IELTS Writing task 1: Bar chart lesson

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hello it's out upright in tutorial and in this lesson I will explain you how to deal with bar charts in our writing task 1 so in this lesson you will see an example of a bar chart question in art writing learn a bit non-answer structure write each paragraph of the idea also together and learn some useful vocabulary so here's an example of writing desk one question with a bar chart you have a bar chart and you have a question card with some basic information about your chart the first thing you need to do is to read this information attentively let's do it together the bar chart shows the divorce rate in two European countries from 2011 to 2015 summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant now let's look at the bar chart what we can see the name of our chart is divorce rates in Finland and Sweden down the vertical axis we have the percentages and along the horizontal axis we have the years also we can see that the information is provided for two countries we've got Finland in blue and Sweden in red set is our bar chart and when you have familiarized yourself with the bar chart it's done to start writing the answer following the band 9 also structure and here is the bed 9 also structure for us writing task 1 by following this also structure you can easily get bed 9 for an answer so let's study together your first paragraph is an introduction in this paragraph you should introduce your chart to the readers in one or two sentences then you should write an all your paragraph in this paragraph you should describe some general trends and features of your chart next you should write about specific features of your chart in two or three separate paragraphs and don't forget that your goal in ads writing task 1 is to describe the presented information in a very clear way not to give your personal opinion so don't write a conclusion in task 1 now you know the answers strategy so let's start writing our band 9 alpha and our first paragraph is an introduction the introduction is one or two sentences where you simply paraphrase the information from your question you should mention two things in your introduction what your graph shows and for what period of time so instead of writing the bar chart shows the divorce rates in two European countries from 2011 to 2015 we scribe a perfect version of this information by using synonyms and here is how I wrote it the bar chart provides information about the percentages of divorces in Finland and Sweden between 2011 and 2015 you can notice that I did not change the name of the chart and you should never change the name of your graph to remember table is a table bar chart is a bar chart and line graph is a line graph so I kept the bar chart next we have the verb shelves and verbs can always be perfect in our case the verb shows was replaced by provides information about we could also use sets anonym as represents or illustrates instead of the phrase divorce rates I use the phrase percentages of divorces after that comes the fresh into European countries since it's always good to be specific in your introduction you should try to grasp some extra information from your chart notice those two European countries do we know in fact we do those are Finland and Sweden so we'll use this information in our introduction by writing in Finland and Sweden then we have the down period we have paraphrased from 2011 to 2015 and written between 2011 and 2015 and the table is our introduction it is clear and specific and it said whatever graph shows and for rot period of time so when the examiner starts reading our essay he will quickly get familiar with the bar chart now we move on to the second paragraph and our second paragraph is a general overview it is a very important paragraph and do not provide the overview to achieve a band 6 or more for your task run in the overview paragraph you should briefly describe major trends on your chart ideally you should describe from two to four key features never write numbers percentages or dates in the origin remember the early paragraph should contain all the general information so let's look at our bar chart and identify some key features firstly let's look at each country separately we've got Finland in blue the screen and red go up or down throughout the period that have fluctuations it is clear that overall Finland thread goes up but she'll some fluctuations so I'll write down these key features also we have Sweden in red we can see that Sweden's rate goes down throughout the period and also shows some fluctuate let's write this information to our list of key features now let's look at two countries together how does their eggs compare during this time period to answer this question we have to look at the counter Easter eggs at the beginning and at the end of the period we can see that initially Finland rate was lower with in Sweden's red but at the end of the period Finland red became higher our out rest Sweden's rate so let's write down this information now let's use the key features that we've gathered to write in our your paragraph here is how I wrote it ro Sweden experienced a downward trend while Finland showed an upward trend throughout the period both countries divorce rates had some fluctuations although Finland initially had a lower rate it altered Sweden at the end of the period you can see that the soft word I use is the word overall always start with over the paragraph with the word overall the sport serves as a border indicating the examiner that you start writin is it over your paragraph next I wrote a phrase we can experience the downward trend this is just a nice way of saying the Sweden's rate went down and I wrote yet Finland showed an upward trend likewise this means that women's