The Most #TRIGGERED Man on INSTAGRAM (Wearing My #Wonderwoman Outfit)

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hey guys welcome to my channel and I just did a Wonder Woman cosplay a black Wonder Woman cosplay on my Instagram so I figured I already dressed might as well just make a video for Saturday dressed as Wonder Woman so since we are on the topic of Instagram I got a message the other day talking about how they wanted to start at YouTube and talk about this topics that I talked about but they're scared of the backlash or the mean comments that they might get because of these sensitive topics and their opinion and they wanted some advice on that so I'm going to give you my black Wonder Woman advice yeah I'm having way too much fun with this outfit okay staying on top ok wait one more flip all right I'm done so mean comments on Instagram or YouTube so I want to talk about a comment that I received just last week on my Instagram now I have never came across someone on Instagram who was so trigger who I barely responded to he's just so upset every time he comments and I'm not too sure why so this guy started out fine and I used to respond to him in the comments section because I stay pretty active with you guys in my comment section on Instagram then something shifted with this dude something went a little odd and you went cuckoo for cocoa puffs but he started leaving a lot of comments we're all just like yeah not gonna respond to that he would call me a man change my name from the shelf to my call saying you know I'm a man saying that I take steroids are you serious can we just talk about this logically and don't compete I'm not Jax but maybe to normal people I am jacked but in the fitness industry my body is literally nothing special I'm not that lean I have quite the amount of healthy buy fat on my ass I'm strong but I'm not like crazy strong gonna have some abnormal amount of strength I like to think that I do but in reality I don't steroids cost money and I am cheap as I wouldn't make any type of sense for me to take steroids one - I'm not gonna take steroids and I look like this what the I'm gonna take something that's pretty bad for your health I want to be extremely huge and lean all the time and I'm just not I feel like my body shows that I like to workout I like to eat healthy with the occasional hot cheeto bag so this logically speaking Derrick's just don't make sense when it comes to me three I also think it's very funny that if you get an altercation with someone and if that other person has just a slight bit of muscle the person that is upset will just automatically say you take steroid so this dude decided to comment this on my profile I'm thinking about unsubscribing you boring as hell now so I kindly responded and said well I think about it just leave by so what I was thinking about time he's very odd and adds nothing to my profile or my life whatever he comments I'm just like and - does anyone else find odd but people have to announce that they are unsubscribing I don't walk into a store and find that they don't have what I'm looking for and then scream excuse me everyone in this store I am now leaving because you guys do not have hot cheeto asteroid because I know the 16 year old cashier doesn't give a flying [ __ ] that they don't carry Hoss you know asteroid nobody cares just leave and the other thing that I just find so fascinating that this guy would think that I would care so much that he was leaving so he felt like he had to Tony I have unfollow people or maybe not even follow people before and I don't feel the need to tell them because I don't think I'm anything special I'm just one person both of our lives are gonna go on you would all feel like that like okay just go so I already knew of what was going to happen if I decided to respond to that announcement of him unsubscribing or unfollowing me when it comes to his repetitive comments and his insults I just knew he was trying to get attention so I knew the moment I was gonna respond he was gonna go hand and mr. Umar or whatever his real name is because he's got 50,000 other Facebook's and Instagram profiles fit because these type of Instagram dwellers want attention which is why I usually never responds to their odd comments any type of attention they will thrive off of I really think it's a fetish or an obsession and you'll see here why in a second so I respond one time to this guy with that comment that I just shared with you and then he goes him my other followers which I love you guys for that's very nice of you guys to stick up for me but they start sticking up for me and I personally don't feel the need to go back and forth with somebody like this guy but I definitely respond to you people so I responded to one of my followers and dude goes crazy so all of these comments are so on my Instagram but basically it was saying that I take steroids thing because of the use of steroids it's the reason why my forehead is so big and he calls it a six head but excuse you it's a seven head get it right I've had it since I was a little can't see it now because of my crown but it runs in my family for my wonderful father's side saying that I have to wear wigs because of the steroids and then ending it with calling me a shaved eight etc etcetera insults that I cry for days over and then he says block me like he wants to get blocked but he was provoked people in general Jessica get blocked and he gets off on getting blocked so eventually I did a sh boom ton of messages from men and women saying this dude is a certified assertive fried freak he's friends with Alan Roberts from everyday damn fitness and he's in the fitness group and all he does is insult everybody since they're friends that dude thinks he can do whatever he wants and he does so I received a poop emoji of messages saying that their shoe may upset with Alan for being friends with him saying they're upset with Alan for having this go on in the group and not doing anything about it so I was not going to bring up Alan's name in this video but thin this guy instead a comment that I was just like are you talking about so basically I talked to Alan before I really liked him we follow each other on Instagram I've been on his podcast I talk to him for over an hour I think he's a very cool dude and a lot of you guys have said oh you're like the female version of everyday down fitness that's compliments of me and I enjoy a lot of Alan's videos god damn yep Alan I had to take your catchphrase but anyway so the people that were messaging me I was like okay well I'm already making a video about it I'll make sure to mention it to Alan and before I could even message Alan he messaged me and he was like hey and that guy has nothing to do with every day damn fitness he's out of the group and I'm not too sure what his issue is so I don't think that Alan is friends with this guy when you have a internet business and you are an internet personality I'm pretty sure he's not going to publicly be front of this guy let this guy do whatever he wants in his group this guy is the complete opposite of what Alan stands for so anyone that I forgot to message back it's time to message me on Instagram about the situation thank you for messaging me I lose quite a bit of messages when it comes to Instagram but analysis offense I don't think he was friends with the sky he's just a busy dude probably didn't see what was going on now he did and he did something about it