players safe finding hunt wait what does what does it mean finding Slayers we're all together Oh a blaze weapons are bad against it you want blaze armor and you want frost weapons oh dear Oh are we doing this like open or are we doing this private Wow I don't know mark how do we do private I don't know how to do this that's the man you the party leader I was trusting you there's no option to do private that's found what does that mean who's Mik noodle where's Bob I'm coming oh no it's my noodle gonna talk don't talk Mik noodle how do you mute someone you have to go into chat and then select them and then I don't know I'm playing on the controller so none of my instructions I got it muted okay boys hope we're on open mic so this were in a person is just like sweet Loudoun I have Wow what a douche lightweight flowing from my fingers all right let's do this get the blues what blues why blues okay hey what is this I'm getting Slayers boons I'll get your boons and grabbing the boons I got I'm in the hunt I'm killing it I'm Party leader dude what's you it's both of us look this is my boy oh I'm seeing some damage numbers I like numbers oh I am just kicking teeth in kicking ass can I say ass that's a TV that's a TV word that's fair whoa I looked impressive whatever that was really thank you come off no I think I did that one can we cut parts off I don't know what now when I wanted I'm on his tail I want I got dibs on the tail money each tail I'm gonna consume it to gain its oh my god you cut off its tail shape cheese oh my sweet Jeeves can I cut off the head off the head would be would be useful its vulnerable get it right in his face let's really like gang it up on something oh shoot yeah good job there dad I think we got s plus plus plus plus is all we did my rank is a C but the team rank is an S Plus I feel judged I feel judged hey nice scrub weapon wait oh thank you yeah real real silly yeah you're uh you're taped handle looks cooler than hey this is where my this is my banner location I have dibs on this oh sorry excuse me you're standing right in my studio right here skidooed circle is entirely claimed by I'm sorry you're not even in the middle of the circus good douche that's the center of the circle oh yeah oh yeah your party leader will take care of this guys don't you worry about a thing oh thank god yeah yeah I know don't worry I got it all right recruits sword wow that's pretty cool see everyone's going for all this fancy crap it's really the simplistic things the recruit sort is really what you want yes I didn't know that I didn't think about that that's so it's fair I suppose not know if you're I want to make a raging Nasir I want to make just killed a lesser amber man so you should be to make some and remain stuff right yeah but I don't look stupid all right I'm gonna make a rage in judging your appearance never mind found some cool whoa-ohh likes what you do in there bud okay man oh I got a good thing a gathering gather and you see my new no don't talk to her get her in yeah it's pretty cool yeah oh babe I would I would I just gotta I gotta go on a mission with these noobs I feel like you know dauntless and flaunt let's rhyme and I'm gonna flaunt all over these monsters I think you're gonna flaunt yourself to sleep just let them have with me I'm asleep from your your I'm I'm pretty much asleep from you talking okay I was waiting for the insult to get good and never quite did because you're not smart enough to understand how good my insults oh can we call a lesser dress that would complete one of my big quests that would complete dope if we could do that okay that's weapon over Lessard Rask private hunt got it I did it private hunt good work bro dude who's the man oh boy I'm ready I'm pretty probably pretty much ready oh god another one okay I got to mute this the Lord minyak God muting that guy what's this thing weak to electric it's weak to me hitting it in the face [Laughter] probably yeah mark is strong enough to hit it in the face it's afraid of short people so it's winked mark heading in the face right listen guys I don't stand a chance because we're tall and awesome what is the deal my shirt mark where'd you get it the pleb store yeah I did yeah on the way to getting you your a tomorrow your career at the discount store yeah cover way he won't he won't he won't just like his channel won't yeah I got him that's just harsh an hour's rest me in the place that pain comes to I don't regret it man I don't I don't regret it at all the pain brain I don't wear like this flare that's my flare oh you're behind me you hold your emote wheel and then do upwards you shoot flares so we can find each other better than mark over here you don't know where I'm kind of pleb in my ear asking me about how do I do basic thing dude wait who is it Wade you know it excuse me excuse me this mine spines mine thank you Mayans mind I got it's all mine saw mine ominous tone a I'm very good the bad guy where fire flare flares over here help alright on the way Bob where are you oh Jesus I'm the water just shot the flare off I'm out of stamina a new mistake stop that I'm gonna chop your arm off I give you some help I'm bad at dodging how do you dodge uh be on our Gary board and I'm not so I'm not gonna I don't have any keyboard shortcut oh yes space that's easy oh I didn't even know you could die oh yeah I forgot this guy likes to swipes left and right he's like a yeah funny oh did you see it oh my god I just took a tail of the face bark to it oh I did I did something do that oh wow piercing knocking that tree over look out oh Jesus both mark no I mean I was faking it so you didn't feel so bad when you were by yourself I forgot to dodge because I'm a very big expert oh my gosh tail boys Wow hell yeah I'm gonna get this front left leg tell you what what I I was doing like a bajillion pokes before but now I'm not not doing as many pokes yeah you