IELTS Speaking | How to introduce yourself

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hi there it's asiya i've taken the ielts exam four  times and i want to tell you what you can expect   at the beginning of this exam and how to make  a great first impression okay let's get started   you might know that ielts examiners use four  criteria to assess your ielts speaking answers   and you may find all of them in the ielts band  descriptors but ultimately there says how well   you can communicate in english how comfortable  you are expressing your thoughts in english   and how natural you feel doing that so don't  think that you need to be creative or original   don't think that you need to give complex answers  more complex than you would normally say and   don't think that your thoughts should be smart  that is not required and that is not assessed   now let me tell you what you can expect at  the very beginning of this exam and how to   behave to look natural you'll be waiting in  the corridor for the examiner to call you   and invite you into the room when you enter  say hi or hello these are typical ways to   greet an examiner if you say good afternoon it's  a little bit too formal and people don't really   use that in english unless they're in a  very formal situation like a presentation   just say hi hello some examiners start the exam  straight away while others have a little chat with   you first for example once the examiner talked  to me for almost a minute and he asked me about   my exam why i'm taking it what are my  future plans and so on and only then   he started the exam while another examiner opened  the door and said this exam is recorded and so   the exam started straight away she didn't even say  hello without the record your ielts speaking exam   will be recorded and the examiner will  have this little recorder in front of them   so a good indication when your exam officially  starts is when the examiner presses the button   to start the recording and says this exam is  recorded at the very beginning they will ask   you several questions the first one is what's  your name and you can just give your full   passport name without anything else asean or  it's rcm yard or i'm assuming art nothing else   next they ask what should i call you meaning what  name should i use to address you some people use a   different name and some people use a short version  of their name so you can say just call me asia or   call me liz if your name is elizabeth for example  next they ask can i see your passport just say   sure or here it is you don't need to be wordy  the next question is where are you from i could   say i'm from kyrgyzstan uh that's one of the  republics of the former soviet union or i'm from   almaty that's the former capital of kazakhstan  actually both are true you could say i'm from rome   i'm from the south of france or i'm from delhi  but i've been living in mumbai for most of my life   just give a short answer don't try to impress the  examiner these questions are simply to collect   some information about you be prepared that each  examiner is different some are friendly attentive   they show that they listen to you they show that  they understand what you're saying others are   completely different your examiner may not even  look at you your examiner may take some notes   or look down or look out of the window don't  let it get to you they can easily assess your   performance but can you perform at your best  if you get distracted just concentrate on   what you need to do you need to speak and answer  questions the rest doesn't matter and be prepared   that your examiner may interrupt you they  manage in time so when it's time to move   on to the next question they will interrupt  you even if you haven't finished your answer   in part 3 your examiner may even challenge you he  or she may interrupt you and say is it always so   is it always the case asking you to prove your  point of view and perhaps it's a good sign perhaps   they think that you can cope with this pressure  and your english is quite good but whatever it   is these interruptions don't affect your score  so don't get upset about it after the examiner   has collected all the information from you he or  she will say now i'd like to ask you about on now   i'm going to ask you several questions about and  give you the topic that's the beginning of part   one in part one you will get three topics and only  the first one is easy to predict it will be one of   these four your hometown your home your family or  your work studies and these questions are there   to warm you up so don't think that you need to  give long or complex answers just give two three   sentences and again they don't have to be highly  complex you may be asked what is your hometown   and some people get confused about this question  basically your hometown is where you were born or   where you lived as a child i could say my hometown  is almaty it's the former capital of kazakhstan   and that's where i was born this answer is long  enough don't think that you need to give a very   long answer to each question no i live in london  and i've been here for 10 years but london is not   my hometown because i didn't spend my childhood  here you see and maybe you lived in several   different locations just pick one and talk about  it it doesn't really matter which one you pick   now i'm going to show you another answer think  if anything is wrong with it the question is the   same what is your hometown and the answer is my  hometown is called almaty and it is a magnificent   city located in southern kazakhstan with a  population of over 1 million inhabitants what   do you think is it a good answer it's much more  complex than the first one isn't it the problem is   it's too formal for spoken english it sounds like  it could be written somewhere it sounds unnatural   and the problem is that the examiner may suspect  that that's a memorized answer it's very important   to speak naturally and it's very important not  to learn any answers by heart don't try to give   answers which are artificially complex in parts  2 and 3 you will have chances to use your more   complex vocabulary and grammar much more naturally  the first impression still matters and it's good   if you can answer these first questions  confidently you can find out what questions   examiners typically ask you can get some ideas  of what you could talk about you could learn some   phrases and some words to express yourself more  precisely just don't memorize whole sample answers   and you can do all that by watching  my other videos about family and home   thank you so much for joining in today good  luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts speaking, ietls speaking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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