right went up note how I used the Lincoln worked while to contrast the opposite trend it is a very good technique so keep it in mind then I use word both to say that two countries had the same teacher in our case both countries had some fluctuations and finally I compared eggs of Finland and Sweden throughout the period since in Dillons rate was lower since Sweden's red but then it changed i used lincoln rod also also finland initial had a lower lid it authorized sweden at the end of the period and it's always the general over a paragraph now you have to provide specific details of our bar chart remember that you should group the specific features of your bar chart in separate paragraphs this way your writing will be coherent and you won't lose points for the marking criteria called coherence and cohesion you can organize your specific details in many ways the most important thing is that your organization is logical ideally you should write two or three separate burgers let's look at how a group is a specific details we have two countries so the simplest way of grouping our data is to describe each country's trend in a separate paragraph so in paragraph bond will describe the details about Sweden and in paragraph two we will describe the details about Finland when they are given specific features you have to write numbers and percentages and include as much details as you can and here's how I organized the paragraph with Sweden specific details Sweden's divorce rate was about 45 percent in 2011 being higher than finish rate by approximately 8 percent then it rose to almost 50 percent in 2012 however the seagull showed a gradual decrease to about 47 percent in 2013 and continued to decline steadily to the end of the period reaching around 45 percent in 2015 and he did a low point of about 37 percent in 2015 you can see that I simply listed all the changes which sequentially happened the Sweden's divorce rate children's a given time period I started with describe and Sweden's divorce rate in 2011 when I wrote Sweden's divorce rate was about 45 percent in 2011 pay attention to the work about that I used look at the bar chart we can see that Swedish divorce rate was somewhere between 40% and 50% but since the rate falls between the lines we cannot see the exact number so I picked 45 percent and use the work about to indicate that this number is not exact it would be incorrect to at Sweden's divorce rate was 45% in 2011 so do not throw away the work about with any compare Sweden's rate to Finland rate by writing Sweden's divorce rate was about 35 percent in 2011 being hired in Finland straight but approximately 8 percent again I use the work approximately because we don't know the exact percentage of difference in the next sentence and describe Sweden's rate in 2012 you can see from the graph that in 2012 Swedish rain became higher so I wrote then it rose to almost 50 percent in 2012 look at how I use the work almost the rate was very very close to 50% but it did not reach this number so I wrote almost 50% it is a very nice technique and the last sentence in this paragraph is dedicated to Sweden's decreasing trend at the end of the period we can see that during the last three successive years Sweden's red had been decreasing so I combined this information in the last sentence by writing however with a single child a grade L decrease to about 37 percent in 2013 and continued to decline steadily to the end of the period reaching around 35 percent in 2014 and hidden a low point of about 37 percent in 2015 the link in work however is used to emphasize the students read changed in opposite direction from increasing to decreasing also you can see that all the percentages I indicated I am not exact so I used words around and about and finally pay attention to the expression that I used he did a low point of the bulk start a 7% when graph hits a low point of X percent it means that the graph reaches its lowest number and this phrase is the great way of indicating what was the graphs minimum and in what year but it's always our first paragraph with specific features and now we'll move on to the second paragraph with Finland specific features and here is how I wrote it percentage of divorces in Finland was less than 30 percent in 2011 and it decreased in 2012 when about 1/3 of marriages in Finland and it is a divorce as opposed to almost half in Sweden however the signal experienced steady growth during the next two years it rules the approximately 39% in 2013 then increased by around 3 percent in 2014 and remain steady first in next year out racing if you ate of Sweden just as well as in the paragraph with Sweden specific features I organized this paragraph by listing changes that happened to Finland's rate from 2011 to 2015 so in the first sentence I described Finland thread in 2011 and 2012 when it was decreasing then from 2013 singings rate changes in opposite direction it starts in prison so I start the next sentence with roark however and say hello the seeker experienced steady growth during the next two years in my last sentence I described the changes which happened to Finland thread from 2013 to 2015 in detail you can see that I use rod approximately and around the shoulder describe percentages which cannot be told exactly from the graph great it's always our second paragraph with specific features so we have finished our band 9 answer now you can look at the whole answer with our paragraphs put together thank you very much I hope you enjoyed this lesson and see you soon in another out surprising tutorial
Channel: IELTS-up Online lessons
Views: 3,776,043
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Keywords: ielts, bar chart, writing, lesson
Id: O5eb1uWsLrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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