thumbs up Allen's a great guy but this guy right here said something in the comment section like oh you get a little bit of Fame after I introduce you to every day damn fitness and you get on his podcast and now you think you're somebody basically saying that he made me in dude I have 20,000 weight 21 because of you guys followers on Instagram if we're gonna talk number it's that's basically nothing so if you're bragging about making me you didn't do a good job so he needs to calm down with all of that but like I said that was the comp that I was like maybe Alan is friends with him because he's still in the group and he's you know talking about that so maybe they are friends but Alan totally cleared all of that up so like I said this guy was totally like normal follower when he's first started following me and then there was a turning point and the people who messaged me informed me that this guy has a certified hate for Asian men and I remembered in one of my random videos I mentioned that I dated an Asian guy and it was like a point to millisecond conversation in my video that I didn't think anybody would focus on because most of us are normal people who don't focus on who other people date but this guy did and I think that's what was his trigger point me dating an Asian guy and man to have that much passion when it comes to who someone decides to date who you've never really spoken to you or knew or know in real life man that takes a lot of passion but he's out of every day damn Fitness's group he is part of other fitness groups so if you see this guy and his 500 other Facebook and Instagram profiles just block him he's bored and a zoomin he is very intimidated by you that's pretty much a compliment in my book but like I said nothing to do with everyday fitness he's out of the group I blocked him from my profile because I usually don't block people if you have a different opinion about whatever I'm talking about totally fine I'm down for different opinions but if you are threatening people on my page threatening me doing racial comments you are making my profile a just uncomfortable place to be on and I like my profile to be fun and about cosplays and fun things and nice healthy discussion so people who want to mess that up and just be a little reach tall creepy hairy person loses the privilege to see memes and Yoshi pictures so to respond to the original message that I got earlier this week about people giving you mean comments if you put yourself out there on any type of social media platform even if all of your content is positive and nice and happy and no matter how beautiful you are or how gorgeous you are or how put together you look you are going to get mean comment can't avoid them and people will say some pretty mean evil and vile [ __ ] to you and this is gonna sound very cheesy but they say these things because they want you to feel as shitty as they feel I mean do you think this guy who leaves those kind of comments on everybody's profile is living his absolute best life that's the answer he is not a happy person there is something going on in his life that he wants to take out on me on a Zinman and whoever else he can get to so if you want to start a youtube or an Instagram get ready because it opens you up to some pretty odd people or in internet words trolls but also it was you up to a crap-ton of opportunity and an outlet to express your creativity which feels amazing and it opens you up to a sea of amazing positive Swedes and good-hearted people and I do you truly believe that there are more sweet and kind people than these and to me that's worth it I'm talking to you you nice people not you you so that's enough of that negativity so let me just take my Wonder Woman powers of olzhas move him move that negativity right off the screen and let me talk to my artistic people really quick so you guys have been so freaking cute about sending me banner and I completely have just envious of the amount of talent that you guys have to be able to draw me because we have all seen my stick figures in my story times so if you guys are interested in having your art show up in my what's that thing like right above a youtube like banner when you click on my profile you know we're like on my thing right now the cats are like flipping you off you guys I've been sending me these are now so I get be kind of cool to maybe like change the whole cat's flipping everybody off thing so if you're interested of having a chance to having your amazing art become part of whatever that thing the banner is called on YouTube on my channel make sure to draw a picture put on Instagram tag me in the picture not in the description I feel like I miss a lot of your guys's mentions and Commons and then it makes me feel bad so I want to be able to see your guys's pictures so make sure to tag me like in the photo so then your pictures end up on my tag pages and it is easy for me to see and admire your beautiful art a lot of you guys will the end them to me and sometimes I see them sometimes I deal and when I do see them I'm like oh my god this is amazing and then I want to go back and like give you guys credit and then I can't find you guys I want to put you in like videos I want to tag you and and I'm just I'm a mess I am a complete mess so to make it easy on me and make you findable please tag me in the photo so that I will be able to see your amazing artwork please do not see em them to me I love and you guys talk to me but I have a mess when it comes to diems and I am trying to get to everyone but like I said it's kind of hard so please don't be offended if I'm not responding to your DNS like I said you guys are amazing I am envious and jealous of your skill one of my favorites was this one right here my god the curves the curves that she gave me if you give me amazing curves I will what come here I love you long time you guys are just still good and amazing and I am just very grateful that you guys can draw these pictures and make me look so put together because in real life I am just a mess and I want to say thank you for that so thank you for completely making me look just great so remember if you want to start a youtube channel or an Instagram page and you are just a creative person you want that creativeness to flow through you but afraid of some negative comments yes people are going to be negative because some people just have nothing else to do but like I said there are a bunch of amazing good-hearted people that are going to just love the fact that you are sharing whatever thing that you want to share and I think that you should do that so remember that and on that note I am going to now go run around my neighborhood and this outfit because people already think that I'm a freak and I'm gonna prove them right let's do this [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 95,342
Rating: 4.9739494 out of 5
Keywords: wonder woman, dc comics, racist people on instagram, wearing my wonder woman socplay, cosplay, hate comments, racist comments, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you instagram, michelle mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel beauty, michelle mcdaniel bodybuilder, story time, my thoughts will probably offend you story time, being positive, want to start a youtube, want to start an instagram, how to get over what people think
Id: -a0XwG2I3MM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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