got to hit those combos what is I how whoa oh he's upset he's really upset you guys ready for me to overdrive him again oh yeah oh yeah let's freakin uh-oh I am tearing him up more than any monster has ever been torn oh you're not getting away from me that easy baby yeah not that easy for me either baby that easy baby not easy baby baby oh oh thank you guys I meet give me some credit your dad job mark thank you plus this time I got an S all right we got all the we got the cover the whole ass to ass plus we got all of it we did it we did it so you know why I was lying I was the last one to the fly that's how I was middle right maybe you should have been faster dad I said if anyone at home wanted to play this game they can use the link at the top of the description down below slash markiplier I don't know the core breaker is but here I go yeah I want some of that Oh fleet-footed how many cores to use that's too bad this guy doesn't have any cores Bob last surpise you got a sling wheel and remains Andrea drafts not the little baby ones so you guys got you just how do I kick you out of the guild I don't think we got him anymore by guilt all right killed no blame it's not your fault I'm on it I wouldn't you from the skillet how quick you in the teeth kick you right from this party the leader of this guild I'm the leader for this love this party I'm the leader of this party I could kick you work for a guild leader make me guilt make me guild leader you won't you wouldn't dare Thank You party leader I'll do it I don't make me I'll just pass it to Bob you can't you don't even know like they're your party leader now what are you gonna do oh holy the guns oh wait guys I'm learning how to craft guns over here hang on this game yeah there's range weapons I want a guns lost guard show into deal ten thousand damage with your austin repeaters using empowered shots and ability heck yes bro that sounds pretty cool your allies I made you party leader man my dress Karma I could upgrade my desk yeah but I could upgrade my recruit armor oh please tell me you didn't I did mines max power 200 crafts from Grenada is wait are you going for dress Burma I'm wearing amber man are you gonna make dress cuz I'll make dress I need more oh wait I've got plenty stuff redress corpse what was I looking at I can make some it mean I can make some better dress armor no I'm making it already stop don't - I can make some dry I did it already you're too late happened an upgrade some dress Carmer yeah too late nerd wait wait stop stop right where you are stop right where you are stop right where you are look at your stupid armor and then look in my armor a scud douche I'm better than you I like that one what the hell what you pointed at me you pointed me right I pointed out wait why cuz it's red yeah agreed what the best color for things obviously whatever I mean no one here is green guys who invited No Green is leg no okay all right guys you're really giving me the business here stop it what's the next what's the next quest my lads because mark up and promoted from the baby monsters to fighting some cool tough look I'm not the party leader you are why am I the party leader I can't make anyone else party later bob was just promoted to party leader and said okay he's party leader cool cool cool I know what to do about that do you I go to the bounty board right yeah yeah yeah yeah hey listen buddy I need a frost beam if you can just like get me why don't roll behemoths and tera behemoths but because I love you it really be chill I'll do a lesser Boreas and get a private match wait wait wait wait wait what what what it's not private how do I make it private I messed up too late a straight goofed ruined it believe in this party I'm outta here Ken I'm already matchmaking how do I stop matchmaking I left the party I left it I didn't yeah we both left the party Bob wait but now I'm just I'm stopped looking I didn't solve the problem at all I can abandon it okay okay thank you make it a party invite you guys the party oh all right so you want a frost behemoth but you want it to be a prime from so long I changed my loadout absolutely not so your stupid red armors not gonna make it this time is it stupid I'm doing that my weapon power is only 84 can I can I power them up in 40 seconds no I mean armor dude I just upgraded literally everything I'm going to crush this I'm using a weapon I've never used before I'm like hey I've got the same weapon oh no wait no I don't you're dying guns bro I got repeaters call me gun daddy I will not I'm not please only call me gun daddy from here on out in our personal relationship I'm not going to miss my birthday this week I would like you to send me a card that says happy birthday gun daddy nope I don't recognize the sovereignty a birthday you don't reckon I do it I don't recognize the sovereignty of your birthday I'm not even sure what that means I don't recognize me in this outfit look --look I believe the things I believe you believe the things you believe and I just don't believe in your birthday do you guys believe in my birthday no oh there's a monster hey guys over here I see them going forth I'm charging it you're charging it we have together sweet material you're talking about this thing's gonna be done by the time you guys get here you guys gather up whatever you need to gather up listen you let's be rad II you really get in there can you shoot a flare up or something where where are you right now hey buddy don't coming marks hitting it that's kaduche miss me oh this guy's are real bad at this game oh I apologize but I'm gonna kill this guy super fast I'm just so awesome all right it's kind of blue very blue hey he's got babies babies yeah kill kill them kill them babies now they're all going for Mark I'll go for him why they're going for me stop this how do I use a health potion I don't remember how to do that there's someone