Band 9 IELTS Vocabulary for Academic Writing Task 1 + PDF

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hi there it's asiya one of the main challenges  of ielts academic writing task 1 is vocabulary   in this task you need to describe a chat table map  or diagram and most likely it's not something you   do regularly in this video i'm going to give  you some essential words and show you how to   write high scoring task 1 sentences no need  to write anything down there is a pdf for you   to download and you can find a quiz to  practice on my telegram channel called   fastrack ielts search for hashtag ft5 and you  get straight to the task let's get started   okay first of all let's have a look at  this pie chart cruise passengers by country   percent and we have the uk  germany france italy and spain   so ben five sentences would be very simple  and sound something like 50 of passengers   are from the uk the passengers from germany  are 34 of the total number and so on boring   first of all we need to replace the verb to  be you should say to represent to account for   to make up britons represent 50 of all  passengers the germans account for 34   of the total number tourists from france italy  and spain make up the remaining 16 percent of   the people on board that's much better but we  still repeated percents in each sentence 50 34   so here is what you can do instead for example you  want to say twenty percent you could say one fifth   or every fifth passenger or one passenger out  of five and then sentences would sound britons   represent half of all passengers the germans  account for one third of the total number or   every third passenger on the cruise is german  these sentences sound much more varied in terms of   their vocabulary they are not the same in task 1  you often need to talk about nationalities so here   are some ways to do that for example people from  the uk the british people or just the british or   britains people from france the french people or  the french don't forget the article the french   people from the usa the american people the  american or americans what do you need to   write a band 9 sentence well that's where you  have to think what lies behind these numbers   what's the pattern what's the trend for example  we could say the uk is the largest cruise market   that's the trend with britons representing over  half of all passengers and that's my support i   prove my claim with some numbers now let's  talk about the first sentence in your report   every task one question starts with the words  the chart maps diagram shows or show the verb is   always the same in the easiest way to begin  your report is to paraphrase this task sentence   the key is that your sentence is not too  similar to the task sentence so let me give you   four verbs you can use instead and two  sentence structures to vary your answer okay   the first verb is to illustrate the maps  illustrate the development of greenfield town   over a 60-year period if this sentence sounds  too similar to the question you could say   the maps illustrate how greenfield town has been  transformed from 1960 up to the present day and   has been transformed is the present perfect  passive someone has transformed the city or the   city has been transformed okay here is another  example of how to make two different sentences   this diagram illustrates the process of paper  making or this diagram illustrates how paper   is made you see sentence structures are  different the next verb is to examine   the chart examines the levels of  obesity among five age groups in the usa   or the chart examines how many  people are overweight or obese   in the usa and breaks down the results by age  that's how you can refer to age groups to break   down the results by age the next expression is to  give information about the table gives information   about the countries that have the largest  oil reserves and the largest oil production   sometimes you may have a table and a chart  in the same task then you could refer to them   collectively as the data the data provides  information on oil reserves and production   in five countries and please note we say to give  information about but to provide information on   let's talk about percentages again here is a pie  chart student spending or what students spend   their money on of course we could say students  spend 60 of their money on rent and 30 on food   but that's boring and too simple here are some  more interesting ways to talk about percentages   you could say twice as much or three times as  much for instance students spend twice as much   paying rent as buying food or three times  as much money is spent on food as on books   and that's the passive voice money is spent and  because the noun money is uncountable it is is   spent you could also say that something is that  many times higher student expenditure on food   is three times higher than that on books  or the figure for renting accommodation is   six times higher than the figure for buying books  next we often need to describe numbers that go   up or down let me give you some proper vocabulary  for that have a look at this line graph   at first it goes up very gradually just a little  bit then more noticeably and finally it just   jumps up so here is how we can describe each stage  when you have small changes you can use the verbs   to grow to rise to increase to climb with adverbs  slowly slightly gradually moderately or modestly   student numbers in uk universities grew slightly  from 280 000 in 2016 to just over 285 000 in 2017   when changes become more noticeable  you can still use the same verbs   but the adverbs are fast quickly rapidly  considerably significantly the number of   international students increased considerably  by almost 20 percent compared with the previous   year okay and finally they just jump  up if you have big and sudden changes   you can't use all the words here so you could  say to grow to rise to increase dramatically   or drastically it's not something that happens  often so that's more than enough for you you   could also say to jump it's not very formal but  it's okay it's acceptable but you cannot use   these adverbs with it you just say to jump and  that's it the proportion of chinese students rose   sharply from 20 in 2016 to 30 in 2017 or student  numbers increased dramatically or jumped in 2008.   i think in ielts academic writing task 1 you  really have an opportunity to improve your score   by learning specific vocabulary for the task even  if you can speak english quite well you may simply   not know words you need to describe charts or  maps an even more serious issue is making complex   task one sentences that won't all sound the same  again learning phrases and sentence structures is   a great way to improve your writing i've created a  vocabulary for task 1 with essential words phrases   and task 1 example sentences that will help you  boost your score it's a paid guide but you can   download a preview for free and this preview  contains sentences from today's video and more   all the links are in the video description box  below and you can download the preview right on   the screen thank you for watching me today good  luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing, ielts writing academic, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, written ielts, ielts writing task 1, ielts writing task 1 academic, ielts writing tips, ielts writing pie chart, ielts witing pie c, ielts writing line graph, ielts writing vocabulary, ielts writing useful vocabulary, ielts academic writing vocabulary
Id: Ths_KvKpcNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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