there bottom right you should see if you have one equipped it'll be one of the d-pad buttons yeah how many times have I said I'm using a keyboard ah I've got it if you killed a baby it makes you stronger against the dead II I know I've been killing the babies oh boy oh he's red he's not happy now yeah whatever I'm not happy either how do I use my my Spears oh missile launcher anybody know how that works definitely definitely okay yeah it's the invincible right now no no he's vincible whoa to death here a thousand twenty-eight damage on him I don't know wait how do you do that wait how'd you do that well I use the controller alright okay I'm gonna go into the keyboards don't let it kill me oh you killed it guys oh I just threw a grenade it I was gonna I was gonna get them guys over here oh wait I can't use my flare right now I don't know how to do the D yes double plus s plus plus plus plus with like an extra star buy it to show that mine was better than mark oh what an absolute sham sorry Bob I just I'm too good at this Oh bless my stars well if only I got fans out there for using my link you might MyLink scription now mine's right at the devil sword minute 7 7 7 s + + star no listen great these people are well aware that I was way better than you and they're gonna use my legs good that's cute you okay alright maybe bust a blood vessel or two with that laughs bother than that I'm fine alright well hopefully was worth it it really wasn't but like for the sake of everything I'm gonna say it was alright well so yeah it was while you're in the hospital recovering uh use my link played on let's talk I'm so smart to have a computer there to play on while I'm not spittle thinking smiling wow you know but my link is technically shorter than your like easier to remember it takes one click either way so it takes one click but they have to they have to make the choice they have to mentally be able to live with what they've done yeah when they click on circuits why there's certain other things yeah and I am the chosen one you know when they see your link it's gonna be like all these weird numbers and symbols and they're gonna be like this is a virus on this but I don't know if I can trust this this is the white markiplier I'm the Drowned guy remember the guy the water man yeah he died not yet you drown hit this the Drowned past-tense you're drunk okay so if you stop it early you're you're okay so your water problem she's doggone well we hope so you didn't stop it did you listen I'm very busy can we talk about something else yeah my legs help me help me afford cereal click my link cereal yeah it doesn't need cereal he has cereal that's a lie the average price of a box of cereal has gone up in the last 500 years get some thumbs up for the for the homies you know do we still call our audience our home absolutely I've never not called my audience every second of every day I'm going them up in the morning you owe me mumbling in my nightmares home still cool 2019 well you're as cool as you have ever been hello I'm back from the future with something very special to show you by gregorio Flint here the hunt pass the Hahn Pass is a way to get bonus loot and all kinds of cool things like this wonderful outfit right here like making choices I'm gonna go for the bundle and what all-in-one ought to be useful claim rewards what did I get Oh night hunters bike horn oh that's a cool outfit oh it's cool oh but everyone's gonna be wearing it oh but no demons babe oh my god how much stuff did I get daily Patrol bonus cool bounty token cool which is chance listen closely and you'll hear the drifting through the fog what is that ghost of a dog he keeps baring who's up for the backyard yeah more bounty tokens Gold Slayer core open this Slayer core the core breaker just clicked cells that can augment your Geir but may put the candle back where holy crap oh my god oh what a hammer that's not a very strong hammer that enters boots didn't our to get those okay so I just got a bajillion things and that was only the first 15 levels skip to next level I'm good for now the hunt pass has a bunch of items you probably have seen passes like this before same general principle you level up as you play the game you unlock as you go let's stuff I don't know what I'm gonna do with it I could probably try to equip some of it Oh interesting where did I get that from it's not even a thing that I was going for but I'm I'm okay with it hold on pass but it's still pretty cool why am i Robo I'm not a hundred percent sure but I'm a Robo I'm a Robo I'm a robo it's my robot this is not what I just unlocked in the hunt pass but I don't care because it's cool didn't even know this day and age can have robos if we're all hunting living creatures out in the wild unsuspecting creatures ready for my spear so that is what's available in the hunt pass so go check out dauntless if you want to play dauntless for yourself there's a link in the description below and check out Bob and Wade's videos on this as well there are awesome people so go support awesome people and if you have to use a different tracking link I suppose you can use theirs but you can only get it from their video so go check them out down in the description below thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,565,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, dauntless, dauntless gameplay, dauntless ps4, dauntless game, dauntless 2019, dauntless review, dauntless update, dauntless weapons, dauntless guide, dauntless xbox one, monster hunter, dauntless tutorial, dauntless pc, monster hunter world, dauntless beginner guide, dauntless walkthrough, dauntless tips, what is dauntless, dauntless gameplay part 1, gameplay, action rpg, dauntless character creation, dauntless pc gameplay, pve, gaming
Id: NfBmWsbCIZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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